path: root/docs/requirements/vswitchperf_ltd.rst
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation, AT&T and others.
-.. 3.1
-The intention of this Level Test Design (LTD) document is to specify the set of
-tests to carry out in order to objectively measure the current characteristics
-of a virtual switch in the Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure
-(NFVI) as well as the test pass criteria. The detailed test cases will be
-defined in details-of-LTD_, preceded by the doc-id-of-LTD_ and the scope-of-LTD_.
-This document is currently in draft form.
-.. 3.1.1
-.. _doc-id-of-LTD:
-Document identifier
-The document id will be used to uniquely
-identify versions of the LTD. The format for the document id will be:
-OPNFV\_vswitchperf\_LTD\_REL\_STATUS, where by the
-status is one of: draft, reviewed, corrected or final. The document id
-for this version of the LTD is:
-.. 3.1.2
-.. _scope-of-LTD:
-The main purpose of this project is to specify a suite of
-performance tests in order to objectively measure the current packet
-transfer characteristics of a virtual switch in the NFVI. The intent of
-the project is to facilitate testing of any virtual switch. Thus, a
-generic suite of tests shall be developed, with no hard dependencies to
-a single implementation. In addition, the test case suite shall be
-architecture independent.
-The test cases developed in this project shall not form part of a
-separate test framework, all of these tests may be inserted into the
-Continuous Integration Test Framework and/or the Platform Functionality
-Test Framework - if a vSwitch becomes a standard component of an OPNFV
-.. 3.1.3
-* `RFC 1242 Benchmarking Terminology for Network Interconnection
- Devices <>`__
-* `RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect
- Devices <>`__
-* `RFC 2285 Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching
- Devices <>`__
-* `RFC 2889 Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Switching
- Devices <>`__
-* `RFC 3918 Methodology for IP Multicast
- Benchmarking <>`__
-* `RFC 4737 Packet Reordering
- Metrics <>`__
-* `RFC 5481 Packet Delay Variation Applicability
- Statement <>`__
-* `RFC 6201 Device Reset
- Characterization <>`__
-.. 3.2
-.. _details-of-LTD:
-Details of the Level Test Design
-This section describes the features to be tested (FeaturesToBeTested-of-LTD_), and
-identifies the sets of test cases or scenarios (TestIdentification-of-LTD_).
-.. 3.2.1
-.. _FeaturesToBeTested-of-LTD:
-Features to be tested
-Characterizing virtual switches (i.e. Device Under Test (DUT) in this document)
-includes measuring the following performance metrics:
-- Throughput
-- Packet delay
-- Packet delay variation
-- Packet loss
-- Burst behaviour
-- Packet re-ordering
-- Packet correctness
-- Availability and capacity of the DUT
-.. 3.2.2
-.. _TestIdentification-of-LTD:
-Test identification
-Throughput tests
-The following tests aim to determine the maximum forwarding rate that
-can be achieved with a virtual switch. The list is not exhaustive but
-should indicate the type of tests that should be required. It is
-expected that more will be added.
-.. _PacketLossRatio:
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Title**: RFC 2544 X% packet loss ratio Throughput and Latency Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test determines the DUT's maximum forwarding rate with X% traffic
- loss for a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed interval time).
- The default loss percentages to be tested are: - X = 0% - X = 10^-7%
- Note: Other values can be tested if required by the user.
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The test can also be used to determine the average latency of the traffic.
- Under the `RFC2544 <>`__
- test methodology, the test duration will
- include a number of trials; each trial should run for a minimum period
- of 60 seconds. A binary search methodology must be applied for each
- trial to obtain the final result.
- **Expected Result**: At the end of each trial, the presence or absence
- of loss determines the modification of offered load for the next trial,
- converging on a maximum rate, or
- `RFC2544 <>`__ Throughput with X%
- loss.
- The Throughput load is re-used in related
- `RFC2544 <>`__ tests and other
- tests.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
-.. _PacketLossRatioFrameModification:
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatioFrameModification
- **Title**: RFC 2544 X% packet loss Throughput and Latency Test with
- packet modification
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test determines the DUT's maximum forwarding rate with X% traffic
- loss for a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed interval time).
- The default loss percentages to be tested are: - X = 0% - X = 10^-7%
- Note: Other values can be tested if required by the user.
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The test can also be used to determine the average latency of the traffic.
- Under the `RFC2544 <>`__
- test methodology, the test duration will
- include a number of trials; each trial should run for a minimum period
- of 60 seconds. A binary search methodology must be applied for each
- trial to obtain the final result.
- During this test, the DUT must perform the following operations on the
- traffic flow:
- - Perform packet parsing on the DUT's ingress port.
- - Perform any relevant address look-ups on the DUT's ingress ports.
- - Modify the packet header before forwarding the packet to the DUT's
- egress port. Packet modifications include:
- - Modifying the Ethernet source or destination MAC address.
- - Modifying/adding a VLAN tag. (**Recommended**).
- - Modifying/adding a MPLS tag.
- - Modifying the source or destination ip address.
- - Modifying the TOS/DSCP field.
- - Modifying the source or destination ports for UDP/TCP/SCTP.
- - Modifying the TTL.
- **Expected Result**: The Packet parsing/modifications require some
- additional degree of processing resource, therefore the
- `RFC2544 <>`__
- Throughput is expected to be somewhat lower than the Throughput level
- measured without additional steps. The reduction is expected to be
- greatest on tests with the smallest packet sizes (greatest header
- processing rates).
