path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
8 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/context/__init__.py b/tests/unit/benchmark/context/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/context/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/context/test_model.py b/tests/unit/benchmark/context/test_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf0a605f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/context/test_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unittest for yardstick.benchmark.context.model
+import mock
+import unittest
+from yardstick.benchmark.context import model
+class ObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ def test_construct(self):
+ test_object = model.Object('foo', self.mock_context)
+ self.assertEqual(test_object.name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_object._context, self.mock_context)
+ self.assertIsNone(test_object.stack_name)
+ self.assertIsNone(test_object.stack_id)
+ def test_dn(self):
+ self.mock_context.name = 'bar'
+ test_object = model.Object('foo', self.mock_context)
+ self.assertEqual('foo.bar', test_object.dn)
+class PlacementGroupTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.mock_context.name = 'bar'
+ def tearDown(self):
+ model.PlacementGroup.map = {}
+ def test_sucessful_construct(self):
+ test_pg = model.PlacementGroup('foo', self.mock_context, 'affinity')
+ self.assertEqual(test_pg.name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_pg.members, set())
+ self.assertEqual(test_pg.stack_name, 'bar-foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_pg.policy, 'affinity')
+ test_map = {'foo': test_pg}
+ self.assertEqual(model.PlacementGroup.map, test_map)
+ def test_wrong_policy_in_construct(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, model.PlacementGroup, 'foo',
+ self.mock_context, 'baz')
+ def test_add_member(self):
+ test_pg = model.PlacementGroup('foo', self.mock_context, 'affinity')
+ test_pg.add_member('foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_pg.members, set(['foo']))
+ def test_get_name_successful(self):
+ model.PlacementGroup.map = {'foo': True}
+ self.assertTrue(model.PlacementGroup.get('foo'))
+ def test_get_name_unsuccessful(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(model.PlacementGroup.get('foo'))
+class RouterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_construct(self):
+ mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ mock_context.name = 'baz'
+ test_router = model.Router('foo', 'bar', mock_context, 'qux')
+ self.assertEqual(test_router.stack_name, 'baz-bar-foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_router.stack_if_name, 'baz-bar-foo-if0')
+ self.assertEqual(test_router.external_gateway_info, 'qux')
+class NetworkTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.mock_context.name = 'bar'
+ def tearDown(self):
+ model.Network.list = []
+ def test_construct_no_external_network(self):
+ attrs = {'cidr': ''}
+ test_network = model.Network('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.stack_name, 'bar-foo')
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.subnet_stack_name, 'bar-foo-subnet')
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.subnet_cidr, attrs['cidr'])
+ self.assertIsNone(test_network.router)
+ self.assertIn(test_network, model.Network.list)
+ def test_construct_has_external_network(self):
+ attrs = {'external_network': 'ext_net'}
+ test_network = model.Network('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ exp_router = model.Router('router', 'foo', self.mock_context, 'ext_net')
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.router.stack_name, exp_router.stack_name)
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.router.stack_if_name,
+ exp_router.stack_if_name)
+ self.assertEqual(test_network.router.external_gateway_info,
+ exp_router.external_gateway_info)
+ def test_has_route_to(self):
+ attrs = {'external_network': 'ext_net'}
+ test_network = model.Network('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ self.assertTrue(test_network.has_route_to('ext_net'))
+ def test_has_no_route_to(self):
+ attrs = {}
+ test_network = model.Network('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ self.assertFalse(test_network.has_route_to('ext_net'))
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.Network.has_route_to')
+ def test_find_by_route_to(self, mock_has_route_to):
+ mock_network = mock.Mock()
+ model.Network.list = [mock_network]
+ mock_has_route_to.return_value = True
+ self.assertIs(mock_network, model.Network.find_by_route_to('foo'))
+ def test_find_external_network(self):
+ mock_network = mock.Mock()
+ mock_network.router = mock.Mock()
+ mock_network.router.external_gateway_info = 'ext_net'
+ model.Network.list = [mock_network]
+ self.assertEqual(model.Network.find_external_network(), 'ext_net')
+class ServerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ self.mock_context.name = 'bar'
