diff options
8 files changed, 9243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_ip_crc.tcl b/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_ip_crc.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7955fd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_ip_crc.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,3582 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Ixia
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+# from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# This file is a modified version of a script generated by Ixia
+# IxNetwork.
+lappend auto_path [list $lib_path]
+########################## Configuration ##########################
+# verify that the IXIA chassis spec is given
+set reqVars [list "machine" "port" "user" "chassis" "card" "port1" "port2" "output_dir" "bidir"]
+set rfc2544test ""
+foreach var $reqVars {
+ set var_ns [namespace which -variable "$var"]
+ if { [string compare $var_ns ""] == 0 } {
+ errorMsg "The '$var' variable is undefined. Did you set it?"
+ return -1
+ }
+# machine configuration
+set ::IxNserver $machine
+set ::IxNport $port
+set ::biDirect $bidir
+# change to windows path format and append directory
+set output_dir [string map {"/" "\\"} $output_dir]
+set output_dir "$output_dir\\rfctests"
+puts "Output directory is $output_dir"
+proc startRfc2544Test { testSpec trafficSpec } {
+ # Start RFC2544 quicktest.
+ # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more
+ # information on why this is necessary
+ # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html
+ global rfc2544test
+ global sg_rfc2544throughput
+ global sg_rfc2544back2back
+ # flow spec
+ set rfc2544TestType [dict get $testSpec rfc2544TestType]
+ set binary [dict get $testSpec binary]
+ set duration [dict get $testSpec duration]
+ set L2CountValue 1
+ set L2Increment False
+ set L3ValueType singleValue
+ set L3CountValue 1
+ set L4ValueType singleValue
+ set L4CountValue 1
+ # RFC2544 to IXIA terminology mapping (it affects Ixia configuration inside this script):
+ # Test => Trial
+ # Trial => Iteration
+ if {$binary} {
+ set numTests [dict get $testSpec tests]
+ set frameRate 100
+ set tolerance [dict get $testSpec lossrate]
+ set loadType binary
+ } else {
+ set numTests 1
+ set frameRate [dict get $testSpec framerate]
+ set tolerance 0.0
+ set loadType custom
+ }
+ set learningFrames True
+ if {$learningFrames} {
+ set learningFrequency oncePerTest
+ set fastPathEnable True
+ } else {
+ set learningFrequency never
+ set fastPathEnable False
+ }
+ set multipleStreams [dict get $testSpec multipleStreams]
+ set streamType [dict get $testSpec streamType]
+ if {($multipleStreams < 0)} {
+ set multipleStreams 0
+ }
+ if {$multipleStreams} {
+ if {($streamType == "L2")} {
+ set L2CountValue $multipleStreams
+ set L2Increment True
+ } elseif {($streamType == "L3")} {
+ set L3ValueType increment
+ set L3CountValue $multipleStreams
+ } else {
+ set L4ValueType increment
+ set L4CountValue $multipleStreams
+ }
+ }
+ set fastConvergence True
+ set convergenceDuration [expr $duration/10]
+ # traffic spec
+ # extract nested dictionaries
+ set trafficSpec_l2 [dict get $trafficSpec l2]
+ set trafficSpec_l3 [dict get $trafficSpec l3]
+ set trafficSpec_l4 [dict get $trafficSpec l4]
+ set trafficSpec_vlan [dict get $trafficSpec vlan]
+ set frameSize [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 framesize]
+ set srcMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 srcmac]
+ set dstMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 dstmac]
+ set srcPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 srcport]
+ set dstPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 dstport]
+ # Tested protocols: udp, tcp, gre
+ set proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 proto]
+ set proto [string tolower $proto]
+ set srcIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 srcip]
+ set dstIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 dstip]
+ set proto_value 17
+ if { [string compare $proto "tcp"] == 0 } {
+ set proto_value 6
+ }
+ set vxlan_enabled [dict exists $trafficSpec_l4 vni]
+ set geneve_enabled [dict exists $trafficSpec_l4 geneve_vni]
+ if { $vxlan_enabled } {
+ puts "VXLAN is enabled. Setting VXLAN variables"
+ set vni [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 vni]
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ } elseif { $geneve_enabled } {
+ puts "GENEVE is enabled. Setting GENEVE variables"
+ set geneve_vni [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 geneve_vni]
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ }
+ set gre_enabled False
+ if { [string compare $proto "gre"] == 0 } {
+ puts "GRE is enabled. Setting GRE variables"
+ set proto_value 47
+ set gre_enabled True
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ }
+ if {$frameSize < 68 } {
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ puts "INFO: Packet size too small, packet size will be \
+ increased to 68 for this test"
+ }
+ }
+ # constants
+ set VERSION [package require IxTclNetwork]
+ ###################################################################
+ ############################ Operation ############################
+ ###################################################################
+ puts "Connecting to IxNetwork machine..."
+ ixNet connect $::IxNserver -port $::IxNport -version $VERSION
+ puts "Connected to IxNetwork machine"
+ puts "Configuring IxNetwork machine..."
+ set ::_sg_cc 0
+ proc sg_commit {} {ixNet commit}
+ ixNet rollback
+ ixNet setSessionParameter version 6.30.701.16
+ ixNet execute newConfig
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(0) [ixNet getRoot]
+ #
+ # setting global options
+ #
+ set sg_top [ixNet getRoot]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/availableHardware \
+ -offChassisHwM {} \
+ -isOffChassis False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/globals/preferences \
+ -connectPortsOnLoadConfig True \
+ -rebootPortsOnConnect False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/globals/interfaces \
+ -arpOnLinkup True \
+ -nsOnLinkup True \
+ -sendSingleArpPerGateway True \
+ -sendSingleNsPerGateway True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/checksums \
+ -dropRxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -correctTxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -alwaysCorrectWhenModifying True \
+ -correctTxChecksumOverIp False \
+ -correctTxIpv4Checksum False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/rxRateLimit \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 8 \
+ -units {kKilobitsPerSecond}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/drop \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/reorder \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -skipCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/duplicate \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -duplicateCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/bitError \
+ -enabled False \
+ -logRate 3 \
+ -skipEndOctets 0 \
+ -skipStartOctets 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/delay \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 300 \
+ -units {kMicroseconds}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/delayVariation \
+ -uniformSpread 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -units {kMicroseconds} \
+ -distribution {kUniform} \
+ -exponentialMeanArrival 0 \
+ -gaussianStandardDeviation 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/customDelayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/statistics \
+ -additionalFcoeStat2 fcoeInvalidFrames \
+ -csvLogPollIntervalMultiplier 1 \
+ -pollInterval 2 \
+ -guardrailEnabled True \
+ -enableCsvLogging False \
+ -dataStorePollingIntervalMultiplier 1 \
+ -maxNumberOfStatsPerCustomGraph 16 \
+ -additionalFcoeStat1 fcoeInvalidDelimiter \
+ -timestampPrecision 3 \
+ -enableDataCenterSharedStats False \
+ -timeSynchronization syncTimeToTestStart \
+ -enableAutoDataStore False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/statistics/measurementMode \
+ -measurementMode mixedMode
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/eventScheduler \
+ -licenseServerLocation {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic \
+ -destMacRetryCount 1 \
+ -maxTrafficGenerationQueries 500 \
+ -enableStaggeredTransmit False \
+ -learningFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -useTxRxSync True \
+ -enableDestMacRetry True \
+ -enableMulticastScalingFactor False \
+ -destMacRetryDelay 5 \
+ -largeErrorThreshhold 2 \
+ -refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply False \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -macChangeOnFly False \
+ -waitTime 1 \
+ -enableInstantaneousStatsSupport False \
+ -learningFramesCount 10 \
+ -globalStreamControl continuous \
+ -displayMplsCurrentLabelValue False \
+ -mplsLabelLearningTimeout 30 \
+ -enableStaggeredStartDelay True \
+ -enableDataIntegrityCheck False \
+ -enableSequenceChecking False \
+ -globalStreamControlIterations 1 \
+ -enableStreamOrdering False \
+ -frameOrderingMode none \
+ -learningFramesRate 100
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/latency \
+ -enabled True \
+ -mode storeForward
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/interArrivalTimeRate \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/delayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -statisticsMode rxDelayVariationErrorsAndRate \
+ -latencyMode storeForward \
+ -largeSequenceNumberErrorThreshold 2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/sequenceChecking \
+ -enabled False \
+ -sequenceMode rxThreshold
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/advancedSequenceChecking \
+ -enabled False \
+ -advancedSequenceThreshold 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/cpdpConvergence \
+ -enabled False \
+ -dataPlaneJitterWindow 10485760 \
+ -dataPlaneThreshold 95 \
+ -enableDataPlaneEventsRateMonitor False \
+ -enableControlPlaneEvents False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/packetLossDuration \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/dataIntegrity \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/errorStats \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/prbs \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/iptv \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/l1Rates \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/quickTest/globals \
+ -productLabel {Your switch/router name here} \
+ -serialNumber {Your switch/router serial number here} \
+ -version {Your firmware version here} \
+ -comments {} \
+ -titlePageComments {} \
+ -maxLinesToDisplay 100 \
+ -enableCheckLinkState False \
+ -enableAbortIfLinkDown False \
+ -enableSwitchToStats True \
+ -enableCapture False \
+ -enableSwitchToResult True \
+ -enableGenerateReportAfterRun False \
+ -enableRebootCpu False \
+ -saveCaptureBeforeRun False \
+ -linkDownTimeout 5 \
+ -sleepTimeAfterReboot 10 \
+ -useDefaultRootPath False \
+ -outputRootPath $::output_dir
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_top [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_top] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(0) $sg_top
+ ###
+ ### /vport area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1
+ #
+ set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \
+ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \
+ -txGapControlMode averageMode \
+ -type tenGigLan \
+ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -txMode interleaved \
+ -isPullOnly False \
+ -rxMode captureAndMeasure \
+ -name {10GE LAN - 001}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \
+ -currentType tenGigLan
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/oam \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/OAM \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette \
+ -sourceAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame \
+ -pattern2Offset 20 \
+ -pattern1Mask {00} \
+ -sourceAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern1 {00} \
+ -destinationAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2Mask {00} \
+ -pattern1Offset 20 \
+ -pattern2 {00} \
+ -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \
+ -enabled False \
+ -intervalValue 0 \
+ -packetsPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \
+ -autoFillUpDutIp False \
+ -disableReceivedUpdateValidation False \
+ -enableAdVplsPrefixLengthInBits False \
+ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -externalRetries 0 \
+ -externalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -internalRetries 0 \
+ -internalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -mldpP2mpFecType 6 \
+ -triggerVplsPwInitiation False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \
+ -enableOptionalLmFunctionality False \
+ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -receiveCcm True \
+ -sendCcm True \
+ -suppressErrorsOnAis True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/elmi \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \
+ -enabled False \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -sendLeaveOnStop True \
+ -statsEnabled False \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \
+ -allL1RbridgesMac "01:80:c2:00:00:40" \
+ -emulationType isisL3Routing \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMulticastMac "01:80:c2:00:00:41" \
+ -lspMgroupPdusPerInterval 0 \
+ -nlpId 192 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0 \
+ -sendP2PHellosToUnicastMac True \
+ -spbAllL1BridgesMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbHelloMulticastMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbNlpId 192
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \
+ -enablePreservePartnerInfo False \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \
+ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \
+ -enableHelloJitter True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloHoldTime 15 \
+ -helloInterval 5 \
+ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \
+ -keepAliveInterval 10 \
+ -p2mpCapabilityParam 1288 \
+ -p2mpFecType 6 \
+ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \
+ -targetedHoldTime 45 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/linkOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lisp \
+ -burstIntervalInMs 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -ipv4MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6SmrPacketsPerBurst 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \
+ -enableDoneOnStop True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -mldv2Report type143 \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \
+ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \
+ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \
+ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \
+ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \
+ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \
+ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \
+ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \
+ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA }
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \
+ -enableDrOrBdr False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \
+ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \
+ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \
+ -enableRateControl False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \
+ -interval 0 \
+ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \
+ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \
+ -enableShowTimeValue False \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \
+ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \
+ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \
+ -minRetryInterval 10 \
+ -retryCount 3 \
+ -sendInBursts False \
+ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \
+ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \
+ -controlCaptureFilter {} \
+ -hardwareEnabled False \
+ -softwareEnabled False \
+ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \
+ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \
+ -controlBufferSize 30 \
+ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \
+ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \
+ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \
+ -routerSolicitations 3 \
+ -retransTime 1000 \
+ -dadTransmits 1 \
+ -dadEnabled True \
+ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \
+ -ipv4McastSolicit 4
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(2) $sg_vport
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/static/lan:1
+ #
+ set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \
+ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -count $L2CountValue \
+ -countPerVc 1 \
+ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \
+ -enableIncrementVlan False \
+ -enableSiteId False \
+ -enableVlan False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -mac $srcMac \
+ -macRangeMode normal \
+ -numberOfVcs 1 \
+ -siteId 0 \
+ -skipVlanIdZero True \
+ -tpid {0x8100} \
+ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -vlanCount 1 \
+ -vlanId {1} \
+ -vlanPriority {0}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2
+ #
+ set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \
+ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \
+ -txGapControlMode averageMode \
+ -type tenGigLan \
+ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -txMode interleaved \
+ -isPullOnly False \
+ -rxMode captureAndMeasure \
+ -name {10GE LAN - 002}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \
+ -currentType tenGigLan
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/oam \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/OAM \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette \
+ -sourceAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame \
+ -pattern2Offset 20 \
+ -pattern1Mask {00} \
+ -sourceAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern1 {00} \
+ -destinationAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2Mask {00} \
+ -pattern1Offset 20 \
+ -pattern2 {00} \
+ -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \
+ -enabled False \
+ -intervalValue 0 \
+ -packetsPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \
+ -autoFillUpDutIp False \
+ -disableReceivedUpdateValidation False \
+ -enableAdVplsPrefixLengthInBits False \
+ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -externalRetries 0 \
+ -externalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -internalRetries 0 \
+ -internalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -mldpP2mpFecType 6 \
+ -triggerVplsPwInitiation False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \
+ -enableOptionalLmFunctionality False \
+ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -receiveCcm True \
+ -sendCcm True \
+ -suppressErrorsOnAis True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/elmi \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \
+ -enabled False \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -sendLeaveOnStop True \
+ -statsEnabled False \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \
+ -allL1RbridgesMac "01:80:c2:00:00:40" \
+ -emulationType isisL3Routing \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMulticastMac "01:80:c2:00:00:41" \
+ -lspMgroupPdusPerInterval 0 \
+ -nlpId 192 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0 \
+ -sendP2PHellosToUnicastMac True \
+ -spbAllL1BridgesMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbHelloMulticastMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbNlpId 192
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \
+ -enablePreservePartnerInfo False \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \
+ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \
+ -enableHelloJitter True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloHoldTime 15 \
+ -helloInterval 5 \
+ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \
+ -keepAliveInterval 10 \
+ -p2mpCapabilityParam 1288 \
+ -p2mpFecType 6 \
+ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \
+ -targetedHoldTime 45 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/linkOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lisp \
+ -burstIntervalInMs 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -ipv4MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6SmrPacketsPerBurst 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \
+ -enableDoneOnStop True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -mldv2Report type143 \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \
+ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \
+ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \
+ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \
+ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \
+ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \
+ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \
+ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \
+ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA }
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \
+ -enableDrOrBdr False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \
+ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \
+ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \
+ -enableRateControl False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \
+ -interval 0 \
+ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \
+ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \
+ -enableShowTimeValue False \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \
+ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \
+ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \
+ -minRetryInterval 10 \
+ -retryCount 3 \
+ -sendInBursts False \
+ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \
+ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \
+ -controlCaptureFilter {} \
+ -hardwareEnabled False \
+ -softwareEnabled False \
+ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \
+ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \
+ -controlBufferSize 30 \
+ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \
+ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \
+ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \
+ -routerSolicitations 3 \
+ -retransTime 1000 \
+ -dadTransmits 1 \
+ -dadEnabled True \
+ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \
+ -ipv4McastSolicit 4
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(10) $sg_vport
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/static/lan:1
+ #
+ set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \
+ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -count $L2CountValue \
+ -countPerVc 1 \
+ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \
+ -enableIncrementVlan False \
+ -enableSiteId False \
+ -enableVlan False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -mac $dstMac \
+ -macRangeMode normal \
+ -numberOfVcs 1 \
+ -siteId 0 \
+ -skipVlanIdZero True \
+ -tpid {0x8100} \
+ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -vlanCount 1 \
