path: root/docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst
diff options
authorGerald Kunzmann <>2016-01-07 13:55:58 +0100
committerGerald Kunzmann <>2016-01-07 14:15:55 +0100
commit9fdb1e0b443e68f67b0978e27ec211bd7aa4cd89 (patch)
treedc6a02bb87ef699134810f2b1a6637bf8fe34770 /docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst
parent127b173d18c76993efc8fdf16eebb6cd3994d661 (diff)
Split Shim-layer architecture and Integrated architecture
Create two sub-sections in "05 Detailed architecture" for the Shim-layer architecture and the Integrated architecture. Fix several implementations bugs and warnings. Remove numbering of files. JIRA: PROMISE-57 Change-Id: Ia0b4067c0cc3a461e54b6b010f8310764fb08d73
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst b/docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d87f3..0000000
--- a/docs/requirements/07-schemas.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-.. code::
- module opnfv-promise {
- namespace "urn:opnfv:promise";
- prefix promise;
- import complex-types { prefix ct; }
- import iana-crypt-hash { prefix ianach; }
- import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
- import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }
- import opnfv-promise-vim { prefix vim; }
- feature multi-provider {
- description "";
- }
- description
- "OPNFV Promise Resource Reservation/Allocation controller module";
- revision 2015-04-16 {
- description "Initial revision.";
- }
- revision 2015-08-06 {
- description "Updated to incorporate YangForge framework";
- }
- grouping resource-capacity {
- container capacity {
- container quota { description 'Conceptual container that should be extended'; }
- container usage { description 'Conceptual container that should be extended';
- config false; }
- container reserved { description 'Conceptual container that should be extended';
- config false; }
- container available { description 'Conceptual container that should be extended';
- config false; }
- }
- }
- grouping compute-capacity {
- leaf cores { type number; }
- leaf ram { type number; }
- leaf instances { type number; }
- }
- grouping networking-capacity {
- leaf network { type number; }
- leaf port { type number; }
- leaf router { type number; }
- leaf subnet { type number; }
- leaf address { type number; }
- }
- ct:complex-type ResourceReservation {
- ct:extends vim:ResourceElement;
- description
- "Contains the capacities of various resource services being reserved
- along with any resource elements needed to be available at
- the time of allocation(s).";
- reference "OPNFV-PROMISE, Section 3.4.1";
- leaf start { type yang:date-and-time; }
- leaf end { type yang:date-and-time; }
- leaf expiry {
- description "Duration in seconds from start when unallocated reserved resources
- will be released back into the pool";
- type number; units "seconds";
- }
- leaf zone { type instance-identifier { ct:instance-type vim:AvailabilityZone; } }
- container capacity {
- uses vim:compute-capacity;
- uses vim:networking-capcity;
- uses vim:storage-capacity;
- }
- leaf-list resources {
- description
- "Reference to a collection of existing resource elements required by
- this reservation. It can contain any instance derived from
- ResourceElement, such as ServerInstances or even other
- ResourceReservations. If the ResourceReservation request is
- accepted, the ResourceElement(s) listed here will be placed
- into 'protected' mode as to prevent accidental delete.";
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type vim:ResourceElement;
- }
- // following 'must' statement applies to each element
- must "boolean(/provider/elements/*[@id=id])" {
- error-message "One or more of the ResourceElement(s) does not exist in
- the provider to be reserved";
- }
- }
- leaf provider {
- if-feature multi-provider;
- config false;
- description
- "Reference to a specified existing provider from which this reservation
- will be drawn if used in the context of multi-provider
- environment.";
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type vim:ResourceProvider;
- require-instance true;
- }
- }
- container remaining {
- config false;
- description
- "Provides visibility into total remaining capacity for this
- reservation based on allocations that took effect utilizing
- this reservation ID as a reference.";
- uses vim:compute-capacity;
- uses vim:networking-capcity;
- uses vim:storage-capacity;
- }
- leaf-list allocations {
- config false;
- description
- "Reference to a collection of consumed allocations referencing
- this reservation.";
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type ResourceAllocation;
- }
- }
- }
- ct:complex-type ResourceAllocation {
- ct:extends vim:ResourceElement;
- description
- "Contains a list of resources to be allocated with optional reference
- to an existing reservation.
