path: root/yardstick/vTC/apexlake/tests/common_test.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/vTC/apexlake/tests/common_test.py')
1 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/vTC/apexlake/tests/common_test.py b/yardstick/vTC/apexlake/tests/common_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a80672522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/vTC/apexlake/tests/common_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+__author__ = 'vmricco'
+import unittest
+import mock
+import os
+import logging
+import ConfigParser
+import experimental_framework.common as common
+import experimental_framework.constants.conf_file_sections as cf
+def reset_common():
+ common.LOG = None
+ common.CONF_FILE = None
+ common.DEPLOYMENT_UNIT = None
+ common.ITERATIONS = None
+ common.BASE_DIR = None
+ common.RESULT_DIR = None
+ common.TEMPLATE_DIR = None
+ common.TEMPLATE_NAME = None
+ common.PKTGEN = None
+ common.PKTGEN_DIR = None
+ common.PKTGEN_PROGRAM = None
+ common.PKTGEN_COREMASK = None
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_1 = None
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2 = None
+ common.INFLUXDB_IP = None
+ common.INFLUXDB_PORT = None
+ common.INFLUXDB_DB_NAME = None
+class DummyConfigurationFile(common.ConfigurationFile):
+ def __init__(self, sections):
+ pass
+ def get_variable(self, section, variable_name):
+ return 'vTC.yaml'
+ def get_variable_list(self, section):
+ return ['template_base_name']
+class DummyConfigurationFile2(common.ConfigurationFile):
+ def __init__(self, sections):
+ self.pktgen_counter = 0
+ def get_variable(self, section, variable_name):
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSG_TEMPLATE_NAME:
+ return 'vTC.yaml'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSG_ITERATIONS:
+ return 2
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSG_DEBUG:
+ return True
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_PACKET_GENERATOR:
+ if self.pktgen_counter == 1:
+ return 'non_supported'
+ self.pktgen_counter += 1
+ return 'dpdk_pktgen'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_PKTGEN_DIRECTORY:
+ return os.getcwd()
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_PROGRAM_NAME:
+ return 'program'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_COREMASK:
+ return 'coremask'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_MEMORY_CHANNEL:
+ return 'memchannel'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_BUS_SLOT_NIC_1:
+ return 'bus_slot_nic_1'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2:
+ return 'bus_slot_nic_2'
+ if variable_name == cf.CFSP_DPDK_DPDK_DIRECTORY:
+ return os.getcwd()
+ def get_variable_list(self, section):
+ if section == cf.CFS_PKTGEN:
+ return [
+ ]
+ else:
+ return [
+ 'template_base_name',
+ 'iterations',
+ ]
+class TestCommonInit(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ common.CONF_FILE = DummyConfigurationFile('')
+ self.dir = '{}/{}'.format(os.getcwd(),
+ 'experimental_framework/')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ # common.CONF_FILE = None
+ @mock.patch('os.getcwd')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.init_conf_file')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.init_general_vars')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.init_log')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.init_pktgen')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.CONF_FILE')
+ def test_init_for_success(self, mock_conf_file, init_pkgen, init_log,
+ init_general_vars, init_conf_file, mock_getcwd):
+ mock_getcwd.return_value = self.dir
+ common.init(True)
+ init_pkgen.assert_called_once()
+ init_conf_file.assert_called_once()
+ init_general_vars.assert_called_once()
+ init_log.assert_called_once()
+ expected = self.dir.split('experimental_framework/')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(common.BASE_DIR, expected)
+ def test_init_general_vars_for_success(self):
+ common.BASE_DIR = "{}/".format(os.getcwd())
+ common.init_general_vars()
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION, '.yaml')
+ heat_dir = self.dir.split('experimental_framework/')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_DIR,
+ '{}{}'.format(heat_dir, 'heat_templates/'))
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_NAME, 'vTC.yaml')
+ self.assertEqual(common.RESULT_DIR,
+ '{}{}'.format(heat_dir, 'results/'))
+ self.assertEqual(common.ITERATIONS, 1)
+class TestCommonInit2(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ common.CONF_FILE = DummyConfigurationFile2('')
+ self.dir = '{}/{}'.format(os.getcwd(), 'experimental_framework/')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ common.CONF_FILE = None
+ def test_init_general_vars_2_for_success(self):
+ common.BASE_DIR = "{}/".format(os.getcwd())
