path: root/source/spec
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authorBertrand Souville <>2017-11-27 17:15:54 +0100
committerBertrand Souville <>2017-11-27 17:15:54 +0100
commit3ce698ee20cca69104874d42e64300abe641a27c (patch)
treea5f1e419cdb65b0b1edb4bb06cf9480ada670cab /source/spec
parent48c252069be02fe2019633827c8a22cdcd201170 (diff)
Proposal to move Promise shim-layer code to a new deprecated folder
Promise test cases have been disabled in Functest Promise shim-layer has been marked as DEPRECATED in Euphrates Change-Id: I98ecd9ae2b25c102f478fc3869f23e6c70d32d8d Signed-off-by: Bertrand Souville <>
Diffstat (limited to 'source/spec')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
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index 6fd8fe2..0000000
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-# Author: Peter K. Lee (
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-request = require 'superagent'
-module.exports =
- 'create-tenant':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # TODO - this requires OS-KSADM extension
diff --git a/source/spec/ b/source/spec/
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index 985e81f..0000000
--- a/source/spec/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Author: Peter K. Lee (
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-module.exports =
- 'create-reservation':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # 1. create the reservation record (empty)
- reservation = @create 'ResourceReservation'
- reservations = @access 'promise.reservations'
- # 2. update the record with requested input
- reservation.invoke 'update', input.get()
- .then (res) ->
- # 3. save the record and add to list
- .then ->
- reservations.push res
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'reservation request accepted'
- output.set 'reservation-id',
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'error', message: err
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'conflict', message: err
- done()
- 'query-reservation':
- (input, output, done) ->
- query = input.get()
- query.capacity = 'reserved'
- @invoke 'query-capacity', query
- .then (res) ->
- output.set 'reservations', res.get 'collections'
- output.set 'utilization', res.get 'utilization'
- done()
- .catch (e) -> done e
- 'update-reservation':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # TODO: we shouldn't need this... need to check why leaf mandatory: true not being enforced
- unless (input.get 'reservation-id')?
- output.set result: 'error', message: "must provide 'reservation-id' parameter"
- return done()
- # 1. find the reservation
- reservation = @find 'ResourceReservation', input.get 'reservation-id'
- unless reservation?
- output.set result: 'error', message: 'no reservation found for specified identifier'
- return done()
- # 2. update the record with requested input
- reservation.invoke 'update', input.get()
- .then (res) ->
- # 3. save the updated record
- .then ->
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'reservation update successful'
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'error', message: err
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'conflict', message: err
- done()
- 'cancel-reservation':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # 1. find the reservation
- reservation = @find 'ResourceReservation', input.get 'reservation-id'
- unless reservation?
- output.set result: 'error', message: 'no reservation found for specified identifier'
- return done()
- # 2. destroy all traces of this reservation
- reservation.destroy()
- .then =>
- (@access 'promise.reservations').remove
- output.set 'result', 'ok'
- output.set 'message', 'reservation canceled'
- done()
- .catch (e) ->
- output.set 'result', 'error'
- output.set 'message', e
- done()
- 'query-capacity':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # 1. we gather up all collections that match the specified window
- window = input.get 'window'
- metric = input.get 'capacity'
- collections = switch metric
- when 'total' then [ 'ResourcePool' ]
- when 'reserved' then [ 'ResourceReservation' ]
- when 'usage' then [ 'ResourceAllocation' ]
- when 'available' then [ 'ResourcePool', 'ResourceReservation', 'ResourceAllocation' ]
- matches = collections.reduce ((a, name) =>
- res = @find name,
- start: (value) -> (not window.end?) or (new Date value) <= (new Date window.end)
- end: (value) -> (not window.start?) or (new Date value) >= (new Date window.start)
- enabled: true
- a.concat res...
- ), []
- if window.scope is 'exclusive'
- # yes, we CAN query filter in one shot above but this makes logic cleaner...
- matches = matches.where
- start: (value) -> (not window.start?) or (new Date value) >= (new Date window.start)
- end: (value) -> (not window.end?) or (new Date value) <= (new Date window.end)
- # exclude any identifiers specified
- matches = matches.without id: (input.get 'without')
- if metric is 'available'
- # excludes allocations with reservation property set (to prevent double count)
- matches = matches.without reservation: (v) -> v?
