path: root/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon')
9 files changed, 1485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8c1094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+declare -A keymap
+combinations="r w x rw rx wx rwx"
+for i in ${combinations}; do
+ k="foo_$i"
+ k=`ceph auth get-or-create-key client.$i mon "allow $i"` || exit 1
+ keymap["$i"]=$k
+# add special caps
+keymap["all"]=`ceph auth get-or-create-key client.all mon 'allow *'` || exit 1
+ceph auth export > $tmp
+trap "rm $tmp" INT ERR EXIT QUIT 0
+expect() {
+ set +e
+ local expected_ret=$1
+ local ret
+ shift
+ cmd=$@
+ eval $cmd
+ ret=$?
+ set -e
+ if [[ $ret -ne $expected_ret ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR: running \'$cmd\': expected $expected_ret got $ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+read_ops() {
+ local caps=$1
+ local has_read=1 has_exec=1
+ local ret
+ local args
+ ( echo $caps | grep 'r' ) || has_read=0
+ ( echo $caps | grep 'x' ) || has_exec=0
+ if [[ "$caps" == "all" ]]; then
+ has_read=1
+ has_exec=1
+ fi
+ ret=13
+ if [[ $has_read -gt 0 && $has_exec -gt 0 ]]; then
+ ret=0
+ fi
+ args="--id $caps --key ${keymap[$caps]}"
+ expect $ret ceph auth get client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth get-key client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth export $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth export client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth ls $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth print-key client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth print_key client.admin $args
+write_ops() {
+ local caps=$1
+ local has_read=1 has_write=1 has_exec=1
+ local ret
+ local args
+ ( echo $caps | grep 'r' ) || has_read=0
+ ( echo $caps | grep 'w' ) || has_write=0
+ ( echo $caps | grep 'x' ) || has_exec=0
+ if [[ "$caps" == "all" ]]; then
+ has_read=1
+ has_write=1
+ has_exec=1
+ fi
+ ret=13
+ if [[ $has_read -gt 0 && $has_write -gt 0 && $has_exec -gt 0 ]]; then
+ ret=0
+ fi
+ args="--id $caps --key ${keymap[$caps]}"
+ expect $ret ceph auth add $args
+ expect $ret "ceph auth caps mon 'allow *' $args"
+ expect $ret ceph auth get-or-create client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth get-or-create-key client.admin $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth get-or-create-key client.baz $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth del $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth del client.baz $args
+ expect $ret ceph auth import -i $tmp $args
+echo "running combinations: ${!keymap[@]}"
+for i in ${!keymap[@]}; do
+ echo "caps: $i"
+ if [[ -z "$subcmd" || "$subcmd" == "read" || "$subcmd" == "all" ]]; then
+ read_ops $i
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$subcmd" || "$subcmd" == "write" || "$subcmd" == "all" ]]; then
+ write_ops $i
+ fi
+# cleanup
+for i in ${combinations} all; do
+ ceph auth del client.$i || exit 1
+echo "OK"
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a6956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+import json
+import subprocess
+import shlex
+from StringIO import StringIO
+import errno
+import sys
+import os
+import io
+import re
+import rados
+from ceph_argparse import *
+keyring_base = '/tmp/cephtest-caps.keyring'
+class UnexpectedReturn(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, cmd, ret, expected, msg):
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ self.cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(cmd, str) or isinstance(cmd, unicode), \
+ 'cmd needs to be either a list or a str'
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ self.cmd = str(self.cmd)
+ self.ret = int(ret)
+ self.expected = int(expected)
+ self.msg = str(msg)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr('{c}: expected return {e}, got {r} ({o})'.format(
+ c=self.cmd, e=self.expected, r=self.ret, o=self.msg))
+def call(cmd):
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ args = cmd
+ elif isinstance(cmd, str) or isinstance(cmd, unicode):
+ args = shlex.split(cmd)
+ else:
+ assert False, 'cmd is not a string/unicode nor a list!'
+ print 'call: {0}'.format(args)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ ret = proc.wait()
+ return (ret, proc)
+def expect(cmd, expected_ret):
+ try:
+ (r, p) = call(cmd)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, \
+ 'unable to run {c}: {err}'.format(c=repr(cmd), err=e.message)
+ return errno.EINVAL
+ assert r == p.returncode, \
+ 'wth? r was supposed to match returncode!'
+ if r != expected_ret:
+ raise UnexpectedReturn(repr(cmd), r, expected_ret, str(
+ return p
+def expect_to_file(cmd, expected_ret, out_file, mode='a'):
+ # Let the exception be propagated to the caller
+ p = expect(cmd, expected_ret)
+ assert p.returncode == expected_ret, \
+ 'expected result doesn\'t match and no exception was thrown!'
+ with, mode) as file:
+ file.write(unicode(
+ return p
+class Command:
+ def __init__(self, cid, j):
+ self.cid = cid[3:]
+ self.perms = j['perm']
+ self.module = j['module']
+ self.sig = ''
+ self.args = []
+ for s in j['sig']:
+ if not isinstance(s, dict):
+ assert isinstance(s, str) or isinstance(s,unicode), \
+ 'malformatted signature cid {0}: {1}\n{2}'.format(cid,s,j)
+ if len(self.sig) > 0:
+ self.sig += ' '
+ self.sig += s
+ else:
+ self.args.append(s)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr('command {0}: {1} (requires \'{2}\')'.format(self.cid,\
+ self.sig, self.perms))
+def destroy_keyring(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise Exception('oops! cannot remove inexistent keyring {0}'.format(path))
+ # grab all client entities from the keyring
+ entities = [ for m in [re.match(r'\[client\.(.*)\]', l)
+ for l in [str(line.strip())
+ for line in,'r')]] if m is not None]
+ # clean up and make sure each entity is gone
+ for e in entities:
+ expect('ceph auth del client.{0}'.format(e), 0)
+ expect('ceph auth get client.{0}'.format(e), errno.ENOENT)
+ # remove keyring
+ os.unlink(path)
+ return True
+def test_basic_auth():
+ # make sure we can successfully add/del entities, change their caps
+ # and import/export keyrings.
+ expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth', 0)
+ expect('ceph auth caps client.basicauth mon \'allow *\'', 0)
+ # entity exists and caps do not match
+ expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth', errno.EINVAL)
+ # this command attempts to change an existing state and will fail
+ expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth mon \'allow w\'', errno.EINVAL)
+ expect('ceph auth get-or-create client.basicauth', 0)
+ expect('ceph auth get-key client.basicauth', 0)
+ expect('ceph auth get-or-create client.basicauth2', 0)
+ # cleanup
+ expect('ceph auth del client.basicauth', 0)
+ expect('ceph auth del client.basicauth2', 0)
+ return True
+def gen_module_keyring(module):
+ module_caps = [
+ ('all', '{t} \'allow service {s} rwx\'', 0),
+ ('none', '', errno.EACCES),
+ ('wrong', '{t} \'allow service foobar rwx\'', errno.EACCES),
+ ('right', '{t} \'allow service {s} {p}\'', 0),
+ ('no-execute', '{t} \'allow service {s} x\'', errno.EACCES)
+ ]
+ keyring = '{0}.service-{1}'.format(keyring_base,module)
+ for perms in 'r rw x'.split():
+ for (n,p,r) in module_caps:
+ c = p.format(t='mon', s=module, p=perms)
+ expect_to_file(
+ 'ceph auth get-or-create client.{cn}-{cp} {caps}'.format(
+ cn=n,cp=perms,caps=c), 0, keyring)
+ return keyring
+def test_all():
+ perms = {
+ 'good': {
+ 'broad':[
+ ('rwx', 'allow *'),
+ ('r', 'allow r'),
+ ('rw', 'allow rw'),
+ ('x', 'allow x'),
+ ],
+ 'service':[
+ ('rwx', 'allow service {s} rwx'),
+ ('r', 'allow service {s} r'),
+ ('rw', 'allow service {s} rw'),
+ ('x', 'allow service {s} x'),
+ ],
+ 'command':[
+ ('rwx', 'allow command "{c}"'),
+ ],
+ 'command-with':[
+ ('rwx', 'allow command "{c}" with {kv}')
+ ],
+ 'command-with-prefix':[
+ ('rwx', 'allow command "{c}" with {key} prefix {val}')
+ ]
+ },
+ 'bad': {
+ 'broad':[
+ ('none', ''),
+ ],
+ 'service':[
+ ('none1', 'allow service foo rwx'),
+ ('none2', 'allow service foo r'),
+ ('none3', 'allow service foo rw'),
+ ('none4', 'allow service foo x'),
+ ],
+ 'command':[
+ ('none', 'allow command foo'),
+ ],
+ 'command-with':[
+ ('none', 'allow command "{c}" with foo=bar'),
+ ],
+ 'command-with-prefix':[
+ ('none', 'allow command "{c}" with foo prefix bar'),
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ cmds = {
+ '':[
+ {
+ 'cmd':('status', '', 'r')
+ },
+ {
+ 'pre':'heap start_profiler',
+ 'cmd':('heap', 'heapcmd=stats', 'rw'),
+ 'post':'heap stop_profiler'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'auth':[
+ {
+ 'pre':'',
+ 'cmd':('auth ls', '', 'r'),
+ 'post':''
+ },
+ {
+ 'pre':'auth get-or-create mon \'allow *\'',
+ 'cmd':('auth caps', 'entity=""', 'rw'),
+ 'post':'auth del'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'pg':[
+ {
+ 'cmd':('pg getmap', '', 'r'),
+ },
+ ],
+ 'mds':[
+ {
+ 'cmd':('mds getmap', '', 'r'),
+ },
+ {
+ 'cmd':('mds cluster_down', '', 'rw'),
+ 'post':'mds cluster_up'
+ },
+ ],
+ 'mon':[
+ {
+ 'cmd':('mon getmap', '', 'r')
+ },
+ {
+ 'cmd':('mon remove', 'name=a', 'rw')
+ }
+ ],
+ 'osd':[
+ {
+ 'cmd':('osd getmap', '', 'r'),
+ },
+ {
+ 'cmd':('osd pause', '', 'rw'),
+ 'post':'osd unpause'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cmd':('osd crush dump', '', 'r')
+ },
+ ],
+ 'config-key':[
+ {
+ 'pre':'config-key set foo bar',
+ 'cmd':('config-key get', 'key=foo', 'r')
+ },
+ {
+ 'pre':'config-key set foo bar',
+ 'cmd':('config-key del', 'key=foo', 'rw')
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ for (module,cmd_lst) in cmds.iteritems():
+ k = keyring_base + '.' + module
+ for cmd in cmd_lst:
+ (cmd_cmd, cmd_args, cmd_perm) = cmd['cmd']
+ cmd_args_key = ''
+ cmd_args_val = ''
+ if len(cmd_args) > 0:
+ (cmd_args_key, cmd_args_val) = cmd_args.split('=')
+ print 'generating keyring for {m}/{c}'.format(m=module,c=cmd_cmd)
+ # gen keyring
+ for (good_or_bad,kind_map) in perms.iteritems():
+ for (kind,lst) in kind_map.iteritems():
+ for (perm, cap) in lst:
+ cap_formatted = cap.format(
+ s=module,
+ c=cmd_cmd,
+ kv=cmd_args,
+ key=cmd_args_key,
+ val=cmd_args_val)
+ if len(cap_formatted) == 0:
+ run_cap = ''
+ else:
+ run_cap = 'mon \'{fc}\''.format(fc=cap_formatted)
+ cname = 'client.{gb}-{kind}-{p}'.format(
+ gb=good_or_bad,kind=kind,p=perm)
+ expect_to_file(
+ 'ceph auth get-or-create {n} {c}'.format(
+ n=cname,c=run_cap), 0, k)
+ # keyring generated
+ print 'testing {m}/{c}'.format(m=module,c=cmd_cmd)
+ # test
+ for good_bad in perms.iterkeys():
+ for (kind,lst) in perms[good_bad].iteritems():
+ for (perm,_) in lst:
+ cname = 'client.{gb}-{k}-{p}'.format(gb=good_bad,k=kind,p=perm)
+ if good_bad == 'good':
+ expect_ret = 0
+ else:
+ expect_ret = errno.EACCES
+ if ( cmd_perm not in perm ):
+ expect_ret = errno.EACCES
+ if 'with' in kind and len(cmd_args) == 0:
+ expect_ret = errno.EACCES
+ if 'service' in kind and len(module) == 0:
+ expect_ret = errno.EACCES
+ if 'pre' in cmd and len(cmd['pre']) > 0:
+ expect('ceph {0}'.format(cmd['pre']), 0)
+ expect('ceph -n {cn} -k {k} {c} {arg_val}'.format(
+ cn=cname,k=k,c=cmd_cmd,arg_val=cmd_args_val), expect_ret)
+ if 'post' in cmd and len(cmd['post']) > 0:
+ expect('ceph {0}'.format(cmd['post']), 0)
+ # finish testing
+ destroy_keyring(k)
+ return True
+def test_misc():
+ k = keyring_base + '.misc'
+ expect_to_file(
+ 'ceph auth get-or-create client.caps mon \'allow command "auth caps"' \
+ ' with entity="client.caps"\'', 0, k)
+ expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} mon_status'.format(kf=k), errno.EACCES)
+ expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} auth caps client.caps mon \'allow *\''.format(kf=k), 0)
+ expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} mon_status'.format(kf=k), 0)
+ destroy_keyring(k)
+def main():
+ test_basic_auth()
+ test_all()
+ test_misc()
+ print 'OK'
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e00247d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+[[ ! -z $TEST_EXIT_ON_ERROR ]] && exit_on_error=$TEST_EXIT_ON_ERROR
+ cmd=$1
+ expected_ret=$2
+ echo $cmd
+ eval $cmd >&/dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [[ $ret -ne $expected_ret ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Expected return $expected_ret, got $ret"
+ [[ $exit_on_error -eq 1 ]] && exit 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+expect "ceph auth get-or-create client.bazar > $tmp.bazar.keyring" 0
+expect "ceph -k $tmp.bazar.keyring --user bazar mon_status" 13
+ceph auth del client.bazar
+c="'allow command \"auth ls\", allow command mon_status'"
+expect "ceph auth get-or-create mon $c > $" 0
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo mon_status" 0
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo auth ls" 0
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo auth export" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo auth del client.bazar" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo osd dump" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo pg dump" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user foo quorum_status" 13
+ceph auth del
+c="'allow command service with prefix=list, allow command mon_status'"
+expect "ceph auth get-or-create mon $c > $" 0
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar mon_status" 0
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar auth ls" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar auth export" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar auth del" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar osd dump" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar pg dump" 13
+expect "ceph -k $ --user bar quorum_status" 13
+ceph auth del
+rm $tmp.bazar.keyring $ $
+echo OK
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..348811e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+set -e
+function expect_false()
+ set -x
+ if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+ceph osd crush dump
+# rules
+ceph osd crush rule dump
+ceph osd crush rule ls
+ceph osd crush rule list
+ceph osd crush rule create-simple foo default host
+ceph osd crush rule create-simple foo default host
+ceph osd crush rule create-simple bar default host
+# make sure we're at luminous+ before using crush device classes
+ceph osd require-osd-release luminous
+ceph osd crush rm-device-class all
+ceph osd crush set-device-class ssd osd.0
+ceph osd crush set-device-class hdd osd.1
+ceph osd crush rule create-replicated foo-ssd default host ssd
+ceph osd crush rule create-replicated foo-hdd default host hdd
+ceph osd crush rule ls-by-class ssd | grep 'foo-ssd'
+ceph osd crush rule ls-by-class ssd | expect_false grep 'foo-hdd'
+ceph osd crush rule ls-by-class hdd | grep 'foo-hdd'
+ceph osd crush rule ls-by-class hdd | expect_false grep 'foo-ssd'
+ceph osd erasure-code-profile set ec-foo-ssd crush-device-class=ssd m=2 k=2
+ceph osd pool create ec-foo 2 erasure ec-foo-ssd
+ceph osd pool rm ec-foo ec-foo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd crush rule ls | grep foo
+ceph osd crush rule rename foo foo-asdf
+ceph osd crush rule rename foo foo-asdf # idempotent
+ceph osd crush rule rename bar bar-asdf
+ceph osd crush rule ls | grep 'foo-asdf'
+ceph osd crush rule ls | grep 'bar-asdf'
+ceph osd crush rule rm foo 2>&1 | grep 'does not exist'
+ceph osd crush rule rm bar 2>&1 | grep 'does not exist'
+ceph osd crush rule rename foo-asdf foo
+ceph osd crush rule rename foo-asdf foo # idempotent
+ceph osd crush rule rename bar-asdf bar
+ceph osd crush rule ls | expect_false grep 'foo-asdf'
+ceph osd crush rule ls | expect_false grep 'bar-asdf'
+ceph osd crush rule rm foo
+ceph osd crush rule rm foo # idempotent
+ceph osd crush rule rm bar
+# can't delete in-use rules, tho:
+ceph osd pool create pinning_pool 1
+expect_false ceph osd crush rule rm replicated_rule
+ceph osd pool rm pinning_pool pinning_pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+# build a simple map
+expect_false ceph osd crush add-bucket foo osd
+ceph osd crush add-bucket foo root
+o1=`ceph osd create`
+o2=`ceph osd create`
+ceph osd crush add $o1 1 host=host1 root=foo
+ceph osd crush add $o1 1 host=host1 root=foo # idemptoent
