path: root/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
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authorStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2016-10-07 12:24:58 -0700
committerStuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>2016-10-07 12:24:58 -0700
commit4faa7f927149a5c4ef7a03523f7bc14523cb9baa (patch)
tree0be55aa0809cc395e45baeae63db660b4e72fe83 /charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
parent82f1a7eb5535b30a95b1e71ff18c315d40d1e6f0 (diff)
Charms for Contrail 3.1 with Mitaka
Change-Id: Id37f3b9743d1974e31fcd7cd9c54be41bb0c47fb Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <wsmackie@juniper.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py')
1 files changed, 898 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py b/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab53a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/hooks/charmhelpers/core/hookenv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
+# This file is part of charm-helpers.
+# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"Interactions with the Juju environment"
+# Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
+# Authors:
+# Charm Helpers Developers <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>
+from __future__ import print_function
+import copy
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from functools import wraps
+import glob
+import os
+import json
+import yaml
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import errno
+import tempfile
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+import six
+if not six.PY3:
+ from UserDict import UserDict
+ from collections import UserDict
+MARKER = object()
+cache = {}
+def cached(func):
+ """Cache return values for multiple executions of func + args
+ For example::
+ @cached
+ def unit_get(attribute):
+ pass
+ unit_get('test')
+ will cache the result of unit_get + 'test' for future calls.
+ """
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ global cache
+ key = str((func, args, kwargs))
+ try:
+ return cache[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # Drop out of the exception handler scope.
+ res = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ cache[key] = res
+ return res
+ wrapper._wrapped = func
+ return wrapper
+def flush(key):
+ """Flushes any entries from function cache where the
+ key is found in the function+args """
+ flush_list = []
+ for item in cache:
+ if key in item:
+ flush_list.append(item)
+ for item in flush_list:
+ del cache[item]
+def log(message, level=None):
+ """Write a message to the juju log"""
+ command = ['juju-log']
+ if level:
+ command += ['-l', level]
+ if not isinstance(message, six.string_types):
+ message = repr(message)
+ command += [message]
+ # Missing juju-log should not cause failures in unit tests
+ # Send log output to stderr
+ try:
+ subprocess.call(command)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ if level:
+ message = "{}: {}".format(level, message)
+ message = "juju-log: {}".format(message)
+ print(message, file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ raise
+class Serializable(UserDict):
+ """Wrapper, an object that can be serialized to yaml or json"""
+ def __init__(self, obj):
+ # wrap the object
+ UserDict.__init__(self)
+ self.data = obj
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ # See if this object has attribute.
+ if attr in ("json", "yaml", "data"):
+ return self.__dict__[attr]
+ # Check for attribute in wrapped object.
+ got = getattr(self.data, attr, MARKER)
+ if got is not MARKER:
+ return got
+ # Proxy to the wrapped object via dict interface.
+ try:
+ return self.data[attr]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(attr)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ # Pickle as a standard dictionary.
+ return self.data
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ # Unpickle into our wrapper.
+ self.data = state
+ def json(self):
+ """Serialize the object to json"""
+ return json.dumps(self.data)
+ def yaml(self):
+ """Serialize the object to yaml"""
+ return yaml.dump(self.data)
+def execution_environment():
+ """A convenient bundling of the current execution context"""
+ context = {}
+ context['conf'] = config()
+ if relation_id():
+ context['reltype'] = relation_type()
+ context['relid'] = relation_id()
+ context['rel'] = relation_get()
+ context['unit'] = local_unit()
+ context['rels'] = relations()
+ context['env'] = os.environ
+ return context
+def in_relation_hook():
+ """Determine whether we're running in a relation hook"""
+ return 'JUJU_RELATION' in os.environ
+def relation_type():
+ """The scope for the current relation hook"""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_RELATION', None)
+def relation_id(relation_name=None, service_or_unit=None):
+ """The relation ID for the current or a specified relation"""
+ if not relation_name and not service_or_unit:
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_RELATION_ID', None)
+ elif relation_name and service_or_unit:
+ service_name = service_or_unit.split('/')[0]
+ for relid in relation_ids(relation_name):
+ remote_service = remote_service_name(relid)
+ if remote_service == service_name:
+ return relid
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Must specify neither or both of relation_name and service_or_unit')
+def local_unit():
+ """Local unit ID"""
+ return os.environ['JUJU_UNIT_NAME']
+def remote_unit():
+ """The remote unit for the current relation hook"""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT', None)
+def service_name():
+ """The name service group this unit belongs to"""
+ return local_unit().split('/')[0]
+def remote_service_name(relid=None):
+ """The remote service name for a given relation-id (or the current relation)"""
+ if relid is None:
+ unit = remote_unit()
+ else:
+ units = related_units(relid)
+ unit = units[0] if units else None
+ return unit.split('/')[0] if unit else None
+def hook_name():
+ """The name of the currently executing hook"""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_HOOK_NAME', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+class Config(dict):
+ """A dictionary representation of the charm's config.yaml, with some
+ extra features:
+ - See which values in the dictionary have changed since the previous hook.
