path: root/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/')
1 files changed, 2024 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/ b/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c52101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/standalone/special/
@@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import print_function
+from subprocess import call
+ from subprocess import check_output
+except ImportError:
+ def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
+ import subprocess
+ # backported from python 2.7 stdlib
+ process = subprocess.Popen(
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
+ output, unused_err = process.communicate()
+ retcode = process.poll()
+ if retcode:
+ cmd = kwargs.get("args")
+ if cmd is None:
+ cmd = popenargs[0]
+ error = subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
+ error.output = output
+ raise error
+ return output
+import filecmp
+import os
+import subprocess
+import math
+import time
+import sys
+import re
+import logging
+import json
+import tempfile
+import platform
+ from subprocess import DEVNULL
+except ImportError:
+ DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")
+logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)
+if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
+ def decode(s):
+ return s.decode('utf-8')
+ def check_output(*args, **kwargs):
+ return decode(subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs))
+ def decode(s):
+ return s
+def wait_for_health():
+ print("Wait for health_ok...", end="")
+ tries = 0
+ while call("{path}/ceph health 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'HEALTH_OK\|HEALTH_WARN' > /dev/null".format(path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True) == 0:
+ tries += 1
+ if tries == 150:
+ raise Exception("Time exceeded to go to health")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ print("DONE")
+def get_pool_id(name, nullfd):
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool stats {pool}".format(pool=name, path=CEPH_BIN).split()
+ # pool {pool} id # .... grab the 4 field
+ return check_output(cmd, stderr=nullfd).split()[3]
+# return a list of unique PGS given an osd subdirectory
+def get_osd_pgs(SUBDIR, ID):
+ PGS = []
+ if ID:
+ endhead = re.compile("{id}.*_head$".format(id=ID))
+ DIR = os.path.join(SUBDIR, "current")
+ PGS += [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and (ID is None or endhead.match(f))]
+ PGS = [re.sub("_head", "", p) for p in PGS if "_head" in p]
+ return PGS
+# return a sorted list of unique PGs given a directory
+def get_pgs(DIR, ID):
+ OSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
+ PGS = []
+ for d in OSDS:
+ SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIR, d)
+ PGS += get_osd_pgs(SUBDIR, ID)
+ return sorted(set(PGS))
+# return a sorted list of PGS a subset of ALLPGS that contain objects with prefix specified
+def get_objs(ALLPGS, prefix, DIR, ID):
+ OSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
+ PGS = []
+ for d in OSDS:
+ DIRL2 = os.path.join(DIR, d)
+ SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIRL2, "current")
+ for p in ALLPGS:
+ PGDIR = p + "_head"
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)):
+ continue
+ FINALDIR = os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)
+ # See if there are any objects there
+ if any(f for f in [val for _, _, fl in os.walk(FINALDIR) for val in fl] if f.startswith(prefix)):
+ PGS += [p]
+ return sorted(set(PGS))
+# return a sorted list of OSDS which have data from a given PG
+def get_osds(PG, DIR):
+ ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(DIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
+ OSDS = []
+ for d in ALLOSDS:
+ DIRL2 = os.path.join(DIR, d)
+ SUBDIR = os.path.join(DIRL2, "current")
+ PGDIR = PG + "_head"
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(SUBDIR, PGDIR)):
+ continue
+ OSDS += [d]
+ return sorted(OSDS)
+def get_lines(filename):
+ tmpfd = open(filename, "r")
+ line = True
+ lines = []
+ while line:
+ line = tmpfd.readline().rstrip('\n')
+ if line:
+ lines += [line]
+ tmpfd.close()
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ return lines
+def cat_file(level, filename):
+ if level < logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel():
+ return
+ print("File: " + filename)
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ while True:
+ line = f.readline().rstrip('\n')
+ if not line:
+ break
+ print(line)
+ print("<EOF>")
+def vstart(new, opt=""):
+ print("vstarting....", end="")
+ NEW = new and "-n" or "-N"
+ call("MON=1 OSD=4 MDS=0 MGR=1 CEPH_PORT=7400 {path}/src/ --filestore --short -l {new} -d {opt} > /dev/null 2>&1".format(new=NEW, opt=opt, path=CEPH_ROOT), shell=True)
+ print("DONE")
+def test_failure(cmd, errmsg, tty=False):
+ if tty:
+ try:
+ ttyfd = open("/dev/tty", "rwb")
+ except Exception as e:
+"SKIP " + cmd)
+ return 0
+ TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ if tty:
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=ttyfd, stdout=ttyfd, stderr=tmpfd)
+ ttyfd.close()
+ else:
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmpfd)
+ tmpfd.close()
+ if ret == 0:
+ logging.error(cmd)
+ logging.error("Should have failed, but got exit 0")
+ return 1
+ lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ matched = [ l for l in lines if errmsg in l ]
+ if any(matched):
+"Correctly failed with message \"" + matched[0] + "\"")
+ return 0
+ else:
+ logging.error("Command: " + cmd )
+ logging.error("Bad messages to stderr \"" + str(lines) + "\"")
+ logging.error("Expected \"" + errmsg + "\"")
+ return 1
+def get_nspace(num):
+ if num == 0:
+ return ""
+ return "ns{num}".format(num=num)
+def verify(DATADIR, POOL, NAME_PREFIX, db):
+ TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
+ ERRORS = 0
+ for rawnsfile in [f for f in os.listdir(DATADIR) if f.split('-')[1].find(NAME_PREFIX) == 0]:
+ nsfile = rawnsfile.split("__")[0]
+ clone = rawnsfile.split("__")[1]
+ nspace = nsfile.split("-")[0]
+ file = nsfile.split("-")[1]
+ # Skip clones
+ if clone != "head":
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(DATADIR, rawnsfile)
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TMPFILE)
+ except:
+ pass
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' get {file} {out}".format(pool=POOL, file=file, out=TMPFILE, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
+ cmd = "diff -q {src} {result}".format(src=path, result=TMPFILE)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("{file} data not imported properly".format(file=file))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TMPFILE)
+ except:
+ pass
+ for key, val in db[nspace][file]["xattr"].items():
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getxattr {name} {key}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, key=key, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
+ logging.debug("getxattr {key} {val}".format(key=key, val=getval))
+ if getval != val:
+ logging.error("getxattr of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=key, get=getval, orig=val))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ hdr = db[nspace][file].get("omapheader", "")
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getomapheader {name} {file}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, nspace=nspace, file=TMPFILE, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("rados getomapheader returned {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ else:
+ getlines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ assert(len(getlines) == 0 or len(getlines) == 1)
+ if len(getlines) == 0:
+ gethdr = ""
+ else:
+ gethdr = getlines[0]
+ logging.debug("header: {hdr}".format(hdr=gethdr))
+ if gethdr != hdr:
+ logging.error("getomapheader returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=gethdr, orig=hdr))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ for key, val in db[nspace][file]["omap"].items():
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' getomapval {name} {key} {file}".format(pool=POOL, name=file, key=key, nspace=nspace, file=TMPFILE, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=DEVNULL)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("getomapval returned {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ getlines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ if len(getlines) != 1:
+ logging.error("Bad data from getomapval {lines}".format(lines=getlines))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ getval = getlines[0]
+ logging.debug("getomapval {key} {val}".format(key=key, val=getval))
+ if getval != val:
+ logging.error("getomapval returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=getval, orig=val))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TMPFILE)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return ERRORS
+def check_journal(jsondict):
+ errors = 0
+ if 'header' not in jsondict:
+ logging.error("Key 'header' not in dump-journal")
+ errors += 1
+ elif 'max_size' not in jsondict['header']:
+ logging.error("Key 'max_size' not in dump-journal header")
+ errors += 1
+ else:
+ print("\tJournal max_size = {size}".format(size=jsondict['header']['max_size']))
+ if 'entries' not in jsondict:
+ logging.error("Key 'entries' not in dump-journal output")
+ errors += 1
+ elif len(jsondict['entries']) == 0:
+"No entries in journal found")
+ else:
+ errors += check_journal_entries(jsondict['entries'])
+ return errors
+def check_journal_entries(entries):
+ errors = 0
+ for enum in range(len(entries)):
+ if 'offset' not in entries[enum]:
+ logging.error("No 'offset' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
+ errors += 1
+ if 'seq' not in entries[enum]:
+ logging.error("No 'seq' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
+ errors += 1
+ if 'transactions' not in entries[enum]:
+ logging.error("No 'transactions' key in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
+ errors += 1
+ elif len(entries[enum]['transactions']) == 0:
+ logging.error("No transactions found in entry {e}".format(e=enum))
+ errors += 1
+ else:
+ errors += check_entry_transactions(entries[enum], enum)
+ return errors
+def check_entry_transactions(entry, enum):
+ errors = 0
+ for tnum in range(len(entry['transactions'])):
+ if 'trans_num' not in entry['transactions'][tnum]:
+ logging.error("Key 'trans_num' missing from entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
+ errors += 1
+ elif entry['transactions'][tnum]['trans_num'] != tnum:
+ ft = entry['transactions'][tnum]['trans_num']
+ logging.error("Bad trans_num ({ft}) entry {e} trans {t}".format(ft=ft, e=enum, t=tnum))
+ errors += 1
+ if 'ops' not in entry['transactions'][tnum]:
+ logging.error("Key 'ops' missing from entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
+ errors += 1
+ else:
+ errors += check_transaction_ops(entry['transactions'][tnum]['ops'], enum, tnum)
+ return errors
+def check_transaction_ops(ops, enum, tnum):
+ if len(ops) is 0:
+ logging.warning("No ops found in entry {e} trans {t}".format(e=enum, t=tnum))
+ errors = 0
+ for onum in range(len(ops)):
+ if 'op_num' not in ops[onum]:
+ logging.error("Key 'op_num' missing from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
+ errors += 1
+ elif ops[onum]['op_num'] != onum:
+ fo = ops[onum]['op_num']
+ logging.error("Bad op_num ({fo}) from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(fo=fo, e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
+ errors += 1
+ if 'op_name' not in ops[onum]:
+ logging.error("Key 'op_name' missing from entry {e} trans {t} op {o}".format(e=enum, t=tnum, o=onum))
+ errors += 1
+ return errors
+def test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, osds):
+ ERRORS = 0
+ pid = os.getpid()
+ TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ for osd in osds:
+ # Test --op dump-journal by loading json
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op dump-journal --format json").format(osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ tmpfd.close()
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "r")
+ jsondict = json.load(tmpfd)
+ tmpfd.close()
+ os.unlink(TMPFILE)
+ journal_errors = check_journal(jsondict)
+ if journal_errors is not 0:
+ logging.error(jsondict)
+ ERRORS += journal_errors
+ return ERRORS
+CEPH_BUILD_DIR = os.environ.get('CEPH_BUILD_DIR')
+CEPH_BIN = os.environ.get('CEPH_BIN')
+CEPH_ROOT = os.environ.get('CEPH_ROOT')
+ CEPH_BUILD_DIR=os.getcwd()
+ CEPH_BIN=os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, 'bin')
+ os.putenv('CEPH_BIN', CEPH_BIN)
+ CEPH_ROOT=os.path.dirname(CEPH_BUILD_DIR)
+ os.putenv('CEPH_ROOT', CEPH_ROOT)
+ CEPH_LIB=os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, 'lib')
+ os.putenv('CEPH_LIB', CEPH_LIB)
+ os.mkdir("td")
+ pass # ok if this is already there
+CEPH_DIR = os.path.join(CEPH_BUILD_DIR, os.path.join("td", "cot_dir"))
+CEPH_CONF = os.path.join(CEPH_DIR, 'ceph.conf')
+def kill_daemons():
+ call("{path}/init-ceph -c {conf} stop > /dev/null 2>&1".format(conf=CEPH_CONF, path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True)
+ repcount = 0
+ ERRORS = 0
+ for rawnsfile in [f for f in os.listdir(DATADIR) if f.split('-')[1].find(SPLIT_NAME) == 0]:
+ nsfile = rawnsfile.split("__")[0]
+ clone = rawnsfile.split("__")[1]
+ nspace = nsfile.split("-")[0]
+ file = nsfile.split("-")[1] + "__" + clone
+ # Skip clones
+ if clone != "head":
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(DATADIR, rawnsfile)
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = "find {dir} -name '{file}_*_{nspace}_*'".format(dir=OSDDIR, file=file, nspace=nspace)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret:
+ logging.critical("INTERNAL ERROR")
+ return 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ obj_locs = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ if len(obj_locs) == 0:
+ logging.error("Can't find imported object {name}".format(name=file))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ for obj_loc in obj_locs:
+ # For btrfs skip snap_* dirs
+ if"/snap_[0-9]*/", obj_loc) is not None:
+ continue
+ repcount += 1
+ cmd = "diff -q {src} {obj_loc}".format(src=path, obj_loc=obj_loc)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("{file} data not imported properly into {obj}".format(file=file, obj=obj_loc))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ return ERRORS, repcount
+def set_osd_weight(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path, weight):
+ # change the weight of osd.0 to math.pi in the newest osdmap of given osd
+ osdmap_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-osdmap --file {osdmap_file}").format(osd=osd_path,
+ output = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ epoch = int(re.findall('#(\d+)', output)[0])
+ new_crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ old_crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --export-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
+, path=CEPH_BIN),
+ stdout=DEVNULL,
+ stderr=DEVNULL,
+ shell=True)
+ assert(ret == 0)
+ for osd_id in osd_ids:
+ cmd = "{path}/crushtool -i {crush_file} --reweight-item osd.{osd} {weight} -o {new_crush_file}".format(osd=osd_id,
+ weight=weight,
+, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
+ assert(ret == 0)
+ old_crush_file, new_crush_file = new_crush_file, old_crush_file
+ # change them back, since we don't need to preapre for another round
+ old_crush_file, new_crush_file = new_crush_file, old_crush_file
+ old_crush_file.close()
+ ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --import-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
+, path=CEPH_BIN),
+ stdout=DEVNULL,
+ stderr=DEVNULL,
+ shell=True)
+ assert(ret == 0)
+ # Minimum test of --dry-run by using it, but not checking anything
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-osdmap --file {osdmap_file} --epoch {epoch} --force --dry-run"
+ cmd = cmd.format(osd=osd_path,, epoch=epoch)
+ ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
+ assert(ret == 0)
+ # osdmaptool increases the epoch of the changed osdmap, so we need to force the tool
+ # to use use a different epoch than the one in osdmap
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-osdmap --file {osdmap_file} --epoch {epoch} --force"
+ cmd = cmd.format(osd=osd_path,, epoch=epoch)
+ ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
+ return ret == 0
+def get_osd_weights(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path):
+ osdmap_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-osdmap --file {osdmap_file}").format(osd=osd_path,
+ ret = call(cmd, stdout=DEVNULL, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ return None
+ # we have to read the weights from the crush map, even we can query the weights using
+ # osdmaptool, but please keep in mind, they are different:
+ # item weights in crush map versus weight associated with each osd in osdmap