+ceph osd crush add $o2 1 host=host2 root=foo
+ceph osd crush add $o2 1 host=host2 root=foo # idempotent
+ceph osd crush add-bucket bar root
+ceph osd crush add-bucket bar root # idempotent
+ceph osd crush link host1 root=bar
+ceph osd crush link host1 root=bar # idempotent
+ceph osd crush link host2 root=bar
+ceph osd crush link host2 root=bar # idempotent
+ceph osd tree | grep -c osd.$o1 | grep -q 2
+ceph osd tree | grep -c host1 | grep -q 2
+ceph osd tree | grep -c osd.$o2 | grep -q 2
+ceph osd tree | grep -c host2 | grep -q 2
+expect_false ceph osd crush rm host1 foo # not empty
+ceph osd crush unlink host1 foo
+ceph osd crush unlink host1 foo
+ceph osd tree | grep -c host1 | grep -q 1
+expect_false ceph osd crush rm foo # not empty
+expect_false ceph osd crush rm bar # not empty
+ceph osd crush unlink host1 bar
+ceph osd tree | grep -c host1 | grep -q 1 # now an orphan
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o1 host1
+ceph osd crush rm host1
+ceph osd tree | grep -c host1 | grep -q 0
+expect_false ceph osd crush rm bar # not empty
+ceph osd crush unlink host2
+# reference foo and bar with a rule
+ceph osd crush rule create-simple foo-rule foo host firstn
+expect_false ceph osd crush rm foo
+ceph osd crush rule rm foo-rule
+ceph osd crush rm bar
+ceph osd crush rm foo
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o2 host2
+ceph osd crush rm host2
+ceph osd crush add-bucket foo host
+ceph osd crush move foo root=default rack=localrack
+ceph osd crush create-or-move osd.$o1 1.0 root=default
+ceph osd crush move osd.$o1 host=foo
+ceph osd find osd.$o1 | grep host | grep foo
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o1
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o2
+ceph osd crush rm foo
+# test reweight
+o3=`ceph osd create`
+ceph osd crush add $o3 123 root=default
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o3 | grep 123
+ceph osd crush reweight osd.$o3 113
+expect_false ceph osd crush reweight osd.$o3 123456
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o3 | grep 113
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o3
+ceph osd rm osd.$o3
+# test reweight-subtree
+o4=`ceph osd create`
+o5=`ceph osd create`
+ceph osd crush add $o4 123 root=default host=foobaz
+ceph osd crush add $o5 123 root=default host=foobaz
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o4 | grep 123
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o5 | grep 123
+ceph osd crush reweight-subtree foobaz 155
+expect_false ceph osd crush reweight-subtree foobaz 123456
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o4 | grep 155
+ceph osd tree | grep osd.$o5 | grep 155
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o4
+ceph osd crush rm osd.$o5
+ceph osd rm osd.$o4
+ceph osd rm osd.$o5
+# weight sets
+# make sure we require luminous before testing weight-sets
+ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous
+ceph osd crush weight-set dump
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls
+expect_false ceph osd crush weight-set reweight fooset osd.0 .9
+ceph osd pool create fooset 8
+ceph osd pool create barset 8
+ceph osd pool set barset size 3
+expect_false ceph osd crush weight-set reweight fooset osd.0 .9
+ceph osd crush weight-set create fooset flat
+ceph osd crush weight-set create barset positional
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep fooset
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep barset
+ceph osd crush weight-set dump
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight fooset osd.0 .9
+expect_false ceph osd crush weight-set reweight fooset osd.0 .9 .9
+expect_false ceph osd crush weight-set reweight barset osd.0 .9
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight barset osd.0 .9 .9 .9
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep -c fooset | grep -q 1
+ceph osd crush weight-set rm fooset
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep -c fooset | grep -q 0
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep barset
+ceph osd crush weight-set rm barset
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep -c barset | grep -q 0
+ceph osd crush weight-set create-compat
+ceph osd crush weight-set ls | grep '(compat)'
+ceph osd crush weight-set rm-compat
+# weight set vs device classes
+ceph osd pool create cool 2
+ceph osd pool create cold 2
+ceph osd pool set cold size 2
+ceph osd crush weight-set create-compat
+ceph osd crush weight-set create cool flat
+ceph osd crush weight-set create cold positional
+ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.0
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight-compat osd.0 10.5
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight cool osd.0 11.5
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight cold osd.0 12.5 12.4
+ceph osd crush set-device-class fish osd.0
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep fish | grep 10\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep fish | grep 11\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep fish | grep 12\\.
+ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.0
+ceph osd crush set-device-class globster osd.0
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 10\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 11\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 12\\.
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight-compat osd.0 7.5
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight cool osd.0 8.5
+ceph osd crush weight-set reweight cold osd.0 6.5 6.6
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 7\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 8\\.
+ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow | grep osd\\.0 | grep globster | grep 6\\.
+ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.0
+ceph osd pool rm cool cool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd pool rm cold cold --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd crush weight-set rm-compat
+echo OK
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..75bf220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/bin/sh -x
+set -e
+# shoudl get same id with same uuid
+na=`ceph osd create $ua`
+test $na -eq `ceph osd create $ua`
+nb=`ceph osd create $ub`
+test $nb -eq `ceph osd create $ub`
+test $nb -ne $na
+ceph osd rm $na
+ceph osd rm $na
+ceph osd rm $nb
+ceph osd rm 1000
+na2=`ceph osd create $ua`
+echo OK
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1773c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import json
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ string = basestring
+ unicode = unicode
+elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ string = str
+ unicode = str
+class UnexpectedReturn(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, cmd, ret, expected, msg):
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ self.cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(cmd, string) or isinstance(cmd, unicode), \
+ 'cmd needs to be either a list or a str'
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ self.cmd = str(self.cmd)
+ self.ret = int(ret)
+ self.expected = int(expected)
+ self.msg = str(msg)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr('{c}: expected return {e}, got {r} ({o})'.format(
+ c=self.cmd, e=self.expected, r=self.ret, o=self.msg))
+def call(cmd):
+ if isinstance(cmd, list):
+ args = cmd
+ elif isinstance(cmd, string) or isinstance(cmd, unicode):
+ args = shlex.split(cmd)
+ else:
+ assert False, 'cmd is not a string/unicode nor a list!'
+ print('call: {0}'.format(args))
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ procout, procerr = proc.communicate(None)
+ return proc.returncode, procout, procerr
+def expect(cmd, expected_ret):
+ try:
+ (r, out, err) = call(cmd)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ assert False, \
+ 'unable to run {c}: {err}'.format(c=repr(cmd), err=str(e))
+ if r != expected_ret:
+ raise UnexpectedReturn(repr(cmd), r, expected_ret, err)
+ return out.decode() if isinstance(out, bytes) else out
+def get_quorum_status(timeout=300):
+ cmd = 'ceph quorum_status'
+ if timeout > 0:
+ cmd += ' --connect-timeout {0}'.format(timeout)
+ out = expect(cmd, 0)
+ j = json.loads(out)
+ return j
+def main():
+ quorum_status = get_quorum_status()
+ mon_names = [mon['name'] for mon in quorum_status['monmap']['mons']]
+ print('ping all monitors')
+ for m in mon_names:
+ print('ping mon.{0}'.format(m))
+ out = expect('ceph ping mon.{0}'.format(m), 0)
+ reply = json.loads(out)
+ assert reply['mon_status']['name'] == m, \
+ 'reply obtained from mon.{0}, expected mon.{1}'.format(
+ reply['mon_status']['name'], m)
+ print('test out-of-quorum reply')
+ for m in mon_names:
+ print('testing mon.{0}'.format(m))
+ expect('ceph daemon mon.{0} quorum exit'.format(m), 0)
+ quorum_status = get_quorum_status()
+ assert m not in quorum_status['quorum_names'], \
+ 'mon.{0} was not supposed to be in quorum ({1})'.format(
+ m, quorum_status['quorum_names'])
+ out = expect('ceph ping mon.{0}'.format(m), 0)
+ reply = json.loads(out)
+ mon_status = reply['mon_status']
+ assert mon_status['name'] == m, \
+ 'reply obtained from mon.{0}, expected mon.{1}'.format(
+ mon_status['name'], m)
+ assert mon_status['state'] == 'electing', \
+ 'mon.{0} is in state {1}, expected electing'.format(
+ m, mon_status['state'])
+ expect('ceph daemon mon.{0} quorum enter'.format(m), 0)
+ print('OK')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b19dbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+set -e
+function expect_false()
+ set -x
+ if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
+# note: we need to pass the other args or will take
+# 'invalid' that is not replicated|erasure and assume it is the next
+# argument, which is a string.