- If reservation is specified but this request is received prior
- to reservation start timestamp, then it will be rejected unless
- 'allocate-on-start' is set to true. 'allocate-on-start' allows
- the allocation to be auto-initiated and scheduled to run in the
- future.
- The 'priority' state indicates the classification for dealing
- with resource starvation scenarios. Lower priority allocations
- will be forcefully terminated to allow for higher priority
- allocations to be fulfilled.
- Allocations without reference to an existing reservation will
- receive the lowest priority.";
- reference "OPNFV-PROMISE, Section 3.4.3";
- leaf reservation {
- description "Reference to an existing reservation identifier";
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type ResourceReservation;
- require-instance true;
- }
- }
- leaf allocate-on-start {
- description
- "If 'allocate-on-start' is set to true, the 'planned' allocations will
- take effect automatically at the reservation 'start' date/time.";
- type boolean; default false;
- }
- ct:instance-list resources {
- description "Contains list of new ResourceElements that will be allocated";
- ct:instance-type vim:ResourceElement;
- }
- leaf priority {
- description
- "Reflects current priority level of the allocation according to classification rules";
- type number;
- config false;
- }
- }
- container promise {
- ct:instance-list providers {
- description "Aggregate collection of all registered ResourceProvider instances";
- ct:instance-type vim:ResourceProvider;
- config false;
- // augment compute container with capacity elements
- augment "compute" {
- uses resource-capacity {
- augment "capacity/quota" { uses compute-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/usage" { uses compute-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/reserved" { uses compute-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/available" { uses compute-capacity; }
- }
- }
- // augment networking container with capacity elements
- augment "networking" {
- uses resource-capacity {
- if-feature has-networking-capacity;
- augment "capacity/quota" { uses networking-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/usage" { uses networking-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/reserved" { uses networking-capacity; }
- augment "capacity/available" { uses networking-capacity; }
- }
- }
- // track references to reservations for this resource provider
- leaf-list reservations {
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type ResourceReservation;
- }
- }
- }
- ct:instance-list reservations {
- description "Aggregate collection of all registered ResourceReservation instances";
- ct:instance-type ResourceReservation;
- }
- ct:instance-list allocations {
- description "Aggregate collection of all active ResourceAllocation instances";
- ct:instance-type ResourceAllocation;
- }
- }
- rpc add-provider {
- description "This operation allows you to register a new ResourceProvider
- into promise management service";
- input {
- leaf provider {
- description "Select a specific resource provider";
- mandatory true;
- type enumeration {
- enum openstack;
- enum hp;
- enum rackspace;
- enum amazon {
- status planned;
- }
- enum joyent {
- status planned;
- }
- enum azure {
- status planned;
- }
- }
- }
- leaf username {
- type string;
- mandatory true;
- }
- leaf password {
- type ianach:crypt-hash;
- mandatory true;
- }
- leaf endpoint {
- type inet:uri;
- description "The target URL endpoint for the resource provider";
- mandatory true;
- }
- leaf region {
- type string;
- description "Optional specified regsion for the provider";
- }
- }
- output {
- leaf id {
- description "Unique identifier for the newly added provider found in /promise/providers";
- type instance-identifier {
- ct:instance-type ResourceProvider;
- }
- }
- leaf result {
- type enumeration {
- enum success;
- enum error;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rpc remove-provider;
- rpc list-providers;
- rpc check-capacity;
- rpc list-reservations;
- rpc create-reservation;
- rpc update-reservation;
- rpc cancel-reservation;
- rpc list-allocations;
- rpc create-allocation;
- notification reservation-event;
- notification capacity-event;
- notification allocation-event;
- }