path: root/src/ceph/doc/man/8/rbd.rst
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+ rbd -- manage rados block device (RBD) images
+.. program:: rbd
+| **rbd** [ -c *ceph.conf* ] [ -m *monaddr* ] [--cluster *cluster-name*]
+ [ -p | --pool *pool* ] [ *command* ... ]
+**rbd** is a utility for manipulating rados block device (RBD) images,
+used by the Linux rbd driver and the rbd storage driver for QEMU/KVM.
+RBD images are simple block devices that are striped over objects and
+stored in a RADOS object store. The size of the objects the image is
+striped over must be a power of two.
+.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf ceph.conf
+ Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default /etc/ceph/ceph.conf to
+ determine monitor addresses during startup.
+.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
+ Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
+.. option:: --cluster cluster-name
+ Use different cluster name as compared to default cluster name *ceph*.
+.. option:: -p pool-name, --pool pool-name
+ Interact with the given pool. Required by most commands.
+.. option:: --no-progress
+ Do not output progress information (goes to standard error by
+ default for some commands).
+.. option:: --image-format format-id
+ Specifies which object layout to use. The default is 2.
+ * format 1 - (deprecated) Use the original format for a new rbd image. This
+ format is understood by all versions of librbd and the kernel rbd module,
+ but does not support newer features like cloning.
+ * format 2 - Use the second rbd format, which is supported by
+ librbd and kernel since version 3.11 (except for striping). This adds
+ support for cloning and is more easily extensible to allow more
+ features in the future.
+.. option:: -s size-in-M/G/T, --size size-in-M/G/T
+ Specifies the size of the new rbd image or the new size of the existing rbd
+ image in M/G/T. If no suffix is given, unit M is assumed.
+.. option:: --object-size size-in-B/K/M
+ Specifies the object size in B/K/M. Object size will be rounded up the
+ nearest power of two; if no suffix is given, unit B is assumed. The default
+ object size is 4M, smallest is 4K and maximum is 32M.
+.. option:: --stripe-unit size-in-B/K/M
+ Specifies the stripe unit size in B/K/M. If no suffix is given, unit B is
+ assumed. See striping section (below) for more details.
+.. option:: --stripe-count num
+ Specifies the number of objects to stripe over before looping back
+ to the first object. See striping section (below) for more details.
+.. option:: --snap snap
+ Specifies the snapshot name for the specific operation.
+.. option:: --id username
+ Specifies the username (without the ``client.`` prefix) to use with the map command.
+.. option:: --keyring filename
+ Specifies a keyring file containing a secret for the specified user
+ to use with the map command. If not specified, the default keyring
+ locations will be searched.
+.. option:: --keyfile filename
+ Specifies a file containing the secret key of ``--id user`` to use with the map command.
+ This option is overridden by ``--keyring`` if the latter is also specified.
+.. option:: --shared lock-tag
+ Option for `lock add` that allows multiple clients to lock the
+ same image if they use the same tag. The tag is an arbitrary
+ string. This is useful for situations where an image must
+ be open from more than one client at once, like during
+ live migration of a virtual machine, or for use underneath
+ a clustered filesystem.
+.. option:: --format format
+ Specifies output formatting (default: plain, json, xml)
+.. option:: --pretty-format
+ Make json or xml formatted output more human-readable.
+.. option:: -o krbd-options, --options krbd-options
+ Specifies which options to use when mapping or unmapping an image via the
+ rbd kernel driver. krbd-options is a comma-separated list of options
+ (similar to mount(8) mount options). See kernel rbd (krbd) options section
+ below for more details.
+.. option:: --read-only
+ Map the image read-only. Equivalent to -o ro.
+.. option:: --image-feature feature-name
+ Specifies which RBD format 2 feature should be enabled when creating
+ an image. Multiple features can be enabled by repeating this option
+ multiple times. The following features are supported:
+ * layering: layering support
+ * striping: striping v2 support
+ * exclusive-lock: exclusive locking support
+ * object-map: object map support (requires exclusive-lock)
+ * fast-diff: fast diff calculations (requires object-map)
+ * deep-flatten: snapshot flatten support
+ * journaling: journaled IO support (requires exclusive-lock)
+.. option:: --image-shared
+ Specifies that the image will be used concurrently by multiple clients.