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss and packet
- modification operations being performed by the DUT.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - The `RFC5481 <>`__
- PDV form of delay variation on the traffic flow,
- using the 99th percentile.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.Profile
- **Title**: RFC 2544 Throughput and Latency Profile
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test reveals how throughput and latency degrades as the offered
- rate varies in the region of the DUT's maximum forwarding rate as
- determined by LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio (0% Packet Loss).
- For example it can be used to determine if the degradation of throughput
- and latency as the offered rate increases is slow and graceful or sudden
- and severe.
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The offered traffic rate is described as a percentage delta with respect
- to the DUT's RFC 2544 Throughput as determined by
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLoss Ratio (0% Packet Loss case). A delta
- of 0% is equivalent to an offered traffic rate equal to the RFC 2544
- Maximum Throughput; A delta of +50% indicates an offered rate half-way
- between the Maximum RFC2544 Throughput and line-rate, whereas a delta of
- -50% indicates an offered rate of half the RFC 2544 Maximum Throughput.
- Therefore the range of the delta figure is natuarlly bounded at -100%
- (zero offered traffic) and +100% (traffic offered at line rate).
- The following deltas to the maximum forwarding rate should be applied:
- - -50%, -10%, 0%, +10% & +50%
- **Expected Result**: For each packet size a profile should be produced
- of how throughput and latency vary with offered rate.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of the DUT
- for each delta to the maximum forwarding rate and for each frame
- size.
- - The average latency for each delta to the maximum forwarding rate and
- for each frame size.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- - Any failures experienced (for example if the vSwitch crashes, stops
- processing packets, restarts or becomes unresponsive to commands)
- when the offered load is above Maximum Throughput MUST be recorded
- and reported with the results.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.SystemRecoveryTime
- **Title**: RFC 2544 System Recovery Time Test
- **Prerequisite Test** LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine the length of time it takes the DUT
- to recover from an overload condition for a constant load (fixed length
- frames at a fixed interval time). The selected frame sizes are those
- previously defined under :ref:`default-test-parameters`,
- traffic should be sent to the DUT under normal conditions. During the
- duration of the test and while the traffic flows are passing though the
- DUT, at least one situation leading to an overload condition for the DUT
- should occur. The time from the end of the overload condition to when
- the DUT returns to normal operations should be measured to determine
- recovery time. Prior to overloading the DUT, one should record the
- average latency for 10,000 packets forwarded through the DUT.
- The overload condition SHOULD be to transmit traffic at a very high
- frame rate to the DUT (150% of the maximum 0% packet loss rate as
- determined by LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio or line-rate
- whichever is lower), for at least 60 seconds, then reduce the frame rate
- to 75% of the maximum 0% packet loss rate. A number of time-stamps
- should be recorded: - Record the time-stamp at which the frame rate was
- reduced and record a second time-stamp at the time of the last frame
- lost. The recovery time is the difference between the two timestamps. -
- Record the average latency for 10,000 frames after the last frame loss
- and continue to record average latency measurements for every 10,000
- frames, when latency returns to within 10% of pre-overload levels record
- the time-stamp.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics collected**
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The length of time it takes the DUT to recover from an overload
- condition.
- - The length of time it takes the DUT to recover the average latency to
- pre-overload conditions.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-.. _BackToBackFrames:
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames
- **Title**: RFC2544 Back To Back Frames Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to characterize the ability of the DUT to
- process back-to-back frames. For each frame size previously defined
- under :ref:`default-test-parameters`, a burst of traffic
- is sent to the DUT with the minimum inter-frame gap between each frame.
- If the number of received frames equals the number of frames that were
- transmitted, the burst size should be increased and traffic is sent to
- the DUT again. The value measured is the back-to-back value, that is the
- maximum burst size the DUT can handle without any frame loss. Please note
- a trial must run for a minimum of 2 seconds and should be repeated 50
- times (at a minimum).
- **Expected Result**:
- Tests of back-to-back frames with physical devices have produced
- unstable results in some cases. All tests should be repeated in multiple
- test sessions and results stability should be examined.
- **Metrics collected**
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The average back-to-back value across the trials, which is
- the number of frames in the longest burst that the DUT will
- handle without the loss of any frames.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRateSoak
- **Title**: RFC 2889 X% packet loss Max Forwarding Rate Soak Test
- **Prerequisite Test** LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand the Max Forwarding Rate stability
- over an extended test duration in order to uncover any outliers. To allow
- for an extended test duration, the test should ideally run for 24 hours
- or, if this is not possible, for at least 6 hours. For this test, each frame
- size must be sent at the highest Throughput rate with X% packet loss, as
- determined in the prerequisite test. The default loss percentages to be
- tested are: - X = 0% - X = 10^-7%
- Note: Other values can be tested if required by the user.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Max Forwarding Rate stability of the DUT.
- - This means reporting the number of packets lost per time interval
- and reporting any time intervals with packet loss. The
- `RFC2889 <>`__
- Forwarding Rate shall be measured in each interval.
- An interval of 60s is suggested.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- - The `RFC5481 <>`__
- PDV form of delay variation on the traffic flow,
- using the 99th percentile.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRateSoakFrameModification
- **Title**: RFC 2889 Max Forwarding Rate Soak Test with Frame Modification
- **Prerequisite Test**:
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatioFrameModification (0% Packet Loss)
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand the Max Forwarding Rate stability over an
- extended test duration in order to uncover any outliers. To allow for an
- extended test duration, the test should ideally run for 24 hours or, if
- this is not possible, for at least 6 hour. For this test, each frame
- size must be sent at the highest Throughput rate with 0% packet loss, as
- determined in the prerequisite test.
- During this test, the DUT must perform the following operations on the
- traffic flow:
- - Perform packet parsing on the DUT's ingress port.
