path: root/config/deploy
diff options
authorDan Radez <>2016-01-04 15:49:26 -0500
committerDan Radez <>2016-03-23 08:34:22 -0400
commita90fc16a988cd5eb53de383d0830648f758edaff (patch)
tree6c970db294a49b980cda179ab7930e4ee4c2919a /config/deploy
parent67566f2f8c700f8c4b78bfac557f70721a243834 (diff)
updating vm creation for virt deployment
- replacing brbm with logical names br-netname - replacing instack-virt-setup with tripleo scripts JIRA: APEX-90, APEX-80 Change-Id: I58a15dee8de882e034c8af8a3368ca0647741b13 Signed-off-by: Dan Radez <>
Diffstat (limited to 'config/deploy')
1 files changed, 0 i
 - hosts: localhost
   connection: local
   gather_facts: no

    - name: making dpi directory
      file: path={{Dest_dir}}/dpi state=directory

    - name: making temporary whetstone directory
      file: path={{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp state=directory

 - hosts: "{{role}}"
   become: yes
   remote_user: "{{username}}"

    - name: echo
      shell: echo $USER

    - name: checking home directory
      shell: echo $HOME
      register: home_dir

    - name: cleaning
      file: path={{home_dir.stdout}}/tempD state=absent

    - name: cleaning previous results
      file: path={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result state=absent

    - name: make qtip_result
      file: path={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result state=directory

    - include: ./common/sys_proxy_pbook.yaml

    - include: ./common/sys_info_pbook.yaml
          network: false

    - name: Installing nDPI dependencies if CentOS
      shell: sudo yum install git gcc patch  perl-Time-HiRes autofconf automake libpcap-devel libtool -y
      when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

    - name: Installing nDPI dependcies if Ubuntu
      shell: sudo apt-get install git gcc patch  autoconf automake libpcap-dev libtool -y
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

    - name: making  nDPI temporary directory
      file: path=$HOME/tempD state=directory

    - include: ./common/git_proxy_pbook.yaml

    - name: Clone nDPI
      git: repo=

    - name: autogen
      shell: cd $HOME/tempD/nDPI && sudo ./

    - name: configure
      shell: cd $HOME/tempD/nDPI && sudo ./configure

    - name: make
      shell: cd $HOME/tempD/nDPI && sudo make

    - name: Fetching Test_pcap file
      shell: cd $HOME/tempD/nDPI/example  &&  wget

    - name: fetch Averaging script
      copy: src=./etc/ dest={{home_dir.stdout}}/tempD/nDPI/example mode=777

    - name: Run nDPI benchmark
      shell: cd $HOME/tempD/nDPI/example && sudo ./

    - name: copy result to temp_direc
      shell: sudo cp $HOME/tempD/nDPI/example/dpi_dump.txt $HOME/qtip_result

    - name: fetch dpi result transform script
      copy: src={{workingdir}}/qtip/utils/transform/ dest={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result

    - name: Transforming results
      shell: cd $HOME/qtip_result && sudo python

    - name: copy report formation script
      copy: src={{workingdir}}/qtip/utils/transform/ dest={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result

    - name: consolidating report
      shell: cd $HOME/qtip_result && sudo python DPI {{fname}}

    - name: registering files
      shell: (cd $HOME/qtip_result/; find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.json") | cut -d'/' -f2
      register: files_to_copy

    - name: copy results
      fetch:  src={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp
      with_items: "{{files_to_copy.stdout_lines}}"

    - name: registering log files
      shell: (cd $HOME/qtip_result/; find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log") | cut -d'/' -f2
      register: copy_log_results

    - name: copying log results
      fetch:  src={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp
      with_items: "{{copy_log_results.stdout_lines}}"

    - name: cleaning tempD
      file: path={{home_dir.stdout}}/tempD state=absent

    - name: cleaning_qtip_result
      file: path={{home_dir.stdout}}/qtip_result state=absent

 - hosts: localhost
   connection: local
   gather_facts: no

    - name: extracting_json
      shell: (find {{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp/ -name "*.json" | xargs cp -t {{Dest_dir}}/dpi/)

    - name: making_logs_folder
      file: path={{Dest_dir}}/dpi/logs state=directory

    - name: extracting_log
      shell: (find {{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp/ -name "*.log" | xargs cp -t {{Dest_dir}}/dpi/logs)

    - name: removing dpi_temp
      file: path={{Dest_dir}}/dpi/dpi_temp state=absent