path: root/tosca2heat/tosca-parser/toscaparser/tests/data/policies/tacker_defs.yaml
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-02-26Sync upstream codeshangxdy1-0/+183
href='#n100'>100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This script reconfigure UCSM vnics for varios OPNFV deployers
# Usage: [options]
# Options:
# -h, --help            show this help message and exit
# -i IP, --ip=IP        [Mandatory] UCSM IP Address
# -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
#                       [Mandatory] Account Username for UCSM Login
# -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
#                       [Mandatory] Account Password for UCSM Login
# -f FILE, --file=FILE
#                       [Optional] Yaml file with network config you want to set for POD
#                       If not present only current network config will be printed

import getpass
import optparse
import platform
import yaml
import time
import sys
from UcsSdk import *
from collections import defaultdict


def getpassword(prompt):
    if platform.system() == "Linux":
        return getpass.unix_getpass(prompt=prompt)
    elif platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":
        return getpass.win_getpass(prompt=prompt)
        return getpass.getpass(prompt=prompt)

def get_servers(handle=None):
    Return list of servers
    orgObj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, OrgOrg.ClassId(), {OrgOrg.DN : "org-root"})[0]
    servers = handle.GetManagedObject(orgObj, LsServer.ClassId())
    for server in servers:
        if server.Type == 'instance' and POD_PREFIX in server.Dn:
            yield server

def set_boot_policy(handle=None, server=None, policy=None):
    Modify Boot policy of server
    obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), {
            LsServer.DN: server.Dn})
    handle.SetManagedObject(obj, LsServer.ClassId(), {
            LsServer.BOOT_POLICY_NAME: policy} )
    print " Configured boot policy: {}".format(policy)

def ack_pending(handle=None, server=None):
    Acknowledge pending state of server
    handle.AddManagedObject(server, LsmaintAck.ClassId(), {
            LsmaintAck.DN: server.Dn + "/ack",
            LsmaintAck.POLICY_OWNER:"local"}, True)
    print " Pending-reboot -> Acknowledged."

def boot_server(handle=None, server=None):
    Boot server (when is in power-off state)
    obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), {LsServer.DN: server.Dn})
    handle.AddManagedObject(obj, LsPower.ClassId(), {
            LsPower.DN: server.Dn + "/power",
            LsPower.STATE:"admin-up"}, True)
    print " Booting."

def get_vnics(handle=None, server=None):
    Return list of vnics for given server
    vnics = handle.ConfigResolveChildren(VnicEther.ClassId(), server.Dn, None, YesOrNo.TRUE)
    return vnics.OutConfigs.GetChild()

def get_network_config(handle=None):
    Print current network config
    print " d - default, t - tagged"
    for server in get_servers(handle):
        print ' {}'.format(server.Name)
        print '  Boot policy: {}'.format(server.OperBootPolicyName)
        for vnic in get_vnics(handle, server):
            print '  {}'.format(vnic.Name)
            print '   {}'.format(vnic.Addr)
            vnicIfs = handle.ConfigResolveChildren(VnicEtherIf.ClassId(), vnic.Dn, None, YesOrNo.TRUE)
            for vnicIf in vnicIfs.OutConfigs.GetChild():
                if vnicIf.DefaultNet == 'yes':
                    print '    Vlan: {}d'.format(vnicIf.Vnet)
                    print '    Vlan: {}t'.format(vnicIf.Vnet)

def add_interface(handle=None, lsServerDn=None, vnicEther=None, templName=None, order=None, macAddr=None):
    Add interface to server specified by server.DN name
    print " Adding interface: {}, template: {}, server.Dn: {}".format(vnicEther, templName, lsServerDn)
    obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), {LsServer.DN:lsServerDn})
    vnicEtherDn = lsServerDn + "/ether-" + vnicEther
    params = {
        VnicEther.STATS_POLICY_NAME: "default",
        VnicEther.NAME: vnicEther,
        VnicEther.DN: vnicEtherDn,
        VnicEther.SWITCH_ID: "A-B",
        VnicEther.ORDER: order,
        "adminHostPort": "ANY",
        VnicEther.ADMIN_VCON: "any",
        VnicEther.ADDR: macAddr,
        VnicEther.NW_TEMPL_NAME: templName,
        VnicEther.MTU: "1500"}
    handle.AddManagedObject(obj, VnicEther.ClassId(), params, True)

def remove_interface(handle=None, vnicEtherDn=None):
    Remove interface specified by Distinguished Name (vnicEtherDn)
    print " Removing interface: {}".format(vnicEtherDn)
    obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, VnicEther.ClassId(), {VnicEther.DN:vnicEtherDn})

def read_yaml_file(yamlFile):
    Read vnic config from yaml file
    # TODO: add check if vnic templates specified in file exist on UCS
    with open(yamlFile, 'r') as stream:
        return yaml.load(stream)

def set_network(handle=None, yamlFile=None):
    Configure VLANs on POD according specified network
    # add interfaces and bind them with vNIC templates
    print "\nRECONFIGURING VNICs..."
    pod_data = read_yaml_file(yamlFile)
    network = pod_data['network']

    for index, server in enumerate(get_servers(handle)):
        # Assign template to interface
        for iface, data in network.iteritems():
            add_interface(handle, server.Dn, iface, data['template'], data['order'], data['mac-list'][index])

        # Remove other interfaces which have not assigned required vnic template
        vnics = get_vnics(handle, server)
        for vnic in vnics:
            if not any(data['template'] in vnic.OperNwTemplName for iface, data in network.iteritems()):
                remove_interface(handle, vnic.Dn)
                print "  {} removed, template: {}".format(vnic.Name, vnic.OperNwTemplName)

        # Set boot policy template
        if not INSTALLER in server.Dn:
            set_boot_policy(handle, server, pod_data['boot-policy'])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "\n*** SKIPING RECONFIGURATION.***\n"
    # Latest urllib2 validate certs by default
    # The process wide "revert to the old behaviour" hook is to monkeypatch the ssl module
    import ssl
    if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
        ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
        handle = UcsHandle()
        parser = optparse.OptionParser()
        parser.add_option('-i', '--ip',dest="ip",
                        help="[Mandatory] UCSM IP Address")
        parser.add_option('-u', '--username',dest="userName",
                        help="[Mandatory] Account Username for UCSM Login")
        parser.add_option('-p', '--password',dest="password",
                        help="[Mandatory] Account Password for UCSM Login")
        parser.add_option('-f', '--file',dest="yamlFile",
                        help="[Optional] Yaml file contains network config you want to set on UCS POD1")
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

        if not options.ip:
            parser.error("Provide UCSM IP Address")
        if not options.userName:
            parser.error("Provide UCSM UserName")
        if not options.password:
            options.password=getpassword("UCSM Password:")

        handle.Login(options.ip, options.userName, options.password)

        # Change vnic template if specified in cli option
        if (options.yamlFile != None):
            set_network(handle, options.yamlFile)

        print "\nWait until Overall Status of all nodes is OK..."
        timeout = time.time() + 60*10   #10 minutes timeout
        while True:
            list_of_states = []
            for server in get_servers(handle):
                if server.OperState == "power-off":
                if server.OperState == "pending-reboot":
            print " {}, {} seconds remains.".format(list_of_states, round(timeout-time.time()))
            if all(state == "ok" for state in list_of_states):
            if time.time() > timeout:
                raise Exception("Timeout reached while waiting for OK status.")

        # Show current vnic MACs and VLANs


    except Exception, err:
        print "Exception:", str(err)
        import traceback, sys
        print '-'*60
        print '-'*60