+ common.init_general_vars()
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION, '.yaml')
+ heat_dir = self.dir.split('experimental_framework/')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_DIR,
+ '{}{}'.format(heat_dir, 'heat_templates/'))
+ self.assertEqual(common.TEMPLATE_NAME, 'vTC.yaml')
+ self.assertEqual(common.RESULT_DIR,
+ '{}{}'.format(heat_dir, 'results/'))
+ self.assertEqual(common.ITERATIONS, 2)
+ def test_init_log_2_for_success(self):
+ common.init_log()
+ self.assertIsInstance(common.LOG, logging.RootLogger)
+ def test_init_pktgen_for_success(self):
+ common.init_pktgen()
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN, 'dpdk_pktgen')
+ directory = self.dir.split('experimental_framework/')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_DIR, directory)
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_PROGRAM, 'program')
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_COREMASK, 'coremask')
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_MEMCHANNEL, 'memchannel')
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_1, 'bus_slot_nic_1')
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2, 'bus_slot_nic_2')
+ expected_dir = "{}/".format(os.getcwd())
+ self.assertEqual(common.PKTGEN_DPDK_DIRECTORY, expected_dir)
+ def test_init_pktgen_for_failure(self):
+ common.CONF_FILE.get_variable('', cf.CFSP_PACKET_GENERATOR)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, common.init_pktgen)
+class TestConfFileInitialization(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.ConfigurationFile',
+ side_effect=DummyConfigurationFile)
+ def test_init_conf_file_for_success(self, conf_file):
+ common.CONF_FILE = None
+ common.init_conf_file(False)
+ self.assertIsInstance(common.CONF_FILE,
+ DummyConfigurationFile)
+ common.CONF_FILE = None
+ common.init_conf_file(True)
+ self.assertIsInstance(common.CONF_FILE,
+ DummyConfigurationFile)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.CONF_FILE')
+ def test_init_log_for_success(self, mock_conf_file):
+ mock_conf_file.get_variable_list.return_value = 'value'
+ common.init_log()
+ self.assertIsInstance(common.LOG, logging.RootLogger)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.CONF_FILE')
+ def test_init_influxdb_for_success(self, mock_conf_file):
+ mock_conf_file.get_variable.return_value = 'value'
+ common.init_influxdb()
+ self.assertEqual(common.INFLUXDB_IP, 'value')
+ self.assertEqual(common.INFLUXDB_PORT, 'value')
+ self.assertEqual(common.INFLUXDB_DB_NAME, 'value')
+class DummyConfigurationFile3(common.ConfigurationFile):
+ counter = 0
+ def __init__(self, sections, config_file='conf.cfg'):
+ common.ConfigurationFile.__init__(self, sections, config_file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _config_section_map(section, config_file, get_counter=None):
+ if get_counter:
+ return DummyConfigurationFile3.counter
+ else:
+ DummyConfigurationFile3.counter += 1
+ return dict()
+class TestConfigFileClass(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.sections = [
+ 'General',
+ 'OpenStack',
+ 'Experiment-VNF',
+ 'PacketGen',
+ 'Deployment-parameters',
+ 'Testcase-parameters'
+ ]
+ c_file = '/tests/data/common/conf.cfg'
+ common.BASE_DIR = os.getcwd()
+ self.conf_file = common.ConfigurationFile(self.sections, c_file)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ common.BASE_DIR = None
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.ConfigurationFile.'
+ '_config_section_map',
+ side_effect=DummyConfigurationFile3._config_section_map)
+ def test___init___for_success(self, mock_conf_map):
+ sections = ['General', 'OpenStack', 'Experiment-VNF', 'PacketGen',
+ 'Deployment-parameters', 'Testcase-parameters']
+ c = DummyConfigurationFile3(
+ sections, config_file='/tests/data/common/conf.cfg')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ DummyConfigurationFile3._config_section_map('', '', True),
+ 6)
+ for section in sections:
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(c, section), dict())
+ def test__config_section_map_for_success(self):
+ general_section = 'General'
+ # openstack_section = 'OpenStack'
+ config_file = 'tests/data/common/conf.cfg'
+ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(config_file)
+ expected = {
+ 'benchmarks': 'b_marks',
+ 'iterations': '1',
+ 'template_base_name': 't_name'
+ }
+ output = common.\
+ ConfigurationFile._config_section_map(general_section, config)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.'
+ 'ConfigurationFile.get_variable_list')
+ def test_get_variable_for_success(self, mock_get_var_list):
+ section = self.sections[0]
+ variable_name = 'template_base_name'
+ expected = 't_name'
+ mock_get_var_list.return_value = [variable_name]
+ output = self.conf_file.get_variable(section, variable_name)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.'
