path: root/sfc/lib/
diff options
authorManuel Buil <>2017-12-12 12:15:00 +0100
committerManuel Buil <>2017-12-12 15:40:50 +0100
commitd4757d239155cbd21ce45b656469c10d67cdf569 (patch)
tree5192ead08005f563cfe7d85147ef176d1939d9e7 /sfc/lib/
parent8814891148390d427c22e583b2d7451dbd600197 (diff)
Clean up our was getting messy. This patch divides it into three different files: * * * The tacker library is integrated into Change-Id: I310949d1cee49b6aa1c9b3396bf6d6ca458cbaac Signed-off-by: Manuel Buil <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sfc/lib/')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfc/lib/ b/sfc/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45937263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfc/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import ConfigParser
+import os
+import requests
+import time
+import json
+import re
+import logging
+import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils
+import sfc.lib.openstack_utils as os_sfc_utils
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def actual_rsps_in_compute(ovs_logger, compute_ssh):
+ '''
+ Example flows that match the regex (line wrapped because of flake8)
+ table=101, n_packets=7, n_bytes=595, priority=500,tcp,in_port=2,tp_dst=80
+ actions=push_nsh,load:0x1->NXM_NX_NSH_MDTYPE[],load:0x3->NXM_NX_NSH_NP[],
+ load:0x27->NXM_NX_NSP[0..23],load:0xff->NXM_NX_NSI[],
+ load:0xffffff->NXM_NX_NSH_C1[],load:0->NXM_NX_NSH_C2[],resubmit(,17)
+ '''
+ match_rsp = re.compile(
+ r'.+tp_dst=([0-9]+).+load:(0x[0-9a-f]+)->NXM_NX_NSP\[0\.\.23\].+')
+ # First line is OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
+ # This is not a flow so ignore
+ flows = (ovs_logger.ofctl_dump_flows(compute_ssh, 'br-int', '101')
+ .strip().split('\n')[1:])
+ matching_flows = [match_rsp.match(f) for f in flows]
+ # group(1) = 22 (tp_dst value) | group(2) = 0xff (rsp value)
+ rsps_in_compute = ['{0}_{1}'.format(,
+ for mf in matching_flows if mf is not None]
+ return rsps_in_compute
+def get_active_rsps(odl_ip, odl_port):
+ '''
+ Queries operational datastore and returns the RSPs for which we have
+ created a classifier (ACL). These are considered as active RSPs
+ for which classification rules should exist in the compute nodes
+ This function enhances the returned dictionary with the
+ destination port of the ACL.
+ '''
+ acls = get_odl_acl_list(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ rsps = []
+ for acl in acls['access-lists']['acl']:
+ try:
+ # We get the first ace. ODL creates a new ACL
+ # with one ace for each classifier
+ ace = acl['access-list-entries']['ace'][0]
+ except:
+ logger.warn('ACL {0} does not have an ACE'.format(
+ acl['acl-name']))
+ continue
+ if not ('netvirt-sfc-acl:rsp-name' in ace['actions']):
+ continue
+ rsp_name = ace['actions']['netvirt-sfc-acl:rsp-name']
+ rsp = get_odl_resource_elem(odl_ip,
+ odl_port,
+ 'rendered-service-path',
+ rsp_name,
+ datastore='operational')
+ '''
+ Rsps are returned in the format:
+ {
+ "rendered-service-path": [
+ {
+ "name": "Path-red-Path-83",
+ "path-id": 83,
+ ...
+ "rendered-service-path-hop": [
+ {
+ ...
+ "service-function-name": "testVNF1",
+ "service-index": 255
+ ...
+ 'rendered-service-path' Is returned as a list with one
+ element (we select by name and the names are unique)
+ '''
+ rsp_port = rsp['rendered-service-path'][0]
+ rsp_port['dst-port'] = (ace['matches']
+ ['destination-port-range']['lower-port'])
+ rsps.append(rsp_port)
+ return rsps
+def promised_rsps_in_computes(odl_ip, odl_port):
+ '''
+ Return a list of rsp_port which represents the rsp id and the destination
+ port configured in ODL
+ '''
+ rsps = get_active_rsps(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ rsps_in_computes = ['{0}_{1}'.format(hex(rsp['path-id']), rsp['dst-port'])
+ for rsp in rsps]
+ return rsps_in_computes
+def wait_for_classification_rules(ovs_logger, compute_nodes, odl_ip, odl_port,
+ timeout=200):
+ '''
+ Check if the classification rules configured in ODL are implemented in OVS.
