path: root/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting
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+ The Ceph Community
+The Ceph community is an excellent source of information and help. For
+operational issues with Ceph releases we recommend you `subscribe to the
+ceph-users email list`_. When you no longer want to receive emails, you can
+`unsubscribe from the ceph-users email list`_.
+You may also `subscribe to the ceph-devel email list`_. You should do so if
+your issue is:
+- Likely related to a bug
+- Related to a development release package
+- Related to a development testing package
+- Related to your own builds
+If you no longer want to receive emails from the ``ceph-devel`` email list, you
+may `unsubscribe from the ceph-devel email list`_.
+.. tip:: The Ceph community is growing rapidly, and community members can help
+ you if you provide them with detailed information about your problem. You
+ can attach the output of the ``ceph report`` command to help people understand your issues.
+.. _subscribe to the ceph-devel email list:
+.. _unsubscribe from the ceph-devel email list:
+.. _subscribe to the ceph-users email list:
+.. _unsubscribe from the ceph-users email list:
+.. _ceph-devel: \ No newline at end of file
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+ CPU Profiling
+If you built Ceph from source and compiled Ceph for use with `oprofile`_
+you can profile Ceph's CPU usage. See `Installing Oprofile`_ for details.
+Initializing oprofile
+The first time you use ``oprofile`` you need to initialize it. Locate the
+``vmlinux`` image corresponding to the kernel you are now running. ::
+ ls /boot
+ sudo opcontrol --init
+ sudo opcontrol --setup --vmlinux={path-to-image} --separate=library --callgraph=6
+Starting oprofile
+To start ``oprofile`` execute the following command::
+ opcontrol --start
+Once you start ``oprofile``, you may run some tests with Ceph.
+Stopping oprofile
+To stop ``oprofile`` execute the following command::
+ opcontrol --stop
+Retrieving oprofile Results
+To retrieve the top ``cmon`` results, execute the following command::
+ opreport -gal ./cmon | less
+To retrieve the top ``cmon`` results with call graphs attached, execute the
+following command::
+ opreport -cal ./cmon | less
+.. important:: After reviewing results, you should reset ``oprofile`` before
+ running it again. Resetting ``oprofile`` removes data from the session
+ directory.
+Resetting oprofile
+To reset ``oprofile``, execute the following command::
+ sudo opcontrol --reset
+.. important:: You should reset ``oprofile`` after analyzing data so that
+ you do not commingle results from different tests.
+.. _oprofile:
+.. _Installing Oprofile: ../../../dev/cpu-profiler
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+ Troubleshooting
+Ceph is still on the leading edge, so you may encounter situations that require
+you to examine your configuration, modify your logging output, troubleshoot
+monitors and OSDs, profile memory and CPU usage, and reach out to the
+Ceph community for help.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ community
+ log-and-debug
+ troubleshooting-mon
+ troubleshooting-osd
+ troubleshooting-pg
+ memory-profiling
+ cpu-profiling
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+ Logging and Debugging
+Typically, when you add debugging to your Ceph configuration, you do so at
+runtime. You can also add Ceph debug logging to your Ceph configuration file if
+you are encountering issues when starting your cluster. You may view Ceph log
+files under ``/var/log/ceph`` (the default location).
+.. tip:: When debug output slows down your system, the latency can hide
+ race conditions.
+Logging is resource intensive. If you are encountering a problem in a specific
+area of your cluster, enable logging for that area of the cluster. For example,
+if your OSDs are running fine, but your metadata servers are not, you should
+start by enabling debug logging for the specific metadata server instance(s)
+giving you trouble. Enable logging for each subsystem as needed.
+.. important:: Verbose logging can generate over 1GB of data per hour. If your
+ OS disk reaches its capacity, the node will stop working.
+If you enable or increase the rate of Ceph logging, ensure that you have
+sufficient disk space on your OS disk. See `Accelerating Log Rotation`_ for
+details on rotating log files. When your system is running well, remove
+unnecessary debugging settings to ensure your cluster runs optimally. Logging
+debug output messages is relatively slow, and a waste of resources when
+operating your cluster.
+See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details on available settings.
+If you would like to see the configuration settings at runtime, you must log
+in to a host with a running daemon and execute the following::
+ ceph daemon {daemon-name} config show | less
+For example,::
+ ceph daemon osd.0 config show | less
+To activate Ceph's debugging output (*i.e.*, ``dout()``) at runtime, use the
+``ceph tell`` command to inject arguments into the runtime configuration::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon id or *} injectargs --{name} {value} [--{name} {value}]
+Replace ``{daemon-type}`` with one of ``osd``, ``mon`` or ``mds``. You may apply
+the runtime setting to all daemons of a particular type with ``*``, or specify
+a specific daemon's ID. For example, to increase
+debug logging for a ``ceph-osd`` daemon named ``osd.0``, execute the following::
+ ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --debug-osd 0/5
+The ``ceph tell`` command goes through the monitors. If you cannot bind to the
+monitor, you can still make the change by logging into the host of the daemon
+whose configuration you'd like to change using ``ceph daemon``.
+For example::
+ sudo ceph daemon osd.0 config set debug_osd 0/5
+See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details on available settings.
+Boot Time
+To activate Ceph's debugging output (*i.e.*, ``dout()``) at boot time, you must
+add settings to your Ceph configuration file. Subsystems common to each daemon
+may be set under ``[global]`` in your configuration file. Subsystems for
+particular daemons are set under the daemon section in your configuration file
+(*e.g.*, ``[mon]``, ``[osd]``, ``[mds]``). For example::
+ [global]
+ debug ms = 1/5
+ [mon]
+ debug mon = 20
+ debug paxos = 1/5
+ debug auth = 2
+ [osd]
+ debug osd = 1/5
+ debug filestore = 1/5
+ debug journal = 1
+ debug monc = 5/20
+ [mds]
+ debug mds = 1
+ debug mds balancer = 1
+See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details.
+Accelerating Log Rotation
+If your OS disk is relatively full, you can accelerate log rotation by modifying
+the Ceph log rotation file at ``/etc/logrotate.d/ceph``. Add a size setting
+after the rotation frequency to accelerate log rotation (via cronjob) if your
+logs exceed the size setting. For example, the default setting looks like
+ rotate 7
+ weekly
+ compress
+ sharedscripts
+Modify it by adding a ``size`` setting. ::
+ rotate 7
+ weekly
+ size 500M
+ compress
+ sharedscripts
+Then, start the crontab editor for your user space. ::
+ crontab -e
+Finally, add an entry to check the ``etc/logrotate.d/ceph`` file. ::
+ 30 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/ceph >/dev/null 2>&1
+The preceding example checks the ``etc/logrotate.d/ceph`` file every 30 minutes.
+Debugging may also require you to track down memory and threading issues.
+You can run a single daemon, a type of daemon, or the whole cluster with
+Valgrind. You should only use Valgrind when developing or debugging Ceph.
+Valgrind is computationally expensive, and will slow down your system otherwise.
+Valgrind messages are logged to ``stderr``.
+Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings
+In most cases, you will enable debug logging output via subsystems.
+Ceph Subsystems
+Each subsystem has a logging level for its output logs, and for its logs
+in-memory. You may set different values for each of these subsystems by setting
+a log file level and a memory level for debug logging. Ceph's logging levels
+operate on a scale of ``1`` to ``20``, where ``1`` is terse and ``20`` is
+verbose [#]_ . In general, the logs in-memory are not sent to the output log unless:
+- a fatal signal is raised or
+- an ``assert`` in source code is triggered or
+- upon requested. Please consult `document on admin socket <>`_ for more details.
+A debug logging setting can take a single value for the log level and the
+memory level, which sets them both as the same value. For example, if you
+specify ``debug ms = 5``, Ceph will treat it as a log level and a memory level
+of ``5``. You may also specify them separately. The first setting is the log
+level, and the second setting is the memory level. You must separate them with
+a forward slash (/). For example, if you want to set the ``ms`` subsystem's
+debug logging level to ``1`` and its memory level to ``5``, you would specify it
+as ``debug ms = 1/5``. For example:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ debug {subsystem} = {log-level}/{memory-level}
+ #for example
+ debug mds balancer = 1/20
+The following table provides a list of Ceph subsystems and their default log and
+memory levels. Once you complete your logging efforts, restore the subsystems
+to their default level or to a level suitable for normal operations.
+| Subsystem | Log Level | Memory Level |
+| ``default`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``lockdep`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``context`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``crush`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds balancer`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds locker`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds log`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds log expire`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``mds migrator`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``buffer`` | 0 | 0 |
+| ``timer`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``filer`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``objecter`` | 0 | 0 |
+| ``rados`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``rbd`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``journaler`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``objectcacher`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``client`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``osd`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``optracker`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``objclass`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``filestore`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``journal`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``ms`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``mon`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``monc`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``paxos`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``tp`` | 0 | 5 |
+| ``auth`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``finisher`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``heartbeatmap`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``perfcounter`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``rgw`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``javaclient`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``asok`` | 1 | 5 |
+| ``throttle`` | 1 | 5 |
+Logging Settings
+Logging and debugging settings are not required in a Ceph configuration file,
+but you may override default settings as needed. Ceph supports the following
+``log file``
+:Description: The location of the logging file for your cluster.
+:Type: String
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``/var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log``
+``log max new``
+:Description: The maximum number of new log files.
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``1000``
+``log max recent``
+:Description: The maximum number of recent events to include in a log file.
