path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/tasks/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 1688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f2653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
@@ -0,0 +1,1688 @@
+Ceph cluster task.
+Handle the setup, starting, and clean-up of a Ceph cluster.
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import logging
+import os
+import json
+import time
+import gevent
+import socket
+from paramiko import SSHException
+from ceph_manager import CephManager, write_conf
+from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem
+from teuthology import misc as teuthology
+from teuthology import contextutil
+from teuthology import exceptions
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+import ceph_client as cclient
+from teuthology.orchestra.daemon import DaemonGroup
+CEPH_ROLE_TYPES = ['mon', 'mgr', 'osd', 'mds', 'rgw']
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def generate_caps(type_):
+ """
+ Each call will return the next capability for each system type
+ (essentially a subset of possible role values). Valid types are osd,
+ mds and client.
+ """
+ defaults = dict(
+ osd=dict(
+ mon='allow *',
+ mgr='allow *',
+ osd='allow *',
+ ),
+ mgr=dict(
+ mon='allow profile mgr',
+ osd='allow *',
+ mds='allow *',
+ ),
+ mds=dict(
+ mon='allow *',
+ mgr='allow *',
+ osd='allow *',
+ mds='allow',
+ ),
+ client=dict(
+ mon='allow rw',
+ mgr='allow r',
+ osd='allow rwx',
+ mds='allow',
+ ),
+ )
+ for subsystem, capability in defaults[type_].items():
+ yield '--cap'
+ yield subsystem
+ yield capability
+def ceph_log(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Create /var/log/ceph log directory that is open to everyone.
+ Add valgrind and profiling-logger directories.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+'Making ceph log dir writeable by non-root...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'chmod',
+ '777',
+ '/var/log/ceph',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+'Disabling ceph logrotate...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'rm', '-f', '--',
+ '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+'Creating extra log directories...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'install', '-d', '-m0777', '--',
+ '/var/log/ceph/valgrind',
+ '/var/log/ceph/profiling-logger',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+ class Rotater(object):
+ stop_event = gevent.event.Event()
+ def invoke_logrotate(self):
+ # 1) install ceph-test.conf in /etc/logrotate.d
+ # 2) continuously loop over logrotate invocation with ceph-test.conf
+ while not self.stop_event.is_set():
+ self.stop_event.wait(timeout=30)
+ try:
+ run.wait(
+ args=['sudo', 'logrotate', '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf'
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+ except exceptions.ConnectionLostError as e:
+ # Some tests may power off nodes during test, in which
+ # case we will see connection errors that we should ignore.
+ log.debug("Missed logrotate, node '{0}' is offline".format(
+ e.node))
+ except EOFError as e:
+ # Paramiko sometimes raises this when it fails to
+ # connect to a node during open_session. As with
+ # ConnectionLostError, we ignore this because nodes
+ # are allowed to get power cycled during tests.
+ log.debug("Missed logrotate, EOFError")
+ except SSHException as e:
+ log.debug("Missed logrotate, SSHException")
+ except socket.error as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EHOSTUNREACH:
+ log.debug("Missed logrotate, host unreachable")
+ else:
+ raise
+ def begin(self):
+ self.thread = gevent.spawn(self.invoke_logrotate)
+ def end(self):
+ self.stop_event.set()
+ self.thread.get()
+ def write_rotate_conf(ctx, daemons):
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ rotate_conf_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'logrotate.conf')
+ with file(rotate_conf_path, 'rb') as f:
+ conf = ""
+ for daemon, size in daemons.iteritems():
+'writing logrotate stanza for {daemon}'.format(daemon=daemon))
+ conf +=, max_size=size)
+, 0)
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
+ teuthology.write_file(remote=remote,
+ path='{tdir}/logrotate.ceph-test.conf'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ data=StringIO(conf)
+ )
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mv',
+ '{tdir}/logrotate.ceph-test.conf'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf',
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'chmod',
+ '0644',
+ '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf',
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'chown',
+ 'root.root',
+ '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf'
+ ]
+ )
+ remote.chcon('/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf',
+ 'system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0')
+ if ctx.config.get('log-rotate'):
+ daemons = ctx.config.get('log-rotate')
+'Setting up log rotation with ' + str(daemons))
+ write_rotate_conf(ctx, daemons)
+ logrotater = Rotater()
+ logrotater.begin()
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if ctx.config.get('log-rotate'):
+'Shutting down logrotate')
+ logrotater.end()
+ args=['sudo', 'rm', '/etc/logrotate.d/ceph-test.conf'
+ ]
+ )
+ if ctx.archive is not None and \
+ not (ctx.config.get('archive-on-error') and ctx.summary['success']):
+ # and logs
+'Compressing logs...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'find',
+ '/var/log/ceph',
+ '-name',
+ '*.log',
+ '-print0',
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'xargs',
+ '-0',
+ '--no-run-if-empty',
+ '--',
+ 'gzip',
+ '--',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ ),
+ )
+'Archiving logs...')
+ path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'remote')
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
+ sub = os.path.join(path, remote.shortname)
+ os.makedirs(sub)
+ teuthology.pull_directory(remote, '/var/log/ceph',
+ os.path.join(sub, 'log'))
+def assign_devs(roles, devs):
+ """
+ Create a dictionary of devs indexed by roles
+ :param roles: List of roles
+ :param devs: Corresponding list of devices.
