diff options
author | 2018-01-10 03:44:46 +0000 | |
committer | 2018-01-10 08:43:38 +0000 | |
commit | 64df7bc3bc70d49153409436b411fb327691a4d5 (patch) | |
tree | c078dda45831938f0268e66f774390b4079309c7 /ci | |
parent | 0786fde30eba926b097617dea9ca4683ac2fa1b7 (diff) |
Push zealand version of opensds ansible as base-code of Stor4NFV
As we discussed on last meeting, the installer script of stor4nfv
will be based on opensds ansible, so in this patch I download the
first release (zealand) of opensds code and push the ansible script
into stor4nfv repo so that we don't need to modify opensds code.
Please be free to ask if you have any question.
Change-Id: I7b50729977b195fa64e8d9a09f415d9f3329d71f
Signed-off-by: leonwang <wanghui71@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'ci')
24 files changed, 1770 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci/ansible/README.md b/ci/ansible/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37a22f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +# opensds-ansible
+This is an installation tool for opensds using ansible.
+## 1. How to install an opensds local cluster
+This installation document assumes there is a clean Ubuntu 16.04 environment. If golang is already installed in the environment, make sure the following parameters are configured in ```/etc/profile``` and run ``source /etc/profile``:
+export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
+export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
+export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
+### Pre-config (Ubuntu 16.04)
+First download some system packages:
+sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server git make gcc
+Then config ```/etc/ssh/sshd_config``` file and change one line:
+PermitRootLogin yes
+Next generate ssh-token:
+ssh-keygen -t rsa
+ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <ip_address> # IP address of the target machine of the installation
+### Install docker
+If use a standalone cinder as backend, you also need to install docker to run cinder service. Please see the [docker installation document](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/) for details.
+### Install ansible tool
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible # This step is needed to upgrade ansible to version 2.4.2 which is required for the ceph backend.
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install ansible
+ansible --version # Ansible version 2.4.2 or higher is required for ceph; or higher is needed for other backends.
+### Download opensds source code
+mkdir -p $HOME/gopath/src/github.com/opensds && cd $HOME/gopath/src/github.com/opensds
+git clone https://github.com/opensds/opensds.git -b <specified_branch_name>
+cd opensds/contrib/ansible
+### Configure opensds cluster variables:
+##### System environment:
+Configure the ```workplace``` in `group_vars/common.yml`:
+workplace: /home/your_username # Change this field according to your username. If login as root, configure this parameter to '/root'
+##### LVM
+If `lvm` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`:
+enabled_backend: lvm # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'
+pv_device: "your_pv_device_path" # Specify a block device and ensure it exists if lvm is chosen
+vg_name: "specified_vg_name" # Specify a name for VG if choosing lvm
+Modify ```group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml```, change pool name to be the same as `vg_name` above:
+"vg001" # change pool name to be the same as vg_name
+##### Ceph
+If `ceph` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`:
+enabled_backend: ceph # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'.
+ceph_pool_name: "specified_pool_name" # Specify a name for ceph pool if choosing ceph
+Modify ```group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml```, change pool name to be the same as `ceph_pool_name`:
+"rbd" # change pool name to be the same as ceph pool
+Configure two files under ```group_vars/ceph```: `all.yml` and `osds.yml`. Here is an example:
+ceph_origin: repository
+ceph_repository: community
+ceph_stable_release: luminous # Choose luminous as default version
+public_network: "" # Run 'ip -4 address' to check the ip address
+cluster_network: "{{ public_network }}"
+monitor_interface: eth1 # Change to the network interface on the target machine
+devices: # For ceph devices, append one or multiple devices like the example below:
+ - '/dev/sda' # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen
+ - '/dev/sdb' # Ensure this device exists and available if ceph is chosen
+osd_scenario: collocated
+##### Cinder
+If `cinder` is chosen as storage backend, modify `group_vars/osdsdock.yml`:
+enabled_backend: cinder # Change it according to the chosen backend. Supported backends include 'lvm', 'ceph', and 'cinder'
+# Use block-box install cinder_standalone if true, see details in:
+use_cinder_standalone: true
+# If true, you can configure cinder_container_platform, cinder_image_tag,
+# cinder_volume_group.
+# Default: debian:stretch, and ubuntu:xenial, centos:7 is also supported.
+cinder_container_platform: debian:stretch
+# The image tag can be arbitrarily modified, as long as follow the image naming
+# conventions, default: debian-cinder
+cinder_image_tag: debian-cinder
+# The cinder standalone use lvm driver as default driver, therefore `volume_group`
+# should be configured, the default is: cinder-volumes. The volume group will be
+# removed when use ansible script clean environment.
+cinder_volume_group: cinder-volumes
+Configure the auth and pool options to access cinder in `group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml`. Do not need to make additional configure changes if using cinder standalone.
+### Check if the hosts can be reached
+sudo ansible all -m ping -i local.hosts
+### Run opensds-ansible playbook to start deploy
+sudo ansible-playbook site.yml -i local.hosts
+## 2. How to test opensds cluster
+### Configure opensds CLI tool
+sudo cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/opensds/opensds/build/out/bin/osdsctl /usr/local/bin
+osdsctl pool list # Check if the pool resource is available
+### Create a default profile first.
+osdsctl profile create '{"name": "default", "description": "default policy"}'
+### Create a volume.
+osdsctl volume create 1 --name=test-001
+For cinder, az needs to be specified.
+osdsctl volume create 1 --name=test-001 --az nova
+### List all volumes.
+osdsctl volume list
+### Delete the volume.
+osdsctl volume delete <your_volume_id>
+## 3. How to purge and clean opensds cluster
+### Run opensds-ansible playbook to clean the environment
+sudo ansible-playbook clean.yml -i local.hosts
+### Run ceph-ansible playbook to clean ceph cluster if ceph is deployed
+cd /tmp/ceph-ansible
+sudo ansible-playbook infrastructure-playbooks/purge-cluster.yml -i ceph.hosts
+In addition, clean up the logical partition on the physical block device used by ceph, using the ```fdisk``` tool.
+### Remove ceph-ansible source code (optional)
+cd ..
+sudo rm -rf /tmp/ceph-ansible
diff --git a/ci/ansible/clean.yml b/ci/ansible/clean.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd2f1c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/clean.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +---
+# Defines some clean processes when banishing the cluster.
+- name: destory an opensds cluster
+ hosts: all
+ remote_user: root
+ vars_files:
+ - group_vars/common.yml
+ - group_vars/osdsdb.yml
+ - group_vars/osdsdock.yml
+ gather_facts: false
+ become: True
+ roles:
+ - cleaner
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/all.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/all.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9594d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/all.yml @@ -0,0 +1,501 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override vars by using host or group vars
+# Releases name to number dictionary #
+# dumpling: 0.67
+# emperor: 0.72
+# firefly: 0.80
+# giant: 0.87
+# hammer: 0.94
+# infernalis: 9
+# jewel: 10
+# kraken: 11
+# luminous: 12
+# mimic: 13
+# Directory to fetch cluster fsid, keys etc...
