path: root/yardstick/tests/unit/orchestrator/test_heat.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/tests/unit/orchestrator/test_heat.py')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/tests/unit/orchestrator/test_heat.py b/yardstick/tests/unit/orchestrator/test_heat.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..faf70cdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/tests/unit/orchestrator/test_heat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unittest for yardstick.benchmark.orchestrator.heat
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from itertools import count
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import time
+import uuid
+import mock
+import unittest
+from yardstick.benchmark.contexts import node
+from yardstick.orchestrator import heat
+TARGET_MODULE = 'yardstick.orchestrator.heat'
+def mock_patch_target_module(inner_import):
+ return mock.patch('.'.join([TARGET_MODULE, inner_import]))
+def timer():
+ start = time.time()
+ data = {'start': start}
+ try:
+ yield data
+ finally:
+ data['end'] = end = time.time()
+ data['delta'] = end - start
+def index_value_iter(index, index_value, base_value=None):
+ for current_index in count():
+ if current_index == index:
+ yield index_value
+ else:
+ yield base_value
+def get_error_message(error):
+ try:
+ # py2
+ return error.message
+ except AttributeError:
+ # py3
+ return next((arg for arg in error.args if isinstance(arg, str)), None)
+class HeatContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_get_short_key_uuid(self):
+ u = uuid.uuid4()
+ k = heat.get_short_key_uuid(u)
+ self.assertEqual(heat.HEAT_KEY_UUID_LENGTH, len(k))
+ self.assertIn(k, str(u))
+class HeatTemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.template = heat.HeatTemplate('test')
+ def test_add_tenant_network(self):
+ self.template.add_network('some-network')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-network']['type'],
+ 'OS::Neutron::Net')
+ def test_add_provider_network(self):
+ self.template.add_network('some-network', 'physnet2', 'sriov')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-network']['type'],
+ 'OS::Neutron::ProviderNet')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-network']['properties']['physical_network'],
+ 'physnet2')
+ def test_add_subnet(self):
+ netattrs = {'cidr': '',
+ 'provider': None, 'external_network': 'ext_net'}
+ self.template.add_subnet(
+ 'some-subnet', "some-network", netattrs['cidr'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-subnet']['type'],
+ 'OS::Neutron::Subnet')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-subnet']['properties']['cidr'],
+ '')
+ def test_add_router(self):
+ self.template.add_router('some-router', 'ext-net', 'some-subnet')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-router']['type'],
+ 'OS::Neutron::Router')
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'some-subnet',
+ self.template.resources['some-router']['depends_on'])
+ def test_add_router_interface(self):
+ self.template.add_router_interface(
+ 'some-router-if', 'some-router', 'some-subnet')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-router-if']['type'],
+ 'OS::Neutron::RouterInterface')
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'some-subnet',
+ self.template.resources['some-router-if']['depends_on'])
+ def test_add_servergroup(self):
+ self.template.add_servergroup('some-server-group', 'anti-affinity')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-server-group']['type'],
+ 'OS::Nova::ServerGroup')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.template.resources['some-server-group']['properties']['policies'],
+ ['anti-affinity'])
+ def test__add_resources_to_template_raw(self):
+ test_context = node.NodeContext()
+ test_context.name = 'foo'
+ test_context.template_file = '/tmp/some-heat-file'
+ test_context.heat_parameters = {'image': 'cirros'}
+ test_context.key_filename = "/tmp/1234"
+ test_context.keypair_name = "foo-key"
+ test_context.secgroup_name = "foo-secgroup"
+ test_context.key_uuid = "2f2e4997-0a8e-4eb7-9fa4-f3f8fbbc393b"
+ heat_object = heat.HeatObject()
+ heat_stack = heat.HeatStack("tmpStack")
+ self.assertTrue(heat_stack.stacks_exist())
+ test_context.tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, mode='w+t')
+ test_context.tmpfile.write("heat_template_version: 2015-04-30")
+ test_context.tmpfile.flush()
+ test_context.tmpfile.seek(0)
+ heat_template = heat.HeatTemplate(heat_object)
+ heat_template.resources = {}
+ heat_template.add_network("network1")
+ heat_template.add_network("network2")
+ heat_template.add_security_group("sec_group1")
+ heat_template.add_security_group("sec_group2")
+ heat_template.add_subnet("subnet1", "network1", "cidr1")
+ heat_template.add_subnet("subnet2", "network2", "cidr2")
+ heat_template.add_router("router1", "gw1", "subnet1")
+ heat_template.add_router_interface("router_if1", "router1", "subnet1")
+ heat_template.add_port("port1", "network1", "subnet1", "normal")
+ heat_template.add_port(
+ "port2",
+ "network2",
+ "subnet2",
+ "normal",
+ sec_group_id="sec_group1",
+ provider="not-sriov")
+ heat_template.add_port(
+ "port3",
+ "network2",
+ "subnet2",
+ "normal",
+ sec_group_id="sec_group1",
+ provider="sriov")
