path: root/yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py b/yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py
index 5208a2749..68cf0a521 100644
--- a/yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py
+++ b/yardstick/common/openstack_utils.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
import os
-import time
import sys
import logging
@@ -163,197 +162,185 @@ def get_shade_client():
# *********************************************
# *********************************************
-def get_instances(nova_client):
- try:
- return nova_client.servers.list(search_opts={'all_tenants': 1})
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_instances(nova_client)]")
-def get_instance_status(nova_client, instance): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- return nova_client.servers.get(instance.id).status
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_instance_status(nova_client)]")
-def get_instance_by_name(nova_client, instance_name): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- return nova_client.servers.find(name=instance_name)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_instance_by_name(nova_client, '%s')]",
- instance_name)
-def get_aggregates(nova_client): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- return nova_client.aggregates.list()
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_aggregates(nova_client)]")
+def create_keypair(shade_client, name, public_key=None):
+ """Create a new keypair.
+ :param name: Name of the keypair being created.
+ :param public_key: Public key for the new keypair.
-def get_availability_zones(nova_client): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- return nova_client.availability_zones.list()
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_availability_zones(nova_client)]")
-def get_availability_zone_names(nova_client): # pragma: no cover
+ :return: Created keypair.
+ """
- return [az.zoneName for az in get_availability_zones(nova_client)]
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_availability_zone_names(nova_client)]")
+ return shade_client.create_keypair(name, public_key=public_key)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [create_keypair(shade_client)]. "
+ "Exception message, '%s'", o_exc.orig_message)
-def create_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone): # pragma: no cover
+def create_instance_and_wait_for_active(shade_client, name, image,
+ flavor, auto_ip=True, ips=None,
+ ip_pool=None, root_volume=None,
+ terminate_volume=False, wait=True,
+ timeout=180, reuse_ips=True,
+ network=None, boot_from_volume=False,
+ volume_size='20', boot_volume=None,
+ volumes=None, nat_destination=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ """Create a virtual server instance.
+ :param name:(string) Name of the server.
+ :param image:(dict) Image dict, name or ID to boot with. Image is required
+ unless boot_volume is given.
+ :param flavor:(dict) Flavor dict, name or ID to boot onto.
+ :param auto_ip: Whether to take actions to find a routable IP for
+ the server.
+ :param ips: List of IPs to attach to the server.
+ :param ip_pool:(string) Name of the network or floating IP pool to get an
+ address from.
+ :param root_volume:(string) Name or ID of a volume to boot from.
+ (defaults to None - deprecated, use boot_volume)
+ :param boot_volume:(string) Name or ID of a volume to boot from.
+ :param terminate_volume:(bool) If booting from a volume, whether it should
+ be deleted when the server is destroyed.
+ :param volumes:(optional) A list of volumes to attach to the server.
+ :param wait:(optional) Wait for the address to appear as assigned to the server.
+ :param timeout: Seconds to wait, defaults to 60.
+ :param reuse_ips:(bool)Whether to attempt to reuse pre-existing
+ floating ips should a floating IP be needed.
+ :param network:(dict) Network dict or name or ID to attach the server to.
+ Mutually exclusive with the nics parameter. Can also be be
+ a list of network names or IDs or network dicts.
+ :param boot_from_volume:(bool) Whether to boot from volume. 'boot_volume'
+ implies True, but boot_from_volume=True with
+ no boot_volume is valid and will create a
+ volume from the image and use that.
+ :param volume_size: When booting an image from volume, how big should
+ the created volume be?
+ :param nat_destination: Which network should a created floating IP
+ be attached to, if it's not possible to infer from
+ the cloud's configuration.
+ :param meta:(optional) A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for
+ this server. Both keys and values must be <=255 characters.
+ :param reservation_id: A UUID for the set of servers being requested.
+ :param min_count:(optional extension) The minimum number of servers to
+ launch.
+ :param max_count:(optional extension) The maximum number of servers to
+ launch.
+ :param security_groups: A list of security group names.
+ :param userdata: User data to pass to be exposed by the metadata server
+ this can be a file type object as well or a string.
+ :param key_name:(optional extension) Name of previously created keypair to
+ inject into the instance.
+ :param availability_zone: Name of the availability zone for instance
+ placement.
+ :param block_device_mapping:(optional) A dict of block device mappings for
+ this server.
+ :param block_device_mapping_v2:(optional) A dict of block device mappings
+ for this server.
