path: root/verigraph/
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authorJulien <>2017-07-19 21:40:40 +0800
committerJulien <>2017-07-19 21:40:40 +0800
commit00219e7e9b24ee2298a7d0d977afdf123a6de88b (patch)
tree26adc25806b642937b804bb5caa26332a1998f69 /verigraph/
parent6a24bbe353242f78c2a2eb08f522cccea60befc4 (diff)
rename all READM.rst to
Change-Id: I95930de9fefd0897bd0b75d2aeb5a1d731332dad Signed-off-by: Julien <>
Diffstat (limited to 'verigraph/')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/verigraph/ b/verigraph/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947e893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verigraph/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+| Let’s look at how to deploy **VeriGraph** on Apache Tomcat. If you’re
+ only interested in creating gRPC API and ``neo4jmanager`` is already
+ deployed, you can skip this section and go straight to the
+ `documentation <>`__
+| (though you might find it useful if Tomcat is not yet installed!).
+- install ``jdk1.8.X_YY``
+ `here <>`__
+- set ambient variable ``JAVA_HOME`` to where you installed the jdk
+ (e.g. ``C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.X_YY``)
+- install Apache Tomcat 8
+ `here <>`__
+- install a pre-compiled distribution of Z3 from
+ `here <>`__
+ and save the ``[z3_root]/bin`` content under ``[verigraph]/service/build``
+- create the ``mcnet.jar`` of the ``mcnet.*`` packages and put into the ``[verigraph]/service/build`` directory
+- download the qjutils library
+ `here <>`__
+ and create a jar file (i.e. qjutils.jat) in ``[verigrap]/service/build``
+- set ambient variable ``CATALINA_HOME`` to the directory where you
+ installed Apache (e.g.
+ ``C:\Program Files\Java\apache-tomcat-8.0.30``)
+- create ``shared`` folder under ``%CATALINA_HOME%``
+- add previously created folder to the Windows ``Path`` system variable
+ (i.e. append the following string at the end:
+ ``;%CATALINA_HOME%\shared``)
+- copy ``[verigraph]/lib/mcnet.jar``, ``[verigraph]/service/build/`` and ``[verigraph]/service/build/qjutils.jar``
+ to ``%CATALINA_HOME%\shared``
+- to correctly compile the code you have to put the path of ````
+ and the libraries it refers to as environment variable. i.e. is enough
+ to add the project subfolder ``build`` to the PATH environment variable (i.e., ``[verigraph]/build``)
+- create custom file setenv.bat under ``%CATALINA_HOME%\bin`` with the
+ following content:
+ .. code:: bat
+ set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%CATALINA_HOME%\shared\qjutils.jar;%CATALINA_HOME%\shared\mcnet.jar;%CATALINA_HOME%\shared\;.;%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\verify\WEB-INF\classes\tests
+- download ``neo4jmanager.war`` from
+ `here <>`__
+ and copy into into ``%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps``
+- export the ``verify.war`` file from the project and copy into ``%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps``
+- (optional) configure Tomcat Manager:
+- open the file ``%CATALINA_HOME%\conf\tomcat-users.xml``
+- under the ``tomcat-users`` tag place the following content:
+ ``xml <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>``
+- launch Tomcat 8 with the startup script
+ ``%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat``
+- (optional) if you previously configured Tomcat Manager you can open a
+ browser and navigate to `this link <http://localhost:8080/manager>`__
+ and login using ``tomcat/tomcat`` as username/password
+- (optional) you can deploy/undeploy/redeploy the downloaded WARs
+ through the web interface
+- install ``jdk1.8.X_YY`` from the command line:
+- go to `this
+ link <>`__
+ to check the appropriate version for you OS and architecture
+- copy the desired version to the clipboard (e.g.
+ ````)
+- open a terminal windows and paste the following command (replace
+ ``link`` with the previously copied link):
+ ``wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" 'link'``
+ e.g.
+ ``wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"``
+- untar the archive with the following command (replace 'jdk' to match
+ the name of the downloaded archive):
+ ``tar zxvf 'jdk'.tar.gz``
+ e.g.
