path: root/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf')
3 files changed, 1302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/agnostic_vnf.py b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/agnostic_vnf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..115fddcf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/agnostic_vnf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf import base
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AgnosticVnf(base.GenericVNF):
+ """ AgnosticVnf implementation. """
+ def __init__(self, name, vnfd, task_id):
+ super(AgnosticVnf, self).__init__(name, vnfd, task_id)
+ def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg):
+ pass
+ def wait_for_instantiate(self):
+ pass
+ def terminate(self):
+ pass
+ def scale(self, flavor=""):
+ pass
+ def collect_kpi(self):
+ pass
+ def start_collect(self):
+ pass
+ def stop_collect(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/epc_vnf.py b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/epc_vnf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66d16d07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/epc_vnf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf import base
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class EPCVnf(base.GenericVNF):
+ def __init__(self, name, vnfd, task_id):
+ super(EPCVnf, self).__init__(name, vnfd, task_id)
+ def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg):
+ """Prepare VNF for operation and start the VNF process/VM
+ :param scenario_cfg: Scenario config
+ :param context_cfg: Context config
+ """
+ pass
+ def wait_for_instantiate(self):
+ """Wait for VNF to start"""
+ pass
+ def terminate(self):
+ """Kill all VNF processes"""
+ pass
+ def scale(self, flavor=""):
+ pass
+ def collect_kpi(self):
+ pass
+ def start_collect(self):
+ pass
+ def stop_collect(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/tg_landslide.py b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/tg_landslide.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a146b72ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/network_services/vnf_generic/vnf/tg_landslide.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import collections
+import logging
+import requests
+import six
+import time
+from yardstick.common import exceptions
+from yardstick.common import utils as common_utils
+from yardstick.common import yaml_loader
+from yardstick.network_services import utils as net_serv_utils
+from yardstick.network_services.vnf_generic.vnf import sample_vnf
+ from lsapi import LsApi
+except ImportError:
+ LsApi = common_utils.ErrorClass
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class LandslideTrafficGen(sample_vnf.SampleVNFTrafficGen):
+ APP_NAME = 'LandslideTG'
+ def __init__(self, name, vnfd, task_id, setup_env_helper_type=None,
+ resource_helper_type=None):
+ if resource_helper_type is None:
+ resource_helper_type = LandslideResourceHelper
+ super(LandslideTrafficGen, self).__init__(name, vnfd, task_id,
+ setup_env_helper_type,
+ resource_helper_type)
+ self.bin_path = net_serv_utils.get_nsb_option('bin_path')
+ self.name = name
+ self.runs_traffic = True
+ self.traffic_finished = False
+ self.session_profile = None
+ def listen_traffic(self, traffic_profile):
+ pass
+ def terminate(self):
+ self.resource_helper.disconnect()
+ def instantiate(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg):
+ super(LandslideTrafficGen, self).instantiate(scenario_cfg, context_cfg)
+ self.resource_helper.connect()
+ # Create test servers
+ test_servers = [x['test_server'] for x in self.vnfd_helper['config']]
+ self.resource_helper.create_test_servers(test_servers)
+ # Create SUTs
+ [self.resource_helper.create_suts(x['suts']) for x in
+ self.vnfd_helper['config']]
+ # Fill in test session based on session profile and test case options
+ self._load_session_profile()
+ def run_traffic(self, traffic_profile):
+ self.resource_helper.abort_running_tests()
+ # Update DMF profile with related test case options
+ traffic_profile.update_dmf(self.scenario_helper.all_options)
+ # Create DMF in test user library
+ self.resource_helper.create_dmf(traffic_profile.dmf_config)
+ # Create/update test session in test user library
+ self.resource_helper.create_test_session(self.session_profile)
+ # Start test session
+ self.resource_helper.create_running_tests(self.session_profile['name'])
+ def collect_kpi(self):
+ return self.resource_helper.collect_kpi()
+ def wait_for_instantiate(self):
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def _update_session_suts(suts, testcase):
+ """ Create SUT entry. Update related EPC block in session profile. """
+ for sut in suts:
+ # Update session profile EPC element with SUT info from pod file
+ tc_role = testcase['parameters'].get(sut['role'])
+ if tc_role:
+ _param = {}
+ if tc_role['class'] == 'Sut':
+ _param['name'] = sut['name']
+ elif tc_role['class'] == 'TestNode':
+ _param.update({x: sut[x] for x in {'ip', 'phy', 'nextHop'}
+ if x in sut and sut[x]})
+ testcase['parameters'][sut['role']].update(_param)
+ else:
+ LOG.info('Unexpected SUT role in pod file: "%s".', sut['role'])
+ return testcase
+ def _update_session_test_servers(self, test_server, _tsgroup_index):
+ """ Update tsId, reservations, pre-resolved ARP in session profile """
+ # Update test server name
+ test_groups = self.session_profile['tsGroups']
+ test_groups[_tsgroup_index]['tsId'] = test_server['name']
+ # Update preResolvedArpAddress
+ arp_key = 'preResolvedArpAddress'
+ _preresolved_arp = test_server.get(arp_key) # list of dicts
+ if _preresolved_arp:
+ test_groups[_tsgroup_index][arp_key] = _preresolved_arp
+ # Update reservations
+ if 'phySubnets' in test_server:
+ reservation = {'tsId': test_server['name'],
+ 'tsIndex': _tsgroup_index,
+ 'tsName': test_server['name'],