- output.set 'collections', matches
- unless (input.get 'show-utilization') is true
- return done()
- # 2. we calculate the deltas based on start/end times of each match item
- deltas = matches.reduce ((a, entry) ->
- b = entry.get()
- b.end ?= 'infiniteT'
- [ skey, ekey ] = [ (b.start.split 'T')[0], (b.end.split 'T')[0] ]
- a[skey] ?= count: 0, capacity: {}
- a[ekey] ?= count: 0, capacity: {}
- a[skey].count += 1
- a[ekey].count -= 1
- for k, v of b.capacity when v?
- a[skey].capacity[k] ?= 0
- a[ekey].capacity[k] ?= 0
- if is 'ResourcePool'
- a[skey].capacity[k] += v
- a[ekey].capacity[k] -= v
- else
- a[skey].capacity[k] -= v
- a[ekey].capacity[k] += v
- return a
- ), {}
- # 3. we then sort the timestamps and aggregate the deltas
- last = count: 0, capacity: {}
- usages = for timestamp in Object.keys(deltas).sort() when timestamp isnt 'infinite'
- entry = deltas[timestamp]
- entry.timestamp = (new Date timestamp).toJSON()
- entry.count += last.count
- for k, v of entry.capacity
- entry.capacity[k] += (last.capacity[k] ? 0)
- last = entry
- entry
- output.set 'utilization', usages
- done()
- 'increase-capacity':
- (input, output, done) ->
- pool = @create 'ResourcePool', input.get()
- .then (res) =>
- (@access 'promise.pools').push res
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'capacity increase successful'
- output.set 'pool-id',
- done()
- .catch (e) ->
- output.set result: 'error', message: e
- done()
- 'decrease-capacity':
- (input, output, done) ->
- request = input.get()
- for k, v of request.capacity
- request.capacity[k] = -v
- pool = @create 'ResourcePool', request
- .then (res) =>
- (@access 'promise.pools').push res
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'capacity decrease successful'
- output.set 'pool-id',
- done()
- .catch (e) ->
- output.set result: 'error', message: e
- done()
- # TEMPORARY (should go into VIM-specific module)
- 'create-instance':
- (input, output, done) ->
- pid = input.get 'provider-id'
- if pid?
- provider = @find 'ResourceProvider', pid
- unless provider?
- output.set result: 'error', message: "no matching provider found for specified identifier: #{pid}"
- return done()
- else
- provider = (@find 'ResourceProvider')[0]
- unless provider?
- output.set result: 'error', message: "no available provider found for create-instance"
- return done()
- # calculate required capacity based on 'flavor' and other params
- flavor = provider.access "services.compute.flavors.#{input.get 'flavor'}"
- unless flavor?
- output.set result: 'error', message: "no such flavor found for specified identifier: #{pid}"
- return done()
- required =
- instances: 1
- cores: flavor.get 'vcpus'
- ram: flavor.get 'ram'
- gigabytes: flavor.get 'disk'
- rid = input.get 'reservation-id'
- if rid?
- reservation = @find 'ResourceReservation', rid
- unless reservation?
- output.set result: 'error', message: 'no valid reservation found for specified identifier'
- return done()
- unless (reservation.get 'active') is true
- output.set result: 'error', message: "reservation is currently not active"
- return done()
- available = reservation.get 'remaining'
- else
- available = @get 'promise.capacity.available'
- # TODO: need to verify whether 'provider' associated with this 'reservation'
- for k, v of required when v? and !!v
- unless available[k] >= v
- output.set result: 'conflict', message: "required #{k}=#{v} exceeds available #{available[k]}"
- return done()
- @create 'ResourceAllocation',
- reservation: rid
- capacity: required
- .save()
- .then (instance) =>
- url = provider.get 'services.compute.endpoint'
- payload =
- server:
- name: input.get 'name'
- imageRef: input.get 'image'
- flavorRef: input.get 'flavor'
- networks = (input.get 'networks').filter (x) -> x? and !!x
- if networks.length > 0
- payload.server.networks = (x) -> uuid: x
- request = @parent.require 'superagent'
- request
- .post "#{url}/servers"
- .send payload
- .set 'X-Auth-Token', provider.get 'token'
- .set 'Accept', 'application/json'
- .end (err, res) =>
- if err? or !res.ok
- instance.destroy()
- #console.error err
- return done res.error
- #console.log JSON.stringify res.body, null, 2
- instance.set 'instance-ref',
- provider: provider
- server:
- (@access 'promise.allocations').push instance
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'create-instance request accepted'
- output.set 'instance-id',
- done()
- return instance
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'error', mesage: err
- done()
- 'destroy-instance':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # 1. find the instance
- instance = @find 'ResourceAllocation', input.get 'instance-id'
- unless instance?