+#fetch_directory: fetch/
+# The 'cluster' variable determines the name of the cluster.
+# Changing the default value to something else means that you will
+# need to change all the command line calls as well, for example if
+# your cluster name is 'foo':
+# "ceph health" will become "ceph --cluster foo health"
+# An easier way to handle this is to use the environment variable CEPH_ARGS
+# So run: "export CEPH_ARGS="--cluster foo"
+# With that you will be able to run "ceph health" normally
+#cluster: ceph
+# Inventory host group variables
+#mon_group_name: mons
+#osd_group_name: osds
+#rgw_group_name: rgws
+#mds_group_name: mdss
+#nfs_group_name: nfss
+#restapi_group_name: restapis
+#rbdmirror_group_name: rbdmirrors
+#client_group_name: clients
+#iscsi_gw_group_name: iscsi-gws
+#mgr_group_name: mgrs
+# If check_firewall is true, then ansible will try to determine if the
+# Ceph ports are blocked by a firewall. If the machine running ansible
+# cannot reach the Ceph ports for some other reason, you may need or
+# want to set this to False to skip those checks.
+#check_firewall: False
+# - python-pycurl
+# - hdparm
+# - python-pycurl
+# - hdparm
+# - epel-release
+# - python-setuptools
+# - libselinux-python
+# - python-pycurl
+# - hdparm
+# - python-setuptools
+# Whether or not to install the ceph-test package.
+#ceph_test: false
+# Enable the ntp service by default to avoid clock skew on
+# ceph nodes
+#ntp_service_enabled: true
+# Set uid/gid to default '64045' for bootstrap directories.
+# '64045' is used for debian based distros. It must be set to 167 in case of rhel based distros.
+# These values have to be set according to the base OS used by the container image, NOT the host.
+#bootstrap_dirs_owner: "64045"
+#bootstrap_dirs_group: "64045"
+# This variable determines if ceph packages can be updated. If False, the
+# package resources will use "state=present". If True, they will use
+# "state=latest".
+#upgrade_ceph_packages: False
+#ceph_use_distro_backports: false # DEBIAN ONLY
+#ceph_rhcs_cdn_install: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_repository_type: "{{ 'cdn' if ceph_rhcs_cdn_install else 'iso' if ceph_rhcs_iso_install else 'dummy' }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_rhcs_iso_install: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_rhcs: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_stable: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_dev: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_stable_uca: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_custom: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# Choose between:
+# - 'repository' means that you will get ceph installed through a new repository. Later below choose between 'community', 'rhcs' or 'dev'
+# - 'distro' means that no separate repo file will be added
+# you will get whatever version of Ceph is included in your Linux distro.
+# 'local' means that the ceph binaries will be copied over from the local machine
+#ceph_origin: "{{ 'repository' if ceph_rhcs or ceph_stable or ceph_dev or ceph_stable_uca or ceph_custom else 'dummy' }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# - repository
+# - distro
+# - local
+ceph_origin: repository
+ceph_repository: community
+#ceph_repository: "{{ 'community' if ceph_stable else 'rhcs' if ceph_rhcs else 'dev' if ceph_dev else 'uca' if ceph_stable_uca else 'custom' if ceph_custom else 'dummy' }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# - community
+# - rhcs
+# - dev
+# - uca
+# - custom
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'community'
+#ceph_mirror: http://download.ceph.com
+#ceph_stable_key: https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc
+ceph_stable_release: luminous
+#ceph_stable_repo: "{{ ceph_mirror }}/debian-{{ ceph_stable_release }}"
+#nfs_ganesha_stable: true # use stable repos for nfs-ganesha
+#nfs_ganesha_stable_branch: V2.5-stable
+#nfs_ganesha_stable_deb_repo: "{{ ceph_mirror }}/nfs-ganesha/deb-{{ nfs_ganesha_stable_branch }}/{{ ceph_stable_release }}"
+# Use the option below to specify your applicable package tree, eg. when using non-LTS Ubuntu versions
+# # for a list of available Debian distributions, visit http://download.ceph.com/debian-{{ ceph_stable_release }}/dists/
+# for more info read: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible/issues/305
+#ceph_stable_distro_source: "{{ ansible_lsb.codename }}"
+# This option is needed for _both_ stable and dev version, so please always fill the right version
+# # for supported distros, see http://download.ceph.com/rpm-{{ ceph_stable_release }}/
+#ceph_stable_redhat_distro: el7
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'rhcs'
+# This version is only supported on RHEL >= 7.1
+# As of RHEL 7.1, libceph.ko and rbd.ko are now included in Red Hat's kernel
+# packages natively. The RHEL 7.1 kernel packages are more stable and secure than
+# using these 3rd-party kmods with RHEL 7.0. Please update your systems to RHEL
+# 7.1 or later if you want to use the kernel RBD client.
+# The CephFS kernel client is undergoing rapid development upstream, and we do
+# not recommend running the CephFS kernel module on RHEL 7's 3.10 kernel at this
+# time. Please use ELRepo's latest upstream 4.x kernels if you want to run CephFS
+# on RHEL 7.
+#ceph_rhcs_version: "{{ ceph_stable_rh_storage_version | default(2) }}"
+# - cdn
+# - iso
+#ceph_rhcs_iso_path: "{{ ceph_stable_rh_storage_iso_path | default('') }}"
+#ceph_rhcs_mount_path: "{{ ceph_stable_rh_storage_mount_path | default('/tmp/rh-storage-mount') }}"
+#ceph_rhcs_repository_path: "{{ ceph_stable_rh_storage_repository_path | default('/tmp/rh-storage-repo') }}" # where to copy iso's content
+# RHCS installation in Debian systems
+#ceph_rhcs_cdn_debian_repo: https://customername:customerpasswd@rhcs.download.redhat.com
+#ceph_rhcs_cdn_debian_repo_version: "/3-release/" # for GA, later for updates use /3-updates/
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'uca'
+# This allows the install of Ceph from the Ubuntu Cloud Archive. The Ubuntu Cloud Archive
+# usually has newer Ceph releases than the normal distro repository.