+ 'phySubnets': test_server['phySubnets']}
+ if 'reservations' in self.session_profile:
+ self.session_profile['reservations'].append(reservation)
+ else:
+ self.session_profile['reservePorts'] = 'true'
+ self.session_profile['reservations'] = [reservation]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _update_session_tc_params(tc_options, testcase):
+ for _param_key in tc_options:
+ if _param_key == 'AssociatedPhys':
+ testcase[_param_key] = tc_options[_param_key]
+ continue
+ testcase['parameters'][_param_key] = tc_options[_param_key]
+ return testcase
+ def _load_session_profile(self):
+ with common_utils.open_relative_file(
+ self.scenario_helper.scenario_cfg['session_profile'],
+ self.scenario_helper.task_path) as stream:
+ self.session_profile = yaml_loader.yaml_load(stream)
+ # Raise exception if number of entries differs in following files,
+ _config_files = ['pod file', 'session_profile file', 'test_case file']
+ # Count testcases number in all tsGroups of session profile
+ session_tests_num = [xx for x in self.session_profile['tsGroups']
+ for xx in x['testCases']]
+ # Create a set containing number of list elements in each structure
+ _config_files_blocks_num = [
+ len(x) for x in
+ (self.vnfd_helper['config'], # test_servers and suts info
+ session_tests_num,
+ self.scenario_helper.all_options['test_cases'])] # test case file
+ if len(set(_config_files_blocks_num)) != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError('Unequal number of elements. {}'.format(
+ dict(six.moves.zip_longest(_config_files,
+ _config_files_blocks_num))))
+ ts_names = set()
+ _tsgroup_idx = -1
+ _testcase_idx = 0
+ # Iterate over data structures to overwrite session profile defaults
+ # _config: single list element holding test servers and SUTs info
+ # _tc_options: single test case parameters
+ for _config, tc_options in zip(
+ self.vnfd_helper['config'], # test servers and SUTS
+ self.scenario_helper.all_options['test_cases']): # testcase
+ _ts_config = _config['test_server']
+ # Calculate test group/test case indexes based on test server name
+ if _ts_config['name'] in ts_names:
+ _testcase_idx += 1
+ else:
+ _tsgroup_idx += 1
+ _testcase_idx = 0
+ _testcase = \
+ self.session_profile['tsGroups'][_tsgroup_idx]['testCases'][
+ _testcase_idx]
+ if _testcase['type'] != _ts_config['role']:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Test type mismatch in TC#{} of test server {}'.format(
+ _testcase_idx, _ts_config['name']))
+ # Fill session profile with test servers parameters
+ if _ts_config['name'] not in ts_names:
+ self._update_session_test_servers(_ts_config, _tsgroup_idx)
+ ts_names.add(_ts_config['name'])
+ # Fill session profile with suts parameters
+ self.session_profile['tsGroups'][_tsgroup_idx]['testCases'][
+ _testcase_idx].update(
+ self._update_session_suts(_config['suts'], _testcase))
+ # Update test case parameters
+ self.session_profile['tsGroups'][_tsgroup_idx]['testCases'][
+ _testcase_idx].update(
+ self._update_session_tc_params(tc_options, _testcase))
+class LandslideResourceHelper(sample_vnf.ClientResourceHelper):
+ """Landslide TG helper class"""
+ REST_STATUS_CODES = {'OK': 200, 'CREATED': 201, 'NO CHANGE': 409}
+ def __init__(self, setup_helper):
+ super(LandslideResourceHelper, self).__init__(setup_helper)
+ self._result = {}
+ self.vnfd_helper = setup_helper.vnfd_helper
+ self.scenario_helper = setup_helper.scenario_helper
+ # TAS Manager config initialization
+ self._url = None
+ self._user_id = None
+ self.session = None
+ self.license_data = {}
+ # TCL session initialization
+ self._tcl = LandslideTclClient(LsTclHandler(), self)
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ self.running_tests_uri = 'runningTests'
+ self.test_session_uri = 'testSessions'
+ self.test_serv_uri = 'testServers'
+ self.suts_uri = 'suts'
+ self.users_uri = 'users'
+ self.user_lib_uri = None
+ self.run_id = None
+ def abort_running_tests(self, timeout=60, delay=5):
+ """ Abort running test sessions, if any """
+ _start_time = time.time()
+ while time.time() < _start_time + timeout:
+ run_tests_states = {x['id']: x['testStateOrStep']
+ for x in self.get_running_tests()}
+ if not set(run_tests_states.values()).difference(
+ break
+ else:
+ [self.stop_running_tests(running_test_id=_id, force=True)
+ for _id, _state in run_tests_states.items()
+ if 'COMPLETE' not in _state]
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Some test runs not stopped during {} seconds'.format(timeout))
+ def _build_url(self, resource, action=None):
+ """ Build URL string
+ :param resource: REST API resource name
+ :type resource: str
+ :param action: actions name and value
+ :type action: dict('name': <str>, 'value': <str>)
+ :returns str: REST API resource name with optional action info
+ """
+ # Action is optional and accepted only in presence of resource param
+ if action and not resource:
+ raise ValueError("Resource name not provided")
+ # Concatenate actions
+ _action = ''.join(['?{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in
+ action.items()]) if action else ''
+ return ''.join([self._url, resource, _action])
+ def get_response_params(self, method, resource, params=None):
+ """ Retrieve params from JSON response of specific resource URL
+ :param method: one of supported REST API methods
+ :type method: str
+ :param resource: URI, requested resource name
+ :type resource: str
+ :param params: attributes to be found in JSON response
+ :type params: list(str)
+ """
+ _res = []
+ params = params if params else []
+ response = self.exec_rest_request(method, resource)
+ # Get substring between last slash sign and question mark (if any)
+ url_last_part = resource.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rsplit('?', 1)[0]
+ _response_json = response.json()
