path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 801d0d3..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/cephfs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-import json
-import logging
-from unittest import case
-from tasks.ceph_test_case import CephTestCase
-import os
-import re
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount
-from teuthology.orchestra import run
-from import CommandFailedError
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def for_teuthology(f):
- """
- Decorator that adds an "is_for_teuthology" attribute to the wrapped function
- """
- f.is_for_teuthology = True
- return f
-def needs_trimming(f):
- """
- Mark fn as requiring a client capable of trimming its cache (i.e. for ceph-fuse
- this means it needs to be able to run as root, currently)
- """
- f.needs_trimming = True
- return f
-class CephFSTestCase(CephTestCase):
- """
- Test case for Ceph FS, requires caller to populate Filesystem and Mounts,
- into the fs, mount_a, mount_b class attributes (setting mount_b is optional)
- Handles resetting the cluster under test between tests.
- """
- # FIXME weird explicit naming
- mount_a = None
- mount_b = None
- recovery_mount = None
- # Declarative test requirements: subclasses should override these to indicate
- # their special needs. If not met, tests will be skipped.
- # Whether to create the default filesystem during setUp
- # requires REQUIRE_FILESYSTEM = True
- def setUp(self):
- super(CephFSTestCase, self).setUp()
- if len(self.mds_cluster.mds_ids) < self.MDSS_REQUIRED:
- raise case.SkipTest("Only have {0} MDSs, require {1}".format(
- len(self.mds_cluster.mds_ids), self.MDSS_REQUIRED
- ))
- if len(self.mounts) < self.CLIENTS_REQUIRED:
- raise case.SkipTest("Only have {0} clients, require {1}".format(
- len(self.mounts), self.CLIENTS_REQUIRED
- ))
- if not isinstance(self.mounts[0], FuseMount) or not isinstance(self.mounts[1], FuseMount):
- # kclient kill() power cycles nodes, so requires clients to each be on
- # their own node
- if self.mounts[0].client_remote.hostname == self.mounts[1].client_remote.hostname:
- raise case.SkipTest("kclient clients must be on separate nodes")
- if self.mounts[0].client_remote.hostname in self.mds_cluster.get_mds_hostnames():
- raise case.SkipTest("Require first client to be on separate server from MDSs")
- objectstore = self.mds_cluster.get_config("osd_objectstore", "osd")
- if objectstore != "memstore":
- # You certainly *could* run this on a real OSD, but you don't want to sit
- # here for hours waiting for the test to fill up a 1TB drive!
- raise case.SkipTest("Require `memstore` OSD backend to simulate full drives")
- # Create friendly mount_a, mount_b attrs
- for i in range(0, self.CLIENTS_REQUIRED):
- setattr(self, "mount_{0}".format(chr(ord('a') + i)), self.mounts[i])
- self.mds_cluster.clear_firewall()
- # Unmount all clients, we are about to blow away the filesystem
- for mount in self.mounts:
- if mount.is_mounted():
- mount.umount_wait(force=True)
- # To avoid any issues with e.g. unlink bugs, we destroy and recreate
- # the filesystem rather than just doing a rm -rf of files
- self.mds_cluster.mds_stop()
- self.mds_cluster.mds_fail()
- self.mds_cluster.delete_all_filesystems()
- self.fs = None # is now invalid!
- self.recovery_fs = None
- # In case the previous filesystem had filled up the RADOS cluster, wait for that
- # flag to pass.
- osd_mon_report_interval_max = int(self.mds_cluster.get_config("osd_mon_report_interval_max", service_type='osd'))
- self.wait_until_true(lambda: not self.mds_cluster.is_full(),
- timeout=osd_mon_report_interval_max * 5)
- # In case anything is in the OSD blacklist list, clear it out. This is to avoid
- # the OSD map changing in the background (due to blacklist expiry) while tests run.
- try:
- self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "blacklist", "clear")
- except CommandFailedError:
- # Fallback for older Ceph cluster
- blacklist = json.loads(self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd",
- "dump", "--format=json-pretty"))['blacklist']
-"Removing {0} blacklist entries".format(len(blacklist)))
- for addr, blacklisted_at in blacklist.items():
- self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("osd", "blacklist", "rm", addr)
- client_mount_ids = [m.client_id for m in self.mounts]
- # In case the test changes the IDs of clients, stash them so that we can
- # reset in tearDown
- self._original_client_ids = client_mount_ids
- # In case there were any extra auth identities around from a previous
- # test, delete them
- for entry in self.auth_list():
- ent_type, ent_id = entry['entity'].split(".")
- if ent_type == "client" and ent_id not in client_mount_ids and ent_id != "admin":
- self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("auth", "del", entry['entity'])
- self.fs = self.mds_cluster.newfs(create=True)
- self.fs.mds_restart()
- # In case some test messed with auth caps, reset them
- for client_id in client_mount_ids:
- self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd_result(
- 'auth', 'caps', "client.{0}".format(client_id),
- 'mds', 'allow',
- 'mon', 'allow r',
- 'osd', 'allow rw pool={0}'.format(self.fs.get_data_pool_name()))
- # wait for mds restart to complete...
