diff options
14 files changed, 406 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/aggregate.py b/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/aggregate.py
index f1451e06..36ea0ef1 100644
--- a/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/aggregate.py
+++ b/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/aggregate.py
@@ -42,9 +42,15 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
# aggregate QPI results
def aggregate(hosts, basepath, src):
- host_results = [{'host': host, 'result': json.load(open(os.path.join(basepath, host, src)))} for host in hosts]
- score = int(mean([r['result']['score'] for r in host_results]))
+ host_results = []
+ for host in hosts:
+ host_result = json.load(open(os.path.join(basepath, host, src)))
+ host_result['name'] = host
+ host_results.append(host_result)
+ score = int(mean([r['score'] for r in host_results]))
return {
'score': score,
- 'host_results': host_results
+ 'name': 'compute',
+ 'description': 'POD Compute QPI',
+ 'children': host_results
diff --git a/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate.py b/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate.py
index 8d5fa1f7..077d863c 100644
--- a/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate.py
+++ b/qtip/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate.py
@@ -55,18 +55,22 @@ def calc_qpi(qpi_spec, metrics):
display.vvv("spec: {}".format(qpi_spec))
display.vvv("metrics: {}".format(metrics))
- section_results = [{'name': s['name'], 'result': calc_section(s, metrics)}
+ section_results = [calc_section(s, metrics)
for s in qpi_spec['sections']]
# TODO(yujunz): use formula in spec
standard_score = 2048
- qpi_score = int(mean([r['result']['score'] for r in section_results]) * standard_score)
+ qpi_score = int(mean([r['score'] for r in section_results]) * standard_score)
results = {
- 'spec': qpi_spec,
'score': qpi_score,
- 'section_results': section_results,
- 'metrics': metrics
+ 'name': qpi_spec['name'],
+ 'description': qpi_spec['description'],
+ 'children': section_results,
+ 'details': {
+ 'metrics': metrics,
+ 'spec': "https://git.opnfv.org/qtip/tree/resources/QPI/compute.yaml"
+ }
return results
@@ -78,13 +82,15 @@ def calc_section(section_spec, metrics):
display.vvv("spec: {}".format(section_spec))
display.vvv("metrics: {}".format(metrics))
- metric_results = [{'name': m['name'], 'result': calc_metric(m, metrics[m['name']])}
+ metric_results = [calc_metric(m, metrics[m['name']])
for m in section_spec['metrics']]
# TODO(yujunz): use formula in spec
- section_score = mean([r['result']['score'] for r in metric_results])
+ section_score = mean([r['score'] for r in metric_results])
return {
'score': section_score,
- 'metric_results': metric_results
+ 'name': section_spec['name'],
+ 'description': section_spec.get('description', 'section'),
+ 'children': metric_results
@@ -95,12 +101,16 @@ def calc_metric(metric_spec, metrics):
display.vvv("metrics: {}".format(metrics))
# TODO(yujunz): use formula in spec
- workload_results = [{'name': w['name'], 'score': calc_score(metrics[w['name']], w['baseline'])}
+ workload_results = [{'name': w['name'],
+ 'description': 'workload',
+ 'score': calc_score(metrics[w['name']], w['baseline'])}
for w in metric_spec['workloads']]
metric_score = mean([r['score'] for r in workload_results])
return {
'score': metric_score,
- 'workload_results': workload_results
+ 'name': metric_spec['name'],
+ 'description': metric_spec.get('description', 'metric'),
+ 'children': workload_results
diff --git a/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_plan.py b/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_plan.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c540b7..00000000
--- a/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_plan.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 taseer94@gmail.com and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-import click
-from colorama import Fore
-import os
-from qtip.base.error import InvalidContentError
-from qtip.base.error import NotFoundError
-from qtip.cli import utils
-from qtip.cli.entry import Context
-from qtip.loader.plan import Plan
-pass_context = click.make_pass_decorator(Context, ensure=False)
-def cli(ctx):
- ''' Bechmarking Plan '''
- pass
-@cli.command('init', help='Initialize Environment')
-def init(ctx):
- pass
-@cli.command('list', help='List the Plans')
-def list(ctx):
- plans = Plan.list_all()
- table = utils.table('Plans', plans)
- click.echo(table)
-@cli.command('show', help='View details of a Plan')
-def show(ctx, name):