+ # Expect dict(), if URL last part and top dict key don't match
+ # Else, if they match, expect list()
+ k, v = list(_response_json.items())[0]
+ if k != url_last_part:
+ v = [v] # v: list(dict(str: str))
+ # Extract params, or whole list of dicts (without top level key)
+ for x in v:
+ _res.append({param: x[param] for param in params} if params else x)
+ return _res
+ def _create_user(self, auth, level=1):
+ """ Create new user
+ :param auth: data to create user account on REST server
+ :type auth: dict
+ :param level: Landslide user permissions level
+ :type level: int
+ :returns int: user id
+ """
+ # Set expiration date in two years since account creation date
+ _exp_date = time.strftime(
+ '{}/%m/%d %H:%M %Z'.format(time.gmtime().tm_year + 2))
+ _username = auth['user']
+ _fields = {"contactInformation": "", "expiresOn": _exp_date,
+ "fullName": "Test User",
+ "isActive": "true", "level": level,
+ "password": auth['password'],
+ "username": _username}
+ _response = self.exec_rest_request('post', self.users_uri,
+ json_data=_fields, raise_exc=False)
+ _resp_json = _response.json()
+ if _response.status_code == self.REST_STATUS_CODES['CREATED']:
+ # New user created
+ _id = _resp_json['id']
+ LOG.info("New user created: username='%s', id='%s'", _username,
+ _id)
+ elif _resp_json.get('apiCode') == self.REST_API_CODES['NOT MODIFIED']:
+ # User already exists
+ LOG.info("Account '%s' already exists.", _username)
+ # Get user id
+ _id = self._modify_user(_username, {"isActive": "true"})['id']
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.RestApiError(
+ 'Error during new user "{}" creation'.format(_username))
+ return _id
+ def _modify_user(self, username, fields):
+ """ Modify information about existing user
+ :param username: user name of account to be modified
+ :type username: str
+ :param fields: data to modify user account on REST server
+ :type fields: dict
+ :returns dict: user info
+ """
+ _response = self.exec_rest_request('post', self.users_uri,
+ action={'username': username},
+ json_data=fields, raise_exc=False)
+ if _response.status_code == self.REST_STATUS_CODES['OK']:
+ _response = _response.json()
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.RestApiError(
+ 'Error during user "{}" data update: {}'.format(
+ username,
+ _response.status_code))
+ LOG.info("User account '%s' modified: '%s'", username, _response)
+ return _response
+ def _delete_user(self, username):
+ """ Delete user account
+ :param username: username field
+ :type username: str
+ :returns bool: True if succeeded
+ """
+ self.exec_rest_request('delete', self.users_uri,
+ action={'username': username})
+ def _get_users(self, username=None):
+ """ Get user records from REST server
+ :param username: username field
+ :type username: None|str
+ :returns list(dict): empty list, or user record, or list of all users
+ """
+ _response = self.get_response_params('get', self.users_uri)
+ _res = [u for u in _response if
+ u['username'] == username] if username else _response
+ return _res
+ def exec_rest_request(self, method, resource, action=None, json_data=None,
+ logs=True, raise_exc=True):
+ """ Execute REST API request, return response object
+ :param method: one of supported requests ('post', 'get', 'delete')
+ :type method: str
+ :param resource: URL of resource
+ :type resource: str
+ :param action: data used to provide URI located after question mark
+ :type action: dict
+ :param json_data: mandatory only for 'post' method
+ :type json_data: dict
+ :param logs: debug logs display flag
+ :type raise_exc: bool
+ :param raise_exc: if True, raise exception on REST API call error
+ :returns requests.Response(): REST API call response object
+ """
+ json_data = json_data if json_data else {}
+ action = action if action else {}
+ _method = method.upper()
+ method = method.lower()
+ if method not in ('post', 'get', 'delete'):
+ raise ValueError("Method '{}' not supported".format(_method))
+ if method == 'post' and not action:
+ if not (json_data and isinstance(json_data, collections.Mapping)):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'JSON data missing in {} request'.format(_method))
+ r = getattr(self.session, method)(self._build_url(resource, action),
+ json=json_data)
+ if raise_exc and not r.ok:
+ msg = 'Failed to "{}" resource "{}". Reason: "{}"'.format(
+ method, self._build_url(resource, action), r.reason)
+ raise exceptions.RestApiError(msg)
+ if logs:
+ LOG.debug("RC: %s | Request: %s | URL: %s", r.status_code, method,
+ r.request.url)
+ LOG.debug("Response: %s", r.json())
+ return r
+ def connect(self):
+ """Connect to RESTful server using test user account"""
+ tas_info = self.vnfd_helper['mgmt-interface']
+ # Supported REST Server ports: HTTP - 8080, HTTPS - 8181
+ _port = '8080' if tas_info['proto'] == 'http' else '8181'
+ tas_info.update({'port': _port})
+ self._url = '{proto}://{ip}:{port}/api/'.format(**tas_info)
+ self.session.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/json',
+ 'Content-type': 'application/json'})
+ # Login with super user to create test user
+ self.session.auth = (
+ tas_info['super-user'], tas_info['super-user-password'])
+ LOG.info("Connect using superuser: server='%s'", self._url)
+ auth = {x: tas_info[x] for x in ('user', 'password')}
+ self._user_id = self._create_user(auth)
+ # Login with test user
+ self.session.auth = auth['user'], auth['password']
+ # Test user validity
+ self.exec_rest_request('get', '')
+ self.user_lib_uri = 'libraries/{{}}/{}'.format(self.test_session_uri)
+ LOG.info("Login with test user: server='%s'", self._url)
+ # Read existing license
+ self.license_data['lic_id'] = tas_info['license']
+ # Tcl client init
+ self._tcl.connect(tas_info['ip'], *self.session.auth)
+ return self.session
+ def disconnect(self):
+ self.session = None
+ self._tcl.disconnect()
+ def terminate(self):