+ -vlanId {1} \
+ -vlanPriority {0}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /availableHardware area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis"
+ #
+ set sg_chassis [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/availableHardware chassis]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_chassis \
+ -masterChassis {} \
+ -sequenceId 1 \
+ -cableLength 0 \
+ -hostname $::chassis
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_chassis [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_chassis] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_chassis
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card
+ #
+ set sg_card $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/card:$::card
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_card \
+ -aggregationMode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_card [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_card] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(19) $sg_card
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_card
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:1
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:2
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:3
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:4
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(2) \
+ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port1
+ sg_commit
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(10) \
+ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port2
+ sg_commit
+ sg_commit
+ ###
+ ### /impairment area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3
+ #
+ set sg_profile [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/impairment profile]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {Impairment Profile 1} \
+ -links {} \
+ -allLinks True \
+ -priority 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/checksums \
+ -dropRxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -correctTxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -alwaysCorrectWhenModifying True \
+ -correctTxChecksumOverIp False \
+ -correctTxIpv4Checksum False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/rxRateLimit \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 8 \
+ -units {kKilobitsPerSecond}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/drop \
+ -enabled True \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/reorder \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -skipCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/duplicate \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -duplicateCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/bitError \
+ -enabled False \
+ -logRate 3 \
+ -skipEndOctets 0 \
+ -skipStartOctets 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delay \
+ -enabled True \
+ -value 300 \
+ -units {kMicroseconds}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delayVariation \
+ -uniformSpread 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -units {kMicroseconds} \
+ -distribution {kUniform} \
+ -exponentialMeanArrival 0 \
+ -gaussianStandardDeviation 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/customDelayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_profile [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_profile] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_profile
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3/fixedClassifier:1
+ #
+ set sg_fixedClassifier [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) fixedClassifier]
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_fixedClassifier [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_fixedClassifier] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /traffic area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficItem [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficItem]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem \
+ -transportRsvpTePreference one \
+ -trafficItemType l2L3 \
+ -biDirectional $::biDirect \
+ -mergeDestinations True \
+ -hostsPerNetwork 1 \
+ -transmitMode interleaved \
+ -ordinalNo 0 \
+ -trafficType {ethernetVlan} \
+ -interAsLdpPreference two \
+ -allowSelfDestined False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -maxNumberOfVpnLabelStack 2 \
+ -interAsBgpPreference one \
+ -suspend False \
+ -transportLdpPreference two \
+ -egressEnabled False \
+ -enableDynamicMplsLabelValues False \
+ -routeMesh oneToOne \
+ -name {Traffic Item 1} \
+ -srcDestMesh oneToOne
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficItem [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficItem] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(26) $sg_trafficItem
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_trafficItem
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/endpointSet:1
+ #
+ set sg_endpointSet [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) endpointSet]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_endpointSet \
+ -destinations [list $ixNetSG_ref(10)/protocols] \
+ -destinationFilter {} \
+ -sourceFilter {} \
+ -trafficGroups {} \
+ -sources [list $ixNetSG_ref(2)/protocols] \
+ -name {EndpointSet-1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_endpointSet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_endpointSet] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1
+ #
+ set sg_configElement $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/configElement:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement \
+ -crc goodCrc \
+ -preambleCustomSize 8 \
+ -enableDisparityError False \
+ -preambleFrameSizeMode auto \
+ -destinationMacMode manual
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameSize \
+ -weightedPairs {} \
+ -fixedSize 64 \
+ -incrementFrom 64 \
+ -randomMin 64 \
+ -randomMax 1518 \
+ -quadGaussian {} \
+ -type fixed \
+ -presetDistribution cisco \
+ -incrementStep 1 \
+ -incrementTo 1518
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRate \
+ -bitRateUnitsType bitsPerSec \
+ -rate 10 \
+ -enforceMinimumInterPacketGap 0 \
+ -type percentLineRate \
+ -interPacketGapUnitsType nanoseconds
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/framePayload \
+ -type incrementByte \
+ -customRepeat True \
+ -customPattern {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRateDistribution \
+ -streamDistribution applyRateToAll \
+ -portDistribution applyRateToAll
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/transmissionControl \
+ -frameCount 1 \
+ -minGapBytes 12 \
+ -interStreamGap 0 \
+ -interBurstGap 0 \
+ -interBurstGapUnits nanoseconds \
+ -type continuous \
+ -duration 1 \
+ -repeatBurst 1 \
+ -enableInterStreamGap False \
+ -startDelayUnits bytes \
+ -iterationCount 1 \
+ -burstPacketCount 1 \
+ -enableInterBurstGap False \
+ -startDelay 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_configElement [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_configElement] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_configElement
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernet-1"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstMac \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \
+ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \
+ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fieldValue $dstMac \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $dstMac \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcMac \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \
+ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fieldValue $srcMac \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $srcMac \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {800} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \
+ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \
+ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \
+ -fieldValue {800} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0xFFFF} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-2"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {4} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{4}} \
+ -stepValue {4} \
+ -fixedBits {4} \
+ -fieldValue {4} \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {4} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {4} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {$proto_value} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{61}} \
+ -stepValue {61} \
+ -fixedBits {61} \
+ -fieldValue {$proto} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {61} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {61} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {1} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType increment \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {65536}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcIp \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{}} \
+ -stepValue {} \
+ -fixedBits {} \
+ -fieldValue $srcIp \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstIp \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{}} \
+ -stepValue {} \
+ -fixedBits {} \
+ -fieldValue $dstIp \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType $L3ValueType \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $dstIp \
+ -countValue $L3CountValue
+ #sg_commit
+ #set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled False \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ # Suffix for stack names
+ # This variable should be incremented after setting sg_stack like:
+ # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"protocolnamehere-$stack_number"
+ # incr stack_number
+ set stack_number 3
+ if { [string compare $proto "udp"] == 0 } {
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcPort \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{63}} \
+ -stepValue {63} \
+ -fixedBits {63} \
+ -fieldValue $srcPort \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {63} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $srcPort \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstPort \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{63}} \
+ -stepValue {1} \
+ -fixedBits {63} \
+ -fieldValue $dstPort \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {63} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType $L4ValueType \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue $L4CountValue
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {26} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{8}} \
+ -stepValue {8} \
+ -fixedBits {8} \
+ -fieldValue {26} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {8} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {8} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ } elseif { [string compare $proto "tcp"] == 0 } {
+ # TCP
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"tcp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcPort \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $srcPort] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $srcPort \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstPort \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $dstPort] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $dstPort \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.sequenceNumber-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.acknowledgementNumber-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dataOffset-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 5] \
+ -stepValue 5 \
+ -fixedBits 5 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 5 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 5 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.reserved-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.nsBit-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.cwrBit-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.ecnEchoBit-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.urgBit-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.ackBit-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.pshBit-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.rstBit-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.synBit-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.finBit-15"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.window-16"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.checksum-17"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.urgentPtr-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ } elseif { [string compare $proto "gre"] == 0 } {
+ # GRE
+ set gre_enabled True
+ }
+ if { $vxlan_enabled || $gre_enabled || $geneve_enabled } {
+ # VXLAN and GRE have similar inner frame data so we set unique fields
+ # for each protocol then set the common fields.
+ #
+ if { $vxlan_enabled } {
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"vxlan-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.flags-1
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.flags-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 8 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x08] \
+ -stepValue 0x08 \
+ -fixedBits 0x08 \
+ -fieldValue 8 \
+ -randomMask 0x08 \
+ -startValue 0x08
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.reserved-2
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.reserved-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.vni-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.vni-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $vni \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 1234] \
+ -stepValue 1234 \
+ -fixedBits 1234 \
+ -fieldValue $vni \
+ -randomMask 1234 \
+ -startValue 1234
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.reserved8-4"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.reserved8-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } elseif { $geneve_enabled } {
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"geneve-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.optionsLength-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.flags-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.protocolType-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 6558 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x6558] \
+ -stepValue 0x6558 \
+ -fixedBits 0x6558 \
+ -fieldValue 6558 \
+ -randomMask 0x6558 \
+ -startValue 0x6558
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.vni-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } elseif { $gre_enabled } {
+ puts "Setting GRE attributes"
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"gre-3"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"gre-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumPresent-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ Checksum" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.reserved1-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyPresent-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ Key\ field" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequencePresent-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ sequence\ number\ field" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.reserved2-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.version-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.protocol-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 6558 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x0] \
+ -stepValue 0x0 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0 \
+ -fieldValue 6558 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0 \
+ -startValue 0x0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.withChecksum.checksum-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.withChecksum.reserved-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.noChecksum-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyHolder.key-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyHolder.noKey-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequenceHolder.sequenceNum-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequenceHolder.noSequenceNum-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ # Common fields for VXLAN and GRE
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernetNoFCS-5"/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernetNoFCS-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstmac \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 00:00:00:00:00:00] \
+ -stepValue 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fixedBits 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstmac \
+ -randomMask 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -startValue 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcmac \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 00:00:00:00:00:00] \
+ -stepValue 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fixedBits 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcmac \
+ -randomMask 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -startValue 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.etherType-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 800 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0xFFFF] \
+ -stepValue 0xFFFF \
+ -fixedBits 0xFFFF \
+ -fieldValue 800 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0xFFFF \
+ -startValue 0xFFFF
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-6"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"/
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 4 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 4] \
+ -stepValue 4 \
+ -fixedBits 4 \
+ -fieldValue 4 \
+ -randomMask 4 \
+ -startValue 4
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "000\ Routine" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 28 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 20] \
+ -stepValue 20 \
+ -fixedBits 20 \
+ -fieldValue 28 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 20 \
+ -startValue 20
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "May\ fragment" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "Last\ fragment" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 64 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 64] \
+ -stepValue 64 \
+ -fixedBits 64 \
+ -fieldValue 64 \
+ -randomMask 64 \
+ -startValue 64
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 17 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 61] \
+ -stepValue 61 \
+ -fixedBits 61 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_proto \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 61 \
+ -startValue 61
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 63355 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 63355 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcip \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list] \
+ -stepValue \
+ -fixedBits \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcip \
+ -randomMask \
+ -startValue
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstip \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list] \
+ -stepValue \
+ -fixedBits \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstip \
+ -randomMask \
+ -startValue
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ if { [string compare $inner_proto "udp"] == 0 } {
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 63] \
+ -stepValue 63 \
+ -fixedBits 63 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcport \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 63 \
+ -startValue 63
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 63] \
+ -stepValue 63 \
+ -fixedBits 63 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstport \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 63 \
+ -startValue 63
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 8 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 8] \
+ -stepValue 8 \
+ -fixedBits 8 \
+ -fieldValue 8 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 8 \
+ -startValue 8
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ } else {
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"tcp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $inner_srcport] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcport \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $inner_dstport] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstport \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.sequenceNumber-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.acknowledgementNumber-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dataOffset-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 5] \
+ -stepValue 5 \
+ -fixedBits 5 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 5 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 5 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.reserved-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.nsBit-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.cwrBit-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.ecnEchoBit-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.urgBit-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.ackBit-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.pshBit-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.rstBit-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.synBit-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.finBit-15"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.window-16"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.checksum-17"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.urgentPtr-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } else {
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-4"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/transmissionDistribution
+ #
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/transmissionDistribution
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \
+ -distributions {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/transmissionDistribution
+ #
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/transmissionDistribution
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \
+ -distributions {}
+ sg_commit
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking
+ #
+ set sg_tracking $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/tracking
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking \
+ -offset 0 \
+ -oneToOneMesh False \
+ -trackBy {} \
+ -values {} \
+ -fieldWidth thirtyTwoBits \
+ -protocolOffset {Root.0}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/egress \
+ -offset {Outer VLAN Priority (3 bits)} \
+ -enabled False \
+ -customOffsetBits 0 \
+ -encapsulation {Ethernet} \
+ -customWidthBits 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/latencyBin \
+ -enabled False \
+ -binLimits {1 1.42 2 2.82 4 5.66 8 11.32} \
+ -numberOfBins 8
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_tracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_tracking] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_tracking
+ # Note: The scriptgen generated egress code were removed because we are not using
+ # flow tracking in our tests.
