path: root/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
commit88df88a19674ccc0017836941b8ee32eaadf19fb (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/
parent9f50a40437477432a21b326b15c343ca6b8fe516 (diff)
Deleted charms with wrong license. Will source them differently in future.
Change-Id: I0fc99ea03c6b6ca4701e63793cb2be60e56c7588 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/ b/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb8002..0000000
--- a/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import os
-import pwd
-import shutil
-from socket import gethostbyname, gethostname
-from subprocess import (
- CalledProcessError,
- check_call,
- check_output
-from time import sleep, time
-import apt_pkg
-import yaml
-import netaddr
-import netifaces
-from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
- config,
- log,
- related_units,
- relation_get,
- relation_ids,
- relation_type,
- remote_unit
-from import service_restart, service_start
-from charmhelpers.core.templating import render
-def dpkg_version(pkg):
- try:
- return check_output(["dpkg-query", "-f", "${Version}\\n", "-W", pkg]).rstrip()
- except CalledProcessError:
- return None
-CONTRAIL_VERSION = dpkg_version("contrail-vrouter-agent")
-OPENSTACK_VERSION = dpkg_version("nova-compute")
-config = config()
-def retry(f=None, timeout=10, delay=2):
- """Retry decorator.
- Provides a decorator that can be used to retry a function if it raises
- an exception.
- :param timeout: timeout in seconds (default 10)
- :param delay: retry delay in seconds (default 2)
- Examples::
- # retry fetch_url function
- @retry
- def fetch_url():
- # fetch url
- # retry fetch_url function for 60 secs
- @retry(timeout=60)
- def fetch_url():
- # fetch url
- """
- if not f:
- return functools.partial(retry, timeout=timeout, delay=delay)
- @functools.wraps(f)
- def func(*args, **kwargs):
- start = time()
- error = None
- while True:
- try:
- return f(*args, **kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- error = e
- elapsed = time() - start
- if elapsed >= timeout:
- raise error
- remaining = timeout - elapsed
- if delay <= remaining:
- sleep(delay)
- else:
- sleep(remaining)
- raise error
- return func
-def configure_vrouter():
- # run external script to configure vrouter
- args = ["./"]
- iface = config.get("vhost-interface")
- if iface:
- args.append(iface)
- check_call(args, cwd="scripts")
-def contrail_api_ctx():
- ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip")
- if ip:
- port = config.get("contrail-api-port")
- return { "api_server": ip,
- "api_port": port if port is not None else 8082 }
- ctxs = [ { "api_server": gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- "api_port": port }
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api")
- for unit, port in
- ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid))
- if port ]
- return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {}
-def contrail_discovery_ctx():
- ip = config.get("discovery-server-ip")
- if ip:
- return { "discovery_server": ip,
- "discovery_port": 5998 }
- ctxs = [ { "discovery_server": vip if vip \
- else gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- "discovery_port": port }
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-discovery")
- for unit, port, vip in
- ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid), relation_get("vip", unit, rid))
- for unit in related_units(rid))
- if port ]
- return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {}
-def contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, service_name, service_ip,
- service_port, fabric_ip, fabric_port, op,
- user, password):
- check_call(["contrail-provision-linklocal",
- "--api_server_ip", api_ip,
- "--api_server_port", str(api_port),
- "--linklocal_service_name", service_name,
- "--linklocal_service_ip", service_ip,
- "--linklocal_service_port", str(service_port),
- "--ipfabric_service_ip", fabric_ip,
- "--ipfabric_service_port", str(fabric_port),
- "--oper", op,
- "--admin_user", user,
- "--admin_password", password])
-def contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, op,
- user, password, tenant):
- check_call(["contrail-provision-vrouter",
- "--host_name", hostname,
- "--host_ip", ip,
- "--api_server_ip", api_ip,
- "--api_server_port", str(api_port),
- "--oper", op,
- "--admin_user", user,
- "--admin_password", password,
- "--admin_tenant_name", tenant])
-def control_node_ctx():
- return { "control_nodes": [ gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("control-node")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ] }
-def disable_vrouter_vgw():
- if os.path.exists("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf"):
- # unset sysctl options
- os.remove("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf")
- check_call(["sysctl", "-qw", "net.ipv4.ip_forward=0"])
-def drop_caches():
- """Clears OS pagecache"""
- log("Clearing pagecache")
- check_call(["sync"])
- with open("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", "w") as f:
- f.write("3\n")
-def enable_vrouter_vgw():
- if not os.path.exists("/etc/sysctl.d/60-vrouter-vgw.conf"):
- # set sysctl options
- shutil.copy("files/60-vrouter-vgw.conf", "/etc/sysctl.d")
- service_start("procps")
-def fix_nodemgr():
- # add files missing from contrail-nodemgr package
