path: root/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
diff options
authorserena.spinoso <>2017-09-07 10:22:39 +0200
committerserena.spinoso <>2017-09-12 08:42:03 +0200
commita42de79292d9541db7865b54e93be2d0b6e6a094 (patch)
treecc357be8dc0030be4fa965273c4074f0dcb79345 /verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
parentdd361d8d9df7a69a4fc7c004db5b959440a024c2 (diff)
update verigraph
JIRA: PARSER-154 code optimizations about graph manipulation and formula generation. Change-Id: Idebef19b128281aa2bc40d1aeab6e208c7ddd93d Signed-off-by: serena.spinoso <>
Diffstat (limited to 'verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 399 deletions
diff --git a/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/ b/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf446c..0000000
--- a/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-from pprint import pprint
-from pprint import pformat
-import sys, getopt
-from code_generator import CodeGeneratorBackend
-import os, errno
-from config import *
-from utility import *
-from routing_generator import *
-import logging
-from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import null_ns_handler
-#generates a custom test file
-def generate_test_file(chain, number, configuration, output_file="test_class"):
- route = {}
- config = {}
- chn = {}
- #initiatlize the config dictionary for each node
- for node in chain["nodes"]:
- config[node["name"]] = {}
- #initiatlize the route dictionary for each node
- for node in chain["nodes"]:
- route[node["name"]] = {}
- #initiatlize the chn dictionary for each node
- for node in chain["nodes"]:
- chn[node["name"]] = {}
- #set chn values: chn[name][key] = value
- for node in chain["nodes"]:
- for key, value in node.items():
- try:
- #name key is redundant in map
- if key != "name":
- chn[node["name"]][key] = value
- except KeyError, e:
- logging.debug("Field " + str(key) + " not found for node " + str(node["name"]))
- logging.debug("Cotinuing...")
- continue
- #debug print of chn
- logging.debug(pformat((chn)))
- routing = generate_routing_from_chain(chain)
- for node_name, node_rt in routing["routing_table"].items():
- route[node_name] = node_rt
- #debug print of route
- logging.debug(pformat((route)))
- #set config: config[node_name][key] = value
- for node in configuration["nodes"]:
- for key, value in node.items():
- #id field is redundant
- if key != "id":
- try:
- if key == "configuration":
- #init config[node_name][key] with an empty array
- config[node["id"]][key] = []
- for value_item in value:
- change_key = "key" in convert_configuration_property_to_ip[chn[node["id"]]["functional_type"]]
- change_value = "value" in convert_configuration_property_to_ip[chn[node["id"]]["functional_type"]]
- if (change_key==False and change_value==False):
- config[node["id"]][key].append(value_item)
- continue
- # config[node_name][configuration] is a dictionary
- if isinstance(value_item, dict):
- for config_item_key, config_item_value in value_item.items():
- new_key = config_item_key
- changed_key = False
- changed_value = False
- if change_key and config_item_key in chn.keys():
- changed_key = True
- new_key = "ip_" + str(config_item_key)
- value_item[new_key] = str(config_item_value)
- del value_item[config_item_key]
- if change_value and config_item_value in chn.keys():
- changed_value = True
- new_value = "ip_" + str(config_item_value)
- value_item[new_key] = new_value
- if(change_key==changed_key) and (change_value==changed_value):
- config[node["id"]][key].append(value_item)
- else:
- if change_value:
- if value_item in chn.keys():
- new_value = "ip_" + str(value_item)
- config[node["id"]][key].append(new_value)
- else:
- config[node["id"]][key].append(str(value_item))
- else:
- config[node["id"]][key] = value
- except KeyError, e:
- #node not found in current chain
- logging.debug("Field '" + key + "' not found for node '" + str(node["id"]) + "'")
- logging.debug(key + " probably doesn't belong to the current chain, thus it will be skipped")
- #sys.exit(1)
- continue
- # debug print of config
- logging.debug(pformat((config)))
- #prepare a few more helpful data structures
- nodes_names = []
- nodes_types = []
- nodes_addresses = []
- nodes_ip_mappings = []
- nodes_rt = {}
- #initialize vectors for node names and routing tables
- for name in chn.keys():
- nodes_names.append(name)
- nodes_rt[name] = []
- #add functional types, addresses and ip mapping to vectors
- for node, field in chn.items():
- nodes_types.append(field["functional_type"])
- nodes_addresses.append(field["address"])
- nodes_ip_mappings.append(field["address"])
- for node, rt in route.items():
- for dest, next_hop in rt.items():
- row = "\"" + dest + "\"), " + next_hop
- try:
- nodes_rt[node].append(row)
- except KeyError, e:
- #node not found, notify and exit
- logging.debug("Node " + node + " not found!")