+#ceph_stable_repo_uca: "http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu"
+#ceph_stable_openstack_release_uca: liberty
+#ceph_stable_release_uca: "{{ansible_lsb.codename}}-updates/{{ceph_stable_openstack_release_uca}}"
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'dev'
+#ceph_dev_branch: master # development branch you would like to use e.g: master, wip-hack
+#ceph_dev_sha1: latest # distinct sha1 to use, defaults to 'latest' (as in latest built)
+#nfs_ganesha_dev: false # use development repos for nfs-ganesha
+# Set this to choose the version of ceph dev libraries used in the nfs-ganesha packages from shaman
+# flavors so far include: ceph_master, ceph_jewel, ceph_kraken, ceph_luminous
+#nfs_ganesha_flavor: "ceph_master"
+#ceph_iscsi_config_dev: true # special repo for deploying iSCSI gateways
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'custom'
+# Use a custom repository to install ceph. For RPM, ceph_custom_repo should be
+# a URL to the .repo file to be installed on the targets. For deb,
+# ceph_custom_repo should be the URL to the repo base.
+#ceph_custom_repo: https://server.domain.com/ceph-custom-repo
+# Enabled when ceph_repository == 'local'
+# Path to DESTDIR of the ceph install
+#ceph_installation_dir: "/path/to/ceph_installation/"
+# Whether or not to use installer script rundep_installer.sh
+# This script takes in rundep and installs the packages line by line onto the machine
+# If this is set to false then it is assumed that the machine ceph is being copied onto will already have
+# all runtime dependencies installed
+#use_installer: false
+# Root directory for ceph-ansible
+#ansible_dir: "/path/to/ceph-ansible"
+## Ceph options
+# Each cluster requires a unique, consistent filesystem ID. By
+# default, the playbook generates one for you and stores it in a file
+# in `fetch_directory`. If you want to customize how the fsid is
+# generated, you may find it useful to disable fsid generation to
+# avoid cluttering up your ansible repo. If you set `generate_fsid` to
+# false, you *must* generate `fsid` in another way.
+#fsid: "{{ cluster_uuid.stdout }}"
+#generate_fsid: true
+#ceph_conf_key_directory: /etc/ceph
+#cephx: true
+## Client options
+#rbd_cache: "true"
+#rbd_cache_writethrough_until_flush: "true"
+#rbd_concurrent_management_ops: 20
+#rbd_client_directories: true # this will create rbd_client_log_path and rbd_client_admin_socket_path directories with proper permissions
+# Permissions for the rbd_client_log_path and
+# rbd_client_admin_socket_path. Depending on your use case for Ceph
+# you may want to change these values. The default, which is used if
+# any of the variables are unset or set to a false value (like `null`
+# or `false`) is to automatically determine what is appropriate for
+# the Ceph version with non-OpenStack workloads -- ceph:ceph and 0770
+# for infernalis releases, and root:root and 1777 for pre-infernalis
+# releases.
+# For other use cases, including running Ceph with OpenStack, you'll
+# want to set these differently:
+# For OpenStack on RHEL, you'll want:
+# rbd_client_directory_owner: "qemu"
+# rbd_client_directory_group: "libvirtd" (or "libvirt", depending on your version of libvirt)
+# rbd_client_directory_mode: "0755"
+# For OpenStack on Ubuntu or Debian, set:
+# rbd_client_directory_owner: "libvirt-qemu"
+# rbd_client_directory_group: "kvm"
+# rbd_client_directory_mode: "0755"
+# If you set rbd_client_directory_mode, you must use a string (e.g.,
+# 'rbd_client_directory_mode: "0755"', *not*
+# 'rbd_client_directory_mode: 0755', or Ansible will complain: mode
+# must be in octal or symbolic form
+#rbd_client_directory_owner: null
+#rbd_client_directory_group: null
+#rbd_client_directory_mode: null
+#rbd_client_log_path: /var/log/ceph
+#rbd_client_log_file: "{{ rbd_client_log_path }}/qemu-guest-$pid.log" # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
+#rbd_client_admin_socket_path: /var/run/ceph # must be writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
+## Monitor options
+# You must define either monitor_interface, monitor_address or monitor_address_block.
+# These variables must be defined at least in all.yml and overrided if needed (inventory host file or group_vars/*.yml).
+# Eg. If you want to specify for each monitor which address the monitor will bind to you can set it in your **inventory host file** by using 'monitor_address' variable.
+# Preference will go to monitor_address if both monitor_address and monitor_interface are defined.
+# To use an IPv6 address, use the monitor_address setting instead (and set ip_version to ipv6)
+monitor_interface: ens3
+#monitor_address_block: subnet
+# set to either ipv4 or ipv6, whichever your network is using
+#ip_version: ipv4
+#mon_use_fqdn: false # if set to true, the MON name used will be the fqdn in the ceph.conf
+## OSD options
+journal_size: 100 # OSD journal size in MB
+cluster_network: "{{ public_network }}"
+#osd_mkfs_type: xfs
+#osd_mkfs_options_xfs: -f -i size=2048
+#osd_mount_options_xfs: noatime,largeio,inode64,swalloc
+#osd_objectstore: filestore
+# xattrs. by default, 'filestore xattr use omap' is set to 'true' if
+# 'osd_mkfs_type' is set to 'ext4'; otherwise it isn't set. This can
+# be set to 'true' or 'false' to explicitly override those
+# defaults. Leave it 'null' to use the default for your chosen mkfs
+# type.
+#filestore_xattr_use_omap: null
+## MDS options
+#mds_use_fqdn: false # if set to true, the MDS name used will be the fqdn in the ceph.conf
+#mds_allow_multimds: false
+#mds_max_mds: 3
+## Rados Gateway options
+#radosgw_dns_name: your.subdomain.tld # subdomains used by radosgw. See http://ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/config/#enabling-subdomain-s3-calls
+#radosgw_resolve_cname: false # enable for radosgw to resolve DNS CNAME based bucket names
+#radosgw_civetweb_port: 8080
+#radosgw_civetweb_num_threads: 100
+# For additional civetweb configuration options available such as SSL, logging,
+# keepalive, and timeout settings, please see the civetweb docs at
+# https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb/blob/master/docs/UserManual.md
+#radosgw_civetweb_options: "num_threads={{ radosgw_civetweb_num_threads }}"
+# You must define either radosgw_interface, radosgw_address.
+# These variables must be defined at least in all.yml and overrided if needed (inventory host file or group_vars/*.yml).
+# Eg. If you want to specify for each radosgw node which address the radosgw will bind to you can set it in your **inventory host file** by using 'radosgw_address' variable.
+# Preference will go to radosgw_address if both radosgw_address and radosgw_interface are defined.