- shutil.copy("files/contrail-nodemgr-vrouter.ini",
- "/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files")
- pw = pwd.getpwnam("contrail")
- os.chown("/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files/contrail-nodemgr-vrouter.ini",
- pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_gid)
- shutil.copy("files/contrail-vrouter.rules",
- "/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files")
- os.chown("/etc/contrail/supervisord_vrouter_files/contrail-vrouter.rules",
- pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_gid)
- shutil.copy("files/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr", "/etc/init.d")
- os.chmod("/etc/init.d/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr", 0755)
- service_restart("supervisor-vrouter")
-def fix_permissions():
- os.chmod("/etc/contrail", 0755)
- os.chown("/etc/contrail", 0, 0)
-def fix_vrouter_scripts():
- # certain files need to be present for packages
- if not os.path.exists("/opt/contrail/bin"):
- os.makedirs("/opt/contrail/bin")
- os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/")
- os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/")
- os.symlink("/bin/true", "/opt/contrail/bin/")
-def identity_admin_ctx():
- ctxs = [ { "auth_host": gethostbyname(hostname),
- "auth_port": relation_get("service_port", unit, rid),
- "admin_user": relation_get("service_username", unit, rid),
- "admin_password": relation_get("service_password", unit, rid),
- "admin_tenant_name": relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid),
- "auth_region": relation_get("service_region", unit, rid) }
- for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin")
- for unit, hostname in
- ((unit, relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid))
- if hostname ]
- return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {}
-def ifdown(interfaces=None):
- """ifdown an interface or all interfaces"""
- log("Taking down {}".format(interfaces if interfaces else "interfaces"))
- check_call(["ifdown"] + interfaces if interfaces else ["-a"])
-def ifup(interfaces=None):
- """ifup an interface or all interfaces"""
- log("Bringing up {}".format(interfaces if interfaces else "interfaces"))
- check_call(["ifup"] + interfaces if interfaces else ["-a"])
-def lsmod(module):
- """Check if a kernel module is loaded"""
- with open("/proc/modules", "r") as modules:
- for line in modules:
- if line.split()[0] == module:
- return True
- return False
-def modprobe(module, auto_load=False, dkms_autoinstall=False):
- """Load a kernel module.
- Allows loading of a kernel module.
- 'dkms_autoinstall' is useful for DKMS kernel modules. Juju often upgrades
- units to newer kernels before charm install, which won't be used until the
- machine is rebooted. In these cases, some modules may not be compiled for
- the newer kernel. Setting this argument to True will ensure these modules
- are compiled for newer kernels.
- :param module: module to load
- :param auto_load: load module on boot (default False)
- :param dkms_autoinstall: invoke DKMS autoinstall for other kernels
- (default False)
- """
- if not lsmod(module):
- log("Loading kernel module {}".format(module))
- check_call(["modprobe", module])
- if auto_load:
- with open("/etc/modules", "a") as modules:
- modules.write(module)
- modules.write("\n")
- if dkms_autoinstall:
- current = check_output(["uname", "-r"]).rstrip()
- for kernel in os.listdir("/lib/modules"):
- if kernel == current:
- continue
- log("DKMS auto installing for kernel {}".format(kernel))
- check_call(["dkms", "autoinstall", "-k", kernel])
-def network_ctx():
- iface = config.get("control-interface")
- return { "control_network_ip": netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"] }
-def neutron_metadata_ctx():
- if "local-metadata-secret" in config:
- return { "metadata_secret": config["local-metadata-secret"] }
- ctxs = [ { "metadata_secret": relation_get("shared-secret", unit, rid) }
- for rid in relation_ids("neutron-metadata")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ]
- return ctxs[0] if ctxs else {}
-def provision_local_metadata():
- api_port = None
- api_ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip")
- if api_ip:
- api_port = config.get("contrail-api-port")
- if api_port is None:
- api_port = 8082
- else:
- api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- port)
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api")
- for unit, port in
- ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid))
- if port ][0]
- user, password = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_password", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin")
- for unit in related_units(rid)
- if relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid) ][0]
- log("Provisioning local metadata service")
- contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, "metadata",
- "", 80, "", 8775,
- "add", user, password)
-def provision_vrouter():
- hostname = gethostname()
- ip = netifaces.ifaddresses("vhost0")[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"]
- api_port = None
- api_ip = config.get("contrail-api-ip")
- if api_ip:
- api_port = config.get("contrail-api-port")
- if api_port is None:
- api_port = 8082
- else:
- api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- port)