+ # Insert EGRESS lines here if needed
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/dynamicUpdate
+ #
+ set sg_dynamicUpdate $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/dynamicUpdate
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_dynamicUpdate \
+ -enabledSessionAwareTrafficFields {} \
+ -enabledDynamicUpdateFields {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_dynamicUpdate [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_dynamicUpdate] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /quickTest area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1
+ #
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} {
+ set sg_rfc2544throughput [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544throughput]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput \
+ -name {QuickTest1} \
+ -mode existingMode \
+ -inputParameters {{}}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/testConfig \
+ -protocolItem {} \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -framesize $frameSize \
+ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \
+ -duration $duration \
+ -numtrials $numTests \
+ -trafficType constantLoading \
+ -burstSize 1 \
+ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \
+ -tolerance 0 \
+ -frameLossUnit {0} \
+ -staggeredStart False \
+ -framesizeList $frameSize \
+ -frameSizeMode custom \
+ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \
+ -percentMaxRate 100 \
+ -resolution 0.01 \
+ -forceRegenerate False \
+ -reportSequenceError False \
+ -ipv4rate 50 \
+ -ipv6rate 50 \
+ -loadRateList $frameRate \
+ -fixedLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -loadRateValue 80 \
+ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -initialIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \
+ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \
+ -minFpsRate 1000 \
+ -minKbpsRate 64 \
+ -txDelay 2 \
+ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \
+ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \
+ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \
+ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \
+ -calculateLatency True \
+ -latencyType storeForward \
+ -calculateJitter False \
+ -enableDataIntegrity False \
+ -enableBackoffIteration False \
+ -enableSaturationIteration False \
+ -enableStopTestOnHighLoss False \
+ -enableBackoffUseAs% False \
+ -backoffIteration 1 \
+ -saturationIteration 1 \
+ -stopTestOnHighLoss 0 \
+ -loadType $loadType \
+ -stepLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -comboLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -binaryLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -initialBinaryLoadRate 100 \
+ -minBinaryLoadRate 1 \
+ -maxBinaryLoadRate 100 \
+ -binaryResolution 1 \
+ -binaryBackoff 50 \
+ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \
+ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \
+ -comboFrameLossUnit % \
+ -stepFrameLossUnit % \
+ -initialStepLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxStepLoadRate 100 \
+ -stepStepLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepTolerance 0 \
+ -initialComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxComboLoadRate 100 \
+ -minComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -comboResolution 1 \
+ -comboBackoff 50 \
+ -comboTolerance 0 \
+ -binarySearchType linear \
+ -unchangedValueList {0} \
+ -enableFastConvergence $fastConvergence \
+ -fastConvergenceDuration $convergenceDuration \
+ -fastConvergenceThreshold 10 \
+ -framesizeFixedValue $frameSize \
+ -gap 3 \
+ -unchangedInitial False \
+ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \
+ -enableExtraIterations False \
+ -extraIterationOffsets {10, -10} \
+ -usePercentOffsets False \
+ -imixDistribution weight \
+ -imixAdd {0} \
+ -imixDelete {0} \
+ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \
+ -imixEnabled False \
+ -imixTemplates none \
+ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \
+ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \
+ -mapType {oneToOne} \
+ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/learnFrames \
+ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \
+ -learnNumFrames 10 \
+ -learnRate 100 \
+ -learnWaitTime 1000 \
+ -learnFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -fastPathLearnFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \
+ -learnSendMacOnly False \
+ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \
+ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \
+ -fastPathRate 100 \
+ -fastPathNumFrames 10
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/passCriteria \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \
+ -enablePassFail False \
+ -enableRatePassFail False \
+ -enableLatencyPassFail False \
+ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \
+ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \
+ -latencyThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyThresholdMode average \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \
+ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \
+ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \
+ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \
+ -dataErrorThresholdMode average
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_rfc2544throughput [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544throughput] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544throughput
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/protocols
+ #
+ set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \
+ -protocolState default \
+ -waitAfterStart 120 \
+ -waitAfterStop 30
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/trafficSelection:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \
+ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \
+ -includeMode inTest \
+ -itemType trafficItem
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0]
+ ixNet commit
+ } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2
+ #
+ set sg_rfc2544back2back [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544back2back]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back \
+ -name {B2B} \
+ -mode existingMode \
+ -inputParameters {{}}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/testConfig \
+ -protocolItem {} \
+ -framesize $frameSize \
+ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \
+ -rfc2544ImixDataQoS False \
+ -detailedResultsEnabled True \
+ -rfc2889ordering noOrdering \
+ -floodedFramesEnabled False \
+ -duration $duration \
+ -numtrials $numTests \
+ -trafficType constantLoading \
+ -burstSize 1 \
+ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \
+ -tolerance 0 \
+ -frameLossUnit {0} \
+ -staggeredStart False \
+ -framesizeList $frameSize \
+ -frameSizeMode custom \
+ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \
+ -percentMaxRate 100 \
+ -resolution 0.01 \
+ -forceRegenerate False \
+ -reportSequenceError False \
+ -ipv4rate 50 \
+ -ipv6rate 50 \
+ -loadRateList $frameRate \
+ -minFpsRate 1000 \
+ -minKbpsRate 64 \
+ -txDelay 2 \
+ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \
+ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \
+ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \
+ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \
+ -calculateLatency False \
+ -calibrateLatency False \
+ -latencyType cutThrough \
+ -calculateJitter False \
+ -enableDataIntegrity False \
+ -loadType $loadType \
+ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \
+ -loadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -binaryResolution 100 \
+ -binaryBackoff 50 \
+ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \
+ -initialIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \
+ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \
+ -numFrames {100000} \
+ -loadRate 100 \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -gap 3 \
+ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \
+ -sendFullyMeshed False \
+ -imixDistribution weight \
+ -imixAdd {0} \
+ -imixDelete {0} \
+ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \
+ -imixEnabled False \
+ -imixTemplates none \
+ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \
+ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \
+ -ipRatioMode fixed \
+ -ipv4RatioList {10,25,50,75,90} \
+ -ipv6RatioList {90,75,50,25,10} \
+ -minIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -stepIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -maxIncrementIpv4Ratio {90} \
+ -minIncrementIpv6Ratio {90} \
+ -stepIncrementIpv6Ratio {-10} \
+ -maxIncrementIpv6Ratio {10} \
+ -minRandomIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -maxRandomIpv4Ratio {90} \
+ -minRandomIpv6Ratio {90} \
+ -maxRandomIpv6Ratio {10} \
+ -countRandomIpRatio 1 \
+ -mapType {oneToOne|manyToMany|fullMesh} \
+ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/learnFrames \
+ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \
+ -learnNumFrames 10 \
+ -learnRate 100 \
+ -learnWaitTime 1000 \
+ -learnFrameSize 64 \
+ -fastPathLearnFrameSize 64 \
+ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \
+ -learnSendMacOnly False \
+ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \
+ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \
+ -fastPathRate 100 \
+ -fastPathNumFrames 10
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/passCriteria \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \
+ -enablePassFail False \
+ -enableRatePassFail False \
+ -enableLatencyPassFail False \
+ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \
+ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \
+ -latencyThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyThresholdMode average \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \
+ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \
+ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \
+ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \
+ -dataErrorThresholdMode average \
+ -enableFrameCountPassFail False \
+ -passCriteriaFrameCountValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaFrameCountMode average
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_rfc2544back2back [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544back2back] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544back2back
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/protocols
+ #
+ set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \
+ -protocolState default \
+ -waitAfterStart 120 \
+ -waitAfterStop 30
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/trafficSelection:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \
+ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \
+ -includeMode inTest \
+ -itemType trafficItem
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0]
+ ixNet commit
+ }
+ #
+ # getting and applying the RFC2544 test
+ #
+ set root [ixNet getRoot]
+ foreach traf_item [ixNet getList $root/traffic trafficItem] {
+ ixNet exec generate $traf_item
+ }
+ set qt [ixNet getList $root quickTest]
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} {
+ set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544throughput]
+ } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544back2back]
+ }
+ ixNet exec apply $rfc2544test
+ after 5000
+ #
+ # starting the RFC2544 Throughput test
+ #
+ puts "Starting test..."
+ ixNet exec start $rfc2544test
+proc waitForRfc2544Test { } {
+ # Wait for- and return results of- RFC2544 quicktest.
+ global rfc2544test
+ puts "Waiting for test to complete..."
+ set result [ixNet exec waitForTest $rfc2544test]
+ puts "Finished Test"
+ return "$result"
diff --git a/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_udp_crc.tcl b/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_udp_crc.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..dc35f78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd_party/ixia/ixnetrfc2544v2_random_udp_crc.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,3582 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Ixia
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+# from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# This file is a modified version of a script generated by Ixia
+# IxNetwork.
+lappend auto_path [list $lib_path]
+########################## Configuration ##########################
+# verify that the IXIA chassis spec is given
+set reqVars [list "machine" "port" "user" "chassis" "card" "port1" "port2" "output_dir" "bidir"]
+set rfc2544test ""
+foreach var $reqVars {
+ set var_ns [namespace which -variable "$var"]
+ if { [string compare $var_ns ""] == 0 } {
+ errorMsg "The '$var' variable is undefined. Did you set it?"
+ return -1
+ }
+# machine configuration
+set ::IxNserver $machine
+set ::IxNport $port
+set ::biDirect $bidir
+# change to windows path format and append directory
+set output_dir [string map {"/" "\\"} $output_dir]
+set output_dir "$output_dir\\rfctests"
+puts "Output directory is $output_dir"
+proc startRfc2544Test { testSpec trafficSpec } {
+ # Start RFC2544 quicktest.
+ # Configure global variables. See documentation on 'global' for more
+ # information on why this is necessary
+ # https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl13.html
+ global rfc2544test
+ global sg_rfc2544throughput
+ global sg_rfc2544back2back
+ # flow spec
+ set rfc2544TestType [dict get $testSpec rfc2544TestType]
+ set binary [dict get $testSpec binary]
+ set duration [dict get $testSpec duration]
+ set L2CountValue 1
+ set L2Increment False
+ set L3ValueType singleValue
+ set L3CountValue 1
+ set L4ValueType singleValue
+ set L4CountValue 1
+ # RFC2544 to IXIA terminology mapping (it affects Ixia configuration inside this script):
+ # Test => Trial
+ # Trial => Iteration
+ if {$binary} {
+ set numTests [dict get $testSpec tests]
+ set frameRate 100
+ set tolerance [dict get $testSpec lossrate]
+ set loadType binary
+ } else {
+ set numTests 1
+ set frameRate [dict get $testSpec framerate]
+ set tolerance 0.0
+ set loadType custom
+ }
+ set learningFrames True
+ if {$learningFrames} {
+ set learningFrequency oncePerTest
+ set fastPathEnable True
+ } else {
+ set learningFrequency never
+ set fastPathEnable False
+ }
+ set multipleStreams [dict get $testSpec multipleStreams]
+ set streamType [dict get $testSpec streamType]
+ if {($multipleStreams < 0)} {
+ set multipleStreams 0
+ }
+ if {$multipleStreams} {
+ if {($streamType == "L2")} {
+ set L2CountValue $multipleStreams
+ set L2Increment True
+ } elseif {($streamType == "L3")} {
+ set L3ValueType increment
+ set L3CountValue $multipleStreams
+ } else {
+ set L4ValueType increment
+ set L4CountValue $multipleStreams
+ }
+ }
+ set fastConvergence True
+ set convergenceDuration [expr $duration/10]
+ # traffic spec
+ # extract nested dictionaries
+ set trafficSpec_l2 [dict get $trafficSpec l2]
+ set trafficSpec_l3 [dict get $trafficSpec l3]
+ set trafficSpec_l4 [dict get $trafficSpec l4]
+ set trafficSpec_vlan [dict get $trafficSpec vlan]
+ set frameSize [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 framesize]
+ set srcMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 srcmac]
+ set dstMac [dict get $trafficSpec_l2 dstmac]
+ set srcPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 srcport]
+ set dstPort [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 dstport]
+ # Tested protocols: udp, tcp, gre
+ set proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 proto]
+ set proto [string tolower $proto]
+ set srcIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 srcip]
+ set dstIp [dict get $trafficSpec_l3 dstip]
+ set proto_value 17
+ if { [string compare $proto "tcp"] == 0 } {
+ set proto_value 6
+ }
+ set vxlan_enabled [dict exists $trafficSpec_l4 vni]
+ set geneve_enabled [dict exists $trafficSpec_l4 geneve_vni]
+ if { $vxlan_enabled } {
+ puts "VXLAN is enabled. Setting VXLAN variables"
+ set vni [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 vni]
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ } elseif { $geneve_enabled } {
+ puts "GENEVE is enabled. Setting GENEVE variables"
+ set geneve_vni [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 geneve_vni]
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ }
+ set gre_enabled False
+ if { [string compare $proto "gre"] == 0 } {
+ puts "GRE is enabled. Setting GRE variables"
+ set proto_value 47
+ set gre_enabled True
+ set inner_srcmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcmac]
+ set inner_dstmac [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstmac]
+ set inner_srcip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcip]
+ set inner_dstip [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstip]
+ set inner_proto [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_proto]
+ set inner_proto [string tolower $inner_proto]
+ set inner_srcport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_srcport]
+ set inner_dstport [dict get $trafficSpec_l4 inner_dstport]
+ }
+ if {$frameSize < 68 } {
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ puts "INFO: Packet size too small, packet size will be \
+ increased to 68 for this test"
+ }
+ }
+ # constants
+ set VERSION [package require IxTclNetwork]
+ ###################################################################
+ ############################ Operation ############################
+ ###################################################################
+ puts "Connecting to IxNetwork machine..."
+ ixNet connect $::IxNserver -port $::IxNport -version $VERSION
+ puts "Connected to IxNetwork machine"
+ puts "Configuring IxNetwork machine..."
+ set ::_sg_cc 0
+ proc sg_commit {} {ixNet commit}
+ ixNet rollback
+ ixNet setSessionParameter version 6.30.701.16
+ ixNet execute newConfig
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(0) [ixNet getRoot]
+ #
+ # setting global options
+ #
+ set sg_top [ixNet getRoot]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/availableHardware \
+ -offChassisHwM {} \
+ -isOffChassis False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/globals/preferences \
+ -connectPortsOnLoadConfig True \
+ -rebootPortsOnConnect False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/globals/interfaces \
+ -arpOnLinkup True \
+ -nsOnLinkup True \
+ -sendSingleArpPerGateway True \
+ -sendSingleNsPerGateway True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/checksums \
+ -dropRxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -correctTxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -alwaysCorrectWhenModifying True \
+ -correctTxChecksumOverIp False \
+ -correctTxIpv4Checksum False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/rxRateLimit \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 8 \
+ -units {kKilobitsPerSecond}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/drop \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/reorder \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -skipCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/duplicate \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -duplicateCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/bitError \
+ -enabled False \
+ -logRate 3 \
+ -skipEndOctets 0 \
+ -skipStartOctets 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/delay \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 300 \
+ -units {kMicroseconds}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/delayVariation \
+ -uniformSpread 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -units {kMicroseconds} \
+ -distribution {kUniform} \
+ -exponentialMeanArrival 0 \
+ -gaussianStandardDeviation 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/impairment/defaultProfile/customDelayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/statistics \
+ -additionalFcoeStat2 fcoeInvalidFrames \
+ -csvLogPollIntervalMultiplier 1 \
+ -pollInterval 2 \
+ -guardrailEnabled True \
+ -enableCsvLogging False \
+ -dataStorePollingIntervalMultiplier 1 \
+ -maxNumberOfStatsPerCustomGraph 16 \
+ -additionalFcoeStat1 fcoeInvalidDelimiter \
+ -timestampPrecision 3 \
+ -enableDataCenterSharedStats False \
+ -timeSynchronization syncTimeToTestStart \
+ -enableAutoDataStore False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/statistics/measurementMode \
+ -measurementMode mixedMode
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/eventScheduler \
+ -licenseServerLocation {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic \
+ -destMacRetryCount 1 \
+ -maxTrafficGenerationQueries 500 \
+ -enableStaggeredTransmit False \
+ -learningFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -useTxRxSync True \
+ -enableDestMacRetry True \
+ -enableMulticastScalingFactor False \
+ -destMacRetryDelay 5 \
+ -largeErrorThreshhold 2 \
+ -refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply False \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -macChangeOnFly False \
+ -waitTime 1 \
+ -enableInstantaneousStatsSupport False \
+ -learningFramesCount 10 \
+ -globalStreamControl continuous \
+ -displayMplsCurrentLabelValue False \
+ -mplsLabelLearningTimeout 30 \
+ -enableStaggeredStartDelay True \
+ -enableDataIntegrityCheck False \
+ -enableSequenceChecking False \
+ -globalStreamControlIterations 1 \
+ -enableStreamOrdering False \
+ -frameOrderingMode none \
+ -learningFramesRate 100
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/latency \
+ -enabled True \
+ -mode storeForward
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/interArrivalTimeRate \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/delayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -statisticsMode rxDelayVariationErrorsAndRate \
+ -latencyMode storeForward \
+ -largeSequenceNumberErrorThreshold 2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/sequenceChecking \
+ -enabled False \
+ -sequenceMode rxThreshold
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/advancedSequenceChecking \
+ -enabled False \
+ -advancedSequenceThreshold 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/cpdpConvergence \
+ -enabled False \
+ -dataPlaneJitterWindow 10485760 \
+ -dataPlaneThreshold 95 \
+ -enableDataPlaneEventsRateMonitor False \
+ -enableControlPlaneEvents False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/packetLossDuration \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/dataIntegrity \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/errorStats \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/prbs \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/iptv \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic/statistics/l1Rates \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/quickTest/globals \
+ -productLabel {Your switch/router name here} \
+ -serialNumber {Your switch/router serial number here} \
+ -version {Your firmware version here} \
+ -comments {} \
+ -titlePageComments {} \
+ -maxLinesToDisplay 100 \
+ -enableCheckLinkState False \
+ -enableAbortIfLinkDown False \
+ -enableSwitchToStats True \
+ -enableCapture False \
+ -enableSwitchToResult True \
+ -enableGenerateReportAfterRun False \
+ -enableRebootCpu False \
+ -saveCaptureBeforeRun False \
+ -linkDownTimeout 5 \
+ -sleepTimeAfterReboot 10 \
+ -useDefaultRootPath False \
+ -outputRootPath $::output_dir
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_top [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_top] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(0) $sg_top
+ ###
+ ### /vport area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1
+ #
+ set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \
+ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \
+ -txGapControlMode averageMode \
+ -type tenGigLan \
+ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -txMode interleaved \
+ -isPullOnly False \
+ -rxMode captureAndMeasure \
+ -name {10GE LAN - 001}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \
+ -currentType tenGigLan
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/oam \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/OAM \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette \
+ -sourceAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame \
+ -pattern2Offset 20 \
+ -pattern1Mask {00} \
+ -sourceAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern1 {00} \
+ -destinationAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2Mask {00} \
+ -pattern1Offset 20 \
+ -pattern2 {00} \
+ -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \
+ -enabled False \
+ -intervalValue 0 \
+ -packetsPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \
+ -autoFillUpDutIp False \
+ -disableReceivedUpdateValidation False \
+ -enableAdVplsPrefixLengthInBits False \
+ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -externalRetries 0 \
+ -externalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -internalRetries 0 \
+ -internalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -mldpP2mpFecType 6 \
+ -triggerVplsPwInitiation False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \
+ -enableOptionalLmFunctionality False \
+ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -receiveCcm True \
+ -sendCcm True \
+ -suppressErrorsOnAis True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/elmi \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \
+ -enabled False \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -sendLeaveOnStop True \
+ -statsEnabled False \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \
+ -allL1RbridgesMac "01:80:c2:00:00:40" \
+ -emulationType isisL3Routing \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMulticastMac "01:80:c2:00:00:41" \
+ -lspMgroupPdusPerInterval 0 \
+ -nlpId 192 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0 \
+ -sendP2PHellosToUnicastMac True \