+ heat_template.add_floating_ip(
+ "floating_ip1", "network1", "port1", "router_if1")
+ heat_template.add_floating_ip(
+ "floating_ip2", "network2", "port2", "router_if2", "foo-secgroup")
+ heat_template.add_floating_ip_association(
+ "floating_ip1_association", "floating_ip1", "port1")
+ heat_template.add_servergroup("server_grp2", "affinity")
+ heat_template.add_servergroup("server_grp3", "anti-affinity")
+ heat_template.add_security_group("security_group")
+ heat_template.add_server(
+ name="server1", image="image1", flavor="flavor1", flavors=[])
+ heat_template.add_server_group(
+ name="servergroup", policies=["policy1", "policy2"])
+ heat_template.add_server_group(name="servergroup", policies="policy1")
+ heat_template.add_server(
+ name="server2",
+ image="image1",
+ flavor="flavor1",
+ flavors=[],
+ ports=[
+ "port1",
+ "port2"],
+ networks=[
+ "network1",
+ "network2"],
+ scheduler_hints="hints1",
+ user="user1",
+ key_name="foo-key",
+ user_data="user",
+ metadata={
+ "cat": 1,
+ "doc": 2},
+ additional_properties={
+ "prop1": 1,
+ "prop2": 2})
+ heat_template.add_server(
+ name="server2",
+ image="image1",
+ flavor="flavor1",
+ flavors=[
+ "flavor1",
+ "flavor2"],
+ ports=[
+ "port1",
+ "port2"],
+ networks=[
+ "network1",
+ "network2"],
+ scheduler_hints="hints1",
+ user="user1",
+ key_name="foo-key",
+ user_data="user",
+ metadata={
+ "cat": 1,
+ "doc": 2},
+ additional_properties={
+ "prop1": 1,
+ "prop2": 2})
+ heat_template.add_server(
+ name="server2",
+ image="image1",
+ flavor="flavor1",
+ flavors=[
+ "flavor3",
+ "flavor4"],
+ ports=[
+ "port1",
+ "port2"],
+ networks=[
+ "network1",
+ "network2"],
+ scheduler_hints="hints1",
+ user="user1",
+ key_name="foo-key",
+ user_data="user",
+ metadata={
+ "cat": 1,
+ "doc": 2},
+ additional_properties={
+ "prop1": 1,
+ "prop2": 2})
+ heat_template.add_flavor(
+ name="flavor1",
+ vcpus=1,
+ ram=2048,
+ disk=1,
+ extra_specs={
+ "cat": 1,
+ "dog": 2})
+ heat_template.add_flavor(name=None, vcpus=1, ram=2048)
+ heat_template.add_server(
+ name="server1",
+ image="image1",
+ flavor="flavor1",
+ flavors=[],
+ ports=[
+ "port1",
+ "port2"],
+ networks=[
+ "network1",
+ "network2"],
+ scheduler_hints="hints1",
+ user="user1",
+ key_name="foo-key",
+ user_data="user",
+ metadata={
+ "cat": 1,
+ "doc": 2},
+ additional_properties={
+ "prop1": 1,
+ "prop2": 2})
+ heat_template.add_network("network1")
+ heat_template.add_flavor("test")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ heat_template.resources['test']['type'], 'OS::Nova::Flavor')
+ @mock_patch_target_module('op_utils')
+ @mock_patch_target_module('heatclient')
+ def test_create_negative(self, mock_heat_client_class, mock_op_utils):
+ self.template.HEAT_WAIT_LOOP_INTERVAL = 0
+ mock_heat_client = mock_heat_client_class() # get the constructed mock
+ # populate attributes of the constructed mock
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.get().stack_status_reason = 'the reason'
+ expected_status_calls = 0
+ expected_constructor_calls = 1 # above, to get the instance
+ expected_create_calls = 0
+ expected_op_utils_usage = 0
+ with mock.patch.object(self.template, 'status', return_value=None) as mock_status:
+ # block with timeout hit
+ timeout = 0
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as raised, timer():
+ self.template.create(block=True, timeout=timeout)
+ # ensure op_utils was used
+ expected_op_utils_usage += 1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_session.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_endpoint.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_heat_api_version.call_count,
+ expected_op_utils_usage)
+ # ensure the constructor and instance were used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_heat_client_class.call_count,
+ expected_constructor_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.create.call_count,
+ expected_create_calls)
+ # ensure that the status was used
+ self.assertGreater(mock_status.call_count, expected_status_calls)
+ expected_status_calls = mock_status.call_count # synchronize the value
+ # ensure the expected exception was raised
+ error_message = get_error_message(raised.exception)
+ self.assertIn('timeout', error_message)
+ self.assertNotIn('the reason', error_message)
+ # block with create failed
+ timeout = 10
+ mock_status.side_effect = iter([None, None, u'CREATE_FAILED'])
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as raised, timer():
+ self.template.create(block=True, timeout=timeout)
+ # ensure the existing heat_client was used and op_utils was used
+ # again
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_session.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_endpoint.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_heat_api_version.call_count,
+ expected_op_utils_usage)
+ # ensure the constructor was not used but the instance was used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_heat_client_class.call_count,
+ expected_constructor_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.create.call_count,
+ expected_create_calls)
+ # ensure that the status was used three times
+ expected_status_calls += 3
+ self.assertEqual(mock_status.call_count, expected_status_calls)
+ # NOTE(elfoley): This needs to be split into multiple tests.
