path: root/src/ceph/doc/mon
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/doc/mon')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/mon/README.txt b/src/ceph/doc/mon/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fa1bf79..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/doc/mon/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ describes to some detail the call chain involved in the
-Paxos algorithm, paying special consideration to the messages involved.
-This information is not easily obtainable by Doxygen, as it does not follow
-the call chain when messages are involved, since it becomes an async workflow.
-To obtain the graph one should run
- dot -T<format> -o paxos-call-chain.<format>
- dot -Tps -o
- dot -Tpng -o paxos-call-chain.png
-It should do the trick.
-Also, for future reference, we consider that:
- - boxed nodes refer to the Leader;
- - elliptical nodes refer to the Peon;
- - diamond shaped nodes refer to state changes;
- - dotted lines illustrate a message being sent from the Leader to the Peon,
- or vice-versa.
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/mon/ b/src/ceph/doc/mon/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdca200..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/doc/mon/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-digraph Paxos {
- concentrate=true
-// subgraph cluster0 {
- collect -> state_recovering;
- collect -> send_mmp_collect -> handle_collect [style=dotted];
- handle_collect -> send_mmp_last;
- send_mmp_last -> handle_last [style=dotted];
- handle_last -> collect [label="collect(last_pn)"];
- handle_last -> send_mmp_commit;
- handle_last -> state_active;
- handle_last -> begin;
- handle_last -> extend_lease;
-// color=grey;
-// style=filled;
-// label="Post-Election call chain";
-// }
- election_finished -> leader_init;
- leader_init -> collect [label="collect(0)"];
- send_mmp_commit -> handle_commit [style=dotted];
- begin -> state_updating;
- begin -> send_mmp_begin;
- begin -> commit;
- send_mmp_begin -> handle_begin [style=dotted];
- handle_begin -> state_updating;
- handle_begin -> send_mmp_accept;
- send_mmp_accept -> handle_accept [style=dotted];
- handle_accept -> extend_lease;
- handle_accept -> state_active;
- handle_accept -> commit;
- extend_lease -> send_mmp_lease;
- send_mmp_lease -> handle_lease [style=dotted];
- handle_lease -> state_active;
- handle_lease -> send_mmp_lease_ack;
- send_mmp_lease_ack -> handle_lease_ack [style=dotted];
- commit -> send_mmp_commit;
- commit -> "last_committed++" [shape=box];
- send_mmp_commit -> handle_commit [style=dotted];
- handle_commit -> store_state;
- propose_pending -> propose_new_value;
- propose_new_value -> begin;
- election_finished [label="Election Finished", shape=box, bgcolor=grey, style=filled];
- collect [label="collect()", shape=box];
- commit [label="commit()", shape=box];
- begin [label="begin()", shape=box];
- extend_lease [label="extend_lease()", shape=box];
- store_state [label="store_state()"]; // peon
- propose_pending [label="PaxosService::propose_pending()"];
- propose_new_value [label="propose_new_value"];
- send_mmp_collect [label="send(OP_COLLECT)", shape=box];
- send_mmp_last [label="send(OP_LAST)"];
- send_mmp_commit [label="send(OP_COMMIT)", shape=box];
- send_mmp_begin [label="send(OP_BEGIN)", shape=box];
- send_mmp_accept [label="send(OP_ACCEPT)"];
- send_mmp_lease [label="send(OP_LEASE)", shape=box];
- send_mmp_lease_ack [label="send(OP_LEASE_ACK)"];
- handle_collect [label="handle_collect()"];
- handle_last [label="handle_last()", shape=box];
- handle_begin [label="handle_begin()"];
- handle_accept [label="handle_accept()", shape=box];
- handle_lease [label="handle_lease()"];
- handle_lease_ack [label="handle_lease_ack()", shape=box];
- handle_commit [label="handle_commit()"];
- leader_init [label="Paxos::leader_init()", shape=box];
- state_recovering [label="RECOVERING", shape=diamond];
- state_active [label="ACTIVE", shape=diamond];
- state_updating [label="UPDATING", shape=diamond];