+ We know by experience that this process might take a while
+ '''
+ try:
+ # Find the compute where the client is
+ compute_client = os_sfc_utils.get_compute_client()
+ for compute_node in compute_nodes:
+ if in compute_client:
+ compute = compute_node
+ try:
+ compute
+ except NameError:
+ logger.debug("No compute where the client is was found")
+ raise Exception("No compute where the client is was found")
+ # Find the configured rsps in ODL. Its format is nsp_destPort
+ promised_rsps = []
+ timeout2 = 10
+ while not promised_rsps:
+ promised_rsps = promised_rsps_in_computes(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ timeout2 -= 1
+ if timeout2 == 0:
+ os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_items()
+ get_odl_items(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ raise Exception("RSPs not configured in ODL")
+ time.sleep(3)
+ while timeout > 0:
+"RSPs in ODL Operational DataStore:")
+ # Fetch the rsps implemented in the compute
+ compute_rsps = actual_rsps_in_compute(ovs_logger,
+ compute.ssh_client)
+"RSPs in compute nodes:")
+ # We use sets to compare as we will not have the same value twice
+ if not (set(promised_rsps) ^ set(compute_rsps)):
+ # OVS state is consistent with ODL
+"Classification rules were updated")
+ return
+ timeout -= 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if timeout <= 0:
+ logger.error("Timeout but classification rules are not updated")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('Error when waiting for classification rules: %s' % e)
+def get_odl_ip_port(nodes):
+ controller_node = next(n for n in nodes if n.is_controller())
+ home_folder = controller_node.run_cmd('pwd')
+ remote_ml2_conf_etc = '/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini'
+ remote_ml2_conf_home = '{0}/ml2_conf.ini'.format(home_folder)
+ local_ml2_conf_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ml2_conf.ini')
+ controller_node.run_cmd('sudo cp {0} {1}/'
+ .format(remote_ml2_conf_etc, home_folder))
+ controller_node.run_cmd('sudo chmod 777 {0}'
+ .format(remote_ml2_conf_home))
+ controller_node.get_file(remote_ml2_conf_home, local_ml2_conf_file)
+ con_par = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ ip, port ='[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}\:[0-9]+',
+ con_par.get('ml2_odl', 'url')).group().split(':')
+ return ip, port
+def pluralize(s):
+ return '{0}s'.format(s)
+def format_odl_resource_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port, resource,
+ datastore='config', odl_user='admin',
+ odl_pwd='admin'):
+ return ('http://{usr}:{pwd}@{ip}:{port}/restconf/{ds}/{rsrc}:{rsrcs}'
+ .format(usr=odl_user, pwd=odl_pwd, ip=odl_ip, port=odl_port,
+ ds=datastore, rsrc=resource, rsrcs=pluralize(resource)))
+def format_odl_resource_elem_url(odl_ip, odl_port, resource,
+ elem_name, datastore='config'):
+ list_url = format_odl_resource_list_url(
+ odl_ip, odl_port, resource, datastore=datastore)
+ return ('{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(list_url, resource, elem_name))
+def odl_resource_list_names(resource, resource_json):
+ if len(resource_json[pluralize(resource)].items()) == 0:
+ return []
+ return [r['name'] for r in resource_json[pluralize(resource)][resource]]
+def get_odl_resource_list(odl_ip, odl_port, resource, datastore='config'):
+ url = format_odl_resource_list_url(
+ odl_ip, odl_port, resource, datastore=datastore)
+ return requests.get(url).json()
+def get_odl_resource_elem(odl_ip, odl_port, resource,
+ elem_name, datastore='config'):
+ url = format_odl_resource_elem_url(
+ odl_ip, odl_port, resource, elem_name, datastore=datastore)
+ return requests.get(url).json()
+def delete_odl_resource_elem(odl_ip, odl_port, resource, elem_name,
+ datastore='config'):
+ url = format_odl_resource_elem_url(
+ odl_ip, odl_port, resource, elem_name, datastore=datastore)
+ requests.delete(url)
+def odl_acl_types_names(acl_json):
+ if len(acl_json['access-lists'].items()) == 0:
+ return []
+ return [(acl['acl-type'], acl['acl-name'])
+ for acl in acl_json['access-lists']['acl']]
+def format_odl_acl_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port,
+ odl_user='admin', odl_pwd='admin'):
+ acl_list_url = ('http://{usr}:{pwd}@{ip}:{port}/restconf/config/'
+ 'ietf-access-control-list:access-lists'
+ .format(usr=odl_user, pwd=odl_pwd,
+ ip=odl_ip, port=odl_port))
+ return acl_list_url
+def improve_json_layout(json_response):
+ return json.dumps(json_response, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+def get_odl_items(odl_ip, odl_port):
+ acl_list_url = format_odl_acl_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ sf_list_url = format_odl_resource_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port,
+ "service-function")
+ sff_list_url = format_odl_resource_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port,
+ "service-function-forwarder")
+ sfc_list_url = format_odl_resource_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port,
+ "service-function-chain")
+ rsp_list_url = format_odl_resource_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port,
+ "rendered-service-path",
+ datastore="operational")
+ r_acl = requests.get(acl_list_url).json()
+ r_sf = requests.get(sf_list_url).json()
+ r_sff = requests.get(sff_list_url).json()
+ r_sfc = requests.get(sfc_list_url).json()
+ r_rsp = requests.get(rsp_list_url).json()
+ logger.debug("Configured ACLs in ODL: %s" % improve_json_layout(r_acl))
+ logger.debug("Configured SFs in ODL: %s" % improve_json_layout(r_sf))
+ logger.debug("Configured SFFs in ODL: %s" % improve_json_layout(r_sff))
+ logger.debug("Configured SFCs in ODL: %s" % improve_json_layout(r_sfc))
+ logger.debug("Configured RSPs in ODL: %s" % improve_json_layout(r_rsp))
+def get_odl_acl_list(odl_ip, odl_port):
+ acl_list_url = format_odl_acl_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ r = requests.get(acl_list_url)
+ return r.json()
+def delete_odl_acl(odl_ip, odl_port, acl_type, acl_name):
+ acl_list_url = format_odl_acl_list_url(odl_ip, odl_port)
+ acl_url = '{0}/acl/{1}/{2}'.format(acl_list_url, acl_type, acl_name)
+ requests.delete(acl_url)
+def delete_acl(clf_name, odl_ip, odl_port):
+ # delete_sfc_classifier(tacker_client, sfc_clf_name=clf_name)
+ delete_odl_acl(odl_ip,
+ odl_port,
+ 'ietf-access-control-list:ipv4-acl',
+ clf_name)