+ self._terminated.value = 1
+ def create_dmf(self, dmf):
+ if isinstance(dmf, list):
+ for _dmf in dmf:
+ self._tcl.create_dmf(_dmf)
+ else:
+ self._tcl.create_dmf(dmf)
+ def delete_dmf(self, dmf):
+ if isinstance(dmf, list):
+ for _dmf in dmf:
+ self._tcl.delete_dmf(_dmf)
+ else:
+ self._tcl.delete_dmf(dmf)
+ def create_suts(self, suts):
+ # Keep only supported keys in suts object
+ for _sut in suts:
+ sut_entry = {k: v for k, v in _sut.items()
+ if k not in {'phy', 'nextHop', 'role'}}
+ _response = self.exec_rest_request(
+ 'post', self.suts_uri, json_data=sut_entry,
+ logs=False, raise_exc=False)
+ if _response.status_code != self.REST_STATUS_CODES['CREATED']:
+ LOG.info(_response.reason) # Failed to create
+ _name = sut_entry.pop('name')
+ # Modify existing SUT
+ self.configure_sut(sut_name=_name, json_data=sut_entry)
+ else:
+ LOG.info("SUT created: %s", sut_entry)
+ def get_suts(self, suts_id=None):
+ if suts_id:
+ _suts = self.exec_rest_request(
+ 'get', '{}/{}'.format(self.suts_uri, suts_id)).json()
+ else:
+ _suts = self.get_response_params('get', self.suts_uri)
+ return _suts
+ def configure_sut(self, sut_name, json_data):
+ """ Modify information of specific SUTs
+ :param sut_name: name of existing SUT
+ :type sut_name: str
+ :param json_data: SUT settings
+ :type json_data: dict()
+ """
+ LOG.info("Modifying SUT information...")
+ _response = self.exec_rest_request('post',
+ self.suts_uri,
+ action={'name': sut_name},
+ json_data=json_data,
+ raise_exc=False)
+ if _response.status_code not in {self.REST_STATUS_CODES[x] for x in
+ {'OK', 'NO CHANGE'}}:
+ raise exceptions.RestApiError(_response.reason)
+ LOG.info("Modified SUT: %s", sut_name)
+ def delete_suts(self, suts_ids=None):
+ if not suts_ids:
+ _curr_suts = self.get_response_params('get', self.suts_uri)
+ suts_ids = [x['id'] for x in _curr_suts]
+ LOG.info("Deleting SUTs with following IDs: %s", suts_ids)
+ for _id in suts_ids:
+ self.exec_rest_request('delete',
+ '{}/{}'.format(self.suts_uri, _id))
+ LOG.info("\tDone for SUT id: %s", _id)
+ def _check_test_servers_state(self, test_servers_ids=None, delay=10,
+ timeout=300):
+ LOG.info("Waiting for related test servers state change to READY...")
+ # Wait on state change
+ _start_time = time.time()
+ while time.time() - _start_time < timeout:
+ ts_ids_not_ready = {x['id'] for x in
+ self.get_test_servers(test_servers_ids)
+ if x['state'] != 'READY'}
+ if ts_ids_not_ready == set():
+ break
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Test servers not in READY state after {} seconds.'.format(
+ timeout))
+ def create_test_servers(self, test_servers):
+ """ Create test servers
+ :param test_servers: input data for test servers creation
+ mandatory fields: managementIp
+ optional fields: name
+ :type test_servers: list(dict)
+ """
+ _ts_ids = []
+ for _ts in test_servers:
+ _msg = 'Created test server "%(name)s"'
+ _ts_ids.append(self._tcl.create_test_server(_ts))
+ if _ts.get('thread_model'):
+ _msg += ' in mode: "%(thread_model)s"'
+ LOG.info(_msg, _ts)
+ self._check_test_servers_state(_ts_ids)
+ def get_test_servers(self, test_server_ids=None):
+ if not test_server_ids: # Get all test servers info
+ _test_servers = self.exec_rest_request(
+ 'get', self.test_serv_uri).json()[self.test_serv_uri]
+ LOG.info("Current test servers configuration: %s", _test_servers)
+ return _test_servers
+ _test_servers = []
+ for _id in test_server_ids:
+ _test_servers.append(self.exec_rest_request(
+ 'get', '{}/{}'.format(self.test_serv_uri, _id)).json())
+ LOG.info("Current test servers configuration: %s", _test_servers)
+ return _test_servers
+ def configure_test_servers(self, action, json_data=None,
+ test_server_ids=None):
+ if not test_server_ids:
+ test_server_ids = [x['id'] for x in self.get_test_servers()]
+ elif isinstance(test_server_ids, int):
+ test_server_ids = [test_server_ids]
+ for _id in test_server_ids:
+ self.exec_rest_request('post',
+ '{}/{}'.format(self.test_serv_uri, _id),
+ action=action, json_data=json_data)
+ LOG.info("Test server (id: %s) configuration done: %s", _id,
+ action)
+ return test_server_ids
+ def delete_test_servers(self, test_servers_ids=None):
+ # Delete test servers
+ for _ts in self.get_test_servers(test_servers_ids):
+ self.exec_rest_request('delete', '{}/{}'.format(self.test_serv_uri,
+ _ts['id']))
+ LOG.info("Deleted test server: %s", _ts['name'])
+ def create_test_session(self, test_session):
+ # Use tcl client to create session
+ test_session['library'] = self._user_id
+ LOG.debug("Creating session='%s'", test_session['name'])
+ self._tcl.create_test_session(test_session)
+ def get_test_session(self, test_session_name=None):
+ if test_session_name:
+ uri = 'libraries/{}/{}/{}'.format(self._user_id,
+ self.test_session_uri,
+ test_session_name)
+ else:
+ uri = self.user_lib_uri.format(self._user_id)
+ _test_sessions = self.exec_rest_request('get', uri).json()
+ return _test_sessions
+ def configure_test_session(self, template_name, test_session):
+ # Override specified test session parameters
+ LOG.info('Update test session parameters: %s', test_session['name'])
+ test_session.update({'library': self._user_id})
+ return self.exec_rest_request(
+ method='post',
+ action={'action': 'overrideAndSaveAs'},
+ json_data=test_session,
+ resource='{}/{}'.format(self.user_lib_uri.format(self._user_id),
+ template_name))
+ def delete_test_session(self, test_session):
+ return self.exec_rest_request('delete', '{}/{}'.format(
+ self.user_lib_uri.format(self._user_id), test_session))
+ def create_running_tests(self, test_session_name):
+ r = self.exec_rest_request('post',
+ self.running_tests_uri,
+ json_data={'library': self._user_id,
+ 'name': test_session_name})
+ if r.status_code != self.REST_STATUS_CODES['CREATED']:
+ raise exceptions.RestApiError('Failed to start test session.')