+ This will disable features that are dependent upon exclusive ownership
+ of the image.
+.. option:: --whole-object
+ Specifies that the diff should be limited to the extents of a full object
+ instead of showing intra-object deltas. When the object map feature is
+ enabled on an image, limiting the diff to the object extents will
+ dramatically improve performance since the differences can be computed
+ by examining the in-memory object map instead of querying RADOS for each
+ object within the image.
+.. option:: --limit
+ Specifies the limit for the number of snapshots permitted.
+.. TODO rst "option" directive seems to require --foo style options, parsing breaks on subcommands.. the args show up as bold too
+:command:`ls` [-l | --long] [*pool-name*]
+ Will list all rbd images listed in the rbd_directory object. With
+ -l, also show snapshots, and use longer-format output including
+ size, parent (if clone), format, etc.
+:command:`du` [-p | --pool *pool-name*] [*image-spec* | *snap-spec*]
+ Will calculate the provisioned and actual disk usage of all images and
+ associated snapshots within the specified pool. It can also be used against
+ individual images and snapshots.
+ If the RBD fast-diff feature is not enabled on images, this operation will
+ require querying the OSDs for every potential object within the image.
+:command:`info` *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Will dump information (such as size and object size) about a specific rbd image.
+ If image is a clone, information about its parent is also displayed.
+ If a snapshot is specified, whether it is protected is shown as well.
+:command:`create` (-s | --size *size-in-M/G/T*) [--image-format *format-id*] [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--image-feature *feature-name*]... [--image-shared] *image-spec*
+ Will create a new rbd image. You must also specify the size via --size. The
+ --stripe-unit and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be used together.
+:command:`clone` [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--image-feature *feature-name*] [--image-shared] *parent-snap-spec* *child-image-spec*
+ Will create a clone (copy-on-write child) of the parent snapshot.
+ Object size will be identical to that of the parent image unless
+ specified. Size will be the same as the parent snapshot. The --stripe-unit
+ and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be used together.
+ The parent snapshot must be protected (see `rbd snap protect`).
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`flatten` *image-spec*
+ If image is a clone, copy all shared blocks from the parent snapshot and
+ make the child independent of the parent, severing the link between
+ parent snap and child. The parent snapshot can be unprotected and
+ deleted if it has no further dependent clones.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`children` *snap-spec*
+ List the clones of the image at the given snapshot. This checks
+ every pool, and outputs the resulting poolname/imagename.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`resize` (-s | --size *size-in-M/G/T*) [--allow-shrink] *image-spec*
+ Resize rbd image. The size parameter also needs to be specified.
+ The --allow-shrink option lets the size be reduced.
+:command:`rm` *image-spec*
+ Delete an rbd image (including all data blocks). If the image has
+ snapshots, this fails and nothing is deleted.
+:command:`export` [--export-format *format (1 or 2)*] (*image-spec* | *snap-spec*) [*dest-path*]
+ Export image to dest path (use - for stdout).
+ The --export-format accepts '1' or '2' currently. Format 2 allow us to export not only the content
+ of image, but also the snapshots and other properties, such as image_order, features.
+:command:`import` [--export-format *format (1 or 2)*] [--image-format *format-id*] [--object-size *size-in-B/K/M*] [--stripe-unit *size-in-B/K/M* --stripe-count *num*] [--image-feature *feature-name*]... [--image-shared] *src-path* [*image-spec*]
+ Create a new image and imports its data from path (use - for
+ stdin). The import operation will try to create sparse rbd images
+ if possible. For import from stdin, the sparsification unit is
+ the data block size of the destination image (object size).
+ The --stripe-unit and --stripe-count arguments are optional, but must be
+ used together.
+ The --export-format accepts '1' or '2' currently. Format 2 allow us to import not only the content
+ of image, but also the snapshots and other properties, such as image_order, features.
