diff options
14 files changed, 509 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/docs/development/overview/index.rst b/docs/development/overview/index.rst
index c7c9e7f..279d4a1 100644
--- a/docs/development/overview/index.rst
+++ b/docs/development/overview/index.rst
@@ -21,3 +21,211 @@ definition of the related semantics. The BGPVPN framework supports a backend
driver model with currently available drivers for Bagpipe, OpenContrail, Nuage
and OpenDaylight. The OPNFV scenario makes use of the OpenDaylight driver and backend
implementation through the ODL NetVirt project.
+SDNVPN Testing Suite
+An overview of the SDNVPN Test is depicted here. More details for each test case are provided:
+ BGPVPN Tempest test cases
+ Create BGPVPN passes
+ Create BGPVPN as non-admin fails
+ Delete BGPVPN as non-admin fails
+ Show BGPVPN as non-owner fails
+ List BGPVPNs as non-owner fails
+ Show network associated BGPVPNs as non-owner fails
+ List network associated BGPVPNs as non-owner fails
+ Associate/Deassociate a network to a BGPVPN resource passes
+ Update route targets on a BGPVPN passes
+ Update route targets on a BGPVPN as non-admin fails
+ Reject the creation of BGPVPN with invalid route targets passes
+ Reject the update of BGPVPN with invalid route targets passes
+ Reject the association on an invalid network to a BGPVPN passes
+ Reject the diassociation on an invalid network to a BGPVPN passes
+ Associate/Deassociate a router to a BGPVPN resource passes
+ Attach the subnet of an associated network to an associated router of the same BGVPN passes
+ Functest scenario specific tests:
+ Test Case 1 - VPN provides connectivity between subnets, using network association
+ Name: VPN connecting Neutron networks and subnets
+ Description: VPNs provide connectivity across Neutron networks and subnets if configured accordingly.
+ Test setup procedure:
+ Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2, all having ports in the same Neutron Network N1
+ Moreover all ports have 10.10.10/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN1 in the following)
+ Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2, both having ports in Neutron Network N2
+ Moreover all ports have 10.10.11/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN2 in the following)
+ Test execution:
+ Create VPN1 with eRT<>iRT (so that connected subnets should not reach each other)
+ Associate SN1 to VPN1
+ Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM3 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work
+ Associate SN2 to VPN1
+ Ping from VM4 to VM5 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work (disabled until isolation fixed upstream)
+ Ping from VM1 to VM5 should not work (disabled until isolation fixed upstream)
+ Change VPN 1 so that iRT=eRT
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM5 should work
+ Test Case 2 - tenant separation
+ Name: Using VPNs for tenant separation
+ Description: Using VPNs to isolate tenants so that overlapping IP address ranges can be used
+ Test setup procedure:
+ Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2, all having ports in the same Neutron Network N1.
+ VM1 and VM2 have IP addresses in a subnet SN1 with range 10.10.10/24
+ VM1:, running an HTTP server which returns "I am VM1" for any HTTP request
+ (or something else than an HTTP server)
+ VM2:, running an HTTP server which returns "I am VM2" for any HTTP request
+ VM3 has an IP address in a subnet SN2 with range 10.10.11/24
+ VM3:, running an HTTP server which returns "I am VM3" for any HTTP request
+ Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2, both having ports in Neutron Network N2
+ VM4 has an address in a subnet SN1b with range 10.10.10/24
+ VM4: (the same as VM2), running an HTTP server which returns "I am VM4" for any HTTP request
+ VM5 has an address in a subnet SN2b with range 10.10.11/24
+ VM5: (the same as VM3), running an HTTP server which returns "I am VM5" for any HTTP request
+ Test execution:
+ Create VPN 1 with iRT=eRT=RT1 and associate N1 to it
+ HTTP from VM1 to VM2 and VM3 should work
+ It returns "I am VM2" and "I am VM3" respectively
+ HTTP from VM1 to VM4 and VM5 should not work
+ It never returns "I am VM4" or "I am VM5"
+ Create VPN2 with iRT=eRT=RT2 and associate N2 to it
+ HTTP from VM4 to VM5 should work
+ It returns "I am VM5"
+ HTTP from VM4 to VM1 and VM3 should not work
+ It never returns "I am VM1" or "I am VM3"
+ Test Case 3 - Data Center Gateway integration
+ Name: Data Center Gateway integration
+ Description: Investigate the peering functionality of BGP protocol,
+ using a Zrpcd/Quagga router and OpenDaylight Controller
+ Test setup procedure:
+ Search in the pool of nodes and find one Compute node and one Controller nodes, that have OpenDaylight controller running
+ Start an instance using ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img image and in it run the Quagga setup script
+ Start bgp router in the Controller node, using odl:configure-bgp
+ Test execution:
+ Set up a Quagga instance in a nova compute node
+ Start a BGP router with OpenDaylight in a controller node
+ Add the Quagga running in the instance as a neighbor
+ Check that bgpd is running
+ Verify that the OpenDaylight and gateway Quagga peer each other
+ Start an instance in a second nova compute node and connect it with a new network, (Network 3-3).