+ self.mock_context.keypair_name = 'some-keys'
+ self.mock_context.secgroup_name = 'some-secgroup'
+ def test_construct_defaults(self):
+ attrs = None
+ test_server = model.Server('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ self.assertEqual(test_server.stack_name, 'foo.bar')
+ self.assertEqual(test_server.keypair_name, 'some-keys')
+ self.assertEqual(test_server.secgroup_name, 'some-secgroup')
+ self.assertEqual(test_server.placement_groups, [])
+ self.assertEqual(test_server.instances, 1)
+ self.assertIsNone(test_server.floating_ip)
+ self.assertIsNone(test_server._image)
+ self.assertIsNone(test_server._flavor)
+ self.assertIn(test_server, model.Server.list)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.PlacementGroup')
+ def test_construct_get_wrong_placement_group(self, mock_pg):
+ attrs = {'placement': 'baz'}
+ mock_pg.get.return_value = None
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, model.Server, 'foo',
+ self.mock_context, attrs)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.HeatTemplate')
+ def test__add_instance(self, mock_template):
+ attrs = {'image': 'some-image', 'flavor': 'some-flavor'}
+ test_server = model.Server('foo', self.mock_context, attrs)
+ mock_network = mock.Mock()
+ mock_network.name = 'some-network'
+ mock_network.stack_name = 'some-network-stack'
+ mock_network.subnet_stack_name = 'some-network-stack-subnet'
+ test_server._add_instance(mock_template, 'some-server',
+ [mock_network], 'hints')
+ mock_template.add_port.assert_called_with(
+ 'some-server-some-network-port',
+ mock_network.stack_name,
+ mock_network.subnet_stack_name,
+ sec_group_id=self.mock_context.secgroup_name)
+ mock_template.add_server.assert_called_with(
+ 'some-server', 'some-image', 'some-flavor',
+ ports=['some-server-some-network-port'],
+ key_name=self.mock_context.keypair_name,
+ scheduler_hints='hints')
+class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.test_context = model.Context()
+ self.mock_context = mock.Mock()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ model.Context.list = []
+ def test_construct(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.name)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.stack)
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context.networks, [])
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context.servers, [])
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context.placement_groups, [])
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.keypair_name)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.secgroup_name)
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context._server_map, {})
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context._image)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context._flavor)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context._user)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.template_file)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.test_context.heat_parameters)
+ self.assertIn(self.test_context, model.Context.list)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.PlacementGroup')
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.Network')
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.Server')
+ def test_init(self, mock_server, mock_network, mock_pg):
+ pgs = {'pgrp1': {'policy': 'availability'}}
+ networks = {'bar': {'cidr': ''}}
+ servers = {'baz': {'floating_ip': True, 'placement': 'pgrp1'}}
+ attrs = {'name': 'foo',
+ 'placement_groups': pgs,
+ 'networks': networks,
+ 'servers': servers}
+ self.test_context.init(attrs)
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context.keypair_name, "foo-key")
+ self.assertEqual(self.test_context.secgroup_name, "foo-secgroup")
+ mock_pg.assert_called_with('pgrp1', self.test_context,
+ pgs['pgrp1']['policy'])
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.test_context.placement_groups) == 1)
+ mock_network.assert_called_with(
+ 'bar', self.test_context, networks['bar'])
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.test_context.networks) == 1)
+ mock_server.assert_called_with('baz', self.test_context, servers['baz'])
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.test_context.servers) == 1)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.HeatTemplate')
+ def test__add_resources_to_template_no_servers(self, mock_template):
+ self.test_context.keypair_name = "foo-key"
+ self.test_context.secgroup_name = "foo-secgroup"
+ self.test_context._add_resources_to_template(mock_template)
+ mock_template.add_keypair.assert_called_with("foo-key")
+ mock_template.add_security_group.assert_called_with("foo-secgroup")
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.HeatTemplate')
+ def test_deploy(self, mock_template):
+ self.test_context.name = 'foo'
+ self.test_context.template_file = '/bar/baz/some-heat-file'
+ self.test_context.heat_parameters = {'image': 'cirros'}
+ self.test_context.deploy()
+ mock_template.assert_called_with(self.test_context.name,