+ crush_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ ret = call("{path}/osdmaptool --export-crush {crush_file} {osdmap_file}".format(,
+, path=CEPH_BIN),
+ stdout=DEVNULL,
+ shell=True)
+ assert(ret == 0)
+ output = check_output("{path}/crushtool --tree -i {crush_file} | tail -n {num_osd}".format(,
+ num_osd=len(osd_ids), path=CEPH_BIN),
+ stderr=DEVNULL,
+ shell=True)
+ weights = []
+ for line in output.strip().split('\n'):
+ print(line)
+ linev = re.split('\s+', line)
+ if linev[0] is '':
+ linev.pop(0)
+ print('linev %s' % linev)
+ weights.append(float(linev[2]))
+ return weights
+def test_get_set_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_paths):
+ print("Testing get-osdmap and set-osdmap")
+ errors = 0
+ kill_daemons()
+ weight = 1 / math.e # just some magic number in [0, 1]
+ changed = []
+ for osd_path in osd_paths:
+ if set_osd_weight(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path, weight):
+ changed.append(osd_path)
+ else:
+ logging.warning("Failed to change the weights: {0}".format(osd_path))
+ # i am pissed off if none of the store gets changed
+ if not changed:
+ errors += 1
+ for osd_path in changed:
+ weights = get_osd_weights(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_ids, osd_path)
+ if not weights:
+ errors += 1
+ continue
+ if any(abs(w - weight) > 1e-5 for w in weights):
+ logging.warning("Weight is not changed: {0} != {1}".format(weights, weight))
+ errors += 1
+ return errors
+def test_get_set_inc_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, osd_path):
+ # incrementals are not used unless we need to build an MOSDMap to update
+ # OSD's peers, so an obvious way to test it is simply overwrite an epoch
+ # with a different copy, and read it back to see if it matches.
+ kill_daemons()
+ file_e2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --file {file}").format(osd=osd_path,
+ output = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ epoch = int(re.findall('#(\d+)', output)[0])
+ # backup e1 incremental before overwriting it
+ epoch -= 1
+ file_e1_backup = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
+ ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
+ if ret: return 1
+ # overwrite e1 with e2
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --force --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
+ ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
+ if ret: return 1
+ # Use dry-run to set back to e1 which shouldn't happen
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --dry-run --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
+ ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
+ if ret: return 1
+ # read from e1
+ file_e1_read = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op get-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
+ ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
+ if ret: return 1
+ errors = 0
+ try:
+ if not filecmp.cmp(,, shallow=False):
+ logging.error("{{get,set}}-inc-osdmap mismatch {0} != {1}".format(,
+ errors += 1
+ finally:
+ # revert the change with file_e1_backup
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX + "--op set-inc-osdmap --epoch {epoch} --file {file}"
+ ret = call(cmd.format(osd=osd_path, epoch=epoch,, shell=True)
+ if ret:
+ logging.error("Failed to revert the changed inc-osdmap")
+ errors += 1
+ return errors
+ # Test removeall
+ TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid())
+ nullfd = open(os.devnull, "w")
+ errors=0
+ print("Test removeall")
+ kill_daemons()
+ for nspace in db.keys():
+ for basename in db[nspace].keys():
+ JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
+ for pg in OBJREPPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
+ fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
+ and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
+ if not fnames:
+ continue
+ if int(basename.split(REP_NAME)[1]) <= int(NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS):
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' remove").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ errors += test_failure(cmd, "Snapshots are present, use removeall to delete everything")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --force --dry-run '{json}' remove").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("remove with --force failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
+ errors += 1
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --dry-run '{json}' removeall").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("removeall failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
+ errors += 1
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' removeall").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("removeall failed for {json}".format(json=JSON))
+ errors += 1
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "w")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} --namespace {ns} {name}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, ns=nspace, name=basename)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
+ errors += 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ if len(lines) != 0:
+ logging.error("Removeall didn't remove all objects {ns}/{name} : {lines}".format(ns=nspace, name=basename, lines=lines))
+ errors += 1
+ vstart(new=False)
+ wait_for_health()
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} rmsnap snap1".format(pool=REP_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("rados rmsnap failed")
+ errors += 1
+ time.sleep(2)
+ wait_for_health()
+ return errors
+def main(argv):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ sys.stdout = stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb', 0)
+ else:
+ stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
+ if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "debug":
+ nullfd = stdout
+ else:
+ nullfd = DEVNULL
+ call("rm -fr {dir}; mkdir -p {dir}".format(dir=CEPH_DIR), shell=True)
+ os.chdir(CEPH_DIR)
+ os.environ["CEPH_DIR"] = CEPH_DIR
+ OSDDIR = "dev"
+ REP_POOL = "rep_pool"
+ REP_NAME = "REPobject"
+ EC_POOL = "ec_pool"
+ EC_NAME = "ECobject"
+ if len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] == 'large':
+ PG_COUNT = 12
+ # Larger data sets for first object per namespace
+ # Number of objects to do xattr/omap testing on
+ ATTR_OBJS = 10
+ else:
+ PG_COUNT = 4
+ # Larger data sets for first object per namespace
+ # Number of objects to do xattr/omap testing on
+ ERRORS = 0
+ pid = os.getpid()
+ TESTDIR = "/tmp/test.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ DATADIR = "/tmp/data.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ CFSD_PREFIX = CEPH_BIN + "/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path " + OSDDIR + "/{osd} "
+ PROFNAME = "testecprofile"
+ os.environ['CEPH_CONF'] = CEPH_CONF
+ vstart(new=True)
+ wait_for_health()
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} replicated".format(pool=REP_POOL, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ REPID = get_pool_id(REP_POOL, nullfd)
+ print("Created Replicated pool #{repid}".format(repid=REPID))
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd erasure-code-profile set {prof} crush-failure-domain=osd".format(prof=PROFNAME, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd erasure-code-profile get {prof}".format(prof=PROFNAME, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} erasure {prof}".format(pool=EC_POOL, prof=PROFNAME, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ ECID = get_pool_id(EC_POOL, nullfd)
+ print("Created Erasure coded pool #{ecid}".format(ecid=ECID))
+ print("Creating {objs} objects in replicated pool".format(objs=(NUM_REP_OBJECTS*NUM_NSPACES)))
+ cmd = "mkdir -p {datadir}".format(datadir=DATADIR)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ db = {}
+ objects = range(1, NUM_REP_OBJECTS + 1)
+ nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
+ for n in nspaces:
+ nspace = get_nspace(n)
+ db[nspace] = {}
+ for i in objects:
+ NAME = REP_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
+ LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
+ DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
+ DDNAME += "__head"
+ cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if i == 1:
+ dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
+ else:
+ dataline = range(1)
+ fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
+ data = "This is the replicated data for " + LNAME + "\n"
+ for _ in dataline:
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ return 1
+ db[nspace][NAME] = {}
+ if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1:
+ keys = range(i)
+ else:
+ keys = range(0)
+ db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"] = {}
+ for k in keys:
+ if k == 0:
+ continue
+ mykey = "key{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ myval = "val{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setxattr {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("setxattr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"][mykey] = myval
+ # Create omap header in all objects but REPobject1
+ if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1 and i != 1:
+ myhdr = "hdr{i}".format(i=i)
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setomapheader {name} {hdr}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, hdr=myhdr, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("setomapheader failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ db[nspace][NAME]["omapheader"] = myhdr
+ db[nspace][NAME]["omap"] = {}
+ for k in keys:
+ if k == 0:
+ continue
+ mykey = "okey{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ myval = "oval{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setomapval {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("setomapval failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ db[nspace][NAME]["omap"][mykey] = myval
+ # Create some clones
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} mksnap snap1".format(pool=REP_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ objects = range(1, NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS + 1)
+ nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
+ for n in nspaces:
+ nspace = get_nspace(n)
+ for i in objects:
+ NAME = REP_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
+ LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
+ DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
+ # First clone
+ DDNAME += "__head"
+ cmd = "mv -f " + DDNAME + " " + CLONENAME
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if i == 1:
+ dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
+ else:
+ dataline = range(1)
+ fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
+ data = "This is the replicated data after a snapshot for " + LNAME + "\n"
+ for _ in dataline:
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=REP_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ return 1
+ print("Creating {objs} objects in erasure coded pool".format(objs=(NUM_EC_OBJECTS*NUM_NSPACES)))
+ objects = range(1, NUM_EC_OBJECTS + 1)
+ nspaces = range(NUM_NSPACES)
+ for n in nspaces:
+ nspace = get_nspace(n)
+ for i in objects:
+ NAME = EC_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
+ LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
+ DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
+ DDNAME += "__head"
+ cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if i == 1:
+ dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
+ else:
+ dataline = range(1)
+ fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
+ data = "This is the erasure coded data for " + LNAME + "\n"
+ for j in dataline:
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=EC_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("Erasure coded pool creation failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ return 1
+ db[nspace][NAME] = {}
+ db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"] = {}
+ if i < ATTR_OBJS + 1:
+ keys = range(i)
+ else:
+ keys = range(0)
+ for k in keys:
+ if k == 0:
+ continue
+ mykey = "key{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ myval = "val{i}-{k}".format(i=i, k=k)
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' setxattr {name} {key} {val}".format(pool=EC_POOL, name=NAME, key=mykey, val=myval, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("setxattr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ db[nspace][NAME]["xattr"][mykey] = myval
+ # Omap isn't supported in EC pools
+ db[nspace][NAME]["omap"] = {}
+ logging.debug(db)
+ kill_daemons()
+ if ERRORS:
+ logging.critical("Unable to set up test")
+ return 1
+ logging.debug(ALLREPPGS)
+ logging.debug(ALLECPGS)
+ logging.debug(OBJREPPGS)
+ logging.debug(OBJECPGS)
+ logging.debug(ONEPG)
+ osds = get_osds(ONEPG, OSDDIR)
+ ONEOSD = osds[0]
+ logging.debug(ONEOSD)
+ print("Test invalid parameters")
+ # On export can't use stdout to a terminal
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdout is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
+ # On export can't use stdout to a terminal
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file -").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdout is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
+ # Prep a valid ec export file for import failure tests
+ osds = get_osds(ONEECPG, OSDDIR)
+ ONEECOSD = osds[0]
+ OTHERFILE = "/tmp/foo.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEECOSD, pg=ONEECPG, file=OTHERFILE)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ # On import can't specify a different shard
+ BADPG = ONEECPG.split('s')[0] + "s10"
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEECOSD, pg=BADPG, file=OTHERFILE)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a different shard, must be")
+ os.unlink(OTHERFILE)
+ # Prep a valid export file for import failure tests
+ OTHERFILE = "/tmp/foo.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, file=OTHERFILE)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ # On import can't specify a PG with a non-existent pool
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg="10.0", file=OTHERFILE)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a different pgid pool, must be")
+ # On import can't specify shard for a replicated export
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg}s0 --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, file=OTHERFILE)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Can't specify a sharded pgid with a non-sharded export")
+ # On import can't specify a PG with a bad seed
+ TMPPG="{pool}.80".format(pool=REPID)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=TMPPG, file=OTHERFILE)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Illegal pgid, the seed is larger than current pg_num")
+ os.unlink(OTHERFILE)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {FOO}").format(osd=ONEOSD, FOO=OTHERFILE)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "file: {FOO}: No such file or directory".format(FOO=OTHERFILE))
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path BAD_DATA_PATH --op list".format(osd=ONEOSD, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "data-path: BAD_DATA_PATH: No such file or directory")
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --journal-path BAD_JOURNAL_PATH --op dump-journal".format(path=CEPH_BIN)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: BAD_JOURNAL_PATH: (2) No such file or directory")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--journal-path BAD_JOURNAL_PATH --op list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: BAD_JOURNAL_PATH: No such file or directory")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--journal-path /bin --op list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "journal-path: /bin: (21) Is a directory")
+ # On import can't use stdin from a terminal
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg}").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdin is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
+ # On import can't use stdin from a terminal
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file -").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "stdin is a tty and no --file filename specified", tty=True)
+ # Specify a bad --type
+ os.mkdir(OSDDIR + "/fakeosd")
+ cmd = ("{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path " + OSDDIR + "/{osd} --type foobar --op list --pgid {pg}").format(osd="fakeosd", pg=ONEPG, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Unable to create store of type foobar")
+ # Don't specify a data-path
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph-objectstore-tool --type memstore --op list --pgid {pg}".format(dir=OSDDIR, osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --data-path")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op remove --pgid 2.0").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Please use export-remove or you must use --force option")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide pgid")