- - Perform any relevant address look-ups on the DUT's ingress ports.
- - Modify the packet header before forwarding the packet to the DUT's
- egress port. Packet modifications include:
- - Modifying the Ethernet source or destination MAC address.
- - Modifying/adding a VLAN tag (**Recommended**).
- - Modifying/adding a MPLS tag.
- - Modifying the source or destination ip address.
- - Modifying the TOS/DSCP field.
- - Modifying the source or destination ports for UDP/TCP/SCTP.
- - Modifying the TTL.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Max Forwarding Rate stability of the DUT.
- - This means reporting the number of packets lost per time interval
- and reporting any time intervals with packet loss. The
- `RFC2889 <>`__
- Forwarding Rate shall be measured in each interval.
- An interval of 60s is suggested.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- - The `RFC5481 <>`__
- PDV form of delay variation on the traffic flow, using the 99th
- percentile.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC6201.ResetTime
- **Title**: RFC 6201 Reset Time Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine the length of time it takes the DUT
- to recover from a reset.
- Two reset methods are defined - planned and unplanned. A planned reset
- requires stopping and restarting the virtual switch by the usual
- 'graceful' method defined by it's documentation. An unplanned reset
- requires simulating a fatal internal fault in the virtual switch - for
- example by using kill -SIGKILL on a Linux environment.
- Both reset methods SHOULD be exercised.
- For each frame size previously defined under :ref:`default-test-parameters`,
- traffic should be sent to the DUT under
- normal conditions. During the duration of the test and while the traffic
- flows are passing through the DUT, the DUT should be reset and the Reset
- time measured. The Reset time is the total time that a device is
- determined to be out of operation and includes the time to perform the
- reset and the time to recover from it (cf. `RFC6201
- <>`__).
- `RFC6201 <>`__ defines two methods
- to measure the Reset time:
- - Frame-Loss Method: which requires the monitoring of the number of
- lost frames and calculates the Reset time based on the number of
- frames lost and the offered rate according to the following
- formula:
- .. code-block:: console
- Frames_lost (packets)
- Reset_time = -------------------------------------
- Offered_rate (packets per second)
- - Timestamp Method: which measures the time from which the last frame
- is forwarded from the DUT to the time the first frame is forwarded
- after the reset. This involves time-stamping all transmitted frames
- and recording the timestamp of the last frame that was received prior
- to the reset and also measuring the timestamp of the first frame that
- is received after the reset. The Reset time is the difference between
- these two timestamps.
- According to `RFC6201 <>`__ the
- choice of method depends on the test tool's capability; the Frame-Loss
- method SHOULD be used if the test tool supports:
- * Counting the number of lost frames per stream.
- * Transmitting test frame despite the physical link status.
- whereas the Timestamp method SHOULD be used if the test tool supports:
- * Timestamping each frame.
- * Monitoring received frame's timestamp.
- * Transmitting frames only if the physical link status is up.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics collected**
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- * Average Reset Time over the number of trials performed.
- Results of this test should include the following information:
- * The reset method used.
- * Throughput in Fps and Mbps.
- * Average Frame Loss over the number of trials performed.
- * Average Reset Time in milliseconds over the number of trials performed.
- * Number of trials performed.
- * Protocol: IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, etc.
- * Frame Size in Octets
- * Port Media: Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet (GbE), etc.
- * Port Speed: 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps etc.
- * Interface Encapsulation: Ethernet, Ethernet VLAN, etc.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- * Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRate
- **Title**: RFC2889 Forwarding Rate Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test measures the DUT's Max Forwarding Rate when the Offered Load
- is varied between the throughput and the Maximum Offered Load for fixed
- length frames at a fixed time interval. The selected frame sizes are
- those previously defined under :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The throughput is the maximum offered
- load with 0% frame loss (measured by the prerequisite test), and the
- Maximum Offered Load (as defined by
- `RFC2285 <>`__) is *"the highest
- number of frames per second that an external source can transmit to a
- DUT/SUT for forwarding to a specified output interface or interfaces"*.
- Traffic should be sent to the DUT at a particular rate (TX rate)
- starting with TX rate equal to the throughput rate. The rate of
- successfully received frames at the destination counted (in FPS). If the
- RX rate is equal to the TX rate, the TX rate should be increased by a
- fixed step size and the RX rate measured again until the Max Forwarding
- Rate is found.
- The trial duration for each iteration should last for the period of time
- needed for the system to reach steady state for the frame size being
- tested. Under `RFC2889 <>`__
- (Sec. test methodology, the test
- duration should run for a minimum period of 30 seconds, regardless
- whether the system reaches steady state before the minimum duration
- ends.
- **Expected Result**: According to
- `RFC2889 <>`__ The Max Forwarding
- Rate is the highest forwarding rate of a DUT taken from an iterative set of
- forwarding rate measurements. The iterative set of forwarding rate measurements
- are made by setting the intended load transmitted from an external source and
- measuring the offered load (i.e what the DUT is capable of forwarding). If the
- Throughput == the Maximum Offered Load, it follows that Max Forwarding Rate is
- equal to the Maximum Offered Load.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The Max Forwarding Rate for the DUT for each packet size.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical. Note: Full mesh tests with
- multiple ingress and egress ports are a key aspect of RFC 2889
- benchmarks, and scenarios with both 2 and 4 ports should be tested.
- In any case, the number of ports used must be reported.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.ForwardPressure
- **Title**: RFC2889 Forward Pressure Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRate
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine if the DUT transmits frames with an
- inter-frame gap that is less than 12 bytes. This test overloads the DUT
- and measures the output for forward pressure. Traffic should be
- transmitted to the DUT with an inter-frame gap of 11 bytes, this will
- overload the DUT by 1 byte per frame. The forwarding rate of the DUT
- should be measured.