+ self.run_id = r.json()['id']
+ def get_running_tests(self, running_test_id=None):
+ """Get JSON structure of specified running test entity
+ :param running_test_id: ID of created running test entity
+ :type running_test_id: int
+ :returns list: running tests entity
+ """
+ if not running_test_id:
+ running_test_id = ''
+ _res_name = '{}/{}'.format(self.running_tests_uri, running_test_id)
+ _res = self.exec_rest_request('get', _res_name, logs=False).json()
+ # If no run_id specified, skip top level key in response dict.
+ # Else return JSON as list
+ return _res.get('runningTests', [_res])
+ def delete_running_tests(self, running_test_id=None):
+ if not running_test_id:
+ running_test_id = ''
+ _res_name = '{}/{}'.format(self.running_tests_uri, running_test_id)
+ self.get_response_params('delete', _res_name)
+ LOG.info("Deleted running test with id: %s", running_test_id)
+ def _running_tests_action(self, running_test_id, action, json_data=None):
+ if not json_data:
+ json_data = {}
+ # Supported actions:
+ # 'stop', 'abort', 'continue', 'update', 'sendTcCommand', 'sendOdc'
+ _res_name = '{}/{}'.format(self.running_tests_uri, running_test_id)
+ self.exec_rest_request('post', _res_name, {'action': action},
+ json_data)
+ LOG.debug("Executed action: '%s' on running test id: %s", action,
+ running_test_id)
+ def stop_running_tests(self, running_test_id, json_data=None, force=False):
+ _action = 'abort' if force else 'stop'
+ self._running_tests_action(running_test_id, _action,
+ json_data=json_data)
+ LOG.info('Performed action: "%s" to test run with id: %s', _action,
+ running_test_id)
+ def check_running_test_state(self, run_id):
+ r = self.exec_rest_request('get',
+ '{}/{}'.format(self.running_tests_uri,
+ run_id))
+ return r.json().get("testStateOrStep")
+ def get_running_tests_results(self, run_id):
+ _res = self.exec_rest_request(
+ 'get',
+ '{}/{}/{}'.format(self.running_tests_uri,
+ run_id,
+ 'measurements')).json()
+ return _res
+ def _write_results(self, results):
+ # Avoid None value at test session start
+ _elapsed_time = results['elapsedTime'] if results['elapsedTime'] else 0
+ _res_tabs = results.get('tabs')
+ # Avoid parsing 'tab' dict key initially (missing or empty)
+ if not _res_tabs:
+ return
+ # Flatten nested dict holding Landslide KPIs of current test run
+ flat_kpis_dict = {}
+ for _tab, _kpis in six.iteritems(_res_tabs):
+ for _kpi, _value in six.iteritems(_kpis):
+ # Combine table name and KPI name using delimiter "::"
+ _key = '::'.join([_tab, _kpi])
+ try:
+ # Cast value from str to float
+ # Remove comma and/or measure units, e.g. "us"
+ flat_kpis_dict[_key] = float(
+ _value.split(' ')[0].replace(',', ''))
+ except ValueError: # E.g. if KPI represents datetime
+ pass
+ LOG.info("Polling test results of test run id: %s. Elapsed time: %s "
+ "seconds", self.run_id, _elapsed_time)
+ return flat_kpis_dict
+ def collect_kpi(self):
+ if 'COMPLETE' in self.check_running_test_state(self.run_id):
+ self._result.update({'done': True})
+ return self._result
+ _res = self.get_running_tests_results(self.run_id)
+ _kpis = self._write_results(_res)
+ if _kpis:
+ _kpis.update({'run_id': int(self.run_id)})
+ _kpis.update({'iteration': _res['iteration']})
+ self._result.update(_kpis)
+ return self._result
+class LandslideTclClient(object):
+ """Landslide TG TCL client class"""
+ 'ethStatsEnabled': True,
+ 'forcedEthInterface': '',
+ 'innerVlanId': 0,
+ 'ip': '',
+ 'mac': '',
+ 'mtu': 1500,
+ 'nextHop': '',
+ 'numLinksOrNodes': 1,
+ 'numVlan': 1,
+ 'phy': '',
+ 'uniqueVlanAddr': False,
+ 'vlanDynamic': 0,
+ 'vlanId': 0,
+ 'vlanUserPriority': 0,
+ 'vlanTagType': 0
+ }
+ 'ls::create -TestNode-{} -under $p_ -Type "eth"' \
+ ' -Phy "{phy}" -Ip "{ip}" -NumLinksOrNodes {numLinksOrNodes}' \
+ ' -NextHop "{nextHop}" -Mac "{mac}" -MTU {mtu}' \
+ ' -ForcedEthInterface "{forcedEthInterface}"' \
+ ' -EthStatsEnabled {ethStatsEnabled}' \
+ ' -VlanId {vlanId} -VlanUserPriority {vlanUserPriority}' \
+ ' -NumVlan {numVlan} -UniqueVlanAddr {uniqueVlanAddr}' \
+ ';'
+ def __init__(self, tcl_handler, ts_context):
+ self.tcl_server_ip = None
+ self._user = None
+ self._library_id = None
+ self._basic_library_id = None
+ self._tcl = tcl_handler
+ self._ts_context = ts_context
+ self.ts_ids = set()
+ # Test types names expected in session profile, test case and pod files