+ - For values that have changed, see what the previous value was.
+ - Store arbitrary data for use in a later hook.
+ NOTE: Do not instantiate this object directly - instead call
+ ``hookenv.config()``, which will return an instance of :class:`Config`.
+ Example usage::
+ >>> # inside a hook
+ >>> from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
+ >>> config = hookenv.config()
+ >>> config['foo']
+ 'bar'
+ >>> # store a new key/value for later use
+ >>> config['mykey'] = 'myval'
+ >>> # user runs `juju set mycharm foo=baz`
+ >>> # now we're inside subsequent config-changed hook
+ >>> config = hookenv.config()
+ >>> config['foo']
+ 'baz'
+ >>> # test to see if this val has changed since last hook
+ >>> config.changed('foo')
+ True
+ >>> # what was the previous value?
+ >>> config.previous('foo')
+ 'bar'
+ >>> # keys/values that we add are preserved across hooks
+ >>> config['mykey']
+ 'myval'
+ """
+ CONFIG_FILE_NAME = '.juju-persistent-config'
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ super(Config, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+ self.implicit_save = True
+ self._prev_dict = None
+ self.path = os.path.join(charm_dir(), Config.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
+ if os.path.exists(self.path):
+ self.load_previous()
+ atexit(self._implicit_save)
+ def load_previous(self, path=None):
+ """Load previous copy of config from disk.
+ In normal usage you don't need to call this method directly - it
+ is called automatically at object initialization.
+ :param path:
+ File path from which to load the previous config. If `None`,
+ config is loaded from the default location. If `path` is
+ specified, subsequent `save()` calls will write to the same
+ path.
+ """
+ self.path = path or self.path
+ with open(self.path) as f:
+ self._prev_dict = json.load(f)
+ for k, v in copy.deepcopy(self._prev_dict).items():
+ if k not in self:
+ self[k] = v
+ def changed(self, key):
+ """Return True if the current value for this key is different from
+ the previous value.
+ """
+ if self._prev_dict is None:
+ return True
+ return self.previous(key) != self.get(key)
+ def previous(self, key):
+ """Return previous value for this key, or None if there
+ is no previous value.
+ """
+ if self._prev_dict:
+ return self._prev_dict.get(key)
+ return None
+ def save(self):
+ """Save this config to disk.
+ If the charm is using the :mod:`Services Framework <services.base>`
+ or :meth:'@hook <Hooks.hook>' decorator, this
+ is called automatically at the end of successful hook execution.
+ Otherwise, it should be called directly by user code.
+ To disable automatic saves, set ``implicit_save=False`` on this
+ instance.
+ """
+ with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(self, f)
+ def _implicit_save(self):
+ if self.implicit_save:
+ self.save()
+def config(scope=None):
+ """Juju charm configuration"""
+ config_cmd_line = ['config-get']
+ if scope is not None:
+ config_cmd_line.append(scope)
+ config_cmd_line.append('--format=json')
+ try:
+ config_data = json.loads(
+ subprocess.check_output(config_cmd_line).decode('UTF-8'))
+ if scope is not None:
+ return config_data
+ return Config(config_data)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+def relation_get(attribute=None, unit=None, rid=None):
+ """Get relation information"""
+ _args = ['relation-get', '--format=json']
+ if rid:
+ _args.append('-r')
+ _args.append(rid)
+ _args.append(attribute or '-')
+ if unit:
+ _args.append(unit)
+ try:
+ return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(_args).decode('UTF-8'))
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ except CalledProcessError as e:
+ if e.returncode == 2:
+ return None
+ raise
+def relation_set(relation_id=None, relation_settings=None, **kwargs):
+ """Set relation information for the current unit"""
+ relation_settings = relation_settings if relation_settings else {}
+ relation_cmd_line = ['relation-set']
+ accepts_file = "--file" in subprocess.check_output(
+ relation_cmd_line + ["--help"], universal_newlines=True)
+ if relation_id is not None:
+ relation_cmd_line.extend(('-r', relation_id))
+ settings = relation_settings.copy()
+ settings.update(kwargs)
+ for key, value in settings.items():
+ # Force value to be a string: it always should, but some call
+ # sites pass in things like dicts or numbers.