+ # The lines where the template is reset should serve as a guide for where
+ # to split.
+ @mock_patch_target_module('op_utils')
+ @mock_patch_target_module('heatclient')
+ def test_create(self, mock_heat_client_class, mock_op_utils):
+ self.template.HEAT_WAIT_LOOP_INTERVAL = 0.2
+ mock_heat_client = mock_heat_client_class()
+ # populate attributes of the constructed mock
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.get().outputs = [
+ {'output_key': 'key1', 'output_value': 'value1'},
+ {'output_key': 'key2', 'output_value': 'value2'},
+ {'output_key': 'key3', 'output_value': 'value3'},
+ ]
+ expected_outputs = { # pylint: disable=unused-variable
+ 'key1': 'value1',
+ 'key2': 'value2',
+ 'key3': 'value3',
+ }
+ expected_status_calls = 0
+ expected_constructor_calls = 1 # above, to get the instance
+ expected_create_calls = 0
+ expected_op_utils_usage = 0
+ with mock.patch.object(self.template, 'status') as mock_status:
+ self.template.name = 'no block test'
+ mock_status.return_value = None
+ # no block
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.template.create(
+ block=False, timeout=2), heat.HeatStack)
+ # ensure op_utils was used
+ expected_op_utils_usage += 1
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_session.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_endpoint.call_count, expected_op_utils_usage)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_op_utils.get_heat_api_version.call_count,
+ expected_op_utils_usage)
+ # ensure the constructor and instance were used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_heat_client_class.call_count,
+ expected_constructor_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.create.call_count,
+ expected_create_calls)
+ # ensure that the status was not used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_status.call_count, expected_status_calls)
+ # ensure no outputs because this requires blocking
+ self.assertEqual(self.template.outputs, {})
+ # block with immediate complete
+ self.template.name = 'block, immediate complete test'
+ mock_status.return_value = self.template.HEAT_CREATE_COMPLETE_STATUS
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.template.create(
+ block=True, timeout=2), heat.HeatStack)
+ # ensure existing instance was re-used and op_utils was not used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_heat_client_class.call_count,
+ expected_constructor_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.create.call_count,
+ expected_create_calls)
+ # ensure status was checked once
+ expected_status_calls += 1
+ self.assertEqual(mock_status.call_count, expected_status_calls)
+ # reset template outputs
+ self.template.outputs = None
+ # block with delayed complete
+ self.template.name = 'block, delayed complete test'
+ success_index = 2
+ mock_status.side_effect = index_value_iter(
+ success_index, self.template.HEAT_CREATE_COMPLETE_STATUS)
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.template.create(
+ block=True, timeout=2), heat.HeatStack)
+ # ensure existing instance was re-used and op_utils was not used
+ self.assertEqual(mock_heat_client_class.call_count,
+ expected_constructor_calls)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ mock_heat_client.stacks.create.call_count,
+ expected_create_calls)
+ # ensure status was checked three more times
+ expected_status_calls += 1 + success_index
+ self.assertEqual(mock_status.call_count, expected_status_calls)
+class HeatStackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_delete_calls__delete_multiple_times(self):
+ stack = heat.HeatStack('test')
+ stack.uuid = 1
+ with mock.patch.object(stack, "_delete") as delete_mock:
+ stack.delete()
+ # call once and then call again if uuid is not none
+ self.assertGreater(delete_mock.call_count, 1)
+ def test_delete_all_calls_delete(self):
+ # we must patch the object before we create an instance
+ # so we can override delete() in all the instances
+ with mock.patch.object(heat.HeatStack, "delete") as delete_mock:
+ stack = heat.HeatStack('test')
+ stack.uuid = 1
+ stack.delete_all()
+ self.assertGreater(delete_mock.call_count, 0)