path: root/src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst
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authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
commit7da45d65be36d36b880cc55c5036e96c24b53f00 (patch)
treed4f944eb4f8f8de50a9a7584ffa408dc3a3185b2 /src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst
parent691462d09d0987b47e112d6ee8740375df3c51b2 (diff)
remove ceph code
This patch removes initial ceph code, due to license issue. Change-Id: I092d44f601cdf34aed92300fe13214925563081c Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst b/src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst
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index 50b7f30..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/doc/start/quick-ceph-deploy.rst
+++ /dev/null
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- Storage Cluster Quick Start
-If you haven't completed your `Preflight Checklist`_, do that first. This
-**Quick Start** sets up a :term:`Ceph Storage Cluster` using ``ceph-deploy``
-on your admin node. Create a three Ceph Node cluster so you can
-explore Ceph functionality.
-.. include:: quick-common.rst
-As a first exercise, create a Ceph Storage Cluster with one Ceph Monitor and three
-Ceph OSD Daemons. Once the cluster reaches a ``active + clean`` state, expand it
-by adding a fourth Ceph OSD Daemon, a Metadata Server and two more Ceph Monitors.
-For best results, create a directory on your admin node for maintaining the
-configuration files and keys that ``ceph-deploy`` generates for your cluster. ::
- mkdir my-cluster
- cd my-cluster
-The ``ceph-deploy`` utility will output files to the current directory. Ensure you
-are in this directory when executing ``ceph-deploy``.
-.. important:: Do not call ``ceph-deploy`` with ``sudo`` or run it as ``root``
- if you are logged in as a different user, because it will not issue ``sudo``
- commands needed on the remote host.
-Starting over
-If at any point you run into trouble and you want to start over, execute
-the following to purge the Ceph packages, and erase all its data and configuration::
- ceph-deploy purge {ceph-node} [{ceph-node}]
- ceph-deploy purgedata {ceph-node} [{ceph-node}]
- ceph-deploy forgetkeys
- rm ceph.*
-If you execute ``purge``, you must re-install Ceph. The last ``rm``
-command removes any files that were written out by ceph-deploy locally
-during a previous installation.
-Create a Cluster
-On your admin node from the directory you created for holding your
-configuration details, perform the following steps using ``ceph-deploy``.
-#. Create the cluster. ::
- ceph-deploy new {initial-monitor-node(s)}
- Specify node(s) as hostname, fqdn or hostname:fqdn. For example::
- ceph-deploy new node1
- Check the output of ``ceph-deploy`` with ``ls`` and ``cat`` in the
- current directory. You should see a Ceph configuration file
- (``ceph.conf``), a monitor secret keyring (``ceph.mon.keyring``),
- and a log file for the new cluster. See `ceph-deploy new -h`_ for
- additional details.
-#. If you have more than one network interface, add the ``public network``
- setting under the ``[global]`` section of your Ceph configuration file.
- See the `Network Configuration Reference`_ for details. ::
- public network = {ip-address}/{bits}
- For example,::
- public network =
- to use IPs in the (or network.
-#. If you are deploying in an IPv6 environment, add the following to
- ``ceph.conf`` in the local directory::
- echo ms bind ipv6 = true >> ceph.conf
-#. Install Ceph packages.::
- ceph-deploy install {ceph-node} [...]
- For example::
- ceph-deploy install node1 node2 node3
- The ``ceph-deploy`` utility will install Ceph on each node.
-#. Deploy the initial monitor(s) and gather the keys::
- ceph-deploy mon create-initial
- Once you complete the process, your local directory should have the following
- keyrings:
- - ``ceph.client.admin.keyring``
- - ``ceph.bootstrap-mgr.keyring``
- - ``ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring``
- - ``ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring``
- - ``ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring``
- - ``ceph.bootstrap-rbd.keyring``
-.. note:: If this process fails with a message similar to "Unable to
- find /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring", please ensure that the
- IP listed for the monitor node in ceph.conf is the Public IP, not
- the Private IP.
-#. Use ``ceph-deploy`` to copy the configuration file and admin key to
- your admin node and your Ceph Nodes so that you can use the ``ceph``
- CLI without having to specify the monitor address and
- ``ceph.client.admin.keyring`` each time you execute a command. ::
- ceph-deploy admin {ceph-node(s)}
- For example::
- ceph-deploy admin node1 node2 node3
-#. Deploy a manager daemon. (Required only for luminous+ builds)::
- ceph-deploy mgr create node1 *Required only for luminous+ builds, i.e >= 12.x builds*
-#. Add three OSDs. For the purposes of these instructions, we assume you have an
- unused disk in each node called ``/dev/vdb``. *Be sure that the device is not currently in use and does not contain any important data.*
- ceph-deploy osd create {ceph-node}:{device}
- For example::
- ceph-deploy osd create node1:vdb node2:vdb node3:vdb
-#. Check your cluster's health. ::
- ssh node1 sudo ceph health
- Your cluster should report ``HEALTH_OK``. You can view a more complete
- cluster status with::
- ssh node1 sudo ceph -s
-Expanding Your Cluster
-Once you have a basic cluster up and running, the next step is to
-expand cluster. Add a Ceph Metadata Server to ``node1``. Then add a
-Ceph Monitor and Ceph Manager to ``node2`` and ``node3`` to improve reliability and availability.
