path: root/src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst
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authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-03-01 14:38:11 +0800
commit7da45d65be36d36b880cc55c5036e96c24b53f00 (patch)
treed4f944eb4f8f8de50a9a7584ffa408dc3a3185b2 /src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst
parent691462d09d0987b47e112d6ee8740375df3c51b2 (diff)
remove ceph code
This patch removes initial ceph code, due to license issue. Change-Id: I092d44f601cdf34aed92300fe13214925563081c Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 605 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst b/src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index cf599cd..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/doc/install/install-ceph-gateway.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-Install Ceph Object Gateway
-As of `firefly` (v0.80), Ceph Object Gateway is running on Civetweb (embedded
-into the ``ceph-radosgw`` daemon) instead of Apache and FastCGI. Using Civetweb
-simplifies the Ceph Object Gateway installation and configuration.
-.. note:: To run the Ceph Object Gateway service, you should have a running
- Ceph storage cluster, and the gateway host should have access to the
- public network.
-.. note:: In version 0.80, the Ceph Object Gateway does not support SSL. You
- may setup a reverse proxy server with SSL to dispatch HTTPS requests
- as HTTP requests to CivetWeb.
-Execute the Pre-Installation Procedure
-See Preflight_ and execute the pre-installation procedures on your Ceph Object
-Gateway node. Specifically, you should disable ``requiretty`` on your Ceph
-Deploy user, set SELinux to ``Permissive`` and set up a Ceph Deploy user with
-password-less ``sudo``. For Ceph Object Gateways, you will need to open the
-port that Civetweb will use in production.
-.. note:: Civetweb runs on port ``7480`` by default.
-Install Ceph Object Gateway
-From the working directory of your administration server, install the Ceph
-Object Gateway package on the Ceph Object Gateway node. For example::
- ceph-deploy install --rgw <gateway-node1> [<gateway-node2> ...]
-The ``ceph-common`` package is a dependency, so ``ceph-deploy`` will install
-this too. The ``ceph`` CLI tools are intended for administrators. To make your
-Ceph Object Gateway node an administrator node, execute the following from the
-working directory of your administration server::
- ceph-deploy admin <node-name>
-Create a Gateway Instance
-From the working directory of your administration server, create an instance of
-the Ceph Object Gateway on the Ceph Object Gateway. For example::
- ceph-deploy rgw create <gateway-node1>
-Once the gateway is running, you should be able to access it on port ``7480``
-with an unauthenticated request like this::
- http://client-node:7480
-If the gateway instance is working properly, you should receive a response like
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="">
- <Owner>
- <ID>anonymous</ID>
- <DisplayName></DisplayName>
- </Owner>
- <Buckets>
- </Buckets>
- </ListAllMyBucketsResult>
-If at any point you run into trouble and you want to start over, execute the
-following to purge the configuration::
- ceph-deploy purge <gateway-node1> [<gateway-node2>]
- ceph-deploy purgedata <gateway-node1> [<gateway-node2>]
-If you execute ``purge``, you must re-install Ceph.
-Change the Default Port
-Civetweb runs on port ``7480`` by default. To change the default port (e.g., to
-port ``80``), modify your Ceph configuration file in the working directory of
-your administration server. Add a section entitled
-``[client.rgw.<gateway-node>]``, replacing ``<gateway-node>`` with the short
-node name of your Ceph Object Gateway node (i.e., ``hostname -s``).
-.. note:: As of version 11.0.1, the Ceph Object Gateway **does** support SSL.
- See `Using SSL with Civetweb`_ for information on how to set that up.
-For example, if your node name is ``gateway-node1``, add a section like this
-after the ``[global]`` section::
- [client.rgw.gateway-node1]
- rgw_frontends = "civetweb port=80"
-.. note:: Ensure that you leave no whitespace between ``port=<port-number>`` in
- the ``rgw_frontends`` key/value pair. The ``[client.rgw.gateway-node1]``
- heading identifies this portion of the Ceph configuration file as
- configuring a Ceph Storage Cluster client where the client type is a Ceph
- Object Gateway (i.e., ``rgw``), and the name of the instance is
- ``gateway-node1``.
