path: root/Testcases/cfgm_common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Testcases/cfgm_common/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/Testcases/cfgm_common/ b/Testcases/cfgm_common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 432674d..0000000
--- a/Testcases/cfgm_common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# This file deals with the ifmap id handling for both vnc-user-visible entities
-# and bgp-visible entities
-import uuid
-import re
-import StringIO
-from lxml import etree
-from cfgm_common import exceptions
-from cfgm_common.ifmap.client import client
-from ifmap.request import NewSessionRequest, RenewSessionRequest, \
- EndSessionRequest, PublishRequest, SearchRequest, \
- SubscribeRequest, PurgeRequest, PollRequest
-from import IPAddress, MACAddress, Device, AccessRequest, Identity, \
- CustomIdentity
-from ifmap.operations import PublishUpdateOperation, PublishNotifyOperation, \
- PublishDeleteOperation, SubscribeUpdateOperation,\
- SubscribeDeleteOperation
-from ifmap.util import attr, link_ids
-from ifmap.response import Response, newSessionResult
-from ifmap.metadata import Metadata
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as s_esc, unescape as s_unesc
-_TENANT_GRP = "(?P<tenant_uuid>.*)"
-_VPC_GRP = "(?P<vpc_name>.*)"
-_VN_GRP = "(?P<vn_name>.*)"
-_SG_GRP = "(?P<sg_name>.*)"
-_POL_GRP = "(?P<pol_name>.*)"
-_INST_GRP = "(?P<instance_uuid>.*)"
-_PORT_GRP = "(?P<port_id>.*)"
-_TENANT_ID_RE = "contrail:tenant:%s" % (_TENANT_GRP)
-_VPC_NAME_RE = "contrail:network-group:%s:%s" % (_TENANT_GRP, _VPC_GRP)
-_VN_NAME_RE = "contrail:virtual-network:%s:%s:%s" % (
-_SG_NAME_RE = "contrail:security-group:%s:%s:%s" % (
-_POL_NAME_RE = "contrail:policy:%s:%s:%s" % (_TENANT_GRP, _VPC_GRP, _POL_GRP)
-_INST_ID_RE = "contrail:instance:%s:%s:%s:%s" \
-_PORT_ID_RE = "contrail:port:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" \
-_CT_NS = "contrail"
-_ROOT_IMID = _CT_NS + ":config-root:root"
-_SOAP_XSD = ""
-_IFMAP_XSD = ""
-# Parse ifmap-server returned search results and create list of tuples
-# of (ident-1, ident-2, link-attribs)
-def parse_result_items(result_items, my_imid=None):
- all_result_list = []
- for r_item in result_items:
- children = r_item.getchildren()
- num_children = len(children)
- if num_children == 1: # ignore ident-only result-items
- continue
- elif num_children == 2:
- result_info = [children[0], None, children[1]]
- elif num_children == 3:
- result_info = [children[0], children[1], children[2]]
- else:
- raise Exception('Result item of length %s not handled!'
- % (num_children))
- all_result_list.append(result_info)
- if not my_imid:
- return all_result_list
- # strip ones that don't originate from or to my_imid
- filtered_result_list = []
- for (ident_1, ident_2, meta) in all_result_list:
- if (((ident_2 is not None) and (ident_2.attrib['name'] == my_imid)) or
- (ident_1.attrib['name'] == my_imid)):
- if meta is None:
- filtered_result_list.append((ident_1, ident_2, None))
- else:
- # search gives all props under one metadata. expand it.