+ :returns: Dictionary of devs indexed by roles.
+ """
+ return dict(zip(roles, devs))
+def valgrind_post(ctx, config):
+ """
+ After the tests run, look throught all the valgrind logs. Exceptions are raised
+ if textual errors occured in the logs, or if valgrind exceptions were detected in
+ the logs.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ lookup_procs = list()
+'Checking for errors in any valgrind logs...')
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
+ # look at valgrind logs for each node
+ proc =
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'zgrep',
+ '<kind>',
+ run.Raw('/var/log/ceph/valgrind/*'),
+ '/dev/null', # include a second file so that we always get a filename prefix on the output
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ 'sort',
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ 'uniq',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ check_status=False,
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ )
+ lookup_procs.append((proc, remote))
+ valgrind_exception = None
+ for (proc, remote) in lookup_procs:
+ proc.wait()
+ out = proc.stdout.getvalue()
+ for line in out.split('\n'):
+ if line == '':
+ continue
+ try:
+ (file, kind) = line.split(':')
+ except Exception:
+ log.error('failed to split line %s', line)
+ raise
+ log.debug('file %s kind %s', file, kind)
+ if (file.find('mds') >= 0) and kind.find('Lost') > 0:
+ continue
+ log.error('saw valgrind issue %s in %s', kind, file)
+ valgrind_exception = Exception('saw valgrind issues')
+ if config.get('expect_valgrind_errors'):
+ if not valgrind_exception:
+ raise Exception('expected valgrind issues and found none')
+ else:
+ if valgrind_exception:
+ raise valgrind_exception
+def crush_setup(ctx, config):
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (mon_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
+ profile = config.get('crush_tunables', 'default')
+'Setting crush tunables to %s', profile)
+ args=['sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'crush', 'tunables', profile])
+ yield
+def create_rbd_pool(ctx, config):
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (mon_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
+'Waiting for OSDs to come up')
+ teuthology.wait_until_osds_up(
+ ctx,
+ cluster=ctx.cluster,
+ remote=mon_remote,
+ ceph_cluster=cluster_name,
+ )
+ if config.get('create_rbd_pool', True):
+'Creating RBD pool')
+ args=['sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'pool', 'create', 'rbd', '8'])
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'pool', 'application', 'enable',
+ 'rbd', 'rbd', '--yes-i-really-mean-it'
+ ],
+ check_status=False)
+ yield
+def cephfs_setup(ctx, config):
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ coverage_dir = '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir)
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (mon_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
+ mdss = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mds', cluster_name))
+ # If there are any MDSs, then create a filesystem for them to use
+ # Do this last because requires mon cluster to be up and running
+ if mdss.remotes:
+'Setting up CephFS filesystem...')
+ fs = Filesystem(ctx, name='cephfs', create=True,
+ ec_profile=config.get('cephfs_ec_profile', None))
+ is_active_mds = lambda role: 'mds.' in role and not role.endswith('-s') and '-s-' not in role
+ all_roles = [item for remote_roles in mdss.remotes.values() for item in remote_roles]
+ num_active = len([r for r in all_roles if is_active_mds(r)])
+ fs.set_max_mds(num_active)
+ fs.set_allow_dirfrags(True)
+ yield
+def cluster(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Handle the creation and removal of a ceph cluster.
+ On startup:
+ Create directories needed for the cluster.
+ Create remote journals for all osds.
+ Create and set keyring.
+ Copy the monmap to tht test systems.
+ Setup mon nodes.
+ Setup mds nodes.
+ Mkfs osd nodes.
+ Add keyring information to monmaps
+ Mkfs mon nodes.
+ On exit:
+ If errors occured, extract a failure message and store in ctx.summary.
+ Unmount all test files and temporary journaling files.
+ Save the monitor information and archive all ceph logs.
+ Cleanup the keyring setup, and remove all monitor map and data files left over.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ if ctx.config.get('use_existing_cluster', False) is True:
+"'use_existing_cluster' is true; skipping cluster creation")
+ yield
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+ data_dir = '{tdir}/{cluster}.data'.format(tdir=testdir, cluster=cluster_name)
+'Creating ceph cluster %s...', cluster_name)
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--',
+ data_dir,
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'install', '-d', '-m0777', '--', '/var/run/ceph',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+ devs_to_clean = {}
+ remote_to_roles_to_devs = {}
+ remote_to_roles_to_journals = {}
+ osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd', cluster_name))
+ for remote, roles_for_host in osds.remotes.iteritems():
+ devs = teuthology.get_scratch_devices(remote)
+ roles_to_devs = {}
+ roles_to_journals = {}
+ if config.get('fs'):
+'fs option selected, checking for scratch devs')
+'found devs: %s' % (str(devs),))
+ devs_id_map = teuthology.get_wwn_id_map(remote, devs)
+ iddevs = devs_id_map.values()
+ roles_to_devs = assign_devs(
+ teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'osd', cluster_name), iddevs
+ )
+ if len(roles_to_devs) < len(iddevs):
+ iddevs = iddevs[len(roles_to_devs):]
+ devs_to_clean[remote] = []
+ if config.get('block_journal'):
+'block journal enabled')
+ roles_to_journals = assign_devs(
+ teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'osd', cluster_name), iddevs
+ )
+'journal map: %s', roles_to_journals)
+ if config.get('tmpfs_journal'):
+'tmpfs journal enabled')
+ roles_to_journals = {}
+['sudo', 'mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'tmpfs', '/mnt'])
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'osd', cluster_name):
+ tmpfs = '/mnt/' + role
+ roles_to_journals[role] = tmpfs
+['truncate', '-s', '1500M', tmpfs])
+'journal map: %s', roles_to_journals)
+'dev map: %s' % (str(roles_to_devs),))
+ remote_to_roles_to_devs[remote] = roles_to_devs
+ remote_to_roles_to_journals[remote] = roles_to_journals
+'Generating config...')
