path: root/prototypes/xci/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'prototypes/xci/config')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/aio-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/aio-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index f28ecff1b..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/aio-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# XCI Flavor Configuration
-# You are free to modify parts of the configuration to fit into your environment.
-# But before doing that, please ensure you checked other flavors to see if one
-# them can be used instead, saving you some time.
-# Configure VM Nodes
-export TEST_VM_NODE_NAMES=opnfv
-export VM_DOMAIN_TYPE=kvm
-export VM_CPU=8
-export VM_DISK=80
-export VM_MEMORY_SIZE=8192
-export VM_DISK_CACHE=unsafe
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/env-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/env-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d4c78258..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/env-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# !!! Changing or overriding these will most likely break everything altogether !!!
-# Please do not change these settings if you are not developing for XCI!
-export OPENSTACK_OSA_ETC_PATH=/etc/openstack_deploy
-export OPNFV_HOST_IP=
-export CI_LOOP=${CI_LOOP:-daily}
-export JOB_NAME=${JOB_NAME:-false}
-# TODO: this currently matches to bifrost ansible version
-# there is perhaps better way to do this
-export DISTRO=${DISTRO:-ubuntu}
-export DIB_OS_RELEASE=${DIB_OS_RELEASE:-xenial}
-export DIB_OS_ELEMENT=${DIB_OS_ELEMENT:-ubuntu-minimal}
-export DIB_OS_PACKAGES=${DIB_OS_PACKAGES:-"vlan,vim,less,bridge-utils,sudo,language-pack-en,iputils-ping,rsyslog,curl,python,debootstrap,ifenslave,ifenslave-2.6,lsof,lvm2,tcpdump,nfs-kernel-server,chrony,iptables"}
-export EXTRA_DIB_ELEMENTS=${EXTRA_DIB_ELEMENTS:-"openssh-server"}
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/ha-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/ha-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index 1ba45890b..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/ha-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# XCI Flavor Configuration
-# You are free to modify parts of the configuration to fit into your environment.
-# But before doing that, please ensure you checked other flavors to see if one
-# them can be used instead, saving you some time.
-# Configure VM Nodes
-export TEST_VM_NODE_NAMES="opnfv controller00 controller01 controller02 compute00 compute01"
-export VM_DOMAIN_TYPE=kvm
-export VM_CPU=8
-export VM_DISK=80
-export VM_MEMORY_SIZE=16384
-export VM_DISK_CACHE=unsafe
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/mini-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/mini-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f1e83cd8..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/mini-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# XCI Flavor Configuration
-# You are free to modify parts of the configuration to fit into your environment.
-# But before doing that, please ensure you checked other flavors to see if one
-# them can be used instead, saving you some time.
-# Configure VM Nodes
-export TEST_VM_NODE_NAMES="opnfv controller00 compute00"
-export VM_DOMAIN_TYPE=kvm
-export VM_CPU=8
-export VM_DISK=80
-export VM_MEMORY_SIZE=12288
-export VM_DISK_CACHE=unsafe
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/noha-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/noha-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index 935becb27..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/noha-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# XCI Flavor Configuration
-# You are free to modify parts of the configuration to fit into your environment.
-# But before doing that, please ensure you checked other flavors to see if one
-# them can be used instead, saving you some time.
-# Configure VM Nodes
-export TEST_VM_NODE_NAMES="opnfv controller00 compute00 compute01"
-export VM_DOMAIN_TYPE=kvm
-export VM_CPU=8
-export VM_DISK=80
-export VM_MEMORY_SIZE=12288
-export VM_DISK_CACHE=unsafe
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/pinned-versions b/prototypes/xci/config/pinned-versions
deleted file mode 100755
index 581786075..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/pinned-versions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Pinned Component Versions
-# You are free to override these versions in user-vars to experiment with
-# different branches or with different commits but be aware that things might
-# not work as expected. You can set the versions you want to use before running
-# the main script on your shell as shown on the examples below.
-# It is important to be consistent between branches you use for OpenStack
-# projects OPNFV XCI uses.
-# Examples:
-# export OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION="stable/ocata"
-# export OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION="stable/ocata"
-# or
-# export OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION="master"
-# or
-# export OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION="a87f7ce6c8725b3bbffec7b2efa1e466796848a9"
-# export OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION="4713cf45e11b4ebca9fbed25d1389854602213d8"
-# use releng from master until the development work with the sandbox is complete
-export OPNFV_RELENG_VERSION="master"
-# HEAD of bifrost "master" as of 29.06.2017
-export OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION=${OPENSTACK_BIFROST_VERSION:-"7c9bb5e07c6bc3b42c9a9e8457e5eef511075b38"}
-# HEAD of osa "master" as of 29.06.2017
-export OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION=${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-"0648818c64239b534d00db381c4609f28e40bda9"}
diff --git a/prototypes/xci/config/user-vars b/prototypes/xci/config/user-vars
deleted file mode 100755
index fd11a5845..000000000
--- a/prototypes/xci/config/user-vars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Set Deployment Flavor
-# OPNFV XCI currently supports 4 different types of flavors:
-# - all in one (aio): 1 opnfv VM which acts as controller and compute node
-# - mini: 3 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 1 controller, and 1 compute nodes
-# - noha: 4 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 1 controller, and 2 compute nodes
-# - ha: 6 VMs, 1 opnfv VM deployment host, 3 controllers, and 2 compute nodes
-# Apart from having different number of nodes, CPU, RAM, and disk allocations
-# also differ from each other. Please take a look at the env-vars files for
-# each of these flavors.
-# Examples:
-# export XCI_FLAVOR="aio"
-# or
-# export XCI_FLAVOR="mini"
-# or
-# export XCI_FLAVOR="noha"
-# or
-# export XCI_FLAVOR="ha"
-export XCI_FLAVOR=${XCI_FLAVOR:-aio}
-# Set Paths to where git repositories of XCI Components will be cloned
-# OPNFV XCI Sandbox is not verified to be used as non-root user as of yet so
-# changing these paths might break things.
-export XCI_DEVEL_ROOT=${XCI_DEVEL_ROOT:-"/tmp/.xci-deploy-env"}
-export OPENSTACK_OSA_PATH="${XCI_DEVEL_ROOT}/openstack-ansible"
-export OPNFV_SSH_HOST_KEYS_PATH="${XCI_DEVEL_ROOT}/ssh_host_keys"
-# Set the playbook to use for OpenStack deployment
-# The variable can be overriden in order to install additional OpenStack services
-# supported by OpenStack Ansible or exclude certain OpenStack services.
-export OPNFV_OSA_PLAYBOOK=${OPNFV_OSA_PLAYBOOK:-"$OPENSTACK_OSA_PATH/playbooks/setup-openstack.yml"}
-# Configure some other stuff
-# Set the verbosity for ansible
-# Examples:
-# or
-export LOG_PATH=${LOG_PATH:-${XCI_DEVEL_ROOT}/opnfv/logs}
-export RUN_TEMPEST=${RUN_TEMPEST:-false}
-# Set this to to true to force XCI to re-create the target OS images
-# Set this to a full path pointing to extra config files (containing
-# group_vars/all)