path: root/verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/
diff options
authorserena.spinoso <>2017-09-07 10:22:39 +0200
committerserena.spinoso <>2017-09-12 08:42:03 +0200
commita42de79292d9541db7865b54e93be2d0b6e6a094 (patch)
treecc357be8dc0030be4fa965273c4074f0dcb79345 /verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/
parentdd361d8d9df7a69a4fc7c004db5b959440a024c2 (diff)
update verigraph
JIRA: PARSER-154 code optimizations about graph manipulation and formula generation. Change-Id: Idebef19b128281aa2bc40d1aeab6e208c7ddd93d Signed-off-by: serena.spinoso <>
Diffstat (limited to 'verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/ b/verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1830cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verigraph/src/it/polito/verigraph/grpc/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino and others.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package it.polito.verigraph.grpc.test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.ConfigurationGrpc;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.GraphGrpc;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.NeighbourGrpc;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.NewGraph;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.NewNeighbour;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.NewNode;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.NodeGrpc;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.client.Client;
+import it.polito.verigraph.grpc.server.Service;
+public class GrpcTest {
+ private Service server;
+ private Client client;
+ @Before
+ public void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+ client = new Client("localhost" , 50051);
+ server = new Service(50051);
+ server.start();
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() throws Exception {
+ server.stop();
+ client.shutdown();
+ }
+ // method for comparing two non-null strings
+ private void compareString(String rs, String ts, String meaning) {
+ assertNotNull("NULL "+meaning, ts);
+ assertEquals("Wrong "+meaning, rs, ts);
+ }
+ public void deleteGraphs() {
+ for(GraphGrpc graph : client.getGraphs()){
+ client.deleteGraph(graph.getId());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public final void test1Load() throws Exception{
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test1Load starts");
+ deleteGraphs();
+ String funcType1 = "vpnaccess";
+ String funcType2 = "vpnexit";
+ // load an existing graph with 2 nodes
+ Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ map.put("vpnexit", "Node2");
+ ConfigurationGrpc conf = Client.createConfigurationGrpc(map, null, null, null);
+ NodeGrpc node1 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node1", funcType1, null, conf);
+ List<NeighbourGrpc> neighbours = new ArrayList<NeighbourGrpc>();
+ NeighbourGrpc nb = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node1");
+ neighbours.add(nb);
+ map.clear();
+ map.put("vpnaccess", "Node1");
+ conf = Client.createConfigurationGrpc(map, null, null, null);
+ NodeGrpc node2 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node2", funcType2, neighbours, conf);
+ List<NodeGrpc> nodes = new ArrayList<NodeGrpc>();
+ nodes.add(node1);
+ nodes.add(node2);
+ GraphGrpc graph = Client.createGraphGrpc(nodes);
+ //createGraph
+ graph = client.createGraph(graph).getGraph();
+ //getGraph
+ GraphGrpc retreivedGraph = client.getGraph(graph.getId());
+ assertNotNull("NULL Graph ",retreivedGraph);
+ assertEquals(graph.getId(), retreivedGraph.getId());
+ // check the name of first node and the id
+ compareString(retreivedGraph.getNodeList().get(0).getName(), graph.getNodeList().get(0).getName(), "node name");
+ assertEquals(retreivedGraph.getNodeList().get(0).getId(), graph.getNodeList().get(0).getId());
+ // check the name of second node and the id
+ compareString(retreivedGraph.getNodeList().get(1).getName(), graph.getNodeList().get(1).getName(), "node name");
+ assertEquals(retreivedGraph.getNodeList().get(1).getId(), graph.getNodeList().get(1).getId());
+ //updateGraph
+ GraphGrpc updatedGraph = GraphGrpc.newBuilder().build();
+ NewGraph response = client.updateGraph(graph.getId(),updatedGraph);
+ assertEquals(response.getSuccess(),true);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public final void test2LoadWithError() throws Exception{
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test2Load starts");
