path: root/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
commit7da45d65be36d36b880cc55c5036e96c24b53f00 (patch)
treed4f944eb4f8f8de50a9a7584ffa408dc3a3185b2 /src/ceph/qa/standalone/special
parent691462d09d0987b47e112d6ee8740375df3c51b2 (diff)
remove ceph code
This patch removes initial ceph code, due to license issue. Change-Id: I092d44f601cdf34aed92300fe13214925563081c Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/standalone/special')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 2072 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/ b/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c52101..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2024 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-from subprocess import call
- from subprocess import check_output
-except ImportError:
- def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
- import subprocess
- # backported from python 2.7 stdlib
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
- output, unused_err = process.communicate()
- retcode = process.poll()
- if retcode:
- cmd = kwargs.get("args")
- if cmd is None:
- cmd = popenargs[0]
- error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
- error.output = output
- raise error
- return output
-import filecmp
-import os
-import subprocess
-import math
-import time
-import sys
-import re
-import logging
-import json
-import tempfile
-import platform
- from subprocess import DEVNULL
-except ImportError:
- DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")
-logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)
-if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- def decode(s):
- return s.decode('utf-8')
- def check_output(*args, **kwargs):
- return decode(subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs))
- def decode(s):
- return s
-def wait_for_health():
- print("Wait for health_ok...", end="")
- tries = 0
- while call("{path}/ceph health 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'HEALTH_OK\|HEALTH_WARN' > /dev/null".format(path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True) == 0:
- tries += 1
- if tries == 150:
- raise Exception("Time exceeded to go to health")
- time.sleep(1)
- print("DONE")
-def get_pool_id(name, nullfd):
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool stats {pool}".format(pool=name, path=CEPH_BIN).split()
- # pool {pool} id # .... grab the 4 field
- return check_output(cmd, stderr=nullfd).split()[3]
-# return a list of unique PGS given an osd subdirectory
-def get_osd_pgs(SUBDIR, ID):
- PGS = []
- if ID:
- endhead = re.compile("{id}.*_head$".format(id=ID))
- DIR = os.path.join(SUBDIR, "current")
- PGS += [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and (ID is None or endhead.match(f))]
- PGS = [re.sub("_head", "", p) for p in PGS if "_head" in p]
- return PGS
-# return a sorted list of unique PGs given a directory
-def get_pgs(DIR, ID):
- OSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
- PGS = []
- for d in OSDS:
- SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIR, d)
- PGS += get_osd_pgs(SUBDIR, ID)
- return sorted(set(PGS))
-# return a sorted list of PGS a subset of ALLPGS that contain objects with prefix specified
-def get_objs(ALLPGS, prefix, DIR, ID):
- OSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
- PGS = []
- for d in OSDS:
- DIRL2 = os.path.join(DIR, d)
- SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIRL2, "current")
- for p in ALLPGS:
- PGDIR = p + "_head"
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)):
- continue
- FINALDIR = os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)
- # See if there are any objects there
- if any(f for f in [val for _, _, fl in os.walk(FINALDIR) for val in fl] if f.startswith(prefix)):
- PGS += [p]
- return sorted(set(PGS))
-# return a sorted list of OSDS which have data from a given PG
-def get_osds(PG, DIR):
- ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
- OSDS = []
- for d in ALLOSDS:
- DIRL2 = os.path.join(DIR, d)
- SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIRL2, "current")
- PGDIR = PG + "_head"
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)):
- continue
- OSDS += [d]
- return sorted(OSDS)
-def get_lines(filename):
- tmpfd = open(filename, "r")
- line = True
- lines = []
- while line:
- line = tmpfd.readline().rstrip('\n')
- if line:
- lines += [line]
- tmpfd.close()
- os.unlink(filename)
- return lines
-def cat_file(level, filename):
- if level < logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel():
- return
- print("File: " + filename)
- with open(filename, "r") as f:
- while True:
- line = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
- if not line:
- break
- print(line)
- print("<EOF>")
-def vstart(new, opt=""):
- print("vstarting....", end="")
- NEW = new and "-n" or "-N"
- call("MON=1 OSD=4 MDS=0 MGR=1 CEPH_PORT=7400 {path}/src/ --filestore --short -l {new} -d {opt} > /dev/null 2>&1".format(new=NEW, opt=opt, path=CEPH_ROOT), shell=True)
- print("DONE")
-def test_failure(cmd, errmsg, tty=False):
- if tty:
- try:
- ttyfd = open("/dev/tty", "rwb")
- except Exception as e:
-"SKIP " + cmd)
- return 0
- TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- logging.debug(cmd)
- if tty:
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=ttyfd, stdout=ttyfd, stderr=tmpfd)
- ttyfd.close()
- else:
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmpfd)
- tmpfd.close()
- if ret == 0:
- logging.error(cmd)
- logging.error("Should have failed, but got exit 0")
- return 1
- lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- matched = [ l for l in lines if errmsg in l ]
- if any(matched):
-"Correctly failed with message \"" + matched[0] + "\"")
- return 0
- else:
- logging.error("Command: " + cmd )
- logging.error("Bad messages to stderr \"" + str(lines) + "\"")
- logging.error("Expected \"" + errmsg + "\"")
- return 1
-def get_nspace(num):
- if num == 0:
- return ""
- return "ns{num}".format(num=num)
-def verify(DATADIR, POOL, NAME_PREFIX, db):
- TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
- ERRORS = 0
- for rawnsfile in [f for f in os.listdir(DATADIR) if f.split('-')[1].find(NAME_PREFIX) == 0]:
- nsfile = rawnsfile.split("__")[0]
