path: root/data/
diff options
authorNauman_Ahad <>2016-01-05 21:01:17 +0500
committerNauman_Ahad <>2016-01-05 21:01:17 +0500
commit57922dcb8e6497f02fdee9306494e932e25dcace (patch)
tree03243a0673de88e39cc682d4d64e54be2ad1c898 /data/
parent8812f4746015c669dc8dcab23069f5244ff8acb6 (diff)
QTIP Index calculation along with a script to run qtip from docker
Calculation of Result Indices for 1. Compute suite 2. Storage suite 3. Network suite A script to run qtip from inside the docker container (for Jenkins Jobs) Resolved bugs with, sys info collection on ubuntu and system information collection script Change-Id: Ic5abb3dbd0012cd2257b588b1b3067a6677b1f5d Signed-off-by: Nauman_Ahad <>
Diffstat (limited to 'data/')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3b493e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+usage() {
+ echo "usage: $0 -d <destination> -i <installer_type> -a <installer_ip>" >&2
+info () {
+ logger -s -t "" "$*"
+error () {
+ logger -s -t "fetch_os_creds.error" "$*"
+ exit 1
+verify_connectivity() {
+ local ip=$1
+ info "Verifying connectivity to $ip..."
+ for i in $(seq 0 10); do
+ if ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip > /dev/null; then
+ info "$ip is reachable!"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ error "Can not talk to $ip."
+#Get options
+while getopts ":d:i:a:h:" optchar; do
+ case "${optchar}" in
+ d) dest_path=${OPTARG} ;;
+ i) installer_type=${OPTARG} ;;
+ a) installer_ip=${OPTARG} ;;
+ *) echo "Non-option argument: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2
+ usage
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+# set vars from env if not provided by user as options
+if [ -z $dest_path ] || [ -z $installer_type ] || [ -z $installer_ip ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 2
+# Checking if destination path is valid
+if [ -d $dest_path ]; then
+ error "Please provide the full destination path for the credentials file including the filename"
+ # Check if we can create the file (e.g. path is correct)
+ touch $dest_path || error "Cannot create the file specified. Check that the path is correct and run the script again."
+ssh_options="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
+# Start fetching the files
+if [ "$installer_type" == "fuel" ]; then
+ #ip_fuel=""
+ verify_connectivity $installer_ip
+ # Check if controller is alive (online='True')
+ controller_ip=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ 'fuel node | grep controller | grep True | awk "{print \$10}" | tail -1') &> /dev/null
+ if [ -z $controller_ip ]; then
+ error "The controller $controller_ip is not up. Please check that the POD is correctly deployed."
+ fi
+ info "Fetching rc file from controller $controller_ip..."
+ sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "scp $ssh_options ${controller_ip}:/root/openrc ." &> /dev/null
+ sshpass -p r00tme scp 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip}:~/openrc $dest_path &> /dev/null
+ #This file contains the mgmt keystone API, we need the public one for our rc file
+ admin_ip=$(cat $dest_path | grep "OS_AUTH_URL" | sed 's/^.*\=//' | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | sed s'/\/$//')
+ public_ip=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "ssh ${controller_ip} 'source openrc; keystone endpoint-list'" \
+ | grep $admin_ip | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep ^http | head -1) &> /dev/null
+ #| grep http | head -1 | cut -d '|' -f 4 | sed 's/v1\/.*/v1\//' | sed 's/ //g') &> /dev/null
+ #NOTE: this is super ugly sed 's/v1\/.*/v1\//'OS_AUTH_URL
+ # but sometimes the output of endpoint-list is like this:
+elif [ "$installer_type" == "apex" ]; then
+ verify_connectivity $installer_ip
+ # The credentials file is located in the Instack VM (
+ # NOTE: This might change for bare metal deployments
+ info "Fetching rc file from Instack VM $installer_ip..."
+ if [ -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then
+ chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
+ fi
+ sudo scp $ssh_options root@$installer_ip:/home/stack/overcloudrc $dest_path
+elif [ "$installer_type" == "compass" ]; then
+ verify_connectivity $installer_ip
+ controller_ip=$(sshpass -p'root' ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ 'mysql -ucompass -pcompass -Dcompass -e"select * from cluster;"' \
+ | awk -F"," '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++)if($i~/\"host1\"/) {print $(i+1);break;}}' \
+ | grep -oP "\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+")
+ if [ -z $controller_ip ]; then
+ error "The controller $controller_ip is not up. Please check that the POD is correctly deployed."
+ fi
+ info "Fetching rc file from controller $controller_ip..."
+ sshpass -p root ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "scp $ssh_options ${controller_ip}:/opt/ ." &> /dev/null
+ sshpass -p root scp 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip}:~/ $dest_path &> /dev/null
+ echo 'export OS_REGION_NAME=regionOne' >> $dest_path
+ info "This file contains the mgmt keystone API, we need the public one for our rc file"
+ admin_ip=$(cat $dest_path | grep "OS_AUTH_URL" | sed 's/^.*\=//' | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | sed s'/\/$//')
+ info "admin_ip: $admin_ip"
+ public_ip=$(sshpass -p root ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "ssh ${controller_ip} 'source /opt/; keystone endpoint-list'" \
+ | grep $admin_ip | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep ^http | head -1)
+ info "public_ip: $public_ip"
+elif [ "$installer_type" == "joid" ]; then
+ # do nothing...for the moment
+ # we can either do a scp from the jumphost or use the -v option to transmit the param to the docker file
+ echo "Do nothing, creds will be provided through volume option at docker creation for joid"
+elif [ "$installer_type" == "foreman" ]; then
+ #ip_foreman=""
+ controller=""
+ verify_connectivity $installer_ip
+ # Check if controller is alive (here is more difficult to get the ip from a command like "fuel node")
+ sshpass -p vagrant ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "sshpass -p Op3nStack ssh $ssh_options root@${controller} 'ls'" &> /dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ error "The controller ${controller} is not up. Please check that the POD is correctly deployed."
+ fi
+ info "Fetching openrc from a Foreman Controller '${controller}'..."
+ sshpass -p vagrant ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "sshpass -p Op3nStack scp $ssh_options root@${controller}:~/keystonerc_admin ." &> /dev/null
+ sshpass -p vagrant scp $ssh_options root@${installer_ip}:~/keystonerc_admin $dest_path &> /dev/null
+ #This file contains the mgmt keystone API, we need the public one for our rc file
+ admin_ip=$(cat $dest_path | grep "OS_AUTH_URL" | sed 's/^.*\=//' | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | sed s'/\/$//')
+ public_ip=$(sshpass -p vagrant ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
+ "sshpass -p Op3nStack ssh $ssh_options root@${controller} \
+ 'source keystonerc_admin;keystone endpoint-list'" \
+ | grep $admin_ip | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep ^http | head -1) &> /dev/null
+ error "Installer $installer is not supported by this script"
+if [ ! -f $dest_path ]; then
+ error "There has been an error retrieving the credentials"
+if [ "$public_ip" != "" ]; then
+ info "Exchanging keystone public IP in rc file to $public_ip"
+ sed -i "/OS_AUTH_URL/c\export OS_AUTH_URL=\'$public_ip'" $dest_path
+echo "-------- Credentials: --------"
+cat $dest_path
+exit 0