+ -spbAllL1BridgesMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbHelloMulticastMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbNlpId 192
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \
+ -enablePreservePartnerInfo False \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \
+ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \
+ -enableHelloJitter True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloHoldTime 15 \
+ -helloInterval 5 \
+ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \
+ -keepAliveInterval 10 \
+ -p2mpCapabilityParam 1288 \
+ -p2mpFecType 6 \
+ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \
+ -targetedHoldTime 45 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/linkOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lisp \
+ -burstIntervalInMs 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -ipv4MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6SmrPacketsPerBurst 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \
+ -enableDoneOnStop True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -mldv2Report type143 \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \
+ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \
+ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \
+ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \
+ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \
+ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \
+ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \
+ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \
+ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA }
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \
+ -enableDrOrBdr False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \
+ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \
+ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \
+ -enableRateControl False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \
+ -interval 0 \
+ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \
+ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \
+ -enableShowTimeValue False \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \
+ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \
+ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \
+ -minRetryInterval 10 \
+ -retryCount 3 \
+ -sendInBursts False \
+ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \
+ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \
+ -controlCaptureFilter {} \
+ -hardwareEnabled False \
+ -softwareEnabled False \
+ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \
+ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \
+ -controlBufferSize 30 \
+ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \
+ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \
+ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \
+ -routerSolicitations 3 \
+ -retransTime 1000 \
+ -dadTransmits 1 \
+ -dadEnabled True \
+ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \
+ -ipv4McastSolicit 4
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(2) $sg_vport
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/static/lan:1
+ #
+ set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \
+ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -count $L2CountValue \
+ -countPerVc 1 \
+ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \
+ -enableIncrementVlan False \
+ -enableSiteId False \
+ -enableVlan False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -mac $srcMac \
+ -macRangeMode normal \
+ -numberOfVcs 1 \
+ -siteId 0 \
+ -skipVlanIdZero True \
+ -tpid {0x8100} \
+ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -vlanCount 1 \
+ -vlanId {1} \
+ -vlanPriority {0}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2
+ #
+ set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \
+ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \
+ -txGapControlMode averageMode \
+ -type tenGigLan \
+ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -txMode interleaved \
+ -isPullOnly False \
+ -rxMode captureAndMeasure \
+ -name {10GE LAN - 002}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \
+ -currentType tenGigLan
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/oam \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/tenGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan \
+ -ppm 0 \
+ -flowControlDirectedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" \
+ -enablePPM False \
+ -autoInstrumentation endOfFrame \
+ -transmitClocking internal \
+ -txIgnoreRxLinkFaults False \
+ -loopback False \
+ -enableLASIMonitoring False \
+ -enabledFlowControl False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/fortyGigLan/fcoe \
+ -supportDataCenterMode False \
+ -priorityGroupSize priorityGroupSize-8 \
+ -pfcPauseDelay 1 \
+ -pfcPriorityGroups {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7} \
+ -flowControlType ieee802.1Qbb \
+ -enablePFCPauseDelay False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/OAM \
+ -tlvType {00} \
+ -linkEvents False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -vendorSpecificInformation {00 00 00 00} \
+ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \
+ -loopback False \
+ -idleTimer 5 \
+ -tlvValue {00} \
+ -enableTlvOption False \
+ -maxOAMPDUSize 64 \
+ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette \
+ -sourceAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame \
+ -pattern2Offset 20 \
+ -pattern1Mask {00} \
+ -sourceAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress2 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -destinationAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -sourceAddress1 {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern1 {00} \
+ -destinationAddress2Mask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -pattern2Mask {00} \
+ -pattern1Offset 20 \
+ -pattern2 {00} \
+ -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \
+ -enabled False \
+ -intervalValue 0 \
+ -packetsPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \
+ -autoFillUpDutIp False \
+ -disableReceivedUpdateValidation False \
+ -enableAdVplsPrefixLengthInBits False \
+ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -externalRetries 0 \
+ -externalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -internalRetries 0 \
+ -internalRetryDelay 120 \
+ -mldpP2mpFecType 6 \
+ -triggerVplsPwInitiation False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \
+ -enableOptionalLmFunctionality False \
+ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -receiveCcm True \
+ -sendCcm True \
+ -suppressErrorsOnAis True
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/elmi \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \
+ -enabled False \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -sendLeaveOnStop True \
+ -statsEnabled False \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \
+ -allL1RbridgesMac "01:80:c2:00:00:40" \
+ -emulationType isisL3Routing \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMulticastMac "01:80:c2:00:00:41" \
+ -lspMgroupPdusPerInterval 0 \
+ -nlpId 192 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0 \
+ -sendP2PHellosToUnicastMac True \
+ -spbAllL1BridgesMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbHelloMulticastMac "09:00:2b:00:00:05" \
+ -spbNlpId 192
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \
+ -enablePreservePartnerInfo False \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \
+ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \
+ -enableHelloJitter True \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloHoldTime 15 \
+ -helloInterval 5 \
+ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \
+ -keepAliveInterval 10 \
+ -p2mpCapabilityParam 1288 \
+ -p2mpFecType 6 \
+ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \
+ -targetedHoldTime 45 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/linkOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lisp \
+ -burstIntervalInMs 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -ipv4MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv4SmrPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRegisterPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6MapRequestPacketsPerBurst 0 \
+ -ipv6SmrPacketsPerBurst 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \
+ -enableDoneOnStop True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -mldv2Report type143 \
+ -numberOfGroups 0 \
+ -numberOfQueries 0 \
+ -queryTimePeriod 0 \
+ -timePeriod 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsOam \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mplsTp \
+ -apsChannelType {00 02 } \
+ -bfdCcChannelType {00 07 } \
+ -delayManagementChannelType {00 05 } \
+ -enableHighPerformanceMode True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -faultManagementChannelType {00 58 } \
+ -lossMeasurementChannelType {00 04 } \
+ -onDemandCvChannelType {00 09 } \
+ -pwStatusChannelType {00 0B } \
+ -y1731ChannelType {7F FA }
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \
+ -enableDrOrBdr False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -floodLinkStateUpdatesPerInterval 0 \
+ -rateControlInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \
+ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \
+ -denyGrePimIpPrefix {} \
+ -enableDiscardJoinPruneProcessing False \
+ -enableRateControl False \
+ -enabled False \
+ -helloMsgsPerInterval 0 \
+ -interval 0 \
+ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \
+ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \
+ -enableControlLspInitiationRate False \
+ -enableShowTimeValue False \
+ -enableVpnLabelExchangeOverLsp True \
+ -enabled False \
+ -maxLspInitiationsPerSec 400 \
+ -useTransportLabelsForMplsOam False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \
+ -enabled False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/rateControlParameters \
+ -maxRequestsPerBurst 1 \
+ -maxRequestsPerSec 250 \
+ -minRetryInterval 10 \
+ -retryCount 3 \
+ -sendInBursts False \
+ -sendRequestsAsFastAsPossible False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \
+ -controlCaptureTrigger {} \
+ -controlCaptureFilter {} \
+ -hardwareEnabled False \
+ -softwareEnabled False \
+ -displayFiltersDataCapture {} \
+ -displayFiltersControlCapture {} \
+ -controlBufferSize 30 \
+ -controlBufferBehaviour bufferLiveNonCircular
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocolStack/options \
+ -routerSolicitationDelay 1 \
+ -routerSolicitationInterval 4 \
+ -routerSolicitations 3 \
+ -retransTime 1000 \
+ -dadTransmits 1 \
+ -dadEnabled True \
+ -ipv4RetransTime 3000 \
+ -ipv4McastSolicit 4
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(10) $sg_vport
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:5
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ #
+ set sg_uds $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/rxFilters/uds:6
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_uds \
+ -destinationAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -customFrameSizeTo 0 \
+ -customFrameSizeFrom 0 \
+ -error errAnyFrame \
+ -patternSelector anyPattern \
+ -sourceAddressSelector anyAddr \
+ -isEnabled True \
+ -frameSizeType any
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_uds [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_uds] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/static/lan:1
+ #
+ set sg_lan [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/static lan]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_lan \
+ -atmEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -count $L2CountValue \
+ -countPerVc 1 \
+ -enableIncrementMac $L2Increment \
+ -enableIncrementVlan False \
+ -enableSiteId False \
+ -enableVlan False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -frEncapsulation ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -incrementPerVcVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -incrementVlanMode noIncrement \
+ -mac $dstMac \
+ -macRangeMode normal \
+ -numberOfVcs 1 \
+ -siteId 0 \
+ -skipVlanIdZero True \
+ -tpid {0x8100} \
+ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \
+ -vlanCount 1 \
+ -vlanId {1} \
+ -vlanPriority {0}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_lan [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_lan] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /availableHardware area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis"
+ #
+ set sg_chassis [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/availableHardware chassis]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_chassis \
+ -masterChassis {} \
+ -sequenceId 1 \
+ -cableLength 0 \
+ -hostname $::chassis
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_chassis [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_chassis] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_chassis
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card
+ #
+ set sg_card $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/card:$::card
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_card \
+ -aggregationMode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_card [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_card] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(19) $sg_card
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_card
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:1
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:2
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:2
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:3
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:3
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /availableHardware/chassis/card/aggregation:4
+ #
+ set sg_aggregation $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/aggregation:4
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_aggregation \
+ -mode normal
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_aggregation [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_aggregation] 0]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(2) \
+ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port1
+ sg_commit
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $ixNetSG_ref(10) \
+ -connectedTo $ixNetSG_ref(19)/port:$::port2
+ sg_commit
+ sg_commit
+ ###
+ ### /impairment area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3
+ #
+ set sg_profile [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/impairment profile]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {Impairment Profile 1} \
+ -links {} \
+ -allLinks True \
+ -priority 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/checksums \
+ -dropRxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -correctTxL2FcsErrors False \
+ -alwaysCorrectWhenModifying True \
+ -correctTxChecksumOverIp False \
+ -correctTxIpv4Checksum False
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/rxRateLimit \
+ -enabled False \
+ -value 8 \
+ -units {kKilobitsPerSecond}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/drop \
+ -enabled True \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/reorder \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -skipCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/duplicate \
+ -enabled False \
+ -clusterSize 1 \
+ -percentRate 0 \
+ -duplicateCount 1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/bitError \
+ -enabled False \
+ -logRate 3 \
+ -skipEndOctets 0 \
+ -skipStartOctets 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delay \
+ -enabled True \
+ -value 300 \
+ -units {kMicroseconds}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/delayVariation \
+ -uniformSpread 0 \
+ -enabled False \
+ -units {kMicroseconds} \
+ -distribution {kUniform} \
+ -exponentialMeanArrival 0 \
+ -gaussianStandardDeviation 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_profile/customDelayVariation \
+ -enabled False \
+ -name {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_profile [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_profile] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_profile
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /impairment/profile:3/fixedClassifier:1
+ #
+ set sg_fixedClassifier [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) fixedClassifier]
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_fixedClassifier [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_fixedClassifier] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /traffic area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficItem [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficItem]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem \
+ -transportRsvpTePreference one \
+ -trafficItemType l2L3 \
+ -biDirectional $::biDirect \
+ -mergeDestinations True \
+ -hostsPerNetwork 1 \
+ -transmitMode interleaved \
+ -ordinalNo 0 \
+ -trafficType {ethernetVlan} \
+ -interAsLdpPreference two \
+ -allowSelfDestined False \
+ -enabled True \
+ -maxNumberOfVpnLabelStack 2 \
+ -interAsBgpPreference one \
+ -suspend False \
+ -transportLdpPreference two \
+ -egressEnabled False \
+ -enableDynamicMplsLabelValues False \
+ -routeMesh oneToOne \
+ -name {Traffic Item 1} \
+ -srcDestMesh oneToOne
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficItem [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficItem] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_ref(26) $sg_trafficItem
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_trafficItem
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/endpointSet:1
+ #
+ set sg_endpointSet [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) endpointSet]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_endpointSet \
+ -destinations [list $ixNetSG_ref(10)/protocols] \
+ -destinationFilter {} \
+ -sourceFilter {} \
+ -trafficGroups {} \
+ -sources [list $ixNetSG_ref(2)/protocols] \
+ -name {EndpointSet-1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_endpointSet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_endpointSet] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1
+ #
+ set sg_configElement $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/configElement:1
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement \
+ -crc goodCrc \
+ -preambleCustomSize 8 \
+ -enableDisparityError False \
+ -preambleFrameSizeMode auto \
+ -destinationMacMode manual
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameSize \
+ -weightedPairs {} \
+ -fixedSize 64 \
+ -incrementFrom 64 \
+ -randomMin 64 \
+ -randomMax 1518 \
+ -quadGaussian {} \
+ -type fixed \
+ -presetDistribution cisco \
+ -incrementStep 1 \
+ -incrementTo 1518
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRate \
+ -bitRateUnitsType bitsPerSec \
+ -rate 10 \
+ -enforceMinimumInterPacketGap 0 \
+ -type percentLineRate \
+ -interPacketGapUnitsType nanoseconds
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/framePayload \
+ -type incrementByte \
+ -customRepeat True \
+ -customPattern {}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/frameRateDistribution \
+ -streamDistribution applyRateToAll \
+ -portDistribution applyRateToAll
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_configElement/transmissionControl \
+ -frameCount 1 \
+ -minGapBytes 12 \
+ -interStreamGap 0 \
+ -interBurstGap 0 \
+ -interBurstGapUnits nanoseconds \
+ -type continuous \
+ -duration 1 \
+ -repeatBurst 1 \
+ -enableInterStreamGap False \
+ -startDelayUnits bytes \
+ -iterationCount 1 \
+ -burstPacketCount 1 \
+ -enableInterBurstGap False \
+ -startDelay 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_configElement [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_configElement] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_configElement
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernet-1"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstMac \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \
+ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:01} \
+ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fieldValue $dstMac \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $dstMac \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcMac \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{00:00:00:00:00:00}} \
+ -stepValue {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fixedBits {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -fieldValue $srcMac \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {00:00:00:00:00:00} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $srcMac \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1"/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.header.etherType-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {800} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0xFFFF}} \
+ -stepValue {0xFFFF} \
+ -fixedBits {0xFFFF} \
+ -fieldValue {800} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0xFFFF} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0xFFFF} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-2"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {4} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{4}} \
+ -stepValue {4} \
+ -fixedBits {4} \
+ -fieldValue {4} \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {4} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {4} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {$proto_value} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{61}} \
+ -stepValue {61} \
+ -fixedBits {61} \
+ -fieldValue {$proto} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {61} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {61} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcIp \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{}} \
+ -stepValue {} \
+ -fixedBits {} \
+ -fieldValue $srcIp \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstIp \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{}} \
+ -stepValue {} \
+ -fixedBits {} \
+ -fieldValue $dstIp \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType $L3ValueType \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $dstIp \
+ -countValue $L3CountValue
+ #sg_commit
+ #set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled False \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ # Suffix for stack names
+ # This variable should be incremented after setting sg_stack like:
+ # set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"protocolnamehere-$stack_number"
+ # incr stack_number
+ set stack_number 3
+ if { [string compare $proto "udp"] == 0 } {
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcPort \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{63}} \
+ -stepValue {63} \
+ -fixedBits {63} \
+ -fieldValue $srcPort \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {63} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue $srcPort \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstPort \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{63}} \
+ -stepValue {1} \
+ -fixedBits {63} \
+ -fieldValue $dstPort \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {63} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType $L4ValueType \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue $L4CountValue
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {26} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{8}} \
+ -stepValue {8} \
+ -fixedBits {8} \
+ -fieldValue {26} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {8} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {8} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"udp-3"/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {1} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto False \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType increment \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {1} \
+ -countValue {65535}
+ } elseif { [string compare $proto "tcp"] == 0 } {
+ # TCP
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"tcp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $srcPort \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $srcPort] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $srcPort \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $dstPort \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $dstPort] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $dstPort \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.sequenceNumber-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.acknowledgementNumber-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dataOffset-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 5] \
+ -stepValue 5 \
+ -fixedBits 5 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 5 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 5 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.reserved-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.nsBit-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.cwrBit-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.ecnEchoBit-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.urgBit-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.ackBit-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.pshBit-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.rstBit-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.synBit-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.finBit-15"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.window-16"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.checksum-17"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.urgentPtr-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ } elseif { [string compare $proto "gre"] == 0 } {
+ # GRE
+ set gre_enabled True
+ }
+ if { $vxlan_enabled || $gre_enabled || $geneve_enabled } {
+ # VXLAN and GRE have similar inner frame data so we set unique fields
+ # for each protocol then set the common fields.
