path: root/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst
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authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
commit7da45d65be36d36b880cc55c5036e96c24b53f00 (patch)
treed4f944eb4f8f8de50a9a7584ffa408dc3a3185b2 /src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst
parent691462d09d0987b47e112d6ee8740375df3c51b2 (diff)
remove ceph code
This patch removes initial ceph code, due to license issue. Change-Id: I092d44f601cdf34aed92300fe13214925563081c Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 550 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst b/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c91f272..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/doc/rados/troubleshooting/log-and-debug.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
- Logging and Debugging
-Typically, when you add debugging to your Ceph configuration, you do so at
-runtime. You can also add Ceph debug logging to your Ceph configuration file if
-you are encountering issues when starting your cluster. You may view Ceph log
-files under ``/var/log/ceph`` (the default location).
-.. tip:: When debug output slows down your system, the latency can hide
- race conditions.
-Logging is resource intensive. If you are encountering a problem in a specific
-area of your cluster, enable logging for that area of the cluster. For example,
-if your OSDs are running fine, but your metadata servers are not, you should
-start by enabling debug logging for the specific metadata server instance(s)
-giving you trouble. Enable logging for each subsystem as needed.
-.. important:: Verbose logging can generate over 1GB of data per hour. If your
- OS disk reaches its capacity, the node will stop working.
-If you enable or increase the rate of Ceph logging, ensure that you have
-sufficient disk space on your OS disk. See `Accelerating Log Rotation`_ for
-details on rotating log files. When your system is running well, remove
-unnecessary debugging settings to ensure your cluster runs optimally. Logging
-debug output messages is relatively slow, and a waste of resources when
-operating your cluster.
-See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details on available settings.
-If you would like to see the configuration settings at runtime, you must log
-in to a host with a running daemon and execute the following::
- ceph daemon {daemon-name} config show | less
-For example,::
- ceph daemon osd.0 config show | less
-To activate Ceph's debugging output (*i.e.*, ``dout()``) at runtime, use the
-``ceph tell`` command to inject arguments into the runtime configuration::
- ceph tell {daemon-type}.{daemon id or *} injectargs --{name} {value} [--{name} {value}]
-Replace ``{daemon-type}`` with one of ``osd``, ``mon`` or ``mds``. You may apply
-the runtime setting to all daemons of a particular type with ``*``, or specify
-a specific daemon's ID. For example, to increase
-debug logging for a ``ceph-osd`` daemon named ``osd.0``, execute the following::
- ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --debug-osd 0/5
-The ``ceph tell`` command goes through the monitors. If you cannot bind to the
-monitor, you can still make the change by logging into the host of the daemon
-whose configuration you'd like to change using ``ceph daemon``.
-For example::
- sudo ceph daemon osd.0 config set debug_osd 0/5
-See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details on available settings.
-Boot Time
-To activate Ceph's debugging output (*i.e.*, ``dout()``) at boot time, you must
-add settings to your Ceph configuration file. Subsystems common to each daemon
-may be set under ``[global]`` in your configuration file. Subsystems for
-particular daemons are set under the daemon section in your configuration file
-(*e.g.*, ``[mon]``, ``[osd]``, ``[mds]``). For example::
- [global]
- debug ms = 1/5
- [mon]
- debug mon = 20
- debug paxos = 1/5
- debug auth = 2
- [osd]
- debug osd = 1/5
- debug filestore = 1/5
- debug journal = 1
- debug monc = 5/20
- [mds]
- debug mds = 1
- debug mds balancer = 1
-See `Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings`_ for details.
-Accelerating Log Rotation
-If your OS disk is relatively full, you can accelerate log rotation by modifying
-the Ceph log rotation file at ``/etc/logrotate.d/ceph``. Add a size setting
-after the rotation frequency to accelerate log rotation (via cronjob) if your
-logs exceed the size setting. For example, the default setting looks like
- rotate 7
- weekly
- compress
- sharedscripts
-Modify it by adding a ``size`` setting. ::
- rotate 7
- weekly
- size 500M
- compress
- sharedscripts
-Then, start the crontab editor for your user space. ::
- crontab -e
-Finally, add an entry to check the ``etc/logrotate.d/ceph`` file. ::
- 30 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/ceph >/dev/null 2>&1
-The preceding example checks the ``etc/logrotate.d/ceph`` file every 30 minutes.
-Debugging may also require you to track down memory and threading issues.
-You can run a single daemon, a type of daemon, or the whole cluster with
-Valgrind. You should only use Valgrind when developing or debugging Ceph.
-Valgrind is computationally expensive, and will slow down your system otherwise.
-Valgrind messages are logged to ``stderr``.
-Subsystem, Log and Debug Settings
-In most cases, you will enable debug logging output via subsystems.
-Ceph Subsystems
-Each subsystem has a logging level for its output logs, and for its logs
-in-memory. You may set different values for each of these subsystems by setting
-a log file level and a memory level for debug logging. Ceph's logging levels
-operate on a scale of ``1`` to ``20``, where ``1`` is terse and ``20`` is
-verbose [#]_ . In general, the logs in-memory are not sent to the output log unless:
-- a fatal signal is raised or
-- an ``assert`` in source code is triggered or
-- upon requested. Please consult `document on admin socket <>`_ for more details.