+ remotes_and_roles = ctx.cluster.remotes.items()
+ roles = [role_list for (remote, role_list) in remotes_and_roles]
+ ips = [host for (host, port) in
+ (remote.ssh.get_transport().getpeername() for (remote, role_list) in remotes_and_roles)]
+ conf = teuthology.skeleton_config(ctx, roles=roles, ips=ips, cluster=cluster_name)
+ for remote, roles_to_journals in remote_to_roles_to_journals.iteritems():
+ for role, journal in roles_to_journals.iteritems():
+ name = teuthology.ceph_role(role)
+ if name not in conf:
+ conf[name] = {}
+ conf[name]['osd journal'] = journal
+ for section, keys in config['conf'].iteritems():
+ for key, value in keys.iteritems():
+"[%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value))
+ if section not in conf:
+ conf[section] = {}
+ conf[section][key] = value
+ if config.get('tmpfs_journal'):
+ conf['journal dio'] = False
+ if not hasattr(ctx, 'ceph'):
+ ctx.ceph = {}
+ ctx.ceph[cluster_name] = argparse.Namespace()
+ ctx.ceph[cluster_name].conf = conf
+ default_keyring = '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.keyring'.format(cluster=cluster_name)
+ keyring_path = config.get('keyring_path', default_keyring)
+ coverage_dir = '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir)
+ firstmon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+'Setting up %s...' % firstmon)
+ ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).run(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ '--create-keyring',
+ keyring_path,
+ ],
+ )
+ ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).run(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ '--gen-key',
+ '--name=mon.',
+ keyring_path,
+ ],
+ )
+ ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).run(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'chmod',
+ '0644',
+ keyring_path,
+ ],
+ )
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+ monmap_path = '{tdir}/{cluster}.monmap'.format(tdir=testdir,
+ cluster=cluster_name)
+ fsid = teuthology.create_simple_monmap(
+ ctx,
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ conf=conf,
+ path=monmap_path,
+ )
+ if not 'global' in conf:
+ conf['global'] = {}
+ conf['global']['fsid'] = fsid
+ default_conf_path = '/etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf'.format(cluster=cluster_name)
+ conf_path = config.get('conf_path', default_conf_path)
+'Writing %s for FSID %s...' % (conf_path, fsid))
+ write_conf(ctx, conf_path, cluster_name)
+'Creating admin key on %s...' % firstmon)
+ ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).run(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ '--gen-key',
+ '--name=client.admin',
+ '--set-uid=0',
+ '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *',
+ '--cap', 'osd', 'allow *',
+ '--cap', 'mds', 'allow *',
+ '--cap', 'mgr', 'allow *',
+ keyring_path,
+ ],
+ )
+'Copying monmap to all nodes...')
+ keyring = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ path=keyring_path,
+ )
+ monmap = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ path=monmap_path,
+ )
+ for rem in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
+ # copy mon key and initial monmap
+'Sending monmap to node {remote}'.format(remote=rem))
+ teuthology.sudo_write_file(
+ remote=rem,
+ path=keyring_path,
+ data=keyring,
+ perms='0644'
+ )
+ teuthology.write_file(
+ remote=rem,
+ path=monmap_path,
+ data=monmap,
+ )
+'Setting up mon nodes...')
+ mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon', cluster_name))
+ if not config.get('skip_mgr_daemons', False):
+'Setting up mgr nodes...')
+ mgrs = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mgr', cluster_name))
+ for remote, roles_for_host in mgrs.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'mgr',
+ cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ mgr_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/mgr/{cluster}-{id}'.format(
+ cluster=cluster_name,
+ id=id_,
+ )
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mkdir',
+ '-p',
+ mgr_dir,
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ '--create-keyring',
+ '--gen-key',
+ '--name=mgr.{id}'.format(id=id_),
+ mgr_dir + '/keyring',
+ ],
+ )
+'Setting up mds nodes...')
+ mdss = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mds', cluster_name))
+ for remote, roles_for_host in mdss.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'mds',
+ cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ mds_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/mds/{cluster}-{id}'.format(
+ cluster=cluster_name,
+ id=id_,
+ )
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mkdir',
+ '-p',
+ mds_dir,
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ '--create-keyring',
+ '--gen-key',
+ '--name=mds.{id}'.format(id=id_),
+ mds_dir + '/keyring',
+ ],
+ )
+ cclient.create_keyring(ctx, cluster_name)
+'Running mkfs on osd nodes...')