- clone = rawnsfile.split("__")[1]
- nspace = nsfile.split("-")[0]
- file = nsfile.split("-")[1]
- # Skip clones
- if clone != "head":
- continue
- path = os.path.join(DATADIR, rawnsfile)
- try:
- os.unlink(TMPFILE)
- except:
- pass
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' get {file} {out}".format(pool=POOL, file=file, out=TMPFILE, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
- cmd = "diff -q {src} {result}".format(src=path, result=TMPFILE)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("{file} data not imported properly".format(file=file))
- ERRORS += 1
- try:
- os.unlink(TMPFILE)
- except:
- pass
- for key, val in db[nspace][file]["xattr"].items():
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getxattr {name} {key}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, key=key, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
- logging.debug("getxattr {key} {val}".format(key=key, val=getval))
- if getval != val:
- logging.error("getxattr of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=key, get=getval, orig=val))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- hdr = db[nspace][file].get("omapheader", "")
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getomapheader {name} {file}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, nspace=nspace, file=TMPFILE, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("rados getomapheader returned {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- else:
- getlines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- assert(len(getlines) == 0 or len(getlines) == 1)
- if len(getlines) == 0:
- gethdr = ""
- else:
- gethdr = getlines[0]
- logging.debug("header: {hdr}".format(hdr=gethdr))
- if gethdr != hdr:
- logging.error("getomapheader returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=gethdr, orig=hdr))
- ERRORS += 1
- for key, val in db[nspace][file]["omap"].items():
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getomapval {name} {key} {file}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, key=key, nspace=nspace, file=TMPFILE, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("getomapval returned {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- getlines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- if len(getlines) != 1:
- logging.error("Bad data from getomapval {lines}".format(lines=getlines))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- getval = getlines[0]
- logging.debug("getomapval {key} {val}".format(key=key, val=getval))
- if getval != val:
- logging.error("getomapval returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=getval, orig=val))
- ERRORS += 1
- try:
- os.unlink(TMPFILE)
- except:
- pass
- return ERRORS
-def check_journal(jsondict):
- errors = 0
- if 'header' not in jsondict:
- logging.error("Key 'header' not in dump-journal")
- errors += 1
- elif 'max_size' not in jsondict['header']:
- logging.error("Key 'max_size' not in dump-journal header")
- errors += 1
- else:
- print("\tJournal max_size = {size}".format(size=jsondict['header']['max_size']))
- if 'entries' not in jsondict:
- logging.error("Key 'entries' not in dump-journal output")
- errors += 1
- elif len(jsondict['entries']) == 0:
-"No entries in journal found")
- else:
- errors += check_journal_entries(jsondict['entries'])
- return errors
-def check_journal_entries(entries):
- errors = 0
- for enum in range(len(entries)):
- if 'offset' not in entries[enum]:
- logging.error("No 'offset' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
- errors += 1
- if 'seq' not in entries[enum]:
- logging.error("No 'seq' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
- errors += 1
- if 'transactions' not in entries[enum]:
- logging.error("No 'transactions' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
- errors += 1
- elif len(entries[enum]['transactions']) == 0:
- logging.error("No transactions found in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
- errors += 1
- else:
- errors += check_entry_transactions(entries[enum], enum)
- return errors
-def check_entry_transactions(entry, enum):
- errors = 0
- for tnum in range(len(entry['transactions'])):
- if 'trans_num' not in entry['transactions'][tnum]:
- logging.error("Key 'trans_num' missing from entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
- errors += 1
- elif entry['transactions'][tnum]['trans_num'] != tnum:
- ft = entry['transactions'][tnum]['trans_num']
- logging.error("Bad trans_num ({ft}) entry {e} trans {t}".format(ft=ft, e=enum, t=tnum))
- errors += 1
- if 'ops' not in entry['transactions'][tnum]:
- logging.error("Key 'ops' missing from entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
- errors += 1
- else:
- errors += check_transaction_ops(entry['transactions'][tnum]['ops'], enum, tnum)
- return errors
-def check_transaction_ops(ops, enum, tnum):
- if len(ops) is 0:
- logging.warning("No ops found in entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
- errors = 0
- for onum in range(len(ops)):
- if 'op_num' not in ops[onum]:
- logging.error("Key 'op_num' missing from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
- errors += 1
- elif ops[onum]['op_num'] != onum:
- fo = ops[onum]['op_num']
- logging.error("Bad op_num ({fo}) from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(fo=fo, e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
- errors += 1
- if 'op_name' not in ops[onum]:
- logging.error("Key 'op_name' missing from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
- errors += 1
- return errors
-def test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, osds):
- ERRORS = 0
- pid = os.getpid()
- TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- for osd in osds:
- # Test --op dump-journal by loading json
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op dump-journal --format json").format(osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- tmpfd.close()
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "r")
- jsondict = json.load(tmpfd)
- tmpfd.close()
- os.unlink(TMPFILE)
- journal_errors = check_journal(jsondict)
- if journal_errors is not 0:
- logging.error(jsondict)
- ERRORS += journal_errors
- return ERRORS