+ # Don't secify a --op nor object command
+ cmd = CFSD_PREFIX.format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --op or object command...")
+ # Specify a bad --op command
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op oops").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Must provide --op (info, log, remove, mkfs, fsck, export, export-remove, import, list, fix-lost, list-pgs, rm-past-intervals, dump-journal, dump-super, meta-list, get-osdmap, set-osdmap, get-inc-osdmap, set-inc-osdmap, mark-complete)")
+ # Provide just the object param not a command
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "object").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Invalid syntax, missing command")
+ # Provide an object name that doesn't exist
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "NON_OBJECT get-bytes").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "No object id 'NON_OBJECT' found")
+ # Provide an invalid object command
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '' notacommand").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Unknown object command 'notacommand'")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "foo list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "No object id 'foo' found or invalid JSON specified")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{{\"oid\":\"obj4\",\"key\":\"\",\"snapid\":-1,\"hash\":2826278768,\"max\":0,\"pool\":1,\"namespace\":\"\"}}' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Without --pgid the object '{\"oid\":\"obj4\",\"key\":\"\",\"snapid\":-1,\"hash\":2826278768,\"max\":0,\"pool\":1,\"namespace\":\"\"}' must be a JSON array")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.0\"]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[\"1.0\"]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.0\", 5, 8, 9]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[\"1.0\", 5, 8, 9]' must be a JSON array with 2 elements")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[1, 2]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Object '[1, 2]' must be a JSON array with the first element a string")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'[\"1.3\",{{\"snapid\":\"not an int\"}}]' list-omap").format(osd=ONEOSD, pg=ONEPG)
+ ERRORS += test_failure(cmd, "Decode object JSON error: value type is 2 not 4")
+ TMPFILE = r"/tmp/tmp.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ OSDS = get_osds(ALLPGS[0], OSDDIR)
+ osd = OSDS[0]
+ print("Test all --op dump-journal")
+ ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
+ ERRORS += test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS)
+ # Test --op list and generate json for all objects
+ print("Test --op list variants")
+ # retrieve all objects from all PGs
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --format json").format(osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
+ (pgid, coll, jsondict) = json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
+ # retrieve all objects in a given PG
+ tmpfd = open(OTHERFILE, "ab")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} --format json").format(osd=osd, pg=pgid)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(OTHERFILE)
+ JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
+ (other_pgid, other_coll, other_jsondict) = json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
+ if pgid != other_pgid or jsondict != other_jsondict or coll != other_coll:
+ logging.error("the first line of --op list is different "
+ "from the first line of --op list --pgid {pg}".format(pg=pgid))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # retrieve all objects with a given name in a given PG
+ tmpfd = open(OTHERFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg} {object} --format json").format(osd=osd, pg=pgid, object=jsondict['oid'])
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from {cmd}".format(ret=ret, cmd=cmd))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(OTHERFILE)
+ JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
+ (other_pgid, other_coll, other_jsondict) in json.loads(JSONOBJ[0])[0]
+ if pgid != other_pgid or jsondict != other_jsondict or coll != other_coll:
+ logging.error("the first line of --op list is different "
+ "from the first line of --op list --pgid {pg} {object}".format(pg=pgid, object=jsondict['oid']))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ print("Test --op list by generating json for all objects using default format")
+ for pg in ALLPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "ab")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list --pgid {pg}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from --op list request".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
+ for JSON in JSONOBJ:
+ (pgid, jsondict) = json.loads(JSON)
+ # Skip clones for now
+ if jsondict['snapid'] != -2:
+ continue
+ db[jsondict['namespace']][jsondict['oid']]['json'] = json.dumps((pgid, jsondict))
+ # print db[jsondict['namespace']][jsondict['oid']]['json']
+ if jsondict['oid'].find(EC_NAME) == 0 and 'shard_id' not in jsondict:
+ logging.error("Malformed JSON {json}".format(json=JSON))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # Test get-bytes
+ print("Test get-bytes and set-bytes")
+ for nspace in db.keys():
+ for basename in db[nspace].keys():
+ file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
+ JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
+ GETNAME = "/tmp/getbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ TESTNAME = "/tmp/testbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ SETNAME = "/tmp/setbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ BADNAME = "/tmp/badbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ for pg in OBJREPPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
+ fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
+ and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
+ if not fnames:
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.unlink(GETNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes {fname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, fname=GETNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ cmd = "diff -q {file} {getfile}".format(file=file, getfile=GETNAME)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Data from get-bytes differ")
+ logging.debug("Got:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, GETNAME)
+ logging.debug("Expected:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, file)
+ ERRORS += 1
+ fd = open(SETNAME, "w")
+ data = "put-bytes going into {file}\n".format(file=file)
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes {sname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, sname=SETNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ fd = open(TESTNAME, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes -").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=fd)
+ fd.close()
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-bytes".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = "diff -q {setfile} {testfile}".format(setfile=SETNAME, testfile=TESTNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Data after set-bytes differ")
+ logging.debug("Got:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, TESTNAME)
+ logging.debug("Expected:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, SETNAME)
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # Use set-bytes with --dry-run and make sure contents haven't changed
+ fd = open(BADNAME, "w")
+ data = "Bad data for --dry-run in {file}\n".format(file=file)
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes {sname}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, sname=BADNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes --dry-run".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ fd = open(TESTNAME, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-bytes -").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=fd)
+ fd.close()
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-bytes".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = "diff -q {setfile} {testfile}".format(setfile=SETNAME, testfile=TESTNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Data after set-bytes --dry-run changed!")