+ self._tc_types = {"SGW_Nodal", "SGW_Node", "MME_Nodal", "PGW_Node",
+ "PCRF_Node"}
+ self._class_param_config_handler = {
+ "Array": self._configure_array_param,
+ "TestNode": self._configure_test_node_param,
+ "Sut": self._configure_sut_param,
+ "Dmf": self._configure_dmf_param
+ }
+ def connect(self, tcl_server_ip, username, password):
+ """ Connect to TCL server with username and password
+ :param tcl_server_ip: TCL server IP address
+ :type tcl_server_ip: str
+ :param username: existing username on TCL server
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: password related to username on TCL server
+ :type password: str
+ """
+ LOG.info("connect: server='%s' user='%s'", tcl_server_ip, username)
+ res = self._tcl.execute(
+ "ls::login {} {} {}".format(tcl_server_ip, username, password))
+ if 'java0x' not in res: # handle assignment reflects login success
+ raise exceptions.LandslideTclException(
+ "connect: login failed ='{}'.".format(res))
+ self._library_id = self._tcl.execute(
+ "ls::get [ls::query LibraryInfo -userLibraryName {}] -Id".format(
+ username))
+ self._basic_library_id = self._get_library_id('Basic')
+ self.tcl_server_ip = tcl_server_ip
+ self._user = username
+ LOG.debug("connect: user='%s' me='%s' basic='%s'", self._user,
+ self._library_id,
+ self._basic_library_id)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """ Disconnect from TCL server. Drop TCL connection configuration """
+ LOG.info("disconnect: server='%s' user='%s'",
+ self.tcl_server_ip, self._user)
+ self._tcl.execute("ls::logout")
+ self.tcl_server_ip = None
+ self._user = None
+ self._library_id = None
+ self._basic_library_id = None
+ def _add_test_server(self, name, ip):
+ try:
+ # Check if test server exists with name equal to _ts_name
+ ts_id = int(self.resolve_test_server_name(name))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Such test server does not exist. Attempt to create it
+ ts_id = self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::perform AddTs -Name "{}" -Ip "{}"'.format(name, ip))
+ try:
+ int(ts_id)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Failed to create test server, e.g. limit reached
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Failed to create test server: "{}". {}'.format(name,
+ ts_id))
+ return ts_id
+ def _update_license(self, name):
+ """ Setup/update test server license
+ :param name: test server name
+ :type name: str
+ """
+ # Retrieve current TsInfo configuration, result stored in handle "ts"
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set ts [ls::retrieve TsInfo -Name "{}"]'.format(name))
+ # Set license ID, if it differs from current one, update test server
+ _curr_lic_id = self._tcl.execute('ls::get $ts -RequestedLicense')
+ if _curr_lic_id != self._ts_context.license_data['lic_id']:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $ts -RequestedLicense {}'.format(
+ self._ts_context.license_data['lic_id']))
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::perform ModifyTs $ts')
+ def _set_thread_model(self, name, thread_model):
+ # Retrieve test server configuration, store it in handle "tsc"
+ _cfguser_password = self._ts_context.vnfd_helper['mgmt-interface'][
+ 'cfguser_password']
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set tsc [ls::perform RetrieveTsConfiguration '
+ '-name "{}" {}]'.format(name, _cfguser_password))
+ # Configure ThreadModel, if it differs from current one
+ thread_model_map = {'Legacy': 'V0',
+ 'Max': 'V1',
+ 'Fireball': 'V1_FB3'}
+ _model = thread_model_map[thread_model]
+ _curr_model = self._tcl.execute('ls::get $tsc -ThreadModel')
+ if _curr_model != _model:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $tsc -ThreadModel "{}"'.format(_model))
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::perform ApplyTsConfiguration $tsc {}'.format(
+ _cfguser_password))
+ def create_test_server(self, test_server):
+ _ts_thread_model = test_server.get('thread_model')
+ _ts_name = test_server['name']
+ ts_id = self._add_test_server(_ts_name, test_server['ip'])
+ self._update_license(_ts_name)
+ # Skip below code modifying thread_model if it is not defined
+ if _ts_thread_model:
+ self._set_thread_model(_ts_name, _ts_thread_model)
+ return ts_id
+ def create_test_session(self, test_session):
+ """ Create, configure and save Landslide test session object.