+ :param nics:(optional extension) An ordered list of nics to be added to
+ this server, with information about connected networks, fixed
+ IPs, port etc.
+ :param scheduler_hints:(optional extension) Arbitrary key-value pairs
+ specified by the client to help boot an instance.
+ :param config_drive:(optional extension) Value for config drive either
+ boolean, or volume-id.
+ :param disk_config:(optional extension) Control how the disk is partitioned
+ when the server is created. Possible values are 'AUTO'
+ or 'MANUAL'.
+ :param admin_pass:(optional extension) Add a user supplied admin password.
+ :returns: The created server.
+ """
- nova_client.aggregates.create(aggregate_name, av_zone)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [create_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)]",
- aggregate_name, av_zone)
- return False
- else:
- return True
+ return shade_client.create_server(
+ name, image, flavor, auto_ip=auto_ip, ips=ips, ip_pool=ip_pool,
+ root_volume=root_volume, terminate_volume=terminate_volume,
+ wait=wait, timeout=timeout, reuse_ips=reuse_ips, network=network,
+ boot_from_volume=boot_from_volume, volume_size=volume_size,
+ boot_volume=boot_volume, volumes=volumes,
+ nat_destination=nat_destination, **kwargs)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [create_instance(shade_client)]. "
+ "Exception message, '%s'", o_exc.orig_message)
-def get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- aggregates = get_aggregates(nova_client)
- _id = next((ag.id for ag in aggregates if ag.name == aggregate_name))
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [get_aggregate_id(nova_client, %s)]",
- aggregate_name)
- else:
- return _id
+def attach_volume_to_server(shade_client, server_name_or_id, volume_name_or_id,
+ device=None, wait=True, timeout=None):
+ """Attach a volume to a server.
+ This will attach a volume, described by the passed in volume
+ dict, to the server described by the passed in server dict on the named
+ device on the server.
-def add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name,
- compute_host): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name)
- nova_client.aggregates.add_host(aggregate_id, compute_host)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)]",
- aggregate_name, compute_host)
- return False
- else:
- return True
+ If the volume is already attached to the server, or generally not
+ available, then an exception is raised. To re-attach to a server,
+ but under a different device, the user must detach it first.
+ :param server_name_or_id:(string) The server name or id to attach to.
+ :param volume_name_or_id:(string) The volume name or id to attach.
+ :param device:(string) The device name where the volume will attach.
+ :param wait:(bool) If true, waits for volume to be attached.
+ :param timeout: Seconds to wait for volume attachment. None is forever.
-def create_aggregate_with_host(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone,
- compute_host): # pragma: no cover
+ :returns: True if attached successful, False otherwise.
+ """
- create_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, av_zone)
- add_host_to_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, compute_host)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [create_aggregate_with_host("
- "nova_client, %s, %s, %s)]",
- aggregate_name, av_zone, compute_host)
- return False
- else:
+ server = shade_client.get_server(name_or_id=server_name_or_id)
+ volume = shade_client.get_volume(volume_name_or_id)
+ shade_client.attach_volume(
+ server, volume, device=device, wait=wait, timeout=timeout)
return True
-def create_keypair(name, key_path=None): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- with open(key_path) as fpubkey:
- keypair = get_nova_client().keypairs.create(
- name=name, public_key=fpubkey.read())
- return keypair
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [create_keypair(nova_client)]")
-def create_instance(json_body): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- return get_nova_client().servers.create(**json_body)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error create instance failed")
- return None
-def create_instance_and_wait_for_active(json_body): # pragma: no cover
- SLEEP = 3
- nova_client = get_nova_client()
- instance = create_instance(json_body)
- for _ in range(int(VM_BOOT_TIMEOUT / SLEEP)):
- status = get_instance_status(nova_client, instance)
- if status.lower() == "active":
- return instance
- elif status.lower() == "error":
- log.error("The instance went to ERROR status.")
- return None
- time.sleep(SLEEP)
- log.error("Timeout booting the instance.")
- return None
-def attach_server_volume(server_id, volume_id,
- device=None): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- get_nova_client().volumes.create_server_volume(server_id,
- volume_id, device)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [attach_server_volume(nova_client, '%s', '%s')]",
- server_id, volume_id)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [attach_volume_to_server(shade_client)]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", o_exc.orig_message)
return False
- else:
- return True
-def delete_instance(nova_client, instance_id): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- nova_client.servers.force_delete(instance_id)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [delete_instance(nova_client, '%s')]",
- instance_id)
- return False
- else:
- return True
+def delete_instance(shade_client, name_or_id, wait=False, timeout=180,
+ delete_ips=False, delete_ip_retry=1):
+ """Delete a server instance.