- for m_elem in meta:
- filtered_result_list.append((ident_1, ident_2, m_elem))
- return filtered_result_list
-# end parse_result_items
-def get_ifmap_id_from_fq_name(type, fq_name):
- my_fqn = ':' + ':'.join(fq_name)
- my_imid = 'contrail:' + type + escape(my_fqn)
- return my_imid
-# end get_ifmap_id_from_fq_name
-def get_type_from_ifmap_id(ifmap_id):
- type = ifmap_id.split(':')[1]
- return type
-# end get_type_from_ifmap_id
-def get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(ifmap_id):
- return re.sub(r'contrail:.*?:', '', unescape(ifmap_id))
-# end get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id
-def get_fq_name_from_ifmap_id(ifmap_id):
- type = get_type_from_ifmap_id(ifmap_id)
- # route-target has ':' in the name, so handle it as a special case
- if type=='route-target':
- return [':'.join(unescape(ifmap_id).split(':')[2:])]
- return unescape(ifmap_id).split(':')[2:]
-# end get_fq_name_from_ifmap_id
-def get_vm_id_from_interface(vmi_obj):
- if vmi_obj.parent_type=='virtual-machine':
- return vmi_obj.parent_uuid
- else:
- vm_refs = vmi_obj.get_virtual_machine_refs()
- return vm_refs[0]['uuid'] if vm_refs else None
-# end get_vmi_id_from_interface
-def subscribe_root(ssrc_mapc):
- #self._ident_type_subscribe(_CLOUD_IMID, "ct:member-of")
- ident = str(Identity(name=_ROOT_IMID, type="other",
- other_type="extended"))
- subreq = SubscribeRequest(
- ssrc_mapc.get_session_id(),
- operations=str(SubscribeUpdateOperation("root", ident,
- {"max-depth": "255", })))
- result ='subscribe', subreq)
-# end _subscribe_root
-def ssrc_initialize(args):
- ssrc_mapc = ifmap_server_connect(args)
- result ='newSession', NewSessionRequest())
- ssrc_mapc.set_session_id(newSessionResult(result).get_session_id())
- ssrc_mapc.set_publisher_id(newSessionResult(result).get_publisher_id())
- subscribe_root(ssrc_mapc)
- return ssrc_mapc
-# end ssrc_initialize
-def arc_initialize(args, ssrc_mapc):
- #
- # Poll requests go on ARC channel which don't do newSession but
- # share session-id with ssrc channel. so 2 connections to server but 1
- # session/session-id in ifmap-server (mamma mia!)
- #
- arc_mapc = ifmap_server_connect(args)
- arc_mapc.set_session_id(ssrc_mapc.get_session_id())
- arc_mapc.set_publisher_id(ssrc_mapc.get_publisher_id())
- return arc_mapc
-# end arc_initialize
-def ifmap_server_connect(args):
- 'env': _SOAP_XSD,
- 'ifmap': _IFMAP_XSD,
- 'meta': _IFMAP_META_XSD,
- }
- ssl_options = None
- if args.use_certs:
- ssl_options = {
- 'keyfile': args.keyfile,
- 'certfile': args.certfile,
- 'ca_certs': args.ca_certs,
- 'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
- 'ciphers': 'ALL'
- }
- return client(("%s" % (args.ifmap_server_ip),
- "%s" % (args.ifmap_server_port)),
- args.ifmap_username, args.ifmap_password,
- _CLIENT_NAMESPACES, ssl_options)
-# end ifmap_server_connect
-def parse_poll_result(poll_result_str):
- 'a': _SOAP_XSD,
- 'b': _IFMAP_XSD,
- }
- soap_doc = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(poll_result_str))
- #soap_doc.write(sys.stdout, pretty_print=True)
- xpath_error = '/a:Envelope/a:Body/b:response/errorResult'
- error_results = soap_doc.xpath(xpath_error,
- namespaces=_XPATH_NAMESPACES)
- if error_results:
- if error_results[0].get('errorCode') == 'InvalidSessionID':
- raise exceptions.InvalidSessionID(etree.tostring(error_results[0]))
- raise Exception(etree.tostring(error_results[0]))
- xpath_expr = '/a:Envelope/a:Body/b:response/pollResult'
- poll_results = soap_doc.xpath(xpath_expr,
- namespaces=_XPATH_NAMESPACES)
- result_list = []
- for result in poll_results:
- children = result.getchildren()
- for child in children:
- result_type = child.tag
- if result_type == 'errorResult':
- raise Exception(etree.tostring(child))
