path: root/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
diff options
authorserena.spinoso <>2017-09-07 10:22:39 +0200
committerserena.spinoso <>2017-09-12 08:42:03 +0200
commita42de79292d9541db7865b54e93be2d0b6e6a094 (patch)
treecc357be8dc0030be4fa965273c4074f0dcb79345 /verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
parentdd361d8d9df7a69a4fc7c004db5b959440a024c2 (diff)
update verigraph
JIRA: PARSER-154 code optimizations about graph manipulation and formula generation. Change-Id: Idebef19b128281aa2bc40d1aeab6e208c7ddd93d Signed-off-by: serena.spinoso <>
Diffstat (limited to 'verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/ b/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index d65ea43..0000000
--- a/verigraph/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Politecnico di Torino and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-import json
-from pprint import pprint
-import sys
-import commands
-import os
-from config import *
-from utility import *
-import batch_generator
-import subprocess
-#global variables
-chains = {}
-chains["chains"] = []
-routing = {}
-routing["routing_table"] = []
-configuration = {}
-configuration["nodes"] = []
-#end of global variables
-#generates json file describing the chains (default chains.json)
-def generate_chains(curr_dir):
- filename = "chains.json"
- fn = raw_input("Please enter a file name for the json file describing the nodes chains (default \"chains.json\") -->")
- if fn != "":
- filename = fn
- number_of_chains = check_input_is_int("Please enter the number of chains you wish to simulate: -->")
- for i in range(0, int(number_of_chains)):
- chains["chains"].insert(i, {})
- #decomment the following 2 lines to make chain id an arbitrary integer
- #chain_id = check_input_is_int("Chain #" + str(i+1) + " id? -->")
- #chains["chains"][i]["id"] = chain_id
- chains["chains"][i]["id"] = i+1
- flowspace = raw_input("Chain #" + str(i+1) + " flowspace? -->")
- chains["chains"][i]["flowspace"] = flowspace
- chain_nodes = check_input_is_int("How many nodes does the chain #" + str(i+1) + " have? -->")
- chains["chains"][i]["nodes"] = []
- for j in range(0, chain_nodes):
- chains["chains"][i]["nodes"].insert(j, {})
- node_name = raw_input("Node #" + str(j+1) + " name? -->")
- chains["chains"][i]["nodes"][j]["name"] = node_name
- print "Available functional types are:"
- for device in devices_to_classes.keys():
- print device + " ",
- while True:
- node_type = raw_input("Node #" + str(j+1) + " functional_type (see valid options above)? -->")
- if node_type in devices_to_classes.keys():
- break
- chains["chains"][i]["nodes"][j]["functional_type"] = node_type
- node_address = raw_input("Node #" + str(j+1) + " address? -->")
- chains["chains"][i]["nodes"][j]["address"] = node_address
- #pprint(chains)
- with smart_open(curr_dir + "/" + filename) as f:
- print >>f, json.dumps(chains)
- return filename
-#generates json file describing the node configurations (default config.json)
-def generate_config(curr_dir):
- chains_file = "chains.json"
- while True:
- list_files(curr_dir)
- fn = raw_input("Please enter the file name of the json file containing the chains (default \"chains.json\") -->")
- if fn != "":
- chains_file = fn
- try:
- chains = parse_chains(curr_dir + "/" + chains_file)
- except:
- print "Chains file is not valid"
- continue
- break
- print "Chains read from file:"
- pprint(chains)
- chains_id = []
- for chain_id, chain in chains.items():
- chains_id.append(chain_id)
- print "Chain #" + str(chain_id) + " has " + str(len(chain)) + " elements"
- for node_name in chain.keys():
- print node_name + " ",
- print ""
- while True:
- number_of_chain = check_input_is_int("Please enter the number of the chain you wish to configure: -->")
- if number_of_chain in chains_id:
- break
- else:
- print "Please enter a valid chain id (see options above)"
- filename = "config.json"
- fn = raw_input("Please enter a file name for the json file describing the nodes configuration (default \"config.json\") -->")
- if fn != "":
- filename = fn
- number_of_nodes = len(chains[number_of_chain].keys())
-# for i in range(0, number_of_nodes):
- i = -1
- for node_name, node_map in chains[number_of_chain].items():
- i += 1
- configuration["nodes"].insert(i, {})
-# node_id = raw_input("Node #" + str(i+1) + " id? -->")
-# configuration["nodes"][i]["id"] = node_id
- configuration["nodes"][i]["id"] = node_name
- #init = raw_input("Any parameter for inizialization of node " + node_name + "? (N/Y)-->")
- init_list = devices_initialization[node_map["functional_type"]]
- if init_list != []:
- for init_item in init_list:
- init_param = raw_input("Please enter the IP address of parameter \"" + init_item + "\" for node " + node_name + ": -->")
- configuration["nodes"][i][init_item] = init_param