-CEPH_BUILD_DIR = os.environ.get('CEPH_BUILD_DIR')
-CEPH_BIN = os.environ.get('CEPH_BIN')
-CEPH_ROOT = os.environ.get('CEPH_ROOT')
- CEPH_BUILD_DIR=os.getcwd()
- CEPH_BIN=os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, 'bin')
- os.putenv('CEPH_BIN', CEPH_BIN)
- CEPH_ROOT=os.path.dirname(CEPH_BUILD_DIR)
- os.putenv('CEPH_ROOT', CEPH_ROOT)
- CEPH_LIB=os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, 'lib')
- os.putenv('CEPH_LIB', CEPH_LIB)
- os.mkdir("td")
- pass # ok if this is already there
-CEPH_DIR = os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, os.path.join("td", "cot_dir"))
-CEPH_CONF = os.path.join(CEPH_DIR, 'ceph.conf')
-def kill_daemons():
- call("{path}/init-ceph -c {conf} stop > /dev/null 2>&1".format(conf=CEPH_CONF, path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True)
- repcount = 0
- ERRORS = 0
- for rawnsfile in [f for f in os.listdir(DATADIR) if f.split('-')[1].find(SPLIT_NAME) == 0]:
- nsfile = rawnsfile.split("__")[0]
- clone = rawnsfile.split("__")[1]
- nspace = nsfile.split("-")[0]
- file = nsfile.split("-")[1] + "__" + clone
- # Skip clones
- if clone != "head":
- continue
- path = os.path.join(DATADIR, rawnsfile)
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- cmd = "find {dir} -name '{file}_*_{nspace}_*'".format(dir=OSDDIR, file=file, nspace=nspace)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret:
- logging.critical("INTERNAL ERROR")
- return 1
- tmpfd.close()
- obj_locs = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- if len(obj_locs) == 0:
- logging.error("Can't find imported object {name}".format(name=file))
- ERRORS += 1
- for obj_loc in obj_locs:
- # For btrfs skip snap_* dirs
- if"/snap_[0-9]*/", obj_loc) is not None:
- continue
- repcount += 1
- cmd = "diff -q {src} {obj_loc}".format(src=path, obj_loc=obj_loc)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("{file} data not imported properly into {obj}".format(file=file, obj=obj_loc))
- ERRORS += 1
- return ERRORS, repcount
-def set_osd_weight(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path, weight):
- # change the weight of osd.0 to math.pi in the newest osdmap of given osd
- osdmap_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-osdmap --file {osdmap_file}").format(osd=osd_path,
- output = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- epoch = int(re.findall('#(\d+)', output)[0])
- new_crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- old_crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --export-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
-, path=CEPH_BIN),
- stdout=DEVNULL,
- stderr=DEVNULL,
- shell=True)
- assert(ret == 0)
- for osd_id in osd_ids:
- cmd = "{path}/crushtool -i {crush_file} --reweight-item osd.{osd} {weight} -o {new_crush_file}".format(osd=osd_id,
- weight=weight,
-, path=CEPH_BIN)
- ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
- assert(ret == 0)
- old_crush_file, new_crush_file = new_crush_file, old_crush_file
- # change them back, since we don't need to preapre for another round
- old_crush_file, new_crush_file = new_crush_file, old_crush_file
- old_crush_file.close()
- ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --import-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
-, path=CEPH_BIN),
- stdout=DEVNULL,
- stderr=DEVNULL,
- shell=True)
- assert(ret == 0)
- # Minimum test of --dry-run by using it, but not checking anything
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-osdmap --file {osdmap_file} --epoch {epoch} --force --dry-run"
- cmd = cmd.format(osd=osd_path,, epoch=epoch)
- ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
- assert(ret == 0)
- # osdmaptool increases the epoch of the changed osdmap, so we need to force the tool
- # to use use a different epoch than the one in osdmap
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-osdmap --file {osdmap_file} --epoch {epoch} --force"
- cmd = cmd.format(osd=osd_path,, epoch=epoch)
- ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
- return ret == 0
-def get_osd_weights(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path):
- osdmap_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-osdmap --file {osdmap_file}").format(osd=osd_path,
- ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- return None
- # we have to read the weights from the crush map, even we can query the weights using
- # osdmaptool, but please keep in mind, they are different:
- # item weights in crush map versus weight associated with each osd in osdmap
- crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --export-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
-, path=CEPH_BIN),
- stdout=DEVNULL,
- shell=True)
- assert(ret == 0)
- output = check_output("{path}/crushtool --tree -i {crush_file} | tail -n {num_osd}".format(,
- num_osd=len(osd_ids), path=CEPH_BIN),
- stderr=DEVNULL,
- shell=True)
- weights = []
- for line in output.strip().split('\n'):
- print(line)
- linev = re.split('\s+', line)
- if linev[0] is '':
- linev.pop(0)
- print('linev %s' % linev)
- weights.append(float(linev[2]))
- return weights
-def test_get_set_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_paths):
- print("Testing get-osdmap and set-osdmap")
- errors = 0
- kill_daemons()
- weight = 1 / math.e # just some magic number in [0, 1]
- changed = []
- for osd_path in osd_paths:
- if set_osd_weight(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path, weight):
- changed.append(osd_path)
- else:
- logging.warning("Failed to change the weights: {0}".format(osd_path))
- # i am pissed off if none of the store gets changed
- if not changed:
- errors += 1
- for osd_path in changed:
- weights = get_osd_weights(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path)
- if not weights:
- errors += 1
- continue
- if any(abs(w - weight) > 1e-5 for w in weights):
- logging.warning("Weight is not changed: {0} != {1}".format(weights, weight))
- errors += 1
- return errors
-def test_get_set_inc_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_path):
- # incrementals are not used unless we need to build an MOSDMap to update
- # OSD's peers, so an obvious way to test it is simply overwrite an epoch
- # with a different copy, and read it back to see if it matches.