- result_items = child.getchildren()
- item_list = parse_result_items(result_items)
- for item in item_list:
- ident1 = item[0]
- ident2 = item[1]
- meta = item[2]
- idents = {}
- ident1_imid = ident1.attrib['name']
- ident1_type = get_type_from_ifmap_id(ident1_imid)
- idents[ident1_type] = get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(
- ident1_imid)
- if ident2 is not None:
- ident2_imid = ident2.attrib['name']
- ident2_type = get_type_from_ifmap_id(ident2_imid)
- if ident1_type == ident2_type:
- idents[ident1_type] = [
- idents[ident1_type],
- get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(ident2_imid)]
- else:
- idents[ident2_type] = get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(
- ident2_imid)
- result_list.append((result_type, idents, meta))
- return result_list
-# end parse_poll_result
-def parse_search_result(search_result_str):
- 'a': _SOAP_XSD,
- 'b': _IFMAP_XSD,
- }
- soap_doc = etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(search_result_str))
- #soap_doc.write(sys.stdout, pretty_print=True)
- xpath_error = '/a:Envelope/a:Body/b:response/errorResult'
- error_results = soap_doc.xpath(xpath_error,
- namespaces=_XPATH_NAMESPACES)
- if error_results:
- if error_results[0].get('errorCode') == 'InvalidSessionID':
- raise exceptions.InvalidSessionID(etree.tostring(error_results[0]))
- raise Exception(etree.tostring(error_results[0]))
- xpath_expr = '/a:Envelope/a:Body/b:response/searchResult'
- search_results = soap_doc.xpath(xpath_expr,
- namespaces=_XPATH_NAMESPACES)
- result_list = []
- for result in search_results:
- result_items = result.getchildren()
- item_list = parse_result_items(result_items)
- for item in item_list:
- ident1 = item[0]
- ident2 = item[1]
- meta = item[2]
- idents = {}
- ident1_imid = ident1.attrib['name']
- ident1_type = get_type_from_ifmap_id(ident1_imid)
- idents[ident1_type] = get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(
- ident1_imid)
- if ident2 is not None:
- ident2_imid = ident2.attrib['name']
- ident2_type = get_type_from_ifmap_id(ident2_imid)
- if ident1_type == ident2_type:
- idents[ident1_type] = [
- idents[ident1_type],
- get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(ident2_imid)]
- else:
- idents[ident2_type] = get_fq_name_str_from_ifmap_id(
- ident2_imid)
- result_list.append((idents, meta))
- return result_list
-# end parse_search_result
-def ifmap_read(mapclient, ifmap_id, srch_meta, result_meta, field_names=None):
- start_id = str(
- Identity(name=ifmap_id, type='other', other_type='extended'))
- def _search(start_id, match_meta=None, result_meta=None,
- max_depth=1):
- # set ifmap search parmeters
- srch_params = {}
- srch_params['max-depth'] = str(max_depth)
- srch_params['max-size'] = '50000000'
- if match_meta is not None:
- srch_params['match-links'] = match_meta
- if result_meta is not None:
- # all => don't set result-filter, so server returns all id + meta
- if result_meta == "all":
- pass
- else:
- srch_params['result-filter'] = result_meta
- else:
- # default to return match_meta metadata types only
- srch_params['result-filter'] = match_meta
- srch_req = SearchRequest(mapclient.get_session_id(), start_id,
- search_parameters=srch_params
- )
- result ='search', srch_req)
- return result
- # end _search
- return _search(start_id, srch_meta, result_meta, max_depth=10)
-# end ifmap_read
-def ifmap_read_all(mapclient):
- srch_meta = None
- result_meta = 'all'
- return ifmap_read(mapclient, 'contrail:config-root:root',
- srch_meta, result_meta)
-# end ifmap_read_all
-def escape(string):
- return s_esc(string, entities={'"':'&quot;', "'": "&apos;"})
-# end escape
-def unescape(string):
- return s_unesc(string, entities={'&quot;':'"', "&apos;": "'"})
-# end unescape