path: root/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/ b/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4629bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+from pprint import pprint
+from code_generator import CodeGeneratorBackend
+import sys, getopt
+import contextlib
+import os
+from utility import *
+import logging
+def main(argv):
+ if len(argv) < 8:
+ print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -s <source> -d <destination>'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #initialize command line arguments values
+ inputfile = ''
+ outputfile = ''
+ source = ''
+ destination = ''
+ #parse command line arguments and exit if there is an error
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:o:s:d:",["ifile=","ofile=","source=","destination="])
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -s <source> -d <destination>'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt == '-h':
+ print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -s <source> -d <destination>'
+ sys.exit()
+ elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
+ inputfile = arg
+ elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
+ outputfile = arg
+ elif opt in ("-s", "--source"):
+ source = arg
+ elif opt in ("-d", "--destination"):
+ destination = arg
+ #set logging
+ logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO)
+ #capitalize ouput filename
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(outputfile)
+ basename = os.path.basename(outputfile)
+ basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
+ basename = basename[0].upper() + basename[1:]
+ #print arguments
+ logging.debug('Input file is', inputfile)
+ logging.debug('Output file is', dirname + "/" + basename)
+ logging.debug('Source node is', source)
+ logging.debug('Destination node is', destination)
+ #begin file generation
+ with smart_open(dirname + "/" + basename + ".java") as f:
+ c = CodeGeneratorBackend()
+ c.begin(tab=" ")
+ c.writeln("package tests;")
+ c.writeln("import java.util.Calendar;")
+ c.writeln("import java.util.Date;")
+ c.writeln("import java.util.HashMap;")
+ c.writeln("import;")
+ c.writeln("import;")
+ c.writeln("import;")
+ c.writeln("import;")
+ c.writeln("import;")
+ c.writeln("import mcnet.components.IsolationResult;")
+ inputfile = os.path.basename(inputfile)
+ c.writeln("import tests.scenarios." + os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0] + ";")
+ c.writeln("public class " + basename + "{")
+ c.indent()
+ c.writeln("Context ctx;")
+ c.write("public void resetZ3() throws Z3Exception{\n\
+ HashMap<String, String> cfg = new HashMap<String, String>();\n\
+ cfg.put(\"model\", \"true\");\n\
+ ctx = new Context(cfg);\n\
+ \r\t}\n")
+ c.write("public void printVector (Object[] array){\n\
+ int i=0;\n\
+ System.out.println( \"*** Printing vector ***\");\n\
+ for (Object a : array){\n\
+ i+=1;\n\
+ System.out.println( \"#\"+i);\n\
+ System.out.println(a);\n\
+ System.out.println( \"*** \"+ i+ \" elements printed! ***\");\n\
+ }\n\
+ \r\t}\n")
+ c.write("public void printModel (Model model) throws Z3Exception{\n\
+ for (FuncDecl d : model.getFuncDecls()){\n\
+ System.out.println(d.getName() +\" = \"+ d.toString());\n\
+ System.out.println(\"\");\n\
+ }\n\
+ \r\t}\n")
+ c.writeln("public int run() throws Z3Exception{")
+ c.indent()
+ c.writeln(basename + " p = new " + basename + "();")
+ #adding time estimation
+ #c.writeln("int k = 0;")
+ #c.writeln("long t = 0;")
+ #c.writeln("for(;k<1;k++){")
+ #c.indent()
+ c.writeln("p.resetZ3();")
+ c.write(os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0] + " model = new " + os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0] + "(p.ctx);\n")
+ #c.writeln("Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();")
+ #c.writeln("Date start_time = cal.getTime();")
+ c.write("IsolationResult ret =model.check.checkIsolationProperty(model.")
+ c.append(source + ", model." + destination + ");\n")
+ #c.writeln("Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();")
+ #c.writeln("t = t+(cal2.getTime().getTime() - start_time.getTime());")
+ c.writeln("if (ret.result == Status.UNSATISFIABLE){\n\
+ System.out.println(\"UNSAT\");\n\
+ return -1;\n\
+ }else if (ret.result == Status.SATISFIABLE){\n\
+ System.out.println(\"SAT\");\n\
+ return 0;\n\
+ }else{\n\
+ System.out.println(\"UNKNOWN\");\n\
+ return -2;\n\
+ \r\t\t}")
+ #c.dedent()
+ #c.writeln("}")
+ #c.writeln("")
+ #c.writeln("System.out.printf(\"Mean execution time " + source + " -> " + destination + ": %.16f\", ((float) t/(float)1000)/k);")
+ c.dedent()
+ c.writeln("}")
+ c.dedent()
+ c.writeln("}")
+ print >>f, c.end()
+ logging.debug("File " + os.path.abspath(dirname + "/" + basename + ".java") + " has been successfully generated!!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])