path: root/tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py
diff options
authorVijayendra Radhakrishna <vradhakrishna@mvista.com>2016-11-28 19:25:04 +0530
committerVijayendra Radhakrishna <vradhakrishna@mvista.com>2016-11-29 19:41:38 +0530
commit417aae0b42c2b75d20bf933e019b3a8182619de4 (patch)
tree7cec61b6a9640165e2c4726a28d0588b0be8ca04 /tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py
parent87869220170c38466391436019003910f4385e5c (diff)
odl-sfc refactor:Include sfc and utils library
- JIRA:SFC-54 - This has not yet taken care of pre-steps in exec_tests.sh - Commonly used functions moved to utils.py - Improvise Threading for capture_time_log using join and timeout - Add get_compute_nodes function and improvise on create_instance for multiple compute node use cases Change-Id: Ia05fea161b191bd548a3010d7e5ef02fcf69da20 Signed-off-by: Vijayendra Radhakrishna <vradhakrishna@mvista.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py b/tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f24f76c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functest/odl-sfc/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
+import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils
+import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils
+import re
+import json
+import SSHUtils as ssh_utils
+import ovs_utils
+logger = ft_logger.Logger("sfc_test_utils").getLogger()
+SSH_OPTIONS = '-q -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
+FUNCTEST_RESULTS_DIR = os.path.join("home", "opnfv",
+ "functest", "results", "odl-sfc")
+def run_cmd(cmd, wdir=None, ignore_stderr=False, ignore_no_output=True):
+ """run given command locally and return commands output if success"""
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=wdir)
+ (output, errors) = pipe.communicate()
+ if output:
+ output = output.strip()
+ if pipe.returncode < 0:
+ logger.error(errors)
+ return False
+ if errors:
+ logger.error(errors)
+ return ignore_stderr
+ if ignore_no_output and not output:
+ return True
+ return output
+def run_cmd_on_controller(cmd):
+ """run given command on OpenStack controller"""
+ ip_controllers = get_openstack_node_ips("controller")
+ if not ip_controllers:
+ return None
+ ssh_cmd = "ssh %s %s %s" % (SSH_OPTIONS, ip_controllers[0], cmd)
+ return run_cmd_on_fm(ssh_cmd)
+def run_cmd_on_compute(cmd):
+ """run given command on OpenStack Compute node"""
+ ip_computes = get_openstack_node_ips("compute")
+ if not ip_computes:
+ return None
+ ssh_cmd = "ssh %s %s %s" % (SSH_OPTIONS, ip_computes[0], cmd)
+ return run_cmd_on_fm(ssh_cmd)
+def run_cmd_on_fm(cmd, username="root", passwd="r00tme"):
+ """run given command on Fuel Master"""
+ ip = os.environ.get("INSTALLER_IP")
+ ssh_cmd = "sshpass -p %s ssh %s %s@%s %s" % (
+ passwd, SSH_OPTIONS, username, ip, cmd)
+ return run_cmd(ssh_cmd)
+def run_cmd_remote(ip, cmd, username="root", passwd="opnfv"):
+ """run given command on Remote Machine, Can be VM"""
+ ssh_opt_append = "%s -o ConnectTimeout=50 " % SSH_OPTIONS
+ ssh_cmd = "sshpass -p %s ssh %s %s@%s %s" % (
+ passwd, ssh_opt_append, username, ip, cmd)
+ return run_cmd(ssh_cmd)
+def get_openstack_node_ips(role):
+ """Get OpenStack Nodes IP Address"""
+ fuel_env = os.environ.get("FUEL_ENV")
+ if fuel_env is not None:
+ cmd = "fuel2 node list -f json -e %s" % fuel_env
+ else:
+ cmd = "fuel2 node list -f json"
+ nodes = run_cmd_on_fm(cmd)
+ ips = []
+ nodes = json.loads(nodes)
+ for node in nodes:
+ if role in node["roles"]:
+ ips.append(node["ip"])
+ return ips
+def configure_iptables():
+ """Configures IPTABLES on OpenStack Controller"""
+ iptable_cmds = ["iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT",
+ "iptables -t nat -P INPUT ACCEPT",
+ "iptables -A INPUT -m state \
+ for cmd in iptable_cmds:
+ logger.info("Configuring %s on contoller" % cmd)
+ run_cmd_on_controller(cmd)
+ return