+ logging.debug("Got:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, TESTNAME)
+ logging.debug("Expected:")
+ cat_file(logging.DEBUG, SETNAME)
+ ERRORS += 1
+ fd = open(file, "rb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' set-bytes").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdin=fd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-bytes to restore object".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ fd.close()
+ try:
+ os.unlink(GETNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TESTNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(SETNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(BADNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Test get-attr, set-attr, rm-attr, get-omaphdr, set-omaphdr, get-omap, set-omap, rm-omap
+ print("Test get-attr, set-attr, rm-attr, get-omaphdr, set-omaphdr, get-omap, set-omap, rm-omap")
+ for nspace in db.keys():
+ for basename in db[nspace].keys():
+ file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
+ JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
+ for pg in OBJREPPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
+ fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
+ and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
+ if not fnames:
+ continue
+ for key, val in db[nspace][basename]["xattr"].items():
+ attrkey = "_" + key
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if getval != val:
+ logging.error("get-attr of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=attrkey, get=getval, orig=val))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # set-attr to bogus value "foobar"
+ cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Test set-attr with dry-run
+ cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Check the set-attr
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ if getval != "foobar":
+ logging.error("Check of set-attr failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Test rm-attr
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' rm-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Check rm-attr with dry-run
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' rm-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret == 0:
+ logging.error("For rm-attr expect get-attr to fail, but it succeeded")
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # Put back value
+ cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=attrkey, val=val)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-attr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ hdr = db[nspace][basename].get("omapheader", "")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ gethdr = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if gethdr != hdr:
+ logging.error("get-omaphdr was wrong: {get} instead of {orig}".format(get=gethdr, orig=hdr))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # set-omaphdr to bogus value "foobar"
+ cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Check the set-omaphdr
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ gethdr = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ if gethdr != "foobar":
+ logging.error("Check of set-omaphdr failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Test dry-run with set-omaphdr
+ cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Put back value
+ cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' set-omaphdr").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, val=hdr)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omaphdr".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ for omapkey, val in db[nspace][basename]["omap"].items():
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if getval != val:
+ logging.error("get-omap of key {key} returned wrong val: {get} instead of {orig}".format(key=omapkey, get=getval, orig=val))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # set-omap to bogus value "foobar"
+ cmd = ("echo -n foobar | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Check set-omap with dry-run
+ cmd = ("echo -n dryrunbroken | " + CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Check the set-omap
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ getval = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from get-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ if getval != "foobar":
+ logging.error("Check of set-omap failed because we got {val}".format(val=getval))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Test rm-omap
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' rm-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # Check rm-omap with dry-run
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run '{json}' rm-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from rm-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret == 0:
+ logging.error("For rm-omap expect get-omap to fail, but it succeeded")
+ ERRORS += 1
+ # Put back value
+ cmd = ("echo -n {val} | " + CFSD_PREFIX + " --pgid {pg} '{json}' set-omap {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key=omapkey, val=val)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from set-omap".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ # Test dump
+ print("Test dump")
+ for nspace in db.keys():
+ for basename in db[nspace].keys():
+ file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename + "__head")
+ JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
+ GETNAME = "/tmp/getbytes.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ for pg in OBJREPPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
+ fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
+ and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
+ if not fnames:
+ continue
+ if int(basename.split(REP_NAME)[1]) > int(NUM_CLONED_REP_OBJECTS):
+ continue
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + " '{json}' dump | grep '\"snap\": 1,' > /dev/null").format(osd=osd, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Invalid dump for {json}".format(json=JSON))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ print("Test list-attrs get-attr")
+ ATTRFILE = r"/tmp/attrs.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ VALFILE = r"/tmp/val.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ for nspace in db.keys():
+ for basename in db[nspace].keys():
+ file = os.path.join(DATADIR, nspace + "-" + basename)
+ JSON = db[nspace][basename]['json']
+ jsondict = json.loads(JSON)
+ if 'shard_id' in jsondict:
+ logging.debug("ECobject " + JSON)
+ found = 0
+ for pg in OBJECPGS:
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ # Fix shard_id since we only have one json instance for each object
+ jsondict['shard_id'] = int(pg.split('s')[1])
+ JSON = json.dumps(jsondict)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr hinfo_key").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug("TRY: " + cmd)
+ try:
+ out = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ logging.debug("FOUND: {json} in {osd} has value '{val}'".format(osd=osd, json=JSON, val=out))
+ found += 1
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if "No such file or directory" not in e.output and "No data available" not in e.output:
+ raise
+ # Assuming k=2 m=1 for the default ec pool
+ if found != 3:
+ logging.error("{json} hinfo_key found {found} times instead of 3".format(json=JSON, found=found))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ for pg in ALLPGS:
+ # Make sure rep obj with rep pg or ec obj with ec pg
+ if ('shard_id' in jsondict) != (pg.find('s') > 0):
+ continue
+ if 'shard_id' in jsondict:
+ # Fix shard_id since we only have one json instance for each object
