path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/tasks/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef404f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+Calamari setup task
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import os
+import requests
+import shutil
+import webbrowser
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from teuthology import contextutil
+from teuthology import misc
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'version': 'v0.80.9',
+ 'test_image': None,
+ 'start_browser': False,
+ 'email': '',
+ 'no_epel': True,
+ 'calamari_user': 'admin',
+ 'calamari_password': 'admin',
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Do the setup of a calamari server.
+ - calamari_setup:
+ version: 'v80.1'
+ test_image: <path to tarball or iso>
+ Options are (see DEFAULTS above):
+ version -- ceph version we are testing against
+ test_image -- Can be an HTTP URL, in which case fetch from this
+ http path; can also be local path
+ start_browser -- If True, start a browser. To be used by runs that will
+ bring up a browser quickly for human use. Set to False
+ for overnight suites that are testing for problems in
+ the installation itself
+ email -- email address for the user
+ no_epel -- indicates if we should remove epel files prior to yum
+ installations.
+ calamari_user -- user name to log into gui
+ calamari_password -- calamari user password
+ """
+ local_config = DEFAULTS
+ local_config.update(config)
+ config = local_config
+ cal_svr = None
+ for remote_, roles in ctx.cluster.remotes.items():
+ if 'client.0' in roles:
+ cal_svr = remote_
+ break
+ if not cal_svr:
+ raise RuntimeError('client.0 not found in roles')
+ with contextutil.nested(
+ lambda: adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, config['no_epel']),
+ lambda: calamari_install(config, cal_svr),
+ lambda: ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr),
+ # do it again because ceph-deploy installed epel for centos
+ lambda: remove_epel(ctx, config['no_epel']),
+ lambda: calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr),
+ lambda: browser(config['start_browser'], cal_svr.hostname),
+ ):
+ yield
+def adjust_yum_repos(ctx, cal_svr, no_epel):
+ """
+ For each remote machine, fix the repos if yum is used.
+ """
+ ice_distro = str(cal_svr.os)
+ if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
+ if no_epel:
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ fix_yum_repos(remote, ice_distro)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if ice_distro.startswith('rhel') or ice_distro.startswith('centos'):
+ if no_epel:
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ restore_yum_repos(remote)
+def restore_yum_repos(remote):
+ """
+ Copy the old saved repo back in.
+ """
+ if['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus:
+ return False
+ if['sudo', 'mv', '/etc/yum.repos.d.old',
+ '/etc/yum.repos.d']).exitstatus:
+ return False
+def fix_yum_repos(remote, distro):
+ """
+ For yum calamari installations, the repos.d directory should only
+ contain a repo file named rhel<version-number>.repo
+ """
+ if distro.startswith('centos'):
+ # hack alert: detour: install lttng for ceph
+ # this works because epel is preinstalled on the vpms
+ # this is not a generic solution
+ # this is here solely to test the one-off 1.3.0 release for centos6
+"sudo yum -y install lttng-tools")
+ cmds = [
+ 'sudo mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d.old'.split(),
+ ['sudo', 'cp', run.Raw('/etc/yum.repos.d/*'),
+ '/etc/yum.repos.d.old'],
+ ['sudo', 'rm', run.Raw('/etc/yum.repos.d/epel*')],
+ ]
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if
+ return False
+ else:
+ cmds = [
+ 'sudo mv /etc/yum.repos.d /etc/yum.repos.d.old'.split(),
+ 'sudo mkdir /etc/yum.repos.d'.split(),
+ ]
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if
+ return False
+ # map "distroversion" from Remote.os to a tuple of
+ # (repo title, repo name descriptor, apt-mirror repo path chunk)
+ yum_repo_params = {
+ 'rhel 6.4': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'),
+ 'rhel 6.5': ('rhel6-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel6repo-server'),
+ 'rhel 7.0': ('rhel7-server', 'RHEL', 'rhel7repo/server'),
+ }
+ repotitle, reponame, path = yum_repo_params[distro]
+ repopath = '/etc/yum.repos.d/%s.repo' % repotitle
+ # TO DO: Make this data configurable too
+ repo_contents = '\n'.join(
+ ('[%s]' % repotitle,
+ 'name=%s $releasever - $basearch' % reponame,
+ 'baseurl=' + path,
+ 'gpgcheck=0',
+ 'enabled=1')
+ )
+ misc.sudo_write_file(remote, repopath, repo_contents)
+ cmds = [
+ 'sudo yum clean all'.split(),
+ 'sudo yum makecache'.split(),
+ ]
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if
+ return False
+ return True
+def remove_epel(ctx, no_epel):
+ """
+ just remove epel. No undo; assumed that it's used after
+ adjust_yum_repos, and relies on its state-save/restore.