-def remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name,
- compute_host): # pragma: no cover
+ :param name_or_id: name or ID of the server to delete
+ :param wait:(bool) If true, waits for server to be deleted.
+ :param timeout:(int) Seconds to wait for server deletion.
+ :param delete_ips:(bool) If true, deletes any floating IPs associated with
+ the instance.
+ :param delete_ip_retry:(int) Number of times to retry deleting
+ any floating ips, should the first try be
+ unsuccessful.
+ :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise.
+ """
- aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name)
- nova_client.aggregates.remove_host(aggregate_id, compute_host)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, %s, %s)",
- aggregate_name, compute_host)
+ return shade_client.delete_server(
+ name_or_id, wait=wait, timeout=timeout, delete_ips=delete_ips,
+ delete_ip_retry=delete_ip_retry)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [delete_instance(shade_client, '%s')]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", name_or_id,
+ o_exc.orig_message)
return False
- else:
- return True
-def remove_hosts_from_aggregate(nova_client,
- aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover
- aggregate_id = get_aggregate_id(nova_client, aggregate_name)
- hosts = nova_client.aggregates.get(aggregate_id).hosts
- assert(
- all(remove_host_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name, host)
- for host in hosts))
+def get_server(shade_client, name_or_id=None, filters=None, detailed=False,
+ bare=False):
+ """Get a server by name or ID.
+ :param name_or_id: Name or ID of the server.
+ :param filters:(dict) A dictionary of meta data to use for further
+ filtering.
+ :param detailed:(bool) Whether or not to add detailed additional
+ information.
+ :param bare:(bool) Whether to skip adding any additional information to the
+ server record.
-def delete_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- remove_hosts_from_aggregate(nova_client, aggregate_name)
- nova_client.aggregates.delete(aggregate_name)
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [delete_aggregate(nova_client, %s)]",
- aggregate_name)
- return False
- else:
- return True
-def get_server_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover
+ :returns: A server ``munch.Munch`` or None if no matching server is found.
+ """
- return get_nova_client().servers.list(search_opts={'name': name})[0]
- except IndexError:
- log.exception('Failed to get nova client')
- raise
+ return shade_client.get_server(name_or_id=name_or_id, filters=filters,
+ detailed=detailed, bare=bare)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [get_server(shade_client, '%s')]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", name_or_id, o_exc.orig_message)
def create_flavor(name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
@@ -366,14 +353,6 @@ def create_flavor(name, ram, vcpus, disk, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
return None
-def get_image_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover
- images = get_nova_client().images.list()
- try:
- return next((a for a in images if a.name == name))
- except StopIteration:
- log.exception('No image matched')
def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor_name): # pragma: no cover
flavors = nova_client.flavors.list(detailed=True)
flavor_id = ''
@@ -384,27 +363,22 @@ def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor_name): # pragma: no cover
return flavor_id
-def get_flavor_by_name(name): # pragma: no cover
- flavors = get_nova_client().flavors.list()
- try:
- return next((a for a in flavors if a.name == name))
- except StopIteration:
- log.exception('No flavor matched')
-def check_status(status, name, iterations, interval): # pragma: no cover
- for _ in range(iterations):
- try:
- server = get_server_by_name(name)
- except IndexError:
- log.error('Cannot found %s server', name)
- raise
+def get_flavor(shade_client, name_or_id, filters=None, get_extra=True):
+ """Get a flavor by name or ID.
- if server.status == status:
- return True
+ :param name_or_id: Name or ID of the flavor.
+ :param filters: A dictionary of meta data to use for further filtering.
+ :param get_extra: Whether or not the list_flavors call should get the extra
+ flavor specs.
- time.sleep(interval)
- return False
+ :returns: A flavor ``munch.Munch`` or None if no matching flavor is found.
+ """
+ try:
+ return shade_client.get_flavor(name_or_id, filters=filters,
+ get_extra=get_extra)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [get_flavor(shade_client, '%s')]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", name_or_id, o_exc.orig_message)
def delete_flavor(flavor_id): # pragma: no cover
@@ -417,12 +391,18 @@ def delete_flavor(flavor_id): # pragma: no cover
return True
-def delete_keypair(nova_client, key): # pragma: no cover
+def delete_keypair(shade_client, name):
+ """Delete a keypair.