+ ``tar zxvf jdk-7u<version>-linux-x64.tar.gz``
+- delete the ``.tar.gz`` file if you want to save disk space
+- install and configure Apache Tomcat 8 with the following commands:
+- go to `this URL <>`__
+ and see what the latest available version is
+- download the archive (substitute every occurrence of '8.0.32' in the
+ following command with the latest available version):
+ ``wget``
+- extract downloaded archive:
+ ``tar xvf apache-tomcat-8.0.32.tar.gz``
+- edit configuration:
+ ``nano ./apache-tomcat-8.0.32/conf/tomcat-users.xml``
+- under the ``tomcat-users`` tag place the following content
+ ``xml <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager-gui"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/> </tomcat-users>``
+- set a few environment variables:
+ ``sudo nano ~/.bashrc``
+- paste the following content at the end of the file
+ ``export CATALINA_HOME='/path/to/apache/tomcat/folder'``
+ e.g.
+ ``export CATALINA_HOME=/home/mininet/apache-tomcat-8.0.33``
+ ``export JRE_HOME='/path/to/jdk/folder'``
+ e.g.
+ ``export JRE_HOME=/home/mininet/jdk1.8.0_92/jre``
+ ``export JDK_HOME='/path/to/jdk/folder'``
+ e.g.
+ ``export JDK_HOME=/home/mininet/jdk1.8.0_92``
+ ``export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$CATALINA_HOME/shared"``
+- ``exec bash``
+- install a pre-compiled distribution of Z3 from
+ `here <>`__
+ and save [z3_root]/bin content under ``[verigraph]/service/build``
+- download the qjutils library
+ `here <>`__
+ and create a jar file (i.e. qjutils.jar) in ``[verigrap]/service/build``
+- create the ``mcnet.jar`` of the ``mcnet.*`` packages and put into the ``[verigraph]/service/build`` directory
+- copy ``[verigraph]/service/build/mcnet.jar``, ``[verigraph]/service/build/``
+ and ``[verigraph]/service/build/qjutils.jar`` to ``$CATALINA_HOME/shared``
+- customize Tomcat classpath
+ ``nano $CATALINA_HOME/bin/``
+- paste the following content and save file:
+ ``bash #!/bin/sh export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$CATALINA_HOME/shared/qjutils.jar:$CATALINA_HOME/shared/mcnet.jar:$CATALINA_HOME/shared/$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/verify/WEB-INF/classes/tests``
+- save and close the file (``CTRL+O``, ``CTRL+X``)
+ ``sudo chmod +x $CATALINA_HOME/bin/``
+- download ``neo4jmanager.war`` from
+ `here <>`__
+ and copy into into ``%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps``
+- export the ``verify.war`` file from the project and copy into ``%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps``
+- launch Tomcat 8 with the startup script
+ ``$CATALINA_HOME/bin/``
+- open a browser and navigate to `this
+ link <http://localhost:8080/manager>`__ and login using
+ ``tomcat/tomcat`` as username/password
+- you can deploy/undeploy/redeploy the downloaded WARs through the web
+ interface
+- clone project onto your hard drive with this command:
+ ``git clone``
+- Download Apache Tomcat 8 (see instructions above for Windows and
+ Unix)
+- Download JDK (see instructions above for Windows and Unix)
+- Configure runtime environment in Eclipse with `the following
+ incstructions <>`__
+- Add new Tomcat server on port ``8080``
+- Configure Tomcat server:
+ - double-click on the newly created server in the ``Servers`` tab
+ - make sure under ``Server Locations`` ``Use Tomcat installation``
+ is selected
+ - Open ``Launch Configuration``->``Classpath``
+ - add the required JARS (``mcnet.jar``, ```` and
+ ``qjutils.jar``) under ``User Entries``
+ - Hit ``Apply`` and ``Ok``
+- Run the server
+**How to add you own function ``<type>``**
+#. under the the ``mcnet.netobjs`` package (i.e. under
+ ``/verify/service/src/mcnet/netobjs``) create a new class
+ ``<Type>.java``, where ``<type>`` is the desired function name (i.e.