+ #
+ if { $vxlan_enabled } {
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"vxlan-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.flags-1
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.flags-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 8 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x08] \
+ -stepValue 0x08 \
+ -fixedBits 0x08 \
+ -fieldValue 8 \
+ -randomMask 0x08 \
+ -startValue 0x08
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.reserved-2
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.reserved-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.vni-3"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.vni-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $vni \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 1234] \
+ -stepValue 1234 \
+ -fixedBits 1234 \
+ -fieldValue $vni \
+ -randomMask 1234 \
+ -startValue 1234
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"vxlan-4"/field:"vxlan.header.reserved8-4"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"vxlan.header.reserved8-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } elseif { $geneve_enabled } {
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"geneve-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.optionsLength-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.flags-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x00] \
+ -stepValue 0x00 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0x00 \
+ -startValue 0x00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.protocolType-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 6558 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x6558] \
+ -stepValue 0x6558 \
+ -fixedBits 0x6558 \
+ -fieldValue 6558 \
+ -randomMask 0x6558 \
+ -startValue 0x6558
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"geneve.header.vni-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } elseif { $gre_enabled } {
+ puts "Setting GRE attributes"
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"gre-3"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"gre-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumPresent-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ Checksum" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.reserved1-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyPresent-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ Key\ field" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequencePresent-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "0:No\ sequence\ number\ field" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.reserved2-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.version-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.protocol-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 6558 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0x0] \
+ -stepValue 0x0 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0 \
+ -fieldValue 6558 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0 \
+ -startValue 0x0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.withChecksum.checksum-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.withChecksum.reserved-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.checksumHolder.noChecksum-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyHolder.key-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.keyHolder.noKey-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequenceHolder.sequenceNum-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"gre.header.sequenceHolder.noSequenceNum-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ # Common fields for VXLAN and GRE
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernetNoFCS-5"/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ethernetNoFCS-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.destinationAddress-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstmac \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 00:00:00:00:00:00] \
+ -stepValue 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fixedBits 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstmac \
+ -randomMask 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -startValue 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.sourceAddress-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcmac \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 00:00:00:00:00:00] \
+ -stepValue 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fixedBits 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcmac \
+ -randomMask 00:00:00:00:00:00 \
+ -startValue 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernetNoFCS.header.etherType-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 800 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0xFFFF] \
+ -stepValue 0xFFFF \
+ -fixedBits 0xFFFF \
+ -fieldValue 800 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0xFFFF \
+ -startValue 0xFFFF
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"ipv4-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-6"/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"/
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.version-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 4 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 4] \
+ -stepValue 4 \
+ -fixedBits 4 \
+ -fieldValue 4 \
+ -randomMask 4 \
+ -startValue 4
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.headerLength-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.raw-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.precedence-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "000\ Routine" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.delay-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.throughput-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.reliability-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.monetary-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue Normal \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.priority.tos.unused-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -activeFieldChoice true \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.totalLength-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 28 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 20] \
+ -stepValue 20 \
+ -fixedBits 20 \
+ -fieldValue 28 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 20 \
+ -startValue 20
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.identification-19"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.reserved-20"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.fragment-21"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "May\ fragment" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.flags.lastFragment-22"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue "Last\ fragment" \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.fragmentOffset-23"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.ttl-24"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 64 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 64] \
+ -stepValue 64 \
+ -fixedBits 64 \
+ -fieldValue 64 \
+ -randomMask 64 \
+ -startValue 64
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.protocol-25"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 17 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 61] \
+ -stepValue 61 \
+ -fixedBits 61 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_proto \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 61 \
+ -startValue 61
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.checksum-26"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 63355 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 63355 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.srcIp-27"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcip \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list] \
+ -stepValue \
+ -fixedBits \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcip \
+ -randomMask \
+ -startValue
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstip \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list] \
+ -stepValue \
+ -fixedBits \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstip \
+ -randomMask \
+ -startValue
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ipv4.header.options.pad-58"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ if { [string compare $inner_proto "udp"] == 0 } {
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"udp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 63] \
+ -stepValue 63 \
+ -fixedBits 63 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcport \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 63 \
+ -startValue 63
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 63] \
+ -stepValue 63 \
+ -fixedBits 63 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstport \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 63 \
+ -startValue 63
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.length-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 8 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 8] \
+ -stepValue 8 \
+ -fixedBits 8 \
+ -fieldValue 8 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 8 \
+ -startValue 8
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"udp.header.checksum-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ } else {
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"tcp-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.srcPort-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_srcport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $inner_srcport] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_srcport \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dstPort-2"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue $inner_dstport \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list $inner_dstport] \
+ -stepValue 60 \
+ -fixedBits 60 \
+ -fieldValue $inner_dstport \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 60 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 60 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.sequenceNumber-3"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.acknowledgementNumber-4"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x00000000] \
+ -stepValue 0x00000000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x00000000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x00000000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x00000000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.dataOffset-5"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 5 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 5] \
+ -stepValue 5 \
+ -fixedBits 5 \
+ -fieldValue 5 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 5 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 5 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.reserved-6"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.nsBit-7"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.cwrBit-8"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.ecn.ecnEchoBit-9"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.urgBit-10"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.ackBit-11"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.pshBit-12"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.rstBit-13"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.synBit-14"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.controlBits.finBit-15"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.window-16"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.checksum-17"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"tcp.header.urgentPtr-18"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -fullMesh false \
+ -valueList [list 0x0000] \
+ -stepValue 0x0000 \
+ -fixedBits 0x0000 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto false \
+ -randomMask 0x0000 \
+ -trackingEnabled false \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice false \
+ -startValue 0x0000 \
+ -countValue 1
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-$stack_number"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ incr stack_number
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue 0 \
+ -seed 1 \
+ -optionalEnabled true \
+ -valueList [list 0] \
+ -stepValue 0 \
+ -fixedBits 0 \
+ -fieldValue 0 \
+ -auto true \
+ -randomMask 0 \
+ -startValue 0
+ } else {
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"
+ #
+ set sg_stack $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/stack:"fcs-4"
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_stack [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_stack] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_stack
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-4"/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ #
+ set sg_field $ixNetSG_Stack(3)/field:"ethernet.fcs-1"
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_field \
+ -singleValue {0} \
+ -seed {1} \
+ -optionalEnabled True \
+ -fullMesh False \
+ -valueList {{0}} \
+ -stepValue {0} \
+ -fixedBits {0} \
+ -fieldValue {0} \
+ -auto True \
+ -randomMask {0} \
+ -trackingEnabled False \
+ -valueType singleValue \
+ -activeFieldChoice False \
+ -startValue {0} \
+ -countValue {1}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_field [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_field] 0]
+ }
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/transmissionDistribution
+ #
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/transmissionDistribution
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \
+ -distributions {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/transmissionDistribution
+ #
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/transmissionDistribution
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_transmissionDistribution \
+ -distributions {}
+ sg_commit
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_transmissionDistribution [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_transmissionDistribution] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/tracking
+ #
+ set sg_tracking $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/tracking
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking \
+ -offset 0 \
+ -oneToOneMesh False \
+ -trackBy {} \
+ -values {} \
+ -fieldWidth thirtyTwoBits \
+ -protocolOffset {Root.0}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/egress \
+ -offset {Outer VLAN Priority (3 bits)} \
+ -enabled False \
+ -customOffsetBits 0 \
+ -encapsulation {Ethernet} \
+ -customWidthBits 0
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking/latencyBin \
+ -enabled False \
+ -binLimits {1 1.42 2 2.82 4 5.66 8 11.32} \
+ -numberOfBins 8
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_tracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_tracking] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_tracking
+ # Note: The scriptgen generated egress code were removed because we are not using
+ # flow tracking in our tests.
+ # Insert EGRESS lines here if needed
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:1/dynamicUpdate
+ #
+ set sg_dynamicUpdate $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/dynamicUpdate
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_dynamicUpdate \
+ -enabledSessionAwareTrafficFields {} \
+ -enabledDynamicUpdateFields {}
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_dynamicUpdate [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_dynamicUpdate] 0]
+ ###
+ ### /quickTest area
+ ###
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1
+ #
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} {
+ set sg_rfc2544throughput [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544throughput]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput \
+ -name {QuickTest1} \
+ -mode existingMode \
+ -inputParameters {{}}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/testConfig \
+ -protocolItem {} \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -framesize $frameSize \
+ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \
+ -duration $duration \
+ -numtrials $numTests \
+ -trafficType constantLoading \
+ -burstSize 1 \
+ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \
+ -tolerance 0 \
+ -frameLossUnit {0} \
+ -staggeredStart False \
+ -framesizeList $frameSize \
+ -frameSizeMode custom \
+ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \
+ -percentMaxRate 100 \
+ -resolution 0.01 \
+ -forceRegenerate False \
+ -reportSequenceError False \
+ -ipv4rate 50 \
+ -ipv6rate 50 \
+ -loadRateList $frameRate \
+ -fixedLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -loadRateValue 80 \
+ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -initialIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \
+ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \
+ -minFpsRate 1000 \
+ -minKbpsRate 64 \
+ -txDelay 2 \
+ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \
+ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \
+ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \
+ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \
+ -calculateLatency True \
+ -latencyType storeForward \
+ -calculateJitter False \
+ -enableDataIntegrity False \
+ -enableBackoffIteration False \
+ -enableSaturationIteration False \
+ -enableStopTestOnHighLoss False \
+ -enableBackoffUseAs% False \
+ -backoffIteration 1 \
+ -saturationIteration 1 \
+ -stopTestOnHighLoss 0 \
+ -loadType $loadType \
+ -stepLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -comboLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -binaryLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -initialBinaryLoadRate 100 \
+ -minBinaryLoadRate 1 \
+ -maxBinaryLoadRate 100 \
+ -binaryResolution 1 \
+ -binaryBackoff 50 \
+ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \
+ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \
+ -comboFrameLossUnit % \
+ -stepFrameLossUnit % \
+ -initialStepLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxStepLoadRate 100 \
+ -stepStepLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepTolerance 0 \
+ -initialComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxComboLoadRate 100 \
+ -minComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -stepComboLoadRate 10 \
+ -comboResolution 1 \
+ -comboBackoff 50 \
+ -comboTolerance 0 \
+ -binarySearchType linear \
+ -unchangedValueList {0} \
+ -enableFastConvergence $fastConvergence \
+ -fastConvergenceDuration $convergenceDuration \
+ -fastConvergenceThreshold 10 \
+ -framesizeFixedValue $frameSize \
+ -gap 3 \
+ -unchangedInitial False \
+ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \
+ -enableExtraIterations False \
+ -extraIterationOffsets {10, -10} \
+ -usePercentOffsets False \
+ -imixDistribution weight \
+ -imixAdd {0} \
+ -imixDelete {0} \
+ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \
+ -imixEnabled False \
+ -imixTemplates none \
+ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \
+ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \
+ -mapType {oneToOne} \
+ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/learnFrames \
+ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \
+ -learnNumFrames 10 \
+ -learnRate 100 \
+ -learnWaitTime 1000 \
+ -learnFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -fastPathLearnFrameSize $frameSize \
+ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \
+ -learnSendMacOnly False \
+ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \
+ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \
+ -fastPathRate 100 \
+ -fastPathNumFrames 10
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544throughput/passCriteria \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \
+ -enablePassFail False \
+ -enableRatePassFail False \
+ -enableLatencyPassFail False \
+ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \
+ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \
+ -latencyThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyThresholdMode average \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \
+ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \
+ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \
+ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \
+ -dataErrorThresholdMode average
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_rfc2544throughput [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544throughput] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544throughput
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/protocols
+ #
+ set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \
+ -protocolState default \
+ -waitAfterStart 120 \
+ -waitAfterStop 30
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544throughput:1/trafficSelection:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \
+ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \
+ -includeMode inTest \
+ -itemType trafficItem
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0]
+ ixNet commit
+ } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2
+ #
+ set sg_rfc2544back2back [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/quickTest rfc2544back2back]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back \
+ -name {B2B} \
+ -mode existingMode \
+ -inputParameters {{}}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/testConfig \
+ -protocolItem {} \
+ -framesize $frameSize \
+ -reportTputRateUnit mbps \
+ -rfc2544ImixDataQoS False \
+ -detailedResultsEnabled True \
+ -rfc2889ordering noOrdering \
+ -floodedFramesEnabled False \
+ -duration $duration \
+ -numtrials $numTests \
+ -trafficType constantLoading \
+ -burstSize 1 \
+ -framesPerBurstGap 1 \
+ -tolerance 0 \
+ -frameLossUnit {0} \
+ -staggeredStart False \
+ -framesizeList $frameSize \
+ -frameSizeMode custom \
+ -rateSelect percentMaxRate \
+ -percentMaxRate 100 \
+ -resolution 0.01 \
+ -forceRegenerate False \
+ -reportSequenceError False \
+ -ipv4rate 50 \
+ -ipv6rate 50 \
+ -loadRateList $frameRate \
+ -minFpsRate 1000 \
+ -minKbpsRate 64 \
+ -txDelay 2 \
+ -delayAfterTransmit 2 \
+ -minRandomFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxRandomFrameSize 1518 \
+ -countRandomFrameSize 1 \
+ -minIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -stepIncrementFrameSize 64 \
+ -maxIncrementFrameSize 1518 \
+ -calculateLatency False \
+ -calibrateLatency False \
+ -latencyType cutThrough \
+ -calculateJitter False \
+ -enableDataIntegrity False \
+ -loadType $loadType \
+ -binaryFrameLossUnit % \
+ -loadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -customLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -randomLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -incrementLoadUnit percentMaxRate \
+ -binaryResolution 100 \
+ -binaryBackoff 50 \
+ -binaryTolerance $tolerance \
+ -initialIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -stepIncrementLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxIncrementLoadRate 100 \
+ -minRandomLoadRate 10 \
+ -maxRandomLoadRate 80 \
+ -countRandomLoadRate 1 \
+ -numFrames {100000} \
+ -loadRate 100 \
+ -enableMinFrameSize False \
+ -gap 3 \
+ -generateTrackingOptionAggregationFiles False \
+ -sendFullyMeshed False \
+ -imixDistribution weight \
+ -imixAdd {0} \
+ -imixDelete {0} \
+ -imixData {{{{64}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 40}}{{128}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}{{256}{{TOS S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0 S:0} S:0}{1 30}}}} \
+ -imixEnabled False \
+ -imixTemplates none \
+ -framesizeImixList $frameSize \
+ -imixTrafficType {UNCHNAGED} \
+ -ipRatioMode fixed \
+ -ipv4RatioList {10,25,50,75,90} \
+ -ipv6RatioList {90,75,50,25,10} \
+ -minIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -stepIncrementIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -maxIncrementIpv4Ratio {90} \
+ -minIncrementIpv6Ratio {90} \
+ -stepIncrementIpv6Ratio {-10} \
+ -maxIncrementIpv6Ratio {10} \
+ -minRandomIpv4Ratio {10} \
+ -maxRandomIpv4Ratio {90} \
+ -minRandomIpv6Ratio {90} \
+ -maxRandomIpv6Ratio {10} \
+ -countRandomIpRatio 1 \
+ -mapType {oneToOne|manyToMany|fullMesh} \
+ -supportedTrafficTypes {mac,ipv4,ipv6,ipmix}
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/learnFrames \
+ -learnFrequency $learningFrequency \
+ -learnNumFrames 10 \
+ -learnRate 100 \
+ -learnWaitTime 1000 \
+ -learnFrameSize 64 \
+ -fastPathLearnFrameSize 64 \
+ -learnWaitTimeBeforeTransmit 0 \
+ -learnSendMacOnly False \
+ -learnSendRouterSolicitation False \
+ -fastPathEnable $fastPathEnable \
+ -fastPathRate 100 \
+ -fastPathNumFrames 10
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_rfc2544back2back/passCriteria \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateMode average \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaLoadRateScale mbps \
+ -enablePassFail False \
+ -enableRatePassFail False \
+ -enableLatencyPassFail False \
+ -enableStandardDeviationPassFail False \
+ -latencyThresholdValue 10 \
+ -latencyThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyThresholdMode average \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdValue 0 \
+ -latencyVariationThresholdScale us \
+ -latencyVarThresholdMode average \
+ -enableSequenceErrorsPassFail False \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdValue 0 \
+ -seqErrorsThresholdMode average \
+ -enableDataIntegrityPassFail False \
+ -dataErrorThresholdValue 0 \
+ -dataErrorThresholdMode average \
+ -enableFrameCountPassFail False \
+ -passCriteriaFrameCountValue 100 \
+ -passCriteriaFrameCountMode average
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_rfc2544back2back [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_rfc2544back2back] 0]
+ set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_rfc2544back2back
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/protocols
+ #
+ set sg_protocols $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_protocols \
+ -protocolState default \
+ -waitAfterStart 120 \
+ -waitAfterStop 30
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_protocols [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_protocols] 0]
+ #
+ # configuring the object that corresponds to /quickTest/rfc2544back2back:2/trafficSelection:1
+ #
+ set sg_trafficSelection [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) trafficSelection]
+ ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficSelection \
+ -id $ixNetSG_ref(26) \
+ -includeMode inTest \
+ -itemType trafficItem
+ sg_commit
+ set sg_trafficSelection [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficSelection] 0]
+ ixNet commit
+ }
+ #
+ # getting and applying the RFC2544 test
+ #
+ set root [ixNet getRoot]
+ foreach traf_item [ixNet getList $root/traffic trafficItem] {
+ ixNet exec generate $traf_item
+ }
+ set qt [ixNet getList $root quickTest]
+ if {$rfc2544TestType == "throughput"} {
+ set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544throughput]
+ } elseif {$rfc2544TestType == "back2back"} {
+ set rfc2544test [ixNet getList $qt rfc2544back2back]
+ }
+ ixNet exec apply $rfc2544test
+ after 5000
+ #
+ # starting the RFC2544 Throughput test
+ #
+ puts "Starting test..."