- try:
- plan = Plan('{}.yaml'.format(name))
- except NotFoundError as nf:
- click.echo(Fore.RED + "ERROR: plan spec: " + nf.message)
- except InvalidContentError as ice:
- click.echo(Fore.RED + "ERROR: plan spec: " + ice.message)
- else:
- cnt = plan.content
- output = utils.render('plan', cnt)
- click.echo(output)
-@cli.command('run', help='Execute a Plan')
-@click.option('-p', '--path', help='Path to store results')
-def run(ctx, name, path):
- runner_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir,
- 'runner/runner.py')
- os.system('python {0} -b all -d {1}'.format(runner_path, path))
diff --git a/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_project.py b/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_project.py
index 42fd000d..117330f5 100644
--- a/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_project.py
+++ b/qtip/cli/commands/cmd_project.py
@@ -36,10 +36,14 @@ def cli():
@cli.command(help="Create new testing project")
-@click.option('--pod', default='unknown', help='Name of pod under test')
-@click.option('--installer', help='OPNFV installer', default='manual')
-@click.option('--master-host', help='Installer hostname', default='dummy-host')
-@click.option('--scenario', default='unknown', help='OPNFV scenario')
+@click.option('--pod', default='unknown', prompt='Pod Name',
+ help='Name of pod under test')
+@click.option('--installer', prompt='OPNFV Installer',
+ help='OPNFV installer', default='manual')
+@click.option('--master-host', prompt='Installer Hostname',
+ help='Installer hostname', default='dummy-host')
+@click.option('--scenario', prompt='OPNFV Scenario', default='unknown',
+ help='OPNFV scenario')
def create(pod, installer, master_host, scenario, name):
extra_vars = {
diff --git a/resources/QPI/compute.yaml b/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
index bc4e8ab2..d27d769b 100644
--- a/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
+++ b/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ sections: # split based on different application
formual: geometric mean
- name: rsa_sign_512
- description: RSA signature 512 bits
baseline: 14982.3
- name: rsa_verify_512
baseline: 180619.2
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/templates/system-info.j2 b/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/templates/system-info.j2
index 305a2af2..2108a979 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/templates/system-info.j2
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/templates/system-info.j2
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
System Information from inxi
-{% for host in groups['compute'] %}
-{{ hostvars[host].ansible_hostname }}
-{{ ('CPU Brand', hostvars[host].system_info.cpu[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Disk', hostvars[host].system_info.disk[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Host Name', hostvars[host].system_info.hostname[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Kernel', hostvars[host].system_info.kernel[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Memory', hostvars[host].system_info.memory[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Operating System', hostvars[host].system_info.os[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Product', hostvars[host].system_info.product[0])|justify }}
-{% endfor %}
+{{ ('CPU Brand', system_info.cpu[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Disk', system_info.disk[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Host Name', system_info.hostname[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Kernel', system_info.kernel[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Memory', system_info.memory[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Operating System', system_info.os[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Product', system_info.product[0])|justify }}
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace/files/template/templates/hosts b/resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace/files/template/templates/hosts
index 492651b0..34e4aa92 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace/files/template/templates/hosts
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace/files/template/templates/hosts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ localhost ansible_connection=local
[{{ installer_master_group[installer] }}]
{{ installer_master_host }}
-[SUT] # system under test
+[SUT:children] # system under test