+ ``<type>`` will be added to the supported node functional types)
+ which extends ``NetworkObject`` and implement the desired logic
+#. regenerate ``mcnet.jar`` selecting the packages ``mcnet.components``
+ and ``mcnet.netobjs`` and exporting the generated JAR to
+ ``/verify/service/build`` (overwrite the existing file)
+#. under ``/verify/src/main/webapp/json/`` create a file
+ ``<type>.json``. This file represents a JSON schema (see
+ `here <>`__ the official documentation). For
+ compatibility with the other functions it is mandatory to support an
+ array as the root of the configuration, but feel free to specify all
+ the other constraints as needed. A sample of ``<type>.json`` to
+ describe an empty configuration could be the following:
+``json { "$schema": "", "title": "Type", "description": "This is a generic type", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" }, "minItems": 0, "maxItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true }``
+#. in the package ``it.polito.escape.verify.validation`` (i.e. under
+ ``src/main/java/it/polito/escape/verify/validation``) create a new
+ class file named ``<Type>`` (please pay attention to
+ the naming convention here: ``<Type>`` is the function type used in
+ the previous step capitalized, followed by the suffix ``Validator``)
+ which implements ``ValidationInterface``. This class represents a
+ custom validator for the newly introduced type and allows for more
+ complex constraints, which is not possible to express through a JSON
+ schema file. The validate method that has to be implemented is given
+ the following objects:
+- ``Graph graph`` represents the nffg that the object node belongs to;
+- ``Node node`` represents the node that the object configuration
+ belongs to;
+- ``Configuration configuration`` represents the parsed configuration.
+ It is sufficient to call the method ``getConfiguration`` on the
+ ``configuration`` object to get a ``JsonNode`` (Jackson's class) and
+ iterate over the various fields.
+ In case a configuration is not valid please throw a new
+ ``ValidationException`` passing a descriptive failure message.
+ Adding a custom validator is not strictly necessary whenever a JSON
+ schema is thought to be sufficient. Note though that, other than the
+ mandatory validation against a schema, whenever a custom validator is
+ not found a default validation is triggered, i.e. the value of every
+ JSON property must refer to the name of an existing node in the
+ working graph/nffg. If this is not the desired behavior it is
+ suggested to write a custom validator with looser constraints.
+#. customize the class generator and add the support for the newly
+ introduced type:
+- open the file
+ ``/verify/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/`` and
+ edit the following dictionaries:
+ - ``devices_to_classes`` --> add the following entry:
+ ``"<type>" : "<Type>"``
+ if you followed these instructions carefully the name of the class
+ implementing the function ``<type>`` should be ``<Type>.java``
+ under the package ``mcnet.netobjs``.
+ - ``devices_to_configuration_methods`` --> add the following entry:
+ ``"<type>" : "configurationMethod"``
+ if ``<type>`` is a middlebox it should have a configuration method
+ contained in the implementation ``<Type>.java`` under the package
+ ``mcnet.netobjs``.
+ - ``devices_initialization``: add the following entry:
+ ``"<type>" : ["param1", "param2"]``
+ if ``<type>`` requires any parameter when it gets instanciated
+ please enter them in the form of a list. Make sure that these
+ parameters refer to existing keys contained in the configuration
+ schema file (see step 3). For instance the type ``webclient``
+ requires the name of a webserver it wants to communicate with.
+ This parameter is passed in the configuration of a weblient by
+ setting a property ``webserver`` to the name of the desired
+ webserver. The value of this property gets extracted and used by
+ the test generator automatically.
+ - ``convert_configuration_property_to_ip`` --> add the following
+ entry: ``"<type>" : ["key", "value"]``
+ Note that both ``key`` and ``value`` are optional and it is
+ critical to set them only if needed. Since the Z3 provider used
+ for testing works with IP addresses in this dictionary you have to
+ indicate whether it is needed an automatic convertion from names
+ to IP addresses:
+ - in case the keyword ``key`` is used every key of the JSON
+ configuration parsed will be prepended with the string ``ip_``;
+ - in case the keyword ``value`` is used every value of the JSON
+ configuration parsed will be prepended with the string ``ip_``;
+ - in case the list does not contain neither ``key`` nor ``value``
+ the original configuration won't be touched.
+- open the file
+ ``/verify/service/src/tests/j-verigraph-generator/``
+ and under the "switch" case in the form of a series of ifs used to
+ configure middle-boxes that starts at line #239 add a branch like the
+ following with the logic to generate the Java code for -->
+ ``elif nodes_types[i] == "<type>":``
+ You can take inspiration from the other branches to see how to
+ serialize Java code. Note that this addition to the "switch"
+ statement is not needed if ``<type>`` is not a middlebox or it does
+ not need to be configured.
+#. Restart the web service.