+ self.test_context.template_file,
+ self.test_context.heat_parameters)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.test_context.stack)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.HeatTemplate')
+ def test_undeploy(self, mock_template):
+ self.test_context.stack = mock_template
+ self.test_context.undeploy()
+ self.assertTrue(mock_template.delete.called)
+ def test_get_server_by_name(self):
+ self.mock_context._server_map = {'foo.bar': True}
+ model.Context.list = [self.mock_context]
+ self.assertTrue(model.Context.get_server_by_name('foo.bar'))
+ def test_get_server_by_wrong_name(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, model.Context.get_server_by_name, 'foo')
+ def test_get_context_by_name(self):
+ self.mock_context.name = 'foo'
+ model.Context.list = [self.mock_context]
+ self.assertIs(model.Context.get_context_by_name('foo'),
+ self.mock_context)
+ def test_get_unknown_context_by_name(self):
+ model.Context.list = []
+ self.assertIsNone(model.Context.get_context_by_name('foo'))
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.benchmark.context.model.Server')
+ def test_get_server(self, mock_server):
+ self.mock_context.name = 'bar'
+ self.mock_context.stack.outputs = {'public_ip': '',
+ 'private_ip': ''}
+ model.Context.list = [self.mock_context]
+ attr_name = {'name': 'foo.bar',
+ 'public_ip_attr': 'public_ip',
+ 'private_ip_attr': 'private_ip'}
+ result = model.Context.get_server(attr_name)
+ self.assertEqual(result.public_ip, '')
+ self.assertEqual(result.private_ip, '')
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/iperf3_sample_output.json b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/iperf3_sample_output.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b56009ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/iperf3_sample_output.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"start": {"connecting_to": {"host": "", "port": 5201}, "timestamp": {"timesecs": 1436254758, "time": "Tue, 07 Jul 2015 07:39:18 GMT"}, "test_start": {"protocol": "TCP", "num_streams": 1, "omit": 0, "bytes": 0, "blksize": 131072, "duration": 10, "blocks": 0, "reverse": 0}, "system_info": "Linux client 3.13.0-55-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 00:27:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n", "version": "iperf 3.0.7", "connected": [{"local_host": "", "local_port": 37633, "remote_host": "", "socket": 4, "remote_port": 5201}], "cookie": "client.1436254758.606879.1fb328dc230", "tcp_mss_default": 1448}, "intervals": [{"sum": {"end": 1.00068, "seconds": 1.00068, "bytes": 16996624, "bits_per_second": 135881000.0, "start": 0, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 1.00068, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00068, "bytes": 16996624, "bits_per_second": 135881000.0, "start": 0, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 451776}]}, {"sum": {"end": 2.00048, "seconds": 0.999804, "bytes": 20010192, "bits_per_second": 160113000.0, "start": 1.00068, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 2.00048, "socket": 4, "seconds": 0.999804, "bytes": 20010192, "bits_per_second": 160113000.0, "start": 1.00068, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 713864}]}, {"sum": {"end": 3.00083, "seconds": 1.00035, "bytes": 18330464, "bits_per_second": 146592000.0, "start": 2.00048, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 3.00083, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00035, "bytes": 18330464, "bits_per_second": 146592000.0, "start": 2.00048, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 768888}]}, {"sum": {"end": 4.00707, "seconds": 1.00624, "bytes": 19658376, "bits_per_second": 156292000.0, "start": 3.00083, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 4.00707, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00624, "bytes": 19658376, "bits_per_second": 156292000.0, "start": 3.00083, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 812328}]}, {"sum": {"end": 5.00104, "seconds": 0.993972, "bytes": 15709072, "bits_per_second": 126435000.0, "start": 4.00707, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 5.00104, "socket": 4, "seconds": 0.993972, "bytes": 15709072, "bits_per_second": 126435000.0, "start": 4.00707, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 849976}]}, {"sum": {"end": 6.00049, "seconds": 0.999443, "bytes": 19616288, "bits_per_second": 157018000.0, "start": 5.00104, "retransmits": 53, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 6.00049, "socket": 4, "seconds": 0.999443, "bytes": 19616288, "bits_per_second": 157018000.0, "start": 5.00104, "retransmits": 53, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 641464}]}, {"sum": {"end": 7.00085, "seconds": 1.00036, "bytes": 22250480, "bits_per_second": 177939000.0, "start": 6.00049, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 7.00085, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00036, "bytes": 22250480, "bits_per_second": 