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api")
- for unit, port in
- ((unit, relation_get("port", unit, rid)) for unit in related_units(rid))
- if port ][0]
- user, password, tenant = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_password", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin")
- for unit in related_units(rid)
- if relation_get("service_hostname", unit, rid) ][0]
- log("Provisioning vrouter {}".format(ip))
- contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, "add",
- user, password, tenant)
-def remove_juju_bridge():
- # run external script to remove bridge
- check_call(["./"], cwd="scripts")
-def units(relation):
- """Return a list of units for the specified relation"""
- return [ unit for rid in relation_ids(relation)
- for unit in related_units(rid) ]
-def unprovision_local_metadata():
- relation = relation_type()
- if relation and not remote_unit():
- return
- api_ip = config.previous("contrail-api-ip")
- api_port = None
- if api_ip:
- api_port = config.previous("contrail-api-port")
- if api_port is None:
- api_port = 8082
- elif relation == "contrail-api":
- api_ip = gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address"))
- api_port = relation_get("port")
- else:
- api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- relation_get("port", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ][0]
- user = None
- password = None
- if relation == "identity-admin":
- user = relation_get("service_username")
- password = relation_get("service_password")
- else:
- user, password = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_password", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ][0]
- log("Unprovisioning local metadata service")
- contrail_provision_linklocal(api_ip, api_port, "metadata",
- "", 80, "", 8775,
- "del", user, password)
-def unprovision_vrouter():
- relation = relation_type()
- if relation and not remote_unit():
- return
- hostname = gethostname()
- ip = netifaces.ifaddresses("vhost0")[netifaces.AF_INET][0]["addr"]
- api_ip = config.previous("contrail-api-ip")
- api_port = None
- if api_ip:
- api_port = config.previous("contrail-api-port")
- if api_port is None:
- api_port = 8082
- elif relation == "contrail-api":
- api_ip = gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address"))
- api_port = relation_get("port")
- else:
- api_ip, api_port = [ (gethostbyname(relation_get("private-address", unit, rid)),
- relation_get("port", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("contrail-api")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ][0]
- user = None
- password = None
- tenant = None
- if relation == "identity-admin":
- user = relation_get("service_username")
- password = relation_get("service_password")
- tenant = relation_get("service_tenant_name")
- else:
- user, password, tenant = [ (relation_get("service_username", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_password", unit, rid),
- relation_get("service_tenant_name", unit, rid))
- for rid in relation_ids("identity-admin")
- for unit in related_units(rid) ][0]
- log("Unprovisioning vrouter {}".format(ip))
- contrail_provision_vrouter(hostname, ip, api_ip, api_port, "del",
- user, password, tenant)
-def vhost_gateway():
- # determine vhost gateway
- gateway = config.get("vhost-gateway")
- if gateway == "auto":
- for line in check_output(["route", "-n"]).splitlines()[2:]:
- l = line.split()
- if "G" in l[3] and l[7] == "vhost0":
- return l[1]
- gateway = None
- return gateway
-def vhost_ip(iface):
- # return a vhost formatted address and mask - x.x.x.x/xx
- addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]
- ip = addr["addr"]
- cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip + "/" + addr["netmask"]).prefixlen
- return ip + "/" + str(cidr)
-def vhost_phys():
- # run external script to determine physical interface of vhost0
- return check_output(["scripts/"]).rstrip()
-def vrouter_ctx():
- return { "vhost_ip": vhost_ip("vhost0"),
- "vhost_gateway": vhost_gateway(),
- "vhost_physical": vhost_phys() }
-def vrouter_vgw_ctx():
- ctx = {}
- vgws = config.get("virtual-gateways")
- if vgws:
- vgws = yaml.safe_load(vgws)
- map(lambda item: item.update(domain="default-domain"), vgws)
- ctx["vgws"] = vgws
- return ctx
-def write_barbican_auth_config():
- ctx = identity_admin_ctx()
- render("contrail-barbican-auth.conf",
- "/etc/contrail/contrail-barbican-auth.conf", ctx, "root", "contrail",
- 0440)
-def write_nodemgr_config():
- ctx = contrail_discovery_ctx()
- render("contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf",
- "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-nodemgr.conf", ctx)
-def write_vnc_api_config():
- ctx = {}
- ctx.update(contrail_api_ctx())
- ctx.update(identity_admin_ctx())
- render("vnc_api_lib.ini", "/etc/contrail/vnc_api_lib.ini", ctx)
-def write_vrouter_config():
- ctx = {}
- ctx.update(control_node_ctx())
- ctx.update(contrail_discovery_ctx())
- ctx.update(neutron_metadata_ctx())
- ctx.update(network_ctx())
- ctx.update(vrouter_ctx())
- ctx.update(vrouter_vgw_ctx())
- render("contrail-vrouter-agent.conf",
- "/etc/contrail/contrail-vrouter-agent.conf", ctx, perms=0440)
-def write_vrouter_vgw_interfaces():
- ctx = vrouter_vgw_ctx()
- render("vrouter-vgw.cfg", "/etc/network/interfaces.d/vrouter-vgw.cfg", ctx)