+:command:`export-diff` [--from-snap *snap-name*] [--whole-object] (*image-spec* | *snap-spec*) *dest-path*
+ Export an incremental diff for an image to dest path (use - for stdout). If
+ an initial snapshot is specified, only changes since that snapshot are included; otherwise,
+ any regions of the image that contain data are included. The end snapshot is specified
+ using the standard --snap option or @snap syntax (see below). The image diff format includes
+ metadata about image size changes, and the start and end snapshots. It efficiently represents
+ discarded or 'zero' regions of the image.
+:command:`merge-diff` *first-diff-path* *second-diff-path* *merged-diff-path*
+ Merge two continuous incremental diffs of an image into one single diff. The
+ first diff's end snapshot must be equal with the second diff's start snapshot.
+ The first diff could be - for stdin, and merged diff could be - for stdout, which
+ enables multiple diff files to be merged using something like
+ 'rbd merge-diff first second - | rbd merge-diff - third result'. Note this command
+ currently only support the source incremental diff with stripe_count == 1
+:command:`import-diff` *src-path* *image-spec*
+ Import an incremental diff of an image and applies it to the current image. If the diff
+ was generated relative to a start snapshot, we verify that snapshot already exists before
+ continuing. If there was an end snapshot we verify it does not already exist before
+ applying the changes, and create the snapshot when we are done.
+:command:`diff` [--from-snap *snap-name*] [--whole-object] *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Dump a list of byte extents in the image that have changed since the specified start
+ snapshot, or since the image was created. Each output line includes the starting offset
+ (in bytes), the length of the region (in bytes), and either 'zero' or 'data' to indicate
+ whether the region is known to be zeros or may contain other data.
+:command:`cp` (*src-image-spec* | *src-snap-spec*) *dest-image-spec*
+ Copy the content of a src-image into the newly created dest-image.
+ dest-image will have the same size, object size, and image format as src-image.
+:command:`mv` *src-image-spec* *dest-image-spec*
+ Rename an image. Note: rename across pools is not supported.
+:command:`image-meta list` *image-spec*
+ Show metadata held on the image. The first column is the key
+ and the second column is the value.
+:command:`image-meta get` *image-spec* *key*
+ Get metadata value with the key.
+:command:`image-meta set` *image-spec* *key* *value*
+ Set metadata key with the value. They will displayed in `image-meta list`.
+:command:`image-meta remove` *image-spec* *key*
+ Remove metadata key with the value.
+:command:`object-map rebuild` *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Rebuild an invalid object map for the specified image. An image snapshot can be
+ specified to rebuild an invalid object map for a snapshot.
+:command:`snap ls` *image-spec*
+ Dump the list of snapshots inside a specific image.
+:command:`snap create` *snap-spec*
+ Create a new snapshot. Requires the snapshot name parameter specified.
+:command:`snap rollback` *snap-spec*
+ Rollback image content to snapshot. This will iterate through the entire blocks
+ array and update the data head content to the snapshotted version.
+:command:`snap rm` [--force] *snap-spec*
+ Remove the specified snapshot.
+:command:`snap purge` *image-spec*
+ Remove all snapshots from an image.
+:command:`snap protect` *snap-spec*
+ Protect a snapshot from deletion, so that clones can be made of it
+ (see `rbd clone`). Snapshots must be protected before clones are made;
+ protection implies that there exist dependent cloned children that
+ refer to this snapshot. `rbd clone` will fail on a nonprotected
+ snapshot.
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`snap unprotect` *snap-spec*
+ Unprotect a snapshot from deletion (undo `snap protect`). If cloned
+ children remain, `snap unprotect` fails. (Note that clones may exist
+ in different pools than the parent snapshot.)
+ This requires image format 2.
+:command:`snap limit set` [--limit] *limit* *image-spec*
+ Set a limit for the number of snapshots allowed on an image.
+:command:`snap limit clear` *image-spec*
+ Remove any previously set limit on the number of snapshots allowed on
+ an image.
+:command:`map` [-o | --options *krbd-options* ] [--read-only] *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Map the specified image to a block device via the rbd kernel module.
+:command:`unmap` [-o | --options *krbd-options* ] *image-spec* | *snap-spec* | *device-path*
+ Unmap the block device that was mapped via the rbd kernel module.
+ Show the rbd images that are mapped via the rbd kernel module.
