# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Tools for network card manipulation
import os
import subprocess
import logging
import glob
from conf import settings
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger('tools.networkcard')
_PCI_DIR = '/sys/bus/pci/devices/{}/'
_SRIOV_NUMVFS = os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, 'sriov_numvfs')
_SRIOV_TOTALVFS = os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, 'sriov_totalvfs')
_SRIOV_VF_PREFIX = 'virtfn'
_SRIOV_PF = 'physfn'
_PCI_NET = 'net'
_PCI_DRIVER = 'driver'
def check_pci(pci_handle):
""" Checks if given extended PCI handle has correct length and fixes
it if possible.
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier. It can contain vsperf specific
suffix after '|' with VF indication. e.g. '0000:05:00.0|vf1'
:returns: PCI handle
pci = pci_handle.split('|')
pci_len = len(pci[0])
if pci_len == 12:
return pci_handle
elif pci_len == 7:
pci[0] = '0000:' + pci[0][-7:]
_LOGGER.debug('Adding domain part to PCI slot %s', pci[0])
return '|'.join(pci)
elif pci_len > 12:
pci[0] = pci[0][-12:]
_LOGGER.warning('PCI slot is too long, it will be shortened to %s', pci[0])
return '|'.join(pci)
# pci_handle has a strange length, but let us try to use it
_LOGGER.error('Unknown format of PCI slot %s', pci_handle)
return pci_handle
def is_sriov_supported(pci_handle):
""" Checks if sriov is supported by given NIC
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part.
:returns: True on success, False otherwise
return os.path.isfile(_SRIOV_TOTALVFS.format(pci_handle))
def is_sriov_nic(pci_handle):
""" Checks if given extended PCI ID refers to the VF
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part. It can contain
vsperf specific suffix after '|' with VF indication.
e.g. '0000:05:00.0|vf1'
:returns: True on success, False otherwise
for item in pci_handle.split('|'):
if item.lower().startswith('vf'):
return True
return False
def set_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle, numvfs):
""" Checks if sriov is supported and configures given number of VFs
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part.
:param numvfs: Number of VFs to be configured at given NIC.
:returns: True on success, False otherwise
if not is_sriov_supported(pci_handle):
return False
if get_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle) == numvfs:
return True
if numvfs and get_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle) != 0:
if not set_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle, 0):
return False
subprocess.call('sudo bash -c "echo {} > {}"'.format(numvfs, _SRIOV_NUMVFS.format(pci_handle)), shell=True)
return get_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle) == numvfs
except OSError:
_LOGGER.debug('Number of VFs cant be changed to %s for PF %s', numvfs, pci_handle)
return False
def get_sriov_numvfs(pci_handle):
""" Returns the number of configured VFs
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part
:returns: the number of configured VFs
if is_sriov_supported(pci_handle):
with open(_SRIOV_NUMVFS.format(pci_handle), 'r') as numvfs:
return int(numvfs.readline().rstrip('\n'))
return None
def get_sriov_totalvfs(pci_handle):
""" Checks if sriov is supported and returns max number of supported VFs
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part
:returns: the max number of supported VFs by given NIC
if is_sriov_supported(pci_handle):
with open(_SRIOV_TOTALVFS.format(pci_handle), 'r') as total:
return int(total.readline().rstrip('\n'))
return None
def get_sriov_vfs_list(pf_pci_handle):
""" Returns list of PCI handles of VFs configured at given NIC/PF
:param pf_pci_handle: PCI slot identifier of PF with domain part.
:returns: list
vfs = []
if is_sriov_supported(pf_pci_handle):
for vf_name in glob.glob(os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, _SRIOV_VF_PREFIX + '*').format(pf_pci_handle)):
return vfs
def get_sriov_pf(vf_pci_handle):
""" Get PCI handle of PF which belongs to given VF
:param vf_pci_handle: PCI slot identifier of VF with domain part.
:returns: PCI handle of parent PF
pf_path = os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, _SRIOV_PF).format(vf_pci_handle)
if os.path.isdir(pf_path):
return os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(pf_path))
return None
def get_driver(pci_handle):
""" Returns name of kernel driver assigned to given NIC
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part.
:returns: string with assigned kernel driver, None otherwise
driver_path = os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, _PCI_DRIVER).format(pci_handle)
if os.path.isdir(driver_path):
return os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(driver_path))
return None
def get_device_name(pci_handle):
""" Returns name of network card device name
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part.
:returns: string with assigned NIC device name, None otherwise
net_path = os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, _PCI_NET).format(pci_handle)
return os.listdir(net_path)[0]
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
except IndexError:
return None
return None
def get_mac(pci_handle):
""" Returns MAC address of given NIC
:param pci_handle: PCI slot identifier with domain part.
:returns: string with assigned MAC address, None otherwise
mac_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(_PCI_DIR, _PCI_NET, '*', 'address').format(pci_handle))
# kernel driver is loaded and MAC can be read
if len(mac_path) and os.path.isfile(mac_path[0]):
with open(mac_path[0], 'r') as _file:
return _file.readline().rstrip('\n')
# MAC address is unknown, e.g. NIC is assigned to DPDK
return None
def get_nic_info(full_pci_handle):
""" Parse given pci handle with additional info and returns
requested NIC info.
:param full_pci_handle: A string with extended network card PCI ID.
extended PCI ID syntax: PCI_ID[|vfx][|(mac|dev)]
0000:06:00.0 - returns the same value
0000:06:00.0|vf0 - returns PCI ID of 1st virtual function of given NIC
0000:06:00.0|mac - returns MAC address of given NIC
0000:06:00.0|vf0|mac - returns MAC address of 1st virtual function of given NIC
:returns: A string with requested NIC data or None if data cannot be read.
parsed_handle = full_pci_handle.split('|')
if len(parsed_handle) not in (1, 2, 3):
_LOGGER.error("Invalid PCI device name: '%s'", full_pci_handle)
return None
pci_handle = parsed_handle[0]
for action in parsed_handle[1:]:
# in case of SRIOV get PCI handle of given virtual function
if action.lower().startswith('vf'):
vf_num = int(action[2:])
pci_handle = get_sriov_vfs_list(pci_handle)[vf_num]
except ValueError:
_LOGGER.error("Pci device '%s', does not have VF with index '%s'", pci_handle, action[2:])
return None
except IndexError:
_LOGGER.error("Pci device '%s', does not have VF with index '%s'", pci_handle, vf_num)
return None
# return requested info for given PCI handle
if action.lower() == 'mac':
return get_mac(pci_handle)
elif action.lower() == 'dev':
return get_device_name(pci_handle)
_LOGGER.error("Invalid item '%s' in PCI handle '%s'", action, full_pci_handle)
return None
return pci_handle
def reinit_vfs(pf_pci_handle):
""" Reinitializates all VFs, which belong to given PF
:param pf_pci_handle: PCI slot identifier of PF with domain part.
rte_pci_tool = os.path.join(settings.getValue('RTE_SDK'), 'tools', 'dpdk_nic_bind.py')
for vf_nic in get_sriov_vfs_list(pf_pci_handle):
nic_driver = get_driver(vf_nic)
if nic_driver:
subprocess.call(['sudo', rte_pci_tool, '--unbind', vf_nic],
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
subprocess.call(['sudo', rte_pci_tool, '--bind=' + nic_driver, vf_nic],
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
_LOGGER.warning('Error during reinitialization of VF %s', vf_nic)
_LOGGER.warning("Can't detect driver for VF %s", vf_nic)