+ if not hasattr(ctx, 'disk_config'):
+ ctx.disk_config = argparse.Namespace()
+ if not hasattr(ctx.disk_config, 'remote_to_roles_to_dev'):
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev = {}
+ if not hasattr(ctx.disk_config, 'remote_to_roles_to_journals'):
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_journals = {}
+ if not hasattr(ctx.disk_config, 'remote_to_roles_to_dev_mount_options'):
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_mount_options = {}
+ if not hasattr(ctx.disk_config, 'remote_to_roles_to_dev_fstype'):
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_fstype = {}
+ teuthology.deep_merge(ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev, remote_to_roles_to_devs)
+ teuthology.deep_merge(ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_journals, remote_to_roles_to_journals)
+"ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev: {r}".format(r=str(ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev)))
+ for remote, roles_for_host in osds.remotes.iteritems():
+ roles_to_devs = remote_to_roles_to_devs[remote]
+ roles_to_journals = remote_to_roles_to_journals[remote]
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'osd', cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ mnt_point = '/var/lib/ceph/osd/{cluster}-{id}'.format(cluster=cluster_name, id=id_)
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mkdir',
+ '-p',
+ mnt_point,
+ ])
+ if roles_to_devs.get(role):
+ dev = roles_to_devs[role]
+ fs = config.get('fs')
+ package = None
+ mkfs_options = config.get('mkfs_options')
+ mount_options = config.get('mount_options')
+ if fs == 'btrfs':
+ # package = 'btrfs-tools'
+ if mount_options is None:
+ mount_options = ['noatime', 'user_subvol_rm_allowed']
+ if mkfs_options is None:
+ mkfs_options = ['-m', 'single',
+ '-l', '32768',
+ '-n', '32768']
+ if fs == 'xfs':
+ # package = 'xfsprogs'
+ if mount_options is None:
+ mount_options = ['noatime']
+ if mkfs_options is None:
+ mkfs_options = ['-f', '-i', 'size=2048']
+ if fs == 'ext4' or fs == 'ext3':
+ if mount_options is None:
+ mount_options = ['noatime', 'user_xattr']
+ if mount_options is None:
+ mount_options = []
+ if mkfs_options is None:
+ mkfs_options = []
+ mkfs = ['mkfs.%s' % fs] + mkfs_options
+'%s on %s on %s' % (mkfs, dev, remote))
+ if package is not None:
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'apt-get', 'install', '-y', package
+ ],
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ )
+ try:
+['yes', run.Raw('|')] + ['sudo'] + mkfs + [dev])
+ except run.CommandFailedError:
+ # Newer btfs-tools doesn't prompt for overwrite, use -f
+ if '-f' not in mount_options:
+ mkfs_options.append('-f')
+ mkfs = ['mkfs.%s' % fs] + mkfs_options
+'%s on %s on %s' % (mkfs, dev, remote))
+['yes', run.Raw('|')] + ['sudo'] + mkfs + [dev])
+'mount %s on %s -o %s' % (dev, remote,
+ ','.join(mount_options)))
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mount',
+ '-t', fs,
+ '-o', ','.join(mount_options),
+ dev,
+ mnt_point,
+ ]
+ )
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', '/sbin/restorecon', mnt_point,
+ ],
+ check_status=False,
+ )
+ if not remote in ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_mount_options:
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_mount_options[remote] = {}
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_mount_options[remote][role] = mount_options
+ if not remote in ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_fstype:
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_fstype[remote] = {}
+ ctx.disk_config.remote_to_roles_to_dev_fstype[remote][role] = fs
+ devs_to_clean[remote].append(mnt_point)
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'osd', cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-osd',
+ '--cluster',
+ cluster_name,
+ '--mkfs',
+ '--mkkey',
+ '-i', id_,
+ '--monmap', monmap_path,
+ ],
+ )
+'Reading keys from all nodes...')
+ keys_fp = StringIO()
+ keys = []
+ for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
+ for type_ in ['mgr', 'mds', 'osd']:
+ if type_ == 'mgr' and config.get('skip_mgr_daemons', False):
+ continue
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, type_, cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ data = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=remote,
+ path='/var/lib/ceph/{type}/{cluster}-{id}/keyring'.format(
+ type=type_,
+ id=id_,
+ cluster=cluster_name,
+ ),
+ sudo=True,
+ )
+ keys.append((type_, id_, data))
+ keys_fp.write(data)
+ for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'client', cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ data = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=remote,
+ path='/etc/ceph/{cluster}.client.{id}.keyring'.format(id=id_, cluster=cluster_name)
+ )
+ keys.append(('client', id_, data))
+ keys_fp.write(data)
+'Adding keys to all mons...')
+ writes =
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'tee', '-a',
+ keyring_path,
+ ],
+ stdin=run.PIPE,
+ wait=False,
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ )
+ teuthology.feed_many_stdins_and_close(keys_fp, writes)
+ run.wait(writes)
+ for type_, id_, data in keys:
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-authtool',
+ keyring_path,
+ '--name={type}.{id}'.format(
+ type=type_,
+ id=id_,
+ ),
+ ] + list(generate_caps(type_)),
+ wait=False,
+ ),
+ )
+'Running mkfs on mon nodes...')