- kill_daemons()
- file_e2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --file {file}").format(osd=osd_path,
- output = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- epoch = int(re.findall('#(\d+)', output)[0])
- # backup e1 incremental before overwriting it
- epoch -= 1
- file_e1_backup = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
- ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
- if ret: return 1
- # overwrite e1 with e2
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --force --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
- ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
- if ret: return 1
- # Use dry-run to set back to e1 which shouldn't happen
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --dry-run --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
- ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
- if ret: return 1
- # read from e1
- file_e1_read = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
- ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
- if ret: return 1
- errors = 0
- try:
- if not filecmp.cmp(,, shallow=False):
- logging.error("{{get,set}}-inc-osdmap mismatch {0} != {1}".format(,
- errors += 1
- finally:
- # revert the change with file_e1_backup
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
- ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
- if ret:
- logging.error("Failed to revert the changed inc-osdmap")
- errors += 1
- return errors
- # Test removeall
- TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
- nullfd = open(os.devnull, "w")
- errors=0
- print("Test removeall")
- kill_daemons()
- for nspace in db.keys():
- for basename in db[nspace].keys():
- JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
- for pg in OBJREPPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
- fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
- and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
- if not fnames:
- continue
- if int(basename.split(REP_NAME)[1]) <= int(NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS):
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' remove").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- errors += test_failure(cmd, "Snapshots are present, use removeall to delete everything")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --force --dry-run '{json}' remove").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("remove with --force failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
- errors += 1
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --dry-run '{json}' removeall").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("removeall failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
- errors += 1
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' removeall").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("removeall failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
- errors += 1
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "w")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} --namespace {ns} {name}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, ns=nspace, name=basename)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
- errors += 1
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- if len(lines) != 0:
- logging.error("Removeall didn't remove all objects {ns}/{name} : {lines}".format(ns=nspace, name=basename, lines=lines))
- errors += 1
- vstart(new=False)
- wait_for_health()
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} rmsnap snap1".format(pool=REP_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("rados rmsnap failed")
- errors += 1
- time.sleep(2)
- wait_for_health()
- return errors
-def main(argv):
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- sys.stdout = stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb', 0)
- else:
- stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
- if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "debug":
- nullfd = stdout
- else:
- nullfd = DEVNULL
- call("rm -fr {dir}; mkdir -p {dir}".format(dir=CEPH_DIR), shell=True)
- os.chdir(CEPH_DIR)
- os.environ["CEPH_DIR"] = CEPH_DIR
- OSDDIR = "dev"
- REP_POOL = "rep_pool"
- REP_NAME = "REPobject"
- EC_POOL = "ec_pool"
- EC_NAME = "ECobject"
- if len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] == 'large':
- PG_COUNT = 12
- # Larger data sets for first object per namespace
- # Number of objects to do xattr/omap testing on
- ATTR_OBJS = 10
- else:
- PG_COUNT = 4
- # Larger data sets for first object per namespace
- # Number of objects to do xattr/omap testing on
- ERRORS = 0
- pid = os.getpid()
- TESTDIR = "/tmp/test.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- DATADIR = "/tmp/data.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- CFSD_PREFIX = CEPH_BIN + "/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path " + OSDDIR + "/{osd} "
- PROFNAME = "testecprofile"
- os.environ['CEPH_CONF'] = CEPH_CONF
- vstart(new=True)
- wait_for_health()
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} replicated".format(pool=REP_POOL, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- time.sleep(2)
- REPID = get_pool_id(REP_POOL, nullfd)
- print("Created Replicated pool #{repid}".format(repid=REPID))
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd erasure-code-profile set {prof} crush-failure-domain=osd".format(prof=PROFNAME, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd erasure-code-profile get {prof}".format(prof=PROFNAME, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} erasure {prof}".format(pool=EC_POOL, prof=PROFNAME, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- ECID = get_pool_id(EC_POOL, nullfd)
- print("Created Erasure coded pool #{ecid}".format(ecid=ECID))
- print("Creating {objs} objects in replicated pool".format(objs=(NUM_REP_OBJECTS*NUM_NSPACES)))
- cmd = "mkdir -p {datadir}".format(datadir=DATADIR)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- db = {}
- objects = range(1, NUM_REP_OBJECTS + 1)
- nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
- for n in nspaces:
- nspace = get_nspace(n)
- db[nspace] = {}
- for i in objects:
- NAME = REP_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
- LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
- DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
- DDNAME += "__head"
- cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- if i == 1:
- dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
- else:
- dataline = range(1)
- fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
- data = "This is the replicated data for " + LNAME + "\n"
- for _ in dataline:
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- return 1
- db[nspace][NAME] = {}
- if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1:
- keys = range(i)
- else:
- keys = range(0)
- db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"] = {}
- for k in keys:
- if k == 0:
- continue
- mykey = "key{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- myval = "val{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setxattr {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("setxattr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"][mykey] = myval
- # Create omap header in all objects but REPobject1
- if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1 and i != 1:
- myhdr = "hdr{i}".format(i=i)
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setomapheader {name} {hdr}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, hdr=myhdr, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("setomapheader failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- db[nspace][NAME]["omapheader"] = myhdr
- db[nspace][NAME]["omap"] = {}
- for k in keys:
- if k == 0:
- continue
- mykey = "okey{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- myval = "oval{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setomapval {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("setomapval failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- db[nspace][NAME]["omap"][mykey] = myval
- # Create some clones
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} mksnap snap1".format(pool=REP_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- objects = range(1, NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS + 1)
- nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
- for n in nspaces:
- nspace = get_nspace(n)
- for i in objects:
- NAME = REP_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
- LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
- DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
- # First clone
- DDNAME += "__head"
- cmd = "mv -f " + DDNAME + " " + CLONENAME
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- if i == 1:
- dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
- else:
- dataline = range(1)
- fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
- data = "This is the replicated data after a snapshot for " + LNAME + "\n"
- for _ in dataline:
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- return 1
