path: root/yardstick/benchmark/scenarios
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Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/benchmark/scenarios')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/compute/cpuload.py b/yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/compute/cpuload.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b458ff64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/compute/cpuload.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+"""Processor statistics and system load."""
+import logging
+import time
+import re
+import yardstick.ssh as ssh
+from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CPULoad(base.Scenario):
+ """Collect processor statistics and system load.
+ This scenario reads system load averages and
+ CPU usage statistics on a Linux host.
+ CPU usage statistics are read using the utility 'mpstat'.
+ If 'mpstat' is not installed on the host usage statistics
+ are instead read directly from '/proc/stat'.
+ Load averages are read from the file '/proc/loadavg'
+ on the Linux host.
+ Parameters
+ interval - Time interval to measure CPU usage. A value of 0
+ indicates that processors statistics are to be
+ reported for the time since system startup (boot)
+ type: [int]
+ unit: seconds
+ default: 0
+ """
+ __scenario_type__ = "CPUload"
+ def __init__(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg):
+ """Scenario construction."""
+ self.scenario_cfg = scenario_cfg
+ self.context_cfg = context_cfg
+ self.setup_done = False
+ self.has_mpstat = False
+ def setup(self):
+ """Scenario setup."""
+ host = self.context_cfg['host']
+ user = host.get('user', 'ubuntu')
+ ip = host.get('ip', None)
+ key_filename = host.get('key_filename', '~/.ssh/id_rsa')
+ LOG.info("user:%s, host:%s", user, ip)
+ self.client = ssh.SSH(user, ip, key_filename=key_filename)
+ self.client.wait(timeout=600)
+ # Check if mpstat prog is installed
+ status, _, _ = self.client.execute("mpstat -V >/dev/null 2>&1")
+ if status != 0:
+ LOG.info("MPSTAT is NOT installed")
+ self.has_mpstat = False
+ else:
+ LOG.info("MPSTAT is installed")
+ self.has_mpstat = True
+ if 'options' in self.scenario_cfg:
+ self.interval = self.scenario_cfg['options'].get("interval", 0)
+ else:
+ self.interval = 0
+ self.setup_done = True
+ def _execute_command(self, cmd):
+ """Execute a command on server."""
+ LOG.info("Executing: %s" % cmd)
+ status, stdout, stderr = self.client.execute(cmd)
+ if status != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed executing command: ",
+ cmd, stderr)
+ return stdout
+ def _get_loadavg(self):
+ """Get system load."""
+ return {'loadavg': self._execute_command("cat /proc/loadavg").split()}
+ def _get_cpu_usage_mpstat(self):
+ """Get processor usage using mpstat."""
+ if self.interval > 0:
+ cmd = "mpstat -P ON %s 1" % self.interval
+ else:
+ cmd = "mpstat -P ON"
+ result = self._execute_command(cmd)
+ fields = []
+ mpstat = {}
+ time_marker = re.compile("^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$")
+ ampm_marker = re.compile("(AM|PM)$")
+ # Parse CPU stats
+ for row in result.split('\n'):
+ line = row.split()
+ if line and re.match(time_marker, line[0]):
+ if re.match(ampm_marker, line[1]):
+ del line[:2]
+ else:
+ del line[:1]
+ if line[0] == 'CPU':
+ # header fields
+ fields = line[1:]
+ if len(fields) != CPULoad.MPSTAT_FIELD_SIZE:
+ raise RuntimeError("mpstat: unexpected field size",
+ fields)
+ else:
+ # value fields
+ cpu = 'cpu' if line[0] == 'all' else 'cpu' + line[0]
+ values = line[1:]
+ if values and len(values) == len(fields):
+ mpstat[cpu] = dict(zip(fields, values))
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("mpstat: parse error", fields, line)
+ return {'mpstat': mpstat}
+ def _get_cpu_usage(self):
+ """Get processor usage from /proc/stat."""
+ fields = ['%usr', '%nice', '%sys', '%idle', '%iowait',
+ '%irq', '%soft', '%steal', '%guest', '%gnice']
+ cmd = "grep '^cpu[0-9 ].' /proc/stat"
+ if self.interval > 0:
+ previous = self._execute_command(cmd).splitlines()
+ time.sleep(self.interval)
+ current = self._execute_command(cmd).splitlines()
+ else:
+ current = self._execute_command(cmd).splitlines()
+ previous = current
+ mpstat = {}
+ for (prev, cur) in zip(previous, current):
+ # Split string to list tokens
+ cur_list = cur.split()
+ prev_list = prev.split()
+ cpu = cur_list[0]
+ cur_stats = map(int, cur_list[1:])
+ if self.interval > 0:
+ prev_stats = map(int, prev_list[1:])
+ else:
+ prev_stats = [0] * len(cur_stats)
+ # NB: Don't add 'guest' and 'gnice' as they
+ # are already included in 'usr' and 'nice'.
+ uptime_prev = sum(prev_stats[0:8])
+ uptime_cur = sum(cur_stats[0:8])
+ # Remove 'guest' and 'gnice' from 'usr' and 'nice'
+ prev_stats[0] -= prev_stats[8]
+ prev_stats[1] -= prev_stats[9]
+ cur_stats[0] -= cur_stats[8]
+ cur_stats[1] -= cur_stats[9]
+ # number of samples (jiffies) in the interval
+ samples = (uptime_cur - uptime_prev) or 1
+ def _percent(x, y):
+ if x < y:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ return "%.2f" % (100.0 * (x - y) / samples)
+ load = map(_percent, cur_stats, prev_stats)
+ mpstat[cpu] = dict(zip(fields, load))
+ return {'mpstat': mpstat}
+ def run(self, result):
+ """Read processor statistics."""
+ if not self.setup_done:
+ self.setup()
+ result.update(self._get_loadavg())
+ if self.has_mpstat:
+ result.update(self._get_cpu_usage_mpstat())
+ else:
+ result.update(self._get_cpu_usage())
+ # Note: No SLA as this scenario is only collecting statistics
+# def _test():
+# """internal test function."""
+# import pkg_resources
+# key_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('yardstick.resources',
+# 'files/yardstick_key')
+# ctx = {
+# 'host': {
+# 'ip': '',
+# 'user': 'ec2-user',
+# 'key_filename': key_filename
+# }
+# }
+# logger = logging.getLogger('yardstick')
+# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+# args = {}
+# result = {}
+# p = CPULoad(args, ctx)
+# p.run(result)
+# import json
+# print json.dumps(result)
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+# _test()