-A debug logging setting can take a single value for the log level and the
-memory level, which sets them both as the same value. For example, if you
-specify ``debug ms = 5``, Ceph will treat it as a log level and a memory level
-of ``5``. You may also specify them separately. The first setting is the log
-level, and the second setting is the memory level. You must separate them with
-a forward slash (/). For example, if you want to set the ``ms`` subsystem's
-debug logging level to ``1`` and its memory level to ``5``, you would specify it
-as ``debug ms = 1/5``. For example:
-.. code-block:: ini
- debug {subsystem} = {log-level}/{memory-level}
- #for example
- debug mds balancer = 1/20
-The following table provides a list of Ceph subsystems and their default log and
-memory levels. Once you complete your logging efforts, restore the subsystems
-to their default level or to a level suitable for normal operations.
-| Subsystem | Log Level | Memory Level |
-| ``default`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``lockdep`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``context`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``crush`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds balancer`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds locker`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds log`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds log expire`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``mds migrator`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``buffer`` | 0 | 0 |
-| ``timer`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``filer`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``objecter`` | 0 | 0 |
-| ``rados`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``rbd`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``journaler`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``objectcacher`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``client`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``osd`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``optracker`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``objclass`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``filestore`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``journal`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``ms`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``mon`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``monc`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``paxos`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``tp`` | 0 | 5 |
-| ``auth`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``finisher`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``heartbeatmap`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``perfcounter`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``rgw`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``javaclient`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``asok`` | 1 | 5 |
-| ``throttle`` | 1 | 5 |
-Logging Settings
-Logging and debugging settings are not required in a Ceph configuration file,
-but you may override default settings as needed. Ceph supports the following
-``log file``
-:Description: The location of the logging file for your cluster.
-:Type: String
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``/var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log``
-``log max new``
-:Description: The maximum number of new log files.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``1000``
-``log max recent``
-:Description: The maximum number of recent events to include in a log file.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``1000000``
-``log to stderr``
-:Description: Determines if logging messages should appear in ``stderr``.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``err to stderr``
-:Description: Determines if error messages should appear in ``stderr``.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``log to syslog``
-:Description: Determines if logging messages should appear in ``syslog``.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``err to syslog``
-:Description: Determines if error messages should appear in ``syslog``.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``log flush on exit``
-:Description: Determines if Ceph should flush the log files after exit.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``clog to monitors``
-:Description: Determines if ``clog`` messages should be sent to monitors.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``clog to syslog``
-:Description: Determines if ``clog`` messages should be sent to syslog.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``mon cluster log to syslog``
-:Description: Determines if the cluster log should be output to the syslog.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``mon cluster log file``
-:Description: The location of the cluster's log file.
-:Type: String
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``/var/log/ceph/$cluster.log``
-``osd debug drop ping probability``
-:Description: ?
-:Type: Double
-:Required: No
-:Default: 0
-``osd debug drop ping duration``
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: 0
-``osd debug drop pg create probability``
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: 0
-``osd debug drop pg create duration``
-:Description: ?
-:Type: Double
-:Required: No
-:Default: 1
-``osd tmapput sets uses tmap``
-:Description: Uses ``tmap``. For debug only.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``osd min pg log entries``
-:Description: The minimum number of log entries for placement groups.
-:Type: 32-bit Unsigned Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: 1000
-``osd op log threshold``
-:Description: How many op log messages to show up in one pass.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: 5
-``filestore debug omap check``
-:Description: Debugging check on synchronization. This is an expensive operation.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: 0
-``mds debug scatterstat``
-:Description: Ceph will assert that various recursive stat invariants are true
- (for developers only).
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``mds debug frag``
-:Description: Ceph will verify directory fragmentation invariants when
- convenient (developers only).
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``mds debug auth pins``
-:Description: The debug auth pin invariants (for developers only).
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``mds debug subtrees``
-:Description: The debug subtree invariants (for developers only).
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-RADOS Gateway
-``rgw log nonexistent bucket``
-:Description: Should we log a non-existent buckets?
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``rgw log object name``
-:Description: Should an object's name be logged. // man date to see codes (a subset are supported)
-:Type: String
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``%Y-%m-%d-%H-%i-%n``
-``rgw log object name utc``
-:Description: Object log name contains UTC?
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-``rgw enable ops log``
-:Description: Enables logging of every RGW operation.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``rgw enable usage log``
-:Description: Enable logging of RGW's bandwidth usage.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``true``
-``rgw usage log flush threshold``
-:Description: Threshold to flush pending log data.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``1024``
-``rgw usage log tick interval``
-:Description: Flush pending log data every ``s`` seconds.
-:Type: Integer
-:Required: No
-:Default: 30
-``rgw intent log object name``
-:Type: String
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``%Y-%m-%d-%i-%n``
-``rgw intent log object name utc``
-:Description: Include a UTC timestamp in the intent log object name.
-:Type: Boolean
-:Required: No
-:Default: ``false``
-.. [#] there are levels >20 in some rare cases and that they are extremely verbose.