- print("Creating {objs} objects in erasure coded pool".format(objs=(NUM_EC_OBJECTS*NUM_NSPACES)))
- objects = range(1, NUM_EC_OBJECTS + 1)
- nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
- for n in nspaces:
- nspace = get_nspace(n)
- for i in objects:
- NAME = EC_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
- LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
- DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
- DDNAME += "__head"
- cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- if i == 1:
- dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
- else:
- dataline = range(1)
- fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
- data = "This is the erasure coded data for " + LNAME + "\n"
- for j in dataline:
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=EC_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("Erasure coded pool creation failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- return 1
- db[nspace][NAME] = {}
- db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"] = {}
- if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1:
- keys = range(i)
- else:
- keys = range(0)
- for k in keys:
- if k == 0:
- continue
- mykey = "key{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- myval = "val{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setxattr {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=EC_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("setxattr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"][mykey] = myval
- # Omap isn't supported in EC pools
- db[nspace][NAME]["omap"] = {}
- logging.debug(db)
- kill_daemons()
- if ERRORS:
- logging.critical("Unable to set up test")
- return 1
- logging.debug(ALLREPPGS)
- logging.debug(ALLECPGS)
- logging.debug(OBJREPPGS)
- logging.debug(OBJECPGS)
- logging.debug(ONEPG)
- osds = get_osds(ONEPG, OSDDIR)
- ONEOSD = osds[0]
- logging.debug(ONEOSD)
- print("Test invalid parameters")
- # On export can't use stdout to a terminal
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdout is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
- # On export can't use stdout to a terminal
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file -").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdout is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
- # Prep a valid ec export file for import failure tests
- osds = get_osds(ONEECPG, OSDDIR)
- ONEECOSD = osds[0]
- OTHERFILE = "/tmp/foo.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEECOSD, pg=ONEECPG, file=OTHERFILE)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- # On import can't specify a different shard
- BADPG = ONEECPG.split('s')[0] + "s10"
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEECOSD, pg=BADPG, file=OTHERFILE)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a different shard, must be")
- os.unlink(OTHERFILE)
- # Prep a valid export file for import failure tests
- OTHERFILE = "/tmp/foo.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, file=OTHERFILE)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- # On import can't specify a PG with a non-existent pool
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg="10.0", file=OTHERFILE)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a different pgid pool, must be")
- # On import can't specify shard for a replicated export
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg}s0 --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, file=OTHERFILE)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a sharded pgid with a non-sharded export")
- # On import can't specify a PG with a bad seed
- TMPPG="{pool}.80".format(pool=REPID)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=TMPPG, file=OTHERFILE)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Illegal pgid, the seed is larger than current pg_num")
- os.unlink(OTHERFILE)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {FOO}").format(osd=ONEOSD, FOO=OTHERFILE)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "file: {FOO}: No such file or directory".format(FOO=OTHERFILE))
- cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path BAD_DATA_PATH --op list".format(osd=ONEOSD, path=CEPH_BIN)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "data-path: BAD_DATA_PATH: No such file or directory")
- cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --journal-path BAD_JOURNAL_PATH --op dump-journal".format(path=CEPH_BIN)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: BAD_JOURNAL_PATH: (2) No such file or directory")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--journal-path BAD_JOURNAL_PATH --op list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: BAD_JOURNAL_PATH: No such file or directory")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--journal-path /bin --op list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: /bin: (21) Is a directory")
- # On import can't use stdin from a terminal
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdin is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
- # On import can't use stdin from a terminal
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file -").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdin is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
- # Specify a bad --type
- os.mkdir(OSDDIR + "/fakeosd")
- cmd = ("{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path " + OSDDIR + "/{osd} --type foobar --op list --pgid {pg}").format(osd="fakeosd", pg=ONEPG, path=CEPH_BIN)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Unable to create store of type foobar")
- # Don't specify a data-path
- cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --type memstore --op list --pgid {pg}".format(dir=OSDDIR, osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, path=CEPH_BIN)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --data-path")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op remove --pgid 2.0").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Please use export-remove or you must use --force option")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide pgid")
- # Don't secify a --op nor object command
- cmd = CFSD_PREFIX.format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --op or object command...")
- # Specify a bad --op command
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op oops").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --op (info, log, remove, mkfs, fsck, export, export-remove, import, list, fix-lost, list-pgs, rm-past-intervals, dump-journal, dump-super, meta-list, get-osdmap, set-osdmap, get-inc-osdmap, set-inc-osdmap, mark-complete)")
- # Provide just the object param not a command
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "object").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Invalid syntax, missing command")
- # Provide an object name that doesn't exist
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "NON_OBJECT get-bytes").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "No object id 'NON_OBJECT' found")
- # Provide an invalid object command
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '' notacommand").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Unknown object command 'notacommand'")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "foo list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "No object id 'foo' found or invalid JSON specified")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{{\"oid\":\"obj4\",\"key\":\"\",\"snapid\":-1,\"hash\":2826278768,\"max\":0,\"pool\":1,\"namespace\":\"\"}}' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Without --pgid the object '{\"oid\":\"obj4\",\"key\":\"\",\"snapid\":-1,\"hash\":2826278768,\"max\":0,\"pool\":1,\"namespace\":\"\"}' must be a JSON array")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.0\"]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[\"1.0\"]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.0\", 5, 8, 9]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[\"1.0\", 5, 8, 9]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[1, 2]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[1, 2]' must be a JSON array with the first element a string")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.3\",{{\"snapid\":\"not an int\"}}]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
- ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Decode object JSON error: value type is 2 not 4")
- TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- OSDS = get_osds(ALLPGS[0], OSDDIR)
- osd = OSDS[0]
- print("Test all --op dump-journal")
- ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
- ERRORS += test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS)
- # Test --op list and generate json for all objects
- print("Test --op list variants")
- # retrieve all objects from all PGs
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --format json").format(osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
- ERRORS += 1
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
- (pgid, coll, jsondict) = json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