-Push the updated configuration file to your Ceph Object Gateway node
-(and other Ceph nodes)::
- ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push <gateway-node> [<other-nodes>]
-To make the new port setting take effect, restart the Ceph Object
- sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.service
-Finally, check to ensure that the port you selected is open on the node's
-firewall (e.g., port ``80``). If it is not open, add the port and reload the
-firewall configuration. If you use the ``firewalld`` daemon, execute::
- sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
- sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port 80/tcp --permanent
- sudo firewall-cmd --reload
-If you use ``iptables``, execute::
- sudo iptables --list
- sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <ip-address>/<netmask> --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-Replace ``<iface>`` and ``<ip-address>/<netmask>`` with the relevant values for
-your Ceph Object Gateway node.
-Once you have finished configuring ``iptables``, ensure that you make the
-change persistent so that it will be in effect when your Ceph Object Gateway
-node reboots. Execute::
- sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent
-A terminal UI will open up. Select ``yes`` for the prompts to save current
-``IPv4`` iptables rules to ``/etc/iptables/rules.v4`` and current ``IPv6``
-iptables rules to ``/etc/iptables/rules.v6``.
-The ``IPv4`` iptables rule that you set in the earlier step will be loaded in
-``/etc/iptables/rules.v4`` and will be persistent across reboots.
-If you add a new ``IPv4`` iptables rule after installing
-``iptables-persistent`` you will have to add it to the rule file. In such case,
-execute the following as the ``root`` user::
- iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4
-Using SSL with Civetweb
-.. _Using SSL with Civetweb:
-Before using SSL with civetweb, you will need a certificate that will match
-the host name that that will be used to access the Ceph Object Gateway.
-You may wish to obtain one that has `subject alternate name` fields for
-more flexibility. If you intend to use S3-style subdomains
-(`Add Wildcard to DNS`_), you will need a `wildcard` certificate.
-Civetweb requires that the server key, server certificate, and any other
-CA or intermediate certificates be supplied in one file. Each of these
-items must be in `pem` form. Because the combined file contains the
-secret key, it should be protected from unauthorized access.
-To configure ssl operation, append ``s`` to the port number. Currently
-it is not possible to configure the radosgw to listen on both
-http and https, you must pick only one. So::
- [client.rgw.gateway-node1]
- rgw_frontends = civetweb port=443s ssl_certificate=/etc/ceph/private/keyandcert.pem
-Migrating from Apache to Civetweb
-If you are running the Ceph Object Gateway on Apache and FastCGI with Ceph
-Storage v0.80 or above, you are already running Civetweb--it starts with the
-``ceph-radosgw`` daemon and it's running on port 7480 by default so that it
-doesn't conflict with your Apache and FastCGI installation and other commonly
-used web service ports. Migrating to use Civetweb basically involves removing
-your Apache installation. Then, you must remove Apache and FastCGI settings
-from your Ceph configuration file and reset ``rgw_frontends`` to Civetweb.
-Referring back to the description for installing a Ceph Object Gateway with
-``ceph-deploy``, notice that the configuration file only has one setting
-``rgw_frontends`` (and that's assuming you elected to change the default port).
-The ``ceph-deploy`` utility generates the data directory and the keyring for
-you--placing the keyring in ``/var/lib/ceph/radosgw/{rgw-intance}``. The daemon
-looks in default locations, whereas you may have specified different settings
-in your Ceph configuration file. Since you already have keys and a data
-directory, you will want to maintain those paths in your Ceph configuration
-file if you used something other than default paths.