+ :param name: Name of the keypair to delete.
+ :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise.
+ """
- nova_client.keypairs.delete(key=key)
- return True
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.exception("Error [delete_keypair(nova_client)]")
+ return shade_client.delete_keypair(name)
+ except exc.OpenStackCloudException as o_exc:
+ log.error("Error [delete_neutron_router(shade_client, '%s')]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", name, o_exc.orig_message)
return False
@@ -625,39 +605,6 @@ def delete_floating_ip(shade_client, floating_ip_id, retry=1):
return False
-def get_security_groups(neutron_client): # pragma: no cover
- try:
- security_groups = neutron_client.list_security_groups()[
- 'security_groups']
- return security_groups
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.error("Error [get_security_groups(neutron_client)]")
- return None
-def get_security_group_id(neutron_client, sg_name): # pragma: no cover
- security_groups = get_security_groups(neutron_client)
- id = ''
- for sg in security_groups:
- if sg['name'] == sg_name:
- id = sg['id']
- break
- return id
-def create_security_group(neutron_client, sg_name,
- sg_description): # pragma: no cover
- json_body = {'security_group': {'name': sg_name,
- 'description': sg_description}}
- try:
- secgroup = neutron_client.create_security_group(json_body)
- return secgroup['security_group']
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- log.error("Error [create_security_group(neutron_client, '%s', "
- "'%s')]", sg_name, sg_description)
- return None
def create_security_group_rule(shade_client, secgroup_name_or_id,
port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None,
protocol=None, remote_ip_prefix=None,
@@ -712,42 +659,52 @@ def create_security_group_rule(shade_client, secgroup_name_or_id,
return False
-def create_security_group_full(neutron_client, sg_name,
- sg_description): # pragma: no cover
- sg_id = get_security_group_id(neutron_client, sg_name)
- if sg_id != '':
+def create_security_group_full(shade_client, sg_name,
+ sg_description, project_id=None):
+ security_group = shade_client.get_security_group(sg_name)
+ if security_group:
log.info("Using existing security group '%s'...", sg_name)
- else:
- log.info("Creating security group '%s'...", sg_name)
- SECGROUP = create_security_group(neutron_client,
- sg_name,
- sg_description)
- if not SECGROUP:
- log.error("Failed to create the security group...")
- return None
- sg_id = SECGROUP['id']
- log.debug("Security group '%s' with ID=%s created successfully.",
- SECGROUP['name'], sg_id)
- log.debug("Adding ICMP rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name)
- if not create_security_group_rule(neutron_client, sg_id,
- 'ingress', 'icmp'):
- log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return None
- log.debug("Adding SSH rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name)
- if not create_security_group_rule(
- neutron_client, sg_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', '22', '22'):
- log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return None
- if not create_security_group_rule(
- neutron_client, sg_id, 'egress', 'tcp', '22', '22'):
- log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return None
- return sg_id
+ return security_group['id']
+ log.info("Creating security group '%s'...", sg_name)
+ try:
+ security_group = shade_client.create_security_group(
+ sg_name, sg_description, project_id=project_id)
+ except (exc.OpenStackCloudException,
+ exc.OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature) as op_exc:
+ log.error("Error [create_security_group(shade_client, %s, %s)]. "
+ "Exception message: %s", sg_name, sg_description,
+ op_exc.orig_message)
+ return
+ log.debug("Security group '%s' with ID=%s created successfully.",
+ security_group['name'], security_group['id'])
+ log.debug("Adding ICMP rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name)
+ if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'],
+ direction='ingress', protocol='icmp'):
+ log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
+ shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name)
+ return
+ log.debug("Adding SSH rules in security group '%s'...", sg_name)
+ if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'],
+ direction='ingress', protocol='tcp',
+ port_range_min='22',
+ port_range_max='22'):
+ log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
+ shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name)
+ return
+ if not create_security_group_rule(shade_client, security_group['id'],
+ direction='egress', protocol='tcp',
+ port_range_min='22',
+ port_range_max='22'):
+ log.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
+ shade_client.delete_security_group(sg_name)
+ return
+ return security_group['id']
# *********************************************