path: root/docs/testing/developer
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2 files changed, 146 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide.rst b/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide.rst
index 91f2c2148..76ed7c651 100755
--- a/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide.rst
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ your field of interest is.
Where can I find some help to start?
-.. _`user guide`: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/yardstick/danube/1.0/docs/stesting_user_userguide/index.html
+.. _`user guide`: https://artifacts.opnfv.org/yardstick/docs/testing_user_userguide/index.html
.. _`wiki page`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/
This guide is made for you. You can have a look at the `user guide`_.
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ Gerrit & JIRA introduction
.. _Gerrit: https://www.gerritcodereview.com/
-.. _`OPNFV Gerrit`: http://gerrit.opnfv.org/
+.. _`OPNFV Gerrit`: http://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit
.. _link: https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/
.. _JIRA: https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa
@@ -449,6 +449,10 @@ Verify your patch::
It is used in CI but also by the CLI.
+For more details on ``tox`` and tests, please refer to the `Running tests`_
+and `working with tox`_ sections below, which describe the different available
Submit the code with Git
@@ -481,7 +485,7 @@ Git repository::
-.. _`this document`: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
+.. _`this document`: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
The message that is required for the commit should follow a specific set of
rules. This practice allows to standardize the description messages attached
@@ -506,8 +510,8 @@ Yardstick committers and contributors to review your codes.
:alt: Gerrit for code review
You can find a list Yardstick people
-`here <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/People>`_, or use the
-``yardstick-reviewers`` and ``yardstick-committers`` groups in gerrit.
+`here <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/Yardstick+People>`_, or use
+the ``yardstick-reviewers`` and ``yardstick-committers`` groups in gerrit.
Modify the code under review in Gerrit
@@ -566,6 +570,142 @@ The process for backporting is as follows:
A backported change needs a ``+1`` and a ``+2`` from a committer who didn’t
propose the change (i.e. minimum 3 people involved).
+Development guidelines
+This section provides guidelines and best practices for feature development
+and bug fixing in Yardstick.
+In general, bug fixes should be submitted as a single patch.
+When developing larger features, all commits on the local topic branch can be
+submitted together, by running ``git review`` on the tip of the branch. This
+creates a chain of related patches in gerrit.
+Each commit should contain one logical change and the author should aim for no
+more than 300 lines of code per commit. This helps to make the changes easier
+to review.
+Each feature should have the following:
+* Feature/bug fix code
+* Unit tests (both positive and negative)
+* Functional tests (optional)
+* Sample testcases (if applicable)
+* Documentation
+* Update to release notes
+Coding style
+.. _`OpenStack Style Guidelines`: https://docs.openstack.org/hacking/latest/user/hacking.html
+.. _`OPNFV coding guidelines`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Contribution+Guidelines
+Please follow the `OpenStack Style Guidelines`_ for code contributions (the
+section on Internationalization (i18n) Strings is not applicable).
+When writing commit message, the `OPNFV coding guidelines`_ on git commit
+message style should also be used.
+Running tests
+Once your patch has been submitted, a number of tests will be run by Jenkins
+CI to verify the patch. Before submitting your patch, you should run these
+tests locally. You can do this using ``tox``, which has a number of different
+test environments defined in ``tox.ini``.
+Calling ``tox`` without any additional arguments runs the default set of
+tests (unit tests, functional tests, coverage and pylint).
+If some tests are failing, you can save time and select test environments
+individually, by passing one or more of the following command-line options to
+* ``-e py27``: Unit tests using Python 2.7
+* ``-e py3``: Unit tests using Python 3
+* ``-e pep8``: Linter and style checks on updated files
+* ``-e functional``: Functional tests using Python 2.7
+* ``-e functional-py3``: Functional tests using Python 3
+* ``-e coverage``: Code coverage checks
+.. note:: You need to stage your changes prior to running coverage for those
+ changes to be checked.
+In addition to the tests run by Jenkins (listed above), there are a number of
+other test environments defined.
+* ``-e pep8-full``: Linter and style checks are run on the whole repo (not
+ just on updated files)
+* ``-e os-requirements``: Check that the requirements are compatible with
+ OpenStack requirements.
+Working with tox
+.. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/
+``tox`` uses `virtualenv`_ to create isolated Python environments to run the
+tests in. The test environments are located at
+``.tox/<environment_name>`` e.g. ``.tox/py27``.
+If requirements are changed, you will need to recreate the tox test
+environment to make sure the new requirements are installed. This is done by
+passing the additional ``-r`` command-line option to ``tox``::
+ tox -r -e ...
+This can also be achieved by deleting the test environments manually before
+running ``tox``::
+ rm -rf .tox/<environment_name>
+ rm -rf .tox/py27
+Writing unit tests
+For each change submitted, a set of unit tests should be submitted, which
+should include both positive and negative testing.
+In order to help identify which tests are needed, follow the guidelines below.
+* In general, there should be a separate test for each branching point, return
+ value and input set.
+* Negative tests should be written to make sure exceptions are raised and/or
+ handled appropriately.
+The following convention should be used for naming tests::
+ test_<method_name>_<some_comment>
+The comment gives more information on the nature of the test, the side effect
+being checked, or the parameter being modified::
+ test_my_method_runtime_error
+ test_my_method_invalid_credentials
+ test_my_method_param1_none
+The ``mock`` library is used for unit testing to stub out external libraries.
+The following conventions are used in Yardstick:
+* Use ``mock.patch.object`` instead of ``mock.patch``.
+* When naming mocked classes/functions, use ``mock_<class_and_function_name>``
+ e.g. ``mock_subprocess_call``
+* Avoid decorating classes with mocks. Apply the mocking in ``setUp()``::
+ @mock.patch.object(ssh, 'SSH')
+ class MyClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ should be::
+ class MyClassTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._mock_ssh = mock.patch.object(ssh, 'SSH')
+ self.mock_ssh = self._mock_ssh.start()
+ self.addCleanup(self._stop_mocks)
+ def _stop_mocks(self):
+ self._mock_ssh.stop()
diff --git a/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide_nsb_prox.rst b/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide_nsb_prox.rst
index 79990055a..582668bc5 100755
--- a/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide_nsb_prox.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/developer/devguide/devguide_nsb_prox.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Prerequisites
In order to integrate PROX tests into NSB, the following prerequisites are required.
-.. _`dpdk wiki page`: http://dpdk.org/
+.. _`dpdk wiki page`: https://www.dpdk.org/
.. _`yardstick wiki page`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/
.. _`Prox documentation`: https://01.org/intel-data-plane-performance-demonstrators/documentation/prox-documentation
.. _`openstack wiki page`: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page