+expect_false ceph osd pool create foo 123 123 invalid foo-profile foo-ruleset
+ceph osd pool create foo 123 123 replicated
+ceph osd pool create fooo 123 123 erasure default
+ceph osd pool create foooo 123
+ceph osd pool create foo 123 # idempotent
+ceph osd pool set foo size 1
+ceph osd pool set foo size 4
+ceph osd pool set foo size 10
+expect_false ceph osd pool set foo size 0
+expect_false ceph osd pool set foo size 20
+# should fail due to safety interlock
+expect_false ceph osd pool delete foo
+expect_false ceph osd pool delete foo foo
+expect_false ceph osd pool delete foo foo --force
+expect_false ceph osd pool delete foo fooo --yes-i-really-mean-it
+expect_false ceph osd pool delete foo --yes-i-really-mean-it foo
+ceph osd pool delete foooo foooo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd pool delete fooo fooo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd pool delete foo foo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+# idempotent
+ceph osd pool delete foo foo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd pool delete fooo fooo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+ceph osd pool delete fooo fooo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+# non-existent pool
+ceph osd pool delete fuggg fuggg --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
+echo OK
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2bff335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# attempt to trigger #6047
+ cmd_no=$(($cmd_no+1))
+ cmd="$1"
+ expected=$2
+ echo "[$cmd_no] $cmd"
+ eval $cmd
+ ret=$?
+ if [[ $ret -ne $expected ]]; then
+ echo "[$cmd_no] unexpected return '$ret', expected '$expected'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ceph osd pool delete test test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it || true
+expect 'ceph osd pool create test 256 256' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test pool init' 0
+expect 'ceph osd pool mksnap test snapshot' 0
+expect 'ceph osd pool rmsnap test snapshot' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test --rbd_validate_pool=false create --size=102400 image' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test snap create image@snapshot' 22
+expect 'ceph osd pool delete test test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it' 0
+expect 'ceph osd pool create test 256 256' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test pool init' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test create --size=102400 image' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test snap create image@snapshot' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test snap ls image' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool=test snap rm image@snapshot' 0
+expect 'ceph osd pool mksnap test snapshot' 22
+expect 'ceph osd pool delete test test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it' 0
+# reproduce 7210 and expect it to be fixed
+# basically create such a scenario where we end up deleting what used to
+# be an unmanaged snapshot from a not-unmanaged pool
+ceph osd pool delete test-foo test-foo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it || true
+expect 'rados mkpool test-foo' 0
+expect 'rbd pool init test-foo'
+expect 'rbd --pool test-foo create --size 1024 image' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool test-foo snap create image@snapshot' 0
+ceph osd pool delete test-bar test-bar --yes-i-really-really-mean-it || true
+expect 'rados mkpool test-bar' 0
+expect 'rbd pool init test-bar'
+expect 'rados cppool test-foo test-bar --yes-i-really-mean-it' 0
+expect 'rbd --pool test-bar snap rm image@snapshot' 95
+expect 'ceph osd pool delete test-foo test-foo --yes-i-really-really-mean-it' 0
+expect 'ceph osd pool delete test-bar test-bar --yes-i-really-really-mean-it' 0
+echo OK
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..168f6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/mon/
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# test_mon_config_key - Test 'ceph config-key' interface
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Inktank
+# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation. See file COPYING.
+import argparse
+import base64
+import errno
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import random
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+# Accepted Environment variables:
+# CEPH_TEST_VERBOSE - be more verbose; '1' enables; '0' disables
+# CEPH_TEST_DURATION - test duration in seconds
+# CEPH_TEST_SEED - seed to be used during the test
+# Accepted arguments and options (see --help):
+# -v, --verbose - be more verbose
+# -d, --duration SECS - test duration in seconds
+# -s, --seed SEED - seed to be used during the test
+LOG = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0].replace('.py', '')))
+SIZES = [
+ (0, 0),
+ (10, 0),
+ (25, 0),
+ (50, 0),
+ (100, 0),
+ (1000, 0),
+ (4096, 0),
+ (4097, -errno.EFBIG),
+ (8192, -errno.EFBIG)
+# tests will be randomly selected from the keys here, and the test
+# suboperation will be randomly selected from the list in the values
+# here. i.e. 'exists/existing' would test that a key the test put into
+# the store earlier actually does still exist in the config store,
+# and that's a separate test case from 'exists/enoent', which tests
+# nonexistence of a key known to not be present.