+ if value is not None:
+ settings[key] = "{}".format(value)
+ if accepts_file:
+ # --file was introduced in Juju 1.23.2. Use it by default if
+ # available, since otherwise we'll break if the relation data is
+ # too big. Ideally we should tell relation-set to read the data from
+ # stdin, but that feature is broken in 1.23.2: Bug #1454678.
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as settings_file:
+ settings_file.write(yaml.safe_dump(settings).encode("utf-8"))
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ relation_cmd_line + ["--file", settings_file.name])
+ os.remove(settings_file.name)
+ else:
+ for key, value in settings.items():
+ if value is None:
+ relation_cmd_line.append('{}='.format(key))
+ else:
+ relation_cmd_line.append('{}={}'.format(key, value))
+ subprocess.check_call(relation_cmd_line)
+ # Flush cache of any relation-gets for local unit
+ flush(local_unit())
+def relation_clear(r_id=None):
+ ''' Clears any relation data already set on relation r_id '''
+ settings = relation_get(rid=r_id,
+ unit=local_unit())
+ for setting in settings:
+ if setting not in ['public-address', 'private-address']:
+ settings[setting] = None
+ relation_set(relation_id=r_id,
+ **settings)
+def relation_ids(reltype=None):
+ """A list of relation_ids"""
+ reltype = reltype or relation_type()
+ relid_cmd_line = ['relation-ids', '--format=json']
+ if reltype is not None:
+ relid_cmd_line.append(reltype)
+ return json.loads(
+ subprocess.check_output(relid_cmd_line).decode('UTF-8')) or []
+ return []
+def related_units(relid=None):
+ """A list of related units"""
+ relid = relid or relation_id()
+ units_cmd_line = ['relation-list', '--format=json']
+ if relid is not None:
+ units_cmd_line.extend(('-r', relid))
+ return json.loads(
+ subprocess.check_output(units_cmd_line).decode('UTF-8')) or []
+def relation_for_unit(unit=None, rid=None):
+ """Get the json represenation of a unit's relation"""
+ unit = unit or remote_unit()
+ relation = relation_get(unit=unit, rid=rid)
+ for key in relation:
+ if key.endswith('-list'):
+ relation[key] = relation[key].split()
+ relation['__unit__'] = unit
+ return relation
+def relations_for_id(relid=None):
+ """Get relations of a specific relation ID"""
+ relation_data = []
+ relid = relid or relation_ids()
+ for unit in related_units(relid):
+ unit_data = relation_for_unit(unit, relid)
+ unit_data['__relid__'] = relid
+ relation_data.append(unit_data)
+ return relation_data
+def relations_of_type(reltype=None):
+ """Get relations of a specific type"""
+ relation_data = []
+ reltype = reltype or relation_type()
+ for relid in relation_ids(reltype):
+ for relation in relations_for_id(relid):
+ relation['__relid__'] = relid
+ relation_data.append(relation)
+ return relation_data
+def metadata():
+ """Get the current charm metadata.yaml contents as a python object"""
+ with open(os.path.join(charm_dir(), 'metadata.yaml')) as md:
+ return yaml.safe_load(md)
+def relation_types():
+ """Get a list of relation types supported by this charm"""
+ rel_types = []
+ md = metadata()
+ for key in ('provides', 'requires', 'peers'):
+ section = md.get(key)
+ if section:
+ rel_types.extend(section.keys())
+ return rel_types
+def relation_to_interface(relation_name):
+ """
+ Given the name of a relation, return the interface that relation uses.
+ :returns: The interface name, or ``None``.
+ """
+ return relation_to_role_and_interface(relation_name)[1]
+def relation_to_role_and_interface(relation_name):
+ """
+ Given the name of a relation, return the role and the name of the interface
+ that relation uses (where role is one of ``provides``, ``requires``, or ``peer``).
+ :returns: A tuple containing ``(role, interface)``, or ``(None, None)``.
+ """
+ _metadata = metadata()
+ for role in ('provides', 'requires', 'peer'):
+ interface = _metadata.get(role, {}).get(relation_name, {}).get('interface')
+ if interface:
+ return role, interface
+ return None, None
+def role_and_interface_to_relations(role, interface_name):
+ """
+ Given a role and interface name, return a list of relation names for the
+ current charm that use that interface under that role (where role is one
+ of ``provides``, ``requires``, or ``peer``).
+ :returns: A list of relation names.