+ deleteGraphs();
+ // try to load a graph with node without functionalType
+ NodeGrpc node = null;
+ try{
+ node = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node1", null, null, null);
+ fail( "createNodeGrpc didn't throw when I expected it to" );
+ }
+ catch(Exception ex){
+ }
+ List<NodeGrpc> nodes = new ArrayList<NodeGrpc>();
+ if(node != null)
+ nodes.add(node);
+ GraphGrpc graph = Client.createGraphGrpc(nodes);
+ GraphGrpc g = client.createGraph(graph).getGraph();
+ GraphGrpc get_graph= client.getGraph(g.getId());
+ assertEquals(g.getErrorMessage(), get_graph.getErrorMessage());
+ //getGraphs
+ List<GraphGrpc> graph_list = client.getGraphs();
+ TreeSet<GraphGrpc> pts = new TreeSet<GraphGrpc>(new GraphGrpcComparator());
+ pts.addAll(graph_list);
+ Iterator<GraphGrpc> graphs = pts.iterator();
+ //assertEquals(, g.getId());
+ if(graphs.hasNext())
+ assertEquals(, g);
+ //deleteGraph
+ boolean resp= client.deleteGraph(g.getId());
+ assertEquals(resp, true);
+ List<GraphGrpc> listGraphs = client.getGraphs();
+ assertEquals(listGraphs.size(), 0);
+ //assertEquals(listGraphs.get(0).getId(), 1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test3Node() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test3Load starts");
+ deleteGraphs();
+ NodeGrpc ufoundedGraph = NodeGrpc.newBuilder()
+ .setErrorMessage("There is no Graph whose Id is '1'").build();
+ // graph not found in the server
+ NodeGrpc node = client.getNode(1, 1);//id not present
+ assertEquals(ufoundedGraph, node);
+ // graph found in the server, but first add it
+ NodeGrpc addedNode = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node4", "firewall", null, null);
+ GraphGrpc addedgraph = Client.createGraphGrpc(null);
+ NewGraph response_graph = client.createGraph(addedgraph);
+ NewNode response = client.createNode(addedNode, response_graph.getGraph().getId());
+ addedNode = response.getNode();
+ node = client.getNode(response_graph.getGraph().getId(), addedNode.getId());
+ assertEquals(addedNode.getId(), node.getId());
+ //updateNode
+ NodeGrpc updatedNode = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node9", "endhost", null, null);
+ response = client.updateNode(response_graph.getGraph().getId(), addedNode.getId(), updatedNode);
+ assertEquals(response.getSuccess(),true);
+ //configureNode
+ //this configuration is valid only on endhost!
+ Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ params.put("url", "");
+ params.put("body", "word");
+ params.put("destination","server");
+ params.put("protocol", "HTTP_REQUEST");
+ ConfigurationGrpc configuration = Client.createConfigurationGrpc(params, null, null, null);
+ boolean status = client.configureNode(response_graph.getGraph().getId(), addedNode.getId(), configuration);
+ assertEquals(status,true);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test4Nodes() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test4Load starts");
+ // setup
+ GraphGrpc graph = Client.createGraphGrpc(null);
+ //createGraph
+ graph = client.createGraph(graph).getGraph();
+ List<NeighbourGrpc> neighbours = new ArrayList<NeighbourGrpc>();
+ NeighbourGrpc nb = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node6");
+ neighbours.add(nb);
+ NodeGrpc n1 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node6", "mailserver", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n2 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node9", "endhost", neighbours, null);
+ Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ map.put("mailserver", "Node6");
+ ConfigurationGrpc conf = Client.createConfigurationGrpc(map, null, null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n3 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node10", "mailclient", null, conf);
+ NodeGrpc n4 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node11", "nat", null, null);
+ NewNode nw1 = client.createNode(n1, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw2 = client.createNode(n2, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw3 = client.createNode(n3, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw4 = client.createNode(n4, graph.getId());
+ assertEquals(nw1.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw2.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw3.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw4.getSuccess(),true);
+ n1 = NodeGrpc.newBuilder(n1).setId(nw1.getNode().getId()).build();