+def download_image(url, image_path):
+ image_filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
+ image_url = "%s/%s" % (url, image_filename)
+ image_dir = os.path.dirname(image_path)
+ if not os.path.isfile(image_path):
+ logger.info("Downloading image")
+ ft_utils.download_url(image_url, image_dir)
+ return None
+ logger.info("Using old image")
+ return
+def setup_neutron(neutron_client, net, subnet, router, subnet_cidr):
+ n_dict = os_utils.create_network_full(neutron_client,
+ net,
+ subnet,
+ router,
+ subnet_cidr)
+ if not n_dict:
+ logger.error("failed to create neutron network")
+ return False
+ return n_dict["net_id"]
+def setup_ingress_egress_secgroup(neutron_client, protocol,
+ min_port=None, max_port=None):
+ secgroups = os_utils.get_security_groups(neutron_client)
+ for sg in secgroups:
+ os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, sg['id'],
+ 'ingress', protocol,
+ port_range_min=min_port,
+ port_range_max=max_port)
+ os_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, sg['id'],
+ 'egress', protocol,
+ port_range_min=min_port,
+ port_range_max=max_port)
+ return
+def create_security_groups(neutron_client, secgroup_name, secgroup_descr):
+ sg_id = os_utils.create_security_group_full(neutron_client,
+ secgroup_name, secgroup_descr)
+ setup_ingress_egress_secgroup(neutron_client, "icmp")
+ setup_ingress_egress_secgroup(neutron_client, "tcp", 22, 22)
+ setup_ingress_egress_secgroup(neutron_client, "tcp", 80, 80)
+ return sg_id
+def create_instance(nova_client, name, flavor, image_id, network_id, sg_id,
+ secgroup_name=None, fixed_ip=None,
+ compute_node='', userdata=None, files=None):
+ logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." % name)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n"
+ " network=%s\n secgroup=%s \n hypervisor=%s \n"
+ " fixed_ip=%s\n files=%s\n userdata=\n%s\n"
+ % (name, flavor, image_id, network_id, sg_id,
+ compute_node, fixed_ip, files, userdata))
+ instance = os_utils.create_instance_and_wait_for_active(
+ flavor,
+ image_id,
+ network_id,
+ name,
+ config_drive=True,
+ userdata=userdata,
+ av_zone=compute_node,
+ fixed_ip=fixed_ip,
+ files=files)
+ if instance is None:
+ logger.error("Error while booting instance.")
+ return None
+ if secgroup_name:
+ logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..."
+ % (name, secgroup_name))
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..."
+ % (name, sg_id))
+ os_utils.add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, instance.id, sg_id)
+ return instance
+def ping(remote, pkt_cnt=1, iface=None, retries=100, timeout=None):
+ ping_cmd = 'ping'
+ if timeout:
+ ping_cmd = ping_cmd + ' -w %s' % timeout
+ grep_cmd = "grep -e 'packet loss' -e rtt"
+ if iface is not None:
+ ping_cmd = ping_cmd + ' -I %s' % iface
+ ping_cmd = ping_cmd + ' -i 0 -c %d %s' % (pkt_cnt, remote)
+ cmd = ping_cmd + '|' + grep_cmd
+ while retries > 0:
+ output = run_cmd(cmd)
+ if not output:
+ return False
+ match = re.search('(\d*)% packet loss', output)
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ packet_loss = int(match.group(1))
+ if packet_loss == 0:
+ return True
+ retries -= 1
+ return False
+def get_floating_ips(nova_client, neutron_client):
+ ips = []
+ instances = nova_client.servers.list(search_opts={'all_tenants': 1})
+ for instance in instances:
+ floatip_dic = os_utils.create_floating_ip(neutron_client)
+ floatip = floatip_dic['fip_addr']
+ instance.add_floating_ip(floatip)
+ logger.info("Instance name and ip %s:%s " % (instance.name, floatip))
+ logger.info("Waiting for instance %s:%s to come up" %
+ (instance.name, floatip))
+ if not ping(floatip):
+ logger.info("Instance %s:%s didn't come up" %
+ (instance.name, floatip))
+ return None
+ if instance.name == "server":
+ logger.info("Server:%s is reachable" % floatip)
+ server_ip = floatip
+ elif instance.name == "client":
