diff options
authorNauman Ahad <>2015-08-14 14:30:41 -0700
committerNauman Ahad <>2015-08-14 14:30:41 -0700
commit12b2b2c38e01a00c07c09b924a5b62f8ddc74145 (patch)
parentbe6d041ae8279f7a8e6de4153217108a7b383637 (diff)
Added automation script, 2 test cases, Heat template for test case, Project INFO files
Structured existing playbooks into directories, added automations scripts and test cases which were demonstrated in demo1. Basic Directoy structure also introduced. All hard coded values removed. JIRA: QTIP-3 Change-Id: Icdceb0f125a5275d3dee7845a403e567d729dc26 Signed-off-by: Nauman Ahad <>
-rw-r--r--benchmarks/playbooks/cachebench.yaml (renamed from playboooks/cachebench.yaml)15
12 files changed, 415 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/INFO b/INFO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33f3ec8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Project Name: QTIP, Platform Performance Benchmarking
+Project Repository: QTIP
+Project Category: Integration & Testing
+Mailing list tag: [QTIP]
+IRC: #opnfv-qtip
+Project Wiki:
+Wenjing Chu,
+Shrinivas Chavan,
+Sheng-Ann Yu
+Rodriguez, Iben
+Prabu, Kuppuswamy
+Cooper, Trevor
+Michael Haugh
+Prakash Ramchandran
+Richomme, Morgan
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..dcefb29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+#DIR1= $PWD
+function Call_Test {
+ case "$1" in
+ dhrystone)
+ mkdir $PWD/results/dhrystone
+ ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/dhrystone.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
+ ;;
+ ramspeed)
+ mkdir $PWD/results/ramspeed
+ ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/ramspeedbench.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
+ ;;
+ cachebench)
+ mkdir $PWD/results/cachebench
+ ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/cachebench.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
+ ;;
+ whetstone)
+ mkdir $PWD/results/whetstone
+ ansible-playbook -s $PWD/benchmarks/playbooks/whetstone.yaml --extra-vars "Dest_dir=$PWD/results" -v
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Please pass a correct argument to test. use -h for more details"
+ ;;
+ esac
+mkdir $PWD/results
+case "$1" in
+ -h)
+ printf "To run, 2 arguments are required\n"
+ printf "First argument: The Test case to run\nOptions:\nFirst: For a comparison between a baremetal machine and a VM\nSecond: For a comparison between two baremetal machines\n\nSecond argument: The Benchmark to run\nOptions:\ndhrystone\nwhetstone\nramspeed\ncachebench\n"
+ ;;
+ First)
+ echo "Enter the IP of the machine to be teststed for comparison to the VM"
+ read ipvar
+ echo "Enter the password of this machine"
+ read -s passwordvar
+ expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvarp
+ heat stack-create exp2 -f $PWD/Test-cases/SampleHeat.yaml
+ VAR1=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "stack_status_reason" | awk '{print $6;}')
+ echo $VAR1
+ while [ "$VAR1" != completed ]
+ do
+ echo VM is coming up
+ VAR1=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "stack_status_reason" | awk '{print $6;}')
+ #echo $VAR1
+ done
+ echo VM Created
+ if [ "$VAR1" == "completed" ]; then
+ VAR=$( heat stack-show exp2 | grep "output_value" | awk '{print $4;}'| cut -d '"' -f2)
+ echo IP of VM is:
+ echo $VAR
+ sed -i '/demo1/a '$VAR'' /etc/ansible/hosts
+ sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
+ echo Waiting for ping
+ while ! ping -c1 $VAR &> /dev/null; do
+ echo Waiting for ping
+ done
+ echo Ping detected
+ expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $VAR
+ Call_Test $2
+ echo cleaning environment
+ sleep 10
+ $PWD/
+ fi
+ ;;
+ Second)
+ echo Second test to be written below
+ echo "Enter the IP of the first machine to be benchmarked for comparison"
+ read ipvar
+ echo "Enter the password of this machine"
+ read -s passwordvar
+ expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvar
+ sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
+ echo "Enter the IP of the second machine to be benchmarked for comparison"
+ read ipvar
+ echo "Enter the password of this machine"
+ read -s passwordvar
+ expect $PWD/data/ssh_exch.exp $ipvar $passwordvar
+ sed -i '/demo1/a '$ipvar'' /etc/ansible/hosts
+ Call_Test $2
+ echo cleaning environment
+ sleep 10
+ $PWD/
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Incorrect Arguments passed to the script. Run script with -h for more helo
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0303342e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+QTIP Benchmark sutie
+QTIP is a benchmarking suite intendend to benchmark the following components of the OPNF Plaform:
+1. Computing components
+2. Networking components
+3. Storage components
+The efforts in QTIP are mostly focused on identifying
+1. Benchmarks to run
+2. Test cases in which these benchmarks to run
+3. Automation of suite to run benchmarks within different test cases
+4. Collection of test results
+QTIP currently consists of a bash script (
+The script can run 4 comuting benchmarks:
+1. Dhrystone
+2. Whetstone
+3. RamBandwidth
+4. Cachebandwidth
+These benchmarks can be run in 2 test cases:
+1. VM vs Baremetal
+2. Baremetal vs Baremeatl
+Instructions to run the script:
+1. Download the OpenStack adminrc file for the deployment on which you want to create the VM for benchmarking
+3. ./ -h for more help
+1. Ansible 1.9.2
+2. Python 2.7
+A robust framework that would allow to include more tests would be included within the future
diff --git a/Test-cases/SampleHeat.yaml b/Test-cases/SampleHeat.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf0c45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test-cases/SampleHeat.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ heat_template_version: 2014-10-16
+ description: Test10
+ parameters:
+ public_network:
+ type: string
+ label: Public Network name or ID
+ description: Public network with floating IPs
+ default: "provider_network"
+ private_net_name:
+ type: string
+ default: "private_network"
+ availability_zone:
+ type: string
+ description: The Availability Zone to launch the instance.