+ n2 = NodeGrpc.newBuilder(n2).setId(nw2.getNode().getId()).build();
+ n3 = NodeGrpc.newBuilder(n3).setId(nw3.getNode().getId()).build();
+ n4 = NodeGrpc.newBuilder(n4).setId(nw4.getNode().getId()).build();
+ // getNodes
+ List<NodeGrpc> node_list = client.getNodes(graph.getId());
+ TreeSet<NodeGrpc> pts = new TreeSet<NodeGrpc>(new NodeGrpcComparator());
+ pts.addAll(node_list);
+ Iterator<NodeGrpc> nodes = pts.iterator();
+ //sorted by name
+ if(nodes.hasNext()){
+ assertEquals(, n3.getName());
+ assertEquals(, n4.getName());
+ assertEquals(, n1.getName());
+ assertEquals(, n2.getName());
+ }
+ //deleteNode
+ client.deleteNode(graph.getId(), n1.getId());
+ // run
+ node_list = client.getNodes(graph.getId());
+ pts = new TreeSet<NodeGrpc>(new NodeGrpcComparator());
+ pts.addAll(node_list);
+ nodes = pts.iterator();
+ assertEquals(, n3.getName());
+ assertEquals(, n4.getName());
+ assertEquals(, n2.getName());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test5Neighbours() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test5Load starts");
+ NeighbourGrpc ufoundedNeighbour = NeighbourGrpc.newBuilder()
+ .setErrorMessage("There is no Graph whose Id is '1'").build();;
+ // Neighbour not found in the server
+ NeighbourGrpc neighbour = client.getNeighbour(1, 1, 1);//id not present
+ assertEquals(ufoundedNeighbour, neighbour);
+ GraphGrpc graph = Client.createGraphGrpc(null);
+ graph = client.createGraph(graph).getGraph();
+ List<NeighbourGrpc> neighbours = new ArrayList<NeighbourGrpc>();
+ NeighbourGrpc nb = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node1");
+ neighbours.add(nb);
+ NodeGrpc n1 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node1", "antispam", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n2 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node2", "endhost", neighbours, null);
+ NodeGrpc n3 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node3", "endhost", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n4 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node4", "endpoint", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n5 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node5", "webserver", null, null);
+ Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
+ map.put("webserver", "Node5");
+ ConfigurationGrpc conf = Client.createConfigurationGrpc(map, null, null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n6 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node6", "webclient", null, conf);
+ NodeGrpc n7 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node7", "cache", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n8 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node8", "firewall", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n9 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node9", "fieldmodifier", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n10 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node10", "dpi", null, null);
+ NewNode nw1 = client.createNode(n1, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw2 = client.createNode(n2, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw3 = client.createNode(n3, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw4 = client.createNode(n4, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw5 = client.createNode(n5, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw6 = client.createNode(n6, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw7 = client.createNode(n7, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw8 = client.createNode(n8, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw9 = client.createNode(n9, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw10 = client.createNode(n10, graph.getId());
+ assertEquals(nw1.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw2.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw3.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw4.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw5.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw6.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw7.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw8.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw9.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw10.getSuccess(),true);
+ // getNeighbour, but first add it
+ NeighbourGrpc addedNeighbour = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node9");