+# To use an IPv6 address, use the radosgw_address setting instead (and set ip_version to ipv6)
+#radosgw_interface: interface
+#radosgw_address: "{{ '' if rgw_containerized_deployment else 'address' }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#radosgw_address_block: subnet
+#radosgw_keystone: false # activate OpenStack Keystone options full detail here: http://ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/keystone/
+# Rados Gateway options
+#email_address: foo@bar.com
+## REST API options
+#restapi_interface: "{{ monitor_interface }}"
+#restapi_address: "{{ monitor_address }}"
+#restapi_port: 5000
+## Testing mode
+# enable this mode _only_ when you have a single node
+# if you don't want it keep the option commented
+#common_single_host_mode: true
+## Handlers - restarting daemons after a config change
+# if for whatever reasons the content of your ceph configuration changes
+# ceph daemons will be restarted as well. At the moment, we can not detect
+# which config option changed so all the daemons will be restarted. Although
+# this restart will be serialized for each node, in between a health check
+# will be performed so we make sure we don't move to the next node until
+# ceph is not healthy
+# Obviously between the checks (for monitors to be in quorum and for osd's pgs
+# to be clean) we have to wait. These retries and delays can be configurable
+# for both monitors and osds.
+# Monitor handler checks
+#handler_health_mon_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_mon_check_delay: 10
+# OSD handler checks
+#handler_health_osd_check_retries: 40
+#handler_health_osd_check_delay: 30
+#handler_health_osd_check: true
+# MDS handler checks
+#handler_health_mds_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_mds_check_delay: 10
+# RGW handler checks
+#handler_health_rgw_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_rgw_check_delay: 10
+# NFS handler checks
+#handler_health_nfs_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_nfs_check_delay: 10
+# RBD MIRROR handler checks
+#handler_health_rbd_mirror_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_rbd_mirror_check_delay: 10
+# MGR handler checks
+#handler_health_mgr_check_retries: 5
+#handler_health_mgr_check_delay: 10
+# Confiure the type of NFS gatway access. At least one must be enabled for an
+# NFS role to be useful
+# Set this to true to enable File access via NFS. Requires an MDS role.
+#nfs_file_gw: false
+# Set this to true to enable Object access via NFS. Requires an RGW role.
+#nfs_obj_gw: true
+# Ceph configuration file override.
+# This allows you to specify more configuration options
+# using an INI style format.
+# The following sections are supported: [global], [mon], [osd], [mds], [rgw]
+# Example:
+# ceph_conf_overrides:
+# global:
+# foo: 1234
+# bar: 5678
+#ceph_conf_overrides: {}
+#disable_transparent_hugepage: true
+# - { name: kernel.pid_max, value: 4194303 }
+# - { name: fs.file-max, value: 26234859 }
+# - { name: vm.zone_reclaim_mode, value: 0 }
+# - { name: vm.swappiness, value: 10 }
+# - { name: vm.min_free_kbytes, value: "{{ vm_min_free_kbytes }}" }
+# For Debian & Red Hat/CentOS installs set TCMALLOC_MAX_TOTAL_THREAD_CACHE_BYTES
+# Set this to a byte value (e.g. 134217728)
+# A value of 0 will leave the package default.
+#ceph_tcmalloc_max_total_thread_cache: 0
+#docker: false
+#ceph_docker_image: "ceph/daemon"
+#ceph_docker_image_tag: latest
+#ceph_docker_registry: docker.io
+#ceph_docker_enable_centos_extra_repo: false
+#ceph_docker_on_openstack: false
+#ceph_mon_docker_interface: "{{ monitor_interface }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#ceph_mon_docker_subnet: "{{ public_network }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#mon_containerized_deployment: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#osd_containerized_deployment: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#mds_containerized_deployment: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#rgw_containerized_deployment: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#containerized_deployment: "{{ True if mon_containerized_deployment or osd_containerized_deployment or mds_containerized_deployment or rgw_containerized_deployment else False }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# KV store #
+#containerized_deployment_with_kv: false
+#mon_containerized_default_ceph_conf_with_kv: false
+#kv_type: etcd
+#kv_port: 2379
+# this is only here for usage with the rolling_update.yml playbook
+# do not ever change this here
+#rolling_update: false
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34a7b26 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[mons]
+localhost ansible_connection=local
+localhost ansible_connection=local
+localhost ansible_connection=local
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f2f918 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +configFile: /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
+ "rbd": # change pool name same to ceph pool, but don't change it if you choose lvm backend
+ diskType: SSD
+ AZ: default
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/osds.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/osds.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57cf581 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/ceph/osds.yml @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here,
+# but I would advice to use host or group vars instead
+#raw_journal_devices: "{{ dedicated_devices }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#journal_collocation: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#raw_multi_journal: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#dmcrytpt_journal_collocation: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+#dmcrypt_dedicated_journal: False # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# Even though OSD nodes should not have the admin key
+# at their disposal, some people might want to have it
+# distributed on OSD nodes. Setting 'copy_admin_key' to 'true'
+# will copy the admin key to the /etc/ceph/ directory
+#copy_admin_key: false
+# /!\
+# /!\
+# It is probably best to keep this option to 'false' as the default
+# suggests it. This option should only be used while doing some complex
+# CRUSH map. It allows you to force a specific location for a set of OSDs.
+# The following options will build a ceph.conf with OSD sections
+# Example:
+# [osd.X]
+# osd crush location = "root=location"
+# This works with your inventory file
+# To match the following 'osd_crush_location' option the inventory must look like:
+# [osds]
+# osd0 ceph_crush_root=foo ceph_crush_rack=bar
+#crush_location: false
+#osd_crush_location: "\"root={{ ceph_crush_root }} rack={{ ceph_crush_rack }} host={{ ansible_hostname }}\""
+# Devices to be used as OSDs
+# You can pre-provision disks that are not present yet.
+# Ansible will just skip them. Newly added disk will be
+# automatically configured during the next run.
+# Declare devices to be used as OSDs
+# All scenario(except 3rd) inherit from the following device declaration
+# - /dev/sda
+# - /dev/sdc
+# - /dev/sdd
+# - /dev/sde
+#devices: []
+#'osd_auto_discovery' mode prevents you from filling out the 'devices' variable above.
+# You can use this option with First and Forth and Fifth OSDS scenario.
+# Device discovery is based on the Ansible fact 'ansible_devices'
+# which reports all the devices on a system. If chosen all the disks
+# found will be passed to ceph-disk. You should not be worried on using
+# this option since ceph-disk has a built-in check which looks for empty devices.
+# Thus devices with existing partition tables will not be used.
+#osd_auto_discovery: false
+# Encrypt your OSD device using dmcrypt
+# If set to True, no matter which osd_objecstore and osd_scenario you use the data will be encrypted
+#dmcrypt: "{{ True if dmcrytpt_journal_collocation or dmcrypt_dedicated_journal else False }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# I. First scenario: collocated
+# To enable this scenario do: osd_scenario: collocated
+# If osd_objectstore: filestore is enabled both 'ceph data' and 'ceph journal' partitions
+# will be stored on the same device.