+ default: compute1
+ resources:
+ private_network:
+ type: OS::Neutron::Net
+ private_subnet:
+ type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+ properties:
+ network_id: { get_resource: private_network }
+ cidr:
+ dns_nameservers:
+ -
+ router_1:
+ type: OS::Neutron::Router
+ properties:
+ external_gateway_info:
+ network: { get_param: public_network }
+ router_interface:
+ type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface
+ properties:
+ router_id: { get_resource: router_1 }
+ subnet: { get_resource: private_subnet }
+ public_port:
+ type: OS::Neutron::Port
+ properties:
+ network: { get_resource: private_network }
+ security_groups: [{ get_resource: demo1_security_Group }]
+ floating_ip:
+ type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
+ properties:
+ floating_network: { get_param: public_network }
+ floating_ip_assoc:
+ type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation
+ properties:
+ floatingip_id: { get_resource: floating_ip }
+ port_id: { get_resource: public_port }
+ demo1_security_Group:
+ type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
+ properties:
+ name: demo1_security_Group
+ rules:
+ - protocol: tcp
+ port_range_min: 22
+ port_range_max: 22
+ - protocol: icmp
+ my_instance:
+ type: OS::Nova::Server
+ properties:
+ image: CentOS
+ flavor: m1.large
+ availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone }
+ networks:
+ - port: { get_resource: public_port }
+ outputs:
+ instance_ip:
+ description: IP address of the instance
+ value: { get_attr: [floating_ip, floating_ip_address] }
diff --git a/playboooks/cachebench.yaml b/benchmarks/playbooks/cachebench.yaml
index 13b968b4..d0e04140 100644
--- a/playboooks/cachebench.yaml
+++ b/benchmarks/playbooks/cachebench.yaml
@@ -7,12 +7,16 @@
shell: rm -rf /usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/
shell: rm -rf /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite
shell: rm -rf /root/photmp/
+ - name: cleaning results
+ file: path=/root/results state=absent
- name: make direc
file: path=/root/photmp/ state=directory
- name: Fetch Phornonix
shell: cd /root/photmp/ && wget
- name: unarchive Phoronix
shell: cd /root/photmp/ && tar -zxvf phoronix-suite.tar.gz
+ - name: Install Phornonix Dependencies
+ shell: yum install php php-xml php-client php-process -y
- name: Install Phornonix
shell: cd /root/photmp/phoronix-test-suite-master/&&./install-sh
- name: batchSetup
@@ -21,5 +25,14 @@
shell: phoronix-test-suite batch-install cachebench
- name: run
shell: phoronix-test-suite batch-run cachebench
+ - name: making directory
+ file: path=/root/results state=directory
+ - name: copying result to temp directory
+ shell: cp -r /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-results/* /root/results/
+ - name: registering files
+ shell: (cd /root/results/; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) | cut -d'/' -f2
+ register: files_to_copy
- name: copy results
- shell: scp -r /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-results/* root@
+ fetch: src=/root/results/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/cachebench
+ with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
diff --git a/benchmarks/playbooks/dhrystone.yaml b/benchmarks/playbooks/dhrystone.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0e5f20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/playbooks/dhrystone.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - hosts: demo1
+ tasks:
+ - name: cleaning
+ file: path=/root/tempT state=absent
+ - name: cleaning results
+ file: path=/root/results state=absent
+ - name: Installing UnixBench dependencies
+ shell: yum install git gcc patch perl-Time-HiRes -y
+ - name: Clone unixbench
+ shell: git clone /root/tempT
+ - name: make
+ shell: make --directory /root/tempT/UnixBench/
+ - name: downloading_patch
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/ && wget
+ - name: applying_patch
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/ && patch Run fix-limitation.patch
+ - name: Run dhrystone
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/&&./Run -v dhrystone
+ - name: making directory
+ file: path=/root/results state=directory
+ - name: copying result to temp directory
+ shell: cp -r /root/tempT/UnixBench/results/* /root/results/
+ - name: registering files
+ shell: (cd /root/results/; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) | cut -d'/' -f2
+ register: files_to_copy
+ - name: copy results
+ fetch: src=/root/results/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/dhrystone
+ with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
diff --git a/benchmarks/playbooks/ramspeedbench.yaml b/benchmarks/playbooks/ramspeedbench.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37ea91a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/playbooks/ramspeedbench.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ - hosts: demo1