- self.fs.wait_for_daemons()
- # Mount the requested number of clients
- for i in range(0, self.CLIENTS_REQUIRED):
- self.mounts[i].mount()
- self.mounts[i].wait_until_mounted()
- raise case.SkipTest("Recovery filesystem requires a primary filesystem as well")
- self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('fs', 'flag', 'set',
- 'enable_multiple', 'true',
- '--yes-i-really-mean-it')
- self.recovery_fs = self.mds_cluster.newfs(name="recovery_fs", create=False)
- self.recovery_fs.set_metadata_overlay(True)
- self.recovery_fs.set_data_pool_name(self.fs.get_data_pool_name())
- self.recovery_fs.create()
- self.recovery_fs.getinfo(refresh=True)
- self.recovery_fs.mds_restart()
- self.recovery_fs.wait_for_daemons()
- # Load an config settings of interest
- for setting in self.LOAD_SETTINGS:
- setattr(self, setting, float(self.fs.mds_asok(
- ['config', 'get', setting], self.mds_cluster.mds_ids[0]
- )[setting]))
- self.configs_set = set()
- def tearDown(self):
- super(CephFSTestCase, self).tearDown()
- self.mds_cluster.clear_firewall()
- for m in self.mounts:
- m.teardown()
- for i, m in enumerate(self.mounts):
- m.client_id = self._original_client_ids[i]
- for subsys, key in self.configs_set:
- self.mds_cluster.clear_ceph_conf(subsys, key)
- def set_conf(self, subsys, key, value):
- self.configs_set.add((subsys, key))
- self.mds_cluster.set_ceph_conf(subsys, key, value)
- def auth_list(self):
- """
- Convenience wrapper on "ceph auth ls"
- """
- return json.loads(self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd(
- "auth", "ls", "--format=json-pretty"
- ))['auth_dump']
- def assert_session_count(self, expected, ls_data=None, mds_id=None):
- if ls_data is None:
- ls_data = self.fs.mds_asok(['session', 'ls'], mds_id=mds_id)
- alive_count = len([s for s in ls_data if s['state'] != 'killing'])
- self.assertEqual(expected, alive_count, "Expected {0} sessions, found {1}".format(
- expected, alive_count
- ))
- def assert_session_state(self, client_id, expected_state):
- self.assertEqual(
- self._session_by_id(
- self.fs.mds_asok(['session', 'ls'])).get(client_id, {'state': None})['state'],
- expected_state)
- def get_session_data(self, client_id):
- return self._session_by_id(client_id)
- def _session_list(self):
- ls_data = self.fs.mds_asok(['session', 'ls'])
- ls_data = [s for s in ls_data if s['state'] not in ['stale', 'closed']]
- return ls_data
- def get_session(self, client_id, session_ls=None):
- if session_ls is None:
- session_ls = self.fs.mds_asok(['session', 'ls'])
- return self._session_by_id(session_ls)[client_id]
- def _session_by_id(self, session_ls):
- return dict([(s['id'], s) for s in session_ls])
- def wait_for_daemon_start(self, daemon_ids=None):
- """
- Wait until all the daemons appear in the FSMap, either assigned
- MDS ranks or in the list of standbys
- """
- def get_daemon_names():
- return [info['name'] for info in self.mds_cluster.status().get_all()]
- if daemon_ids is None:
- daemon_ids = self.mds_cluster.mds_ids
- try:
- self.wait_until_true(
- lambda: set(daemon_ids) & set(get_daemon_names()) == set(daemon_ids),
- timeout=30
- )
- except RuntimeError:
- log.warn("Timeout waiting for daemons {0}, while we have {1}".format(
- daemon_ids, get_daemon_names()
- ))
- raise
- def assert_mds_crash(self, daemon_id):
- """
- Assert that the a particular MDS daemon crashes (block until
- it does)
- """
- try:
- self.mds_cluster.mds_daemons[daemon_id].proc.wait()
- except CommandFailedError as e:
-"MDS '{0}' crashed with status {1} as expected".format(daemon_id, e.exitstatus))
- self.mds_cluster.mds_daemons[daemon_id].proc = None
- # Go remove the coredump from the crash, otherwise teuthology.internal.coredump will
- # catch it later and treat it as a failure.
- p = self.mds_cluster.mds_daemons[daemon_id][
- "sudo", "sysctl", "-n", "kernel.core_pattern"], stdout=StringIO())
- core_pattern = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
- if os.path.dirname(core_pattern): # Non-default core_pattern with a directory in it
- # We have seen a core_pattern that looks like it's from teuthology's coredump
- # task, so proceed to clear out the core file
-"Clearing core from pattern: {0}".format(core_pattern))
- # Determine the PID of the crashed MDS by inspecting the MDSMap, it had
- # to talk to the mons to get assigned a rank to reach the point of crashing
- addr = self.mds_cluster.mon_manager.get_mds_status(daemon_id)['addr']
- pid_str = addr.split("/")[1]
-"Determined crasher PID was {0}".format(pid_str))
- # Substitute PID into core_pattern to get a glob
- core_glob = core_pattern.replace("%p", pid_str)
- core_glob = re.sub("%[a-z]", "*", core_glob) # Match all for all other % tokens
- # Verify that we see the expected single coredump matching the expected pattern
- ls_proc = self.mds_cluster.mds_daemons[daemon_id][
- "sudo", "ls", run.Raw(core_glob)
- ], stdout=StringIO())
- cores = [f for f in ls_proc.stdout.getvalue().strip().split("\n") if f]
-"Enumerated cores: {0}".format(cores))
- self.assertEqual(len(cores), 1)
-"Found core file {0}, deleting it".format(cores[0]))
- self.mds_cluster.mds_daemons[daemon_id][
- "sudo", "rm", "-f", cores[0]
- ])
- else:
-"No core_pattern directory set, nothing to clear (internal.coredump not enabled?)")
- else:
- raise AssertionError("MDS daemon '{0}' did not crash as expected".format(daemon_id))