+ for remote, roles_for_host in mons.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'mon', cluster_name):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'mkdir',
+ '-p',
+ '/var/lib/ceph/mon/{cluster}-{id}'.format(id=id_, cluster=cluster_name),
+ ],
+ )
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'ceph-mon',
+ '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ '--mkfs',
+ '-i', id_,
+ '--monmap', monmap_path,
+ '--keyring', keyring_path,
+ ],
+ )
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'rm',
+ '--',
+ monmap_path,
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ ),
+ )
+ try:
+ yield
+ except Exception:
+ # we need to know this below
+ ctx.summary['success'] = False
+ raise
+ finally:
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+'Checking cluster log for badness...')
+ def first_in_ceph_log(pattern, excludes):
+ """
+ Find the first occurence of the pattern specified in the Ceph log,
+ Returns None if none found.
+ :param pattern: Pattern scanned for.
+ :param excludes: Patterns to ignore.
+ :return: First line of text (or None if not found)
+ """
+ args = [
+ 'sudo',
+ 'egrep', pattern,
+ '/var/log/ceph/{cluster}.log'.format(cluster=cluster_name),
+ ]
+ for exclude in excludes:
+ args.extend([run.Raw('|'), 'egrep', '-v', exclude])
+ args.extend([
+ run.Raw('|'), 'head', '-n', '1',
+ ])
+ r =
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ args=args,
+ )
+ stdout = r.stdout.getvalue()
+ if stdout != '':
+ return stdout
+ return None
+ if first_in_ceph_log('\[ERR\]|\[WRN\]|\[SEC\]',
+ config['log_whitelist']) is not None:
+ log.warning('Found errors (ERR|WRN|SEC) in cluster log')
+ ctx.summary['success'] = False
+ # use the most severe problem as the failure reason
+ if 'failure_reason' not in ctx.summary:
+ for pattern in ['\[SEC\]', '\[ERR\]', '\[WRN\]']:
+ match = first_in_ceph_log(pattern, config['log_whitelist'])
+ if match is not None:
+ ctx.summary['failure_reason'] = \
+ '"{match}" in cluster log'.format(
+ match=match.rstrip('\n'),
+ )
+ break
+ for remote, dirs in devs_to_clean.iteritems():
+ for dir_ in dirs:
+'Unmounting %s on %s' % (dir_, remote))
+ try:
+ args=[
+ 'sync',
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'umount',
+ '-f',
+ dir_
+ ]
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ 'sudo',
+ run.Raw('PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH'),
+ 'lsof',
+ run.Raw(';'),
+ 'ps', 'auxf',
+ ])
+ raise e
+ if config.get('tmpfs_journal'):
+'tmpfs journal enabled - unmounting tmpfs at /mnt')
+ for remote, roles_for_host in osds.remotes.iteritems():
+ args=['sudo', 'umount', '-f', '/mnt'],
+ check_status=False,
+ )
+ if ctx.archive is not None and \
+ not (ctx.config.get('archive-on-error') and ctx.summary['success']):
+ # archive mon data, too
+'Archiving mon data...')
+ path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'data')
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ for remote, roles in mons.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in roles:
+ is_mon = teuthology.is_type('mon', cluster_name)
+ if is_mon(role):
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ mon_dir = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/' + \
+ '{0}-{1}'.format(cluster_name, id_)
+ teuthology.pull_directory_tarball(
+ remote,
+ mon_dir,
+ path + '/' + role + '.tgz')
+'Cleaning ceph cluster...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'rm',
+ '-rf',
+ '--',
+ conf_path,
+ keyring_path,
+ data_dir,
+ monmap_path,
+ run.Raw('{tdir}/../*.pid'.format(tdir=testdir)),
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ ),
+ )
+def osd_scrub_pgs(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Scrub pgs when we exit.
+ First make sure all pgs are active and clean.
+ Next scrub all osds.
+ Then periodically check until all pgs have scrub time stamps that
+ indicate the last scrub completed. Time out if no progess is made
+ here after two minutes.
+ """
+ retries = 40
+ delays = 20
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+ manager = ctx.managers[cluster_name]
+ all_clean = False
+ for _ in range(0, retries):
+ stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
+ bad = [stat['pgid'] for stat in stats if 'active+clean' not in stat['state']]
+ if not bad:
+ all_clean = True
+ break
+ "Waiting for all PGs to be active and clean, waiting on %s" % bad)
+ time.sleep(delays)
+ if not all_clean:
+ raise RuntimeError("Scrubbing terminated -- not all pgs were active and clean.")
+ check_time_now = time.localtime()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ all_roles = teuthology.all_roles(ctx.cluster)
+ for role in teuthology.cluster_roles_of_type(all_roles, 'osd', cluster_name):
+"Scrubbing {osd}".format(osd=role))
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ # allow this to fail; in certain cases the OSD might not be up
+ # at this point. we will catch all pgs below.