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``1000000``
+``log to stderr``
+:Description: Determines if logging messages should appear in ``stderr``.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``err to stderr``
+:Description: Determines if error messages should appear in ``stderr``.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``log to syslog``
+:Description: Determines if logging messages should appear in ``syslog``.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``err to syslog``
+:Description: Determines if error messages should appear in ``syslog``.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``log flush on exit``
+:Description: Determines if Ceph should flush the log files after exit.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``clog to monitors``
+:Description: Determines if ``clog`` messages should be sent to monitors.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``clog to syslog``
+:Description: Determines if ``clog`` messages should be sent to syslog.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``mon cluster log to syslog``
+:Description: Determines if the cluster log should be output to the syslog.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``mon cluster log file``
+:Description: The location of the cluster's log file.
+:Type: String
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``/var/log/ceph/$cluster.log``
+``osd debug drop ping probability``
+:Description: ?
+:Type: Double
+:Required: No
+:Default: 0
+``osd debug drop ping duration``
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: 0
+``osd debug drop pg create probability``
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: 0
+``osd debug drop pg create duration``
+:Description: ?
+:Type: Double
+:Required: No
+:Default: 1
+``osd tmapput sets uses tmap``
+:Description: Uses ``tmap``. For debug only.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``osd min pg log entries``
+:Description: The minimum number of log entries for placement groups.
+:Type: 32-bit Unsigned Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: 1000
+``osd op log threshold``
+:Description: How many op log messages to show up in one pass.
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: 5
+``filestore debug omap check``
+:Description: Debugging check on synchronization. This is an expensive operation.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: 0
+``mds debug scatterstat``
+:Description: Ceph will assert that various recursive stat invariants are true
+ (for developers only).
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``mds debug frag``
+:Description: Ceph will verify directory fragmentation invariants when
+ convenient (developers only).
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``mds debug auth pins``
+:Description: The debug auth pin invariants (for developers only).
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``mds debug subtrees``
+:Description: The debug subtree invariants (for developers only).
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+RADOS Gateway
+``rgw log nonexistent bucket``
+:Description: Should we log a non-existent buckets?
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``rgw log object name``
+:Description: Should an object's name be logged. // man date to see codes (a subset are supported)
+:Type: String
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%n``
+``rgw log object name utc``
+:Description: Object log name contains UTC?
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+``rgw enable ops log``
+:Description: Enables logging of every RGW operation.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``rgw enable usage log``
+:Description: Enable logging of RGW's bandwidth usage.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``true``
+``rgw usage log flush threshold``
+:Description: Threshold to flush pending log data.
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``1024``
+``rgw usage log tick interval``
+:Description: Flush pending log data every ``s`` seconds.
+:Type: Integer
+:Required: No
+:Default: 30
+``rgw intent log object name``
+:Type: String
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``%Y-%m-%d-%i-%n``
+``rgw intent log object name utc``
+:Description: Include a UTC timestamp in the intent log object name.
+:Type: Boolean
+:Required: No
+:Default: ``false``
+.. [#] there are levels >20 in some rare cases and that they are extremely verbose.
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+ Memory Profiling
+Ceph MON, OSD and MDS can generate heap profiles using
+``tcmalloc``. To generate heap profiles, ensure you have
+``google-perftools`` installed::
+ sudo apt-get install google-perftools
+The profiler dumps output to your ``log file`` directory (i.e.,
+``/var/log/ceph``). See `Logging and Debugging`_ for details.
+To view the profiler logs with Google's performance tools, execute the
+ google-pprof --text {path-to-daemon} {log-path/filename}
+For example::
+ $ ceph tell osd.0 heap start_profiler
+ $ ceph tell osd.0 heap dump
+ osd.0 tcmalloc heap stats:------------------------------------------------
+ MALLOC: 2632288 ( 2.5 MiB) Bytes in use by application
+ MALLOC: + 499712 ( 0.5 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist
+ MALLOC: + 543800 ( 0.5 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist
+ MALLOC: + 327680 ( 0.3 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist
+ MALLOC: + 1239400 ( 1.2 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists
+ MALLOC: + 1142936 ( 1.1 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata
+ MALLOC: ------------
+ MALLOC: = 6385816 ( 6.1 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)
+ MALLOC: + 0 ( 0.0 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)
+ MALLOC: ------------
+ MALLOC: = 6385816 ( 6.1 MiB) Virtual address space used
+ MALLOC: 231 Spans in use
+ MALLOC: 56 Thread heaps in use
+ MALLOC: 8192 Tcmalloc page size
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ Call ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).
+ Bytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.
+ $ google-pprof --text \
+ /usr/bin/ceph-osd \
+ /var/log/ceph/ceph-osd.0.profile.0001.heap
+ Total: 3.7 MB
+ 1.9 51.1% 51.1% 1.9 51.1% ceph::log::Log::create_entry
+ 1.8 47.3% 98.4% 1.8 47.3% std::string::_Rep::_S_create
+ 0.0 0.4% 98.9% 0.0 0.6% SimpleMessenger::add_accept_pipe
+ 0.0 0.4% 99.2% 0.0 0.6% decode_message
+ ...
+Another heap dump on the same daemon will add another file. It is
+convenient to compare to a previous heap dump to show what has grown
+in the interval. For instance::
+ $ google-pprof --text --base out/osd.0.profile.0001.heap \
+ ceph-osd out/osd.0.profile.0003.heap
+ Total: 0.2 MB
+ 0.1 50.3% 50.3% 0.1 50.3% ceph::log::Log::create_entry
+ 0.1 46.6% 96.8% 0.1 46.6% std::string::_Rep::_S_create
+ 0.0 0.9% 97.7% 0.0 26.1% ReplicatedPG::do_op
+ 0.0 0.8% 98.5% 0.0 0.8% __gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate
+Refer to `Google Heap Profiler`_ for additional details.
+Once you have the heap profiler installed, start your cluster and
+begin using the heap profiler. You may enable or disable the heap
+profiler at runtime, or ensure that it runs continuously. For the
+following commandline usage, replace ``{daemon-type}`` with ``mon``,
+``osd`` or ``mds``, and replace ``{daemon-id}`` with the OSD number or
+the MON or MDS id.
+Starting the Profiler
+To start the heap profiler, execute the following::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon-id} heap start_profiler
+For example::
+ ceph tell osd.1 heap start_profiler
+Alternatively the profile can be started when the daemon starts
+running if the ``CEPH_HEAP_PROFILER_INIT=true`` variable is found in
+the environment.
+Printing Stats
+To print out statistics, execute the following::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon-id} heap stats
+For example::
+ ceph tell osd.0 heap stats
+.. note:: Printing stats does not require the profiler to be running and does
+ not dump the heap allocation information to a file.
+Dumping Heap Information
+To dump heap information, execute the following::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon-id} heap dump
+For example::
+ ceph tell mds.a heap dump
+.. note:: Dumping heap information only works when the profiler is running.
+Releasing Memory
+To release memory that ``tcmalloc`` has allocated but which is not being used by
+the Ceph daemon itself, execute the following::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}{daemon-id} heap release
+For example::
+ ceph tell osd.2 heap release
+Stopping the Profiler
+To stop the heap profiler, execute the following::
+ ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon-id} heap stop_profiler
+For example::
+ ceph tell osd.0 heap stop_profiler
+.. _Logging and Debugging: ../log-and-debug
+.. _Google Heap Profiler:
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+ Troubleshooting Monitors
+.. index:: monitor, high availability
+When a cluster encounters monitor-related troubles there's a tendency to
+panic, and some times with good reason. You should keep in mind that losing
+a monitor, or a bunch of them, don't necessarily mean that your cluster is
+down, as long as a majority is up, running and with a formed quorum.
+Regardless of how bad the situation is, the first thing you should do is to
+calm down, take a breath and try answering our initial troubleshooting script.
+Initial Troubleshooting
+**Are the monitors running?**
+ First of all, we need to make sure the monitors are running. You would be
+ amazed by how often people forget to run the monitors, or restart them after
+ an upgrade. There's no shame in that, but let's try not losing a couple of
+ hours chasing an issue that is not there.
+**Are you able to connect to the monitor's servers?**
+ Doesn't happen often, but sometimes people do have ``iptables`` rules that
+ block accesses to monitor servers or monitor ports. Usually leftovers from
+ monitor stress-testing that were forgotten at some point. Try ssh'ing into
+ the server and, if that succeeds, try connecting to the monitor's port
+ using you tool of choice (telnet, nc,...).
+**Does ceph -s run and obtain a reply from the cluster?**
+ If the answer is yes then your cluster is up and running. One thing you
+ can take for granted is that the monitors will only answer to a ``status``
+ request if there is a formed quorum.
+ If ``ceph -s`` blocked however, without obtaining a reply from the cluster
+ or showing a lot of ``fault`` messages, then it is likely that your monitors
+ are either down completely or just a portion is up -- a portion that is not
+ enough to form a quorum (keep in mind that a quorum if formed by a majority
+ of monitors).
+**What if ceph -s doesn't finish?**
+ If you haven't gone through all the steps so far, please go back and do.
+ For those running on Emperor 0.72-rc1 and forward, you will be able to
+ contact each monitor individually asking them for their status, regardless
+ of a quorum being formed. This an be achieved using ``ceph ping mon.ID``,
+ ID being the monitor's identifier. You should perform this for each monitor
+ in the cluster. In section `Understanding mon_status`_ we will explain how
+ to interpret the output of this command.
+ For the rest of you who don't tread on the bleeding edge, you will need to
+ ssh into the server and use the monitor's admin socket. Please jump to
+ `Using the monitor's admin socket`_.
+For other specific issues, keep on reading.
+Using the monitor's admin socket
+The admin socket allows you to interact with a given daemon directly using a
+Unix socket file. This file can be found in your monitor's ``run`` directory.