+ ixNet exec start $rfc2544test
+proc waitForRfc2544Test { } {
+ # Wait for- and return results of- RFC2544 quicktest.
+ global rfc2544test
+ puts "Waiting for test to complete..."
+ set result [ixNet exec waitForTest $rfc2544test]
+ puts "Finished Test"
+ return "$result"
diff --git a/conf/integration/01b_dpdk_regression_tests.conf b/conf/integration/01b_dpdk_regression_tests.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e63d677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/integration/01b_dpdk_regression_tests.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1689 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This file introduces a set of regression tests, which verify several DPDK features
+# used internally by Open vSwitch. Tests can be used for verification of performance
+# and correct functionality of upcoming DPDK and OVS releases and release candidates.
+# Generic configuration used by OVSDPDK testcases
+# calculate PMD mask from core IDs configured above
+_OVSDPDK_PMD_MASK_1_CORE = str(hex(1<<_OVSDPDK_1st_PMD_CORE))[2:]
+_OVSDPDK_PMD_MASK_2_CORE = str(hex((1<<_OVSDPDK_1st_PMD_CORE) + (1<<_OVSDPDK_2nd_PMD_CORE))[2:])
+_OVSDPDK_GUEST_5_CORES = [('7', '8', '9', '10', '11')]
+# number of queues configured in OVS and GUEST
+_OVSDPDK_MQ = '2'
+# Path to the log file
+_OVSDPDK_HEADER_LEN = 18 # length of frame headers in bytes, it's used for calculation
+ # of payload size, i.e. payload = frame_size - header_len
+_OVSDPDK_PKT_SIZES = (64,128,256,512,1024,1500)
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # DPDK NIC Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_unidir_cont",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with single PMD in OVS and unidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_bidir_cont",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with single PMD in OVS and bidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_two_pmd_bidir_cont",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with two PMDs in OVS and bidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_unidir_tput",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with single PMD in OVS and unidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_throughput",
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_bidir_tput",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with single PMD in OVS and bidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_throughput",
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_two_pmd_bidir_tput",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "P2P with two PMDs in OVS and bidirectional traffic.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_throughput",
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # DPDK Hotplug Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_hotplug_attach",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure successful port-add after binding a device to igb_uio after ovs-vswitchd is launched.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # suppress DPDK configuration, so physical interfaces are not bound to DPDK driver
+ 'NICS' : [],
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # restore original NICS configuration, so we can use add/del_phy_port
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TEST_PARAMS', ''],
+ # add DPDK port, but it should fail
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['#port', 'vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ # check, that DPDK port is not available and remove it
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|Error attaching device.*$NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ # NOTE: it fails in case that NIC was already bound to DPDK driver
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[port][0]'],
+ # find out which DPDK driver is being used; it should be the last configured
+ # DPDK module; optional path and .ko suffix must be removed
+ ['tools', 'eval', '\'$TOOLS["dpdk_modules"][-1]\'.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]'],
+ # bind NIC to DPDK driver
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["bind-tool"] --bind #STEP[-1] $NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ # and check that DPDK port can be created without errors
+ ['#port2', 'vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|Error attaching device.*$NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ # clean up
+ ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[port2][0]'],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ # Support of netdev-dpdk/detach has been removed from OVS, so testcase will fail with recent
+ # OVS/DPDK versions. There is an ongoing discussion about possible support of netdev-dpdk/detach
+ # in the future OVS versions.
+ # Test has been tested with:
+ # OVS_TAG = 03d6399e618e4136c5da0be2b6f18f0b7d75b2bb
+ # DPDK_TAG = v16.11
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_hotplug_detach",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Same as ovsdpdk_hotplug_attach, but delete and detach the device after the hotplug. "
+ "Note: Support of netdev-dpdk/detach has been removed from OVS, so testcase will fail "
+ "with recent OVS/DPDK versions.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # suppress DPDK configuration, so physical interfaces are not bound to DPDK driver
+ 'NICS' : [],
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # check if OVS supports netdev-dpdk/detach, fail otherwise
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] list-commands', '|netdev-dpdk\/detach'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ # restore original NICS configuration, so we can use add/del_phy_port
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TEST_PARAMS', ''],
+ # find out which DPDK driver is being used; it should be the last configured
+ # DPDK module; optional path and .ko suffix must be removed
+ ['tools', 'eval', '\'$TOOLS["dpdk_modules"][-1]\'.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]'],
+ # bind NIC to DPDK driver
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["bind-tool"] --bind #STEP[-1] $NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ # and check that DPDK port can be created without errors
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['#port', 'vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|Error attaching device.*$NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ # try to unbind port - should fail beause it is being used
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] netdev-dpdk/detach $NICS[0]["pci"] 2>&1; exit 0',
+ '|Device.*$NICS[0]["pci"].*is being used by interface'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ # delete port and unbind it - should succeed
+ ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'int_br0', '#STEP[port][0]'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] netdev-dpdk/detach $NICS[0]["pci"]',
+ '|Device.*$NICS[0]["pci"].*has been detached'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ # try to add port again
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|Error attaching device.*$NICS[0]["pci"]'],
+ # it will work because auto attach was implemented into OVS
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ]
+ },
+# RX Checksum Support
+# TCL script used for simulation of traffic with wrong CRC
+ # use TCL script with tunneling protocols encap/decap support;
+ # it must be configured dynamically, otherwise it won't
+ # be possible to change it again below.
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TRAFFICGEN_IXNET_TCL_SCRIPT',
+ 'ixnetrfc2544v2.tcl'],
+ # send traffic before IP or UDP header checksum is randomized
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # packets should flow through OVS without frameloss (frame_rate is low)
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"]) == 0'],
+ # for 2nd run use TCL file with randomized checksum values
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TRAFFICGEN_IXNET_TCL_SCRIPT',
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # and verify that majority of frames but not all of them were lost
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'round(float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"]),3) == $_OVSDPDK_CRC_FRAME_LOSS'],
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_checksum_l3",
+ "Deployment": "op2p",
+ "Description": "Test verifies RX IP header checksum (offloading) validation for tunneling protocols.",
+ "Tunnel Type": "vxlan",
+ "Tunnel Operation": "decapsulation",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 20,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # TCL file with randomized IP header checksum values
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_CRC_CRC_TCL',
+ 'ixnetrfc2544v2_random_ip_crc.tcl'],
+ # IP checksum is a value between 0 and 65536, so only 1 of 65536
+ # frames has correct CRC and all other frames will be dropped
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_CRC_FRAME_LOSS',
+ round(100 - 1 / 65536 * 100, 3)],
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_checksum_l4",
+ "Deployment": "op2p",
+ "Description": "Test verifies RX UDP header checksum (offloading) validation for tunneling protocols.",
+ "Tunnel Type": "vxlan",
+ "Tunnel Operation": "decapsulation",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 20,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # TCL file with randomized UDP header checksum values
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_CRC_CRC_TCL',
+ 'ixnetrfc2544v2_random_udp_crc.tcl'],
+ # UDP checksum can be disabled by value 0; so valid checksum
+ # values are from 1 to 65535; It means that only one of 65535 frames
+ # has correct checksum and all other frames will be dropped
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_CRC_FRAME_LOSS',
+ round(100 - 1 / 65535 * 100, 3)],
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # Flow Control Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_flow_ctrl_rx",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Test the rx flow control functionality of DPDK PHY ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ "flow_control" : True,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # send traffic before flow control is applied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # frame loss with small packets should be detected
+ ['tools', 'assert', '#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"] > 10'],
+ # delete phy ports so they can be created with flow control
+ ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'br0', {}],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'br0', 'dpdk0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_port', 'br0', 'dpdk1'],
+ # turn on flow control
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] add-port br0 dpdk0 -- set Interface dpdk0 type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=$NICS[0]["pci"] options:rx-flow-ctrl=true'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] add-port br0 dpdk1 -- set Interface dpdk1 type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=$NICS[1]["pci"] options:rx-flow-ctrl=true'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '3', 'actions': ['output:4'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '4', 'actions': ['output:3'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # frame loss with flow control enabled should converge to 0%
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"]) == 0'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_flow_ctrl_rx_dynamic",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Change the rx flow control support at run time and ensure the system honored the changes.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ "flow_control" : True,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # send traffic before flow control is applied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # frame loss with small packets should be detected
+ ['tools', 'assert', '#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"] > 10'],
+ # turn on flow control
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 type=dpdk options:rx-flow-ctrl=true'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk1 type=dpdk options:rx-flow-ctrl=true'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # frame loss with flow control enabled should converge to 0%
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"]) == 0'],
+ ]
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # Multiqueue Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Setup rxqs on NIC port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show','|dpdk[01]\s+queue-id: \d+'],
+ # check that requested nr of queues was created on both NICs
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])=={}'.format(int(_OVSDPDK_MQ)*2)],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs_same_core_affinity",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Affinitize rxqs to the same core.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] -- set Interface dpdk0 other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="0:{},1:{}"'.format(_OVSDPDK_1st_PMD_CORE, _OVSDPDK_1st_PMD_CORE)],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show','|dpdk0\s+queue-id: 0 1'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs_multi_core_affinity",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Affinitize rxqs to separate cores.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] -- set Interface dpdk0 other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity="0:{},1:{}"'.format(_OVSDPDK_1st_PMD_CORE, _OVSDPDK_2nd_PMD_CORE)],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show','|dpdk0\s+queue-id: 0$'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show','|dpdk0\s+queue-id: 1$'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-2])==1'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-2])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name" : "ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs",
+ "Deployment" : "clean",
+ "Description" : "Setup rxqs on vhost user port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "GUEST_LOOPBACK" : ['clean'],
+ },
+ [
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sudo $TOOLS['ovs-appctl'] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show",
+ '|dpdkvhostuserclient0\s+queue-id: \d'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['vnf', 'start'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sudo $TOOLS['ovs-appctl'] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show",
+ '|dpdkvhostuserclient0\s+queue-id: 0 1'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['vnf', 'stop'],
+ ] +
+ },
+ {
+ "Name" : "ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs_linux_bridge",
+ "Deployment" : "clean",
+ "Description" : "Confirm traffic received over vhost RXQs with Linux virtio device in guest.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # configure 2 queues at both OVS and QEMU
+ "GUEST_LOOPBACK" : ['clean'],
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "bidir" : "false",
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "multistream" : 6,
+ "stream_type" : "L3",
+ "frame_rate" : 1,
+ 'l2': {
+ 'srcmac': "00:00:07:00:0E:00",
+ 'dstmac': "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ },
+ 'l3': {
+ 'enabled': True,
+ 'proto': 'udp',
+ 'srcip': '',
+ 'dstip': '',
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ "TestSteps": STEP_VSWITCH_PVP_INIT + [
+ # one flow will sent data to the VM
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0',
+ {'in_port': '#STEP[1][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[3][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ # second flow just forwards traffic to the traffic generator,
+ # so send_traffic() will end with success
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'int_br0',
+ {'in_port': '#STEP[2][1]', 'actions': ['output:#STEP[1][1]'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['vnf', 'start'],
+ # configure two channels, so multiple cores could be used
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ethtool -L eth0 combined 2'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ethtool -l eth0', '|Combined:\s+2'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==2'],
+ # traffic will be sent to several DST IPs so it can be
+ # dispatched between channels; We have to insert routes
+ # and ARPs, otherwise traffic will be dropped
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ifconfig eth0 up'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ip route add dev eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'route add default gw eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'arp -s 00:00:07:00:0E:00'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ip route add dev eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'route add default gw eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'arp -s DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FA'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ip route add dev eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'route add default gw eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'arp -s DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FB'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ip route add dev eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'route add default gw eth0'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'arp -s DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FC'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ip a'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic',{}],
+ # check interrupts to verify that traffic was corectly dispatched...
+ ['#result', 'vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'cat /proc/interrupts',
+ '|^\s*\d+:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).+virtio0-input'],
+ # ...it means that two channels were created...
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[result])==2'],
+ # ...and both channels processed data; Check that interrupt count is "much"
+ # higher than 0 to eliminate impact of rogue interrupts.