+# If osd_objectstore: bluestore is enabled 'ceph data', 'ceph block', 'ceph block.db', 'ceph block.wal' will be stored
+# on the same device. The device will get 2 partitions:
+# - One for 'data', called 'ceph data'
+# - One for 'ceph block', 'ceph block.db', 'ceph block.wal' called 'ceph block'
+# Example of what you will get:
+# [root@ceph-osd0 ~]# blkid /dev/sda*
+# /dev/sda: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sda1: UUID="9c43e346-dd6e-431f-92d8-cbed4ccb25f6" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="ceph data" PARTUUID="749c71c9-ed8f-4930-82a7-a48a3bcdb1c7"
+# /dev/sda2: PARTLABEL="ceph block" PARTUUID="e6ca3e1d-4702-4569-abfa-e285de328e9d"
+#osd_scenario: "{{ 'collocated' if journal_collocation or dmcrytpt_journal_collocation else 'non-collocated' if raw_multi_journal or dmcrypt_dedicated_journal else 'dummy' }}" # backward compatibility with stable-2.2, will disappear in stable 3.1
+# - collocated
+# - non-collocated
+# - lvm
+osd_scenario: collocated
+# II. Second scenario: non-collocated
+# To enable this scenario do: osd_scenario: non-collocated
+# If osd_objectstore: filestore is enabled 'ceph data' and 'ceph journal' partitions
+# will be stored on different devices:
+# - 'ceph data' will be stored on the device listed in 'devices'
+# - 'ceph journal' will be stored on the device listed in 'dedicated_devices'
+# Let's take an example, imagine 'devices' was declared like this:
+# devices:
+# - /dev/sda
+# - /dev/sdb
+# - /dev/sdc
+# - /dev/sdd
+# And 'dedicated_devices' was declared like this:
+# dedicated_devices:
+# - /dev/sdf
+# - /dev/sdf
+# - /dev/sdg
+# - /dev/sdg
+# This will result in the following mapping:
+# - /dev/sda will have /dev/sdf1 as journal
+# - /dev/sdb will have /dev/sdf2 as a journal
+# - /dev/sdc will have /dev/sdg1 as a journal
+# - /dev/sdd will have /dev/sdg2 as a journal
+# If osd_objectstore: bluestore is enabled, both 'ceph block.db' and 'ceph block.wal' partitions will be stored
+# on a dedicated device.
+# So the following will happen:
+# - The devices listed in 'devices' will get 2 partitions, one for 'block' and one for 'data'.
+# 'data' is only 100MB big and do not store any of your data, it's just a bunch of Ceph metadata.
+# 'block' will store all your actual data.
+# - The devices in 'dedicated_devices' will get 1 partition for RocksDB DB, called 'block.db'
+# and one for RocksDB WAL, called 'block.wal'
+# By default dedicated_devices will represent block.db
+# Example of what you will get:
+# [root@ceph-osd0 ~]# blkid /dev/sd*
+# /dev/sda: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sda1: UUID="c6821801-2f21-4980-add0-b7fc8bd424d5" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="ceph data" PARTUUID="f2cc6fa8-5b41-4428-8d3f-6187453464d0"
+# /dev/sda2: PARTLABEL="ceph block" PARTUUID="ea454807-983a-4cf2-899e-b2680643bc1c"
+# /dev/sdb: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sdb1: PARTLABEL="ceph block.db" PARTUUID="af5b2d74-4c08-42cf-be57-7248c739e217"
+# /dev/sdb2: PARTLABEL="ceph block.wal" PARTUUID="af3f8327-9aa9-4c2b-a497-cf0fe96d126a"
+#dedicated_devices: []
+# More device granularity for Bluestore
+# ONLY if osd_objectstore: bluestore is enabled.
+# By default, if 'bluestore_wal_devices' is empty, it will get the content of 'dedicated_devices'.
+# If set, then you will have a dedicated partition on a specific device for block.wal.
+# Example of what you will get:
+# [root@ceph-osd0 ~]# blkid /dev/sd*
+# /dev/sda: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sda1: UUID="39241ae9-d119-4335-96b3-0898da8f45ce" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="ceph data" PARTUUID="961e7313-bdb7-49e7-9ae7-077d65c4c669"
+# /dev/sda2: PARTLABEL="ceph block" PARTUUID="bff8e54e-b780-4ece-aa16-3b2f2b8eb699"
+# /dev/sdb: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sdb1: PARTLABEL="ceph block.db" PARTUUID="0734f6b6-cc94-49e9-93de-ba7e1d5b79e3"
+# /dev/sdc: PTTYPE="gpt"
+# /dev/sdc1: PARTLABEL="ceph block.wal" PARTUUID="824b84ba-6777-4272-bbbd-bfe2a25cecf3"
+#bluestore_wal_devices: "{{ dedicated_devices }}"
+# III. Use ceph-volume to create OSDs from logical volumes.
+# Use 'osd_scenario: lvm' to enable this scenario. Currently we only support dedicated journals
+# when using lvm, not collocated journals.
+# lvm_volumes is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary must contain a data, journal and vg_name
+# key. Any logical volume or logical group used must be a name and not a path.
+# data must be a logical volume
+# journal can be either a lv, device or partition. You can not use the same journal for many data lvs.
+# data_vg must be the volume group name of the data lv
+# journal_vg is optional and must be the volume group name of the journal lv, if applicable
+# For example:
+# lvm_volumes:
+# - data: data-lv1
+# data_vg: vg1
+# journal: journal-lv1
+# journal_vg: vg2
+# - data: data-lv2
+# journal: /dev/sda
+# data_vg: vg1
+# - data: data-lv3
+# journal: /dev/sdb1
+# data_vg: vg2
+#lvm_volumes: []
+#ceph_config_keys: [] # DON'T TOUCH ME
+# Resource limitation
+# For the whole list of limits you can apply see: docs.docker.com/engine/admin/resource_constraints
+# Default values are based from: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/2/html/red_hat_ceph_storage_hardware_guide/minimum_recommendations
+# These options can be passed using the 'ceph_osd_docker_extra_env' variable.
+#ceph_osd_docker_memory_limit: 1g
+#ceph_osd_docker_cpu_limit: 1
+# WARNING /!\ DMCRYPT scenario ONLY works with Docker version 1.12.5 and above
+#ceph_osd_docker_devices: "{{ devices }}"
+#ceph_osd_docker_prepare_env: -e OSD_JOURNAL_SIZE={{ journal_size }}
+#ceph_osd_docker_run_script_path: "/usr/share" # script called by systemd to run the docker command
+# ceph_osd_systemd_overrides will override the systemd settings
+# for the ceph-osd services.
