path: root/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
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authorStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <>2017-03-23 06:19:54 -0700
commit88df88a19674ccc0017836941b8ee32eaadf19fb (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
parent9f50a40437477432a21b326b15c343ca6b8fe516 (diff)
Deleted charms with wrong license. Will source them differently in future.
Change-Id: I0fc99ea03c6b6ca4701e63793cb2be60e56c7588 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/ b/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5e3cb1..0000000
--- a/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
-# This file is part of charm-helpers.
-# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <>.
-import os
-import six
-from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install, apt_update
-from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
- log,
-from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import OPENSTACK_CODENAMES
- from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, ChoiceLoader, Environment, exceptions
-except ImportError:
- apt_update(fatal=True)
- apt_install('python-jinja2', fatal=True)
- from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, ChoiceLoader, Environment, exceptions
-class OSConfigException(Exception):
- pass
-def get_loader(templates_dir, os_release):
- """
- Create a jinja2.ChoiceLoader containing template dirs up to
- and including os_release. If directory template directory
- is missing at templates_dir, it will be omitted from the loader.
- templates_dir is added to the bottom of the search list as a base
- loading dir.
- A charm may also ship a templates dir with this module
- and it will be appended to the bottom of the search list, eg::
- hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates
- :param templates_dir (str): Base template directory containing release
- sub-directories.
- :param os_release (str): OpenStack release codename to construct template
- loader.
- :returns: jinja2.ChoiceLoader constructed with a list of
- jinja2.FilesystemLoaders, ordered in descending
- order by OpenStack release.
- """
- tmpl_dirs = [(rel, os.path.join(templates_dir, rel))
- for rel in six.itervalues(OPENSTACK_CODENAMES)]
- if not os.path.isdir(templates_dir):
- log('Templates directory not found @ %s.' % templates_dir,
- level=ERROR)
- raise OSConfigException
- # the bottom contains tempaltes_dir and possibly a common templates dir
- # shipped with the helper.
- loaders = [FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)]
- helper_templates = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
- if os.path.isdir(helper_templates):
- loaders.append(FileSystemLoader(helper_templates))
- for rel, tmpl_dir in tmpl_dirs:
- if os.path.isdir(tmpl_dir):
- loaders.insert(0, FileSystemLoader(tmpl_dir))
- if rel == os_release:
- break
- log('Creating choice loader with dirs: %s' %
- [l.searchpath for l in loaders], level=INFO)
- return ChoiceLoader(loaders)
-class OSConfigTemplate(object):
- """
- Associates a config file template with a list of context generators.
- Responsible for constructing a template context based on those generators.
- """
- def __init__(self, config_file, contexts):
- self.config_file = config_file
- if hasattr(contexts, '__call__'):
- self.contexts = [contexts]
- else:
- self.contexts = contexts
- self._complete_contexts = []
- def context(self):
- ctxt = {}
- for context in self.contexts:
- _ctxt = context()
- if _ctxt:
- ctxt.update(_ctxt)
- # track interfaces for every complete context.
- [self._complete_contexts.append(interface)
- for interface in context.interfaces
- if interface not in self._complete_contexts]
- return ctxt
- def complete_contexts(self):
- '''
- Return a list of interfaces that have satisfied contexts.
- '''
- if self._complete_contexts:
- return self._complete_contexts
- self.context()
- return self._complete_contexts
-class OSConfigRenderer(object):
- """
- This class provides a common templating system to be used by OpenStack
- charms. It is intended to help charms share common code and templates,
- and ease the burden of managing config templates across multiple OpenStack
- releases.
- Basic usage::
- # import some common context generates from charmhelpers
- from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import context
- # Create a renderer object for a specific OS release.
- configs = OSConfigRenderer(templates_dir='/tmp/templates',
- openstack_release='folsom')
- # register some config files with context generators.
- configs.register(config_file='/etc/nova/nova.conf',
- contexts=[context.SharedDBContext(),
- context.AMQPContext()])
- configs.register(config_file='/etc/nova/api-paste.ini',
- contexts=[context.IdentityServiceContext()])
- configs.register(config_file='/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf',
- contexts=[context.HAProxyContext()])
- # write out a single config
- configs.write('/etc/nova/nova.conf')
- # write out all registered configs
- configs.write_all()
- **OpenStack Releases and template loading**
- When the object is instantiated, it is associated with a specific OS
- release. This dictates how the template loader will be constructed.
- The constructed loader attempts to load the template from several places
- in the following order:
- - from the most recent OS release-specific template dir (if one exists)
- - the base templates_dir
- - a template directory shipped in the charm with this helper file.
- For the example above, '/tmp/templates' contains the following structure::
- /tmp/templates/nova.conf
- /tmp/templates/api-paste.ini
- /tmp/templates/grizzly/api-paste.ini
- /tmp/templates/havana/api-paste.ini
- Since it was registered with the grizzly release, it first seraches
- the grizzly directory for nova.conf, then the templates dir.