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[result][0][0]) + int(#STEP[result][0][1]) > 1000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[result][1][0]) + int(#STEP[result][1][1]) > 1000'],
+ ['vnf', 'stop'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name" : "ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs_testpmd",
+ "Deployment" : "clean",
+ "Description" : "Confirm traffic received over vhost RXQs with DPDK device in guest.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFICGEN" : "IxNet",
+ # configure 2 queues at both OVS and QEMU
+ "GUEST_LOOPBACK" : ['testpmd'],
+ # there must be separate CPU for each of RX/TX queues
+ "GUEST_SMP" : ['5'],
+ "GUEST_TESTPMD_PARAMS" : ['-c 0x1F -n 4 --socket-mem 512 -- '
+ '--burst=64 -i --txqflags=0xf00 --nb-cores=4 '
+ # map queue stats to separate regs to verify MQ functionality
+ '--rx-queue-stats-mapping=\(0,0,0\),\(0,1,1\),\(1,0,2\),\(1,1,3\) '
+ '--tx-queue-stats-mapping=\(0,0,4\),\(0,1,5\),\(1,0,6\),\(1,1,7\) '
+ '--disable-hw-vlan --rxq=2 --txq=2'],
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "multistream" : 3,
+ "stream_type" : "L3",
+ 'l3': {
+ 'enabled': True,
+ 'proto': 'udp',
+ 'srcip': '',
+ 'dstip': '',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ [
+ ['vnf', 'start'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sudo $TOOLS['ovs-appctl'] dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show",
+ '|dpdk\w+\s+queue-id: \d'],
+ # there must be two standalone queue records for every interface (2x4)
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==8'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ # check that packets were received by both queues at both ports
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'show port stats 0', 60, 'testpmd>',
+ '|Stats reg [01] RX-packets:\s+(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '"0" not in #STEP[-1]'],
+ # rx queue of 2nd port should be mapped to reg 2 and 3, but mapping might not work
+ # so let us check that exactly two RX regs have non zero values
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'show port stats 1', 60, 'testpmd>',
+ '|Stats reg\s+\d+ RX-packets:\s+\d\d+'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==2'],
+ # clean up
+ ['vnf', 'stop'],
+ ]
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # Vhost User
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vhostuser_client",
+ "Deployment": "pvp",
+ "Description": "Test vhost-user client mode",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # check that client ports are really used
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|type.*dpdkvhostuserclient'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==2'],
+ # send traffic manually, so TC will fail in case
+ # that packets won't make it through
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vhostuser_client_reconnect",
+ "Deployment": "pvp",
+ "Description": "Test vhost-user client mode reconnect feature",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # send traffic to verify correct PVP configuration
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'br0'],
+ # restart vswitchd, ovsdb is kept untouched, so ovs configuration
+ # (except flows) will be restored
+ ['vswitch', 'restart'],
+ ['vswitch', 'del_flow', 'br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '1', 'actions': ['output:3'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '3', 'actions': ['output:1'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '2', 'actions': ['output:4'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_flow', 'br0', {'in_port': '4', 'actions': ['output:2'], 'idle_timeout': '0'}],
+ # send traffic to verify that OVS works correctly after restart
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vhostuser_server",
+ "Deployment": "pvp",
+ "Description": "Test vhost-user server mode",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'True',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # check that server ports are really used
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|type.*dpdkvhostuser$'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==2'],
+ # send traffic manually, so TC will fail in case
+ # that packets won't make it through
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vhostuser_sock_dir",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Verify functionality of vhost-sock-dir flag",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Open_vSwitch . '
+ 'other_config:vhost-sock-dir=test_dir'],
+ # enforce vswitchd to read new configuration
+ ['vswitch', 'restart'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo mkdir $TOOLS["ovs_var_tmp"]/test_dir'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'ls -1 $TOOLS["ovs_var_tmp"]/test_dir',
+ '|dpdkvhostuser0'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ],
+ },
+# Virtual Devices Support
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] add-port int_br0 null0 -- '
+ 'set Interface null0 type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=eth_null0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show', '|dpdk-devargs=\S+eth_null0'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # resore original NICS configuration, so we can use NICS dictionary
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TEST_PARAMS', ''],
+ # check if vsperf was able to read device name
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'str(\"$NICS[0]["device"]\") != \"None\"'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo ip link set dev $NICS[0]["device"] up'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] add-port int_br0 myeth0 -- '
+ 'set Interface myeth0 type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=eth_af_packet0,iface=$NICS[0]["device"]'],
+ # check if device was created...
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show', '|dpdk-devargs=\S+eth_af_packet0'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # ...without errors
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show', '|Error attaching device'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vdev_add_null_pmd",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Test addition of port using the null DPDK PMD driver.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vdev_del_null_pmd",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Test deletion of port using the null DPDK PMD driver.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_VDEV_ADD_NULL + [
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] del-port null0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|dpdk-devargs=\S+eth_null0'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vdev_add_af_packet_pmd",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Test addition of port using the af_packet DPDK PMD driver.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # suppress DPDK configuration, so physical interfaces are not bound to DPDK driver
+ 'NICS' : [],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_vdev_del_af_packet_pmd",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Test deletion of port using the af_packet DPDK PMD driver.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # suppress DPDK configuration, so physical interfaces are not bound to DPDK driver
+ 'NICS' : [],
+ },
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] del-port myeth0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] show',
+ '|dpdk-devargs=\S+eth_af_packet0'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'not len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ]
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # NUMA Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_numa",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Test vhost-user NUMA support. Vhostuser PMD threads should migrate "
+ "to the same numa slot, where QEMU is executed.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ # ensure that memory and cpus are available at both numa slots
+ "DPDK_SOCKET_MEM" : ['1024', '1024'],
+ # traffic won't be send, so speed up VNF deployment
+ "GUEST_LOOPBACK" : ['clean']
+ },
+ [
+ # check that at least 2 numa slots are available
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'numactl -H', '|available: ([0-9]+)'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '#STEP[-1][0]>1'],
+ # check that PMD thread serving dpdkvhostuserclient0 runs at NUMA slot 0
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sudo $TOOLS['ovs-appctl'] "
+ "dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show | "
+ "sed -e '/dpdkvhostuserclient0/,$d' | tac",
+ '|pmd thread numa_id ([0-9])+'
+ ],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '#STEP[-1][0]==0'],
+ # store last 2 cores from 2nd numa slot
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'numactl -H', '|node 1 cpus:.*\s+(\\d+) (\\d+)$'],
+ # pin VNF to 2nd NUMA slot
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'GUEST_CORE_BINDING',
+ [("#STEP[-1][0][0]", "#STEP[-1][0][1]")]
+ ],
+ ['vnf', 'start'],
+ # ...and check that PMD thread serving dpdkvhostuserclient0
+ # has migrated to NUMA slot 1
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sudo $TOOLS['ovs-appctl'] "
+ "dpif-netdev/pmd-rxq-show | "
+ "sed -e '/dpdkvhostuserclient0/,$d' | tac",
+ '|pmd thread numa_id ([0-9])+'
+ ],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '#STEP[-1][0]==1'],
+ ['vnf', 'stop'],
+ ] +
+ },
+ ############################################################
+ #
+ # Jumbo Frame Support
+ #
+ ############################################################
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_phy_port_ovsdb",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the increased MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in OVSDB.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==1500'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_vport_ovsdb",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the increased MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in OVSDB.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==1500'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_phy_port_ovsdb",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the reduced MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in OVSDB.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==2000'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_vport_ovsdb",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the reduced MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in OVSDB.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==2000'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_phy_port_datapath",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in the datapath itself when increased to a valid value.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=1500'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_vport_datapath",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in the datapath itself when increased to a valid value.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=1500'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_phy_port_datapath",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in the datapath itself when decreased to a valid value.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_vport_datapath",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in the datapath itself when decreased to a valid value.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=9000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] dpctl/show', '|mtu=2000'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_upper_bound_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Verify that the upper bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK Phy ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=9710'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9710'],
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=9711'],
+ # check vswitchd log file, that new MTU request was denied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-2][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|unsupported MTU 9711'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9710'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_upper_bound_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Verify that the upper bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK vhost-user ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=9710'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9710'],
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=9711'],
+ # check vswitchd log file, that new MTU request was denied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-2][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|unsupported MTU 9711'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9710'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_lower_bound_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Verify that the lower bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK Phy ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=68'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==68'],
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdk0 mtu_request=67'],
+ # check vswitchd log file, that new MTU request was denied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-2][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|unsupported MTU 67'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==68'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_lower_bound_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Verify that the lower bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK vhost-user ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=68'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==68'],
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu_request=67'],
+ # check vswitchd log file, that new MTU request was denied
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-2][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|unsupported MTU 67'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==68'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_p2p",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Ensure that jumbo frames are received, processed and forwarded correctly by DPDK physical ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ 'learning_frames' : False,
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # verify jumbo frame configuration
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk1 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ # check that jumbo frames were received by traffic generator
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # i.e. (RX in Bytes/s) divide (RX frames/s) ~ 9018 Bytes
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'round(float(#STEP[-1][0]["throughput_rx_mbps"])*1000000/8 / '
+ 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["throughput_rx_fps"]))==9018'],
+ ]
+ },
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_pvp",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that jumbo frames are received, processed and forwarded correctly by DPDK vhost-user ports.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ 'learning_frames' : False,
+ },
+ "GUEST_LOOPBACK" : ['linux_bridge'],
+ },
+ # verify jumbo frame configuration
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk1 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdkvhostuserclient1 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ # VNF startup, MTU configuration
+ ['vnf', 'start'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000'],
+ ['vnf', 'execute_and_wait', 'ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ # check that jumbo frames were received by traffic generator
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # i.e. (RX in Bytes/s) divide (RX frames/s) ~ 9018 Bytes
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'round(float(#STEP[-1][0]["throughput_rx_mbps"])*1000000/8 / '
+ 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["throughput_rx_fps"]))==9018'],
+ ['vnf', 'stop'],
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_jumbo_p2p_upper_bound",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Ensure that jumbo frames above the configured Rx port's MTU are not accepted",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 10,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ 'learning_frames' : False,
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # set and verify jumbo frame support
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk0 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] get Interface dpdk1 mtu'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1])==9000'],
+ # set packetsize to 9018 and send traffic
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES', (9018,)],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # all traffic should pass through (i.e. 0% frame loss)
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"])==0'],
+ # set packetsize to 9019 and send traffic
+ ['settings', 'setValue', 'TRAFFICGEN_PKT_SIZES', (9019,)],
+ # disable verification of send_traffic "!" prefix, otherwise vsperf
+ # will fail when 100% packet loss is detected
+ ['!trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # all traffic should be dropped
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'float(#STEP[-1][0]["frame_loss_percent"])==100'],
+ ]
+ },
+# Rate Limiting
+# default settings of limiter used in macros and tests
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE = '10000' # desired maximum rate of PAYLOAD carried by frames
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_LIMITER_CREATED = 'True' # set to False to verify that limiter was not created
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_DEVIATION = '5' # acceptable deviation from configured frame rate in %
+# Formula used for validation of rate settings.
+# Note: OVS parameter "ingress_policing_rate" configures maximum rate of payload in Kbps,
+# but traffic generator measures throughput in Mbps based on whole frames including headers.
+# Thus measured RX throughput value reported by traffic generator must be deducted by bit
+# rate consumed by frame header transmission.
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK = ('abs(1-float(#STEP[{}][{}]["throughput_rx_mbps"])*1000*'
+ '(1-$_OVSDPDK_HEADER_LEN/float(#STEP[{}][{}]["packet_size"]))'
+# macro will setup rate limiter at interface defined by _DPDK_RATE_PORT and
+# _DPDK_RATE_NICID; It will verify, that limiter was created by parsing
+# vswitchd log file. It will also check that proper limiter values are
+# set for given interface.
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter = [
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] '
+ 'ingress_policing_burst=$_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST '
+ 'ingress_policing_rate=$_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE'],
+ # check vswitchd log file, that rate limiter was created
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-2][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|CIR period'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '("CIR period" in #STEP[-1])==$_OVSDPDK_RATE_LIMITER_CREATED'],
+ # verify that interface has correct rate limiter configuration
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] '
+ '(ingress_policing_\w+: \d+)'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '"ingress_policing_burst: $_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST" in #STEP[-1]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '"ingress_policing_rate: $_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE" in #STEP[-2]'],
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 = [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_NICID', '0']
+] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 = [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_NICID', '1']
+] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+# macro will set different limiter values and sends traffic to verify proper
+# limiter functionality
+_OVSDPDK_RATE_confirm_multiple_rate_limit_setup = \
+ _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 + [
+ # by default rate limit is 10Mbits/s
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # check result and accept preconfigured deviation to the configured frame rate
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ # set rate limit to 20Mbits/s
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE', '20000']
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # check result and accept preconfigured deviation to the configured frame rate
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ # set rate limit to 30Mbits/s
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE', '30000']
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # check result and accept preconfigured deviation to the configured frame rate
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ # disable rate limiter and verify unlimited speed
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_LIMITER_CREATED', 'False'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ # check that traffic rate is no longer limited
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'int(#STEP[-1][0]["throughput_rx_mbps"])>500'],
+ ['vswitch', 'dump_flows', 'br0'],
+ ]
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_create_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a rate limiting interface can be created on a physical DPDK port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_delete_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a rate limiting interface can be destroyed on a physical DPDK port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter + [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_LIMITER_CREATED', 'False'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_create_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a rate limiting interface can be created on a vhost-user port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_delete_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a rate limiting interface can be destroyed on a vhost-user port.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter + [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST', '0'],
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_RATE_LIMITER_CREATED', 'False'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_no_policing",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure when a user attempts to create a rate limiting interface but is missing policing rate argument, no rate limitiner is created.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_BURST" : '1000',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_no_burst",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure when a user attempts to create a rate limiting interface but is missing policing burst argument, rate limitiner is created.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE" : '10000',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_p2p",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Ensure when a user creates a rate limiting physical interface that the traffic is limited to the specified policer rate in a p2p setup.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdk',
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_RATE_confirm_multiple_rate_limit_setup
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_pvp",
+ "Deployment": "pvp",
+ "Description": "Ensure when a user creates a rate limiting vHost User interface that the traffic is limited to the specified policer rate in a pvp setup.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_RATE_confirm_multiple_rate_limit_setup
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_rate_p2p_multi_pkt_sizes",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "Ensure that rate limiting works for various frame sizes.",
+ "vSwitch" : "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_PORT" : 'dpdk',
+ "_OVSDPDK_RATE_RATE" : '10000',
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_RATE_set_rate_limiter_NIC1 + [
+ # dump rate limiter configuration of both NICs
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] '
+ 'list interface dpdk0'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] '
+ 'list interface dpdk1'],
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['#result', 'trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ # check results and accept preconfigured deviation to the configured frame rates
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("result","0", "result","0")],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("result","1", "result","1")],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("result","2", "result","2")],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("result","3", "result","3")],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_RATE_CHECK.format("result","4", "result","4")],
+ ],
+ },
+# Quality of Service
+# default settings of limiter used in macros and tests
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR = '1250000' # desired maximum rate of PAYLOAD carried by frames in BYTEs
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_CBS = '2048'
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_DEVIATION = '5' # acceptable deviation from configured frame rate in %
+# Formula used for validation of rate settings.
+# Note: OVS parameter "ingress_policing_rate" configures maximum rate of payload in Kbps,
+# but traffic generator measures throughput in Mbps based on whole frames including headers.
+# Thus measured RX throughput value reported by traffic generator must be deducted by bit
+# rate consumed by frame header transmission.
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_CHECK = ('abs(1-float(#STEP[{}][{}]["throughput_rx_mbps"])*1000000*'
+ '(1-$_OVSDPDK_HEADER_LEN/float(#STEP[{}][{}]["packet_size"]))'
+# macro will setup QoS at interface defined by _OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT and
+# _OVSDPDK_QOS_NICID; It will verify, that QoS was created by parsing
+# vswitchd log file. It will also check that proper QoS values are
+# set for given interface.