+ logger.info("Client:%s is reachable" % floatip)
+ client_ip = floatip
+ else:
+ logger.info("SF:%s is reachable" % floatip)
+ ips.append(floatip)
+ return server_ip, client_ip, ips[1], ips[0]
+def start_http_server(ip):
+ """Start http server on a given machine, Can be VM"""
+ cmd = "\'python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80"
+ cmd = cmd + " > /dev/null 2>&1 &\'"
+ run_cmd_remote(ip, cmd)
+ output = run_cmd_remote(ip, "ps aux|grep SimpleHTTPServer")
+ if not output:
+ logger.error("Failed to start http server")
+ return False
+ logger.info(output)
+ return True
+def vxlan_firewall(sf, iface="eth0", port="22", block=True):
+ """Set firewall using vxlan_tool.py on a given machine, Can be VM"""
+ cmd = "python vxlan_tool.py -i %s -d forward -v off" % iface
+ if block:
+ cmd = "python vxlan_tool.py -i eth0 -d forward -v off -b %s" % port
+ cmd = "sh -c 'cd /root;nohup " + cmd + " > /dev/null 2>&1 &'"
+ run_cmd_remote(sf, cmd)
+def netcat(s_ip, c_ip, port="80", timeout=5):
+ """Run netcat on a give machine, Can be VM"""
+ cmd = "nc -zv "
+ cmd = cmd + " -w %s %s %s" % (timeout, s_ip, port)
+ cmd = cmd + " 2>&1"
+ output = run_cmd_remote(c_ip, cmd)
+ logger.info("%s" % output)
+ return output
+def is_ssh_blocked(srv_prv_ip, client_ip):
+ res = netcat(srv_prv_ip, client_ip, port="22")
+ match = re.search("nc:.*timed out:.*", res, re.M)
+ if match:
+ return True
+ return False
+def is_http_blocked(srv_prv_ip, client_ip):
+ res = netcat(srv_prv_ip, client_ip, port="80")
+ match = re.search(".* 80 port.* succeeded!", res, re.M)
+ if match:
+ return False
+ return True
+def capture_err_logs(controller_clients, compute_clients, error):
+ ovs_logger = ovs_utils.OVSLogger(
+ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ovs-logs'),
+ timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ ovs_logger.dump_ovs_logs(controller_clients,
+ compute_clients,
+ related_error=error,
+ timestamp=timestamp)
+ return
+def get_ssh_clients(role, proxy):
+ clients = []
+ for ip in get_openstack_node_ips(role):
+ s_client = ssh_utils.get_ssh_client(ip, 'root', proxy=proxy)
+ clients.append(s_client)
+ return clients
+def check_ssh(ips, retries=100):
+ """Check SSH connectivity to VNFs"""
+ check = [False, False]
+ logger.info("Checking SSH connectivity to the SFs with ips %s" % str(ips))
+ while retries and not all(check):
+ for index, ip in enumerate(ips):
+ check[index] = run_cmd_remote(ip, "exit")
+ if all(check):
+ logger.info("SSH connectivity to the SFs established")
+ return True
+ time.sleep(3)
+ retries -= 1
+ return False
+def capture_time_log(compute_clients, timeout=200):
+ """Measure the time it takes to update the classification rules"""
+ ovs_logger = ovs_utils.OVSLogger(
+ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ovs-logs'),
+ "test")
+ i = 0
+ first_RSP = ""
+ start_time = time.time()
+ while True:
+ rsps = ovs_logger.ofctl_time_counter(compute_clients[0])
+ if not i:
+ if len(rsps) > 0:
+ first_RSP = rsps[0]
+ i = i + 1
+ else:
+ first_RSP = 0
+ i = i + 1
+ if (len(rsps) > 1):
+ if(first_RSP != rsps[0]):
+ if (rsps[0] == rsps[1]):
+ stop_time = time.time()
+ logger.info("classification rules updated")
+ difference = stop_time - start_time
+ logger.info("It took %s seconds" % difference)
+ break
+ timeout -= 1
+ if not timeout:
+ logger.error(
+ "Timeout but classification rules are not updated")
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return
+def get_compute_nodes(nova_client, required_node_number=2):
+ """Get the compute nodes in the deployment"""
+ compute_nodes = os_utils.get_hypervisors(nova_client)
+ num_compute_nodes = len(compute_nodes)
+ if num_compute_nodes < 2:
+ logger.error("There are %s compute nodes in the deployment. "
+ "Minimum number of nodes to complete the test is 2."
+ % num_compute_nodes)
+ return None
+ logger.debug("Compute nodes: %s" % compute_nodes)
+ return compute_nodes