+By default, the admin socket will be kept in ``/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.ID.asok``
+but this can vary if you defined it otherwise. If you don't find it there,
+please check your ``ceph.conf`` for an alternative path or run::
+ ceph-conf --name mon.ID --show-config-value admin_socket
+Please bear in mind that the admin socket will only be available while the
+monitor is running. When the monitor is properly shutdown, the admin socket
+will be removed. If however the monitor is not running and the admin socket
+still persists, it is likely that the monitor was improperly shutdown.
+Regardless, if the monitor is not running, you will not be able to use the
+admin socket, with ``ceph`` likely returning ``Error 111: Connection Refused``.
+Accessing the admin socket is as simple as telling the ``ceph`` tool to use
+the ``asok`` file. In pre-Dumpling Ceph, this can be achieved by::
+ ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.<id>.asok <command>
+while in Dumpling and beyond you can use the alternate (and recommended)
+ ceph daemon mon.<id> <command>
+Using ``help`` as the command to the ``ceph`` tool will show you the
+supported commands available through the admin socket. Please take a look
+at ``config get``, ``config show``, ``mon_status`` and ``quorum_status``,
+as those can be enlightening when troubleshooting a monitor.
+Understanding mon_status
+``mon_status`` can be obtained through the ``ceph`` tool when you have
+a formed quorum, or via the admin socket if you don't. This command will
+output a multitude of information about the monitor, including the same
+output you would get with ``quorum_status``.
+Take the following example of ``mon_status``::
+ { "name": "c",
+ "rank": 2,
+ "state": "peon",
+ "election_epoch": 38,
+ "quorum": [
+ 1,
+ 2],
+ "outside_quorum": [],
+ "extra_probe_peers": [],
+ "sync_provider": [],
+ "monmap": { "epoch": 3,
+ "fsid": "5c4e9d53-e2e1-478a-8061-f543f8be4cf8",
+ "modified": "2013-10-30 04:12:01.945629",
+ "created": "2013-10-29 14:14:41.914786",
+ "mons": [
+ { "rank": 0,
+ "name": "a",
+ "addr": "\/0"},
+ { "rank": 1,
+ "name": "b",
+ "addr": "\/0"},
+ { "rank": 2,
+ "name": "c",
+ "addr": "\/0"}]}}
+A couple of things are obvious: we have three monitors in the monmap (*a*, *b*
+and *c*), the quorum is formed by only two monitors, and *c* is in the quorum
+as a *peon*.
+Which monitor is out of the quorum?
+ The answer would be **a**.
+ Take a look at the ``quorum`` set. We have two monitors in this set: *1*
+ and *2*. These are not monitor names. These are monitor ranks, as established
+ in the current monmap. We are missing the monitor with rank 0, and according
+ to the monmap that would be ``mon.a``.
+By the way, how are ranks established?
+ Ranks are (re)calculated whenever you add or remove monitors and follow a
+ simple rule: the **greater** the ``IP:PORT`` combination, the **lower** the
+ rank is. In this case, considering that ```` is lower than all
+ the remaining ``IP:PORT`` combinations, ``mon.a`` has rank 0.
+Most Common Monitor Issues
+Have Quorum but at least one Monitor is down
+When this happens, depending on the version of Ceph you are running,
+you should be seeing something similar to::
+ $ ceph health detail
+ [snip]
+ mon.a (rank 0) addr is down (out of quorum)
+How to troubleshoot this?
+ First, make sure ``mon.a`` is running.
+ Second, make sure you are able to connect to ``mon.a``'s server from the
+ other monitors' servers. Check the ports as well. Check ``iptables`` on
+ all your monitor nodes and make sure you are not dropping/rejecting
+ connections.
+ If this initial troubleshooting doesn't solve your problems, then it's
+ time to go deeper.
+ First, check the problematic monitor's ``mon_status`` via the admin
+ socket as explained in `Using the monitor's admin socket`_ and
+ `Understanding mon_status`_.
+ Considering the monitor is out of the quorum, its state should be one of
+ ``probing``, ``electing`` or ``synchronizing``. If it happens to be either
+ ``leader`` or ``peon``, then the monitor believes to be in quorum, while
+ the remaining cluster is sure it is not; or maybe it got into the quorum
+ while we were troubleshooting the monitor, so check you ``ceph -s`` again
+ just to make sure. Proceed if the monitor is not yet in the quorum.
+What if the state is ``probing``?
+ This means the monitor is still looking for the other monitors. Every time
+ you start a monitor, the monitor will stay in this state for some time
+ while trying to find the rest of the monitors specified in the ``monmap``.
+ The time a monitor will spend in this state can vary. For instance, when on
+ a single-monitor cluster, the monitor will pass through the probing state
+ almost instantaneously, since there are no other monitors around. On a
+ multi-monitor cluster, the monitors will stay in this state until they
+ find enough monitors to form a quorum -- this means that if you have 2 out
+ of 3 monitors down, the one remaining monitor will stay in this state
+ indefinitively until you bring one of the other monitors up.
+ If you have a quorum, however, the monitor should be able to find the
+ remaining monitors pretty fast, as long as they can be reached. If your
+ monitor is stuck probing and you have gone through with all the communication
+ troubleshooting, then there is a fair chance that the monitor is trying
+ to reach the other monitors on a wrong address. ``mon_status`` outputs the
+ ``monmap`` known to the monitor: check if the other monitor's locations
+ match reality. If they don't, jump to
+ `Recovering a Monitor's Broken monmap`_; if they do, then it may be related
+ to severe clock skews amongst the monitor nodes and you should refer to
+ `Clock Skews`_ first, but if that doesn't solve your problem then it is
+ the time to prepare some logs and reach out to the community (please refer
+ to `Preparing your logs`_ on how to best prepare your logs).
+What if state is ``electing``?
+ This means the monitor is in the middle of an election. These should be
+ fast to complete, but at times the monitors can get stuck electing. This
+ is usually a sign of a clock skew among the monitor nodes; jump to
+ `Clock Skews`_ for more infos on that. If all your clocks are properly
+ synchronized, it is best if you prepare some logs and reach out to the
+ community. This is not a state that is likely to persist and aside from
+ (*really*) old bugs there is not an obvious reason besides clock skews on
+ why this would happen.
+What if state is ``synchronizing``?
+ This means the monitor is synchronizing with the rest of the cluster in
+ order to join the quorum. The synchronization process is as faster as
+ smaller your monitor store is, so if you have a big store it may
+ take a while. Don't worry, it should be finished soon enough.
+ However, if you notice that the monitor jumps from ``synchronizing`` to
+ ``electing`` and then back to ``synchronizing``, then you do have a
+ problem: the cluster state is advancing (i.e., generating new maps) way
+ too fast for the synchronization process to keep up. This used to be a
+ thing in early Cuttlefish, but since then the synchronization process was
+ quite refactored and enhanced to avoid just this sort of behavior. If this
+ happens in later versions let us know. And bring some logs
+ (see `Preparing your logs`_).
+What if state is ``leader`` or ``peon``?
+ This should not happen. There is a chance this might happen however, and
+ it has a lot to do with clock skews -- see `Clock Skews`_. If you are not
+ suffering from clock skews, then please prepare your logs (see
+ `Preparing your logs`_) and reach out to us.
+Recovering a Monitor's Broken monmap
+This is how a ``monmap`` usually looks like, depending on the number of
+ epoch 3
+ fsid 5c4e9d53-e2e1-478a-8061-f543f8be4cf8
+ last_changed 2013-10-30 04:12:01.945629
+ created 2013-10-29 14:14:41.914786
+ 0: mon.a
+ 1: mon.b
+ 2: mon.c
+This may not be what you have however. For instance, in some versions of
+early Cuttlefish there was this one bug that could cause your ``monmap``
+to be nullified. Completely filled with zeros. This means that not even
+``monmaptool`` would be able to read it because it would find it hard to
+make sense of only-zeros. Some other times, you may end up with a monitor
+with a severely outdated monmap, thus being unable to find the remaining
+monitors (e.g., say ``mon.c`` is down; you add a new monitor ``mon.d``,
+then remove ``mon.a``, then add a new monitor ``mon.e`` and remove
+``mon.b``; you will end up with a totally different monmap from the one
+``mon.c`` knows).
+In this sort of situations, you have two possible solutions:
+Scrap the monitor and create a new one
+ You should only take this route if you are positive that you won't
+ lose the information kept by that monitor; that you have other monitors
+ and that they are running just fine so that your new monitor is able
+ to synchronize from the remaining monitors. Keep in mind that destroying
+ a monitor, if there are no other copies of its contents, may lead to
+ loss of data.
+Inject a monmap into the monitor
+ Usually the safest path. You should grab the monmap from the remaining
+ monitors and inject it into the monitor with the corrupted/lost monmap.
+ These are the basic steps:
+ 1. Is there a formed quorum? If so, grab the monmap from the quorum::
+ $ ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
+ 2. No quorum? Grab the monmap directly from another monitor (this
+ assumes the monitor you are grabbing the monmap from has id ID-FOO
+ and has been stopped)::
+ $ ceph-mon -i ID-FOO --extract-monmap /tmp/monmap
+ 3. Stop the monitor you are going to inject the monmap into.
+ 4. Inject the monmap::
+ $ ceph-mon -i ID --inject-monmap /tmp/monmap
+ 5. Start the monitor
+ Please keep in mind that the ability to inject monmaps is a powerful
+ feature that can cause havoc with your monitors if misused as it will
+ overwrite the latest, existing monmap kept by the monitor.