+ Create a bgpvpn (include parameters route-distinguisher and route-targets) and associate it with the network created
+ Define the same route-distinguisher and route-targets on the simulated quagga side
+ Check that the routes from the Network 3-3 are advertised towards simulated Quagga VM
+ Test Case 4 - VPN provides connectivity between subnets using router association
+ Functest: variant of Test Case 1.
+ Set up a Router R1 with one connected network/subnet N1/S1.
+ Set up a second network N2.
+ Create VPN1 and associate Router R1 and Network N2 to it.
+ Hosts from N2 should be able to reach hosts in N1.
+ Name: VPN connecting Neutron networks and subnets using router association
+ Description: VPNs provide connectivity across Neutron networks and subnets if configured accordingly.
+ Test setup procedure:
+ Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2,
+ All VMs have ports in the same Neutron Network N1 and 10.10.10/24 addresses
+ (this subnet is denoted SN1 in the following).
+ N1/SN1 are connected to router R1.
+ Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2,
+ Both VMs have ports in Neutron Network N2 and having 10.10.11/24 addresses
+ (this subnet is denoted SN2 in the following)
+ Test execution:
+ Create VPN1 with eRT<>iRT (so that connected subnets should not reach each other)
+ Associate R1 to VPN1
+ Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM3 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work
+ Associate SN2 to VPN1
+ Ping from VM4 to VM5 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM5 should not work
+ Change VPN1 so that iRT=eRT
+ Ping from VM1 to VM4 should work
+ Ping from VM1 to VM5 should work
+ Test Case 7 - Network associate a subnet with a router attached to a VPN and
+ verify floating IP functionality (disabled, because of ODL Bug 6962)
+ A test for
+ Setup procedure:
+ Create VM1 in a subnet with a router attached.
+ Create VM2 in a different subnet with another router attached.
+ Network associate them to a VPN with iRT=eRT
+ Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work
+ Assign a floating IP to VM1
+ Pinging the floating IP should work
+ Test Case 8 - Router associate a subnet with a router attached to a VPN and
+ verify floating IP functionality
+ Setup procedure:
+ Create VM1 in a subnet with a router which is connected with the gateway
+ Create VM2 in a different subnet without a router attached.
+ Assoc the two networks in a VPN iRT=eRT
+ One with router assoc, other with net assoc
+ Try to ping from one VM to the other
+ Assign a floating IP to the VM in the router assoc network
+ Ping it
+ Test Case 9 - Check fail mode in OVS br-int interfaces
+ This testcase checks if the fail mode is always “secure”.
+ To accomplish it, a check is performed on all OVS br-int interfaces, for all OpenStack nodes.
+ The testcase is considered as successful if all OVS br-int interfaces have fail_mode=secure
+ Test Case 10 - Check the communication between a group of VMs
+ This testcase investigates if communication between a group of VMs is interrupted upon deletion
+ and creation of VMs inside this group.
+ Test case flow:
+ Create 3 VMs: VM_1 on compute 1, VM_2 on compute 1, VM_3 on compute 2.
+ All VMs ping each other.
+ VM_2 is deleted.
+ Traffic is still flying between VM_ 1 and VM_3.
+ A new VM, VM_ 4 is added to compute 1.
+ Traffic is not interrupted and VM_4 can be reached as well.
+ Testcase 11: test Opendaylight resync and group_add_mod feature mechanisms
+ This is testcase to test Opendaylight resync and group_add_mod feature functionalities
+ Sub-testcase 11-1:
+ Create and start 2 VMs, connected to a common Network.
+ New groups should appear in OVS dump
+ OVS disconnects and the VMs and the networks are cleaned.
+ The new groups are still in the OVS dump,
+ cause OVS is not connected anymore, so it is not notified that the groups are deleted
+ OVS re-connects.
+ The new groups should be deleted, as Opendaylight has to resync the groups totally and
+ should remove the groups since VMS are deleted.
+ Sub-testcase 11-2:
+ Create and start 2 VMs, connected to a common Network.