- # retrieve all objects in a given PG
- tmpfd = open(OTHERFILE, "ab")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} --format json").format(osd=osd, pg=pgid)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
- ERRORS += 1
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(OTHERFILE)
- JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
- (other_pgid, other_coll, other_jsondict) = json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
- if pgid != other_pgid or jsondict != other_jsondict or coll != other_coll:
- logging.error("the first line of --op list is different "
- "from the first line of --op list --pgid {pg}".format(pg=pgid))
- ERRORS += 1
- # retrieve all objects with a given name in a given PG
- tmpfd = open(OTHERFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} {object} --format json").format(osd=osd, pg=pgid, object=jsondict['oid'])
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
- ERRORS += 1
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(OTHERFILE)
- JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
- (other_pgid, other_coll, other_jsondict) in json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
- if pgid != other_pgid or jsondict != other_jsondict or coll != other_coll:
- logging.error("the first line of --op list is different "
- "from the first line of --op list --pgid {pg} {object}".format(pg=pgid, object=jsondict['oid']))
- ERRORS += 1
- print("Test --op list by generating json for all objects using default format")
- for pg in ALLPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "ab")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from --op list request".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
- for JSON in JSONOBJ:
- (pgid, jsondict) = json.loads(JSON)
- # Skip clones for now
- if jsondict['snapid'] != -2:
- continue
- db[jsondict['namespace']][jsondict['oid']]['json'] = json.dumps((pgid, jsondict))
- # print db[jsondict['namespace']][jsondict['oid']]['json']
- if jsondict['oid'].find(EC_NAME) == 0 and 'shard_id' not in jsondict:
- logging.error("Malformed JSON {json}".format(json=JSON))
- ERRORS += 1
- # Test get-bytes
- print("Test get-bytes and set-bytes")
- for nspace in db.keys():
- for basename in db[nspace].keys():
- file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
- JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
- GETNAME = "/tmp/getbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- TESTNAME = "/tmp/testbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- SETNAME = "/tmp/setbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- BADNAME = "/tmp/badbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- for pg in OBJREPPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
- fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
- and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
- if not fnames:
- continue
- try:
- os.unlink(GETNAME)
- except:
- pass
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes {fname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, fname=GETNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- cmd = "diff -q {file} {getfile}".format(file=file, getfile=GETNAME)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Data from get-bytes differ")
- logging.debug("Got:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, GETNAME)
- logging.debug("Expected:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, file)
- ERRORS += 1
- fd = open(SETNAME, "w")
- data = "put-bytes going into {file}\n".format(file=file)
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes {sname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, sname=SETNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- fd = open(TESTNAME, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes -").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=fd)
- fd.close()
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-bytes".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = "diff -q {setfile} {testfile}".format(setfile=SETNAME, testfile=TESTNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Data after set-bytes differ")
- logging.debug("Got:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, TESTNAME)
- logging.debug("Expected:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, SETNAME)
- ERRORS += 1
- # Use set-bytes with --dry-run and make sure contents haven't changed
- fd = open(BADNAME, "w")
- data = "Bad data for --dry-run in {file}\n".format(file=file)
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes {sname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, sname=BADNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes --dry-run".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- fd = open(TESTNAME, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes -").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=fd)
- fd.close()
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-bytes".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = "diff -q {setfile} {testfile}".format(setfile=SETNAME, testfile=TESTNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Data after set-bytes --dry-run changed!")
- logging.debug("Got:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, TESTNAME)
- logging.debug("Expected:")
- cat_file(logging.DEBUG, SETNAME)
- ERRORS += 1
- fd = open(file, "rb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=fd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes to restore object".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- fd.close()
- try:
- os.unlink(GETNAME)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- os.unlink(TESTNAME)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- os.unlink(SETNAME)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- os.unlink(BADNAME)
- except:
- pass
- # Test get-attr, set-attr, rm-attr, get-omaphdr, set-omaphdr, get-omap, set-omap, rm-omap
- print("Test get-attr, set-attr, rm-attr, get-omaphdr, set-omaphdr, get-omap, set-omap, rm-omap")
- for nspace in db.keys():
- for basename in db[nspace].keys():
- file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
- JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
- for pg in OBJREPPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
- fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
- and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
- if not fnames:
- continue
- for key, val in db[nspace][basename]["xattr"].items():
- attrkey = "_" + key
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if getval != val:
- logging.error("get-attr of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=attrkey, get=getval, orig=val))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # set-attr to bogus value "foobar"
- cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Test set-attr with dry-run
- cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Check the set-attr
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- if getval != "foobar":
- logging.error("Check of set-attr failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Test rm-attr
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' rm-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Check rm-attr with dry-run
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' rm-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret == 0:
- logging.error("For rm-attr expect get-attr to fail, but it succeeded")
- ERRORS += 1
- # Put back value
- cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey, val=val)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- hdr = db[nspace][basename].get("omapheader", "")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- gethdr = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if gethdr != hdr:
- logging.error("get-omaphdr was wrong: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=gethdr, orig=hdr))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # set-omaphdr to bogus value "foobar"
- cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Check the set-omaphdr
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- gethdr = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- if gethdr != "foobar":
- logging.error("Check of set-omaphdr failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Test dry-run with set-omaphdr
- cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Put back value
- cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, val=hdr)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- for omapkey, val in db[nspace][basename]["omap"].items():
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if getval != val:
- logging.error("get-omap of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=omapkey, get=getval, orig=val))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # set-omap to bogus value "foobar"
- cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Check set-omap with dry-run
- cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Check the set-omap
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- if getval != "foobar":