+Clock Skews
+Monitors can be severely affected by significant clock skews across the
+monitor nodes. This usually translates into weird behavior with no obvious
+cause. To avoid such issues, you should run a clock synchronization tool
+on your monitor nodes.
+What's the maximum tolerated clock skew?
+ By default the monitors will allow clocks to drift up to ``0.05 seconds``.
+Can I increase the maximum tolerated clock skew?
+ This value is configurable via the ``mon-clock-drift-allowed`` option, and
+ although you *CAN* it doesn't mean you *SHOULD*. The clock skew mechanism
+ is in place because clock skewed monitor may not properly behave. We, as
+ developers and QA afficcionados, are comfortable with the current default
+ value, as it will alert the user before the monitors get out hand. Changing
+ this value without testing it first may cause unforeseen effects on the
+ stability of the monitors and overall cluster healthiness, although there is
+ no risk of dataloss.
+How do I know there's a clock skew?
+ The monitors will warn you in the form of a ``HEALTH_WARN``. ``ceph health
+ detail`` should show something in the form of::
+ mon.c addr clock skew 0.08235s > max 0.05s (latency 0.0045s)
+ That means that ``mon.c`` has been flagged as suffering from a clock skew.
+What should I do if there's a clock skew?
+ Synchronize your clocks. Running an NTP client may help. If you are already
+ using one and you hit this sort of issues, check if you are using some NTP
+ server remote to your network and consider hosting your own NTP server on
+ your network. This last option tends to reduce the amount of issues with
+ monitor clock skews.
+Client Can't Connect or Mount
+Check your IP tables. Some OS install utilities add a ``REJECT`` rule to
+``iptables``. The rule rejects all clients trying to connect to the host except
+for ``ssh``. If your monitor host's IP tables have such a ``REJECT`` rule in
+place, clients connecting from a separate node will fail to mount with a timeout
+error. You need to address ``iptables`` rules that reject clients trying to
+connect to Ceph daemons. For example, you would need to address rules that look
+like this appropriately::
+ REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
+You may also need to add rules to IP tables on your Ceph hosts to ensure
+that clients can access the ports associated with your Ceph monitors (i.e., port
+6789 by default) and Ceph OSDs (i.e., 6800 through 7300 by default). For
+ iptables -A INPUT -m multiport -p tcp -s {ip-address}/{netmask} --dports 6789,6800:7300 -j ACCEPT
+Monitor Store Failures
+Symptoms of store corruption
+Ceph monitor stores the `cluster map`_ in a key/value store such as LevelDB. If
+a monitor fails due to the key/value store corruption, following error messages
+might be found in the monitor log::
+ Corruption: error in middle of record
+ Corruption: 1 missing files; e.g.: /var/lib/ceph/mon/mon.0/store.db/1234567.ldb
+Recovery using healthy monitor(s)
+If there is any survivers, we can always `replace`_ the corrupted one with a
+new one. And after booting up, the new joiner will sync up with a healthy
+peer, and once it is fully sync'ed, it will be able to serve the clients.
+Recovery using OSDs
+But what if all monitors fail at the same time? Since users are encouraged to
+deploy at least three monitors in a Ceph cluster, the chance of simultaneous
+failure is rare. But unplanned power-downs in a data center with improperly
+configured disk/fs settings could fail the underlying filesystem, and hence
+kill all the monitors. In this case, we can recover the monitor store with the
+information stored in OSDs.::
+ ms=/tmp/mon-store
+ mkdir $ms
+ # collect the cluster map from OSDs
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ rsync -avz $ms user@host:$ms
+ rm -rf $ms
+ ssh user@host <<EOF
+ for osd in /var/lib/osd/osd-*; do
+ ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path \$osd --op update-mon-db --mon-store-path $ms
+ done
+ rsync -avz user@host:$ms $ms
+ done
+ # rebuild the monitor store from the collected map, if the cluster does not
+ # use cephx authentication, we can skip the following steps to update the
+ # keyring with the caps, and there is no need to pass the "--keyring" option.
+ # i.e. just use "ceph-monstore-tool /tmp/mon-store rebuild" instead
+ ceph-authtool /path/to/admin.keyring -n mon. \
+ --cap mon 'allow *'
+ ceph-authtool /path/to/admin.keyring -n client.admin \
+ --cap mon 'allow *' --cap osd 'allow *' --cap mds 'allow *'
+ ceph-monstore-tool /tmp/mon-store rebuild -- --keyring /path/to/admin.keyring
+ # backup corrupted store.db just in case
+ mv /var/lib/ceph/mon/mon.0/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/mon.0/store.db.corrupted
+ mv /tmp/mon-store/store.db /var/lib/ceph/mon/mon.0/store.db
+ chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mon/mon.0/store.db
+The steps above
+#. collect the map from all OSD hosts,
+#. then rebuild the store,
+#. fill the entities in keyring file with appropriate caps
+#. replace the corrupted store on ``mon.0`` with the recovered copy.
+Known limitations
+Following information are not recoverable using the steps above:
+- **some added keyrings**: all the OSD keyrings added using ``ceph auth add`` command
+ are recovered from the OSD's copy. And the ``client.admin`` keyring is imported
+ using ``ceph-monstore-tool``. But the MDS keyrings and other keyrings are missing
+ in the recovered monitor store. You might need to re-add them manually.
+- **pg settings**: the ``full ratio`` and ``nearfull ratio`` settings configured using
+ ``ceph pg set_full_ratio`` and ``ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio`` will be lost.
+- **MDS Maps**: the MDS maps are lost.
+Everything Failed! Now What?
+Reaching out for help
+You can find us on IRC at #ceph and #ceph-devel at OFTC (server
+and on ```` and ````. Make
+sure you have grabbed your logs and have them ready if someone asks: the faster
+the interaction and lower the latency in response, the better chances everyone's
+time is optimized.
+Preparing your logs
+Monitor logs are, by default, kept in ``/var/log/ceph/ceph-mon.FOO.log*``. We
+may want them. However, your logs may not have the necessary information. If
+you don't find your monitor logs at their default location, you can check
+where they should be by running::
+ ceph-conf --name mon.FOO --show-config-value log_file
+The amount of information in the logs are subject to the debug levels being
+enforced by your configuration files. If you have not enforced a specific
+debug level then Ceph is using the default levels and your logs may not
+contain important information to track down you issue.
+A first step in getting relevant information into your logs will be to raise
+debug levels. In this case we will be interested in the information from the
+Similarly to what happens on other components, different parts of the monitor
+will output their debug information on different subsystems.
+You will have to raise the debug levels of those subsystems more closely
+related to your issue. This may not be an easy task for someone unfamiliar
+with troubleshooting Ceph. For most situations, setting the following options
+on your monitors will be enough to pinpoint a potential source of the issue::
+ debug mon = 10
+ debug ms = 1
+If we find that these debug levels are not enough, there's a chance we may
+ask you to raise them or even define other debug subsystems to obtain infos
+from -- but at least we started off with some useful information, instead
+of a massively empty log without much to go on with.
+Do I need to restart a monitor to adjust debug levels?
+No. You may do it in one of two ways:
+You have quorum
+ Either inject the debug option into the monitor you want to debug::
+ ceph tell mon.FOO injectargs --debug_mon 10/10
+ or into all monitors at once::
+ ceph tell mon.* injectargs --debug_mon 10/10
+No quourm
+ Use the monitor's admin socket and directly adjust the configuration
+ options::
+ ceph daemon mon.FOO config set debug_mon 10/10
+Going back to default values is as easy as rerunning the above commands
+using the debug level ``1/10`` instead. You can check your current
+values using the admin socket and the following commands::
+ ceph daemon mon.FOO config show
+ ceph daemon mon.FOO config get 'OPTION_NAME'
+Reproduced the problem with appropriate debug levels. Now what?
+Ideally you would send us only the relevant portions of your logs.
+We realise that figuring out the corresponding portion may not be the
+easiest of tasks. Therefore, we won't hold it to you if you provide the
+full log, but common sense should be employed. If your log has hundreds
+of thousands of lines, it may get tricky to go through the whole thing,
+specially if we are not aware at which point, whatever your issue is,
+happened. For instance, when reproducing, keep in mind to write down
+current time and date and to extract the relevant portions of your logs
+based on that.
+Finally, you should reach out to us on the mailing lists, on IRC or file
+a new issue on the `tracker`_.
+.. _cluster map: ../../architecture#cluster-map
+.. _replace: ../operation/add-or-rm-mons
+.. _tracker:
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-osd.rst b/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-osd.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88307fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-osd.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ Troubleshooting OSDs
+Before troubleshooting your OSDs, check your monitors and network first. If
+you execute ``ceph health`` or ``ceph -s`` on the command line and Ceph returns
+a health status, it means that the monitors have a quorum.
+If you don't have a monitor quorum or if there are errors with the monitor
+status, `address the monitor issues first <../troubleshooting-mon>`_.
+Check your networks to ensure they
+are running properly, because networks may have a significant impact on OSD
+operation and performance.
+Obtaining Data About OSDs
+A good first step in troubleshooting your OSDs is to obtain information in
+addition to the information you collected while `monitoring your OSDs`_
+(e.g., ``ceph osd tree``).
+Ceph Logs
+If you haven't changed the default path, you can find Ceph log files at
+ ls /var/log/ceph
+If you don't get enough log detail, you can change your logging level. See
+`Logging and Debugging`_ for details to ensure that Ceph performs adequately
+under high logging volume.