+ try:
+ manager.raw_cluster_cmd('osd', 'deep-scrub', id_)
+ except run.CommandFailedError:
+ pass
+ prev_good = 0
+ gap_cnt = 0
+ loop = True
+ while loop:
+ stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
+ timez = [(stat['pgid'],stat['last_scrub_stamp']) for stat in stats]
+ loop = False
+ thiscnt = 0
+ for (pgid, tmval) in timez:
+ pgtm = time.strptime(tmval[0:tmval.find('.')], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ if pgtm > check_time_now:
+ thiscnt += 1
+ else:
+'pgid %s last_scrub_stamp %s %s <= %s', pgid, tmval, pgtm, check_time_now)
+ loop = True
+ if thiscnt > prev_good:
+ prev_good = thiscnt
+ gap_cnt = 0
+ else:
+ gap_cnt += 1
+ if gap_cnt % 6 == 0:
+ for (pgid, tmval) in timez:
+ # re-request scrub every so often in case the earlier
+ # request was missed. do not do it everytime because
+ # the scrub may be in progress or not reported yet and
+ # we will starve progress.
+ manager.raw_cluster_cmd('pg', 'deep-scrub', pgid)
+ if gap_cnt > retries:
+ raise RuntimeError('Exiting scrub checking -- not all pgs scrubbed.')
+ if loop:
+'Still waiting for all pgs to be scrubbed.')
+ time.sleep(delays)
+def run_daemon(ctx, config, type_):
+ """
+ Run daemons for a role type. Handle the startup and termination of a a daemon.
+ On startup -- set coverages, cpu_profile, valgrind values for all remotes,
+ and a max_mds value for one mds.
+ On cleanup -- Stop all existing daemons of this type.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ :paran type_: Role type
+ """
+ cluster_name = config['cluster']
+'Starting %s daemons in cluster %s...', type_, cluster_name)
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ daemons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type(type_, cluster_name))
+ # check whether any daemons if this type are configured
+ if daemons is None:
+ return
+ coverage_dir = '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir)
+ daemon_signal = 'kill'
+ if config.get('coverage') or config.get('valgrind') is not None:
+ daemon_signal = 'term'
+ # create osds in order. (this only matters for pre-luminous, which might
+ # be hammer, which doesn't take an id_ argument to legacy 'osd create').
+ osd_uuids = {}
+ for remote, roles_for_host in daemons.remotes.iteritems():
+ is_type_ = teuthology.is_type(type_, cluster_name)
+ for role in roles_for_host:
+ if not is_type_(role):
+ continue
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ if type_ == 'osd':
+ datadir='/var/lib/ceph/osd/{cluster}-{id}'.format(
+ cluster=cluster_name, id=id_)
+ osd_uuid = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=remote,
+ path=datadir + '/fsid',
+ sudo=True,
+ ).strip()
+ osd_uuids[id_] = osd_uuid
+ for osd_id in range(len(osd_uuids)):
+ id_ = str(osd_id)
+ osd_uuid = osd_uuids.get(id_)
+ try:
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'new', osd_uuid, id_,
+ ]
+ )
+ except:
+ # fallback to pre-luminous (hammer or jewel)
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'create', osd_uuid,
+ ]
+ )
+ if config.get('add_osds_to_crush'):
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'ceph', '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ 'osd', 'crush', 'create-or-move', 'osd.' + id_,
+ '1.0', 'host=localhost', 'root=default',
+ ]
+ )
+ for remote, roles_for_host in daemons.remotes.iteritems():
+ is_type_ = teuthology.is_type(type_, cluster_name)
+ for role in roles_for_host:
+ if not is_type_(role):
+ continue
+ _, _, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ run_cmd = [
+ 'sudo',
+ 'adjust-ulimits',
+ 'ceph-coverage',
+ coverage_dir,
+ 'daemon-helper',
+ daemon_signal,
+ ]
+ run_cmd_tail = [
+ 'ceph-%s' % (type_),
+ '-f',
+ '--cluster', cluster_name,
+ '-i', id_]
+ if type_ in config.get('cpu_profile', []):
+ profile_path = '/var/log/ceph/profiling-logger/' % (role)
+ run_cmd.extend(['env', 'CPUPROFILE=%s' % profile_path])
+ if config.get('valgrind') is not None:
+ valgrind_args = None
+ if type_ in config['valgrind']:
+ valgrind_args = config['valgrind'][type_]
+ if role in config['valgrind']:
+ valgrind_args = config['valgrind'][role]
+ run_cmd = teuthology.get_valgrind_args(testdir, role,
+ run_cmd,
+ valgrind_args)
+ run_cmd.extend(run_cmd_tail)
+ # always register mgr; don't necessarily start
+ ctx.daemons.register_daemon(
+ remote, type_, id_,
+ cluster=cluster_name,
+ args=run_cmd,
+ logger=log.getChild(role),
+ stdin=run.PIPE,
+ wait=False
+ )
+ if type_ != 'mgr' or not config.get('skip_mgr_daemons', False):
+ role = cluster_name + '.' + type_
+ ctx.daemons.get_daemon(type_, id_, cluster_name).restart()
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ teuthology.stop_daemons_of_type(ctx, type_, cluster_name)
+def healthy(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Wait for all osd's to be up, and for the ceph health monitor to return HEALTH_OK.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ config = config if isinstance(config, dict) else dict()
+ cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph')
+'Waiting until %s daemons up and pgs clean...', cluster_name)
+ manager = ctx.managers[cluster_name]
+ try:
+ manager.wait_for_mgr_available(timeout=30)
+ except (run.CommandFailedError, AssertionError) as e:
+'ignoring mgr wait error, probably testing upgrade: %s', e)
+ firstmon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+ teuthology.wait_until_osds_up(
+ ctx,
+ cluster=ctx.cluster,
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ ceph_cluster=cluster_name,
+ )
+ try:
+ manager.flush_all_pg_stats()
+ except (run.CommandFailedError, Exception) as e:
+'ignoring flush pg stats error, probably testing upgrade: %s', e)
+ manager.wait_for_clean()
+'Waiting until ceph cluster %s is healthy...', cluster_name)
+ teuthology.wait_until_healthy(
+ ctx,
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ ceph_cluster=cluster_name,
+ )
+ if ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mds', cluster_name)).remotes:
+ # Some MDSs exist, wait for them to be healthy
+ ceph_fs = Filesystem(ctx) # TODO: make Filesystem cluster-aware
+ ceph_fs.wait_for_daemons(timeout=300)
+def wait_for_osds_up(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Wait for all osd's to come up.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+'Waiting until ceph osds are all up...')
+ cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph')
+ firstmon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+ teuthology.wait_until_osds_up(
+ ctx,
+ cluster=ctx.cluster,
+ remote=mon0_remote
+ )
+def wait_for_mon_quorum(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Check renote ceph status until all monitors are up.
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ if isinstance(config, dict):
+ mons = config['daemons']
+ cluster_name = config.get('cluster', 'ceph')
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(config, list)
+ mons = config
+ cluster_name = 'ceph'
+ firstmon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, cluster_name)
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+ with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=10, tries=60,
+ action='wait for monitor quorum') as proceed:
+ while proceed():
+ r =
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'ceph',
+ 'quorum_status',
+ ],
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ logger=log.getChild('quorum_status'),
+ )
+ j = json.loads(r.stdout.getvalue())
+ q = j.get('quorum_names', [])
+ log.debug('Quorum: %s', q)
+ if sorted(q) == sorted(mons):
+ break
+def created_pool(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Add new pools to the dictionary of pools that the ceph-manager
+ knows about.
+ """
+ for new_pool in config:
+ if new_pool not in ctx.managers['ceph'].pools:
+ ctx.managers['ceph'].pools[new_pool] = ctx.managers['ceph'].get_pool_property(
+ new_pool, 'pg_num')
+def restart(ctx, config):
+ """
+ restart ceph daemons
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.restart: [all]
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.restart: [osd.0, mon.1, mds.*]
+ or::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.restart:
+ daemons: [osd.0, mon.1]
+ wait-for-healthy: false
+ wait-for-osds-up: true
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ elif isinstance(config, list):
+ config = {'daemons': config}
+ daemons = ctx.daemons.resolve_role_list(config.get('daemons', None), CEPH_ROLE_TYPES, True)
+ clusters = set()
+ for role in daemons:
+ cluster, type_, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ ctx.daemons.get_daemon(type_, id_, cluster).restart()
+ clusters.add(cluster)
+ manager = ctx.managers['ceph']
+ for dmon in daemons:
+ if '.' in dmon:
+ dm_parts = dmon.split('.')
+ if dm_parts[1].isdigit():
+ if dm_parts[0] == 'osd':
+ manager.mark_down_osd(int(dm_parts[1]))
+ if config.get('wait-for-healthy', True):
+ for cluster in clusters:
+ healthy(ctx=ctx, config=dict(cluster=cluster))
+ if config.get('wait-for-osds-up', False):
+ for cluster in clusters:
+ wait_for_osds_up(ctx=ctx, config=dict(cluster=cluster))
+ yield
+def stop(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Stop ceph daemons
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.stop: [mds.*]
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.stop: [osd.0, osd.2]
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.stop:
+ daemons: [osd.0, osd.2]
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ elif isinstance(config, list):
+ config = {'daemons': config}
+ daemons = ctx.daemons.resolve_role_list(config.get('daemons', None), CEPH_ROLE_TYPES, True)
+ for role in daemons:
+ cluster, type_, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ ctx.daemons.get_daemon(type_, id_, cluster).stop()
+ yield
+def wait_for_failure(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Wait for a failure of a ceph daemon
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.wait_for_failure: [mds.*]
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.wait_for_failure: [osd.0, osd.2]
+ tasks:
+ - ceph.wait_for_failure:
+ daemons: [osd.0, osd.2]
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ elif isinstance(config, list):
+ config = {'daemons': config}
+ daemons = ctx.daemons.resolve_role_list(config.get('daemons', None), CEPH_ROLE_TYPES, True)
+ for role in daemons:
+ cluster, type_, id_ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ try:
+ ctx.daemons.get_daemon(type_, id_, cluster).wait()
+ except:
+'Saw expected daemon failure. Continuing.')
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('daemon %s did not fail' % role)
+ yield
+def validate_config(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Perform some simple validation on task configuration.
+ Raises exceptions.ConfigError if an error is found.
+ """
+ # check for osds from multiple clusters on the same host
+ for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.items():
+ last_cluster = None
+ last_role = None
+ for role in roles_for_host:
+ role_cluster, role_type, _ = teuthology.split_role(role)
+ if role_type != 'osd':
+ continue
+ if last_cluster and last_cluster != role_cluster:
+ msg = "Host should not have osds (%s and %s) from multiple clusters" % (
+ last_role, role)
+ raise exceptions.ConfigError(msg)
+ last_cluster = role_cluster
+ last_role = role
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Set up and tear down a Ceph cluster.
