path: root/tools/pkt_gen/xena/profiles
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pkt_gen/xena/profiles')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pkt_gen/xena/profiles/baseconfig.x2544 b/tools/pkt_gen/xena/profiles/baseconfig.x2544
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0612b329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pkt_gen/xena/profiles/baseconfig.x2544
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ "copyright": [
+ "# Copyright 2015-2016 Xena Networks.",
+ "#",
+ "# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');",
+ "# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.",
+ "# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n",
+ "#",
+ "# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0",
+ "#",
+ "# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software",
+ "# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,",
+ "# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.",
+ "# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n",
+ "# limitations under the License."
+ ],
+ "PortHandler": {
+ "EntityList": [
+ {
+ "PortRef": {
+ "ChassisId": "4605b3c9-70cc-42d9-9d8c-16c34989a4c1",
+ "ModuleIndex": 3,
+ "PortIndex": 0
+ },
+ "PortGroup": "UNDEFINED",
+ "PairPeerRef": null,
+ "PairPeerId": "",
+ "MulticastRole": "Undefined",
+ "PortSpeed": "AUTO",
+ "InterFrameGap": 20,
+ "PauseModeOn": false,
+ "AutoNegEnabled": true,
+ "AdjustPpm": 0,
+ "LatencyOffset": 0,
+ "MdiMdixMode": "AUTO",
+ "EnableFec": true,
+ "ReplyArpRequests": true,
+ "ReplyPingRequests": true,
+ "IpV4Address": "",
+ "IpV4RoutingPrefix": 24,
+ "IpV4Gateway": "",
+ "IpV6Address": "::",
+ "IpV6RoutingPrefix": 64,
+ "IpV6Gateway": "::",
+ "IpGatewayMacAddress": "AAAAAAAA",
+ "PublicIpAddress": "",
+ "PublicIpRoutingPrefix": 24,
+ "PublicIpAddressV6": "",
+ "PublicIpRoutingPrefixV6": 64,
+ "RemoteLoopIpAddress": "",
+ "RemoteLoopIpAddressV6": "",
+ "RemoteLoopMacAddress": "AAAAAAAA",
+ "EnablePortRateCap": false,
+ "PortRateCapValue": 1000.0,
+ "PortRateCapProfile": "Physical Port Rate",
+ "PortRateCapUnit": "Mbps",
+ "MultiStreamMap": null,
+ "ItemID": "4faf0f0c-2fc6-44a7-87ea-5f47b02d4c1a",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "PortRef": {
+ "ChassisId": "4605b3c9-70cc-42d9-9d8c-16c34989a4c1",
+ "ModuleIndex": 3,
+ "PortIndex": 1
+ },
+ "PortGroup": "UNDEFINED",
+ "PairPeerRef": null,
+ "PairPeerId": "",
+ "MulticastRole": "Undefined",
+ "PortSpeed": "AUTO",
+ "InterFrameGap": 20,
+ "PauseModeOn": false,
+ "AutoNegEnabled": true,
+ "AdjustPpm": 0,
+ "LatencyOffset": 0,
+ "MdiMdixMode": "AUTO",
+ "EnableFec": true,
+ "ReplyArpRequests": true,
+ "ReplyPingRequests": true,
+ "IpV4Address": "",
+ "IpV4RoutingPrefix": 24,
+ "IpV4Gateway": "",
+ "IpV6Address": "::",
+ "IpV6RoutingPrefix": 64,
+ "IpV6Gateway": "::",
+ "IpGatewayMacAddress": "AAAAAAAA",
+ "PublicIpAddress": "",
+ "PublicIpRoutingPrefix": 24,
+ "PublicIpAddressV6": "",
+ "PublicIpRoutingPrefixV6": 64,
+ "RemoteLoopIpAddress": "",
+ "RemoteLoopIpAddressV6": "",
+ "RemoteLoopMacAddress": "AAAAAAAA",
+ "EnablePortRateCap": false,
+ "PortRateCapValue": 1000.0,
+ "PortRateCapProfile": "Physical Port Rate",
+ "PortRateCapUnit": "Mbps",
+ "MultiStreamMap": null,
+ "ItemID": "1b88dc59-1b1a-43f5-a314-673219f47545",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "StreamHandler": {
+ "StreamConnectionList": [
+ {
+ "ConnectionId": 0,