+OPS = {
+ 'put': ['existing', 'new'],
+ 'del': ['existing', 'enoent'],
+ 'exists': ['existing', 'enoent'],
+ 'get': ['existing', 'enoent'],
+ 'list': ['existing', 'enoent'],
+ 'dump': ['existing', 'enoent'],
+CONFIG_PUT = [] # list: keys
+CONFIG_DEL = [] # list: keys
+CONFIG_EXISTING = {} # map: key -> size
+def run_cmd(cmd, expects=0):
+ full_cmd = ['ceph', 'config-key'] + cmd
+ if expects < 0:
+ expects = -expects
+ cmdlog = LOG.getChild('run_cmd')
+ cmdlog.debug('{fc}'.format(fc=' '.join(full_cmd)))
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(full_cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout = []
+ stderr = []
+ while True:
+ try:
+ out, err = proc.communicate()
+ if out is not None:
+ stdout += out.decode().split('\n')
+ cmdlog.debug('stdout: {s}'.format(s=out))
+ if err is not None:
+ stdout += err.decode().split('\n')
+ cmdlog.debug('stderr: {s}'.format(s=err))
+ except ValueError:
+ ret = proc.wait()
+ break
+ if ret != expects:
+ cmdlog.error('cmd > {cmd}'.format(cmd=full_cmd))
+ cmdlog.error("expected return '{expected}' got '{got}'".format(
+ expected=expects, got=ret))
+ cmdlog.error('stdout')
+ for i in stdout:
+ cmdlog.error('{x}'.format(x=i))
+ cmdlog.error('stderr')
+ for i in stderr:
+ cmdlog.error('{x}'.format(x=i))
+# end run_cmd
+def gen_data(size, rnd):
+ chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ return ''.join(rnd.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
+def gen_key(rnd):
+ return gen_data(20, rnd)
+def gen_tmp_file_path(rnd):
+ file_name = gen_data(20, rnd)
+ file_path = os.path.join('/tmp', 'ceph-test.' + file_name)
+ return file_path
+def destroy_tmp_file(fpath):
+ if os.path.exists(fpath) and os.path.isfile(fpath):
+ os.unlink(fpath)
+def write_data_file(data, rnd):
+ file_path = gen_tmp_file_path(rnd)
+ data_file = open(file_path, 'a+')
+ data_file.truncate()
+ data_file.write(data)
+ data_file.close()
+ return file_path
+# end write_data_file
+def choose_random_op(rnd):
+ op = rnd.choice(
+ list(OPS.keys())
+ )
+ sop = rnd.choice(OPS[op])
+ return op, sop
+def parse_args(args):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Test the monitor's 'config-key' API",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='be more verbose',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--seed',
+ metavar='SEED',
+ help='use SEED instead of generating it in run-time',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-d', '--duration',
+ metavar='SECS',
+ help='run test for SECS seconds (default: 300)',
+ )
+ parser.set_defaults(
+ seed=None,
+ duration=300,
+ verbose=False,
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args(args)
+def main():
+ args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ verbose = args.verbose
+ if os.environ.get('CEPH_TEST_VERBOSE') is not None:
+ verbose = (os.environ.get('CEPH_TEST_VERBOSE') == '1')
+ duration = int(os.environ.get('CEPH_TEST_DURATION', args.duration))
+ seed = os.environ.get('CEPH_TEST_SEED', args.seed)
+ seed = int(time.time()) if seed is None else int(seed)
+ rnd = random.Random()
+ rnd.seed(seed)
+ loglevel = logging.INFO
+ if verbose:
+ loglevel = logging.DEBUG
+ logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel)
+'seed: {s}'.format(s=seed))
+ start = time.time()
+ while (time.time() - start) < duration:
+ (op, sop) = choose_random_op(rnd)
+'{o}({s})'.format(o=op, s=sop))
+ op_log = LOG.getChild('{o}({s})'.format(o=op, s=sop))
+ if op == 'put':
+ via_file = (rnd.uniform(0, 100) < 50.0)
+ expected = 0
+ cmd = ['put']
+ key = None
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ if len(CONFIG_EXISTING) == 0:
+ op_log.debug('no existing keys; continue')
+ continue
+ key = rnd.choice(CONFIG_PUT)
+ assert key in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ "key '{k_}' not in CONFIG_EXISTING".format(k_=key)
+ expected = 0 # the store just overrides the value if the key exists
+ # end if sop == 'existing'
+ elif sop == 'new':
+ for x in range(0, 10):
+ key = gen_key(rnd)
+ if key not in CONFIG_EXISTING:
+ break
+ key = None
+ if key is None:
+ op_log.error('unable to generate an unique key -- try again later.')
+ continue
+ assert key not in CONFIG_PUT and key not in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ 'key {k} was not supposed to exist!'.format(k=key)
+ assert key is not None, \
+ 'key must be != None'
+ cmd += [key]
+ (size, error) = rnd.choice(SIZES)
+ if size > 25:
+ via_file = True
+ data = gen_data(size, rnd)
+ if error == 0: # only add if we expect the put to be successful
+ if sop == 'new':
+ CONFIG_PUT.append(key)
+ CONFIG_EXISTING[key] = size
+ expected = error
+ if via_file:
+ data_file = write_data_file(data, rnd)
+ cmd += ['-i', data_file]
+ else:
+ cmd += [data]
+ op_log.debug('size: {sz}, via: {v}'.format(
+ sz=size,
+ v='file: {f}'.format(f=data_file) if via_file == True else 'cli')
+ )
+ run_cmd(cmd, expects=expected)
+ if via_file:
+ destroy_tmp_file(data_file)
+ continue
+ elif op == 'del':
+ expected = 0
+ cmd = ['del']
+ key = None
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ if len(CONFIG_EXISTING) == 0:
+ op_log.debug('no existing keys; continue')
+ continue
+ key = rnd.choice(CONFIG_PUT)
+ assert key in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ "key '{k_}' not in CONFIG_EXISTING".format(k_=key)
+ if sop == 'enoent':
+ for x in range(0, 10):
+ key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20)).decode()
+ if key not in CONFIG_EXISTING:
+ break
+ key = None
+ if key is None:
+ op_log.error('unable to generate an unique key -- try again later.')
+ continue
+ assert key not in CONFIG_PUT and key not in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ 'key {k} was not supposed to exist!'.format(k=key)
+ expected = 0 # deleting a non-existent key succeeds
+ assert key is not None, \
+ 'key must be != None'
+ cmd += [key]
+ op_log.debug('key: {k}'.format(k=key))
+ run_cmd(cmd, expects=expected)
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ CONFIG_DEL.append(key)
+ CONFIG_PUT.remove(key)
+ continue
+ elif op == 'exists':
+ expected = 0
+ cmd = ['exists']
+ key = None
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ if len(CONFIG_EXISTING) == 0:
+ op_log.debug('no existing keys; continue')
+ continue
+ key = rnd.choice(CONFIG_PUT)
+ assert key in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ "key '{k_}' not in CONFIG_EXISTING".format(k_=key)
+ if sop == 'enoent':
+ for x in range(0, 10):
+ key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20)).decode()
+ if key not in CONFIG_EXISTING:
+ break
+ key = None
+ if key is None:
+ op_log.error('unable to generate an unique key -- try again later.')