+ """
+ _metadata = metadata()
+ results = []
+ for relation_name, relation in _metadata.get(role, {}).items():
+ if relation['interface'] == interface_name:
+ results.append(relation_name)
+ return results
+def interface_to_relations(interface_name):
+ """
+ Given an interface, return a list of relation names for the current
+ charm that use that interface.
+ :returns: A list of relation names.
+ """
+ results = []
+ for role in ('provides', 'requires', 'peer'):
+ results.extend(role_and_interface_to_relations(role, interface_name))
+ return results
+def charm_name():
+ """Get the name of the current charm as is specified on metadata.yaml"""
+ return metadata().get('name')
+def relations():
+ """Get a nested dictionary of relation data for all related units"""
+ rels = {}
+ for reltype in relation_types():
+ relids = {}
+ for relid in relation_ids(reltype):
+ units = {local_unit(): relation_get(unit=local_unit(), rid=relid)}
+ for unit in related_units(relid):
+ reldata = relation_get(unit=unit, rid=relid)
+ units[unit] = reldata
+ relids[relid] = units
+ rels[reltype] = relids
+ return rels
+def is_relation_made(relation, keys='private-address'):
+ '''
+ Determine whether a relation is established by checking for
+ presence of key(s). If a list of keys is provided, they
+ must all be present for the relation to be identified as made
+ '''
+ if isinstance(keys, str):
+ keys = [keys]
+ for r_id in relation_ids(relation):
+ for unit in related_units(r_id):
+ context = {}
+ for k in keys:
+ context[k] = relation_get(k, rid=r_id,
+ unit=unit)
+ if None not in context.values():
+ return True
+ return False
+def open_port(port, protocol="TCP"):
+ """Open a service network port"""
+ _args = ['open-port']
+ _args.append('{}/{}'.format(port, protocol))
+ subprocess.check_call(_args)
+def close_port(port, protocol="TCP"):
+ """Close a service network port"""
+ _args = ['close-port']
+ _args.append('{}/{}'.format(port, protocol))
+ subprocess.check_call(_args)
+def unit_get(attribute):
+ """Get the unit ID for the remote unit"""
+ _args = ['unit-get', '--format=json', attribute]
+ try:
+ return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(_args).decode('UTF-8'))
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+def unit_public_ip():
+ """Get this unit's public IP address"""
+ return unit_get('public-address')
+def unit_private_ip():
+ """Get this unit's private IP address"""
+ return unit_get('private-address')
+class UnregisteredHookError(Exception):
+ """Raised when an undefined hook is called"""
+ pass
+class Hooks(object):
+ """A convenient handler for hook functions.
+ Example::
+ hooks = Hooks()
+ # register a hook, taking its name from the function name
+ @hooks.hook()
+ def install():
+ pass # your code here
+ # register a hook, providing a custom hook name
+ @hooks.hook("config-changed")
+ def config_changed():
+ pass # your code here
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # execute a hook based on the name the program is called by
+ hooks.execute(sys.argv)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config_save=None):
+ super(Hooks, self).__init__()
+ self._hooks = {}
+ # For unknown reasons, we allow the Hooks constructor to override
+ # config().implicit_save.
+ if config_save is not None:
+ config().implicit_save = config_save
+ def register(self, name, function):
+ """Register a hook"""
+ self._hooks[name] = function
+ def execute(self, args):
+ """Execute a registered hook based on args[0]"""
+ _run_atstart()
+ hook_name = os.path.basename(args[0])
+ if hook_name in self._hooks:
+ try:
+ self._hooks[hook_name]()
+ except SystemExit as x:
+ if x.code is None or x.code == 0:
+ _run_atexit()
+ raise
+ _run_atexit()
+ else:
+ raise UnregisteredHookError(hook_name)
+ def hook(self, *hook_names):
+ """Decorator, registering them as hooks"""
+ def wrapper(decorated):
+ for hook_name in hook_names:
+ self.register(hook_name, decorated)
+ else:
+ self.register(decorated.__name__, decorated)
+ if '_' in decorated.__name__:
+ self.register(
+ decorated.__name__.replace('_', '-'), decorated)
+ return decorated
+ return wrapper
+def charm_dir():
+ """Return the root directory of the current charm"""
+ return os.environ.get('CHARM_DIR')
+def action_get(key=None):
+ """Gets the value of an action parameter, or all key/value param pairs"""
+ cmd = ['action-get']
+ if key is not None:
+ cmd.append(key)
+ cmd.append('--format=json')
+ action_data = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
+ return action_data
+def action_set(values):
+ """Sets the values to be returned after the action finishes"""
+ cmd = ['action-set']
+ for k, v in list(values.items()):
+ cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+def action_fail(message):
+ """Sets the action status to failed and sets the error message.