- node_description = raw_input("Node " + node_name +"'s configuration description? -->")
- configuration["nodes"][i]["description"] = node_description
- while(True):
- #node_configuration_type = raw_input("Node " + node_id +"'s configuration type (list, maps)? (L/M) -->")
- #n = search_node_in_chains(node_id)
- node_configuration_type = devices_configuration_methods[node_map["functional_type"]]
- if node_configuration_type == "list":
- #list
- configuration["nodes"][i]["configuration"] = []
- config_elements = check_input_is_int("How many configuration elements for node " + node_name + "? (type 0 to skip configuration) -->")
- for e in range(0, config_elements):
- element = raw_input("\tPlease enter " + devices_configuration_fields[node_map["functional_type"]] + "#" + str(e+1) + " -->")
- configuration["nodes"][i]["configuration"].append(element)
- break
- elif node_configuration_type == "maps":
- #maps
- configuration["nodes"][i]["configuration"] = []
- n_entries = check_input_is_int("How many maps for the configuration of node " + node_name + "? (type 0 to skip configuration) -->")
- for m in range(0, n_entries):
- configuration["nodes"][i]["configuration"].insert(m, {})
- map_elements = check_input_is_int("How many elements for map #" + str(m+1) + "? -->")
- for n in range(0, map_elements):
- key = raw_input("\tKey for " + devices_configuration_fields[node_map["functional_type"]] + "#" + str(n+1) + ": -->")
- value = raw_input("\tValue for " + devices_configuration_fields[node_map["functional_type"]] + "#" + str(n+1) + ": -->")
- configuration["nodes"][i]["configuration"][m][key] = value
- break
- else:
- print "Invalid config, please edit the config file"
- #pprint(configuration)
- with smart_open(curr_dir + "/" + filename) as f:
- print >>f, json.dumps(configuration)
- return filename
-def main():
- chains_file = ""
- configuration_file = ""
- routing_file = ""
- curr_dir = os.getcwd()
- current_path = curr_dir
- set_dir = raw_input("Change working directory? (" + curr_dir + ") (N/Y) -->")
- if set_dir == "Y" or set_dir == "y":
- print "List of subdirectories:"
- print list_directories(curr_dir)
- while True:
- curr_dir = os.path.abspath(raw_input("Enter working path (relative or absolute path are supported) -->"))
- if os.path.exists(curr_dir):
- current_path = curr_dir
- break
- else:
- print "Please enter a valid path!"
- directory = raw_input("Do you want to create a new test directory? (N/Y) -->")
- if directory == "Y" or directory =="y":
- directory_name = raw_input("Directory name? -->")
- print commands.getoutput("mkdir -v " + curr_dir + "/" + directory_name)
- current_path = curr_dir + "/" + directory_name
- print "Files will be created at " + current_path
- firewall_chain = False
- while True:
- choice = raw_input("""CHAINS?\n
- Choose one of the following options:\n
- 1) Automatic generation of chains.json and config.json for an N-firewall chain
- 2) Generate step-by-step
- 3) Verify the integrity of an existing json file
- 4) Skip step\n-->""")
- try:
- if int(choice) == 1:
- multiplier = check_input_is_int("Please enter N -->")
- arguments = ["-m", str(multiplier), "-o", current_path]
- batch_generator.main(arguments)
- firewall_chain = True
- break
- elif int(choice) == 2:
- chains_file = generate_chains(current_path)
- break
- elif int(choice) == 3:
- chains_file = raw_input("Input file for CHAINS? -->")
- if(check_chains_integrity(current_path + "/" + chains_file)) == True:
- break
- else:
- print "Input json file for CHAINS not well formed, please try again!"
- elif int(choice) == 4:
- break
- else:
- print "Invalid choice, please try again!"
- except ValueError, e:
- print "Invalid choice, please try again!"
- continue
- while True:
- if firewall_chain == True:
- chains_file = "chains.json"
- configuration_file = "config.json"
- routing_file = ""
- break
- choice = raw_input("""CONFIGURATION?\n
- Choose one of the following options:\n
- 1) Generate step-by-step
- 2) Verify the integrity of an existing json file
- 3) Skip step\n-->""")
- try:
- if int(choice) == 1:
- configuration_file = generate_config(current_path)
- break
- elif int(choice) == 2:
- configuration_file = raw_input("Input file for CONFIGURATION? -->")
- if(check_config_integrity(current_path + "/" + configuration_file)) == True:
- break
- else:
- print "Input json file for CONFIGURATION not well formed, please try again!"
- elif int(choice) == 3:
- break
- else:
- print "Invalid choice, please try again!"
- except ValueError, e:
- print "Invalid choice, please try again!"
- continue
- print "All done, you are ready to launch the test generator like so:"
- print " -c " + chains_file + " -f " + configuration_file + " -o <output_file>"
- return chains_file, configuration_file, routing_file, current_path
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()