INFO.yaml meant to be machine readable.
This file was auto generated from an ldap lookup
and your projects INFO file
Meeting times are not currently filled out.
please ammend this patchset to complete
Going forward comitter promotions should be done
against this file.
Must be merged for you to gain delete access on
If project_lead: is missing (my script could not parse)
please amend with same from commiters section eg:
project_lead: &opnfv_$project_ptl
name: 'Lead Name'
email: 'lead email'
id: 'lead lfid'
company: 'lead company'
Change-Id: I8b7d209deacfb26e2869ef9b24a2df812be1a5be
Signed-off-by: agardner <agardner@linuxfoundation.org>