-.. ditaa::
- /------------------\ /----------------\
- | ceph-deploy | | node1 |
- | Admin Node | | cCCC |
- | +-------->+ mon.node1 |
- | | | osd.0 |
- | | | mgr.node1 |
- | | | mds.node1 |
- \---------+--------/ \----------------/
- |
- | /----------------\
- | | node2 |
- | | cCCC |
- +----------------->+ |
- | | osd.0 |
- | | mon.node2 |
- | \----------------/
- |
- | /----------------\
- | | node3 |
- | | cCCC |
- +----------------->+ |
- | osd.1 |
- | mon.node3 |
- \----------------/
-Add a Metadata Server
-To use CephFS, you need at least one metadata server. Execute the following to
-create a metadata server::
- ceph-deploy mds create {ceph-node}
-For example::
- ceph-deploy mds create node1
-Adding Monitors
-A Ceph Storage Cluster requires at least one Ceph Monitor and Ceph
-Manager to run. For high availability, Ceph Storage Clusters typically
-run multiple Ceph Monitors so that the failure of a single Ceph
-Monitor will not bring down the Ceph Storage Cluster. Ceph uses the
-Paxos algorithm, which requires a majority of monitors (i.e., greather
-than *N/2* where *N* is the number of monitors) to form a quorum.
-Odd numbers of monitors tend to be better, although this is not required.
-.. tip: If you did not define the ``public network`` option above then
- the new monitor will not know which IP address to bind to on the
- new hosts. You can add this line to your ``ceph.conf`` by editing
- it now and then push it out to each node with
- ``ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push {ceph-nodes}``.
-Add two Ceph Monitors to your cluster::
- ceph-deploy mon add {ceph-nodes}
-For example::
- ceph-deploy mon add node2 node3
-Once you have added your new Ceph Monitors, Ceph will begin synchronizing
-the monitors and form a quorum. You can check the quorum status by executing
-the following::
- ceph quorum_status --format json-pretty
-.. tip:: When you run Ceph with multiple monitors, you SHOULD install and
- configure NTP on each monitor host. Ensure that the
- monitors are NTP peers.
-Adding Managers
-The Ceph Manager daemons operate in an active/standby pattern. Deploying
-additional manager daemons ensures that if one daemon or host fails, another
-one can take over without interrupting service.
-To deploy additional manager daemons::
- ceph-deploy mgr create node2 node3
-You should see the standby managers in the output from::
- ssh node1 sudo ceph -s
-Add an RGW Instance
-To use the :term:`Ceph Object Gateway` component of Ceph, you must deploy an
-instance of :term:`RGW`. Execute the following to create an new instance of
- ceph-deploy rgw create {gateway-node}
-For example::
- ceph-deploy rgw create node1
-By default, the :term:`RGW` instance will listen on port 7480. This can be
-changed by editing ceph.conf on the node running the :term:`RGW` as follows:
-.. code-block:: ini
- [client]
- rgw frontends = civetweb port=80
-To use an IPv6 address, use:
-.. code-block:: ini
- [client]
- rgw frontends = civetweb port=[::]:80
-Storing/Retrieving Object Data
-To store object data in the Ceph Storage Cluster, a Ceph client must:
-#. Set an object name
-#. Specify a `pool`_
-The Ceph Client retrieves the latest cluster map and the CRUSH algorithm
-calculates how to map the object to a `placement group`_, and then calculates
-how to assign the placement group to a Ceph OSD Daemon dynamically. To find the
-object location, all you need is the object name and the pool name. For
- ceph osd map {poolname} {object-name}
-.. topic:: Exercise: Locate an Object
- As an exercise, lets create an object. Specify an object name, a path to
- a test file containing some object data and a pool name using the
- ``rados put`` command on the command line. For example::
- echo {Test-data} > testfile.txt
- ceph osd pool create mytest 8
- rados put {object-name} {file-path} --pool=mytest
- rados put test-object-1 testfile.txt --pool=mytest
- To verify that the Ceph Storage Cluster stored the object, execute
- the following::
- rados -p mytest ls
- Now, identify the object location::
- ceph osd map {pool-name} {object-name}
- ceph osd map mytest test-object-1
- Ceph should output the object's location. For example::
- osdmap e537 pool 'mytest' (1) object 'test-object-1' -> pg 1.d1743484 (1.4) -> up [1,0] acting [1,0]
- To remove the test object, simply delete it using the ``rados rm``
- command.
- For example::
- rados rm test-object-1 --pool=mytest
- To delete the ``mytest`` pool::
- ceph osd pool rm mytest
- (For safety reasons you will need to supply additional arguments as
- prompted; deleting pools destroys data.)
-As the cluster evolves, the object location may change dynamically. One benefit
-of Ceph's dynamic rebalancing is that Ceph relieves you from having to perform
-data migration or balancing manually.
-.. _Preflight Checklist: ../quick-start-preflight
-.. _Ceph Deploy: ../../rados/deployment
-.. _ceph-deploy install -h: ../../rados/deployment/ceph-deploy-install
-.. _ceph-deploy new -h: ../../rados/deployment/ceph-deploy-new
-.. _ceph-deploy osd: ../../rados/deployment/ceph-deploy-osd
-.. _Running Ceph with Upstart: ../../rados/operations/operating#running-ceph-with-upstart
-.. _Running Ceph with sysvinit: ../../rados/operations/operating#running-ceph-with-sysvinit
-.. _CRUSH Map: ../../rados/operations/crush-map
-.. _pool: ../../rados/operations/pools
-.. _placement group: ../../rados/operations/placement-groups
-.. _Monitoring a Cluster: ../../rados/operations/monitoring
-.. _Monitoring OSDs and PGs: ../../rados/operations/monitoring-osd-pg
-.. _Network Configuration Reference: ../../rados/configuration/network-config-ref
-.. _User Management: ../../rados/operations/user-management