+ tasks:
+ - name: clean
+ shell: rm -rf /usr/bin/phoronix-test-suite
+ shell: rm -rf /usr/share/doc/phoronix-test-suite/
+ shell: rm -rf /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite
+ shell: rm -rf /root/photmp/
+ - name: clean previous results
+ file: path=/root/results path=absent
+ - name: make direc
+ file: path=/root/photmp/ state=directory
+ - name: Fetch Phornonix
+ shell: cd /root/photmp/ && wget
+ - name: unarchive Phoronix
+ shell: cd /root/photmp/ && tar -zxvf phoronix-suite.tar.gz
+ - name: Phornonix Dependencies
+ shell: yum install php php-xml php-client php-process -y
+ - name: Install Phornonix
+ shell: cd /root/photmp/phoronix-test-suite-master/&&./install-sh
+ - name: batchSetup
+ shell: phoronix-test-suite batch-setup
+ - name: install
+ shell: phoronix-test-suite batch-install ramspeed
+ - name: run
+ shell: phoronix-test-suite batch-run ramspeed
+ - name: making directory
+ file: path=/root/results state=directory
+ - name: copying result to temp directory
+ shell: cp -r /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/test-results/* /root/results/
+ - name: registering files
+ shell: (cd /root/results/; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) | cut -d'/' -f2
+ register: files_to_copy
+ - name: copy results
+ fetch: src=/root/results/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/dhrystone
+ with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
diff --git a/benchmarks/playbooks/whetstone.yaml b/benchmarks/playbooks/whetstone.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..497797ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/playbooks/whetstone.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - hosts: demo1
+ tasks:
+ - name: cleaning
+ shell: rm -rf /root/tempT
+ - name: cleaning previous results
+ file: path=/root/results state=absent
+ - name: Installing UnixBench dependencies
+ shell: yum install git gcc patch perl-Time-HiRes -y
+ - name: Clone unixbench
+ shell: git clone /root/tempT
+ - name: make
+ shell: make --directory /root/tempT/UnixBench/
+ - name: downloading_patch
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/ && wget
+ - name: applying_patch
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/ && patch Run fix-limitation.patch
+ - name: Run whetstone
+ shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/&&./Run -v whetstone
+ - name: making directory
+ file: path=/root/results state=directory
+ - name: copying result to temp directory
+ shell: cp -r /root/tempT/UnixBench/results/* /root/results/
+ - name: registering files
+ shell: (cd /root/results/; find . -maxdepth 1 -type f) | cut -d'/' -f2
+ register: files_to_copy
+ - name: copy results
+ fetch: src=/root/results/{{item}} dest={{Dest_dir}}/whetstone
+ with_items: files_to_copy.stdout_lines
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..69aab1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+echo cleaning Ip
+sed -i -e '/demo1/{n;N;N;N;N;N;d}' /etc/ansible/hosts
+neutron floatingip-delete $(neutron floatingip-list| grep "17" | awk '{print $2;}')
+heat stack-delete exp2
diff --git a/data/ssh_exch.exp b/data/ssh_exch.exp
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1b462c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/ssh_exch.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#1 /usr/bin/expect
+set timeout 4
+set ip [lindex $argv 0]
+set pswd [lindex $argv 1]
+spawn ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa $ip
+expect "Are you sure you want to continue connecting" {send "yes\r"}
+expect "password" { send "$pswd\r"}
diff --git a/playboooks/dhrystone.yaml b/playboooks/dhrystone.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b4842c..00000000
--- a/playboooks/dhrystone.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- - hosts: demo1
- tasks:
- - name: cleaning
- shell: rm -rf /root/tempT
- - name: Install git
- shell: yum install git -y
- - name: Clone unixbench
- shell: git clone /root/tempT
- - name: make
- shell: make --directory /root/tempT/UnixBench/
- - name: Run dhrystone
- shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/&&./Run -v dhrystone
- - name: copy results
- shell: scp -r /root/tempT/UnixBench/results/* root@
diff --git a/playboooks/whetstone.yaml b/playboooks/whetstone.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f07ea073..00000000
--- a/playboooks/whetstone.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- - hosts: demo1
- tasks:
- - name: cleaning
- shell: rm -rf /root/tempT
- - name: Install git
- shell: yum install git -y
- - name: Clone unixbench
- shell: git clone /root/tempT
- - name: make
- shell: make --directory /root/tempT/UnixBench/
- - name: Run whetstone
- shell: cd /root/tempT/UnixBench/&&./Run -v whetstone
- - name: copy results
- shell: scp -r /root/tempT/UnixBench/results/* root@