- **Expected Result**: The forwarding rate should not exceed the maximum
- forwarding rate of the DUT collected by
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRate.
- **Metrics collected**
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Forwarding rate of the DUT in FPS or Mbps.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.ErrorFramesFiltering
- **Title**: RFC2889 Error Frames Filtering Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine whether the DUT will propagate any
- erroneous frames it receives or whether it is capable of filtering out
- the erroneous frames. Traffic should be sent with erroneous frames
- included within the flow at random intervals. Illegal frames that must
- be tested include: - Oversize Frames. - Undersize Frames. - CRC Errored
- Frames. - Dribble Bit Errored Frames - Alignment Errored Frames
- The traffic flow exiting the DUT should be recorded and checked to
- determine if the erroneous frames where passed through the DUT.
- **Expected Result**: Broken frames are not passed!
- **Metrics collected**
- No Metrics are collected in this test, instead it determines:
- - Whether the DUT will propagate erroneous frames.
- - Or whether the DUT will correctly filter out any erroneous frames
- from traffic flow with out removing correct frames.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.BroadcastFrameForwarding
- **Title**: RFC2889 Broadcast Frame Forwarding Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine the maximum forwarding rate of the
- DUT when forwarding broadcast traffic. For each frame previously defined
- under :ref:`default-test-parameters`, the traffic should
- be set up as broadcast traffic. The traffic throughput of the DUT should
- be measured.
- The test should be conducted with at least 4 physical ports on the DUT.
- The number of ports used MUST be recorded.
- As broadcast involves forwarding a single incoming packet to several
- destinations, the latency of a single packet is defined as the average
- of the latencies for each of the broadcast destinations.
- The incoming packet is transmitted on each of the other physical ports,
- it is not transmitted on the port on which it was received. The test MAY
- be conducted using different broadcasting ports to uncover any
- performance differences.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The forwarding rate of the DUT when forwarding broadcast traffic.
- - The minimum, average & maximum packets latencies observed.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch 3x physical. In the Broadcast rate testing,
- four test ports are required. One of the ports is connected to the test
- device, so it can send broadcast frames and listen for miss-routed frames.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.WorstN-BestN
- **Title**: Modified RFC 2544 X% packet loss ratio Throughput and Latency Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test determines the DUT's maximum forwarding rate with X% traffic
- loss for a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed interval time).
- The default loss percentages to be tested are: X = 0%, X = 10^-7%
- Modified RFC 2544 throughput benchmarking methodology aims to quantify
- the throughput measurement variations observed during standard RFC 2544
- benchmarking measurements of virtual switches and VNFs. The RFC2544
- binary search algorithm is modified to use more samples per test trial
- to drive the binary search and yield statistically more meaningful
- results. This keeps the heart of the RFC2544 methodology, still relying
- on the binary search of throughput at specified loss tolerance, while
- providing more useful information about the range of results seen in
- testing. Instead of using a single traffic trial per iteration step,
- each traffic trial is repeated N times and the success/failure of the
- iteration step is based on these N traffic trials. Two types of revised
- tests are defined - *Worst-of-N* and *Best-of-N*.
- **Worst-of-N**
- *Worst-of-N* indicates the lowest expected maximum throughput for (
- packet size, loss tolerance) when repeating the test.
- 1. Repeat the same test run N times at a set packet rate, record each
- result.
- 2. Take the WORST result (highest packet loss) out of N result samples,
- called the Worst-of-N sample.
- 3. If Worst-of-N sample has loss less than the set loss tolerance, then
- the step is successful - increase the test traffic rate.
- 4. If Worst-of-N sample has loss greater than the set loss tolerance
- then the step failed - decrease the test traffic rate.
- 5. Go to step 1.
- **Best-of-N**
- *Best-of-N* indicates the highest expected maximum throughput for (
- packet size, loss tolerance) when repeating the test.
- 1. Repeat the same traffic run N times at a set packet rate, record
- each result.
- 2. Take the BEST result (least packet loss) out of N result samples,
- called the Best-of-N sample.
- 3. If Best-of-N sample has loss less than the set loss tolerance, then
- the step is successful - increase the test traffic rate.
- 4. If Best-of-N sample has loss greater than the set loss tolerance,
- then the step failed - decrease the test traffic rate.
- 5. Go to step 1.
- Performing both Worst-of-N and Best-of-N benchmark tests yields lower
- and upper bounds of expected maximum throughput under the operating
- conditions, giving a very good indication to the user of the
- deterministic performance range for the tested setup.
- **Expected Result**: At the end of each trial series, the presence or
- absence of loss determines the modification of offered load for the
- next trial series, converging on a maximum rate, or
- `RFC2544 <>`__ Throughput
- with X% loss.
- The Throughput load is re-used in related
- `RFC2544 <>`__ tests and other
- tests.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - Following may also be collected as part of this test, to determine
- the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system:
- - CPU core utilization.
- - CPU cache utilization.
- - Memory footprint.
- - System bus (QPI, PCI, ...) utilization.
- - CPU cycles consumed per packet.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.Overlay.Network.<tech>.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Title**: <tech> Overlay Network RFC 2544 X% packet loss ratio Throughput and Latency Test
- NOTE: Throughout this test, four interchangeable overlay technologies are covered by the
- same test description. They are: VXLAN, GRE, NVGRE and GENEVE.
