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4 files changed, 139 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/docs/proposal/storage-qpi.rst b/docs/proposal/storage-qpi.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af7c7954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/proposal/storage-qpi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. (c) 2017 ZTE Corp.
+Storage QPI
+The storage QPI gives user an overall score for storage performance.
+The measurement is done by `StorPerf`_.
+.. _StorPerf: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/storperf
+Baseline is established by testing with a set of work loads:
+- `Queue depth`_ (1, 2, 8)
+- `Block size`_ (2KB, 8KB, 16KB)
+- `Read write`_
+ - sequential read
+ - sequential write
+ - random read
+ - random write
+ - random mixed read write 70/30
+.. _Queue depth: http://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_man.html#cmdoption-arg-iodepth
+.. _Block size: http://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_man.html#cmdoption-arg-blocksize
+.. _Read write: http://fio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fio_man.html#cmdoption-arg-readwrite
+- Throughput: data transfer rate
+- IOPS: I/O operations per second
+- Latency: response time
+Workload Scores
+For each test run, if an equivalent work load in baseline is available, a score will be calculated by comparing the
+result to baseline.
+Section Scores
+| Section | Detail | Indication |
+| IOPS | Read write I/O Operation per second under steady state | Important for frequent storage access |
+| | Workloads : random read/write | such as event sinks |
+| Throughput | Read write data transfer rate under steady state | Important for high throughput services |
+| | Workloads: sequential read/write, block size 16KB | such as video server |
+| Latency | Average response latency under steady state | Important for real time applications |
+| | Workloads: all | |
+Section score is the `geometric mean <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_mean>`_ of all
+workload score.
+Storage QPI
+Storage QPI is the `weighted arithmetic mean <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean>`_ of all section
diff --git a/resources/QPI/compute.yaml b/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
index 05620269..8169da4f 100644
--- a/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
+++ b/resources/QPI/compute.yaml
@@ -28,75 +28,112 @@ sections: # split based on different application
formula: geometric mean
- name: ssl_rsa
+ description: performance of cryptographic using RSA cipher algorithm
formual: geometric mean
- name: rsa_sign_512
- baseline: 14982.3
+ description: rsa 512 bits sign per second
- name: rsa_verify_512
- baseline: 180619.2
+ description: rsa 512 bits verify per second
- name: rsa_sign_1024
- baseline: 5037.7
+ description: rsa 1024 bits sign per second
- name: rsa_verify_1024
- baseline: 67359.9
+ description: rsa 1024 bits verify per second
- name: rsa_sign_2048
- baseline: 713.6
+ description: rsa 2048 bits sign per second
- name: rsa_verify_2048
- baseline: 23458.0
+ description: rsa 2048 bits verify per second
- name: rsa_sign_4096
- baseline: 102.1
+ description: rsa 4096 bits sign per second
- name: rsa_verify_4096
- baseline: 6402.9
+ description: rsa 4096 bits verify per second
- name: ssl_aes
+ description: >
+ performance of advanced encryption standard (AES) cipher algorithm in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
formual: geometric mean
- name: aes_128_cbc_16_bytes
- baseline: 612376.96k
+ description: aes 128 bits key cbc on 16 bytes blocks
- name: aes_128_cbc_64_bytes
- baseline: 657350.74k
+ description: aes 128 bits key cbc on 64 bytes blocks
- name: aes_128_cbc_256_bytes
- baseline: 669680.04k
+ description: aes 128 bits key cbc on 256 bytes blocks
- name: aes_128_cbc_1024_bytes
- baseline: 672675.50k
+ description: aes 128 bits key cbc on 1024 bytes blocks
- name: aes_128_cbc_8192_bytes
- baseline: 672344.75k
+ description: aes 128 bits key cbc on 8192 bytes blocks
- name: DPI
description: deep packet inspection
- name: dpi_throughput
+ description: deep packet inspection throughput
- name: dpi_pps
- baseline: 2.19M
+ description: DPI packets per second
- name: dpi_bps
- baseline: 20.55G
+ description: DPI bits per second
- name: memory
description: cache and memory performance
- name: floatmem
+ description: >
+ measures the maximum possible cache and memory performance while reading and writing certain blocks of data
+ (starting from 1Kb and further in power of 2) continuously through FPU
- - name: triad
- baseline: 9748.98
- - name: add
- baseline: 9734.18
- name: copy
- baseline: 7692.26
+ description: >
+ transfers data from one memory location to another,
+ i. e. copies it (A = B)
- name: scale
- baseline: 7616.35
+ description: >
+ modifies the data before writing by multiplying with a certain
+ constant value, i. e. scales it (A = m*B).
+ - name: add
+ descrption: >
+ reads data from the first memory location, then reads from the
+ second, adds them up and writes the result to the third place
+ (A = B + C).
+ - name: triad
+ description: >
+ reads data from the first memory location, scales it, then adds
+ data from the second one and writes to the third place
+ (A = m*B + C).
- name: intmem
+ description: >
+ measures the maximum possible cache and memory performance while reading and writing certain blocks of data
+ (starting from 1Kb and further in power of 2) continuously through ALU
- - name: triad
- baseline: 12110.50
- - name: add
- baseline: 12153.10
- name: copy
- baseline: 11913.03
+ description: >
+ transfers data from one memory location to another,
+ i. e. copies it (A = B)
- name: scale
- baseline: 11945.36
+ description: >
+ modifies the data before writing by multiplying with a
+ certain constant value, i. e. scales it (A = m*B).
+ - name: add
+ descrption: >
+ reads data from the first memory location, then reads from the
+ second, adds them up and writes the result to the third place
+ (A = B + C).
+ - name: triad
+ description: >
+ reads data from the first memory location, scales it, then adds
+ data from the second one and writes to the third place
+ (A = m*B + C).
- name: arithmetic
description: arithmetic computing speed
- - name: arithmetic
+ - name: integer
+ description: >
+ measures and compare the performance of computers, focusing on string handling without floating point
+ operations.
- name: dhrystone_lps
- baseline: 34657490.5
+ description: dhrystone loops per second
+ - name: floating
+ description: >
+ measures the speed and efficiency of floating-point operations
+ workloads:
- name: whetstone_MWIPS
- baseline: 2495.9
+ description: whetstone million instructions per second
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/tasks/main.yml b/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/tasks/main.yml
index 1050c9be..c1f0b28c 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/inxi/tasks/main.yml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- '.+\s+Host:\s+(?P<hostname>.+)\sKernel'
- '.+\sMemory:\s+(?P<memory>.+MB)\s'
- - '^CPU\(s\):\s+(?P<cpu>.+)\sspeed\/max'
+ - '^CPU\(s\):\s+(?P<cpu>.+)\sspeed'
- '.+\sDistro:\s+(?P<os>.+)'
- '.+\sKernel:\s+(?P<kernel>.+)\sConsole'
- '.+\s+HDD Total Size:\s+(?P<disk>.+)\s'
diff --git a/resources/ansible_roles/opnfv-testapi/tasks/report.yml b/resources/ansible_roles/opnfv-testapi/tasks/report.yml
index 1c3d5767..bb034d84 100644
--- a/resources/ansible_roles/opnfv-testapi/tasks/report.yml
+++ b/resources/ansible_roles/opnfv-testapi/tasks/report.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
project_name: "{{ project_name }}"
case_name: "{{ case_name }}"
pod_name: "{{ pod_name }}"
- installer: "{{ installer }}"
+ installer: "{{ installer_type }}"
version: "{{ version }}"
scenario: "{{ scenario }}"
start_date: "{{ ansible_date_time.date }}"