+ "Port1Id": "4faf0f0c-2fc6-44a7-87ea-5f47b02d4c1a",
+ "Port2Id": "1b88dc59-1b1a-43f5-a314-673219f47545",
+ "AddressOffset1": 2,
+ "AddressOffset2": 3,
+ "ItemID": "244b9295-9a5a-4405-8404-a62074152783",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "StreamProfileHandler": {
+ "ProfileAssignmentMap": {
+ "guid_1b88dc59-1b1a-43f5-a314-673219f47545": "033f23c9-3986-40c9-b7e4-9ac1176f3c0b",
+ "guid_4faf0f0c-2fc6-44a7-87ea-5f47b02d4c1a": "106a3aa6-ea43-4dd7-84b5-51424a52ac87"
+ },
+ "EntityList": [
+ {
+ "StreamConfig": {
+ "SwModifier": null,
+ "HwModifiers": [],
+ "FieldValueRanges": [],
+ "StreamDescrPrefix": "Stream",
+ "ResourceIndex": -1,
+ "TpldId": -1,
+ "EnableState": "OFF",
+ "RateType": "Fraction",
+ "PacketLimit": 0,
+ "RateFraction": 100.0,
+ "RatePps": 0.0,
+ "RateL2Mbps": 0.0,
+ "UseBurstValues": false,
+ "BurstSize": 0,
+ "BurstDensity": 100,
+ "HeaderSegments": [],
+ "PacketLengthType": "FIXED",
+ "PacketMinSize": 64,
+ "PacketMaxSize": 64,
+ "PayloadDefinition": {
+ "PayloadType": "Incrementing",
+ "PayloadPattern": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
+ },
+ "ResourceUsed": false,
+ "ChildResourceUsed": false
+ },
+ "ItemID": "106a3aa6-ea43-4dd7-84b5-51424a52ac87",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "StreamConfig": {
+ "SwModifier": null,
+ "HwModifiers": [],
+ "FieldValueRanges": [],
+ "StreamDescrPrefix": "Stream",
+ "ResourceIndex": -1,
+ "TpldId": -1,
+ "EnableState": "OFF",
+ "RateType": "Fraction",
+ "PacketLimit": 0,
+ "RateFraction": 100.0,
+ "RatePps": 0.0,
+ "RateL2Mbps": 0.0,
+ "UseBurstValues": false,
+ "BurstSize": 0,
+ "BurstDensity": 100,
+ "HeaderSegments": [],
+ "PacketLengthType": "FIXED",
+ "PacketMinSize": 64,
+ "PacketMaxSize": 64,
+ "PayloadDefinition": {
+ "PayloadType": "Incrementing",
+ "PayloadPattern": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
+ },
+ "ResourceUsed": false,
+ "ChildResourceUsed": false
+ },
+ "ItemID": "033f23c9-3986-40c9-b7e4-9ac1176f3c0b",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "TestOptions": {
+ "TestTypeOptionMap": {
+ "Throughput": {
+ "$type": "XenaCommon.TestConfig.Xena2544.TestTypeOptions.ThroughputTestOptions, Xena2544",
+ "RateIterationOptions": {
+ "SearchType": "BinarySearch",
+ "AcceptableLoss": 0.0,
+ "ResultScope": "CommonResult",
+ "FastBinarySearch": false,
+ "InitialValue": 10.0,
+ "MinimumValue": 0.1,
+ "MaximumValue": 100.0,
+ "ValueResolution": 0.5,
+ "UsePassThreshold": false,
+ "PassThreshold": 0.0
+ },
+ "ReportPropertyOptions": [
+ "LatencyCounters"
+ ],
+ "TestType": "Throughput",
+ "Enabled": false,
+ "DurationType": "Seconds",
+ "Duration": 1.0,
+ "DurationFrames": 1,
+ "DurationFrameUnit": "Mframes",
+ "Iterations": 3,
+ "ItemID": "5ba8b4d4-9a52-4697-860a-4af1b97d2a5c",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ },
+ "Latency": {
+ "$type": "XenaCommon.TestConfig.Xena2544.TestTypeOptions.LatencyTestOptions, Xena2544",
+ "RateSweepOptions": {
+ "StartValue": 50.0,
+ "EndValue": 100.0,
+ "StepValue": 50.0
+ },
+ "LatencyMode": "Last_To_Last",
+ "RateRelativeTputMaxRate": true,
+ "TestType": "Latency",
+ "Enabled": false,
+ "DurationType": "Seconds",
+ "Duration": 1.0,
+ "DurationFrames": 1,
+ "DurationFrameUnit": "Mframes",
+ "Iterations": 1,
+ "ItemID": "c63c0362-96a6-434b-9c67-6be518492a49",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ },
+ "Loss": {