- sys.exit(1)
- #begin file generation
- logging.debug("* instantiating chain #" + str(number))
- dirname = os.path.dirname(output_file)
- basename = os.path.basename(output_file)
- basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
- basename = basename[0].upper() + basename[1:]
- with smart_open(dirname + "/" + basename + "_" + str(number) + ".java") as f:
- c = CodeGeneratorBackend()
- c.begin(tab=" ")
- c.writeln("package tests.scenarios;")
- #imports here
- c.writeln("import java.util.ArrayList;")
- c.writeln("import;")
- c.writeln("import;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.components.Checker;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.components.NetContext;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.components.Network;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.components.NetworkObject;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.components.Tuple;")
- c.writeln("import mcnet.netobjs.PacketModel;")
- #import components
- #for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- # c.writeln("import mcnet.netobjs." + devices_to_classes[str(nodes_types[i])] + ";")
- for key, value in devices_to_classes.items():
- c.writeln("import mcnet.netobjs." + value + ";")
- c.writeln("public class " + basename + "_" + str(number) + "{")
- c.indent()
- c.writeln("public Checker check;")
- # declare components
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- c.writeln("public " + devices_to_classes[str(nodes_types[i])] + " " + str(nodes_names[i]) + ";")
- # method setDevices
- c.writeln("private void setDevices(Context ctx, NetContext nctx, Network net){")
- c.indent()
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- c.write(str(nodes_names[i]) + " = new " + devices_to_classes[str(nodes_types[i])] + "(ctx, new Object[]{nctx.nm.get(\"" + nodes_names[i] + "\"), net, nctx")
- if devices_initialization[nodes_types[i]] != [] :
- for param in devices_initialization[nodes_types[i]]:
- print "configuring node " + nodes_names[i]
- for config_param in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"]:
- if param in config_param:
- c.append(",\"" + config_param[param] + "\")")
- c.append("});\n")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- # end method setDevices
- # method doMappings
- c.writeln("private void doMappings(NetContext nctx, ArrayList<Tuple<NetworkObject,ArrayList<DatatypeExpr>>> adm){")
- c.indent()
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- c.writeln("ArrayList<DatatypeExpr> al" + str(i) + " = new ArrayList<DatatypeExpr>();")
- c.writeln("al" + str(i) + ".add(\"" + nodes_ip_mappings[i] + "\"));")
- c.writeln("adm.add(new Tuple<>((NetworkObject)" + nodes_names[i] + ", al" + str(i) + "));")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- # end method doMappings
- # for each node methods setRouting and configureDevice
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- # method setRouting
- c.writeln("private void setRouting" + nodes_names[i] + "(NetContext nctx, Network net, ArrayList<Tuple<DatatypeExpr,NetworkObject>> rt_" + nodes_names[i] + "){")
- c.indent()
- for row in nodes_rt[nodes_names[i]]:
- c.writeln("rt_" + nodes_names[i] + ".add(new Tuple<DatatypeExpr,NetworkObject>(" + row + "));")
- c.writeln("net.routingTable(" + nodes_names[i] + ", rt_" + nodes_names[i] + ");")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- # end method setRouting
- # method configureDevice
- c.writeln("private void configureDevice" + nodes_names[i] + "(NetContext nctx) {")
- c.indent()
- #configure middle-box only if its configuration is not empty
- if config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"] != [] :
- if nodes_types[i] == "cache":
- c.write(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(new NetworkObject[]")
- cache_ips = config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"]
- cache_hosts = []
- for cache_ip in cache_ips:
- i = -1
- for host in nodes_addresses:
- i += 1
- if host == cache_ip:
- cache_hosts.append(nodes_names[i])
- c.write_list(formatted_list_from_list_of_maps(cache_hosts), wrapper="")
- c.append(");\n")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "nat":
- c.writeln("ArrayList<DatatypeExpr> ia" + str(i) +" = new ArrayList<DatatypeExpr>();")
- config_elements = []
- config_elements = formatted_list_from_list_of_maps(config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"])
- for address in config_elements:
- c.writeln("ia" + str(i) + ".add(\"" + address + "\"));")
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + ".natModel(\"ip_" + nodes_names[i] + "\"));")
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(ia" + str(i) +");")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "firewall":
- c.writeln("ArrayList<Tuple<DatatypeExpr,DatatypeExpr>> acl" + str(i) + " = new ArrayList<Tuple<DatatypeExpr,DatatypeExpr>>();")
- for config_element in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"]:
- if isinstance(config_element,dict):
- for key, value in config_element.items():
- if key in nodes_addresses and value in nodes_addresses:
- c.writeln("acl" + str(i) + ".add(new Tuple<DatatypeExpr,DatatypeExpr>(\"" + key + "\"),\"" + value + "\")));")
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(acl" + str(i) + ");")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "antispam":
- c.write(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(new int[]")
- c.write_list(formatted_list_from_list_of_maps(config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"]))
- c.append(");\n")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "dpi":
- for index in range(0, len(config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"])):