+# For example,to set "PrivateDevices=false" you can specify:
+# Service:
+# PrivateDevices: False
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dbd5b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +authOptions:
+ noAuth: true
+ endpoint: ""
+ cinderEndpoint: ""
+ domainId: "Default"
+ domainName: "Default"
+ username: ""
+ password: ""
+ tenantId: "myproject"
+ tenantName: "myproject"
+ "cinder-lvm@lvm#lvm":
+ AZ: nova
+ thin: true
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/common.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/common.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11fdc80 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/common.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here,
+# but I would advice to use host or group vars instead
+workplace: /home/krej # Change this field according to your username
+# These fields are NOT suggested to be modified
+remote_url: https://github.com/opensds/opensds.git
+opensds_root_dir: "{{ workplace }}/gopath/src/github.com/opensds/opensds"
+opensds_build_dir: "{{ opensds_root_dir }}/build"
+opensds_config_dir: /etc/opensds
+opensds_log_dir: /var/log/opensds
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71d12bb --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +tgtBindIp:
+ "vg001": # change pool name same to vg_name, but don't change it if you choose ceph backend
+ diskType: SSD
+ AZ: default
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdb.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdb.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ec40fe --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdb.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here,
+# but I would advice to use host or group vars instead
+db_driver: etcd
+db_endpoint: localhost:2379,localhost:2380
+#db_credential: opensds:password@
+# ETCD #
+etcd_release: v3.2.0
+# These fields are not suggested to be modified
+etcd_tarball: etcd-{{ etcd_release }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
+etcd_download_url: https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/{{ etcd_release }}/{{ etcd_tarball }}
+etcd_dir: /tmp/etcd-{{ etcd_release }}-linux-amd64
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdock.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdock.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edbfa2a --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdsdock.yml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here,
+# but I would advice to use host or group vars instead
+# Change it according to your backend, currently support 'lvm', 'ceph', 'cinder'
+enabled_backend: lvm
+# These fields are NOT suggested to be modified
+dock_endpoint: localhost:50050
+dock_log_file: "{{ opensds_log_dir }}/osdsdock.log"
+# LVM #
+pv_device: /dev/sdb # Specify a block device and ensure it existed if you choose lvm
+vg_name: vg001 # Specify a name randomly
+# These fields are NOT suggested to be modified
+lvm_name: lvm backend
+lvm_description: This is a lvm backend service
+lvm_driver_name: lvm
+lvm_config_path: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}/driver/lvm.yaml"
+# CEPH #
+ceph_pool_name: rbd # Specify a name randomly
+# These fields are NOT suggested to be modified
+ceph_name: ceph backend
+ceph_description: This is a ceph backend service
+ceph_driver_name: ceph
+ceph_config_path: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}/driver/ceph.yaml"
+# Use block-box install cinder_standalone if true, see details in:
+# https://github.com/openstack/cinder/tree/master/contrib/block-box
+use_cinder_standalone: true
+# If true, you can configure cinder_container_platform, cinder_image_tag,
+# cinder_volume_group.
+# Default: debian:stretch, and ubuntu:xenial, centos:7 is also supported.
+cinder_container_platform: debian:stretch
+# The image tag can be arbitrarily modified, as long as follow the image naming
+# conventions, default: debian-cinder
+cinder_image_tag: debian-cinder
+# The cinder standalone use lvm driver as default driver, therefore `volume_group`
+# should be configured, the default is: cinder-volumes. The volume group will be
+# removed when use ansible script clean environment.
+cinder_volume_group: cinder-volumes
+# All source code and volume group file will be placed in the cinder_data_dir:
+cinder_data_dir: "{{ workplace }}/cinder_data_dir"
+# These fields are not suggested to be modified
+cinder_name: cinder backend
+cinder_description: This is a cinder backend service
+cinder_driver_name: cinder
+cinder_config_path: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}/driver/cinder.yaml"
+dock_docker_image: dockerio/opensds-dock:zealand
diff --git a/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdslet.yml b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdslet.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab82c0a --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/group_vars/osdslet.yml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---
+# Variables here are applicable to all host groups NOT roles
+# This sample file generated by generate_group_vars_sample.sh
+# Dummy variable to avoid error because ansible does not recognize the
+# file as a good configuration file when no variable in it.
+# You can override default vars defined in defaults/main.yml here,
+# but I would advice to use host or group vars instead
+# These fields are NOT suggested to be modified
+controller_endpoint: localhost:50040
+controller_log_file: "{{ opensds_log_dir }}/osdslet.log"
+controller_docker_image: dockerio/opensds-controller:zealand
diff --git a/ci/ansible/local.hosts b/ci/ansible/local.hosts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36b7cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/local.hosts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +[controllers]
+localhost ansible_connection=local
+localhost ansible_connection=local
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/cleaner/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/cleaner/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93aeb59 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/cleaner/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +---
+- name: kill etcd daemon service
+ shell: killall etcd
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ when: db_driver == "etcd"
+- name: remove etcd service data
+ file:
+ path: "{{ etcd_dir }}"
+ state: absent
+ force: yes
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ when: db_driver == "etcd"
+- name: remove etcd tarball
+ file:
+ path: "/tmp/{{ etcd_tarball }}"
+ state: absent
+ force: yes
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ when: db_driver == "etcd"
+- name: kill osdslet daemon service
+ shell: killall osdslet
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: kill osdsdock daemon service
+ shell: killall osdsdock
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: clean all opensds build files
+ file:
+ path: "{{ opensds_build_dir }}"
+ state: absent
+ force: yes
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: clean all opensds configuration files
+ file:
+ path: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}"
+ state: absent
+ force: yes
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: clean all opensds log files
+ file:
+ path: "{{ opensds_log_dir }}"
+ state: absent
+ force: yes
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: check if it existed before cleaning a volume group
+ shell: vgdisplay {{ vg_name }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: vg_existed
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm"
+- name: remove a volume group if lvm backend specified
+ shell: vgremove {{ vg_name }}
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm" and vg_existed.rc == 0
+- name: check if it existed before cleaning a physical volume
+ shell: pvdisplay {{ pv_device }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: pv_existed
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm"
+- name: remove a physical volume if lvm backend specified
+ shell: pvremove {{ pv_device }}
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm" and pv_existed.rc == 0
+- name: stop cinder-standalone service
+ shell: docker-compose down
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder"
+- name: clean the volume group of cinder
+ shell:
+ _raw_params: |
+ # _clean_lvm_volume_group removes all default LVM volumes
+ #
+ # Usage: _clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
+ function _clean_lvm_volume_group {
+ local vg=$1
+ # Clean out existing volumes
+ sudo lvremove -f $vg
+ }
+ # _remove_lvm_volume_group removes the volume group
+ #
+ # Usage: _remove_lvm_volume_group $vg