+Admin Socket
+Use the admin socket tool to retrieve runtime information. For details, list
+the sockets for your Ceph processes::
+ ls /var/run/ceph
+Then, execute the following, replacing ``{daemon-name}`` with an actual
+daemon (e.g., ``osd.0``)::
+ ceph daemon osd.0 help
+Alternatively, you can specify a ``{socket-file}`` (e.g., something in ``/var/run/ceph``)::
+ ceph daemon {socket-file} help
+The admin socket, among other things, allows you to:
+- List your configuration at runtime
+- Dump historic operations
+- Dump the operation priority queue state
+- Dump operations in flight
+- Dump perfcounters
+Display Freespace
+Filesystem issues may arise. To display your filesystem's free space, execute
+``df``. ::
+ df -h
+Execute ``df --help`` for additional usage.
+I/O Statistics
+Use `iostat`_ to identify I/O-related issues. ::
+ iostat -x
+Diagnostic Messages
+To retrieve diagnostic messages, use ``dmesg`` with ``less``, ``more``, ``grep``
+or ``tail``. For example::
+ dmesg | grep scsi
+Stopping w/out Rebalancing
+Periodically, you may need to perform maintenance on a subset of your cluster,
+or resolve a problem that affects a failure domain (e.g., a rack). If you do not
+want CRUSH to automatically rebalance the cluster as you stop OSDs for
+maintenance, set the cluster to ``noout`` first::
+ ceph osd set noout
+Once the cluster is set to ``noout``, you can begin stopping the OSDs within the
+failure domain that requires maintenance work. ::
+ stop ceph-osd id={num}
+.. note:: Placement groups within the OSDs you stop will become ``degraded``
+ while you are addressing issues with within the failure domain.
+Once you have completed your maintenance, restart the OSDs. ::
+ start ceph-osd id={num}
+Finally, you must unset the cluster from ``noout``. ::
+ ceph osd unset noout
+.. _osd-not-running:
+OSD Not Running
+Under normal circumstances, simply restarting the ``ceph-osd`` daemon will
+allow it to rejoin the cluster and recover.
+An OSD Won't Start
+If you start your cluster and an OSD won't start, check the following:
+- **Configuration File:** If you were not able to get OSDs running from
+ a new installation, check your configuration file to ensure it conforms
+ (e.g., ``host`` not ``hostname``, etc.).
+- **Check Paths:** Check the paths in your configuration, and the actual
+ paths themselves for data and journals. If you separate the OSD data from
+ the journal data and there are errors in your configuration file or in the
+ actual mounts, you may have trouble starting OSDs. If you want to store the
+ journal on a block device, you should partition your journal disk and assign
+ one partition per OSD.
+- **Check Max Threadcount:** If you have a node with a lot of OSDs, you may be
+ hitting the default maximum number of threads (e.g., usually 32k), especially
+ during recovery. You can increase the number of threads using ``sysctl`` to
+ see if increasing the maximum number of threads to the maximum possible
+ number of threads allowed (i.e., 4194303) will help. For example::
+ sysctl -w kernel.pid_max=4194303
+ If increasing the maximum thread count resolves the issue, you can make it
+ permanent by including a ``kernel.pid_max`` setting in the
+ ``/etc/sysctl.conf`` file. For example::
+ kernel.pid_max = 4194303
+- **Kernel Version:** Identify the kernel version and distribution you
+ are using. Ceph uses some third party tools by default, which may be
+ buggy or may conflict with certain distributions and/or kernel
+ versions (e.g., Google perftools). Check the `OS recommendations`_
+ to ensure you have addressed any issues related to your kernel.
+- **Segment Fault:** If there is a segment fault, turn your logging up
+ (if it is not already), and try again. If it segment faults again,
+ contact the ceph-devel email list and provide your Ceph configuration
+ file, your monitor output and the contents of your log file(s).
+An OSD Failed
+When a ``ceph-osd`` process dies, the monitor will learn about the failure
+from surviving ``ceph-osd`` daemons and report it via the ``ceph health``
+ ceph health
+ HEALTH_WARN 1/3 in osds are down
+Specifically, you will get a warning whenever there are ``ceph-osd``
+processes that are marked ``in`` and ``down``. You can identify which
+``ceph-osds`` are ``down`` with::
+ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_WARN 1/3 in osds are down
+ osd.0 is down since epoch 23, last address
+If there is a disk
+failure or other fault preventing ``ceph-osd`` from functioning or
+restarting, an error message should be present in its log file in
+If the daemon stopped because of a heartbeat failure, the underlying
+kernel file system may be unresponsive. Check ``dmesg`` output for disk
+or other kernel errors.
+If the problem is a software error (failed assertion or other
+unexpected error), it should be reported to the `ceph-devel`_ email list.
+No Free Drive Space
+Ceph prevents you from writing to a full OSD so that you don't lose data.
+In an operational cluster, you should receive a warning when your cluster
+is getting near its full ratio. The ``mon osd full ratio`` defaults to
+``0.95``, or 95% of capacity before it stops clients from writing data.
+The ``mon osd backfillfull ratio`` defaults to ``0.90``, or 90 % of
+capacity when it blocks backfills from starting. The
+``mon osd nearfull ratio`` defaults to ``0.85``, or 85% of capacity
+when it generates a health warning.
+Full cluster issues usually arise when testing how Ceph handles an OSD
+failure on a small cluster. When one node has a high percentage of the
+cluster's data, the cluster can easily eclipse its nearfull and full ratio
+immediately. If you are testing how Ceph reacts to OSD failures on a small
+cluster, you should leave ample free disk space and consider temporarily
+lowering the ``mon osd full ratio``, ``mon osd backfillfull ratio`` and
+``mon osd nearfull ratio``.
+Full ``ceph-osds`` will be reported by ``ceph health``::
+ ceph health
+ HEALTH_WARN 1 nearfull osd(s)
+ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_ERR 1 full osd(s); 1 backfillfull osd(s); 1 nearfull osd(s)
+ osd.3 is full at 97%
+ osd.4 is backfill full at 91%
+ osd.2 is near full at 87%
+The best way to deal with a full cluster is to add new ``ceph-osds``, allowing
+the cluster to redistribute data to the newly available storage.
+If you cannot start an OSD because it is full, you may delete some data by deleting
+some placement group directories in the full OSD.
+.. important:: If you choose to delete a placement group directory on a full OSD,
+ **DO NOT** delete the same placement group directory on another full OSD, or
+ **YOU MAY LOSE DATA**. You **MUST** maintain at least one copy of your data on
+ at least one OSD.
+See `Monitor Config Reference`_ for additional details.
+OSDs are Slow/Unresponsive
+A commonly recurring issue involves slow or unresponsive OSDs. Ensure that you
+have eliminated other troubleshooting possibilities before delving into OSD
+performance issues. For example, ensure that your network(s) is working properly
+and your OSDs are running. Check to see if OSDs are throttling recovery traffic.
+.. tip:: Newer versions of Ceph provide better recovery handling by preventing
+ recovering OSDs from using up system resources so that ``up`` and ``in``
+ OSDs are not available or are otherwise slow.
+Networking Issues
+Ceph is a distributed storage system, so it depends upon networks to peer with
+OSDs, replicate objects, recover from faults and check heartbeats. Networking
+issues can cause OSD latency and flapping OSDs. See `Flapping OSDs`_ for
+Ensure that Ceph processes and Ceph-dependent processes are connected and/or
+listening. ::
+ netstat -a | grep ceph
+ netstat -l | grep ceph
+ sudo netstat -p | grep ceph
+Check network statistics. ::
+ netstat -s
+Drive Configuration
+A storage drive should only support one OSD. Sequential read and sequential
+write throughput can bottleneck if other processes share the drive, including
+journals, operating systems, monitors, other OSDs and non-Ceph processes.
+Ceph acknowledges writes *after* journaling, so fast SSDs are an
+attractive option to accelerate the response time--particularly when
+using the ``XFS`` or ``ext4`` filesystems. By contrast, the ``btrfs``
+filesystem can write and journal simultaneously. (Note, however, that
+we recommend against using ``btrfs`` for production deployments.)
+.. note:: Partitioning a drive does not change its total throughput or
+ sequential read/write limits. Running a journal in a separate partition
+ may help, but you should prefer a separate physical drive.
+Bad Sectors / Fragmented Disk
+Check your disks for bad sectors and fragmentation. This can cause total throughput
+to drop substantially.
+Co-resident Monitors/OSDs
+Monitors are generally light-weight processes, but they do lots of ``fsync()``,
+which can interfere with other workloads, particularly if monitors run on the
+same drive as your OSDs. Additionally, if you run monitors on the same host as
+the OSDs, you may incur performance issues related to:
+- Running an older kernel (pre-3.0)
+- Running Argonaut with an old ``glibc``
+- Running a kernel with no syncfs(2) syscall.
+In these cases, multiple OSDs running on the same host can drag each other down
+by doing lots of commits. That often leads to the bursty writes.
+Co-resident Processes
+Spinning up co-resident processes such as a cloud-based solution, virtual
+machines and other applications that write data to Ceph while operating on the
+same hardware as OSDs can introduce significant OSD latency. Generally, we
+recommend optimizing a host for use with Ceph and using other hosts for other
+processes. The practice of separating Ceph operations from other applications
+may help improve performance and may streamline troubleshooting and maintenance.
+Logging Levels
+If you turned logging levels up to track an issue and then forgot to turn
+logging levels back down, the OSD may be putting a lot of logs onto the disk. If
+you intend to keep logging levels high, you may consider mounting a drive to the
+default path for logging (i.e., ``/var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log``).
+Recovery Throttling
+Depending upon your configuration, Ceph may reduce recovery rates to maintain
+performance or it may increase recovery rates to the point that recovery
+impacts OSD performance. Check to see if the OSD is recovering.