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test evaluates standard switch performance benchmarks for the scenario where an
- Overlay Network is deployed for all paths through the vSwitch. Overlay Technologies covered
- (replacing <tech> in the test name) include:
- - GRE
- Performance will be assessed for each of the following overlay network functions:
- - Encapsulation only
- - De-encapsulation only
- - Both Encapsulation and De-encapsulation
- For each native packet, the DUT must perform the following operations:
- - Examine the packet and classify its correct overlay net (tunnel) assignment
- - Encapsulate the packet
- - Switch the packet to the correct port
- For each encapsulated packet, the DUT must perform the following operations:
- - Examine the packet and classify its correct native network assignment
- - De-encapsulate the packet, if required
- - Switch the packet to the correct port
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- Thus, each test comprises an overlay technology, a network function,
- and a packet size *with* overlay network overhead included
- (but see also the discussion at
- ).
- The test can also be used to determine the average latency of the traffic.
- Under the `RFC2544 <>`__
- test methodology, the test duration will
- include a number of trials; each trial should run for a minimum period
- of 60 seconds. A binary search methodology must be applied for each
- trial to obtain the final result for Throughput.
- **Expected Result**: At the end of each trial, the presence or absence
- of loss determines the modification of offered load for the next trial,
- converging on a maximum rate, or
- `RFC2544 <>`__ Throughput with X%
- loss (where the value of X is typically equal to zero).
- The Throughput load is re-used in related
- `RFC2544 <>`__ tests and other
- tests.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum Throughput in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- and VNFs (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
-Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.MatchAction.PacketLossRatio
- **Title**: RFC 2544 X% packet loss ratio match action Throughput and Latency Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to determine the cost of carrying out match
- action(s) on the DUT’s RFC2544 Throughput with X% traffic loss for
- a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed interval time).
- Each test case requires:
- * selection of a specific match action(s),
- * specifying a percentage of total traffic that is elligible
- for the match action,
- * determination of the specific test configuration (number
- of flows, number of test ports, presence of an external
- controller, etc.), and
- * measurement of the RFC 2544 Throughput level with X% packet
- loss: Traffic shall be bi-directional and symmetric.
- Note: It would be ideal to verify that all match action-elligible
- traffic was forwarded to the correct port, and if forwarded to
- an unintended port it should be considered lost.
- A match action is an action that is typically carried on a frame
- or packet that matches a set of flow classification parameters
- (typically frame/packet header fields). A match action may or may
- not modify a packet/frame. Match actions include [1]:
- * output : outputs a packet to a particular port.
- * normal: Subjects the packet to traditional L2/L3 processing
- (MAC learning).
- * flood: Outputs the packet on all switch physical ports
- other than the port on which it was received and any ports
- on which flooding is disabled.
- * all: Outputs the packet on all switch physical ports other
- than the port on which it was received.
- * local: Outputs the packet on the ``local port``, which
- corresponds to the network device that has the same name as
- the bridge.
- * in_port: Outputs the packet on the port from which it was
- received.
- * Controller: Sends the packet and its metadata to the
- OpenFlow controller as a ``packet in`` message.
- * enqueue: Enqueues the packet on the specified queue
- within port.
- * drop: discard the packet.
- Modifications include [1]:
- * mod vlan: covered by LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatioFrameModification
- * mod_dl_src: Sets the source Ethernet address.
- * mod_dl_dst: Sets the destination Ethernet address.
- * mod_nw_src: Sets the IPv4 source address.
- * mod_nw_dst: Sets the IPv4 destination address.
- * mod_tp_src: Sets the TCP or UDP or SCTP source port.
- * mod_tp_dst: Sets the TCP or UDP or SCTP destination port.
- * mod_nw_tos: Sets the DSCP bits in the IPv4 ToS/DSCP or
- IPv6 traffic class field.
- * mod_nw_ecn: Sets the ECN bits in the appropriate IPv4 or
- IPv6 field.
- * mod_nw_ttl: Sets the IPv4 TTL or IPv6 hop limit field.
- Note: This comprehensive list requires extensive traffic generator
- capabilities.
- The match action(s) that were applied as part of the test should be
- reported in the final test report.
- During this test, the DUT must perform the following operations on
- the traffic flow:
- * Perform packet parsing on the DUT’s ingress port.
- * Perform any relevant address look-ups on the DUT’s ingress
- ports.
- * Carry out one or more of the match actions specified above.
- The default loss percentages to be tested are: - X = 0% - X = 10^-7%
- Other values can be tested if required by the user. The selected
- frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The test can also be used to determine the average latency of the
- traffic when a match action is applied to packets in a flow. Under
- the RFC2544 test methodology, the test duration will include a
- number of trials; each trial should run for a minimum period of 60
- seconds. A binary search methodology must be applied for each
- trial to obtain the final result.
- **Expected Result:**
- At the end of each trial, the presence or absence of loss
- determines the modification of offered load for the next trial,
- converging on a maximum rate, or RFC2544Throughput with X% loss.
- The Throughput load is re-used in related RFC2544 tests and other
- tests.
- **Metrics Collected:**
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- * The RFC 2544 Throughput in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps
- of the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss.
- * The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through
- the DUT (if testing for latency, note that this average is
- different from the test specified in Section 26.3 ofRFC2544).
- * CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of
- this test, to determine the vSwitch’s performance footprint
- on the system.
- The metrics collected can be compared to that of the prerequisite
- test to determine the cost of the match action(s) in the pipeline.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical (and others are possible)
- [1] ovs-ofctl - administer OpenFlow switches
- [ ]
-Packet Latency tests
-These tests will measure the store and forward latency as well as the packet
-delay variation for various packet types through the virtual switch. The
-following list is not exhaustive but should indicate the type of tests
-that should be required. It is expected that more will be added.