-A typical Ceph Object Gateway configuration file for an Apache-based deployment
-looks something similar as the following:
-On Red Hat Enterprise Linux::
- [client.radosgw.gateway-node1]
- host = {hostname}
- keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
- rgw socket path = ""
- log file = /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.gateway-node1.log
- rgw frontends = fastcgi socket\_port=9000 socket\_host=
- rgw print continue = false
-On Ubuntu::
- [client.radosgw.gateway-node]
- host = {hostname}
- keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
- rgw socket path = /var/run/ceph/ceph.radosgw.gateway.fastcgi.sock
- log file = /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.gateway-node1.log
-To modify it for use with Civetweb, simply remove the Apache-specific settings
-such as ``rgw_socket_path`` and ``rgw_print_continue``. Then, change the
-``rgw_frontends`` setting to reflect Civetweb rather than the Apache FastCGI
-front end and specify the port number you intend to use. For example::
- [client.radosgw.gateway-node1]
- host = {hostname}
- keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
- log file = /var/log/radosgw/client.radosgw.gateway-node1.log
- rgw_frontends = civetweb port=80
-Finally, restart the Ceph Object Gateway. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux execute::
- sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.service
-On Ubuntu execute::
- sudo service radosgw restart id=rgw.<short-hostname>
-If you used a port number that is not open, you will also need to open that
-port on your firewall.
-Configure Bucket Sharding
-A Ceph Object Gateway stores bucket index data in the ``index_pool``, which
-defaults to ``.rgw.buckets.index``. Sometimes users like to put many objects
-(hundreds of thousands to millions of objects) in a single bucket. If you do
-not use the gateway administration interface to set quotas for the maximum
-number of objects per bucket, the bucket index can suffer significant
-performance degradation when users place large numbers of objects into a
-In Ceph 0.94, you may shard bucket indices to help prevent performance
-bottlenecks when you allow a high number of objects per bucket. The
-``rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards`` setting allows you to set a maximum
-number of shards per bucket. The default value is ``0``, which means bucket
-index sharding is off by default.
-To turn bucket index sharding on, set ``rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards``
-to a value greater than ``0``.
-For simple configurations, you may add ``rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards``
-to your Ceph configuration file. Add it under ``[global]`` to create a
-system-wide value. You can also set it for each instance in your Ceph
-configuration file.
-Once you have changed your bucket sharding configuration in your Ceph
-configuration file, restart your gateway. On Red Hat Enteprise Linux execute::
- sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.service
-On Ubuntu execute::
- sudo service radosgw restart id=rgw.<short-hostname>
-For federated configurations, each zone may have a different ``index_pool``
-setting for failover. To make the value consistent for a region's zones, you
-may set ``rgw_override_bucket_index_max_shards`` in a gateway's region
-configuration. For example::
- radosgw-admin region get > region.json
-Open the ``region.json`` file and edit the ``bucket_index_max_shards`` setting
-for each named zone. Save the ``region.json`` file and reset the region. For
- radosgw-admin region set < region.json
-Once you have updated your region, update the region map. For example::
- radosgw-admin regionmap update --name client.rgw.ceph-client
-Where ``client.rgw.ceph-client`` is the name of the gateway user.
-.. note:: Mapping the index pool (for each zone, if applicable) to a CRUSH
- ruleset of SSD-based OSDs may also help with bucket index performance.
-Add Wildcard to DNS
-.. _Add Wildcard to DNS:
-To use Ceph with S3-style subdomains (e.g.,, you
-need to add a wildcard to the DNS record of the DNS server you use with the
-``ceph-radosgw`` daemon.
-The address of the DNS must also be specified in the Ceph configuration file
-with the ``rgw dns name = {hostname}`` setting.