+:command:`nbd map` [--device *device-path*] [--read-only] *image-spec* | *snap-spec*
+ Map the specified image to a block device via the rbd-nbd tool.
+:command:`nbd unmap` *device-path*
+ Unmap the block device that was mapped via the rbd-nbd tool.
+:command:`nbd list`
+ Show the list of used nbd devices via the rbd-nbd tool.
+:command:`status` *image-spec*
+ Show the status of the image, including which clients have it open.
+:command:`feature disable` *image-spec* *feature-name*...
+ Disable the specified feature on the specified image. Multiple features can
+ be specified.
+:command:`feature enable` *image-spec* *feature-name*...
+ Enable the specified feature on the specified image. Multiple features can
+ be specified.
+:command:`lock list` *image-spec*
+ Show locks held on the image. The first column is the locker
+ to use with the `lock remove` command.
+:command:`lock add` [--shared *lock-tag*] *image-spec* *lock-id*
+ Lock an image. The lock-id is an arbitrary name for the user's
+ convenience. By default, this is an exclusive lock, meaning it
+ will fail if the image is already locked. The --shared option
+ changes this behavior. Note that locking does not affect
+ any operation other than adding a lock. It does not
+ protect an image from being deleted.
+:command:`lock remove` *image-spec* *lock-id* *locker*
+ Release a lock on an image. The lock id and locker are
+ as output by lock ls.
+:command:`bench` --io-type <read | write> [--io-size *size-in-B/K/M/G/T*] [--io-threads *num-ios-in-flight*] [--io-total *size-in-B/K/M/G/T*] [--io-pattern seq | rand] *image-spec*
+ Generate a series of IOs to the image and measure the IO throughput and
+ latency. If no suffix is given, unit B is assumed for both --io-size and
+ --io-total. Defaults are: --io-size 4096, --io-threads 16, --io-total 1G,
+ --io-pattern seq.
+:command:`trash ls` [*pool-name*]
+ List all entries from trash.
+:command:`trash mv` *image-spec*
+ Move an image to the trash. Images, even ones actively in-use by
+ clones, can be moved to the trash and deleted at a later time.
+:command:`trash rm` *image-id*
+ Delete an image from trash. If image deferment time has not expired
+ you can not removed it unless use force. But an actively in-use by clones
+ or has snapshots can not be removed.
+:command:`trash restore` *image-id*
+ Restore an image from trash.
+Image and snap specs
+| *image-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*
+| *snap-spec* is [*pool-name*]/*image-name*\ @\ *snap-name*
+The default for *pool-name* is "rbd". If an image name contains a slash
+character ('/'), *pool-name* is required.
+You may specify each name individually, using --pool, --image and --snap
+options, but this is discouraged in favor of the above spec syntax.
+RBD images are striped over many objects, which are then stored by the
+Ceph distributed object store (RADOS). As a result, read and write
+requests for the image are distributed across many nodes in the
+cluster, generally preventing any single node from becoming a
+bottleneck when individual images get large or busy.
+The striping is controlled by three parameters:
+.. option:: object-size
+ The size of objects we stripe over is a power of two. It will be rounded up the nearest power of two.
+ The default object size is 4 MB, smallest is 4K and maximum is 32M.
+.. option:: stripe_unit
+ Each [*stripe_unit*] contiguous bytes are stored adjacently in the same object, before we move on
+ to the next object.
+.. option:: stripe_count
+ After we write [*stripe_unit*] bytes to [*stripe_count*] objects, we loop back to the initial object
+ and write another stripe, until the object reaches its maximum size. At that point,
+ we move on to the next [*stripe_count*] objects.
+By default, [*stripe_unit*] is the same as the object size and [*stripe_count*] is 1. Specifying a different
+[*stripe_unit*] requires that the STRIPINGV2 feature be supported (added in Ceph v0.53) and format 2 images be
+Kernel rbd (krbd) options
+Most of these options are useful mainly for debugging and benchmarking. The
+default values are set in the kernel and may therefore depend on the version of
+the running kernel.
+Per client instance `rbd map` options:
+* fsid=aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee - FSID that should be assumed by
+ the client.