+ jsondict['shard_id'] = int(pg.split('s')[1])
+ JSON = json.dumps(jsondict)
+ OSDS = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in OSDS:
+ DIR = os.path.join(OSDDIR, os.path.join(osd, os.path.join("current", "{pg}_head".format(pg=pg))))
+ fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DIR, f))
+ and f.split("_")[0] == basename and f.split("_")[4] == nspace]
+ if not fnames:
+ continue
+ afd = open(ATTRFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' list-attrs").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=afd)
+ afd.close()
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("list-attrs failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ keys = get_lines(ATTRFILE)
+ values = dict(db[nspace][basename]["xattr"])
+ for key in keys:
+ if key == "_" or key == "snapset" or key == "hinfo_key":
+ continue
+ key = key.strip("_")
+ if key not in values:
+ logging.error("Unexpected key {key} present".format(key=key))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ exp = values.pop(key)
+ vfd = open(VALFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--pgid {pg} '{json}' get-attr {key}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, json=JSON, key="_" + key)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=vfd)
+ vfd.close()
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("get-attr failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ continue
+ lines = get_lines(VALFILE)
+ val = lines[0]
+ if exp != val:
+ logging.error("For key {key} got value {got} instead of {expected}".format(key=key, got=val, expected=exp))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ if len(values) != 0:
+ logging.error("Not all keys found, remaining keys:")
+ print(values)
+ print("Test --op meta-list")
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op meta-list").format(osd=ONEOSD)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret} from --op meta-list request".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ print("Test get-bytes on meta")
+ tmpfd.close()
+ lines = get_lines(TMPFILE)
+ JSONOBJ = sorted(set(lines))
+ for JSON in JSONOBJ:
+ (pgid, jsondict) = json.loads(JSON)
+ if pgid != "meta":
+ logging.error("pgid incorrect for --op meta-list {pgid}".format(pgid=pgid))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ if jsondict['namespace'] != "":
+ logging.error("namespace non null --op meta-list {ns}".format(ns=jsondict['namespace']))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ try:
+ os.unlink(GETNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "'{json}' get-bytes {fname}").format(osd=ONEOSD, json=JSON, fname=GETNAME)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Bad exit status {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ try:
+ os.unlink(GETNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TESTNAME)
+ except:
+ pass
+ print("Test pg info")
+ for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op info --pgid {pg} | grep '\"pgid\": \"{pg}\"'").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Getting info failed for pg {pg} from {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ print("Test pg logging")
+ logging.warning("All PGs have objects, so no log without modify entries")
+ for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
+ tmpfd = open(TMPFILE, "wb")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op log --pgid {pg}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=tmpfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Getting log failed for pg {pg} from {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ MODOBJ = False
+ for line in get_lines(TMPFILE):
+ if line.find("modify") != -1:
+ MODOBJ = True
+ break
+ logging.error("Bad log for pg {pg} from {osd}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd))
+ MSG = (HASOBJ and [""] or ["NOT "])[0]
+ print("Log should {msg}have a modify entry".format(msg=MSG))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ try:
+ os.unlink(TMPFILE)
+ except:
+ pass
+ print("Test list-pgs")
+ for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
+ CHECK_PGS = get_osd_pgs(os.path.join(OSDDIR, osd), None)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op list-pgs").format(osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ TEST_PGS = check_output(cmd, shell=True).split("\n")
+ TEST_PGS = sorted(TEST_PGS)[1:] # Skip extra blank line
+ logging.error("list-pgs got wrong result for osd.{osd}".format(osd=osd))
+ logging.error("Expected {pgs}".format(pgs=CHECK_PGS))
+ logging.error("Got {pgs}".format(pgs=TEST_PGS))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ print("Test pg export --dry-run")
+ pg = ALLREPPGS[0]
+ osd = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)[0]
+ fname = "/tmp/fname.{pid}".format(pid=pid)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Exporting --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ elif os.path.exists(fname):
+ logging.error("Exporting --dry-run created file")
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--dry-run --op export --pgid {pg} > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Exporting --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ else:
+ outdata = get_lines(fname)
+ if len(outdata) > 0:
+ logging.error("Exporting --dry-run to stdout not empty")
+ logging.error("Data: " + outdata)
+ os.mkdir(TESTDIR)
+ for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd))
+ print("Test pg export")
+ for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
+ mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
+ fname = os.path.join(mydir, pg)
+ if pg == ALLREPPGS[0]:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ elif pg == ALLREPPGS[1]:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file - > {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ else:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Exporting failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ print("Test pg removal")
+ for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
+ # This should do nothing
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op remove --pgid {pg} --dry-run").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Removing --dry-run failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ RM_ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove --pgid {pg}").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Removing failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ RM_ERRORS += 1
+ if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0:
+ print("Test pg import")
+ for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
+ dir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
+ PGS = [f for f in os.listdir(dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f))]
+ for pg in PGS:
+ file = os.path.join(dir, pg)
+ # This should do nothing
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {file} --dry-run").format(osd=osd, file=file)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ if pg == PGS[0]:
+ cmd = ("cat {file} |".format(file=file) + CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import").format(osd=osd)
+ elif pg == PGS[1]:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file - --pgid {pg} < {file}").format(osd=osd, file=file, pg=pg)
+ else:
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --file {file}").format(osd=osd, file=file)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ else:
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0 and IMP_ERRORS == 0:
+ print("Verify replicated import data")
+ data_errors, _ = check_data(DATADIR, TMPFILE, OSDDIR, REP_NAME)
+ ERRORS += data_errors