177939000.0, "start": 6.00049, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 706624}]}, {"sum": {"end": 8.00476, "seconds": 1.00391, "bytes": 22282240, "bits_per_second": 177564000.0, "start": 7.00085, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 8.00476, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00391, "bytes": 22282240, "bits_per_second": 177564000.0, "start": 7.00085, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 761648}]}, {"sum": {"end": 9.0016, "seconds": 0.996847, "bytes": 19657680, "bits_per_second": 157759000.0, "start": 8.00476, "retransmits": 28, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 9.0016, "socket": 4, "seconds": 0.996847, "bytes": 19657680, "bits_per_second": 157759000.0, "start": 8.00476, "retransmits": 28, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 570512}]}, {"sum": {"end": 10.0112, "seconds": 1.00955, "bytes": 20932520, "bits_per_second": 165876000.0, "start": 9.0016, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false}, "streams": [{"end": 10.0112, "socket": 4, "seconds": 1.00955, "bytes": 20932520, "bits_per_second": 165876000.0, "start": 9.0016, "retransmits": 0, "omitted": false, "snd_cwnd": 615400}]}], "end": {"sum_received": {"seconds": 10.0112, "start": 0, "end": 10.0112, "bytes": 193366712, "bits_per_second": 154521000.0}, "streams": [{"sender": {"end": 10.0112, "socket": 4, "seconds": 10.0112, "bytes": 195443936, "bits_per_second": 156181000.0, "start": 0, "retransmits": 81}, "receiver": {"end": 10.0112, "socket": 4, "seconds": 10.0112, "bytes": 193366712, "bits_per_second": 154521000.0, "start": 0}}], "sum_sent": {"end": 10.0112, "seconds": 10.0112, "bytes": 195443936, "bits_per_second": 156181000.0, "start": 0, "retransmits": 81}, "cpu_utilization_percent": {"remote_user": 1.10295, "remote_system": 40.0403, "host_user": 2.41785, "remote_total": 41.1438, "host_system": 5.09548, "host_total": 7.51411}}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/test_iperf3.py b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/test_iperf3.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..239e46a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/networking/test_iperf3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unittest for yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.networking.iperf3.Iperf
+import mock
+import unittest
+import os
+import json
+from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.networking import iperf3
+class IperfTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.ctx = {
+ 'host': '',
+ 'target': '',
+ 'user': 'cirros',
+ 'key_filename': "mykey.key"
+ }
+ def test_iperf_successful_setup(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.setup()
+ self.assertIsNotNone(p.target)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(p.host)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.assert_called_with("iperf3 -s -D")
+ def test_iperf_unsuccessful_setup(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (1, '', 'FOOBAR')
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p.setup)
+ def test_iperf_successful_teardown(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.host = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ p.target = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ p.teardown()
+ self.assertTrue(mock_ssh.SSH().close.called)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.assert_called_with("pkill iperf3")
+ def test_iperf_successful_no_sla(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.host = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ options = {}
+ args = {'options': options}
+ sample_output = self._read_sample_output()
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, sample_output, '')
+ expected_result = json.loads(sample_output)
+ result = p.run(args)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
+ def test_iperf_successful_sla(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.host = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ options = {}
+ args = {
+ 'options': options,
+ 'sla': {'bytes_per_second': 15000000}
+ }
+ sample_output = self._read_sample_output()
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, sample_output, '')
+ expected_result = json.loads(sample_output)
+ result = p.run(args)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
+ def test_iperf_unsuccessful_sla(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.host = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ options = {}
+ args = {
+ 'options': options,
+ 'sla': {'bytes_per_second': 25000000}
+ }
+ sample_output = self._read_sample_output()
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, sample_output, '')
+ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, p.run, args)
+ def test_iperf_unsuccessful_script_error(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = iperf3.Iperf(self.ctx)
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ p.host = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ options = {}