-Test ID: LTD.PacketLatency.InitialPacketProcessingLatency
- **Title**: Initial Packet Processing Latency
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- In some virtual switch architectures, the first packets of a flow will
- take the system longer to process than subsequent packets in the flow.
- This test determines the latency for these packets. The test will
- measure the latency of the packets as they are processed by the
- flow-setup-path of the DUT. There are two methods for this test, a
- recommended method and a nalternative method that can be used if it is
- possible to disable the fastpath of the virtual switch.
- Recommended method: This test will send 64,000 packets to the DUT, each
- belonging to a different flow. Average packet latency will be determined
- over the 64,000 packets.
- Alternative method: This test will send a single packet to the DUT after
- a fixed interval of time. The time interval will be equivalent to the
- amount of time it takes for a flow to time out in the virtual switch
- plus 10%. Average packet latency will be determined over 1,000,000
- packets.
- This test is intended only for non-learning virtual switches; For learning
- virtual switches use RFC2889.
- For this test, only unidirectional traffic is required.
- **Expected Result**: The average latency for the initial packet of all
- flows should be greater than the latency of subsequent traffic.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Average latency of the initial packets of all flows that are
- processed by the DUT.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → Virtual Switch → Physical.
-Test ID: LTD.PacketDelayVariation.RFC3393.Soak
- **Title**: Packet Delay Variation Soak Test
- **Prerequisite Tests**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio (0% Packet Loss)
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand the distribution of packet delay
- variation for different frame sizes over an extended test duration and
- to determine if there are any outliers. To allow for an extended test
- duration, the test should ideally run for 24 hours or, if this is not
- possible, for at least 6 hour. For this test, each frame size must be
- sent at the highest possible throughput with 0% packet loss, as
- determined in the prerequisite test.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The packet delay variation value for traffic passing through the DUT.
- - The `RFC5481 <>`__
- PDV form of delay variation on the traffic flow,
- using the 99th percentile, for each 60s interval during the test.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
-Scalability tests
-The general aim of these tests is to understand the impact of large flow
-table size and flow lookups on throughput. The following list is not
-exhaustive but should indicate the type of tests that should be required.
-It is expected that more will be added.
-.. _Scalability0PacketLoss:
-Test ID: LTD.Scalability.Flows.RFC2544.0PacketLoss
- **Title**: RFC 2544 0% loss Flow Scalability throughput test
- **Prerequisite Test**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio, IF the
- delta Throughput between the single-flow RFC2544 test and this test with
- a variable number of flows is desired.
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to measure how throughput changes as the number
- of flows in the DUT increases. The test will measure the throughput
- through the fastpath, as such the flows need to be installed on the DUT
- before passing traffic.
- For each frame size previously defined under :ref:`default-test-parameters`
- and for each of the following number of flows:
- - 1,000
- - 2,000
- - 4,000
- - 8,000
- - 16,000
- - 32,000
- - 64,000
- - Max supported number of flows.
- This test will be conducted under two conditions following the
- establishment of all flows as required by RFC 2544, regarding the flow
- expiration time-out:
- 1) The time-out never expires during each trial.
- 2) The time-out expires for all flows periodically. This would require a
- short time-out compared with flow re-appearance for a small number of
- flows, and may not be possible for all flow conditions.
- The maximum 0% packet loss Throughput should be determined in a manner
- identical to LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum number of frames per second that can be forwarded at the
- specified number of flows and the specified frame size, with zero
- packet loss.
-Test ID: LTD.MemoryBandwidth.RFC2544.0PacketLoss.Scalability
- **Title**: RFC 2544 0% loss Memory Bandwidth Scalability test
- **Prerequisite Tests**: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio, IF the
- delta Throughput between an undisturbed RFC2544 test and this test with
- the Throughput affected by cache and memory bandwidth contention is desired.
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand how the DUT's performance is
- affected by cache sharing and memory bandwidth between processes.
- During the test all cores not used by the vSwitch should be running a
- memory intensive application. This application should read and write
- random data to random addresses in unused physical memory. The random
- nature of the data and addresses is intended to consume cache, exercise
- main memory access (as opposed to cache) and exercise all memory buses
- equally. Furthermore:
- - the ratio of reads to writes should be recorded. A ratio of 1:1
- SHOULD be used.
- - the reads and writes MUST be of cache-line size and be cache-line aligned.
- - in NUMA architectures memory access SHOULD be local to the core's node.
- Whether only local memory or a mix of local and remote memory is used
- MUST be recorded.
- - the memory bandwidth (reads plus writes) used per-core MUST be recorded;
- the test MUST be run with a per-core memory bandwidth equal to half the
- maximum system memory bandwidth divided by the number of cores. The test
- MAY be run with other values for the per-core memory bandwidth.
- - the test MAY also be run with the memory intensive application running
- on all cores.
- Under these conditions the DUT's 0% packet loss throughput is determined
- as per LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The DUT's 0% packet loss throughput in the presence of cache sharing and
- memory bandwidth between processes.
-Test ID: LTD.Scalability.VNF.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- **Title**: VNF Scalability RFC 2544 X% packet loss ratio Throughput and
- Latency Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test determines the DUT's throughput rate with X% traffic loss for
- a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed interval time) when the
- number of VNFs on the DUT increases. The default loss percentages
- to be tested are: - X = 0% - X = 10^-7% . The minimum number of
- VNFs to be tested are 3.
- Flow classification should be conducted with L2, L3 and L4 matching
- to understand the matching and scaling capability of the vSwitch. The
- matching fields which were used as part of the test should be reported
- as part of the benchmark report.