+ :param test_session: Landslide TestSession object
+ :type test_session: dict
+ """
+ LOG.info("create_test_session: name='%s'", test_session['name'])
+ self._tcl.execute('set test_ [ls::create TestSession]')
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Library {} -Name "{}"'.format(
+ self._library_id, test_session['name']))
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Description "{}"'.format(
+ test_session['description']))
+ if 'keywords' in test_session:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Keywords "{}"'.format(
+ test_session['keywords']))
+ if 'duration' in test_session:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Duration "{}"'.format(
+ test_session['duration']))
+ if 'iterations' in test_session:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Iterations "{}"'.format(
+ test_session['iterations']))
+ if 'reservePorts' in test_session:
+ if test_session['reservePorts'] == 'true':
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $test_ -Reserve Ports')
+ if 'reservations' in test_session:
+ for _reservation in test_session['reservations']:
+ self._configure_reservation(_reservation)
+ if 'reportOptions' in test_session:
+ self._configure_report_options(test_session['reportOptions'])
+ for _index, _group in enumerate(test_session['tsGroups']):
+ self._configure_ts_group(_group, _index)
+ self._save_test_session()
+ def create_dmf(self, dmf):
+ """ Create, configure and save Landslide Data Message Flow object.
+ :param dmf: Landslide Data Message Flow object
+ :type: dmf: dict
+ """
+ self._tcl.execute('set dmf_ [ls::create Dmf]')
+ _lib_id = self._get_library_id(dmf['dmf']['library'])
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $dmf_ -Library {} -Name "{}"'.format(
+ _lib_id,
+ dmf['dmf']['name']))
+ for _param_key in dmf:
+ if _param_key == 'dmf':
+ continue
+ _param_value = dmf[_param_key]
+ if isinstance(_param_value, dict):
+ # Configure complex parameter
+ _tcl_cmd = 'ls::config $dmf_'
+ for _sub_param_key in _param_value:
+ _sub_param_value = _param_value[_sub_param_key]
+ if isinstance(_sub_param_value, str):
+ _tcl_cmd += ' -{} "{}"'.format(_sub_param_key,
+ _sub_param_value)
+ else:
+ _tcl_cmd += ' -{} {}'.format(_sub_param_key,
+ _sub_param_value)
+ self._tcl.execute(_tcl_cmd)
+ else:
+ # Configure simple parameter
+ if isinstance(_param_value, str):
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $dmf_ -{} "{}"'.format(_param_key,
+ _param_value))
+ else:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $dmf_ -{} {}'.format(_param_key,
+ _param_value))
+ self._save_dmf()
+ def configure_dmf(self, dmf):
+ # Use create to reconfigure and overwrite existing dmf
+ self.create_dmf(dmf)
+ def delete_dmf(self, dmf):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _save_dmf(self):
+ # Call 'Validate' to set default values for missing parameters
+ res = self._tcl.execute('ls::perform Validate -Dmf $dmf_')
+ if res == 'Invalid':
+ res = self._tcl.execute('ls::get $dmf_ -ErrorsAndWarnings')
+ LOG.error("_save_dmf: %s", res)
+ raise exceptions.LandslideTclException("_save_dmf: {}".format(res))
+ else:
+ res = self._tcl.execute('ls::save $dmf_ -overwrite')
+ LOG.debug("_save_dmf: result (%s)", res)
+ def _configure_report_options(self, options):
+ for _option_key in options:
+ _option_value = options[_option_key]
+ if _option_key == 'format':
+ _format = 0
+ if _option_value == 'CSV':
+ _format = 1
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $test_.ReportOptions -Format {} '
+ '-Ts -3 -Tc -3'.format(_format))
+ else:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $test_.ReportOptions -{} {}'.format(
+ _option_key,
+ _option_value))
+ def _configure_ts_group(self, ts_group, ts_group_index):
+ try:
+ _ts_id = int(self.resolve_test_server_name(ts_group['tsId']))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise RuntimeError('Test server name "{}" does not exist.'.format(
+ ts_group['tsId']))
+ if _ts_id not in self.ts_ids:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set tss_ [ls::create TsGroup -under $test_ -tsId {} ]'.format(
+ _ts_id))
+ self.ts_ids.add(_ts_id)
+ for _case in ts_group.get('testCases', []):
+ self._configure_tc_type(_case, ts_group_index)
+ self._configure_preresolved_arp(ts_group.get('preResolvedArpAddress'))
+ def _configure_tc_type(self, tc, ts_group_index):
+ if tc['type'] not in self._tc_types:
+ raise RuntimeError('Test type {} not supported.'.format(
+ tc['type']))
+ tc['type'] = tc['type'].replace('_', ' ')
+ res = self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set tc_ [ls::retrieve testcase -libraryId {0} "{1}"]'.format(
+ self._basic_library_id, tc['type']))
+ if 'Invalid' in res:
+ raise RuntimeError('Test type {} not found in "Basic" '
+ 'library.'.format(tc['type']))
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $test_.TsGroup({}) -children-Tc $tc_'.format(
+ ts_group_index))
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $tc_ -Library {0} -Name "{1}"'.format(
+ self._basic_library_id, tc['name']))
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $tc_ -Description "{}"'.format(tc['type']))
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $tc_ -Keywords "GTP LTE {}"'.format(tc['type']))
+ if 'linked' in tc:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $tc_ -Linked {}'.format(tc['linked']))
+ if 'AssociatedPhys' in tc:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::config $tc_ -AssociatedPhys "{}"'.format(
+ tc['AssociatedPhys']))
+ if 'parameters' in tc:
+ self._configure_parameters(tc['parameters'])
