path: root/docs/release/userguide/introduction.rst
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. (c) 2015 Dell Inc.
-.. (c) 2016 ZTE Corp.
-This guide will serve as a first step to familiarize the user with how to
-run QTIP the first time when the user pull QTIP image on to their host machine.
-In order to install and config QTIP please follow the instructions in the
-configuration.rst located in docs/configguide/configuration.rst.
-QTIP Directory structure
-The QTIP directory has been sectioned off into multiple folders to facilitate
- segmenting information into relevant categories. The folders that concern
- the end user are `benchmarks/testplan/` and `benchmarks/suite/`.
-This folder is used to store all the config files which are used to setup the
-environment prior to a test. This folder is further divided into opnfv pods
-which run QTIP. Inside each pod there are folders which contain the config files
-segmented based on test cases. Namely, these include, `Compute`, `Network` and
-`Storage`. The default folder is there for the end user who is interested in
-testing their infrastructure which is installed by fuel or compass but aren't
-part of a opnfv pod,and for opnfv CI.
-The structure of the directory for the user appears as follows
- testplan/default/compute
- testplan/default/network
- testplan/default/storage
-The benchmarks that are part of the QTIP framework are listed under these
-folders. An example of the compute folder is shown below.
-Their naming convention is <BENCHMARK>_<VM/BM>.yaml
- dhrystone_bm.yaml
- dhrystone_vm.yaml
- whetstone_vm.yaml
- whetstone_bm.yaml
- ssl_vm.yaml
- ssl_bm.yaml
- ramspeed_vm.yaml
- ramspeed_bm.yaml
- dpi_vm.yaml
- dpi_bm.yaml
-The above listed files are used to configure the environment. The VM/BM tag
-distinguishes between a test to be run on the Virtual Machine or the compute
-node itself, respectively.
-This folder contains three files, namely `compute`, `network` and `storage`.
-These files list the benchmarks are to be run by the QTIP framework. Sample
-compute test file is shown below
- {
- "bm": [
- "dhrystone_bm.yaml",
- "whetstone_bm.yaml",
- "ramspeed_bm.yaml",
- "dpi_bm.yaml",
- "ssl_bm.yaml"
- ],
- "vm": [
- "dhrystone_vm.yaml",
- "whetstone_vm.yaml",
- "ramspeed_vm.yaml",
- "dpi_vm.yaml",
- "ssl_vm.yaml"
- ]
- }
-The compute file will now run all the benchmarks listed above one after
-another on the environment.
-Preparing a config file for test:
-We will be using dhrystone as a example to list out the changes that the
-user will need to do in order to run the benchmark.
-Dhrystone on Compute Nodes:
-QTIP framework can run benchmarks on the actual compute nodes as well. In
-order to run dhrystone on the compute nodes we will be editing the
-dhrystone_bm.yaml file.
- Scenario:
- benchmark: dhrystone
- host: machine_1, machine_2
- server:
-The `Scenario` field is used by to specify the name of the benchmark to
-run as done by `benchmark: dhrystone`. The `host` and `server` tag are
-not used for the compute benchmarks but are included here to help the
-user `IF` they wish to control the execution. By default both machine_1
-and machine_2 will have dhrystone run on them in parallel but the user
-can change this so that machine_1 run dhrystone before machine_2. This
-will be elaborated in the `Context` tag.
- Context:
- Host_Machines:
- machine_1:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- machine_2:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- Virtual_Machines:
-The `Context` tag helps the user list the number of compute nodes they want
- to run dhrystone on. The user can list all the compute nodes under the
- `Host_Machines` tag. All the machines under test must be listed under the
- `Host_Machines` and naming it incrementally higher. The `ip:` tag is used
- to specify the IP of the particular compute node.The `ip:` tag can be left
- blank when installer type is 'fuel',because QTIP will get ip
- from installer. The `pw:` tag can be left blank because QTIP uses its own
- key for ssh. In order to run dhrystone on one compute node at a time the user
- needs to edit the `role:` tag. `role: host` for machine_1 and `role: server`
- for machine_2 will allow for dhrystone to be run on machine_1 and then run
- on machine_2.
- Test_Description:
- Test_category: "Compute"
- Benchmark: "dhrystone"
- Overview: >
- ''' This test will run the dhrystone benchmark in parallel on
- machine_1 and machine_2.
-The above field is purely for a description purpose to explain to the user
-the working of the test and is not fed to the framework.
-Sample dhrystone_bm.yaml file:
- Scenario:
- benchmark: dhrystone
- host: machine_1, machine_2
- server:
- Context:
- Host_Machines:
- machine_1:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- machine_2:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- Virtual_Machines:
- Test_Description:
- Test_category: "Compute"
- Benchmark: "dhrystone"
- Overview: >
- ''' This test will run the dhrystone benchmark in parallel on
- machine_1 and machine_2.\n
-Dhrystone on Virtual Machine:
-To run dhrystone on the VMs we will be editing dhrystone_vm.yaml file.
-Snippets on the file are given below.