+ """
+ if no_epel:
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ if'centos'):
+ 'sudo', 'rm', '-f', run.Raw('/etc/yum.repos.d/epel*')
+ ])
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ pass
+def get_iceball_with_http(url, destdir):
+ '''
+ Copy iceball with http to destdir. Try both .tar.gz and .iso.
+ '''
+ # stream=True means we don't download until copyfileobj below,
+ # and don't need a temp file
+ r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
+ if not r.ok:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to download %s", str(url))
+ filename = os.path.join(destdir, url.split('/')[-1])
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
+'saved %s as %s' % (url, filename))
+ return filename
+def calamari_install(config, cal_svr):
+ """
+ Install calamari
+ The steps here are:
+ -- Get the iceball, locally or from http
+ -- Copy the iceball to the calamari server, and untar/mount it.
+ -- Run ice-setup on the calamari server.
+ -- Run calamari-ctl initialize.
+ """
+ client_id = str(cal_svr)
+ at_loc = client_id.find('@')
+ if at_loc > 0:
+ client_id = client_id[at_loc + 1:]
+ test_image = config['test_image']
+ if not test_image:
+ raise RuntimeError('Must supply test image')
+'calamari test image: %s' % test_image)
+ delete_iceball = False
+ if test_image.startswith('http'):
+ iceball_file = get_iceball_with_http(test_image, '/tmp')
+ delete_iceball = True
+ else:
+ iceball_file = test_image
+ remote_iceball_file = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.split(iceball_file)[1])
+ cal_svr.put_file(iceball_file, remote_iceball_file)
+ if iceball_file.endswith('.tar.gz'): # XXX specify tar/iso in config?
+ icetype = 'tarball'
+ elif iceball_file.endswith('.iso'):
+ icetype = 'iso'
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Can''t handle iceball {0}'.format(iceball_file))
+ if icetype == 'tarball':
+ ret =['gunzip', run.Raw('<'), remote_iceball_file,
+ run.Raw('|'), 'tar', 'xvf', run.Raw('-')])
+ if ret.exitstatus:
+ raise RuntimeError('remote iceball untar failed')
+ elif icetype == 'iso':
+ mountpoint = '/mnt/' # XXX create?
+ ret =
+ args=['sudo', 'mount', '-o', 'loop', '-r',
+ remote_iceball_file, mountpoint]
+ )
+ # install ice_setup package
+ args = {
+ 'deb': 'sudo dpkg -i /mnt/ice-setup*deb',
+ 'rpm': 'sudo yum -y localinstall /mnt/ice_setup*rpm'
+ }.get(cal_svr.system_type, None)
+ if not args:
+ raise RuntimeError('{0}: unknown system type'.format(cal_svr))
+ ret =
+ if ret.exitstatus:
+ raise RuntimeError('ice_setup package install failed')
+ # Run ice_setup
+ icesetdata = 'yes\n\n%s\nhttp\n' % client_id
+ ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
+ ice_out = StringIO()
+ if icetype == 'tarball':
+ args = 'sudo python'
+ else:
+ args = 'sudo ice_setup -d /mnt'
+ ret =, stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_out)
+ log.debug(ice_out.getvalue())
+ if ret.exitstatus:
+ raise RuntimeError('ice_setup failed')
+ # Run calamari-ctl initialize.
+ icesetdata = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (
+ config['calamari_user'],
+ config['email'],
+ config['calamari_password'],
+ config['calamari_password'],
+ )
+ ice_in = StringIO(icesetdata)
+ ret =['sudo', 'calamari-ctl', 'initialize'],
+ stdin=ice_in, stdout=ice_out)
+ log.debug(ice_out.getvalue())
+ if ret.exitstatus:
+ raise RuntimeError('calamari-ctl initialize failed')
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+'Cleaning up after Calamari installation')
+ if icetype == 'iso':
+['sudo', 'umount', mountpoint])
+ if delete_iceball:
+ os.unlink(iceball_file)
+def ceph_install(ctx, cal_svr):
+ """
+ Install ceph if ceph was not previously installed by teuthology. This
+ code tests the case where calamari is installed on a brand new system.
+ """
+ loc_inst = False
+ if 'install' not in [x.keys()[0] for x in ctx.config['tasks']]:
+ loc_inst = True
+ ret = deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr)
+ if ret:
+ raise RuntimeError('ceph installs failed')
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if loc_inst:
+ if not undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
+ log.error('Cleanup of Ceph installed by Calamari-setup failed')
+def deploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
+ """
+ Perform the ceph-deploy actions needed to bring up a Ceph cluster. This
+ test is needed to check the ceph-deploy that comes with the calamari
+ package.