- The vSwitch is responsible for forwarding frames between the VNFs
- The SUT (vSwitch and VNF daisy chain) operation should be validated
- before running the test. This may be completed by running a burst or
- continuous stream of traffic through the SUT to ensure proper operation
- before a test.
- **Note**: The traffic rate used to validate SUT operation should be low
- enough not to stress the SUT.
- **Note**: Other values can be tested if required by the user.
- **Note**: The same VNF should be used in the "daisy chain" formation.
- Each addition of a VNF should be conducted in a new test setup (The DUT
- is brought down, then the DUT is brought up again). An atlernative approach
- would be to continue to add VNFs without bringing down the DUT. The
- approach used needs to be documented as part of the test report.
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The test can also be used to determine the average latency of the traffic.
- Under the `RFC2544 <>`__
- test methodology, the test duration will
- include a number of trials; each trial should run for a minimum period
- of 60 seconds. A binary search methodology must be applied for each
- trial to obtain the final result for Throughput.
- **Expected Result**: At the end of each trial, the presence or absence
- of loss determines the modification of offered load for the next trial,
- converging on a maximum rate, or
- `RFC2544 <>`__ Throughput with X%
- loss.
- The Throughput load is re-used in related
- `RFC2544 <>`__ tests and other
- tests.
- If the test VNFs are rather light-weight in terms of processing, the test
- provides a view of multiple passes through the vswitch on logical
- interfaces. In other words, the test produces an optimistic count of
- daisy-chained VNFs, but the cumulative effect of traffic on the vSwitch is
- "real" (assuming that the vSwitch has some dedicated resources, and the
- effects on shared resources is understood).
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum Throughput in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT for each frame size with X% packet loss.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- and VNFs (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
-Test ID: LTD.Scalability.VNF.RFC2544.PacketLossProfile
- **Title**: VNF Scalability RFC 2544 Throughput and Latency Profile
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- This test reveals how throughput and latency degrades as the number
- of VNFs increases and offered rate varies in the region of the DUT's
- maximum forwarding rate as determined by
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio (0% Packet Loss).
- For example it can be used to determine if the degradation of throughput
- and latency as the number of VNFs and offered rate increases is slow
- and graceful, or sudden and severe. The minimum number of VNFs to
- be tested is 3.
- The selected frame sizes are those previously defined under
- :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- The offered traffic rate is described as a percentage delta with respect
- to the DUT's RFC 2544 Throughput as determined by
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLoss Ratio (0% Packet Loss case). A delta
- of 0% is equivalent to an offered traffic rate equal to the RFC 2544
- Throughput; A delta of +50% indicates an offered rate half-way
- between the Throughput and line-rate, whereas a delta of
- -50% indicates an offered rate of half the maximum rate. Therefore the
- range of the delta figure is natuarlly bounded at -100% (zero offered
- traffic) and +100% (traffic offered at line rate).
- The following deltas to the maximum forwarding rate should be applied:
- - -50%, -10%, 0%, +10% & +50%
- **Note**: Other values can be tested if required by the user.
- **Note**: The same VNF should be used in the "daisy chain" formation.
- Each addition of a VNF should be conducted in a new test setup (The DUT
- is brought down, then the DUT is brought up again). An atlernative approach
- would be to continue to add VNFs without bringing down the DUT. The
- approach used needs to be documented as part of the test report.
- Flow classification should be conducted with L2, L3 and L4 matching
- to understand the matching and scaling capability of the vSwitch. The
- matching fields which were used as part of the test should be reported
- as part of the benchmark report.
- The SUT (vSwitch and VNF daisy chain) operation should be validated
- before running the test. This may be completed by running a burst or
- continuous stream of traffic through the SUT to ensure proper operation
- before a test.
- **Note**: the traffic rate used to validate SUT operation should be low
- enough not to stress the SUT
- **Expected Result**: For each packet size a profile should be produced
- of how throughput and latency vary with offered rate.
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of the DUT
- for each delta to the maximum forwarding rate and for each frame
- size.
- - The average latency for each delta to the maximum forwarding rate and
- for each frame size.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- - Any failures experienced (for example if the vSwitch crashes, stops
- processing packets, restarts or becomes unresponsive to commands)
- when the offered load is above Maximum Throughput MUST be recorded
- and reported with the results.
-Activation tests
-The general aim of these tests is to understand the capacity of the
-and speed with which the vswitch can accommodate new flows.
-Test ID: LTD.Activation.RFC2889.AddressCachingCapacity
- **Title**: RFC2889 Address Caching Capacity Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: N/A
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- Please note this test is only applicable to virtual switches that are capable of
- MAC learning. The aim of this test is to determine the address caching
- capacity of the DUT for a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed
- interval time). The selected frame sizes are those previously defined
- under :ref:`default-test-parameters`.
- In order to run this test the aging time, that is the maximum time the
- DUT will keep a learned address in its flow table, and a set of initial
- addresses, whose value should be >= 1 and <= the max number supported by
- the implementation must be known. Please note that if the aging time is
- configurable it must be longer than the time necessary to produce frames
- from the external source at the specified rate. If the aging time is
- fixed the frame rate must be brought down to a value that the external
- source can produce in a time that is less than the aging time.
- Learning Frames should be sent from an external source to the DUT to
- install a number of flows. The Learning Frames must have a fixed
- destination address and must vary the source address of the frames. The
- DUT should install flows in its flow table based on the varying source
- addresses. Frames should then be transmitted from an external source at
- a suitable frame rate to see if the DUT has properly learned all of the
- addresses. If there is no frame loss and no flooding, the number of
- addresses sent to the DUT should be increased and the test is repeated
- until the max number of cached addresses supported by the DUT
- determined.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Number of cached addresses supported by the DUT.