+ New groups should appear in OVS dump
+ OVS disconnects.
+ The new groups are still in the OVS dump, cause OVS is not connected anymore,
+ so it is not notified that the groups are deleted
+ OVS re-connects.
+ The new groups should be still there, as the topology remains. Opendaylight Carbon's
+ group_add_mod mechanism should handle the already existing group.
+ OVS re-connects.
+ The new groups should be still there, as the topology remains.
+ Opendaylight Carbon’ group_add_mod mechanism should handle the already existing group.
diff --git a/sdnvpn/lib/ b/sdnvpn/lib/
index 99e5d00..9659fc3 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/lib/
+++ b/sdnvpn/lib/
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ class CommonConfig(object):
self.custom_flavor_ram = 1024
self.custom_flavor_disk = 10
self.custom_flavor_vcpus = 1
+ self.neutron_nw_quota = -1
+ self.neutron_subnet_quota = -1
+ self.neutron_port_quota = -1
+ self.nova_instances_quota_class = -1
commonCfgInstance = None
diff --git a/sdnvpn/lib/ b/sdnvpn/lib/
index e241d79..1afccf7 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/lib/
+++ b/sdnvpn/lib/
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ def cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids, bgpvpn_ids, interfaces,
return True
-def cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids):
+def cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids):
if len(instance_ids) != 0:
for instance_id in instance_ids:
if not os_utils.delete_instance(nova_client, instance_id):
@@ -600,10 +600,13 @@ def cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids):
'Instance with id {} was not deleted.'.
return False
+ return True
+def cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids):
if len(image_ids) != 0:
for image_id in image_ids:
- if not os_utils.delete_glance_image(nova_client, image_id):
+ if not os_utils.delete_glance_image(glance_client, image_id):
logging.error('Fail to delete all images. '
'Image with id {} was not deleted.'.
@@ -681,3 +684,66 @@ def is_fail_mode_secure():
'in {} node'.format(
is_secure[] = False
return is_secure
+def update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id, nw_quota,
+ subnet_quota, port_quota):
+ json_body = {"quota": {
+ "network": nw_quota,
+ "subnet": subnet_quota,
+ "port": port_quota
+ }}
+ try:
+ neutron_client.update_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ body=json_body)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error [update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client,"
+ " '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')]: %s" %
+ (tenant_id, nw_quota, subnet_quota, port_quota, e))
+ return False
+def update_instance_quota_class(nova_client, instances_quota):
+ try:
+ nova_client.quota_classes.update("default", instances=instances_quota)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error [update_instance_quota_class(nova_client,"
+ " '%s' )]: %s" % (instances_quota, e))
+ return False
+def get_neutron_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id):
+ try:
+ return neutron_client.show_quota(tenant_id=tenant_id)['quota']
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in getting neutron quota for tenant "
+ " '%s' )]: %s" % (tenant_id, e))
+ raise
+def get_nova_instances_quota(nova_client):
+ try:
+ return nova_client.quota_classes.get("default").instances
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Error in getting nova instances quota: %s" % e)
+ raise
+def get_ovs_groups(compute_node_list, ovs_br_list, of_protocol="OpenFlow13"):
+ """
+ Gets, as input, a list of compute nodes and a list of OVS bridges
+ and returns the command console output, as a list of lines, that
+ contains all the OVS groups from all bridges and nodes in lists.
+ """
+ cmd_out_lines = []
+ for compute_node in compute_node_list:
+ for ovs_br in ovs_br_list:
+ if ovs_br in compute_node.run_cmd("sudo ovs-vsctl show"):
+ ovs_groups_cmd = ("sudo ovs-ofctl dump-groups {} -O {} | "
+ "grep group".format(ovs_br, of_protocol))
+ cmd_out_lines += (compute_node.run_cmd(ovs_groups_cmd).strip().