+ 'ConfigurationFile.get_variable_list')
+ def test_get_variable_for_failure(self, mock_get_var_list):
+ section = self.sections[0]
+ variable_name = 'something_else'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ self.conf_file.get_variable,
+ section, variable_name
+ )
+ def test_get_variable_list_for_success(self):
+ section = self.sections[0]
+ expected = {
+ 'benchmarks': 'b_marks',
+ 'iterations': '1',
+ 'template_base_name': 't_name'
+ }
+ output = self.conf_file.get_variable_list(section)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_get_variable_list_for_failure(self):
+ section = 'something_else'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ self.conf_file.get_variable_list,
+ section)
+class DummyConfigurationFile4(common.ConfigurationFile):
+ def get_variable(self, section, variable_name):
+ if variable_name == 'vnic2_type':
+ return '"value"'
+ elif variable_name == cf.CFSG_BENCHMARKS:
+ return "BenchmarkClass1, BenchmarkClass2"
+ return '@string "value"'
+ # def get_variable_list(self, section):
+ # return list()
+class TestCommonMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.sections = [
+ 'General',
+ 'OpenStack',
+ 'Experiment-VNF',
+ 'PacketGen',
+ 'Deployment-parameters',
+ 'Testcase-parameters'
+ ]
+ config_file = '/tests/data/common/conf.cfg'
+ common.BASE_DIR = os.getcwd()
+ common.CONF_FILE = DummyConfigurationFile4(self.sections, config_file)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ common.CONF_FILE = None
+ def test_get_credentials_for_success(self):
+ expected = {
+ 'ip_controller': '@string "value"',
+ 'project': '@string "value"',
+ 'auth_uri': '@string "value"',
+ 'user': '@string "value"',
+ 'heat_url': '@string "value"',
+ 'password': '@string "value"'
+ }
+ output = common.get_credentials()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_get_heat_template_params_for_success(self):
+ expected = {
+ 'param_1': '@string "value"',
+ 'param_2': '@string "value"',
+ 'param_3': '@string "value"',
+ 'param_4': '@string "value"'
+ }
+ output = common.get_heat_template_params()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_get_testcase_params_for_success(self):
+ expected = {'test_case_param': '@string "value"'}
+ output = common.get_testcase_params()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_get_file_first_line_for_success(self):
+ file = 'tests/data/common/conf.cfg'
+ expected = '[General]\n'
+ output = common.get_file_first_line(file)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_replace_in_file_for_success(self):
+ filename = 'tests/data/common/file_replacement.txt'
+ text_to_search = 'replacement of'
+ text_to_replace = '***'
+ common.replace_in_file(filename, text_to_search, text_to_replace)
+ after = open(filename, 'r').readline()
+ self.assertEqual(after, 'Test for the *** strings into a file\n')
+ text_to_search = '***'
+ text_to_replace = 'replacement of'
+ common.replace_in_file(filename, text_to_search, text_to_replace)
+ @mock.patch('os.system')
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.LOG')
+ def test_run_command_for_success(self, mock_log, mock_os_system):
+ command = 'command to be run'
+ common.run_command(command)
+ mock_os_system.assert_called_once_with(command)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.run_command')
+ def test_push_data_influxdb_for_success(self, mock_run_cmd):
+ data = 'string that describes the data'
+ expected = "curl -i -XPOST 'http://None:None/write?db=None' " \
+ "--data-binary string that describes the data"
+ common.push_data_influxdb(data)
+ mock_run_cmd.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+ def test_get_base_dir_for_success(self):
+ base_dir = common.BASE_DIR
+ common.BASE_DIR = 'base_dir'
+ expected = 'base_dir'
+ output = common.get_base_dir()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ common.BASE_DIR = base_dir
+ def test_get_template_dir_for_success(self):
+ template_dir = common.TEMPLATE_DIR
+ common.TEMPLATE_DIR = 'base_dir'
+ expected = 'base_dir'
+ output = common.get_template_dir()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ common.TEMPLATE_DIR = template_dir
+ def test_get_dpdk_pktgen_vars_test(self):
+ # Test 1
+ common.PKTGEN = 'dpdk_pktgen'
+ common.PKTGEN_DIR = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_PROGRAM = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_COREMASK = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_MEMCHANNEL = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_1 = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2 = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_DPDK_DIRECTORY = 'var'
+ expected = {
+ 'bus_slot_nic_1': 'var',
+ 'bus_slot_nic_2': 'var',
+ 'coremask': 'var',
+ 'dpdk_directory': 'var',
+ 'memory_channels': 'var',
+ 'pktgen_directory': 'var',
+ 'program_name': 'var'
+ }
+ output = common.get_dpdk_pktgen_vars()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ # Test 2
+ common.PKTGEN = 'something_else'
+ common.PKTGEN_DIR = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_PROGRAM = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_COREMASK = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_MEMCHANNEL = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_1 = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_BUS_SLOT_NIC_2 = 'var'