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ - interactive:
+ You can also specify what branch to run::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ branch: foo
+ Or a tag::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ tag: v0.42.13
+ Or a sha1::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ sha1: 1376a5ab0c89780eab39ffbbe436f6a6092314ed
+ Or a local source dir::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ path: /home/sage/ceph
+ To capture code coverage data, use::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ coverage: true
+ To use btrfs, ext4, or xfs on the target's scratch disks, use::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ fs: xfs
+ mkfs_options: [-b,size=65536,-l,logdev=/dev/sdc1]
+ mount_options: [nobarrier, inode64]
+ Note, this will cause the task to check the /scratch_devs file on each node
+ for available devices. If no such file is found, /dev/sdb will be used.
+ To run some daemons under valgrind, include their names
+ and the tool/args to use in a valgrind section::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ valgrind:
+ mds.1: --tool=memcheck
+ osd.1: [--tool=memcheck, --leak-check=no]
+ Those nodes which are using memcheck or valgrind will get
+ checked for bad results.
+ To adjust or modify config options, use::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ conf:
+ section:
+ key: value
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ conf:
+ mds.0:
+ some option: value
+ other key: other value
+ client.0:
+ debug client: 10
+ debug ms: 1
+ By default, the cluster log is checked for errors and warnings,
+ and the run marked failed if any appear. You can ignore log
+ entries by giving a list of egrep compatible regexes, i.e.:
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ log-whitelist: ['foo.*bar', 'bad message']
+ To run multiple ceph clusters, use multiple ceph tasks, and roles
+ with a cluster name prefix, e.g. cluster1.client.0. Roles with no
+ cluster use the default cluster name, 'ceph'. OSDs from separate
+ clusters must be on separate hosts. Clients and non-osd daemons
+ from multiple clusters may be colocated. For each cluster, add an
+ instance of the ceph task with the cluster name specified, e.g.::
+ roles:
+ - [mon.a, osd.0, osd.1]
+ - [backup.mon.a, backup.osd.0, backup.osd.1]
+ - [client.0, backup.client.0]
+ tasks:
+ - ceph:
+ cluster: ceph
+ - ceph:
+ cluster: backup
+ :param ctx: Context
+ :param config: Configuration
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ assert isinstance(config, dict), \
+ "task ceph only supports a dictionary for configuration"
+ overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
+ teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph', {}))
+ first_ceph_cluster = False
+ if not hasattr(ctx, 'daemons'):
+ first_ceph_cluster = True
+ ctx.daemons = DaemonGroup()
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ if config.get('coverage'):
+ coverage_dir = '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir)
+'Creating coverage directory...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'install', '-d', '-m0755', '--',
+ coverage_dir,
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ )
+ )
+ if 'cluster' not in config:
+ config['cluster'] = 'ceph'
+ validate_config(ctx, config)
+ subtasks = []
+ if first_ceph_cluster:
+ # these tasks handle general log setup and parsing on all hosts,
+ # so they should only be run once
+ subtasks = [
+ lambda: ceph_log(ctx=ctx, config=None),
+ lambda: valgrind_post(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ ]
+ subtasks += [
+ lambda: cluster(ctx=ctx, config=dict(
+ conf=config.get('conf', {}),
+ fs=config.get('fs', 'xfs'),
+ mkfs_options=config.get('mkfs_options', None),
+ mount_options=config.get('mount_options', None),
+ block_journal=config.get('block_journal', None),
+ tmpfs_journal=config.get('tmpfs_journal', None),
+ skip_mgr_daemons=config.get('skip_mgr_daemons', False),
+ log_whitelist=config.get('log-whitelist', []),
+ cpu_profile=set(config.get('cpu_profile', []),),
+ cluster=config['cluster'],
+ )),
+ lambda: run_daemon(ctx=ctx, config=config, type_='mon'),
+ lambda: run_daemon(ctx=ctx, config=config, type_='mgr'),
+ lambda: crush_setup(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ lambda: run_daemon(ctx=ctx, config=config, type_='osd'),
+ lambda: create_rbd_pool(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ lambda: cephfs_setup(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ lambda: run_daemon(ctx=ctx, config=config, type_='mds'),
+ ]
+ with contextutil.nested(*subtasks):
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, config['cluster'])
+ (mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
+ if not hasattr(ctx, 'managers'):
+ ctx.managers = {}
+ ctx.managers[config['cluster']] = CephManager(
+ mon,
+ ctx=ctx,
+ logger=log.getChild('ceph_manager.' + config['cluster']),
+ cluster=config['cluster'],
+ )
+ try:
+ if config.get('wait-for-healthy', True):
+ healthy(ctx=ctx, config=dict(cluster=config['cluster']))
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if config.get('wait-for-scrub', True):
+ osd_scrub_pgs(ctx, config)
+ # stop logging health to clog during shutdown, or else we generate
+ # a bunch of scary messages unrelated to our actual run.
+ firstmon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config, config['cluster'])
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(firstmon).remotes.keys()
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'ceph',
+ '--cluster', config['cluster'],
+ 'tell',
+ 'mon.*',
+ 'injectargs',
+ '--',
+ '--no-mon-health-to-clog',
+ ]
+ )