+ split("\n"))
+ return cmd_out_lines
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/config.yaml b/sdnvpn/test/functest/config.yaml
index d3063c1..2b26077 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/config.yaml
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/config.yaml
@@ -164,3 +164,16 @@ testcases:
router_1_name: sdnvpn-10-1-router
secgroup_name: sdnvpn-sg
secgroup_descr: Security group for SDNVPN test cases
+ sdnvpn.test.functest.testcase_11:
+ enabled: true
+ description: Check relevant OVS groups are removed upon deletion of OpenStack topology
+ instance_1_name: sdnvpn-11-1
+ instance_2_name: sdnvpn-11-2
+ image_name: sdnvpn-image
+ net_1_name: sdnvpn-11-1-net
+ subnet_1_name: sdnvpn-11-1-subnet
+ subnet_1_cidr:
+ router_1_name: sdnvpn-11-1-router
+ secgroup_name: sdnvpn-sg
+ secgroup_descr: Security group for SDNVPN test cases
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index cff6a27..1a1d8f3 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ import traceback
import yaml
from functest.core import feature as base
+from functest.utils import openstack_utils as os_utils
from sdnvpn.lib import config as sdnvpn_config
from sdnvpn.lib.gather_logs import gather_logs
+from sdnvpn.lib import utils as test_utils
COMMON_CONFIG = sdnvpn_config.CommonConfig()
@@ -28,21 +30,32 @@ class SdnvpnFunctest(base.Feature):
def execute(self):
- cmd_line = "neutron quota-update --subnet -1 --network -1 --port -1"
-"Setting subnet/net quota to unlimited : %s"
- % cmd_line)
- cmd = os.popen(cmd_line)
- output =
- self.__logger.debug(output)
+ nova_client = os_utils.get_nova_client()
+ neutron_client = os_utils.get_neutron_client()
+ tenant_id = os_utils.get_tenant_id(os_utils.get_keystone_client(),
+ os.environ['OS_PROJECT_NAME'])
+ neutron_quota = test_utils.get_neutron_quota(neutron_client, tenant_id)
+ (neutron_nw_quota, neutron_subnet_quota, neutron_port_quota) = (
+ neutron_quota['network'], neutron_quota['subnet'],
+ neutron_quota['port'])
+ instances_quota = test_utils.get_nova_instances_quota(nova_client)
+"Setting net/subnet/port quota to unlimited")
+ test_utils.update_nw_subnet_port_quota(
+ neutron_client,
+ tenant_id,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_nw_quota,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_subnet_quota,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.neutron_port_quota)
# Workaround for
- cmd_line = "nova quota-class-update --instances -1 default"
-"Setting instances quota to unlimited : %s"
- % cmd_line)
- cmd = os.popen(cmd_line)
- output =
- self.__logger.debug(output)
+"Setting instances quota class to unlimited")
+ test_utils.update_instance_quota_class(
+ nova_client,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.nova_instances_quota_class)
with open(COMMON_CONFIG.config_file) as f:
config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
@@ -80,6 +93,16 @@ class SdnvpnFunctest(base.Feature):
if status == "FAIL":
overall_status = "FAIL"
+"Resetting subnet/net/port quota")
+ test_utils.update_nw_subnet_port_quota(neutron_client,
+ tenant_id,
+ neutron_nw_quota,
+ neutron_subnet_quota,
+ neutron_port_quota)
+"Resetting instances quota class")
+ test_utils.update_instance_quota_class(nova_client, instances_quota)
installer_type = str(os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'].lower())
if installer_type in ["fuel", "apex"]:
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index 718f305..1b51f00 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_1: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index 557b658..6344a17 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ def main():
for thread in threads:
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids, bgpvpn_ids,
interfaces, subnet_ids, router_ids,
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40de205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved
+# This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+import logging
+import sys
+from functest.utils import openstack_utils as os_utils
+from sdnvpn.lib import config as sdnvpn_config
+from sdnvpn.lib import utils as test_utils
+from sdnvpn.lib.results import Results
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+COMMON_CONFIG = sdnvpn_config.CommonConfig()
+TESTCASE_CONFIG = sdnvpn_config.TestcaseConfig(
+ 'sdnvpn.test.functest.testcase_11')
+def main():
+ results = Results(COMMON_CONFIG.line_length)
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "=")
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "STATUS", "SUBTEST")
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "=")
+ nova_client = os_utils.get_nova_client()
+ neutron_client = os_utils.get_neutron_client()
+ glance_client = os_utils.get_glance_client()
+ openstack_nodes = test_utils.get_nodes()
+ (floatingip_ids, instance_ids, router_ids, network_ids, image_ids,
+ subnet_ids, interfaces, bgpvpn_ids) = ([] for i in range(8))
+ try:
+ image_id = os_utils.create_glance_image(
+ glance_client, TESTCASE_CONFIG.image_name,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.image_path, disk=COMMON_CONFIG.image_format,
+ container="bare", public='public')
+ image_ids.append(image_id)