+ NewNeighbour response = client.createNeighbour(addedNeighbour, graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ addedNeighbour = response.getNeighbour();
+ neighbour = client.getNeighbour(graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId(), addedNeighbour.getId());
+ assertEquals(addedNeighbour.getId(), neighbour.getId());
+ //updateNeighbour
+ NeighbourGrpc updatedNeighbour = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node10");
+ response = client.updateNeighbour(graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId(), addedNeighbour.getId(),updatedNeighbour);
+ assertEquals(response.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(response.getNeighbour().getName(),"Node10");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void test6Neighbours() throws Exception {
+ System.out.println("[DEBUG] test6Load starts");
+ // setup
+ GraphGrpc graph = Client.createGraphGrpc(null);
+ //createGraph
+ graph = client.createGraph(graph).getGraph();
+ NodeGrpc n1 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node1", "antispam", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n2 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node2", "endhost", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n3 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node3", "endhost", null, null);
+ NodeGrpc n4 = Client.createNodeGrpc("Node4", "endpoint", null, null);
+ NewNode nw1 = client.createNode(n1, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw2 = client.createNode(n2, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw3 = client.createNode(n3, graph.getId());
+ NewNode nw4 = client.createNode(n4, graph.getId());
+ assertEquals(nw1.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw2.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw3.getSuccess(),true);
+ assertEquals(nw4.getSuccess(),true);
+ //createNeighbour
+ NeighbourGrpc nn1 = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node2");
+ NewNeighbour addedNeighbour1 = client.createNeighbour(nn1, graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ assertEquals(addedNeighbour1.getSuccess(),true);
+ NeighbourGrpc nn2 = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node3");
+ NewNeighbour addedNeighbour2 = client.createNeighbour(nn2, graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ assertEquals(addedNeighbour2.getSuccess(),true);
+ NeighbourGrpc nn3 = Client.createNeighbourGrpc("Node4");
+ NewNeighbour addedNeighbour3 = client.createNeighbour(nn3, graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ assertEquals(addedNeighbour3.getSuccess(),true);
+ nn1 = NeighbourGrpc.newBuilder(nn1).setId(1).build();
+ nn2 = NeighbourGrpc.newBuilder(nn2).setId(2).build();
+ nn3 = NeighbourGrpc.newBuilder(nn3).setId(3).build();
+ // run
+ List<NeighbourGrpc> node_list = client.getNeighbours(graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ TreeSet<NeighbourGrpc> pts = new TreeSet<NeighbourGrpc>(new NeighbourGrpcComparator());
+ pts.addAll(node_list);
+ Iterator<NeighbourGrpc> neighbours = pts.iterator();
+ while(neighbours.hasNext()){
+ }
+ if(neighbours.hasNext()){
+ assertEquals(, addedNeighbour1.getNeighbour());
+ assertEquals(, addedNeighbour2.getNeighbour());
+ assertEquals(, addedNeighbour3.getNeighbour());
+ }
+ //deleteNeighbour
+ boolean succ = client.deleteNeighbour(graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId(), addedNeighbour1.getNeighbour().getId());
+ assertEquals(succ, true);
+ // run
+ node_list = client.getNeighbours(graph.getId(), nw1.getNode().getId());
+ pts = new TreeSet<NeighbourGrpc>(new NeighbourGrpcComparator());
+ pts.addAll(node_list);
+ neighbours = pts.iterator();
+ while(neighbours.hasNext()){
+ }
+ if(neighbours.hasNext()){
+ assertEquals(, addedNeighbour2.getNeighbour());
+ assertEquals(, addedNeighbour3.getNeighbour());
+ }
+ }
+class NodeGrpcComparator implements Comparator<NodeGrpc> {
+ public int compare(NodeGrpc n0, NodeGrpc n1) {
+ return n0.getName().compareTo(n1.getName());
+ }
+class NeighbourGrpcComparator implements Comparator<NeighbourGrpc> {
+ public int compare(NeighbourGrpc n0, NeighbourGrpc n1) {
+ return n0.getName().compareTo(n1.getName());
+ }
+class GraphGrpcComparator implements Comparator<GraphGrpc> {
+ public int compare(GraphGrpc n0, GraphGrpc n1) {
+ if(n0.getId() == n1.getId())
+ return 0;
+ else if (n0.getId() > n1.getId())
+ return 1;
+ else return -1;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file