+ args = {'options': options}
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (1, '', 'FOOBAR')
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p.run, args)
+ def _read_sample_output(self):
+ curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ output = os.path.join(curr_path, 'iperf3_sample_output.json')
+ with open(output) as f:
+ sample_output = f.read()
+ return sample_output
+def main():
+ unittest.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/__init__.py b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/test_fio.py b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/test_fio.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54f493ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/benchmark/scenarios/storage/test_fio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unittest for yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.storage.fio.Fio
+import mock
+import unittest
+import json
+from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios.storage import fio
+class FioTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.ctx = {
+ 'host': '',
+ 'user': 'cirros',
+ 'key_filename': "mykey.key"
+ }
+ def test_fio_successful_setup(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = fio.Fio(self.ctx)
+ options = {
+ 'filename': "/home/ec2-user/data.raw",
+ 'bs': "4k",
+ 'rw': "write",
+ 'ramp_time': 10
+ }
+ args = {'options': options}
+ p.setup()
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, '', '')
+ self.assertIsNotNone(p.client)
+ self.assertEqual(p.setup_done, True)
+ def test_fio_successful_no_sla(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = fio.Fio(self.ctx)
+ options = {
+ 'filename': "/home/ec2-user/data.raw",
+ 'bs': "4k",
+ 'rw': "write",
+ 'ramp_time': 10
+ }
+ args = {'options': options}
+ p.client = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ sample_output = '{"read_bw": "N/A", "write_lat": "407.08usec", \
+ "read_iops": "N/A", "write_bw": "9507KB/s", \
+ "write_iops": "2376", "read_lat": "N/A"}'
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (0, sample_output, '')
+ result = p.run(args)
+ expected_result = json.loads(sample_output)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
+ def test_fio_unsuccessful_script_error(self, mock_ssh):
+ p = fio.Fio(self.ctx)
+ options = {
+ 'filename': "/home/ec2-user/data.raw",
+ 'bs': "4k",
+ 'rw': "write",
+ 'ramp_time': 10
+ }
+ args = {'options': options}
+ p.client = mock_ssh.SSH()
+ mock_ssh.SSH().execute.return_value = (1, '', 'FOOBAR')
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p.run, args)
+def main():
+ unittest.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/tests/unit/common/test_utils.py b/tests/unit/common/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..002d0494c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/common/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unittest for yardstick.common.utils
+import os
+import mock
+import unittest
+from yardstick.common import utils
+class IterSubclassesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+# Disclaimer: this class is a modified copy from
+# rally/tests/unit/common/plugin/test_discover.py
+# Copyright 2015: Mirantis Inc.
+ def test_itersubclasses(self):
+ class A(object):
+ pass
+ class B(A):
+ pass
+ class C(A):
+ pass
+ class D(C):
+ pass
+ self.assertEqual([B, C, D], list(utils.itersubclasses(A)))
+class TryAppendModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.importutils')
+ def test_try_append_module_not_in_modules(self, mock_importutils):
+ modules = {}
+ name = 'foo'
+ utils.try_append_module(name, modules)
+ mock_importutils.import_module.assert_called_with(name)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.importutils')
+ def test_try_append_module_already_in_modules(self, mock_importutils):
+ modules = {'foo'}
+ name = 'foo'
+ utils.try_append_module(name, modules)
+ self.assertFalse(mock_importutils.import_module.called)
+class ImportModulesFromPackageTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.os.walk')
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.try_append_module')
+ def test_import_modules_from_package_no_mod(self, mock_append, mock_walk):
+ sep = os.sep
+ mock_walk.return_value = ([
+ ('..' + sep + 'foo', ['bar'], ['__init__.py']),
+ ('..' + sep + 'foo' + sep + 'bar', [], ['baz.txt', 'qux.rst'])
+ ])
+ utils.import_modules_from_package('foo.bar')
+ self.assertFalse(mock_append.called)
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.os.walk')
+ @mock.patch('yardstick.common.utils.importutils')
+ def test_import_modules_from_package(self, mock_importutils, mock_walk):
+ sep = os.sep
+ mock_walk.return_value = ([
+ ('foo' + sep + '..' + sep + 'bar', [], ['baz.py'])
+ ])
+ utils.import_modules_from_package('foo.bar')
+ mock_importutils.import_module.assert_called_with('bar.baz')
+def main():
+ unittest.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()