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/qtip/tasks/aggregate.yml b/resources/ansible_roles/qtip/tasks/aggregate.yml
index 9ecdc700..904fc5d6 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/qtip/tasks/aggregate.yml
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/qtip/tasks/aggregate.yml
@@ -14,5 +14,10 @@
group: compute
basepath: "{{ qtip_results }}/current"
src: "compute.json"
- dest: "{{ pod_name }}-qpi.json"
+ dest: "qpi.json"
register: pod_result
+- name: generating HTML report
+ template:
+ src: "{{ qtip_resources }}/template/qpi.html.j2"
+ dest: "{{ qtip_results }}/current/index.html"
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/unixbench/templates/arithmetic-metrics.j2 b/resources/ansible_roles/unixbench/templates/arithmetic-metrics.j2
index a12eb0ab..c2c4c3b2 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/unixbench/templates/arithmetic-metrics.j2
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/unixbench/templates/arithmetic-metrics.j2
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{{ ('Floating-point (Whetstone MWIPS)', arithmetic_metrics.dhrystone_lps[0])|justify }}
-{{ ('Integer (Dhyrstone lps)', arithmetic_metrics.whetstone_MWIPS[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Floating-point (Whetstone MWIPS)', arithmetic_metrics.whetstone_MWIPS[0])|justify }}
+{{ ('Integer (Dhyrstone lps)', arithmetic_metrics.dhrystone_lps[0])|justify }}
diff --git a/resources/template/qpi.html.j2 b/resources/template/qpi.html.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3515676a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/template/qpi.html.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+ circle,
+ path {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ circle {
+ fill: none;
+ pointer-events: all;
+ }
+ #tooltip {
+ background-color: white;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ html {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
+<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.17/d3.min.js"></script>
+ var margin = {top: 350, right: 480, bottom: 350, left: 480},
+ radius = Math.min(margin.top, margin.right, margin.bottom, margin.left) - 10;
+ function filter_min_arc_size_text(d, i) {
+ return (d.dx * d.depth * radius / 3) > 14
+ };
+ var hue = d3.scale.category10();
+ var luminance = d3.scale.sqrt()
+ .domain([0, 1e6])
+ .clamp(true)
+ .range([90, 20]);
+ var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
+ .attr("width", margin.left + margin.right)
+ .attr("height", margin.top + margin.bottom)
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
+ var partition = d3.layout.partition()
+ .sort(function (a, b) {
+ return d3.ascending(a.name, b.name);
+ })
+ .size([2 * Math.PI, radius]);
+ var arc = d3.svg.arc()
+ .startAngle(function (d) {
+ return d.x;
+ })
+ .endAngle(function (d) {
+ return d.x + d.dx - .01 / (d.depth + .5);
+ })
+ .innerRadius(function (d) {
+ return radius / 3 * d.depth;
+ })
+ .outerRadius(function (d) {
+ return radius / 3 * (d.depth + 1) - 1;
+ });
+ //Tooltip description
+ var tooltip = d3.select("body")
+ .append("div")
+ .attr("id", "tooltip")
+ .style("position", "absolute")
+ .style("z-index", "10")
+ .style("opacity", 0);
+ function format_number(x) {
+ return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
+ }
+ function format_description(d) {
+ var description = d.description;
+ return '<b>' + d.name + '</b></br>' + d.description + '<br> (' + format_number(d.value) + ')';
+ }
+ function computeTextRotation(d) {
+ var angle = (d.x + d.dx / 2) * 180 / Math.PI - 90
+ return angle;
+ }
+ function mouseOverArc(d) {
+ d3.select(this).attr("stroke", "black")
+ tooltip.html(format_description(d));
+ return tooltip.transition()
+ .duration(50)
+ .style("opacity", 0.9);
+ }
+ function mouseOutArc() {
+ d3.select(this).attr("stroke", "")
+ return tooltip.style("opacity", 0);
+ }
+ function mouseMoveArc(d) {
+ return tooltip
+ .style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 10) + "px")
+ .style("left", (d3.event.pageX + 10) + "px");
+ }
+ var root_ = null;
+ d3.json("qpi.json", function (error, root) {
+ if (error) return console.warn(error);
+ // Compute the initial layout on the entire tree to sum sizes.
+ // Also compute the full name and fill color for each node,
+ // and stash the children so they can be restored as we descend.
+ partition
+ .value(function (d) {
+ return d.score;
+ })
+ .nodes(root)
+ .forEach(function (d) {
+ d._children = d.children;
+ d.sum = d.value;
+ d.key = key(d);
+ d.fill = fill(d);
+ });
+ // Now redefine the value function to use the previously-computed sum.