+Kernel Version
+Check the kernel version you are running. Older kernels may not receive
+new backports that Ceph depends upon for better performance.
+Kernel Issues with SyncFS
+Try running one OSD per host to see if performance improves. Old kernels
+might not have a recent enough version of ``glibc`` to support ``syncfs(2)``.
+Filesystem Issues
+Currently, we recommend deploying clusters with XFS.
+We recommend against using btrfs or ext4. The btrfs filesystem has
+many attractive features, but bugs in the filesystem may lead to
+performance issues and suprious ENOSPC errors. We do not recommend
+ext4 because xattr size limitations break our support for long object
+names (needed for RGW).
+For more information, see `Filesystem Recommendations`_.
+.. _Filesystem Recommendations: ../configuration/filesystem-recommendations
+Insufficient RAM
+We recommend 1GB of RAM per OSD daemon. You may notice that during normal
+operations, the OSD only uses a fraction of that amount (e.g., 100-200MB).
+Unused RAM makes it tempting to use the excess RAM for co-resident applications,
+VMs and so forth. However, when OSDs go into recovery mode, their memory
+utilization spikes. If there is no RAM available, the OSD performance will slow
+Old Requests or Slow Requests
+If a ``ceph-osd`` daemon is slow to respond to a request, it will generate log messages
+complaining about requests that are taking too long. The warning threshold
+defaults to 30 seconds, and is configurable via the ``osd op complaint time``
+option. When this happens, the cluster log will receive messages.
+Legacy versions of Ceph complain about 'old requests`::
+ osd.0 312 : [WRN] old request osd_op(client.5099.0:790 fatty_26485_object789 [write 0~4096] 2.5e54f643) v4 received at 2012-03-06 15:42:56.054801 currently waiting for sub ops
+New versions of Ceph complain about 'slow requests`::
+ {date} {osd.num} [WRN] 1 slow requests, 1 included below; oldest blocked for > 30.005692 secs
+ {date} {osd.num} [WRN] slow request 30.005692 seconds old, received at {date-time}: osd_op(client.4240.0:8 benchmark_data_ceph-1_39426_object7 [write 0~4194304] 0.69848840) v4 currently waiting for subops from [610]
+Possible causes include:
+- A bad drive (check ``dmesg`` output)
+- A bug in the kernel file system bug (check ``dmesg`` output)
+- An overloaded cluster (check system load, iostat, etc.)
+- A bug in the ``ceph-osd`` daemon.
+Possible solutions
+- Remove VMs Cloud Solutions from Ceph Hosts
+- Upgrade Kernel
+- Upgrade Ceph
+- Restart OSDs
+Debugging Slow Requests
+If you run "ceph daemon osd.<id> dump_historic_ops" or "dump_ops_in_flight",
+you will see a set of operations and a list of events each operation went
+through. These are briefly described below.
+Events from the Messenger layer:
+- header_read: when the messenger first started reading the message off the wire
+- throttled: when the messenger tried to acquire memory throttle space to read
+ the message into memory
+- all_read: when the messenger finished reading the message off the wire
+- dispatched: when the messenger gave the message to the OSD
+- Initiated: <This is identical to header_read. The existence of both is a
+ historical oddity.
+Events from the OSD as it prepares operations
+- queued_for_pg: the op has been put into the queue for processing by its PG
+- reached_pg: the PG has started doing the op
+- waiting for \*: the op is waiting for some other work to complete before it
+ can proceed (a new OSDMap; for its object target to scrub; for the PG to
+ finish peering; all as specified in the message)
+- started: the op has been accepted as something the OSD should actually do
+ (reasons not to do it: failed security/permission checks; out-of-date local
+ state; etc) and is now actually being performed
+- waiting for subops from: the op has been sent to replica OSDs
+Events from the FileStore
+- commit_queued_for_journal_write: the op has been given to the FileStore
+- write_thread_in_journal_buffer: the op is in the journal's buffer and waiting
+ to be persisted (as the next disk write)
+- journaled_completion_queued: the op was journaled to disk and its callback
+ queued for invocation
+Events from the OSD after stuff has been given to local disk
+- op_commit: the op has been committed (ie, written to journal) by the
+ primary OSD
+- op_applied: The op has been write()'en to the backing FS (ie, applied in
+ memory but not flushed out to disk) on the primary
+- sub_op_applied: op_applied, but for a replica's "subop"
+- sub_op_committed: op_commited, but for a replica's subop (only for EC pools)
+- sub_op_commit_rec/sub_op_apply_rec from <X>: the primary marks this when it
+ hears about the above, but for a particular replica <X>
+- commit_sent: we sent a reply back to the client (or primary OSD, for sub ops)
+Many of these events are seemingly redundant, but cross important boundaries in
+the internal code (such as passing data across locks into new threads).
+Flapping OSDs
+We recommend using both a public (front-end) network and a cluster (back-end)
+network so that you can better meet the capacity requirements of object
+replication. Another advantage is that you can run a cluster network such that
+it is not connected to the internet, thereby preventing some denial of service
+attacks. When OSDs peer and check heartbeats, they use the cluster (back-end)
+network when it's available. See `Monitor/OSD Interaction`_ for details.
+However, if the cluster (back-end) network fails or develops significant latency
+while the public (front-end) network operates optimally, OSDs currently do not
+handle this situation well. What happens is that OSDs mark each other ``down``
+on the monitor, while marking themselves ``up``. We call this scenario
+If something is causing OSDs to 'flap' (repeatedly getting marked ``down`` and
+then ``up`` again), you can force the monitors to stop the flapping with::
+ ceph osd set noup # prevent OSDs from getting marked up
+ ceph osd set nodown # prevent OSDs from getting marked down
+These flags are recorded in the osdmap structure::
+ ceph osd dump | grep flags
+ flags no-up,no-down
+You can clear the flags with::
+ ceph osd unset noup
+ ceph osd unset nodown
+Two other flags are supported, ``noin`` and ``noout``, which prevent
+booting OSDs from being marked ``in`` (allocated data) or protect OSDs
+from eventually being marked ``out`` (regardless of what the current value for
+``mon osd down out interval`` is).
+.. note:: ``noup``, ``noout``, and ``nodown`` are temporary in the
+ sense that once the flags are cleared, the action they were blocking
+ should occur shortly after. The ``noin`` flag, on the other hand,
+ prevents OSDs from being marked ``in`` on boot, and any daemons that
+ started while the flag was set will remain that way.
+.. _iostat:
+.. _Ceph Logging and Debugging: ../../configuration/ceph-conf#ceph-logging-and-debugging
+.. _Logging and Debugging: ../log-and-debug
+.. _Debugging and Logging: ../debug
+.. _Monitor/OSD Interaction: ../../configuration/mon-osd-interaction
+.. _Monitor Config Reference: ../../configuration/mon-config-ref
+.. _monitoring your OSDs: ../../operations/monitoring-osd-pg
+.. _subscribe to the ceph-devel email list:
+.. _unsubscribe from the ceph-devel email list:
+.. _subscribe to the ceph-users email list:
+.. _unsubscribe from the ceph-users email list:
+.. _OS recommendations: ../../../start/os-recommendations
+.. _ceph-devel:
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-pg.rst b/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-pg.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4241fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-pg.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+ Troubleshooting PGs
+Placement Groups Never Get Clean
+When you create a cluster and your cluster remains in ``active``,
+``active+remapped`` or ``active+degraded`` status and never achieve an
+``active+clean`` status, you likely have a problem with your configuration.
+You may need to review settings in the `Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference`_
+and make appropriate adjustments.
+As a general rule, you should run your cluster with more than one OSD and a
+pool size greater than 1 object replica.
+One Node Cluster
+Ceph no longer provides documentation for operating on a single node, because
+you would never deploy a system designed for distributed computing on a single
+node. Additionally, mounting client kernel modules on a single node containing a
+Ceph daemon may cause a deadlock due to issues with the Linux kernel itself
+(unless you use VMs for the clients). You can experiment with Ceph in a 1-node
+configuration, in spite of the limitations as described herein.
+If you are trying to create a cluster on a single node, you must change the
+default of the ``osd crush chooseleaf type`` setting from ``1`` (meaning
+``host`` or ``node``) to ``0`` (meaning ``osd``) in your Ceph configuration
+file before you create your monitors and OSDs. This tells Ceph that an OSD
+can peer with another OSD on the same host. If you are trying to set up a
+1-node cluster and ``osd crush chooseleaf type`` is greater than ``0``,
+Ceph will try to peer the PGs of one OSD with the PGs of another OSD on
+another node, chassis, rack, row, or even datacenter depending on the setting.
+.. tip:: DO NOT mount kernel clients directly on the same node as your
+ Ceph Storage Cluster, because kernel conflicts can arise. However, you
+ can mount kernel clients within virtual machines (VMs) on a single node.
+If you are creating OSDs using a single disk, you must create directories
+for the data manually first. For example::
+ mkdir /var/local/osd0 /var/local/osd1
+ ceph-deploy osd prepare {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd0 {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd1
+ ceph-deploy osd activate {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd0 {localhost-name}:/var/local/osd1
+Fewer OSDs than Replicas
+If you have brought up two OSDs to an ``up`` and ``in`` state, but you still
+don't see ``active + clean`` placement groups, you may have an
+``osd pool default size`` set to greater than ``2``.