-For ``dnsmasq``, add the following address setting with a dot (.) prepended to
-the host name::
- address=/.{hostname-or-fqdn}/{host-ip-address}
-For example::
- address=/.gateway-node1/
-For ``bind``, add a wildcard to the DNS record. For example::
- $TTL 604800
- @ IN SOA gateway-node1. root.gateway-node1. (
- 2 ; Serial
- 604800 ; Refresh
- 86400 ; Retry
- 2419200 ; Expire
- 604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
- ;
- @ IN NS gateway-node1.
- @ IN A
- * IN CNAME @
-Restart your DNS server and ping your server with a subdomain to ensure that
-your DNS configuration works as expected::
- ping mybucket.{hostname}
-For example::
- ping mybucket.gateway-node1
-Add Debugging (if needed)
-Once you finish the setup procedure, if you encounter issues with your
-configuration, you can add debugging to the ``[global]`` section of your Ceph
-configuration file and restart the gateway(s) to help troubleshoot any
-configuration issues. For example::
- [global]
- #append the following in the global section.
- debug ms = 1
- debug rgw = 20
-Using the Gateway
-To use the REST interfaces, first create an initial Ceph Object Gateway user
-for the S3 interface. Then, create a subuser for the Swift interface. You then
-need to verify if the created users are able to access the gateway.
-Create a RADOSGW User for S3 Access
-A ``radosgw`` user needs to be created and granted access. The command ``man
-radosgw-admin`` will provide information on additional command options.
-To create the user, execute the following on the ``gateway host``::
- sudo radosgw-admin user create --uid="testuser" --display-name="First User"
-The output of the command will be something like the following::
- {
- "user_id": "testuser",
- "display_name": "First User",
- "email": "",
- "suspended": 0,
- "max_buckets": 1000,
- "auid": 0,
- "subusers": [],
- "keys": [{
- "user": "testuser",
- "access_key": "I0PJDPCIYZ665MW88W9R",
- "secret_key": "dxaXZ8U90SXydYzyS5ivamEP20hkLSUViiaR+ZDA"
- }],
- "swift_keys": [],
- "caps": [],
- "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
- "default_placement": "",
- "placement_tags": [],
- "bucket_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "user_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "temp_url_keys": []
- }
-.. note:: The values of ``keys->access_key`` and ``keys->secret_key`` are
- needed for access validation.
-.. important:: Check the key output. Sometimes ``radosgw-admin`` generates a
- JSON escape character ``\`` in ``access_key`` or ``secret_key``
- and some clients do not know how to handle JSON escape
- characters. Remedies include removing the JSON escape character
- ``\``, encapsulating the string in quotes, regenerating the key
- and ensuring that it does not have a JSON escape character or
- specify the key and secret manually. Also, if ``radosgw-admin``
- generates a JSON escape character ``\`` and a forward slash ``/``
- together in a key, like ``\/``, only remove the JSON escape
- character ``\``. Do not remove the forward slash ``/`` as it is
- a valid character in the key.
-Create a Swift User
-A Swift subuser needs to be created if this kind of access is needed. Creating
-a Swift user is a two step process. The first step is to create the user. The
-second is to create the secret key.