+ partition
+ .children(function (d, depth) {
+ return depth < 2 ? d._children : null;
+ })
+ .value(function (d) {
+ return d.sum;
+ });
+ var center = svg.append("circle")
+ .attr("r", radius / 3)
+ .on("click", zoomOut);
+ center.append("title")
+ .text("zoom out");
+ var partitioned_data = partition.nodes(root).slice(1)
+ var path = svg.selectAll("path")
+ .data(partitioned_data)
+ .enter().append("path")
+ .attr("d", arc)
+ .style("fill", function (d) {
+ return d.fill;
+ })
+ .each(function (d) {
+ this._current = updateArc(d);
+ })
+ .on("click", zoomIn)
+ .on("mouseover", mouseOverArc)
+ .on("mousemove", mouseMoveArc)
+ .on("mouseout", mouseOutArc);
+ var texts = svg.selectAll("text")
+ .data(partitioned_data)
+ .enter().append("text")
+ .filter(filter_min_arc_size_text)
+ .attr("transform", function (d) {
+ return "rotate(" + computeTextRotation(d) + ")";
+ })
+ .attr("x", function (d) {
+ return radius / 3 * d.depth;
+ })
+ .attr("dx", "6") // margin
+ .attr("dy", ".35em") // vertical-align
+ .text(function (d, i) {
+ return d.name
+ })
+ function zoomIn(p) {
+ if (p.depth > 1) p = p.parent;
+ if (!p.children) return;
+ zoom(p, p);
+ }
+ function zoomOut(p) {
+ if (!p.parent) return;
+ zoom(p.parent, p);
+ }
+ // Zoom to the specified new root.
+ function zoom(root, p) {
+ if (document.documentElement.__transition__) return;
+ // Rescale outside angles to match the new layout.
+ var enterArc,
+ exitArc,
+ outsideAngle = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 2 * Math.PI]);
+ function insideArc(d) {
+ return p.key > d.key
+ ? {depth: d.depth - 1, x: 0, dx: 0} : p.key < d.key
+ ? {depth: d.depth - 1, x: 2 * Math.PI, dx: 0}
+ : {depth: 0, x: 0, dx: 2 * Math.PI};
+ }
+ function outsideArc(d) {
+ return {depth: d.depth + 1, x: outsideAngle(d.x), dx: outsideAngle(d.x + d.dx) - outsideAngle(d.x)};
+ }
+ center.datum(root);
+ // When zooming in, arcs enter from the outside and exit to the inside.
+ // Entering outside arcs start from the old layout.
+ if (root === p) enterArc = outsideArc, exitArc = insideArc, outsideAngle.range([p.x, p.x + p.dx]);
+ var new_data = partition.nodes(root).slice(1)
+ path = path.data(new_data, function (d) {
+ return d.key;
+ });
+ // When zooming out, arcs enter from the inside and exit to the outside.
+ // Exiting outside arcs transition to the new layout.
+ if (root !== p) enterArc = insideArc, exitArc = outsideArc, outsideAngle.range([p.x, p.x + p.dx]);
+ d3.transition().duration(d3.event.altKey ? 7500 : 750).each(function () {
+ path.exit().transition()
+ .style("fill-opacity", function (d) {
+ return d.depth === 1 + (root === p) ? 1 : 0;
+ })
+ .attrTween("d", function (d) {
+ return arcTween.call(this, exitArc(d));
+ })
+ .remove();
+ path.enter().append("path")
+ .style("fill-opacity", function (d) {
+ return d.depth === 2 - (root === p) ? 1 : 0;
+ })
+ .style("fill", function (d) {
+ return d.fill;
+ })
+ .on("click", zoomIn)
+ .on("mouseover", mouseOverArc)
+ .on("mousemove", mouseMoveArc)
+ .on("mouseout", mouseOutArc)
+ .each(function (d) {
+ this._current = enterArc(d);
+ });
+ path.transition()
+ .style("fill-opacity", 1)
+ .attrTween("d", function (d) {
+ return arcTween.call(this, updateArc(d));
+ });
+ });
+ texts = texts.data(new_data, function (d) {
+ return d.key;
+ })
+ texts.exit()
+ .remove()
+ texts.enter()
+ .append("text")
+ texts.style("opacity", 0)
+ .attr("transform", function (d) {
+ return "rotate(" + computeTextRotation(d) + ")";
+ })
+ .attr("x", function (d) {
+ return radius / 3 * d.depth;
+ })
+ .attr("dx", "6") // margin
+ .attr("dy", ".35em") // vertical-align
+ .filter(filter_min_arc_size_text)
+ .text(function (d, i) {
+ return d.name
+ })
+ .transition().delay(750).style("opacity", 1)
+ }
+ });
+ function key(d) {
+ var k = [], p = d;
+ while (p.depth) k.push(p.name), p = p.parent;
+ return k.reverse().join(".");
+ }
+ function fill(d) {
+ var p = d;
+ while (p.depth > 1) p = p.parent;
+ var c = d3.lab(hue(p.name));
+ c.l = luminance(d.sum);
+ return c;
+ }
+ function arcTween(b) {
+ var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, b);
+ this._current = i(0);
+ return function (t) {
+ return arc(i(t));
+ };
+ }
+ function updateArc(d) {
+ return {depth: d.depth, x: d.x, dx: d.dx};
+ }