+There are a few ways to address this situation. If you want to operate your
+cluster in an ``active + degraded`` state with two replicas, you can set the
+``osd pool default min size`` to ``2`` so that you can write objects in
+an ``active + degraded`` state. You may also set the ``osd pool default size``
+setting to ``2`` so that you only have two stored replicas (the original and
+one replica), in which case the cluster should achieve an ``active + clean``
+.. note:: You can make the changes at runtime. If you make the changes in
+ your Ceph configuration file, you may need to restart your cluster.
+Pool Size = 1
+If you have the ``osd pool default size`` set to ``1``, you will only have
+one copy of the object. OSDs rely on other OSDs to tell them which objects
+they should have. If a first OSD has a copy of an object and there is no
+second copy, then no second OSD can tell the first OSD that it should have
+that copy. For each placement group mapped to the first OSD (see
+``ceph pg dump``), you can force the first OSD to notice the placement groups
+it needs by running::
+ ceph osd force-create-pg <pgid>
+CRUSH Map Errors
+Another candidate for placement groups remaining unclean involves errors
+in your CRUSH map.
+Stuck Placement Groups
+It is normal for placement groups to enter states like "degraded" or "peering"
+following a failure. Normally these states indicate the normal progression
+through the failure recovery process. However, if a placement group stays in one
+of these states for a long time this may be an indication of a larger problem.
+For this reason, the monitor will warn when placement groups get "stuck" in a
+non-optimal state. Specifically, we check for:
+* ``inactive`` - The placement group has not been ``active`` for too long
+ (i.e., it hasn't been able to service read/write requests).
+* ``unclean`` - The placement group has not been ``clean`` for too long
+ (i.e., it hasn't been able to completely recover from a previous failure).
+* ``stale`` - The placement group status has not been updated by a ``ceph-osd``,
+ indicating that all nodes storing this placement group may be ``down``.
+You can explicitly list stuck placement groups with one of::
+ ceph pg dump_stuck stale
+ ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
+ ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
+For stuck ``stale`` placement groups, it is normally a matter of getting the
+right ``ceph-osd`` daemons running again. For stuck ``inactive`` placement
+groups, it is usually a peering problem (see :ref:`failures-osd-peering`). For
+stuck ``unclean`` placement groups, there is usually something preventing
+recovery from completing, like unfound objects (see
+.. _failures-osd-peering:
+Placement Group Down - Peering Failure
+In certain cases, the ``ceph-osd`` `Peering` process can run into
+problems, preventing a PG from becoming active and usable. For
+example, ``ceph health`` might report::
+ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_ERR 7 pgs degraded; 12 pgs down; 12 pgs peering; 1 pgs recovering; 6 pgs stuck unclean; 114/3300 degraded (3.455%); 1/3 in osds are down
+ ...
+ pg 0.5 is down+peering
+ pg 1.4 is down+peering
+ ...
+ osd.1 is down since epoch 69, last address
+We can query the cluster to determine exactly why the PG is marked ``down`` with::
+ ceph pg 0.5 query
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ { "state": "down+peering",
+ ...
+ "recovery_state": [
+ { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering\/GetInfo",
+ "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169679",
+ "requested_info_from": []},
+ { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Peering",
+ "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169659",
+ "probing_osds": [
+ 0,
+ 1],
+ "blocked": "peering is blocked due to down osds",
+ "down_osds_we_would_probe": [
+ 1],
+ "peering_blocked_by": [
+ { "osd": 1,
+ "current_lost_at": 0,
+ "comment": "starting or marking this osd lost may let us proceed"}]},
+ { "name": "Started",
+ "enter_time": "2012-03-06 14:40:16.169513"}
+ ]
+ }
+The ``recovery_state`` section tells us that peering is blocked due to
+down ``ceph-osd`` daemons, specifically ``osd.1``. In this case, we can start that ``ceph-osd``
+and things will recover.
+Alternatively, if there is a catastrophic failure of ``osd.1`` (e.g., disk
+failure), we can tell the cluster that it is ``lost`` and to cope as
+best it can.
+.. important:: This is dangerous in that the cluster cannot
+ guarantee that the other copies of the data are consistent
+ and up to date.
+To instruct Ceph to continue anyway::
+ ceph osd lost 1
+Recovery will proceed.
+.. _failures-osd-unfound:
+Unfound Objects
+Under certain combinations of failures Ceph may complain about
+``unfound`` objects::
+ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs degraded; 78/3778 unfound (2.065%)
+ pg 2.4 is active+degraded, 78 unfound
+This means that the storage cluster knows that some objects (or newer
+copies of existing objects) exist, but it hasn't found copies of them.
+One example of how this might come about for a PG whose data is on ceph-osds
+1 and 2:
+* 1 goes down
+* 2 handles some writes, alone
+* 1 comes up
+* 1 and 2 repeer, and the objects missing on 1 are queued for recovery.
+* Before the new objects are copied, 2 goes down.
+Now 1 knows that these object exist, but there is no live ``ceph-osd`` who
+has a copy. In this case, IO to those objects will block, and the
+cluster will hope that the failed node comes back soon; this is
+assumed to be preferable to returning an IO error to the user.
+First, you can identify which objects are unfound with::
+ ceph pg 2.4 list_missing [starting offset, in json]
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ { "offset": { "oid": "",
+ "key": "",
+ "snapid": 0,
+ "hash": 0,
+ "max": 0},
+ "num_missing": 0,
+ "num_unfound": 0,
+ "objects": [
+ { "oid": "object 1",
+ "key": "",
+ "hash": 0,
+ "max": 0 },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "more": 0}
+If there are too many objects to list in a single result, the ``more``
+field will be true and you can query for more. (Eventually the
+command line tool will hide this from you, but not yet.)
+Second, you can identify which OSDs have been probed or might contain
+ ceph pg 2.4 query
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ "recovery_state": [
+ { "name": "Started\/Primary\/Active",
+ "enter_time": "2012-03-06 15:15:46.713212",
+ "might_have_unfound": [
+ { "osd": 1,
+ "status": "osd is down"}]},
+In this case, for example, the cluster knows that ``osd.1`` might have
+data, but it is ``down``. The full range of possible states include:
+* already probed
+* querying
+* OSD is down
+* not queried (yet)
+Sometimes it simply takes some time for the cluster to query possible
+It is possible that there are other locations where the object can
+exist that are not listed. For example, if a ceph-osd is stopped and
+taken out of the cluster, the cluster fully recovers, and due to some
+future set of failures ends up with an unfound object, it won't
+consider the long-departed ceph-osd as a potential location to
+consider. (This scenario, however, is unlikely.)
+If all possible locations have been queried and objects are still
+lost, you may have to give up on the lost objects. This, again, is
+possible given unusual combinations of failures that allow the cluster
+to learn about writes that were performed before the writes themselves
+are recovered. To mark the "unfound" objects as "lost"::
+ ceph pg 2.5 mark_unfound_lost revert|delete
+This the final argument specifies how the cluster should deal with
+lost objects.
+The "delete" option will forget about them entirely.
+The "revert" option (not available for erasure coded pools) will
+either roll back to a previous version of the object or (if it was a
+new object) forget about it entirely. Use this with caution, as it
+may confuse applications that expected the object to exist.
+Homeless Placement Groups
+It is possible for all OSDs that had copies of a given placement groups to fail.
+If that's the case, that subset of the object store is unavailable, and the
+monitor will receive no status updates for those placement groups. To detect
+this situation, the monitor marks any placement group whose primary OSD has
+failed as ``stale``. For example::
+ ceph health
+ HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down
+You can identify which placement groups are ``stale``, and what the last OSDs to
+store them were, with::
+ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_WARN 24 pgs stale; 3/300 in osds are down
+ ...
+ pg 2.5 is stuck stale+active+remapped, last acting [2,0]
+ ...
+ osd.10 is down since epoch 23, last address
+ osd.11 is down since epoch 13, last address
+ osd.12 is down since epoch 24, last address
+If we want to get placement group 2.5 back online, for example, this tells us that
+it was last managed by ``osd.0`` and ``osd.2``. Restarting those ``ceph-osd``
+daemons will allow the cluster to recover that placement group (and, presumably,
+many others).
+Only a Few OSDs Receive Data
+If you have many nodes in your cluster and only a few of them receive data,
+`check`_ the number of placement groups in your pool. Since placement groups get
+mapped to OSDs, a small number of placement groups will not distribute across
+your cluster. Try creating a pool with a placement group count that is a
+multiple of the number of OSDs. See `Placement Groups`_ for details. The default
+placement group count for pools is not useful, but you can change it `here`_.
+Can't Write Data
+If your cluster is up, but some OSDs are down and you cannot write data,
+check to ensure that you have the minimum number of OSDs running for the
+placement group. If you don't have the minimum number of OSDs running,
+Ceph will not allow you to write data because there is no guarantee
+that Ceph can replicate your data. See ``osd pool default min size``
+in the `Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference`_ for details.