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → 2 x physical (one receiving, one listening).
-Test ID: LTD.Activation.RFC2889.AddressLearningRate
- **Title**: RFC2889 Address Learning Rate Test
- **Prerequisite Test**: LTD.Memory.RFC2889.AddressCachingCapacity
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- Please note this test is only applicable to virtual switches that are capable of
- MAC learning. The aim of this test is to determine the rate of address
- learning of the DUT for a constant load (fixed length frames at a fixed
- interval time). The selected frame sizes are those previously defined
- under :ref:`default-test-parameters`, traffic should be
- sent with each IPv4/IPv6 address incremented by one. The rate at which
- the DUT learns a new address should be measured. The maximum caching
- capacity from LTD.Memory.RFC2889.AddressCachingCapacity should be taken
- into consideration as the maximum number of addresses for which the
- learning rate can be obtained.
- **Expected Result**: It may be worthwhile to report the behaviour when
- operating beyond address capacity - some DUTs may be more friendly to
- new addresses than others.
- **Metrics collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The address learning rate of the DUT.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → 2 x physical (one receiving, one listening).
-Coupling between control path and datapath Tests
-The following tests aim to determine how tightly coupled the datapath
-and the control path are within a virtual switch. The following list
-is not exhaustive but should indicate the type of tests that should be
-required. It is expected that more will be added.
-Test ID: LTD.CPDPCouplingFlowAddition
- **Title**: Control Path and Datapath Coupling
- **Prerequisite Test**:
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand how exercising the DUT's control
- path affects datapath performance.
- Initially a certain number of flow table entries are installed in the
- vSwitch. Then over the duration of an RFC2544 throughput test
- flow-entries are added and removed at the rates specified below. No
- traffic is 'hitting' these flow-entries, they are simply added and
- removed.
- The test MUST be repeated with the following initial number of
- flow-entries installed: - < 10 - 1000 - 100,000 - 10,000,000 (or the
- maximum supported number of flow-entries)
- The test MUST be repeated with the following rates of flow-entry
- addition and deletion per second: - 0 - 1 (i.e. 1 addition plus 1
- deletion) - 100 - 10,000
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - The maximum forwarding rate in Frames Per Second (FPS) and Mbps of
- the DUT.
- - The average latency of the traffic flow when passing through the DUT
- (if testing for latency, note that this average is different from the
- test specified in Section 26.3 of
- `RFC2544 <>`__).
- - CPU and memory utilization may also be collected as part of this
- test, to determine the vSwitch's performance footprint on the system.
- **Deployment scenario**:
- - Physical → virtual switch → physical.
-CPU and memory consumption
-The following tests will profile a virtual switch's CPU and memory
-utilization under various loads and circumstances. The following
-list is not exhaustive but should indicate the type of tests that
-should be required. It is expected that more will be added.
-.. _CPU0PacketLoss:
-Test ID: LTD.Stress.RFC2544.0PacketLoss
- **Title**: RFC 2544 0% Loss CPU OR Memory Stress Test
- **Prerequisite Test**:
- **Priority**:
- **Description**:
- The aim of this test is to understand the overall performance of the
- system when a CPU or Memory intensive application is run on the same DUT as
- the Virtual Switch. For each frame size, an
- LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio (0% Packet Loss) test should be
- performed. Throughout the entire test a CPU or Memory intensive application
- should be run on all cores on the system not in use by the Virtual Switch.
- For NUMA system only cores on the same NUMA node are loaded.
- It is recommended that stress-ng be used for loading the non-Virtual
- Switch cores but any stress tool MAY be used.
- **Expected Result**:
- **Metrics Collected**:
- The following are the metrics collected for this test:
- - Memory and CPU utilization of the cores running the Virtual Switch.
- - The number of identity of the cores allocated to the Virtual Switch.
- - The configuration of the stress tool (for example the command line
- parameters used to start it.)
- **Note:** Stress in the test ID can be replaced with the name of the
- component being stressed, when reporting the results:
- LTD.CPU.RFC2544.0PacketLoss or LTD.Memory.RFC2544.0PacketLoss
-Summary List of Tests
-1. Throughput tests
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatioFrameModification
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.Profile
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.SystemRecoveryTime
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.Soak
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.SoakFrameModification
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC6201.ResetTime
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.MaxForwardingRate
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.ForwardPressure
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.ErrorFramesFiltering
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2889.BroadcastFrameForwarding
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.WorstN-BestN
- - Test ID: LTD.Throughput.Overlay.Network.<tech>.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
-2. Packet Latency tests
- - Test ID: LTD.PacketLatency.InitialPacketProcessingLatency
- - Test ID: LTD.PacketDelayVariation.RFC3393.Soak
-3. Scalability tests
- - Test ID: LTD.Scalability.Flows.RFC2544.0PacketLoss
- - Test ID: LTD.MemoryBandwidth.RFC2544.0PacketLoss.Scalability
- - LTD.Scalability.VNF.RFC2544.PacketLossProfile
- - LTD.Scalability.VNF.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio
-4. Activation tests
- - Test ID: LTD.Activation.RFC2889.AddressCachingCapacity
- - Test ID: LTD.Activation.RFC2889.AddressLearningRate
-5. Coupling between control path and datapath Tests
- - Test ID: LTD.CPDPCouplingFlowAddition
-6. CPU and memory consumption
- - Test ID: LTD.Stress.RFC2544.0PacketLoss