- When writing api-paste.ini, it will find the template in the grizzly
- directory.
- If the object were created with folsom, it would fall back to the
- base templates dir for its api-paste.ini template.
- This system should help manage changes in config files through
- openstack releases, allowing charms to fall back to the most recently
- updated config template for a given release
- The haproxy.conf, since it is not shipped in the templates dir, will
- be loaded from the module directory's template directory, eg
- $CHARM/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates. This allows
- us to ship common templates (haproxy, apache) with the helpers.
- **Context generators**
- Context generators are used to generate template contexts during hook
- execution. Doing so may require inspecting service relations, charm
- config, etc. When registered, a config file is associated with a list
- of generators. When a template is rendered and written, all context
- generates are called in a chain to generate the context dictionary
- passed to the jinja2 template. See for more info.
- """
- def __init__(self, templates_dir, openstack_release):
- if not os.path.isdir(templates_dir):
- log('Could not locate templates dir %s' % templates_dir,
- level=ERROR)
- raise OSConfigException
- self.templates_dir = templates_dir
- self.openstack_release = openstack_release
- self.templates = {}
- self._tmpl_env = None
- if None in [Environment, ChoiceLoader, FileSystemLoader]:
- # if this code is running, the object is created pre-install hook.
- # jinja2 shouldn't get touched until the module is reloaded on next
- # hook execution, with proper jinja2 bits successfully imported.
- apt_install('python-jinja2')
- def register(self, config_file, contexts):
- """
- Register a config file with a list of context generators to be called
- during rendering.
- """
- self.templates[config_file] = OSConfigTemplate(config_file=config_file,
- contexts=contexts)
- log('Registered config file: %s' % config_file, level=INFO)
- def _get_tmpl_env(self):
- if not self._tmpl_env:
- loader = get_loader(self.templates_dir, self.openstack_release)
- self._tmpl_env = Environment(loader=loader)
- def _get_template(self, template):
- self._get_tmpl_env()
- template = self._tmpl_env.get_template(template)
- log('Loaded template from %s' % template.filename, level=INFO)
- return template
- def render(self, config_file):
- if config_file not in self.templates:
- log('Config not registered: %s' % config_file, level=ERROR)
- raise OSConfigException
- ctxt = self.templates[config_file].context()
- _tmpl = os.path.basename(config_file)
- try:
- template = self._get_template(_tmpl)
- except exceptions.TemplateNotFound:
- # if no template is found with basename, try looking for it
- # using a munged full path, eg:
- # /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -> etc_apache2_apache2.conf
- _tmpl = '_'.join(config_file.split('/')[1:])
- try:
- template = self._get_template(_tmpl)
- except exceptions.TemplateNotFound as e:
- log('Could not load template from %s by %s or %s.' %
- (self.templates_dir, os.path.basename(config_file), _tmpl),
- level=ERROR)
- raise e
- log('Rendering from template: %s' % _tmpl, level=INFO)
- return template.render(ctxt)
- def write(self, config_file):
- """
- Write a single config file, raises if config file is not registered.
- """
- if config_file not in self.templates:
- log('Config not registered: %s' % config_file, level=ERROR)
- raise OSConfigException
- _out = self.render(config_file)
- with open(config_file, 'wb') as out:
- out.write(_out)
- log('Wrote template %s.' % config_file, level=INFO)
- def write_all(self):
- """
- Write out all registered config files.
- """
- [self.write(k) for k in six.iterkeys(self.templates)]
- def set_release(self, openstack_release):
- """
- Resets the template environment and generates a new template loader
- based on a the new openstack release.
- """
- self._tmpl_env = None
- self.openstack_release = openstack_release
- self._get_tmpl_env()
- def complete_contexts(self):
- '''
- Returns a list of context interfaces that yield a complete context.
- '''
- interfaces = []
- [interfaces.extend(i.complete_contexts())
- for i in six.itervalues(self.templates)]
- return interfaces
- def get_incomplete_context_data(self, interfaces):
- '''
- Return dictionary of relation status of interfaces and any missing
- required context data. Example:
- {'amqp': {'missing_data': ['rabbitmq_password'], 'related': True},
- 'zeromq-configuration': {'related': False}}
- '''
- incomplete_context_data = {}
- for i in six.itervalues(self.templates):
- for context in i.contexts:
- for interface in interfaces:
- related = False
- if interface in context.interfaces:
- related = context.get_related()
- missing_data = context.missing_data
- if missing_data:
- incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'missing_data': missing_data}
- if related:
- if incomplete_context_data.get(interface):
- incomplete_context_data[interface].update({'related': True})
- else:
- incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': True}
- else:
- incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': False}
- return incomplete_context_data