+* ip=a.b.c.d[:p] - IP and, optionally, port the client should use.
+* share - Enable sharing of client instances with other mappings (default).
+* noshare - Disable sharing of client instances with other mappings.
+* crc - Enable CRC32C checksumming for data writes (default).
+* nocrc - Disable CRC32C checksumming for data writes.
+* cephx_require_signatures - Require cephx message signing (since 3.19,
+ default).
+* nocephx_require_signatures - Don't require cephx message signing (since
+ 3.19).
+* tcp_nodelay - Disable Nagle's algorithm on client sockets (since 4.0,
+ default).
+* notcp_nodelay - Enable Nagle's algorithm on client sockets (since 4.0).
+* cephx_sign_messages - Enable message signing (since 4.4, default).
+* nocephx_sign_messages - Disable message signing (since 4.4).
+* mount_timeout=x - A timeout on various steps in `rbd map` and `rbd unmap`
+ sequences (default is 60 seconds). In particular, since 4.2 this can be used
+ to ensure that `rbd unmap` eventually times out when there is no network
+ connection to a cluster.
+* osdkeepalive=x - OSD keepalive timeout (default is 5 seconds).
+* osd_idle_ttl=x - OSD idle TTL (default is 60 seconds).
+Per mapping (block device) `rbd map` options:
+* rw - Map the image read-write (default).
+* ro - Map the image read-only. Equivalent to --read-only.
+* queue_depth=x - queue depth (since 4.2, default is 128 requests).
+* lock_on_read - Acquire exclusive lock on reads, in addition to writes and
+ discards (since 4.9).
+* exclusive - Disable automatic exclusive lock transitions (since 4.12).
+`rbd unmap` options:
+* force - Force the unmapping of a block device that is open (since 4.9). The
+ driver will wait for running requests to complete and then unmap; requests
+ sent to the driver after initiating the unmap will be failed.
+To create a new rbd image that is 100 GB::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400
+To use a non-default object size (8 MB)::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400 --object-size 8M
+To delete an rbd image (be careful!)::
+ rbd rm mypool/myimage
+To create a new snapshot::
+ rbd snap create mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To create a copy-on-write clone of a protected snapshot::
+ rbd clone mypool/myimage@mysnap otherpool/cloneimage
+To see which clones of a snapshot exist::
+ rbd children mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To delete a snapshot::
+ rbd snap rm mypool/myimage@mysnap
+To map an image via the kernel with cephx enabled::
+ rbd map mypool/myimage --id admin --keyfile secretfile
+To map an image via the kernel with different cluster name other than default *ceph*::
+ rbd map mypool/myimage --cluster cluster-name
+To unmap an image::
+ rbd unmap /dev/rbd0
+To create an image and a clone from it::
+ rbd import --image-format 2 image mypool/parent
+ rbd snap create mypool/parent@snap
+ rbd snap protect mypool/parent@snap
+ rbd clone mypool/parent@snap otherpool/child
+To create an image with a smaller stripe_unit (to better distribute small writes in some workloads)::
+ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400 --stripe-unit 65536B --stripe-count 16
+To change an image from one image format to another, export it and then
+import it as the desired image format::
+ rbd export mypool/myimage@snap /tmp/img
+ rbd import --image-format 2 /tmp/img mypool/myimage2
+To lock an image for exclusive use::
+ rbd lock add mypool/myimage mylockid
+To release a lock::
+ rbd lock remove mypool/myimage mylockid client.2485
+To list images from trash::
+ rbd trash ls mypool
+To defer delete an image (use *--delay* to set delay-time, default is 0)::
+ rbd trash mv mypool/myimage
+To delete an image from trash (be careful!)::
+ rbd trash rm mypool/myimage-id
+To force delete an image from trash (be careful!)::
+ rbd trash rm mypool/myimage-id --force
+To restore an image from trash::
+ rbd trash restore mypool/myimage-id
+To restore an image from trash and rename it::
+ rbd trash restore mypool/myimage-id --image mynewimage
+**rbd** is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to
+the Ceph documentation at for more information.
+See also
+:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8),
+:doc:`rados <rados>`\(8)