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos = [
+ # get line number of next log file entry
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ # Crete QoS policy and check the returned policy ID
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] '
+ 'set port $_OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT$_OVSDPDK_QOS_NICID qos=@newqos -- '
+ '--id=@newqos create qos type=egress-policer other-config:cir=$_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR '
+ 'other-config:cbs=$_OVSDPDK_QOS_CBS','|\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # Check the OVS logs
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[-3][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ '|CIR period'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', '"CIR period" in #STEP[-1]'],
+ # Check the QoS policy and attributes
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] -t ovs-vswitchd qos/show '
+ ['tools', 'assert', "'QoS: $_OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT$_OVSDPDK_QOS_NICID egress-policer' in #STEP[-1]"],
+ ['tools', 'assert', "'cbs: $_OVSDPDK_QOS_CBS' in #STEP[-2]"],
+ ['tools', 'assert', "'cir: $_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR' in #STEP[-3]"],
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC0 = [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_QOS_NICID', '0']
+] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC1 = [
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_QOS_NICID', '1']
+] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos
+# macro will set different limiter values and sends traffic to verify proper
+# QoS functionality
+_OVSDPDK_QOS_confirm_multiple_qos_setup = [
+ # Create QoS policy with payload rate of 23*10^6 Bytes/s
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR', '23000000']
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_QOS_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ # Create QoS policy with payload rate of 46*10^6 Bytes/s
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR', '46000000']
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_QOS_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ # Create QoS policy with payload rate of 92*10^6 Bytes/s
+ ['settings', 'setValue', '_OVSDPDK_QOS_CIR', '92000000']
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC0 + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos_NIC1 + [
+ ['trafficgen', 'send_traffic', {}],
+ ['trafficgen', 'get_results'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', _OVSDPDK_QOS_CHECK.format("-1", "0", "-1", "0")],
+ ]
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_create_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a QoS policy can be created on a physical DPDK port",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_delete_phy_port",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure an existing QoS policy can be destroyed on a physical DPDK port.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_phy_port', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos + [
+ # Destroy the QoS policy and check the attributes
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] -- destroy QoS #STEP[1][0] -- clear Port #STEP[1][0] qos'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] -t ovs-vswitchd qos/show #STEP[1][0]', 'QoS not configured on #STEP[1][0]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_create_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure a QoS policy can be created on a virtual vhost user port.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_delete_vport",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure an existing QoS policy can be destroyed on a vhost user port.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ },
+ "TestSteps": [
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'int_br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'int_br0'],
+ ] + _OVSDPDK_QOS_set_qos + [
+ # Destroy the QoS policy and check the attributes
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] -- destroy QoS #STEP[1][0] -- clear Port #STEP[1][0] qos'],
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] -t ovs-vswitchd qos/show #STEP[1][0]', 'QoS not configured on #STEP[1][0]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_create_no_cir",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that a QoS policy cannot be created if the egress policer cir argument is missing.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {},
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # Setup switch,port and logs
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'br0'],
+ ['#LOG_MARK', 'tools', 'exec_shell',
+ 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ # Crete QoS policy and check the returned policy ID
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set port #STEP[1][0] qos=@newqos -- '
+ '--id=@newqos create qos type=egress-policer other-config:cbs=2048',
+ '\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # Check the OVS logs
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[LOG_MARK][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ 'Failed to set QoS type egress-policer on port #STEP[1][0]: No such file or directory'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # Check the attributes for vhost0
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] -t ovs-vswitchd qos/show #STEP[1][0]',
+ 'QoS not configured on #STEP[1][0]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_create_no_cbs",
+ "Deployment": "clean",
+ "Description": "Ensure that a QoS policy cannot be created if the egress policer cbs argument is missing.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {},
+ "TestSteps": [
+ # Setup switch,port and logs
+ ['vswitch', 'add_switch', 'br0'],
+ ['vswitch', 'add_vport', 'br0'],
+ ['#LOG_MARK', 'tools', 'exec_shell',
+ 'echo $((1+`wc -l $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG | cut -d" " -f1`))', '(\d+)'],
+ # Crete QoS policy and check the returned policy ID
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-vsctl"] set port #STEP[1][0] qos=@newqos -- '
+ '--id=@newqos create qos type=egress-policer other-config:cir=1250000',
+ '\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # Check the OVS logs
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', "sed -n '#STEP[LOG_MARK][0],$ p' $_OVSDPDK_VSWITCH_LOG",
+ 'Failed to set QoS type egress-policer on port #STEP[1][0]: No such file or directory'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ # Check the attributes for vhost0
+ ['tools', 'exec_shell', 'sudo $TOOLS["ovs-appctl"] -t ovs-vswitchd qos/show #STEP[1][0]',
+ 'QoS not configured on #STEP[1][0]'],
+ ['tools', 'assert', 'len(#STEP[-1])==1'],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_p2p",
+ "Deployment": "p2p",
+ "Description": "In a p2p setup, ensure when a QoS egress policer is created that the traffic is limited to the specified rate.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_QOS_confirm_multiple_qos_setup
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "ovsdpdk_qos_pvp",
+ "Deployment": "pvp",
+ "Description": "In a pvp setup, ensure when a QoS egress policer is created that the traffic is limited to the specified rate.",
+ "vSwitch": "OvsDpdkVhost",
+ "VNF" : "QemuDpdkVhostUser",
+ "Parameters" : {
+ "_OVSDPDK_QOS_PORT" : 'dpdkvhostuserclient',
+ "TRAFFIC" : {
+ "traffic_type" : "rfc2544_continuous",
+ "frame_rate" : 100,
+ 'bidir' : 'False',
+ },
+ },
+ "TestSteps": _OVSDPDK_QOS_confirm_multiple_qos_setup
+ },
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/testlist.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/testlist.rst
index 4b535494..2b0e9d7f 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/testlist.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/testlist.rst
@@ -107,3 +107,284 @@ List of integration testcases above can be obtained by execution of:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./vsperf --integration --list
+OVS/DPDK Regression TestCases
+These regression tests verify several DPDK features used internally by Open vSwitch. Tests
+can be used for verification of performance and correct functionality of upcoming DPDK
+and OVS releases and release candidates.
+These tests are part of integration testcases and they must be executed with
+``--integration`` CLI parameter.
+Example of execution of all OVS/DPDK regression tests:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ ./vsperf --integration --tests ovsdpdk_
+Testcases are defined in the file ``conf/integration/01b_dpdk_regression_tests.conf``. This file
+contains a set of configuration options with prefix ``OVSDPDK_``. These parameters can be used
+for customization of regression tests and they will override some of standard VSPERF configuration
+options. It is recommended to check OVSDPDK configuration parameters and modify them in accordance
+with VSPERF configuration.
+At least following parameters should be examined. Their values shall ensure, that DPDK and
+QEMU threads are pinned to cpu cores of the same NUMA slot, where tested NICs are connected.
+.. code-block:: python
+DPDK NIC Support
+A set of performance tests to verify support of DPDK accelerated network interface cards.
+Testcases use standard physical to physical network scenario with several vSwitch and
+traffic configurations, which includes one and two PMD threads, uni and bidirectional traffic
+and RFC2544 Continuous or RFC2544 Throughput with 0% packet loss traffic types.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_unidir_cont P2P with single PMD in OVS and unidirectional traffic.
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_bidir_cont P2P with single PMD in OVS and bidirectional traffic.
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_two_pmd_bidir_cont P2P with two PMDs in OVS and bidirectional traffic.
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_unidir_tput P2P with single PMD in OVS and unidirectional traffic.
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_single_pmd_bidir_tput P2P with single PMD in OVS and bidirectional traffic.
+ovsdpdk_nic_p2p_two_pmd_bidir_tput P2P with two PMDs in OVS and bidirectional traffic.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+DPDK Hotplug Support
+A set of functional tests to verify DPDK hotplug support. Tests verify, that it is possible
+to use port, which was not bound to DPDK driver during vSwitch startup. There is also
+a test which verifies a possibility to detach port from DPDK driver. However support
+for manual detachment of a port from DPDK has been removed from recent OVS versions and
+thus this testcase is expected to fail.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_hotplug_attach Ensure successful port-add after binding a device to igb_uio after
+ ovs-vswitchd is launched.
+ovsdpdk_hotplug_detach Same as ovsdpdk_hotplug_attach, but delete and detach the device
+ after the hotplug. Note Support of netdev-dpdk/detach has been
+ removed from OVS, so testcase will fail with recent OVS/DPDK
+ versions.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+RX Checksum Support
+A set of functional tests for verification of RX checksum calculation for tunneled traffic.
+Open vSwitch enables RX checksum offloading by default if NIC supports it. It is to note,
+that it is not possible to disable or enable RX checksum offloading. In order to verify
+correct RX checksum calculation in software, user has to execute these testcases
+at NIC without HW offloading capabilities.
+Testcases utilize existing overlay physical to physical (op2p) network deployment
+implemented in vsperf. This deployment expects, that traffic generator sends unidirectional
+tunneled traffic (e.g. vxlan) and Open vSwitch performs data decapsulation and sends them
+back to the traffic generator via second port.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_checksum_l3 Test verifies RX IP header checksum (offloading) validation for
+ tunneling protocols.
+ovsdpdk_checksum_l4 Test verifies RX UDP header checksum (offloading) validation for
+ tunneling protocols.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Flow Control Support
+A set of functional testcases for the validation of flow control support in Open vSwitch
+with DPDK support. If flow control is enabled in both OVS and Traffic Generator,
+the network endpoint (OVS or TGEN) is not able to process incoming data and
+thus it detects a RX buffer overflow. It then sends an ethernet pause frame (as defined at 802.3x)
+to the TX side. This mechanism will ensure, that the TX side will slow down traffic transmission
+and thus no data is lost at RX side.
+Introduced testcases use physical to physical scenario to forward data between
+traffic generator ports. It is expected that the processing of small frames in OVS is slower
+than line rate. It means that with flow control disabled, traffic generator will
+report a frame loss. On the other hand with flow control enabled, there should be 0%
+frame loss reported by traffic generator.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_flow_ctrl_rx Test the rx flow control functionality of DPDK PHY ports.
+ovsdpdk_flow_ctrl_rx_dynamic Change the rx flow control support at run time and ensure the system
+ honored the changes.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Multiqueue Support
+A set of functional testcases for validation of multiqueue support for both physical
+and vHost User DPDK ports. Testcases utilize P2P and PVP network deployments and
+native support of multiqueue configuration available in VSPERF.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs Setup rxqs on NIC port.
+ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs_same_core_affinity Affinitize rxqs to the same core.
+ovsdpdk_mq_p2p_rxqs_multi_core_affinity Affinitize rxqs to separate cores.
+ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs Setup rxqs on vhost user port.
+ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs_linux_bridge Confirm traffic received over vhost RXQs with Linux virtio device in
+ guest.
+ovsdpdk_mq_pvp_rxqs_testpmd Confirm traffic received over vhost RXQs with DPDK device in guest.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Vhost User
+A set of functional testcases for validation of vHost User Client and vHost User
+Server modes in OVS.
+**NOTE:** Vhost User Server mode is deprecated and it will be removed from OVS
+in the future.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_vhostuser_client Test vhost-user client mode
+ovsdpdk_vhostuser_client_reconnect Test vhost-user client mode reconnect feature
+ovsdpdk_vhostuser_server Test vhost-user server mode
+ovsdpdk_vhostuser_sock_dir Verify functionality of vhost-sock-dir flag
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Virtual Devices Support
+A set of functional testcases for verification of correct functionality of virtual
+device PMD drivers.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_vdev_add_null_pmd Test addition of port using the null DPDK PMD driver.
+ovsdpdk_vdev_del_null_pmd Test deletion of port using the null DPDK PMD driver.
+ovsdpdk_vdev_add_af_packet_pmd Test addition of port using the af_packet DPDK PMD driver.
+ovsdpdk_vdev_del_af_packet_pmd Test deletion of port using the af_packet DPDK PMD driver.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+NUMA Support
+A functional testcase for validation of NUMA awareness feature in OVS.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_numa Test vhost-user NUMA support. Vhostuser PMD threads should migrate to
+ the same numa slot, where QEMU is executed.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Jumbo Frame Support
+A set of functional testcases for verification of jumbo frame support in OVS.
+Testcases utilize P2P and PVP network deployments and native support of jumbo
+frames available in VSPERF.
+============================================ ==================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+============================================ ==================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_phy_port_ovsdb Ensure that the increased MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_vport_ovsdb Ensure that the increased MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_phy_port_ovsdb Ensure that the reduced MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_vport_ovsdb Ensure that the reduced MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_phy_port_datapath Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in the
+ datapath itself when increased to a valid value.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_increase_mtu_vport_datapath Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in the
+ datapath itself when increased to a valid value.
+ Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK physical port is updated in the
+ datapath itself when decreased to a valid value.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_reduce_mtu_vport_datapath Ensure that the MTU for a DPDK vhost-user port is updated in the
+ datapath itself when decreased to a valid value.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_upper_bound_phy_port Verify that the upper bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK Phy ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_upper_bound_vport Verify that the upper bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK vhost-user
+ ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_lower_bound_phy_port Verify that the lower bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK Phy ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_mtu_lower_bound_vport Verify that the lower bound limit is enforced for OvS DPDK vhost-user
+ ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_p2p Ensure that jumbo frames are received, processed and forwarded
+ correctly by DPDK physical ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_pvp Ensure that jumbo frames are received, processed and forwarded
+ correctly by DPDK vhost-user ports.
+ovsdpdk_jumbo_p2p_upper_bound Ensure that jumbo frames above the configured Rx port's MTU are not
+ accepted
+============================================ ==================================================================================
+Rate Limiting
+A set of functional testcases for validation of rate limiting support. This feature
+allows to configure an ingress policing for both physical and vHost User DPDK
+**NOTE:** Desired maximum rate is specified in kilo bits per second and it defines
+the rate of payload only.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_rate_create_phy_port Ensure a rate limiting interface can be created on a physical DPDK
+ port.
+ovsdpdk_rate_delete_phy_port Ensure a rate limiting interface can be destroyed on a physical DPDK
+ port.
+ovsdpdk_rate_create_vport Ensure a rate limiting interface can be created on a vhost-user port.
+ovsdpdk_rate_delete_vport Ensure a rate limiting interface can be destroyed on a vhost-user
+ port.
+ovsdpdk_rate_no_policing Ensure when a user attempts to create a rate limiting interface but
+ is missing policing rate argument, no rate limitiner is created.
+ovsdpdk_rate_no_burst Ensure when a user attempts to create a rate limiting interface but
+ is missing policing burst argument, rate limitiner is created.
+ovsdpdk_rate_p2p Ensure when a user creates a rate limiting physical interface that
+ the traffic is limited to the specified policer rate in a p2p setup.
+ovsdpdk_rate_pvp Ensure when a user creates a rate limiting vHost User interface that
+ the traffic is limited to the specified policer rate in a pvp setup.
+ovsdpdk_rate_p2p_multi_pkt_sizes Ensure that rate limiting works for various frame sizes.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Quality of Service
+A set of functional testcases for validation of QoS support. This feature
+allows to configure an egress policing for both physical and vHost User DPDK
+**NOTE:** Desired maximum rate is specified in bytes per second and it defines
+the rate of payload only.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+Testcase Name Description
+======================================== ======================================================================================
+ovsdpdk_qos_create_phy_port Ensure a QoS policy can be created on a physical DPDK port
+ovsdpdk_qos_delete_phy_port Ensure an existing QoS policy can be destroyed on a physical DPDK
+ port.
+ovsdpdk_qos_create_vport Ensure a QoS policy can be created on a virtual vhost user port.
+ovsdpdk_qos_delete_vport Ensure an existing QoS policy can be destroyed on a vhost user port.
+ovsdpdk_qos_create_no_cir Ensure that a QoS policy cannot be created if the egress policer cir
+ argument is missing.
+ovsdpdk_qos_create_no_cbs Ensure that a QoS policy cannot be created if the egress policer cbs
+ argument is missing.
+ovsdpdk_qos_p2p In a p2p setup, ensure when a QoS egress policer is created that the
+ traffic is limited to the specified rate.
+ovsdpdk_qos_pvp In a pvp setup, ensure when a QoS egress policer is created that the
+ traffic is limited to the specified rate.
+======================================== ======================================================================================
diff --git a/systems/fedora/24/build_base_machine.sh b/systems/fedora/24/build_base_machine.sh
index f6f83d8d..2aceb34f 100644
--- a/systems/fedora/24/build_base_machine.sh
+++ b/systems/fedora/24/build_base_machine.sh
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ fuse-devel
# tools
diff --git a/systems/fedora/25/build_base_machine.sh b/systems/fedora/25/build_base_machine.sh
index ad53ba76..241b79cb 100644
--- a/systems/fedora/25/build_base_machine.sh
+++ b/systems/fedora/25/build_base_machine.sh
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ fuse-devel
# tools
diff --git a/systems/fedora/26/build_base_machine.sh b/systems/fedora/26/build_base_machine.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8b65965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/fedora/26/build_base_machine.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Build a base machine for Fedora 26
+# Copyright 2017 OPNFV, Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+dnf -y install $(echo "
+# Make and Compilers
+# tools
+# install python packages
+# libs
+# install git-review tool
+" | grep -v ^#)
+# Create hugepage dirs
+mkdir -p /dev/hugepages
diff --git a/systems/fedora/26/prepare_python_env.sh b/systems/fedora/26/prepare_python_env.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33615cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systems/fedora/26/prepare_python_env.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Prepare Python environment for vsperf execution on Fedora 26 systems.
+# Copyright 2017 OPNFV, Intel Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+if [ -d "$VSPERFENV_DIR" ] ; then
+ echo "Directory $VSPERFENV_DIR already exists. Skipping python virtualenv creation."
+ exit
+# enable virtual environment in a subshell, so QEMU build can use python 2.7
+(virtualenv-3.6 "$VSPERFENV_DIR"
+source "$VSPERFENV_DIR"/bin/activate
+pip install -r ../requirements.txt
+pip install pylint
+pip install six)