+ The results set by action_set are preserved."""
+ subprocess.check_call(['action-fail', message])
+def action_name():
+ """Get the name of the currently executing action."""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_NAME')
+def action_uuid():
+ """Get the UUID of the currently executing action."""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_UUID')
+def action_tag():
+ """Get the tag for the currently executing action."""
+ return os.environ.get('JUJU_ACTION_TAG')
+def status_set(workload_state, message):
+ """Set the workload state with a message
+ Use status-set to set the workload state with a message which is visible
+ to the user via juju status. If the status-set command is not found then
+ assume this is juju < 1.23 and juju-log the message unstead.
+ workload_state -- valid juju workload state.
+ message -- status update message
+ """
+ valid_states = ['maintenance', 'blocked', 'waiting', 'active']
+ if workload_state not in valid_states:
+ raise ValueError(
+ '{!r} is not a valid workload state'.format(workload_state)
+ )
+ cmd = ['status-set', workload_state, message]
+ try:
+ ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
+ if ret == 0:
+ return
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ log_message = 'status-set failed: {} {}'.format(workload_state,
+ message)
+ log(log_message, level='INFO')
+def status_get():
+ """Retrieve the previously set juju workload state and message
+ If the status-get command is not found then assume this is juju < 1.23 and
+ return 'unknown', ""
+ """
+ cmd = ['status-get', "--format=json", "--include-data"]
+ try:
+ raw_status = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ return ('unknown', "")
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ status = json.loads(raw_status.decode("UTF-8"))
+ return (status["status"], status["message"])
+def translate_exc(from_exc, to_exc):
+ def inner_translate_exc1(f):
+ def inner_translate_exc2(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ except from_exc:
+ raise to_exc
+ return inner_translate_exc2
+ return inner_translate_exc1
+@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
+def is_leader():
+ """Does the current unit hold the juju leadership
+ Uses juju to determine whether the current unit is the leader of its peers
+ """
+ cmd = ['is-leader', '--format=json']
+ return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
+@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
+def leader_get(attribute=None):
+ """Juju leader get value(s)"""
+ cmd = ['leader-get', '--format=json'] + [attribute or '-']
+ return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
+@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
+def leader_set(settings=None, **kwargs):
+ """Juju leader set value(s)"""
+ # Don't log secrets.
+ # log("Juju leader-set '%s'" % (settings), level=DEBUG)
+ cmd = ['leader-set']
+ settings = settings or {}
+ settings.update(kwargs)
+ for k, v in settings.items():
+ if v is None:
+ cmd.append('{}='.format(k))
+ else:
+ cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+def juju_version():
+ """Full version string (eg. '')"""
+ # Per https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1455368/comments/1
+ jujud = glob.glob('/var/lib/juju/tools/machine-*/jujud')[0]
+ return subprocess.check_output([jujud, 'version'],
+ universal_newlines=True).strip()
+def has_juju_version(minimum_version):
+ """Return True if the Juju version is at least the provided version"""
+ return LooseVersion(juju_version()) >= LooseVersion(minimum_version)
+_atexit = []
+_atstart = []
+def atstart(callback, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''Schedule a callback to run before the main hook.
+ Callbacks are run in the order they were added.
+ This is useful for modules and classes to perform initialization
+ and inject behavior. In particular:
+ - Run common code before all of your hooks, such as logging
+ the hook name or interesting relation data.
+ - Defer object or module initialization that requires a hook
+ context until we know there actually is a hook context,
+ making testing easier.
+ - Rather than requiring charm authors to include boilerplate to
+ invoke your helper's behavior, have it run automatically if
+ your object is instantiated or module imported.
+ This is not at all useful after your hook framework as been launched.
+ '''
+ global _atstart
+ _atstart.append((callback, args, kwargs))
+def atexit(callback, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''Schedule a callback to run on successful hook completion.
+ Callbacks are run in the reverse order that they were added.'''
+ _atexit.append((callback, args, kwargs))
+def _run_atstart():
+ '''Hook frameworks must invoke this before running the main hook body.'''
+ global _atstart
+ for callback, args, kwargs in _atstart:
+ callback(*args, **kwargs)
+ del _atstart[:]
+def _run_atexit():
+ '''Hook frameworks must invoke this after the main hook body has
+ successfully completed. Do not invoke it if the hook fails.'''
+ global _atexit
+ for callback, args, kwargs in reversed(_atexit):
+ callback(*args, **kwargs)
+ del _atexit[:]