+ function _remove_lvm_volume_group {
+ local vg=$1
+ # Remove the volume group
+ sudo vgremove -f $vg
+ }
+ # _clean_lvm_backing_file() removes the backing file of the
+ # volume group
+ #
+ # Usage: _clean_lvm_backing_file() $backing_file
+ function _clean_lvm_backing_file {
+ local backing_file=$1
+ # If the backing physical device is a loop device, it was probably setup by DevStack
+ if [[ -n "$backing_file" ]] && [[ -e "$backing_file" ]]; then
+ local vg_dev
+ vg_dev=$(sudo losetup -j $backing_file | awk -F':' '/'.img'/ { print $1}')
+ if [[ -n "$vg_dev" ]]; then
+ sudo losetup -d $vg_dev
+ fi
+ rm -f $backing_file
+ fi
+ }
+ # clean_lvm_volume_group() cleans up the volume group and removes the
+ # backing file
+ #
+ # Usage: clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
+ function clean_lvm_volume_group {
+ local vg=$1
+ _clean_lvm_volume_group $vg
+ _remove_lvm_volume_group $vg
+ # if there is no logical volume left, it's safe to attempt a cleanup
+ # of the backing file
+ if [[ -z "$(sudo lvs --noheadings -o lv_name $vg 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
+ _clean_lvm_backing_file {{ cinder_data_dir }}/${vg}.img
+ fi
+ }
+ clean_lvm_volume_group {{cinder_volume_group}}
+ args:
+ executable: /bin/bash
+ become: true
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20f5381 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/common/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +---
+# If we can't get golang installed before any module is used we will fail
+# so just try what we can to get it installed
+- name: check for golang
+ stat:
+ path: /usr/local/go
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: systemgolang
+- name: install golang for debian based systems
+ shell:
+ cmd: |
+ set -e
+ set -x
+ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz
+ tar xvf go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
+ cat >> /etc/profile <<GOLANG__CONFIG_DOC
+ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
+ export GOPATH=\$HOME/gopath
+ export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin:\$GOPATH/bin
+ executable: /bin/bash
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ when:
+ - systemgolang.stat.exists is undefined or systemgolang.stat.exists == false
+- name: Run the equivalent of "apt-get update" as a separate step
+ apt:
+ update_cache: yes
+- name: install librados-dev external package
+ apt:
+ name: librados-dev
+- name: install librbd-dev external package
+ apt:
+ name: librbd-dev
+- name: check for opensds source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ opensds_root_dir }}"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: opensdsexisted
+- name: download opensds source code
+ git:
+ repo: "{{ remote_url }}"
+ dest: "{{ opensds_root_dir }}"
+ when:
+ - opensdsexisted.stat.exists is undefined or opensdsexisted.stat.exists == false
+- name: check for opensds binary file existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ opensds_build_dir }}"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: opensdsbuilt
+- name: build opensds binary file
+ shell: . /etc/profile; make
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ opensds_root_dir }}"
+ when:
+ - opensdsbuilt.stat.exists is undefined or opensdsbuilt.stat.exists == false
+- name: create opensds global config directory if it doesn't exist
+ file:
+ path: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}/driver"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0755
+- name: create opensds log directory if it doesn't exist
+ file:
+ path: "{{ opensds_log_dir }}"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0755
+- name: configure opensds global info
+ shell: |
+ cat > opensds.conf <<OPENSDS_GLOABL_CONFIG_DOC
+ [osdslet]
+ api_endpoint = {{ controller_endpoint }}
+ graceful = True
+ log_file = {{ controller_log_file }}
+ socket_order = inc
+ [osdsdock]
+ api_endpoint = {{ dock_endpoint }}
+ log_file = {{ dock_log_file }}
+ # Specify which backends should be enabled, sample,ceph,cinder,lvm and so on.
+ enabled_backends = {{ enabled_backend }}
+ [lvm]
+ name = {{ lvm_name }}
+ description = {{ lvm_description }}
+ driver_name = {{ lvm_driver_name }}
+ config_path = {{ lvm_config_path }}
+ [ceph]
+ name = {{ ceph_name }}
+ description = {{ ceph_description }}
+ driver_name = {{ ceph_driver_name }}
+ config_path = {{ ceph_config_path }}
+ [cinder]
+ name = {{ cinder_name }}
+ description = {{ cinder_description }}
+ driver_name = {{ cinder_driver_name }}
+ config_path = {{ cinder_config_path }}
+ [database]
+ endpoint = {{ db_endpoint }}
+ driver = {{ db_driver }}
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ opensds_config_dir }}"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: copy opensds lvm backend file if specify lvm backend
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/lvm/lvm.yaml
+ dest: "{{ lvm_config_path }}"
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm"
+- name: copy opensds ceph backend file if specify ceph backend
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/ceph.yaml
+ dest: "{{ ceph_config_path }}"
+ when: enabled_backend == "ceph"
+- name: copy opensds cinder backend file if specify cinder backend
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/cinder/cinder.yaml
+ dest: "{{ cinder_config_path }}"
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/scenarios/etcd.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/scenarios/etcd.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79dc444 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/scenarios/etcd.yml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---
+- name: check for etcd existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ etcd_dir }}/etcd"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: etcdexisted
+- name: download etcd
+ get_url:
+ url={{ etcd_download_url }}
+ dest=/tmp/{{ etcd_tarball }}
+ when:
+ - etcdexisted.stat.exists is undefined or etcdexisted.stat.exists == false
+- name: extract the etcd tarball
+ unarchive:
+ src=/tmp/{{ etcd_tarball }}
+ dest=/tmp/
+ when:
+ - etcdexisted.stat.exists is undefined or etcdexisted.stat.exists == false
+- name: Check if etcd is running
+ shell: ps aux | grep etcd | grep -v grep
+ ignore_errors: true
+ register: service_etcd_status
+- name: run etcd daemon service
+ shell: nohup ./etcd &>>etcd.log &
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ etcd_dir }}"
+ when: service_etcd_status.rc != 0
+- name: check etcd cluster health
+ shell: ./etcdctl cluster-health
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ etcd_dir }}"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41cbd09 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdb/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---
+- name: include scenarios/etcd.yml
+ include: scenarios/etcd.yml
+ when: db_driver == "etcd"
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f6348e --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +---
+- name: install ceph-common external package when ceph backend enabled
+ apt:
+ name: ceph-common
+ when: enabled_backend == "ceph"
+- name: check for ceph-ansible source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cephansibleexisted
+- name: download ceph-ansible source code
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-ansible.git
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+ when:
+ - cephansibleexisted.stat.exists is undefined or cephansibleexisted.stat.exists == false
+- name: copy ceph inventory host into ceph-ansible directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/ceph.hosts
+- name: copy ceph all.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/all.yml
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml
+- name: copy ceph osds.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/osds.yml
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/group_vars/osds.yml
+- name: copy site.yml.sample to site.yml in ceph-ansible
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/ceph-ansible/site.yml.sample
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/site.yml
+- name: ping all hosts
+ shell: ansible all -m ping -i ceph.hosts
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+- name: run ceph-ansible playbook
+ shell: ansible-playbook site.yml -i ceph.hosts
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+- name: Check if ceph osd is running
+ shell: ps aux | grep ceph-osd | grep -v grep
+ ignore_errors: false
+ changed_when: false
+ register: service_ceph_osd_status
+- name: Check if ceph mon is running
+ shell: ps aux | grep ceph-mon | grep -v grep
+ ignore_errors: false
+ changed_when: false
+ register: service_ceph_mon_status
+- name: Create a pool and initialize it.