-Execute the following steps on the ``gateway host``:
-Create the Swift user::
- sudo radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=testuser --subuser=testuser:swift --access=full
-The output will be something like the following::
- {
- "user_id": "testuser",
- "display_name": "First User",
- "email": "",
- "suspended": 0,
- "max_buckets": 1000,
- "auid": 0,
- "subusers": [{
- "id": "testuser:swift",
- "permissions": "full-control"
- }],
- "keys": [{
- "user": "testuser:swift",
- "access_key": "3Y1LNW4Q6X0Y53A52DET",
- "secret_key": ""
- }, {
- "user": "testuser",
- "access_key": "I0PJDPCIYZ665MW88W9R",
- "secret_key": "dxaXZ8U90SXydYzyS5ivamEP20hkLSUViiaR+ZDA"
- }],
- "swift_keys": [],
- "caps": [],
- "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
- "default_placement": "",
- "placement_tags": [],
- "bucket_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "user_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "temp_url_keys": []
- }
-Create the secret key::
- sudo radosgw-admin key create --subuser=testuser:swift --key-type=swift --gen-secret
-The output will be something like the following::
- {
- "user_id": "testuser",
- "display_name": "First User",
- "email": "",
- "suspended": 0,
- "max_buckets": 1000,
- "auid": 0,
- "subusers": [{
- "id": "testuser:swift",
- "permissions": "full-control"
- }],
- "keys": [{
- "user": "testuser:swift",
- "access_key": "3Y1LNW4Q6X0Y53A52DET",
- "secret_key": ""
- }, {
- "user": "testuser",
- "access_key": "I0PJDPCIYZ665MW88W9R",
- "secret_key": "dxaXZ8U90SXydYzyS5ivamEP20hkLSUViiaR+ZDA"
- }],
- "swift_keys": [{
- "user": "testuser:swift",
- "secret_key": "244+fz2gSqoHwR3lYtSbIyomyPHf3i7rgSJrF\/IA"
- }],
- "caps": [],
- "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
- "default_placement": "",
- "placement_tags": [],
- "bucket_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "user_quota": {
- "enabled": false,
- "max_size_kb": -1,
- "max_objects": -1
- },
- "temp_url_keys": []
- }
-Access Verification
-Test S3 Access
-You need to write and run a Python test script for verifying S3 access. The S3
-access test script will connect to the ``radosgw``, create a new bucket and
-list all buckets. The values for ``aws_access_key_id`` and
-``aws_secret_access_key`` are taken from the values of ``access_key`` and
-``secret_key`` returned by the ``radosgw-admin`` command.
-Execute the following steps:
-#. You will need to install the ``python-boto`` package::
- sudo yum install python-boto
-#. Create the Python script::
- vi
-#. Add the following contents to the file::
- import boto.s3.connection
- access_key = 'I0PJDPCIYZ665MW88W9R'
- secret_key = 'dxaXZ8U90SXydYzyS5ivamEP20hkLSUViiaR+ZDA'
- conn = boto.connect_s3(
- aws_access_key_id=access_key,
- aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
- host='{hostname}', port={port},
- is_secure=False, calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
- )
- bucket = conn.create_bucket('my-new-bucket')
- for bucket in conn.get_all_buckets():
- print "{name} {created}".format(
- created=bucket.creation_date,
- )
- Replace ``{hostname}`` with the hostname of the host where you have
- configured the gateway service i.e., the ``gateway host``. Replace ``{port}``
- with the port number you are using with Civetweb.
-#. Run the script::
- python
- The output will be something like the following::
- my-new-bucket 2015-02-16T17:09:10.000Z
-Test swift access
-Swift access can be verified via the ``swift`` command line client. The command
-``man swift`` will provide more information on available command line options.
-To install ``swift`` client, execute the following commands. On Red Hat
-Enterprise Linux::
- sudo yum install python-setuptools
- sudo easy_install pip
- sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
- sudo pip install --upgrade python-swiftclient
-On Debian-based distributions::
- sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
- sudo easy_install pip
- sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
- sudo pip install --upgrade python-swiftclient
-To test swift access, execute the following::
- swift -A http://{IP ADDRESS}:{port}/auth/1.0 -U testuser:swift -K '{swift_secret_key}' list
-Replace ``{IP ADDRESS}`` with the public IP address of the gateway server and
-``{swift_secret_key}`` with its value from the output of ``radosgw-admin key
-create`` command executed for the ``swift`` user. Replace {port} with the port
-number you are using with Civetweb (e.g., ``7480`` is the default). If you
-don't replace the port, it will default to port ``80``.
-For example::
- swift -A -U testuser:swift -K '244+fz2gSqoHwR3lYtSbIyomyPHf3i7rgSJrF/IA' list
-The output should be::
- my-new-bucket
-.. _Preflight: ../../start/quick-start-preflight