+ common.PKTGEN_DPDK_DIRECTORY = 'var'
+ expected = {}
+ output = common.get_dpdk_pktgen_vars()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.LOG')
+ def test_get_deployment_configuration_variables_for_success(self,
+ mock_log):
+ expected = {
+ 'vcpu': ['value'],
+ 'vnic1_type': ['value'],
+ 'ram': ['value'],
+ 'vnic2_type': ['value']
+ }
+ output = common.get_deployment_configuration_variables_from_conf_file()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ def test_get_benchmarks_from_conf_file_for_success(self):
+ expected = ['BenchmarkClass1', 'BenchmarkClass2']
+ output = common.get_benchmarks_from_conf_file()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+class TestinputValidation(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ reset_common()
+ def test_validate_string_for_success(self):
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_string('string', '')
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_string_for_failure(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_string,
+ list(), ''
+ )
+ def test_validate_int_for_success(self):
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_integer(1111, '')
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_int_for_failure(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_integer,
+ list(), ''
+ )
+ def test_validate_dict_for_success(self):
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_dictionary(dict(), '')
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_dict_for_failure(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_dictionary,
+ list(), ''
+ )
+ def test_validate_file_exist_for_success(self):
+ filename = 'tests/data/common/file_replacement.txt'
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_file_exist(filename, '')
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_file_exist_for_failure(self):
+ filename = 'tests/data/common/file_replacement'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_file_exist,
+ filename, ''
+ )
+ def test_validate_directory_exist_and_format_for_success(self):
+ directory = 'tests/data/common/'
+ output = common.InputValidation.\
+ validate_directory_exist_and_format(directory, '')
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_directory_exist_and_format_for_failure(self):
+ directory = 'tests/data/com/'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_directory_exist_and_format,
+ directory, ''
+ )
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.CONF_FILE')
+ def test_validate_configuration_file_parameter_for_success(self,
+ mock_conf):
+ mock_conf.get_variable_list.return_value = ['param']
+ section = ''
+ parameter = 'param'
+ message = ''
+ output = common.InputValidation.\
+ validate_configuration_file_parameter(section, parameter, message)
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ @mock.patch('experimental_framework.common.CONF_FILE')
+ def test_validate_configuration_file_parameter_for_failure(
+ self, mock_conf_file):
+ section = ''
+ parameter = 'something_else'
+ message = ''
+ mock_conf_file.get_variable_list.return_value(['parameter'])
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.
+ validate_configuration_file_parameter,
+ section, parameter, message
+ )
+ def test_validate_configuration_file_section_for_success(self):
+ section = 'General'
+ message = ''
+ output = common.InputValidation.\
+ validate_configuration_file_section(section, message)
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ def test_validate_configuration_file_section_for_failure(self):
+ section = 'Something-Else'
+ message = ''
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_configuration_file_section,
+ section, message
+ )
+ def test_validate_boolean_for_success(self):
+ message = ''
+ boolean = True
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_boolean(boolean, message)
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ boolean = 'True'
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_boolean(boolean, message)
+ self.assertTrue(output)
+ boolean = 'False'
+ output = common.InputValidation.validate_boolean(boolean, message)
+ self.assertFalse(output)
+ def test_validate_boolean_for_failure(self):
+ message = ''
+ boolean = 'string'
+ self.assertRaises(
+ ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_boolean,
+ boolean, message
+ )
+ def test_validate_os_credentials_for_failure(self):
+ # Test 1
+ credentials = list()
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_os_credentials,
+ credentials)
+ # Test 2
+ credentials = dict()
+ credentials['ip_controller'] = ''
+ credentials['heat_url'] = ''
+ credentials['user'] = ''
+ credentials['password'] = ''
+ credentials['auth_uri'] = ''
+ # credentials['project'] = ''
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+ common.InputValidation.validate_os_credentials,
+ credentials)
+ def test_validate_os_credentials_for_success(self):
+ credentials = dict()
+ credentials['ip_controller'] = ''
+ credentials['heat_url'] = ''
+ credentials['user'] = ''
+ credentials['password'] = ''
+ credentials['auth_uri'] = ''
+ credentials['project'] = ''
+ self.assertTrue(
+ common.InputValidation.validate_os_credentials(credentials))