+ def _configure_parameters(self, params):
+ self._tcl.execute('set p_ [ls::get $tc_ -children-Parameters(0)]')
+ for _param_key in sorted(params):
+ _param_value = params[_param_key]
+ if isinstance(_param_value, dict):
+ # Configure complex parameter
+ if _param_value['class'] in self._class_param_config_handler:
+ self._class_param_config_handler[_param_value['class']](
+ _param_key,
+ _param_value)
+ else:
+ # Configure simple parameter
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::create {} -under $p_ -Value "{}"'.format(
+ _param_key,
+ _param_value))
+ def _configure_array_param(self, name, params):
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::create -Array-{} -under $p_ ;'.format(name))
+ for param in params['array']:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::create ArrayItem -under $p_.{} -Value "{}"'.format(name,
+ param))
+ def _configure_test_node_param(self, name, params):
+ _params = self.DEFAULT_TEST_NODE
+ _params.update(params)
+ # TCL command expects lower case 'true' or 'false'
+ _params['ethStatsEnabled'] = str(_params['ethStatsEnabled']).lower()
+ _params['uniqueVlanAddr'] = str(_params['uniqueVlanAddr']).lower()
+ cmd = self.TEST_NODE_CMD.format(name, **_params)
+ self._tcl.execute(cmd)
+ def _configure_sut_param(self, name, params):
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::create -Sut-{} -under $p_ -Name "{}";'.format(name,
+ params['name']))
+ def _configure_dmf_param(self, name, params):
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::create -Dmf-{} -under $p_ ;'.format(name))
+ for _flow_index, _flow in enumerate(params['mainflows']):
+ _lib_id = self._get_library_id(_flow['library'])
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::perform AddDmfMainflow $p_.Dmf {} "{}"'.format(
+ _lib_id,
+ _flow['name']))
+ if not params.get('instanceGroups'):
+ return
+ _instance_group = params['instanceGroups'][_flow_index]
+ # Traffic Mixer parameters handling
+ for _key in ['mixType', 'rate']:
+ if _key in _instance_group:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $p_.Dmf.InstanceGroup({}) -{} {}'.format(
+ _flow_index, _key, _instance_group[_key]))
+ # Assignments parameters handling
+ for _row_id, _row in enumerate(_instance_group.get('rows', [])):
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $p_.Dmf.InstanceGroup({}).Row({}) -Node {} '
+ '-OverridePort {} -ClientPort {} -Context {} -Role {} '
+ '-PreferredTransport {} -RatingGroup {} '
+ '-ServiceID {}'.format(
+ _flow_index, _row_id, _row['node'],
+ _row['overridePort'], _row['clientPort'],
+ _row['context'], _row['role'], _row['transport'],
+ _row['ratingGroup'], _row['serviceId']))
+ def _configure_reservation(self, reservation):
+ _ts_id = self.resolve_test_server_name(reservation['tsId'])
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set reservation_ [ls::create Reservation -under $test_]')
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $reservation_ -TsIndex {} -TsId {} '
+ '-TsName "{}"'.format(reservation['tsIndex'],
+ _ts_id,
+ reservation['tsName']))
+ for _subnet in reservation['phySubnets']:
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'set physubnet_ [ls::create PhySubnet -under $reservation_]')
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::config $physubnet_ -Name "{}" -Base "{}" -Mask "{}" '
+ '-NumIps {}'.format(_subnet['name'], _subnet['base'],
+ _subnet['mask'], _subnet['numIps']))
+ def _configure_preresolved_arp(self, pre_resolved_arp):
+ if not pre_resolved_arp: # Pre-resolved ARP configuration not found
+ return
+ for _entry in pre_resolved_arp:
+ # TsGroup handle name should correspond in _configure_ts_group()
+ self._tcl.execute(
+ 'ls::create PreResolvedArpAddress -under $tss_ '
+ '-StartingAddress "{StartingAddress}" '
+ '-NumNodes {NumNodes}'.format(**_entry))
+ def delete_test_session(self, test_session):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _save_test_session(self):
+ # Call 'Validate' to set default values for missing parameters
+ res = self._tcl.execute('ls::perform Validate -TestSession $test_')
+ if res == 'Invalid':
+ res = self._tcl.execute('ls::get $test_ -ErrorsAndWarnings')
+ raise exceptions.LandslideTclException(
+ "Test session validation failed. Server response: {}".format(
+ res))
+ else:
+ self._tcl.execute('ls::save $test_ -overwrite')
+ LOG.debug("Test session saved successfully.")
+ def _get_library_id(self, library):
+ _library_id = self._tcl.execute(
+ "ls::get [ls::query LibraryInfo -systemLibraryName {}] -Id".format(
+ library))
+ try:
+ int(_library_id)
+ return _library_id
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ _library_id = self._tcl.execute(
+ "ls::get [ls::query LibraryInfo -userLibraryName {}] -Id".format(
+ library))
+ try:
+ int(_library_id)
+ except ValueError:
+ LOG.error("_get_library_id: library='%s' not found.", library)
+ raise exceptions.LandslideTclException(
+ "_get_library_id: library='{}' not found.".format(
+ library))
+ return _library_id
+ def resolve_test_server_name(self, ts_name):
+ return self._tcl.execute("ls::query TsId {}".format(ts_name))
+class LsTclHandler(object):
+ """Landslide TCL Handler class"""
+ LS_OK = "ls_ok"
+ JRE_PATH = net_serv_utils.get_nsb_option('jre_path_i386')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.tcl_cmds = {}
+ self._ls = LsApi(jre_path=self.JRE_PATH)
+ self._ls.tcl(
+ "ls::config ApiOptions -NoReturnSuccessResponseString '{}'".format(
+ self.LS_OK))
+ def execute(self, command):
+ res = self._ls.tcl(command)
+ self.tcl_cmds[command] = res
+ return res