+ "$type": "XenaCommon.TestConfig.Xena2544.TestTypeOptions.LossTestOptions, Xena2544",
+ "RateSweepOptions": {
+ "StartValue": 50.0,
+ "EndValue": 100.0,
+ "StepValue": 50.0
+ },
+ "UsePassFailCriteria": false,
+ "AcceptableLoss": 0.0,
+ "AcceptableLossType": "Percent",
+ "TestType": "Loss",
+ "Enabled": false,
+ "DurationType": "Seconds",
+ "Duration": 1.0,
+ "DurationFrames": 1,
+ "DurationFrameUnit": "Mframes",
+ "Iterations": 1,
+ "ItemID": "f5cf336e-c983-4c48-a8cb-88447b3e2adb",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ },
+ "Back2Back": {
+ "$type": "XenaCommon.TestConfig.Xena2544.TestTypeOptions.Back2BackTestOptions, Xena2544",
+ "RateSweepOptions": {
+ "StartValue": 100.0,
+ "EndValue": 100.0,
+ "StepValue": 50.0
+ },
+ "ResultScope": "CommonResult",
+ "BurstResolution": 100.0,
+ "TestType": "Back2Back",
+ "Enabled": false,
+ "DurationType": "Seconds",
+ "Duration": 1.0,
+ "DurationFrames": 1,
+ "DurationFrameUnit": "Mframes",
+ "Iterations": 1,
+ "ItemID": "2c494ee2-16f1-4a40-b28b-aff6ad7464e3",
+ "ParentID": "",
+ "Label": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "PacketSizes": {
+ "PacketSizeType": "CustomSizes",
+ "CustomPacketSizes": [
+ 512.0
+ ],
+ "SwPacketStartSize": 100,
+ "SwPacketEndSize": 1500,
+ "SwPacketStepSize": 100,
+ "HwPacketMinSize": 64,
+ "HwPacketMaxSize": 1500,
+ "MixedSizesWeights": []
+ },
+ "TopologyConfig": {
+ "Topology": "MESH",
+ "Direction": "BIDIR"
+ },
+ "FlowCreationOptions": {
+ "FlowCreationType": "StreamBased",
+ "MacBaseAddress": "4,244,188",
+ "UseGatewayMacAsDmac": true,
+ "EnableMultiStream": false,
+ "PerPortStreamCount": 1,
+ "MultiStreamAddressOffset": 2,
+ "MultiStreamAddressIncrement": 1,
+ "MultiStreamMacBaseAddress": "4,244,188",
+ "UseMicroTpldOnDemand": false
+ },
+ "LearningOptions": {
+ "MacLearningMode": "EveryTrial",
+ "MacLearningRetries": 1,
+ "ArpRefreshEnabled": true,
+ "ArpRefreshPeriod": 4000.0,
+ "UseFlowBasedLearningPreamble": false,
+ "FlowBasedLearningFrameCount": 1,
+ "FlowBasedLearningDelay": 500,
+ "LearningRatePercent": 1.0,
+ "LearningDuration": 5000.0
+ },
+ "ToggleSyncState": true,
+ "SyncOffDuration": 1,
+ "SyncOnDuration": 1,
+ "PayloadDefinition": {
+ "PayloadType": "Incrementing",
+ "PayloadPattern": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
+ },
+ "EnableSpeedReductSweep": false,
+ "UsePortSyncStart": false,
+ "PortStaggerSteps": 0,
+ "ShouldStopOnLos": true,
+ "PortResetDelay": 5
+ },
+ "CreationDate": "2016-02-24 13:33:50Z",
+ "ChassisManager": {
+ "ChassisList": [
+ {
+ "ChassisID": "4605b3c9-70cc-42d9-9d8c-16c34989a4c1",
+ "HostName": "",
+ "PortNumber": 22606,
+ "Password": "xena",
+ "ConnectionType": "Native",
+ "UsedModuleList": [],
+ "ResourceIndex": 0,
+ "ResourceUsed": false,
+ "ChildResourceUsed": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "ReportConfig": {
+ "CustomerName": "Xena Networks",
+ "CustomerServiceID": "",
+ "CustomerAccessID": "",
+ "Comments": "",
+ "RateUnitTerminology": "FPS",
+ "IncludeTestPairInfo": true,
+ "IncludePerStreamInfo": false,
+ "IncludeGraphs": true,
+ "PlotThroughputUnit": "Pps",
+ "GeneratePdf": false,
+ "GenerateHtml": false,
+ "GenerateXml": true,
+ "GenerateCsv": false,
+ "SaveIntermediateResults": false,
+ "ReportFilename": "xena2544-report",
+ "AppendTimestamp": false
+ },
+ "TidAllocationScope": "ConfigScope",
+ "FormatVersion": 10,
+ "ApplicationVersion": "2.39.5876.25884"
+} \ No newline at end of file