path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a313420..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-function Call_Test {
- case "$1" in
- dhrystone)
- mkdir $PWD/results/dhrystone
- ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/dhrystone.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
- ;;
- ramspeed)
- mkdir $PWD/results/ramspeed
- ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/ramspeedbench.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
- ;;
- cachebench)
- mkdir $PWD/results/cachebench
- ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/cachebench.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
- ;;
- whetstone)
- mkdir $PWD/results/whetstone
- ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/whetstone.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Please pass a correct argument to test. use -h for more details"
- ;;
- esac
-function Fetch_VM_Image {
- mkdir $PWD/Temp_Image
- file="$PWD/Temp_Image/Cent7Modified.qcow2"
- if [ -f "$file" ]
- then
- echo "Image already downdloaded"
- else
- echo "Fetching QTIP_VM Image"
- cd $PWD/Temp_Image && wget
- echo "Uploading image to glance"
- glance image-create --name "QTIP_CentOS" --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 \
- --container-format bare \
- --file $PWD/Temp_Image/Cent7Modified.qcow2
- fi
- cd $WDIR
-mkdir $PWD/results
-case "$1" in
- -h)
- printf "To run, 2 arguments are required\n"
- printf "First argument: The Test case to run\nOptions:\nFirst: For a comparison between a baremetal machine and a VM\nSecond: For a comparison between two baremetal machines\n\nSecond argument: The Benchmark to run\nOptions:\ndhrystone\nwhetstone\nramspeed\ncachebench\n"
- ;;
- First)
- Fetch_VM_Image
- ipvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_VM/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_1_IP" | awk '{print$2;}')
- passwordvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_VM/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_1_Password" | awk '{print$2;}')
- expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvar
- heat stack-create exp2 -f $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_VM/SampleHeat.yaml
- sleep 3
- VAR1=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "stack_status_reason" | awk '{print $6;}')
- echo $VAR1
- while [ "$VAR1" != completed ]
- do
- echo VM is coming up
- VAR1=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "stack_status_reason" | awk '{print $6;}')
- #echo $VAR1
- done
- echo VM Created
- if [ "$VAR1" == "completed" ]; then
- VAR=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "output_value" | awk '{print $4;}'| cut -d '"' -f2)
- echo IP of VM is:
- echo $VAR
- sed -i '/demo1/a '$VAR'' /etc/ansible/hosts
- sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
- echo Waiting for ping
- while ! ping -c1 $VAR &> /dev/null; do
- echo Waiting for ping
- done
- echo Ping detected
- expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $VAR
- Call_Test $2
- echo cleaning environment
- sleep 10
- $PWD/
- fi
- ;;
- Second)
- ipvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_Bare/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_1_IP" | awk '{print$2;}')
- echo $ipvar
- passwordvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_Bare/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_1_IP_Password" | awk '{print$2;}')
- echo $passwordvar
- expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvar
- sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
- ipvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_Bare/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_2_IP" | awk '{print$2;}')
- passwordvar=$(cat $PWD/Test-cases/Bare_vs_Bare/Config.yaml | grep "Machine_2_IP_Password" | awk '{print$2;}')
- expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvar
- sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
- Call_Test $2
- echo cleaning environment
- sleep 10
- $PWD/
- ;;
- *)
- echo Incorrect Arguments passed to the script. Run script with -h for more help
- ;;