- output.set result: 'error', message: 'no allocation found for specified identifier'
- return done()
- # 2. destroy all traces of this instance
- instance.destroy()
- .then =>
- # always remove internally
- (@access 'promise.allocations').remove
- ref = instance.get 'instance-ref'
- provider = (@access "promise.providers.#{ref.provider}")
- url = provider.get 'services.compute.endpoint'
- request = @parent.require 'superagent'
- request
- .delete "#{url}/servers/#{ref.server}"
- .set 'X-Auth-Token', provider.get 'token'
- .set 'Accept', 'application/json'
- .end (err, res) =>
- if err? or !res.ok
- console.error err
- return done res.error
- output.set 'result', 'ok'
- output.set 'message', 'instance destroyed and resource released back to pool'
- done()
- return instance
- .catch (e) ->
- output.set 'result', 'error'
- output.set 'message', e
- done()
- # TEMPORARY (should go into VIM-specific module)
- 'add-provider':
- (input, output, done) ->
- app = @parent
- request = app.require 'superagent'
- payload = switch input.get 'provider-type'
- when 'openstack'
- auth:
- identity:
- methods: [ "password" ]
- password:
- user:
- name: input.get 'username'
- password: input.get 'password'
- domain:
- name: input.get 'user-domain-name'
- scope:
- project:
- name: input.get ''
- domain:
- name: input.get 'project.domain-name'
- unless payload?
- return done 'Sorry, only openstack supported at this time'
- url = input.get 'endpoint'
- switch input.get 'strategy'
- when 'keystone', 'oauth'
- url += '/auth/tokens' unless /\/tokens$/.test url
- providers = @access 'promise.providers'
- request
- .post url
- .send payload
- .set 'Accept', 'application/json'
- .end (err, res) =>
- if err? or !res.ok then return done res.error
- #console.log JSON.stringify res.body, null, 2
- #console.log res.headers
- #console.log res.body.token.catalog
- provider = @create 'ResourceProvider',
- token: res.headers['x-subject-token']
- name:
- provider.invoke 'update', res.body.token.catalog
- .then (res) ->
- .then ->
- providers.push res
- output.set 'result', 'ok'
- output.set 'provider-id',
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set 'error', message: err
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set 'error', message: err
- done()
- # @using 'mano', ->
- # @invoke 'add-provider', (input.get 'endpoint', 'region', 'username', 'password')
- # .then (res) =>
- # (@access 'promise.providers').push res
- # output.set 'result', 'ok'
- # output.set 'provider-id',
- # done()
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-# Author: Peter K. Lee (
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-module.exports =
- '/opnfv-promise/promise/capacity/total': (prev) ->
- @computed (->
- combine = (a, b) ->
- for k, v of b.capacity when v?
- a[k] ?= 0
- a[k] += v
- return a
- (@parent.get 'pools')
- .filter (entry) -> is true
- .reduce combine, {}
- ), type: prev
- '/opnfv-promise/promise/capacity/reserved', (prev) ->
- @computed (->
- combine = (a, b) ->
- for k, v of b.capacity when v?
- a[k] ?= 0
- a[k] += v
- return a
- (@parent.get 'reservations')
- .filter (entry) -> is true
- .reduce combine, {}
- ), type: prev
- # rebind to be a computed property
- '/opnfv-promise/promise/capacity/usage': (prev) ->
- @computed (->
- combine = (a, b) ->
- for k, v of b.capacity when v?
- a[k] ?= 0
- a[k] += v
- return a
- (@parent.get 'allocations')
- .filter (entry) -> is true
- .reduce combine, {}
- ), type: prev
- # rebind to be a computed property
- '/opnfv-promise/promise/capacity/available': (prev) ->
- @computed (->
- total = @get 'total'
- reserved = @get 'reserved'
- usage = @get 'usage'
- for k, v of total when v?
- total[k] -= reserved[k] if reserved[k]?
- total[k] -= usage[k] if usage[k]?
- total
- ), type: prev
- '/opnfv-promise/create-reservation':
- (input, output, done) ->
- # 1. create the reservation record (empty)
- reservation = @create 'ResourceReservation'
- reservations = @access 'promise.reservations'
- # 2. update the record with requested input
- reservation.invoke 'update', input.get()
- .then (res) ->
- # 3. save the record and add to list
- .then ->
- reservations.push res
- output.set result: 'ok', message: 'reservation request accepted'
- output.set 'reservation-id',
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'error', message: err
- done()
- .catch (err) ->
- output.set result: 'conflict', message: err
- done()