+ shell: ceph osd pool create {{ ceph_pool_name }} 100 && ceph osd pool set {{ ceph_pool_name }} size 1
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ changed_when: false
+ register: ceph_init_pool
+ when: service_ceph_mon_status.rc == 0 and service_ceph_osd_status.rc == 0
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7313caa --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +---
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ad5cea --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +---
+- name: install python-pip
+ apt:
+ name: python-pip
+- name: install lvm2
+ apt:
+ name: lvm2
+- name: install thin-provisioning-tools
+ apt:
+ name: thin-provisioning-tools
+- name: install docker-compose
+ pip:
+ name: docker-compose
+- name: create directory to save source code and volume group file
+ file:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}"
+ state: directory
+ recurse: yes
+- name: create volume group in thin mode
+ shell:
+ _raw_params: |
+ function _create_lvm_volume_group {
+ local vg=$1
+ local size=$2
+ local backing_file={{ cinder_data_dir }}/${vg}.img
+ if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
+ # Only create if the file doesn't already exists
+ [[ -f $backing_file ]] || truncate -s $size $backing_file
+ local vg_dev
+ vg_dev=`sudo losetup -f --show $backing_file`
+ # Only create volume group if it doesn't already exist
+ if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
+ sudo vgcreate $vg $vg_dev
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+ modprobe dm_thin_pool
+ _create_lvm_volume_group {{ cinder_volume_group }} 10G
+ args:
+ executable: /bin/bash
+ become: true
+- name: check for python-cinderclient source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cinderclient_existed
+- name: download python-cinderclient source code
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/openstack/python-cinderclient.git
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+ when:
+ - cinderclient_existed.stat.exists is undefined or cinderclient_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `ab0185bfc6e8797a35a2274c2a5ee03afb03dd60`
+# git checkout -b ab0185bfc6e8797a35a2274c2a5ee03afb03dd60
+- name: pip install cinderclinet
+ shell: |
+ pip install -e .
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+- name: check for python-brick-cinderclient-ext source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: brick_existed
+- name: download python-brick-cinderclient-ext source code
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/openstack/python-brick-cinderclient-ext.git
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+ when:
+ - brick_existed.stat.exists is undefined or brick_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `a281e67bf9c12521ea5433f86cec913854826a33`
+# git checkout -b a281e67bf9c12521ea5433f86cec913854826a33
+- name: pip install python-brick-cinderclient-ext
+ shell: |
+ pip install -e .
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+- name: check for cinder source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cinder_existed
+- name: download cinder source code
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/openstack/cinder.git
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder"
+ when:
+ - cinder_existed.stat.exists is undefined or cinder_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `7bbc95344d3961d0bf059252723fa40b33d4b3fe`
+# git checkout -b 7bbc95344d3961d0bf059252723fa40b33d4b3fe
+- name: update blockbox configuration
+ shell: |
+ sed -i "s/PLATFORM ?= debian:stretch/PLATFORM ?= {{ cinder_container_platform }}/g" Makefile
+ sed -i "s/TAG ?= debian-cinder:latest/TAG ?= {{ cinder_image_tag }}:latest/g" Makefile
+ sed -i "s/image: debian-cinder/image: {{ cinder_image_tag }}/g" docker-compose.yml
+ sed -i "s/image: lvm-debian-cinder/image: {{ cinder_image_tag }}/g" docker-compose.yml
+ sed -i "s/volume_group = cinder-volumes /volume_group = {{ cinder_volume_group }}/g" etc/cinder.conf
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: make blockbox
+ shell: make blockbox
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: start cinder-standalone service
+ shell: docker-compose up -d
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: wait for cinder service to start normally
+ wait_for:
+ host:
+ port: 8776
+ delay: 2
+ timeout: 120
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1d7b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---
+- name: install lvm2 external package when lvm backend enabled
+ apt:
+ name: lvm2
+- name: check if physical volume existed
+ shell: pvdisplay {{ pv_device }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: pv_existed
+- name: create a physical volume
+ shell: pvcreate {{ pv_device }}
+ when: pv_existed is undefined or pv_existed.rc != 0
+- name: check if volume group existed
+ shell: vgdisplay {{ vg_name }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: vg_existed
+- name: create a volume group
+ shell: vgcreate {{ vg_name }} {{ pv_device }}
+ when: vg_existed is undefined or vg_existed.rc != 0
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2462905 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---
+- name: include scenarios/lvm.yml
+ include: scenarios/lvm.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm"
+- name: include scenarios/ceph.yml
+ include: scenarios/ceph.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "ceph"
+- name: include scenarios/cinder.yml
+ include: scenarios/cinder.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder" and use_cinder_standalone == false
+- name: include scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
+ include: scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder" and use_cinder_standalone == true
+- name: run osdsdock daemon service
+ shell:
+ cmd: |
+ i=0
+ while
+ i="$((i+1))"
+ [ "$i" -lt 4 ]
+ do
+ nohup bin/osdsdock &>/dev/null &
+ sleep 5
+ ps aux | grep osdsdock | grep -v grep && break
+ done
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ opensds_build_dir }}/out"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdslet/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdslet/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c3e0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdslet/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +---
+- name: run osdslet daemon service
+ shell:
+ cmd: |
+ i=0
+ while
+ i="$((i+1))"
+ [ "$i" -lt 4 ]
+ do
+ nohup bin/osdslet > osdslet.out 2> osdslet.err < /dev/null &
+ sleep 5
+ ps aux | grep osdslet | grep -v grep && break
+ done
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ opensds_build_dir }}/out"
diff --git a/ci/ansible/site.yml b/ci/ansible/site.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40d5950 --- /dev/null +++ b/ci/ansible/site.yml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---
+# Defines deployment design and assigns role to server groups
+- name: deploy an opensds local cluster
+ hosts: all
+ remote_user: root
+ vars_files:
+ - group_vars/common.yml
+ - group_vars/osdsdb.yml
+ - group_vars/osdslet.yml
+ - group_vars/osdsdock.yml
+ gather_facts: false
+ become: True
+ roles:
+ - common
+ - osdsdb
+ - osdslet
+ - osdsdock