+ continue
+ assert key not in CONFIG_PUT and key not in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ 'key {k} was not supposed to exist!'.format(k=key)
+ expected = -errno.ENOENT
+ assert key is not None, \
+ 'key must be != None'
+ cmd += [key]
+ op_log.debug('key: {k}'.format(k=key))
+ run_cmd(cmd, expects=expected)
+ continue
+ elif op == 'get':
+ expected = 0
+ cmd = ['get']
+ key = None
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ if len(CONFIG_EXISTING) == 0:
+ op_log.debug('no existing keys; continue')
+ continue
+ key = rnd.choice(CONFIG_PUT)
+ assert key in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ "key '{k_}' not in CONFIG_EXISTING".format(k_=key)
+ if sop == 'enoent':
+ for x in range(0, 10):
+ key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20)).decode()
+ if key not in CONFIG_EXISTING:
+ break
+ key = None
+ if key is None:
+ op_log.error('unable to generate an unique key -- try again later.')
+ continue
+ assert key not in CONFIG_PUT and key not in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ 'key {k} was not supposed to exist!'.format(k=key)
+ expected = -errno.ENOENT
+ assert key is not None, \
+ 'key must be != None'
+ file_path = gen_tmp_file_path(rnd)
+ cmd += [key, '-o', file_path]
+ op_log.debug('key: {k}'.format(k=key))
+ run_cmd(cmd, expects=expected)
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ try:
+ temp_file = open(file_path, 'r+')
+ except IOError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ assert CONFIG_EXISTING[key] == 0, \
+ "error opening '{fp}': {e}".format(fp=file_path, e=err)
+ continue
+ else:
+ assert False, \
+ 'some error occurred: {e}'.format(e=err)
+ cnt = 0
+ while True:
+ read_data =
+ if read_data == '':
+ break
+ cnt += len(read_data)
+ assert cnt == CONFIG_EXISTING[key], \
+ "wrong size from store for key '{k}': {sz}, expected {es}".format(
+ k=key, sz=cnt, es=CONFIG_EXISTING[key])
+ destroy_tmp_file(file_path)
+ continue
+ elif op == 'list' or op == 'dump':
+ expected = 0
+ cmd = [op]
+ key = None
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ if len(CONFIG_EXISTING) == 0:
+ op_log.debug('no existing keys; continue')
+ continue
+ key = rnd.choice(CONFIG_PUT)
+ assert key in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ "key '{k_}' not in CONFIG_EXISTING".format(k_=key)
+ if sop == 'enoent':
+ for x in range(0, 10):
+ key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(20)).decode()
+ if key not in CONFIG_EXISTING:
+ break
+ key = None
+ if key is None:
+ op_log.error('unable to generate an unique key -- try again later.')
+ continue
+ assert key not in CONFIG_PUT and key not in CONFIG_EXISTING, \
+ 'key {k} was not supposed to exist!'.format(k=key)
+ assert key is not None, \
+ 'key must be != None'
+ file_path = gen_tmp_file_path(rnd)
+ cmd += ['-o', file_path]
+ op_log.debug('key: {k}'.format(k=key))
+ run_cmd(cmd, expects=expected)
+ try:
+ temp_file = open(file_path, 'r+')
+ except IOError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ assert CONFIG_EXISTING[key] == 0, \
+ "error opening '{fp}': {e}".format(fp=file_path, e=err)
+ continue
+ else:
+ assert False, \
+ 'some error occurred: {e}'.format(e=err)
+ cnt = 0
+ try:
+ read_data = json.load(temp_file)
+ except ValueError:
+ assert False, "{op} output was not valid JSON:\n{filedata}".format(op, temp_file.readlines())
+ if sop == 'existing':
+ assert key in read_data, "key '{k}' not found in list/dump output".format(k=key)
+ if op == 'dump':
+ cnt = len(read_data[key])
+ assert cnt == CONFIG_EXISTING[key], \
+ "wrong size from list for key '{k}': {sz}, expected {es}".format(
+ k=key, sz=cnt, es=CONFIG_EXISTING[key])
+ elif sop == 'enoent':
+ assert key not in read_data, "key '{k}' found in list/dump output".format(k=key)
+ destroy_tmp_file(file_path)
+ continue
+ else:
+ assert False, 'unknown op {o}'.format(o=op)
+ # check if all keys in 'CONFIG_PUT' exist and
+ # if all keys on 'CONFIG_DEL' don't.
+ # but first however, remove all keys in CONFIG_PUT that might
+ # be in CONFIG_DEL as well.
+ config_put_set = set(CONFIG_PUT)
+ config_del_set = set(CONFIG_DEL).difference(config_put_set)
+'perform sanity checks on store')
+ for k in config_put_set:
+ LOG.getChild('check(puts)').debug('key: {k_}'.format(k_=k))
+ run_cmd(['exists', k], expects=0)
+ for k in config_del_set:
+ LOG.getChild('check(dels)').debug('key: {k_}'.format(k_=k))
+ run_cmd(['exists', k], expects=-errno.ENOENT)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()