+ d3.select(self.frameElement).style("height", margin.top + margin.bottom + "px");
+</script> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/ci/run_ci.sh b/tests/ci/run_ci.sh
index 8fd53b36..163adb39 100644
--- a/tests/ci/run_ci.sh
+++ b/tests/ci/run_ci.sh
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ done
#set vars from env if not provided by user as options
sshoptions="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ esac
cd /home/opnfv
-qtip workspace create --pod ${pod_name} --installer ${installer_type} \
+qtip create --pod ${pod_name} --installer ${installer_type} \
--master-host ${installer_ip} --scenario ${scenario} workspace
cd /home/opnfv/workspace/
diff --git a/tests/data/results/expected.json b/tests/data/results/expected.json
index a495d999..e77200d4 100644
--- a/tests/data/results/expected.json
+++ b/tests/data/results/expected.json
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
"score": 150,
- "host_results": [
- {"host": "host1", "result": {"score": 100}},
- {"host": "host2", "result": {"score": 200}}
- ]
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "name": "host1",
+ "score": 100
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "host2",
+ "score": 200
+ }
+ ],
+ "description": "POD Compute QPI",
+ "name": "compute"
diff --git a/tests/unit/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate_test.py b/tests/unit/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate_test.py
index 68a03e2a..fae59821 100644
--- a/tests/unit/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate_test.py
+++ b/tests/unit/ansible_library/plugins/action/calculate_test.py
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ def section_spec(metric_spec):
def qpi_spec(section_spec):
return {
- "description": "QTIP Performance Index of compute",
"name": "compute",
+ "description": "QTIP Performance Index of compute",
"sections": [section_spec]
@@ -54,23 +54,29 @@ def qpi_spec(section_spec):
def metric_result():
return {'score': 1.0,
- 'workload_results': [
- {'name': 'rsa_sign', 'score': 1.0},
- {'name': 'rsa_verify', 'score': 1.0}]}
+ 'name': 'ssl_rsa',
+ 'description': 'metric',
+ 'children': [{'description': 'workload', 'name': 'rsa_sign', 'score': 1.0},
+ {'description': 'workload', 'name': 'rsa_verify', 'score': 1.0}]}
def section_result(metric_result):
return {'score': 1.0,
- 'metric_results': [{'name': 'ssl_rsa', 'result': metric_result}]}
+ 'name': 'ssl',
+ 'description': 'cryptography and SSL/TLS performance',
+ 'children': [metric_result]}
-def qpi_result(qpi_spec, section_result, metrics):
+def qpi_result(section_result, metrics):
return {'score': 2048,
- 'spec': qpi_spec,
- 'metrics': metrics,
- 'section_results': [{'name': 'ssl', 'result': section_result}]}
+ 'name': 'compute',
+ 'description': 'QTIP Performance Index of compute',
+ 'children': [section_result],
+ 'details': {
+ 'spec': "https://git.opnfv.org/qtip/tree/resources/QPI/compute.yaml",
+ 'metrics': metrics}}
def test_calc_metric(metric_spec, metrics, metric_result):
diff --git a/tests/unit/cli/cmd_plan_test.py b/tests/unit/cli/cmd_plan_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a04800..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/cli/cmd_plan_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 taseer94@gmail.com and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-import pytest
-from click.testing import CliRunner
-from qtip.cli.entry import cli
-def runner():
- return CliRunner()
-def test_list(runner):
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'list'])
- assert 'Plan' and 'compute' and 'sample' in result.output
-def test_run(runner):
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'run', 'fake-plan'])
- assert result.output == ''
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'run'])
- assert 'Missing argument "name".' in result.output
-def test_show(runner):
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'show', 'compute'])
- assert 'Name: compute QPI' in result.output
- assert 'Description: compute QPI profile'
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'show'])
- assert 'Missing argument "name".' in result.output
- result = runner.invoke(cli, ['plan', 'show', 'xyz'])
- assert "ERROR: plan spec: xyz not found" in result.output