+ network_1_id = test_utils.create_net(neutron_client,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.net_1_name)
+ subnet_1_id = test_utils.create_subnet(neutron_client,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.subnet_1_name,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.subnet_1_cidr,
+ network_1_id)
+ network_ids.append(network_1_id)
+ subnet_ids.append(subnet_1_id)
+ sg_id = os_utils.create_security_group_full(
+ neutron_client, TESTCASE_CONFIG.secgroup_name,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.secgroup_descr)
+ # Check required number of compute nodes
+ compute_hostname = (
+ nova_client.hypervisors.list()[0].hypervisor_hostname)
+ compute_nodes = [node for node in openstack_nodes
+ if node.is_compute()]
+ av_zone_1 = "nova:" + compute_hostname
+ # List of OVS bridges to get groups
+ ovs_br = "br-int"
+ # Get a list of groups, before start topology
+ initial_ovs_groups = test_utils.get_ovs_groups(compute_nodes,
+ [ovs_br])
+ # boot INSTANCES
+ vm_2 = test_utils.create_instance(
+ nova_client,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.instance_2_name,
+ image_id,
+ network_1_id,
+ sg_id,
+ secgroup_name=TESTCASE_CONFIG.secgroup_name,
+ compute_node=av_zone_1)
+ vm_1 = test_utils.create_instance(
+ nova_client,
+ TESTCASE_CONFIG.instance_1_name,
+ image_id,
+ network_1_id,
+ sg_id,
+ secgroup_name=TESTCASE_CONFIG.secgroup_name,
+ compute_node=av_zone_1)
+ instance_ids.extend([,])
+ # Wait for VMs to get ips.
+ instances_up = test_utils.wait_for_instances_up(vm_1, vm_2)
+ if not instances_up:
+ logger.error("One or more instances is down")
+ # TODO: Handle this appropriately
+"Wait before subtest")
+ test_utils.wait_before_subtest()
+ # Get added OVS groups
+ added_ovs_groups = (len(initial_ovs_groups) -
+ len(test_utils.get_ovs_groups(
+ compute_nodes, [ovs_br])))
+ # Check if group added successfully
+ results.record_action("Check if a new group was added to OVS")
+ msg = "New OVS group added"
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "-")
+ if added_ovs_groups != 0:
+ results.add_success(msg)
+ else:
+ results.add_failure(msg)
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "=")
+ # Backup OVS controller connection info.
+ # To support HA changes should be made here.
+ get_ext_ip_cmd = "sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller {}".format(ovs_br)
+ ovs_controller_conn = (compute_nodes[0].run_cmd(get_ext_ip_cmd).
+ strip().split('\n')[0])
+ # Disconnect OVS from controller
+ for compute_node in compute_nodes:
+ compute_node.run_cmd("sudo ovs-vsctl del-controller {}".
+ format(ovs_br))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_1: %s", e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ # Cleanup topology
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids, bgpvpn_ids,
+ interfaces, subnet_ids, router_ids,
+ network_ids)
+ # Connect again OVS to Controller
+ for compute_node in compute_nodes:
+ compute_node.run_cmd("sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller {} {}".
+ format(ovs_br, ovs_controller_conn))
+"Wait before subtest")
+ test_utils.wait_before_subtest()
+ # Get OVS groups added after the reconnection
+ added_ovs_groups = (len(initial_ovs_groups) -
+ len(test_utils.get_ovs_groups(
+ compute_nodes, [ovs_br])))
+ # Check if group removed successfully
+ results.record_action("Check if group was removed from OVS "
+ "after deleting the topology.")
+ msg = ""
+ # After removing the topology, groups must be equal to the initial
+ if added_ovs_groups != 0:
+ msg += " Additional group was not deleted from OVS"
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "-")
+ if len(msg) == 0:
+ msg = "Group was deleted from ovs"
+ results.add_success(msg)
+ else:
+ results.add_failure(msg)
+ return results.compile_summary()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index bc37c5c..7594055 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -271,7 +271,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_2: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index 7e14505..3dc1e7c 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -278,7 +278,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_3: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index f6748f9..5e6b2b8 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_4: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index 65a77b6..2d9e713 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_7: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index abb111f..fb54761 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ def main():
logger.error("exception occurred while executing testcase_8: %s", e)
- test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids, image_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_nova(nova_client, instance_ids)
+ test_utils.cleanup_glance(glance_client, image_ids)
test_utils.cleanup_neutron(neutron_client, floatingip_ids,
bgpvpn_ids, interfaces, subnet_ids,
router_ids, network_ids)
diff --git a/sdnvpn/test/functest/ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
index 45e9d5b..1489a5a 100644
--- a/sdnvpn/test/functest/
+++ b/sdnvpn/test/functest/
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ def main():
return results.compile_summary()
if __name__ == '__main__':