+PGs Inconsistent
+If you receive an ``active + clean + inconsistent`` state, this may happen
+due to an error during scrubbing. As always, we can identify the inconsistent
+placement group(s) with::
+ $ ceph health detail
+ HEALTH_ERR 1 pgs inconsistent; 2 scrub errors
+ pg 0.6 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [0,1,2]
+ 2 scrub errors
+Or if you prefer inspecting the output in a programmatic way::
+ $ rados list-inconsistent-pg rbd
+ ["0.6"]
+There is only one consistent state, but in the worst case, we could have
+different inconsistencies in multiple perspectives found in more than one
+objects. If an object named ``foo`` in PG ``0.6`` is truncated, we will have::
+ $ rados list-inconsistent-obj 0.6 --format=json-pretty
+.. code-block:: javascript
+ {
+ "epoch": 14,
+ "inconsistents": [
+ {
+ "object": {
+ "name": "foo",
+ "nspace": "",
+ "locator": "",
+ "snap": "head",
+ "version": 1
+ },
+ "errors": [
+ "data_digest_mismatch",
+ "size_mismatch"
+ ],
+ "union_shard_errors": [
+ "data_digest_mismatch_oi",
+ "size_mismatch_oi"
+ ],
+ "selected_object_info": "0:602f83fe:::foo:head(16'1 client.4110.0:1 dirty|data_digest|omap_digest s 968 uv 1 dd e978e67f od ffffffff alloc_hint [0 0 0])",
+ "shards": [
+ {
+ "osd": 0,
+ "errors": [],
+ "size": 968,
+ "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
+ "data_digest": "0xe978e67f"
+ },
+ {
+ "osd": 1,
+ "errors": [],
+ "size": 968,
+ "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
+ "data_digest": "0xe978e67f"
+ },
+ {
+ "osd": 2,
+ "errors": [
+ "data_digest_mismatch_oi",
+ "size_mismatch_oi"
+ ],
+ "size": 0,
+ "omap_digest": "0xffffffff",
+ "data_digest": "0xffffffff"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+In this case, we can learn from the output:
+* The only inconsistent object is named ``foo``, and it is its head that has
+ inconsistencies.
+* The inconsistencies fall into two categories:
+ * ``errors``: these errors indicate inconsistencies between shards without a
+ determination of which shard(s) are bad. Check for the ``errors`` in the
+ `shards` array, if available, to pinpoint the problem.
+ * ``data_digest_mismatch``: the digest of the replica read from OSD.2 is
+ different from the ones of OSD.0 and OSD.1
+ * ``size_mismatch``: the size of the replica read from OSD.2 is 0, while
+ the size reported by OSD.0 and OSD.1 is 968.
+ * ``union_shard_errors``: the union of all shard specific ``errors`` in
+ ``shards`` array. The ``errors`` are set for the given shard that has the
+ problem. They include errors like ``read_error``. The ``errors`` ending in
+ ``oi`` indicate a comparison with ``selected_object_info``. Look at the
+ ``shards`` array to determine which shard has which error(s).
+ * ``data_digest_mismatch_oi``: the digest stored in the object-info is not
+ ``0xffffffff``, which is calculated from the shard read from OSD.2
+ * ``size_mismatch_oi``: the size stored in the object-info is different
+ from the one read from OSD.2. The latter is 0.
+You can repair the inconsistent placement group by executing::
+ ceph pg repair {placement-group-ID}
+Which overwrites the `bad` copies with the `authoritative` ones. In most cases,
+Ceph is able to choose authoritative copies from all available replicas using
+some predefined criteria. But this does not always work. For example, the stored
+data digest could be missing, and the calculated digest will be ignored when
+choosing the authoritative copies. So, please use the above command with caution.
+If ``read_error`` is listed in the ``errors`` attribute of a shard, the
+inconsistency is likely due to disk errors. You might want to check your disk
+used by that OSD.
+If you receive ``active + clean + inconsistent`` states periodically due to
+clock skew, you may consider configuring your `NTP`_ daemons on your
+monitor hosts to act as peers. See `The Network Time Protocol`_ and Ceph
+`Clock Settings`_ for additional details.
+Erasure Coded PGs are not active+clean
+When CRUSH fails to find enough OSDs to map to a PG, it will show as a
+``2147483647`` which is ITEM_NONE or ``no OSD found``. For instance::
+ [2,1,6,0,5,8,2147483647,7,4]
+Not enough OSDs
+If the Ceph cluster only has 8 OSDs and the erasure coded pool needs
+9, that is what it will show. You can either create another erasure
+coded pool that requires less OSDs::
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile k=5 m=3
+ ceph osd pool create erasurepool 16 16 erasure myprofile
+or add a new OSDs and the PG will automatically use them.
+CRUSH constraints cannot be satisfied
+If the cluster has enough OSDs, it is possible that the CRUSH ruleset
+imposes constraints that cannot be satisfied. If there are 10 OSDs on
+two hosts and the CRUSH rulesets require that no two OSDs from the
+same host are used in the same PG, the mapping may fail because only
+two OSD will be found. You can check the constraint by displaying the
+ $ ceph osd crush rule ls
+ [
+ "replicated_ruleset",
+ "erasurepool"]
+ $ ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
+ { "rule_id": 1,
+ "rule_name": "erasurepool",
+ "ruleset": 1,
+ "type": 3,
+ "min_size": 3,
+ "max_size": 20,
+ "steps": [
+ { "op": "take",
+ "item": -1,
+ "item_name": "default"},
+ { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
+ "num": 0,
+ "type": "host"},
+ { "op": "emit"}]}
+You can resolve the problem by creating a new pool in which PGs are allowed
+to have OSDs residing on the same host with::
+ ceph osd erasure-code-profile set myprofile crush-failure-domain=osd
+ ceph osd pool create erasurepool 16 16 erasure myprofile
+CRUSH gives up too soon
+If the Ceph cluster has just enough OSDs to map the PG (for instance a
+cluster with a total of 9 OSDs and an erasure coded pool that requires
+9 OSDs per PG), it is possible that CRUSH gives up before finding a
+mapping. It can be resolved by:
+* lowering the erasure coded pool requirements to use less OSDs per PG
+ (that requires the creation of another pool as erasure code profiles
+ cannot be dynamically modified).
+* adding more OSDs to the cluster (that does not require the erasure
+ coded pool to be modified, it will become clean automatically)
+* use a hand made CRUSH ruleset that tries more times to find a good
+ mapping. It can be done by setting ``set_choose_tries`` to a value
+ greater than the default.
+You should first verify the problem with ``crushtool`` after
+extracting the crushmap from the cluster so your experiments do not
+modify the Ceph cluster and only work on a local files::
+ $ ceph osd crush rule dump erasurepool
+ { "rule_name": "erasurepool",
+ "ruleset": 1,
+ "type": 3,
+ "min_size": 3,
+ "max_size": 20,
+ "steps": [
+ { "op": "take",
+ "item": -1,
+ "item_name": "default"},
+ { "op": "chooseleaf_indep",
+ "num": 0,
+ "type": "host"},
+ { "op": "emit"}]}
+ $ ceph osd getcrushmap >
+ got crush map from osdmap epoch 13
+ $ crushtool -i --test --show-bad-mappings \
+ --rule 1 \
+ --num-rep 9 \
+ --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
+ bad mapping rule 8 x 43 num_rep 9 result [3,2,7,1,2147483647,8,5,6,0]
+ bad mapping rule 8 x 79 num_rep 9 result [6,0,2,1,4,7,2147483647,5,8]
+ bad mapping rule 8 x 173 num_rep 9 result [0,4,6,8,2,1,3,7,2147483647]
+Where ``--num-rep`` is the number of OSDs the erasure code crush
+ruleset needs, ``--rule`` is the value of the ``ruleset`` field
+displayed by ``ceph osd crush rule dump``. The test will try mapping
+one million values (i.e. the range defined by ``[--min-x,--max-x]``)
+and must display at least one bad mapping. If it outputs nothing it
+means all mappings are successfull and you can stop right there: the
+problem is elsewhere.
+The crush ruleset can be edited by decompiling the crush map::
+ $ crushtool --decompile > crush.txt
+and adding the following line to the ruleset::
+ step set_choose_tries 100
+The relevant part of of the ``crush.txt`` file should look something
+ rule erasurepool {
+ ruleset 1
+ type erasure
+ min_size 3
+ max_size 20
+ step set_chooseleaf_tries 5
+ step set_choose_tries 100
+ step take default
+ step chooseleaf indep 0 type host
+ step emit
+ }
+It can then be compiled and tested again::
+ $ crushtool --compile crush.txt -o
+When all mappings succeed, an histogram of the number of tries that
+were necessary to find all of them can be displayed with the
+``--show-choose-tries`` option of ``crushtool``::
+ $ crushtool -i --test --show-bad-mappings \
+ --show-choose-tries \
+ --rule 1 \
+ --num-rep 9 \
+ --min-x 1 --max-x $((1024 * 1024))
+ ...
+ 11: 42
+ 12: 44
+ 13: 54
+ 14: 45
+ 15: 35
+ 16: 34
+ 17: 30
+ 18: 25
+ 19: 19
+ 20: 22
+ 21: 20
+ 22: 17
+ 23: 13
+ 24: 16
+ 25: 13
+ 26: 11
+ 27: 11
+ 28: 13
+ 29: 11
+ 30: 10
+ 31: 6
+ 32: 5
+ 33: 10
+ 34: 3
+ 35: 7
+ 36: 5
+ 37: 2
+ 38: 5
+ 39: 5
+ 40: 2
+ 41: 5
+ 42: 4
+ 43: 1
+ 44: 2
+ 45: 2
+ 46: 3
+ 47: 1
+ 48: 0
+ ...
+ 102: 0
+ 103: 1
+ 104: 0
+ ...
+It took 11 tries to map 42 PGs, 12 tries to map 44 PGs etc. The highest number of tries is the minimum value of ``set_choose_tries`` that prevents bad mappings (i.e. 103 in the above output because it did not take more than 103 tries for any PG to be mapped).
+.. _check: ../../operations/placement-groups#get-the-number-of-placement-groups
+.. _here: ../../configuration/pool-pg-config-ref
+.. _Placement Groups: ../../operations/placement-groups
+.. _Pool, PG and CRUSH Config Reference: ../../configuration/pool-pg-config-ref
+.. _NTP:
+.. _The Network Time Protocol:
+.. _Clock Settings: ../../configuration/mon-config-ref/#clock