- logging.error("Check of set-omap failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Test rm-omap
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' rm-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- # Check rm-omap with dry-run
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' rm-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret == 0:
- logging.error("For rm-omap expect get-omap to fail, but it succeeded")
- ERRORS += 1
- # Put back value
- cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey, val=val)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- # Test dump
- print("Test dump")
- for nspace in db.keys():
- for basename in db[nspace].keys():
- file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
- JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
- GETNAME = "/tmp/getbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- for pg in OBJREPPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
- fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
- and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
- if not fnames:
- continue
- if int(basename.split(REP_NAME)[1]) > int(NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS):
- continue
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' dump | grep '\"snap\": 1,' > /dev/null").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Invalid dump for {json}".format(json=JSON))
- ERRORS += 1
- print("Test list-attrs get-attr")
- ATTRFILE = r"/tmp/attrs.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- VALFILE = r"/tmp/val.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- for nspace in db.keys():
- for basename in db[nspace].keys():
- file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename)
- JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
- jsondict = json.loads(JSON)
- if 'shard_id' in jsondict:
- logging.debug("ECobject " + JSON)
- found = 0
- for pg in OBJECPGS:
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- # Fix shard_id since we only have one json instance for each object
- jsondict['shard_id'] = int(pg.split('s')[1])
- JSON = json.dumps(jsondict)
- for osd in OSDS:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr hinfo_key").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug("TRY: " + cmd)
- try:
- out = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- logging.debug("FOUND: {json} in {osd} has value '{val}'".format(osd=osd, json=JSON, val=out))
- found += 1
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- if "No such file or directory" not in e.output and "No data available" not in e.output:
- raise
- # Assuming k=2 m=1 for the default ec pool
- if found != 3:
- logging.error("{json} hinfo_key found {found} times instead of 3".format(json=JSON, found=found))
- ERRORS += 1
- for pg in ALLPGS:
- # Make sure rep obj with rep pg or ec obj with ec pg
- if ('shard_id' in jsondict) != (pg.find('s') > 0):
- continue
- if 'shard_id' in jsondict:
- # Fix shard_id since we only have one json instance for each object
- jsondict['shard_id'] = int(pg.split('s')[1])
- JSON = json.dumps(jsondict)
- OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in OSDS:
- DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
- fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
- and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
- if not fnames:
- continue
- afd = open(ATTRFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' list-attrs").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=afd)
- afd.close()
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("list-attrs failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- keys = get_lines(ATTRFILE)
- values = dict(db[nspace][basename]["xattr"])
- for key in keys:
- if key == "_" or key == "snapset" or key == "hinfo_key":
- continue
- key = key.strip("_")
- if key not in values:
- logging.error("Unexpected key {key} present".format(key=key))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- exp = values.pop(key)
- vfd = open(VALFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key="_" + key)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=vfd)
- vfd.close()
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("get-attr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- continue
- lines = get_lines(VALFILE)
- val = lines[0]
- if exp != val:
- logging.error("For key {key} got value {got} instead of {expected}".format(key=key, got=val, expected=exp))
- ERRORS += 1
- if len(values) != 0:
- logging.error("Not all keys found, remaining keys:")
- print(values)
- print("Test --op meta-list")
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op meta-list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from --op meta-list request".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- print("Test get-bytes on meta")
- tmpfd.close()
- lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
- JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
- for JSON in JSONOBJ:
- (pgid, jsondict) = json.loads(JSON)
- if pgid != "meta":
- logging.error("pgid incorrect for --op meta-list {pgid}".format(pgid=pgid))
- ERRORS += 1
- if jsondict['namespace'] != "":
- logging.error("namespace non null --op meta-list {ns}".format(ns=jsondict['namespace']))
- ERRORS += 1
- try:
- os.unlink(GETNAME)
- except:
- pass
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-bytes {fname}").format(osd=ONEOSD, json=JSON, fname=GETNAME)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Bad exit status {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- try:
- os.unlink(GETNAME)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- os.unlink(TESTNAME)
- except:
- pass
- print("Test pg info")
- for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op info --pgid {pg} | grep '\"pgid\": \"{pg}\"'").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Getting info failed for pg {pg} from {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- print("Test pg logging")
- logging.warning("All PGs have objects, so no log without modify entries")
- for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
- tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op log --pgid {pg}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Getting log failed for pg {pg} from {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- MODOBJ = False
- for line in get_lines(TMPFILE):
- if line.find("modify") != -1:
- MODOBJ = True
- break
- logging.error("Bad log for pg {pg} from {osd}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd))
- MSG = (HASOBJ and [""] or ["NOT "])[0]
- print("Log should {msg}have a modify entry".format(msg=MSG))
- ERRORS += 1
- try:
- os.unlink(TMPFILE)
- except:
- pass
- print("Test list-pgs")
- for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
- CHECK_PGS = get_osd_pgs(os.path.join(OSDDIR, osd), None)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list-pgs").format(osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- TEST_PGS = check_output(cmd, shell=True).split("\n")
- TEST_PGS = sorted(TEST_PGS)[1:] # Skip extra blank line
- logging.error("list-pgs got wrong result for osd.{osd}".format(osd=osd))
- logging.error("Expected {pgs}".format(pgs=CHECK_PGS))
- logging.error("Got {pgs}".format(pgs=TEST_PGS))
- ERRORS += 1
- print("Test pg export --dry-run")
- pg = ALLREPPGS[0]
- osd = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)[0]
- fname = "/tmp/fname.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Exporting --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- elif os.path.exists(fname):
- logging.error("Exporting --dry-run created file")
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --op export --pgid {pg} > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Exporting --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- else:
- outdata = get_lines(fname)
- if len(outdata) > 0:
- logging.error("Exporting --dry-run to stdout not empty")
- logging.error("Data: " + outdata)
- os.mkdir(TESTDIR)
- for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd))
- print("Test pg export")
- for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
- mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
- fname = os.path.join(mydir, pg)
- if pg == ALLREPPGS[0]:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- elif pg == ALLREPPGS[1]:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file - > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- else:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Exporting failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- print("Test pg removal")
- for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
- # This should do nothing
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op remove --pgid {pg} --dry-run").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Removing --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- RM_ERRORS += 1
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove --pgid {pg}").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Removing failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- RM_ERRORS += 1
- if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0:
- print("Test pg import")
- for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
- dir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
- PGS = [f for f in os.listdir(dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f))]
- for pg in PGS:
- file = os.path.join(dir, pg)
- # This should do nothing
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {file} --dry-run").format(osd=osd, file=file)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- if pg == PGS[0]:
- cmd = ("cat {file} |".format(file=file) + CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import").format(osd=osd)
- elif pg == PGS[1]:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file - --pgid {pg} < {file}").format(osd=osd, file=file, pg=pg)
- else:
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {file}").format(osd=osd, file=file)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- else:
- logging.debug(cmd)
- if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0 and IMP_ERRORS == 0:
- print("Verify replicated import data")
- data_errors, _ = check_data(DATADIR, TMPFILE, OSDDIR, REP_NAME)
- ERRORS += data_errors
- else:
- print("Test all --op dump-journal again")
- ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
- ERRORS += test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS)
- vstart(new=False)
- wait_for_health()
- if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0 and IMP_ERRORS == 0:
- print("Verify erasure coded import data")
- # Check replicated data/xattr/omap using rados
- print("Verify replicated import data using rados")
- if EXP_ERRORS == 0:
- NEWPOOL = "rados-import-pool"
- cmd = "{path}/rados mkpool {pool}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- print("Test rados import")
- first = True
- for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
- dir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
- for pg in [f for f in os.listdir(dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f))]:
- if pg.find("{id}.".format(id=REPID)) != 0:
- continue
- file = os.path.join(dir, pg)
- if first:
- first = False
- # This should do nothing
- cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} --dry-run {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Rados import --dry-run failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} ls".format(pool=NEWPOOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- data = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
- if data:
- logging.error("'{data}'".format(data=data))
- logging.error("Found objects after dry-run")
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Rados import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} --no-overwrite {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Rados import --no-overwrite failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- ERRORS += 1
- else:
- # Clear directories of previous portion
- call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=TESTDIR), shell=True)
- call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=DATADIR), shell=True)
- os.mkdir(TESTDIR)
- os.mkdir(DATADIR)
- # Cause SPLIT_POOL to split and test import with object/log filtering
- print("Testing import all objects after a split")
- SPLIT_POOL = "split_pool"
- PG_COUNT = 1
- SPLIT_NAME = "split"
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} replicated".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- SPLITID = get_pool_id(SPLIT_POOL, nullfd)
- pool_size = int(check_output("{path}/ceph osd pool get {pool} size".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True, stderr=nullfd).split(" ")[1])
- objects = range(1, SPLIT_OBJ_COUNT + 1)
- nspaces = range(SPLIT_NSPACE_COUNT)
- for n in nspaces:
- nspace = get_nspace(n)
- for i in objects:
- NAME = SPLIT_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
- LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
- DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
- DDNAME += "__head"
- cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
- logging.debug(cmd)
- call(cmd, shell=True)
- if i == 1:
- dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
- else:
- dataline = range(1)
- fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
- data = "This is the split data for " + LNAME + "\n"
- for _ in dataline:
- fd.write(data)
- fd.close()
- cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
- return 1
- wait_for_health()
- kill_daemons()
- for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd))
- pg = "{pool}.0".format(pool=SPLITID)
- EXPORT_PG = pg
- export_osds = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
- for osd in export_osds:
- mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
- fname = os.path.join(mydir, pg)
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Exporting failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
- if EXP_ERRORS == 0:
- vstart(new=False)
- wait_for_health()
- cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool set {pool} pg_num 2".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
- time.sleep(5)
- wait_for_health()
- kill_daemons()
- # Now 2 PGs, poolid.0 and poolid.1
- for seed in range(2):
- pg = "{pool}.{seed}".format(pool=SPLITID, seed=seed)
- which = 0
- for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove --pgid {pg}").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- # This is weird. The export files are based on only the EXPORT_PG
- # and where that pg was before the split. Use 'which' to use all
- # export copies in import.
- mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, export_osds[which])
- fname = os.path.join(mydir, EXPORT_PG)
- which += 1
- cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
- logging.debug(cmd)
- ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
- if ret != 0:
- logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
- # Start up again to make sure imports didn't corrupt anything
- if IMP_ERRORS == 0:
- print("Verify split import data")
- data_errors, count = check_data(DATADIR, TMPFILE, OSDDIR, SPLIT_NAME)
- ERRORS += data_errors
- if count != (SPLIT_OBJ_COUNT * SPLIT_NSPACE_COUNT * pool_size):
- logging.error("Incorrect number of replicas seen {count}".format(count=count))
- ERRORS += 1
- vstart(new=False)
- wait_for_health()
- call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=TESTDIR), shell=True)
- call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=DATADIR), shell=True)
- # vstart() starts 4 OSDs
- ERRORS += test_get_set_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, list(range(4)), ALLOSDS)
- ERRORS += test_get_set_inc_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS[0])
- kill_daemons()
- CORES = [f for f in os.listdir(CEPH_DIR) if f.startswith("core.")]
- if CORES:
- CORE_DIR = os.path.join("/tmp", "cores.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid()))
- os.mkdir(CORE_DIR)
- call("/bin/mv {ceph_dir}/core.* {core_dir}".format(ceph_dir=CEPH_DIR, core_dir=CORE_DIR), shell=True)
- logging.error("Failure due to cores found")
- logging.error("See {core_dir} for cores".format(core_dir=CORE_DIR))
- ERRORS += len(CORES)
- if ERRORS == 0:
- print("TEST PASSED")
- return 0
- else:
- print("TEST FAILED WITH {errcount} ERRORS".format(errcount=ERRORS))
- return 1
-def remove_btrfs_subvolumes(path):
- if platform.system() == "FreeBSD":
- return
- result = subprocess.Popen("stat -f -c '%%T' %s" % path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- for line in result.stdout:
- filesystem = decode(line).rstrip('\n')
- if filesystem == "btrfs":
- result = subprocess.Popen("sudo btrfs subvolume list %s" % path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- for line in result.stdout:
- subvolume = decode(line).split()[8]
- # extracting the relative volume name
- m =".*(%s.*)" % path, subvolume)
- if m:
- found =
- call("sudo btrfs subvolume delete %s" % found, shell=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- status = 1
- try:
- status = main(sys.argv[1:])
- finally:
- kill_daemons()
- os.chdir(CEPH_BUILD_DIR)
- remove_btrfs_subvolumes(CEPH_DIR)
- call("/bin/rm -fr {dir}".format(dir=CEPH_DIR), shell=True)
- sys.exit(status)
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/ b/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
deleted file mode 100755
index cede887..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-source $CEPH_ROOT/qa/standalone/
-function run() {
- local dir=$1
- shift
- export CEPH_MON="" # git grep '\<7202\>' : there must be only one
- export CEPH_ARGS
- CEPH_ARGS+="--fsid=$(uuidgen) --auth-supported=none "
- CEPH_ARGS+="--mon-host=$CEPH_MON "
- local funcs=${@:-$(set | sed -n -e 's/^\(TEST_[0-9a-z_]*\) .*/\1/p')}
- for func in $funcs ; do
- setup $dir || return 1
- $func $dir || return 1
- teardown $dir || return 1
- done
-function TEST_failure_log() {
- local dir=$1
- cat > $dir/test_failure.log << EOF
-This is a fake log file
-This ends the fake log file
- # Test fails
- return 1
-function TEST_failure_core_only() {
- local dir=$1
- run_mon $dir a || return 1
- kill_daemons $dir SEGV mon 5
- return 0
-main test_failure "$@"