- config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][index] = "String.valueOf(\"" + str(config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][index]) + "\").hashCode()"
- c.write(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(new int[]")
- c.write_list(formatted_list_from_list_of_maps(config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"]), wrapper="")
- c.append(");\n")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "endhost":
- c.writeln("PacketModel pModel" + str(i) + " = new PacketModel();")
- if "body" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setBody(String.valueOf(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["body"] + "\").hashCode());")
- if "sequence" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setSeq(" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["sequence"] + ");")
- if "protocol" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setProto(nctx." + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["protocol"] + ");")
- if "email_from" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setEmailFrom(String.valueOf(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["email_from"] + "\").hashCode());")
- if "url" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setUrl(String.valueOf(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["url"] + "\").hashCode());")
- if "options" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setOptions(String.valueOf(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["options"] + "\").hashCode());")
- if "destination" in config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]:
- c.writeln("pModel" + str(i) + ".setIp_dest(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["destination"] + "\"));")
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(pModel" + str(i) + ");")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "vpnaccess":
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(\"" + nodes_addresses[i] + "\"),\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["vpnexit"] + "\"));")
- elif nodes_types[i] == "vpnexit":
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "(\"" + config[nodes_names[i]]["configuration"][0]["vpnaccess"] + "\"),\"" + nodes_addresses[i] + "\"));")
- # config is empty but configure device anyway
- elif nodes_types[i] == "fieldmodifier":
- c.writeln(nodes_names[i] + "." + devices_to_configuration_methods[nodes_types[i]] + "();")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- # end method configureDevice
- c.writeln("public " + basename + "_" + str(number) + "(Context ctx){")
- c.indent()
- c.write("NetContext nctx = new NetContext (ctx,new String[]")
- c.write_list(nodes_names, wrapper="\"")
- c.append(", new String[]")
- c.write_list(nodes_addresses, wrapper="\"")
- c.append(");\n")
- c.writeln("Network net = new Network (ctx,new Object[]{nctx});")
- # call method setDevices
- c.writeln("setDevices(ctx, nctx, net);")
- c.writeln("ArrayList<Tuple<NetworkObject,ArrayList<DatatypeExpr>>> adm = new ArrayList<Tuple<NetworkObject,ArrayList<DatatypeExpr>>>();")
- # call doMappings
- c.writeln("doMappings(nctx, adm);")
- c.writeln("net.setAddressMappings(adm);")
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- c.writeln("ArrayList<Tuple<DatatypeExpr,NetworkObject>> rt_" + nodes_names[i] + " = new ArrayList<Tuple<DatatypeExpr,NetworkObject>>(); ")
- c.writeln("setRouting" + nodes_names[i] + "(nctx, net, rt_" + nodes_names[i] + ");")
- c.write("net.attach(")
- c.write_list(nodes_names, delimiter = False, wrapper="")
- c.append(");\n")
- for i in range(0, len(nodes_names)):
- c.writeln("configureDevice" + nodes_names[i] + "(nctx);")
- c.writeln("check = new Checker(ctx,nctx,net);")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- c.dedent()
- c.writeln("}")
- #write c object to file
- print >>f, c.end()
- logging.debug("wrote test file " + os.path.abspath(dirname + "/" + basename + "_" + str(number)) + ".java" + " successfully!")
-def main(argv):
- #exit if any command line argument is missing
- if len(argv) < 6:
- print ' -c <chain_file> -f <conf_file> -o <output_name>'
- sys.exit(1)
- #initialize json file names
- chains_file = ''
- configuration_file = ''
- output_file = ''
- #parse command line arguments and exit in case of any error
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:f:r:o:",["help","chain=","config=","route=","ofile="])
- except getopt.GetoptError as err:
- print str(err)
- print ' -c <chain_file> -f <conf_file> -o <output_name>'
- sys.exit(2)
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
- print ' -c <chain_file> -f <conf_file> -o <output_name'
- sys.exit()
- elif opt in ("-c", "--chain"):
- chains_file = arg
- elif opt in ("-f", "--config"):
- configuration_file = arg
- elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
- output_file = arg
- #set logging
- logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
- #parse chains file
- chains = convert_unicode_to_ascii(parse_json_file(chains_file))
- #parse configuration file
- configuration = convert_unicode_to_ascii(parse_json_file(configuration_file))
- logging.debug(pformat((chains)))
- logging.debug(pformat((configuration)))
- #custom formatted prints
- print_chains(chains)
- print_configuration(configuration)
- #counter for the number of chains
- number_of_chains = 0
- #generate test classes
- for chain in chains["chains"]:
- #increment the number of chains
- number_of_chains += 1;
- #generate test files
- generate_test_file(chain, number_of_chains, configuration, output_file)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(sys.argv[1:])