+ """
+ osd_to_name = {}
+ all_machines = set()
+ all_mons = set()
+ all_osds = set()
+ # collect which remotes are osds and which are mons
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ all_machines.add(remote.shortname)
+ roles = ctx.cluster.remotes[remote]
+ for role in roles:
+ daemon_type, number = role.split('.')
+ if daemon_type == 'osd':
+ all_osds.add(remote.shortname)
+ osd_to_name[number] = remote.shortname
+ if daemon_type == 'mon':
+ all_mons.add(remote.shortname)
+ # figure out whether we're in "1.3+" mode: prior to 1.3, there was
+ # only one Ceph repo, and it was all installed on every Ceph host.
+ # with 1.3, we've split that into MON and OSD repos (in order to
+ # be able to separately track subscriptions per-node). This
+ # requires new switches to ceph-deploy to select which locally-served
+ # repo is connected to which cluster host.
+ #
+ # (TODO: A further issue is that the installation/setup may not have
+ # created local repos at all, but that is the subject of a future
+ # change.)
+ r ='/usr/bin/test -d /mnt/MON', check_status=False)
+ use_install_repo = (r.returncode == 0)
+ # pre-1.3:
+ # ceph-deploy new <all_mons>
+ # ceph-deploy install <all_machines>
+ # ceph-deploy mon create-initial
+ #
+ # 1.3 and later:
+ # ceph-deploy new <all_mons>
+ # ceph-deploy install --repo --release=ceph-mon <all_mons>
+ # ceph-deploy install <all_mons>
+ # ceph-deploy install --repo --release=ceph-osd <all_osds>
+ # ceph-deploy install <all_osds>
+ # ceph-deploy mon create-initial
+ #
+ # one might think the install <all_mons> and install <all_osds>
+ # commands would need --mon and --osd, but #12147 has not yet
+ # made it into RHCS 1.3.0; since the package split also hasn't
+ # landed, we can avoid using the flag and avoid the bug.
+ cmds = ['ceph-deploy new ' + ' '.join(all_mons)]
+ if use_install_repo:
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy repo ceph-mon ' +
+ ' '.join(all_mons))
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy install --no-adjust-repos --mon ' +
+ ' '.join(all_mons))
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy repo ceph-osd ' +
+ ' '.join(all_osds))
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy install --no-adjust-repos --osd ' +
+ ' '.join(all_osds))
+ # We tell users to use `hostname` in our docs. Do the same here.
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy install --no-adjust-repos --cli `hostname`')
+ else:
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy install ' + ' '.join(all_machines))
+ cmds.append('ceph-deploy mon create-initial')
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ disk_labels = '_dcba'
+ # NEEDS WORK assumes disks start with vd (need to check this somewhere)
+ for cmd_pts in [['disk', 'zap'], ['osd', 'prepare'], ['osd', 'activate']]:
+ mach_osd_cnt = {}
+ for osdn in osd_to_name:
+ osd_mac = osd_to_name[osdn]
+ mach_osd_cnt[osd_mac] = mach_osd_cnt.get(osd_mac, 0) + 1
+ arg_list = ['ceph-deploy']
+ arg_list.extend(cmd_pts)
+ disk_id = '%s:vd%s' % (osd_to_name[osdn],
+ disk_labels[mach_osd_cnt[osd_mac]])
+ if 'activate' in cmd_pts:
+ disk_id += '1'
+ arg_list.append(disk_id)
+def undeploy_ceph(ctx, cal_svr):
+ """
+ Cleanup deployment of ceph.
+ """
+ all_machines = []
+ ret = True
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ roles = ctx.cluster.remotes[remote]
+ if (
+ not any('osd' in role for role in roles) and
+ not any('mon' in role for role in roles)
+ ):
+ continue
+ ret &=
+ args=['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop']
+ ).exitstatus
+ all_machines.append(remote.shortname)
+ all_machines = set(all_machines)
+ cmd1 = ['ceph-deploy', 'uninstall']
+ cmd1.extend(all_machines)
+ ret &=
+ cmd2 = ['ceph-deploy', 'purge']
+ cmd2.extend(all_machines)
+ ret &=
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ ret &=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf',
+ '.ssh/known_hosts']).exitstatus
+ return ret
+def calamari_connect(ctx, cal_svr):
+ """
+ Connect calamari to the ceph nodes.
+ """
+ connects = ['ceph-deploy', 'calamari', 'connect']
+ for machine_info in ctx.cluster.remotes:
+ if 'client.0' not in ctx.cluster.remotes[machine_info]:
+ connects.append(machine_info.shortname)
+ ret =
+ if ret.exitstatus:
+ raise RuntimeError('calamari connect failed')
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+'Calamari test terminating')
+def browser(start_browser, web_page):
+ """
+ Bring up a browser, if wanted.
+ """
+ if start_browser:
+'http://%s' % web_page)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ if start_browser:
+'Web browser support terminating')