- Scenario:
- benchmark: dhrystone
- host: virtualmachine_1, virtualmachine_2
- server:
-The `Scenario` field is used by to specify the name of the benchmark to
-run as done by `benchmark: dhrystone`. The `host` and `server` tag are
-not used for the compute benchmarks but are included here to help the
-user `IF` they wish to control the execution. By default both
-virtualmachine_1 and virtualmachine_2 will have dhrystone run on them
-in parallel but the user can change this so that virtualmachine_1 run
-dhrystone before virtualmachine_2. This will be elaborated in the
-`Context` tag.
- Context:
- Host_Machines:
- Virtual_Machines:
- virtualmachine_1:
- availability_zone: compute1
- public_network: 'net04_ext'
- OS_image: QTIP_CentOS
- flavor: m1.large
- role: host
- virtualmachine_2:
- availability_zone: compute2
- public_network: 'net04_ext'
- OS_image: QTIP_CentOS
- flavor: m1.large
- role: host
-The `Context` tag helps the user list the number of VMs and their
-characteristic. The user can list all the VMs they want to bring up
-under the `Virtual_Machines:` tag. In the above example we will be
-bringing up two VMs. One on Compute1 and the other on Compute2. The
-user can change this as desired `NOTE: Please ensure you have the
-necessary compute nodes before listing under the 'availability_zone:'
-tag`. The rest of the options do not need to be modified by the user.
-Running dhrystone sequentially (Optional):
-In order to run dhrystone on one VM at a time the user needs to edit
-the `role:` tag. `role: host` for virtualmachine_1 and `role: server`
-for virtualmachine_2 will allow for dhrystone to be run on
-virtualmachine_1 and then run on virtualmachine_2.
- Test_Description:
- Test_category: "Compute"
- Benchmark: "dhrystone"
- Overview:
- This test will run the dhrystone benchmark in parallel on
- virtualmachine_1 and virtualmachine_2
-The above field is purely for a decription purpose to explain to
-the user the working of the test and is not fed to the framework.
-Running dhrystone with proxy (Optional):
-In order to run the dhrystone on the hosts or vms which can only access the
-public network by proxy, the user needs to add the `Proxy_Environment` info
-in `Context` tag.
- Context:
- Host_Machines:
- machine_1:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- machine_2:
- ip:
- pw:
- role: host
- Virtual_Machines:
- Proxy_Environment:
- http_proxy:
- https_proxy:
- no_proxy: localhost,,10.20.*,192.168.*
-Sample dhrystone_vm.yaml file:
- Scenario:
- benchmark: dhrystone
- host: virtualmachine_1, virtualmachine_2
- server:
- Context:
- Host_Machines:
- Virtual_Machines:
- virtualmachine_1:
- availability_zone: compute1
- public_network: 'net04_ext'
- OS_image: QTIP_CentOS
- flavor: m1.large
- role: host
- virtualmachine_2:
- availability_zone: compute2
- public_network: 'net04_ext'
- OS_image: QTIP_CentOS
- flavor: m1.large
- role: host
- Test_Description:
- Test_category: "Compute"
- Benchmark: "dhrystone"
- Overview: >
- This test will run the dhrystone benchmark in parallel on
- machine_1 and machine_2.\n
-Commands to run the Framework:
-In order to start QTIP on the default lab please use the following commands (asssuming your installer
-is 'fuel' or 'compass', you use the config files in the benchmarks/testplan/default/ directory and listed the
-intended suite in the benchmarks/suite/<RELEVANT-SUITE-FILE>):
-First step is to export the necessary information to the environment and generate QTIP key pair.
-Please follow the instructions in the configuration.rst.
-Secondary step download the QTIP image and upload it to the Cloud.QTIP will use this image
-to create VM when test VM performance.
- source docker/
-Running QTIP on the using `default` as the pod name and for the `compute` suite by cli.
- python -l default -f compute
-Running QTIP on the using 'default' as the pod name and for the 'compute' suite 'bm' type by restful api.
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X POST -d '{ "installer_ip": "","installer_type":"fuel", "suite_name":"compute", "type": "BM"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-Running QTIP on the using 'default' as the pod name and for the 'compute' suite 'vm' type by restful api.
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X POST -d '{ "installer_ip": "","installer_type":"fuel", "suite_name":"compute", "type": "VM"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-Running QTIP on the using `default` as the pod name and for the `network` suite by cli.
- python -l default -f network
-Running QTIP on the using 'default' as the pod name and for the 'network' suite 'bm' type by restful api.
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X POST -d '{ "installer_ip": "","installer_type":"fuel", "suite_name":"network", "type": "BM"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-Running QTIP on the using `default` as the pod name and for the `storage` suite by cli.
- python -l default -f network
-Running QTIP on the using 'default' as the pod name and for the 'storage' suite 'bm' type by restful api.
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X POST -d '{ "installer_ip": "","installer_type":"fuel", "suite_name":"storage", "type": "BM"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-Get running QTIP job status by restful api
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X GET
- For example:
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X GET
-Stop running QTIP job by restful api.The job will finish the current benchmark test and stop.
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X DELTET
- For example:
- curl --trace-ascii debug.txt -X DELETE
-In QTIP container, QTIP generates results in the `/home/opnfv/qtip/results/` directory are listed down under the particularly benchmark name. So all the results for dhrystone would be listed and time stamped.