.. _opnfv-overview:

.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. (c) Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors

Platform overview


Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is transforming the networking industry via
software-defined infrastructures and open source is the proven method for quickly developing
software for commercial products and services that can move markets.
Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) facilitates the development and evolution of NFV
components across various open source ecosystems. Through system level integration,
deployment and testing, OPNFV constructs a reference NFV platform to accelerate the
transformation of enterprise and service provider networks.
As an open source project, OPNFV is uniquely positioned to bring together the work
of standards bodies, open source communities, service providers and commercial suppliers to deliver
a de facto NFV platform for the industry.

By integrating components from upstream projects, the community is able to conduct performance
and use case-based testing on a variety of solutions to ensure the platform’s suitability for
NFV use cases. OPNFV also works upstream with other open source communities to bring contributions
and learnings from its work directly to those communities in the form of blueprints, patches, bugs,
and new code.

OPNFV initially focused on building NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) and Virtualised Infrastructure
Management (VIM) by integrating components from upstream projects such as OpenDaylight,
OpenStack, Ceph Storage, KVM, Open vSwitch, and Linux.
More recently, OPNFV has extended its portfolio of forwarding solutions to include fd.io and ODP,
is able to run on both Intel and ARM commercial and white-box hardware, support VM, Container and
BareMetal workloads, and includes Management and Network Orchestration MANO components primarily
for application composition and management in the Danube release.

These capabilities, along with application programmable interfaces (APIs) to other NFV
elements, form the basic infrastructure required for Virtualized Network Functions (VNF)
and MANO components.

Concentrating on these components while also considering proposed projects on additional
topics (such as the MANO components and applications themselves), OPNFV aims to enhance
NFV services by increasing performance and power efficiency improving reliability,
availability and serviceability, and delivering comprehensive platform instrumentation.

OPNFV Platform Architecture

The OPNFV project addresses a number of aspects in the development of a consistent virtualisation
platform including common hardware requirements, software architecture, MANO and applications.

OPNFV Platform Overview Diagram

.. image:: ../images/opnfvplatformgraphic.png
   :alt: Overview infographic of the opnfv platform and projects.

To address these areas effectively, the OPNFV platform architecture can be decomposed
into the following basic building blocks:

* Hardware: with the Infra working group, Pharos project and associated activities
* Software Platform: through the platform integration and deployment projects
* MANO: through the MANO working group and associated projects
* Applications: which affect all other areas and drive requirements for OPNFV

OPNFV Lab Infrastructure

The infrastructure working group oversees such topics as lab management, workflow,
definitions, metrics and tools for OPNFV infrastructure.

Fundamental to the WG is the
`Pharos Specification <https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/Pharos+Specification>`_
which provides a set of defined lab infrastructures over a geographically and technically
diverse federated global OPNFV lab.

Labs may instantiate bare-metal and virtual environments that are accessed remotely by the
community and used for OPNFV platform and feature development, build, deploy and testing.
No two labs are the same and the heterogeneity of the Pharos environment provides the ideal
platform for establishing hardware and software abstractions providing well understood
performance characteristics.

Community labs are hosted by OPNFV member companies on a voluntary basis.
The Linux Foundation also hosts an OPNFV lab that provides centralized CI
and other production resources which are linked to community labs.
Future lab capabilities will include the ability easily automate deploy and test of any
OPNFV install scenario in any lab environment as well as on a nested "lab as a service"
virtual infrastructure.

OPNFV Software Platform Architecture

The OPNFV software platform is comprised exclusively of open source implementations of
platform component pieces.  OPNFV is able to draw from the rich ecosystem of NFV related
technologies available in open-source then integrate, test, measure and improve these
components in conjunction with our source communities.

While the composition of the OPNFV software platform is highly complex and constituted of many
projects and components, a subset of these projects gain the most attention from the OPNFV community
to drive the development of new technologies and capabilities.

Virtual Infrastructure Management

OPNFV derives it's virtual infrastructure management from one of our largest upstream ecosystems
OpenStack.  OpenStack provides a complete reference cloud management system and associated technologies.
While the OpenStack community sustains a broad set of projects, not all technologies are relevant in
an NFV domain, the OPNFV community consumes a sub-set of OpenStack projects where the usage and
composition may vary depending on the installer and scenario.

For details on the scenarios available in OPNFV and the specific composition of components
refer to the :ref:`OPNFV User Guide & Configuration Guide <opnfv-user-config>`

Operating Systems

OPNFV currently uses Linux on all target machines, this can include Ubuntu, Centos or SUSE linux. The
specific version of Linux used for any deployment is documented in the installation guide.

Networking Technologies

SDN Controllers

OPNFV, as an NFV focused project, has a significant investment on networking technologies
and provides a broad variety of integrated open source reference solutions.  The diversity
of controllers able to be used in OPNFV is supported by a similarly diverse set of
forwarding technologies.

There are many SDN controllers available today relevant to virtual environments
where the OPNFV community supports and contributes to a number of these.  The controllers
being worked on by the community during this release of OPNFV include:

* Neutron: an OpenStack project to provide “network connectivity as a service” between
  interface devices (e.g., vNICs) managed by other OpenStack services (e.g., nova).
* OpenDaylight: addresses multivendor, traditional and greenfield networks, establishing the
  industry’s de facto SDN platform and providing the foundation for networks of the future.
* ONOS: a carrier-grade SDN network operating system designed for high availability,
  performance, scale-out.

.. OpenContrail SDN controller is planned to be supported in the next release.

Data Plane

OPNFV extends Linux virtual networking capabilities by using virtual switching
and routing components. The OPNFV community proactively engages with these source
communities to address performance, scale and resiliency needs apparent in carrier

* FD.io (Fast data - Input/Output): a collection of several projects and libraries to
  amplify the transformation that began with Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) to support
  flexible, programmable and composable services on a generic hardware platform.
* Open vSwitch: a production quality, multilayer virtual switch designed to enable
  massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard
  management interfaces and protocols.

Deployment Architecture

A typical OPNFV deployment starts with three controller nodes running in a high availability
configuration including control plane components from OpenStack, SDN, etc. and a minimum
of two compute nodes for deployment of workloads (VNFs).
A detailed description of the hardware requirements required to support the 5 node configuration
can be found in pharos specification: `Pharos Project <https://www.opnfv.org/developers/pharos>`_

In addition to the deployment on a highly available physical infrastructure, OPNFV can be
deployed for development and lab purposes in a virtual environment.  In this case each of the hosts
is provided by a virtual machine and allows control and workload placement using nested virtualization.

The initial deployment is done using a staging server, referred to as the "jumphost".
This server-either physical or virtual-is first installed with the installation program
that then installs OpenStack and other components on the controller nodes and compute nodes.
See the :ref:`OPNFV User Guide & Configuration Guide <opnfv-user-config>` for more details.

The OPNFV Testing Ecosystem

The OPNFV community has set out to address the needs of virtualization in the carrier
network and as such platform validation and measurements are a cornerstone to the
iterative releases and objectives.

To simplify the complex task of feature, component and platform validation and characterization
the testing community has established a fully automated method for addressing all key areas of
platform validation. This required the integration of a var<style>.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
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<span class="c1">#</span>
<span class="c1"># Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the