path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/tasks/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec0b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+rgw routines
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import errno
+import util.rgw as rgw_utils
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from teuthology import misc as teuthology
+from teuthology import contextutil
+from import CommandFailedError
+from util.rgw import rgwadmin, wait_for_radosgw
+from util.rados import (rados, create_ec_pool,
+ create_replicated_pool,
+ create_cache_pool)
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def start_rgw(ctx, config, clients):
+ """
+ Start rgw on remote sites.
+ """
+'Starting rgw...')
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ for client in clients:
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
+ cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
+ client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
+ client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
+ client_config = config.get(client)
+ if client_config is None:
+ client_config = {}
+"rgw %s config is %s", client, client_config)
+ cmd_prefix = [
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ 'daemon-helper',
+ 'term',
+ ]
+ rgw_cmd = ['radosgw']
+"Using %s as radosgw frontend", ctx.rgw.frontend)
+ host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
+ rgw_cmd.extend([
+ '--rgw-frontends',
+ '{frontend} port={port}'.format(frontend=ctx.rgw.frontend, port=port),
+ '-n', client_with_id,
+ '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ '-k', '/etc/ceph/{client_with_cluster}.keyring'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
+ '--log-file',
+ '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.log'.format(client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
+ '--rgw_ops_log_socket_path',
+ '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client_with_cluster}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
+ client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
+ '--foreground',
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'tee',
+ '/var/log/ceph/rgw.{client_with_cluster}.stdout'.format(tdir=testdir,
+ client_with_cluster=client_with_cluster),
+ run.Raw('2>&1'),
+ ])
+ if client_config.get('valgrind'):
+ cmd_prefix = teuthology.get_valgrind_args(
+ testdir,
+ client_with_cluster,
+ cmd_prefix,
+ client_config.get('valgrind')
+ )
+ run_cmd = list(cmd_prefix)
+ run_cmd.extend(rgw_cmd)
+ ctx.daemons.add_daemon(
+ remote, 'rgw', client_with_id,
+ cluster=cluster_name,
+ args=run_cmd,
+ logger=log.getChild(client),
+ stdin=run.PIPE,
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ # XXX: add_daemon() doesn't let us wait until radosgw finishes startup
+ for client in config.keys():
+ host, port = ctx.rgw.role_endpoints[client]
+ endpoint = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=host, port=port)
+'Polling {client} until it starts accepting connections on {endpoint}'.format(client=client, endpoint=endpoint))
+ wait_for_radosgw(endpoint)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ for client in config.iterkeys():
+ cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
+ client_with_id = daemon_type + '.' + client_id
+ client_with_cluster = cluster_name + '.' + client_with_id
+ ctx.daemons.get_daemon('rgw', client_with_id, cluster_name).stop()
+ ctx.cluster.only(client).run(
+ args=[
+ 'rm',
+ '-f',
+ '{tdir}/rgw.opslog.{client}.sock'.format(tdir=testdir,
+ client=client_with_cluster),
+ ],
+ )
+def assign_ports(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Assign port numberst starting with port 7280.
+ """
+ port = 7280
+ role_endpoints = {}
+ for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in roles_for_host:
+ if role in config:
+ role_endpoints[role] = ('@')[1], port)
+ port += 1
+ return role_endpoints
+def create_pools(ctx, clients):
+ """Create replicated or erasure coded data pools for rgw."""
+'Creating data pools')
+ for client in clients:
+ log.debug("Obtaining remote for client {}".format(client))
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.iterkeys()
+ data_pool = '.rgw.buckets'
+ cluster_name, daemon_type, client_id = teuthology.split_role(client)
+ if ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool:
+ create_ec_pool(remote, data_pool, client, 64,
+ ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile, cluster_name, 'rgw')
+ else:
+ create_replicated_pool(remote, data_pool, 64, cluster_name, 'rgw')
+ if ctx.rgw.cache_pools:
+ create_cache_pool(remote, data_pool, data_pool + '.cache', 64,
+ 64*1024*1024, cluster_name)
+ log.debug('Pools created')
+ yield
+def configure_compression(ctx, clients, compression):
+ """ set a compression type in the default zone placement """
+'Configuring compression type = %s', compression)
+ for client in clients:
+ # XXX: the 'default' zone and zonegroup aren't created until we run RGWRados::init_complete().
+ # issue a 'radosgw-admin user list' command to trigger this
+ rgwadmin(ctx, client, cmd=['user', 'list'], check_status=True)
+ rgwadmin(ctx, client,
+ cmd=['zone', 'placement', 'modify', '--rgw-zone', 'default',
+ '--placement-id', 'default-placement',
+ '--compression', compression],
+ check_status=True)
+ yield
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ For example, to run rgw on all clients::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - rgw:
+ To only run on certain clients::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - rgw: [client.0, client.3]
+ or
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - rgw:
+ client.0:
+ client.3:
+ To run radosgw through valgrind:
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - rgw:
+ client.0:
+ valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
+ client.3:
+ valgrind: [--tool=memcheck]
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = dict(('client.{id}'.format(id=id_), None)
+ for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(
+ ctx.cluster, 'client'))
+ elif isinstance(config, list):
+ config = dict((name, None) for name in config)
+ clients = config.keys() #
+ overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
+ teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('rgw', {}))
+ role_endpoints = assign_ports(ctx, config)
+ ctx.rgw = argparse.Namespace()
+ ctx.rgw.role_endpoints = role_endpoints
+ ctx.rgw.ec_data_pool = bool(config.pop('ec-data-pool', False))
+ ctx.rgw.erasure_code_profile = config.pop('erasure_code_profile', {})
+ ctx.rgw.cache_pools = bool(config.pop('cache-pools', False))
+ ctx.rgw.frontend = config.pop('frontend', 'civetweb')
+ ctx.rgw.compression_type = config.pop('compression type', None)
+ ctx.rgw.config = config
+ log.debug("config is {}".format(config))
+ log.debug("client list is {}".format(clients))
+ subtasks = [
+ lambda: create_pools(ctx=ctx, clients=clients),
+ ]
+ if ctx.rgw.compression_type:
+ subtasks.extend([
+ lambda: configure_compression(ctx=ctx, clients=clients,
+ compression=ctx.rgw.compression_type),
+ ])
+ subtasks.extend([
+ lambda: start_rgw(ctx=ctx, config=config, clients=clients),
+ ])
+ with contextutil.nested(*subtasks):
+ yield