+ else:
+ print("Test all --op dump-journal again")
+ ALLOSDS = [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]
+ ERRORS += test_dump_journal(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS)
+ vstart(new=False)
+ wait_for_health()
+ if EXP_ERRORS == 0 and RM_ERRORS == 0 and IMP_ERRORS == 0:
+ print("Verify erasure coded import data")
+ # Check replicated data/xattr/omap using rados
+ print("Verify replicated import data using rados")
+ if EXP_ERRORS == 0:
+ NEWPOOL = "rados-import-pool"
+ cmd = "{path}/rados mkpool {pool}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ print("Test rados import")
+ first = True
+ for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
+ dir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
+ for pg in [f for f in os.listdir(dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, f))]:
+ if pg.find("{id}.".format(id=REPID)) != 0:
+ continue
+ file = os.path.join(dir, pg)
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ # This should do nothing
+ cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} --dry-run {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Rados import --dry-run failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} ls".format(pool=NEWPOOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ data = check_output(cmd, shell=True)
+ if data:
+ logging.error("'{data}'".format(data=data))
+ logging.error("Found objects after dry-run")
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Rados import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ cmd = "{path}/rados import -p {pool} --no-overwrite {file}".format(pool=NEWPOOL, file=file, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Rados import --no-overwrite failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ else:
+ # Clear directories of previous portion
+ call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=TESTDIR), shell=True)
+ call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=DATADIR), shell=True)
+ os.mkdir(TESTDIR)
+ os.mkdir(DATADIR)
+ # Cause SPLIT_POOL to split and test import with object/log filtering
+ print("Testing import all objects after a split")
+ SPLIT_POOL = "split_pool"
+ PG_COUNT = 1
+ SPLIT_NAME = "split"
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool create {pool} {pg} {pg} replicated".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, pg=PG_COUNT, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ SPLITID = get_pool_id(SPLIT_POOL, nullfd)
+ pool_size = int(check_output("{path}/ceph osd pool get {pool} size".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN), shell=True, stderr=nullfd).split(" ")[1])
+ objects = range(1, SPLIT_OBJ_COUNT + 1)
+ nspaces = range(SPLIT_NSPACE_COUNT)
+ for n in nspaces:
+ nspace = get_nspace(n)
+ for i in objects:
+ NAME = SPLIT_NAME + "{num}".format(num=i)
+ LNAME = nspace + "-" + NAME
+ DDNAME = os.path.join(DATADIR, LNAME)
+ DDNAME += "__head"
+ cmd = "rm -f " + DDNAME
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ if i == 1:
+ dataline = range(DATALINECOUNT)
+ else:
+ dataline = range(1)
+ fd = open(DDNAME, "w")
+ data = "This is the split data for " + LNAME + "\n"
+ for _ in dataline:
+ fd.write(data)
+ fd.close()
+ cmd = "{path}/rados -p {pool} -N '{nspace}' put {name} {ddname}".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, name=NAME, ddname=DDNAME, nspace=nspace, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.critical("Rados put command failed with {ret}".format(ret=ret))
+ return 1
+ wait_for_health()
+ kill_daemons()
+ for osd in [f for f in os.listdir(OSDDIR) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(OSDDIR, f)) and f.find("osd") == 0]:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd))
+ pg = "{pool}.0".format(pool=SPLITID)
+ EXPORT_PG = pg
+ export_osds = get_osds(pg, OSDDIR)
+ for osd in export_osds:
+ mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, osd)
+ fname = os.path.join(mydir, pg)
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op export --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Exporting failed for pg {pg} on {osd} with {ret}".format(pg=pg, osd=osd, ret=ret))
+ if EXP_ERRORS == 0:
+ vstart(new=False)
+ wait_for_health()
+ cmd = "{path}/ceph osd pool set {pool} pg_num 2".format(pool=SPLIT_POOL, path=CEPH_BIN)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd, stderr=nullfd)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ wait_for_health()
+ kill_daemons()
+ # Now 2 PGs, poolid.0 and poolid.1
+ for seed in range(2):
+ pg = "{pool}.{seed}".format(pool=SPLITID, seed=seed)
+ which = 0
+ for osd in get_osds(pg, OSDDIR):
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--force --op remove --pgid {pg}").format(pg=pg, osd=osd)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ # This is weird. The export files are based on only the EXPORT_PG
+ # and where that pg was before the split. Use 'which' to use all
+ # export copies in import.
+ mydir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, export_osds[which])
+ fname = os.path.join(mydir, EXPORT_PG)
+ which += 1
+ cmd = (CFSD_PREFIX + "--op import --pgid {pg} --file {file}").format(osd=osd, pg=pg, file=fname)
+ logging.debug(cmd)
+ ret = call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=nullfd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logging.error("Import failed from {file} with {ret}".format(file=file, ret=ret))
+ # Start up again to make sure imports didn't corrupt anything
+ if IMP_ERRORS == 0:
+ print("Verify split import data")
+ data_errors, count = check_data(DATADIR, TMPFILE, OSDDIR, SPLIT_NAME)
+ ERRORS += data_errors
+ if count != (SPLIT_OBJ_COUNT * SPLIT_NSPACE_COUNT * pool_size):
+ logging.error("Incorrect number of replicas seen {count}".format(count=count))
+ ERRORS += 1
+ vstart(new=False)
+ wait_for_health()
+ call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=TESTDIR), shell=True)
+ call("/bin/rm -rf {dir}".format(dir=DATADIR), shell=True)
+ # vstart() starts 4 OSDs
+ ERRORS += test_get_set_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, list(range(4)), ALLOSDS)
+ ERRORS += test_get_set_inc_osdmap(CFSD_PREFIX, ALLOSDS[0])
+ kill_daemons()
+ CORES = [f for f in os.listdir(CEPH_DIR) if f.startswith("core.")]
+ if CORES:
+ CORE_DIR = os.path.join("/tmp", "cores.{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid()))
+ os.mkdir(CORE_DIR)
+ call("/bin/mv {ceph_dir}/core.* {core_dir}".format(ceph_dir=CEPH_DIR, core_dir=CORE_DIR), shell=True)
+ logging.error("Failure due to cores found")
+ logging.error("See {core_dir} for cores".format(core_dir=CORE_DIR))
+ ERRORS += len(CORES)
+ if ERRORS == 0:
+ print("TEST PASSED")
+ return 0
+ else:
+ print("TEST FAILED WITH {errcount} ERRORS".format(errcount=ERRORS))
+ return 1
+def remove_btrfs_subvolumes(path):
+ if platform.system() == "FreeBSD":
+ return
+ result = subprocess.Popen("stat -f -c '%%T' %s" % path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ for line in result.stdout:
+ filesystem = decode(line).rstrip('\n')
+ if filesystem == "btrfs":
+ result = subprocess.Popen("sudo btrfs subvolume list %s" % path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ for line in result.stdout:
+ subvolume = decode(line).split()[8]
+ # extracting the relative volume name
+ m =".*(%s.*)" % path, subvolume)
+ if m:
+ found =
+ call("sudo btrfs subvolume delete %s" % found, shell=True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ status = 1
+ try:
+ status = main(sys.argv[1:])
+ finally:
+ kill_daemons()
+ os.chdir(CEPH_BUILD_DIR)
+ remove_btrfs_subvolumes(CEPH_DIR)
+ call("/bin/rm -fr {dir}".format(dir=CEPH_DIR), shell=True)
+ sys.exit(status)